Didactical-methodical aspects of planning the educative work at the


Didactical-methodical aspects of planning the educative work at the
Didactical-methodical aspects of planning the educative work at the Macedonian educational
PhD Snezana Mirascieva
Faculty of pedagogy
Goce delcev University, Stip, Macedonia
smirascieva@gmail.com; snezana.mirascieva@ugd.edu.mk
This paper is about one new didactical- methodical approach in the planning of the
educational work at the educational institutions in Macedonia which is in function of the
professional development of the teaching staff. The paper presents a new practice which is
introduced at the educational system in Republic of Macedonia, and which refers on two key
questions like integrated planning of the educational work and ecology education at the
educational institutions on three levels: pre-school, primary and high school.
Key words: integrated planning, educational work, ec0 standards, professional development
of the teaching staff
The contemporary society inevitably imposes modern way of living and penetration
of the modern in all areas not excluding the teaching as institutionalized and most organized
process of education. In this sense teaching gets modern epithet. In turn, modern teaching
requires a modern teacher. This in other words means a teacher who will continuously
monitor the changes in society, the latest scientific achievements and will accept and apply.
The steps so far were taken in the direction of modernization of teaching focused on
providing good infrastructure in which teaching is carried out, with working equipment and
didactic material, training of teachers towards professional development, computerization of
education. However, in practice, the educational process remains in the dominant traditional
ways in the planning and implementation of teaching. This situation initiates the problem
introducing a new didactic-methodical approach to teaching primarily in the planning of
education activities as a first stage of the complex educational process.
The new holistic approach to the person means to access individual as a whole,
complete person, a person with its entire identity and entity. Just such a developed person can
be adaptive to the environment, flexible to change, people who constantly evolve and change,
who are active and productive in the community. That is another reason that imposes new
Another reason that has put new approach to teaching is the need to modernize the
teaching process in order to increase the success and effectiveness in learning to achieve the
specified development already teaching purposes ; the expected results in teaching primarily
determined by the solid preparation and planning of the teaching process. From here and the
questions: “Why plan?" "What concerns planning?" "How to plan education activities so
The planning of teaching means determining the scope and sequence of activities
which should to be carried out as necessary resources. Planning in schools entails planning
the content of the curriculum. The planning of the teaching is a guide, a forwarder,
recommendation and not a court. In this sense, planning is necessary for the design of
activities to be realized, their contents, rational use of human potential and the time of
Theoretical and empirical knowledge about the weaknesses of traditional planning are
reasons that impose the need for integrated planning of teaching, such as:
Extensive lesson plans and programs;
Over-load of the students and teachers
Insufficient material- technical equipment of the schools
The number of students per classroom
The interested and needs of the students are not dominant in the planning
Formalism in the student’s knowledge
The students as a passive subject ( the listening position of the student dominates)
Domination of the frontal work
Neglecting the individual student’s abilities ( absence of differentiation and
individualization of the teaching)
The teacher is the dominant figure in the teaching process with his activities
The parents are not planned within the teaching
Closed teaching in the classroom
Professional egoism and the individual ego.
These indicators are sufficient arguments posed by the need for integrated planning of
education activities.
The integrated planning in its etymological meaning is defined as truly, complete (integerlat.language - truly, integralitas-lat.language-completeness, wholeness, completeness,
wholeness) plan (planare-lat.language-drafting plan).
Integrated planning is actually:
 significant feature of the modern approach to teaching;
 functionally link the content of subjects or their parts (thematic units), thus retains its
independence and systematic logic:
 functionally link the objectives;
 Treatment of a problem from different aspects.
In its essence the integrated planning is:
 functional and content-targeted connectivity of the elements of the curriculum
 Planning integrated with the teaching of content from close study different subjects
and / or themes in whole students, simple and interesting way acquire new
Why is the integrated planning needed?
Creating a simulative and creative learning environment;
Positive working climate;
Active participation of the students;
Possibility for expressing the individual abilities;
High level of interaction;
Application of many social forms and methods of work;
Usage of many sources of knowledge and school resources in the school and outside
 Team work among the teachers;
 Extending the forms of cooperation with the parents.
So according to the time of realization we may speak of: annually integrated planning,
thematic integrated planning and integrated planning day. According to the subject (content
and objectives) of integration:
-Vertical (internal, intra-subject);
-Horizontal (external, exter-subject);
According to the method of integration, the integration planning can be directed to:
- A central theme,
- Focus problem.
Here is an example of integrated planning on the central theme.
Daily planning of the integrated working day at the second grade
Topic of the day: Autumn frutis
I am part of the nature
Numbers to 20(counting)
Subject matters 1. Introducing the environment
Autumn fruits
Counting to 5 through a didactic game- On the
3.Aim of the day: To obtain knowledge that the autumn gives many fruits important
for the human health
4.Concrete aims:
5.Organizational forms of teaching
6.Teaching methods:
7.Teaching tools:
8.Place of realization:
The second question addressed in the paper is the environmental education on the classes
in all its stages at the level of educational institution. Why environmental education? Our
intention in the paper is to elaborate the meaning and content of environmental education.
This problem has been of concern to numerous discussions and debates. But the fact is that
encouraging the development of ecological awareness occurs occasionally (through
environmental action) includes a number of people across different subjects when it comes to
the educational institution. The fact is that the importance and need for preservation of our
planet more talking than acting. For these reasons, environmental education and developing
intensive environmental awareness comes in the Macedonian educational system through the
integration of environmental content in teaching all subjects, including all direct and indirect
participants in it, since the preparatory phase of teaching. The goal is actually raising the
awareness and importance of environmental protection that encourages respect and care for
others and responsibility towards society and the environment.
How to integrate environmental education in the Macedonian educational system?
Integrating the content of the environmental protection in the curriculum is further
overloaded, because of the redesigning of the operational phase of teaching. With this
integrated approach teachers and students are actively targeting specific actions that bring
long term positive effects. In fact, the integrated content from different individual subjects
about certain points of action of four eco-standards that are priority in the actual educational
institution. Eco-standards entitled: Protecting energy, water protection, maintenance of school
building and healthy environment in school and the orderly and environmentally friendly
school yard are realized through concrete action points. The integration of environmental
content of the curriculum content is the fifth step in the process of achieving goals. Back to
the focused problem (defined as a separate item for action by a certain eco-standards) that is a
priority of the school or kindergarten integrate content from different subjects that are close
to the problem. An example of integrated planning Mon Focus problem is presented in Figure
Eко –стандард 3: Одржување на училишната зграда и здрава
средина во училиштето
Т: Мерење
Т: Работа со
Запознавање на
Т: Училиштето и
Точка за акција:
Ликовно образ.
Сликање, Обликување во простор,
Оплеменување на
училниците и
ходници со
Т: Градба на растенијата
Т: Улогата на растенијата
во рамнотежата во
Македонски јазик
Подрачје: Јазик
Т: Пеење песни
Т: Слушање
Figure 1. Integrated planning of the educational work at the primary school upon focused
Why did we determine ourselves for such a step?
The objective of the program We don’t have a backup planet is to raise the general
awareness of the environment in educational institutions and community. The activities are
not limited to the institution but also in the community. The inclusion of the entire community
has more advantages, such as exchange of experiences and information, practical
assistance, financial support and greater publicity of the educational –teaching institution in
terms of preparing a newsletter for parents, press releases and local mediums, open days.
On the other hand integration allows overcoming the "closeness of the classroom,
greater collaboration between teachers and teamwork, the development of cooperative and
communication skills, greater collaboration between teachers, students, and parents. This
way of preparing the teacher for the purpose of professional development and continuous
improvement which exceed the problem of professional egotism and self ego.
Also this is an opportunity for proper organization and use of leisure time of students
as well as greater involvement of parents in the life and work of the kindergarten and school.
To encourage and develop environmental awareness as one of the priority goals of
education in the 21st century, let alone because only in this way every individual without
exception, will contribute to safeguarding and protecting the environment.
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