The Future of Food Sustainability
The Future of Food Sustainability
An American‐German Cooperation Application The German Society for Human Ecology (DGH), foundedin1975,hashadsustainableeducationonits agendasincetheverybeginning.In2006itsCommit‐‐teilen/03c371b1‐ tee for a European College of Human Ecology was 9b0b‐406c‐aecf‐5c0908eca4ed established to explore possibilities of founding a liberal arts college in Germany. The College of the Atlantic (COA) is a small college on Mount Desert Island, off the coast of Maine, offering an excellent humanecologystudyprogramsince1969. Informationabouttheapplicationprocedureaswell astheapplicationformisavailableonourwebsite www.coh‐europe.defromDecember2014. Conditions of participation The two‐week program is open to rising high school seniors or graduates, International Baccalaureate students from schools like the United World Colleges (UWC) and undergraduate students with a high degreeofmotivationandsocialcommitment,aswell as satisfactory academic performance. They are expected to have a strong interest in the topic of sustainable food production. The number of partici‐ pants is limited to 20. Very good English language skills are required. German language skills are an assetbutnotessential. ForthesuccessfulcompletionoftheSummerUniver‐ sitystudentswillreceivefromDGHacertificateofthe European College of Human Ecology which is equiva‐ lentto150hoursofstudy. Students at the COA Theprogramfeecoverstuition,roomandboard,and instructionalmaterial.Givencertainconditionspar‐ tialscholarshipswillbeofferedforuptofivestu‐ dents. Programfee:2,500.00Euro Applicationdeadline:April30,2015 100.00Euroearlyregistrationdiscountuntil 28/02/2015 The Future of Food Sustainability International Summer University ForanyquestionscontactourassistantSarahBuron: buron@coh‐ Organization Responsible for the program: Dr. Parto Teherani‐Krönner (DGH) und Dr. Molly Anderson (COA) Deutsche Gesellschaft für Humanökologie e.V. Foundation Committee European College of Human Ecology Dr. Wolfgang H. Serbser Fritschestr. 26 10585 Berlin, Germany Tel: +49 (0)30 26932950 www.coh‐ in cooperation with: College of the Atlantic contact person: Ken Hill Academic Dean 105 Eden Street Bar Harbor, ME 04609 Goat cheese dairy Monte Ziego GermanSocietyfor HumanEcology(DGH) incooperationwiththe CollegeoftheAtlantic(COA),USA August 9 – 23, 2015 in Emmendingen (near Freiburg), Germany An ambitious program for gap year students and freshmen TheSummerUniversity ontheFutureofFoodSus‐ tainability will address controversial questions regardingfuturefoodsecurityanditssustainability in quantitative and qualitative terms. It will alert studentstothepresentworldofwidespreadhunger and food insecurity and help them to plan for a neededtransitiontoasustainablefoodsystemwith accesstohealthyfoodandcleanwaterforeveryone. ThecontentoftheSummerUniversityisrelevantto both nations of the Global South and to industrial‐ ized countries. Baccalaureate students, graduates andBachelorstudentsfromdifferentregionsofthe worldwillhaveampleopportunityforsharingtheir food security‐related experiences from their differ‐ entculturalperspectives.Theexemplarycasestud‐ ies in Emmendingen will enable students to apply concepts and research methodologies in other settings. Eachgroupwillconsistofthreetofourstudentswho for their project decide on a self‐chosen problem to beinvestigatedtogetherwithoneofourcooperation partners in Emmendingen. Four different perspec‐ tives will serve to illuminate the topics of nutrition, sustainability and food and meal security: food pro‐ duction,foodmarketingandtrade,foodconsumption including meal preparation, and food waste and otherlosses. Each group will analyze the current conditions in Emmendingen and propose improvements in terms ofgreater foodandmealsecurityandsustainability. The group work will familiarize students with the practiceofthebusinessesontheonehandandintro‐ ducethemtoacollectiveworkshopenvironmenton the other in a Real World Lab. Experienced faculty membersfrombothDGHandCOAwillworkwiththe students to guide their learning, while respecting individual interests and creativity and encouraging studentstoself‐organize. Work and research in a Real World Lab DuringthetwoweeksinEmmendingenthestudents willbeintroducedtoahumanecologicalframework aroundfoodsecurityandmealculturesindifferent settings. They will be exposed to relevant subject matter, theoretical concepts and research method‐ ologies in a Real World Lab. Practical learning will take place within a transdisciplinary group project withthegoalofdesigningafoodandmealsecurity plan for the town and the region. Concepts of sus‐ tainable food and meal systems will be explored withrespecttomeetingecological,health,socialand culturalcriteria. Future College of Human Ecology TheRealWorldLabtakestheformofaCharrette,i.e., a workshop open to the public, giving the co‐ operating businesses and interested citizens the opportunitytobecomeinvolvedinthestudyprocess. As work progresses the student groups will show interimresultsandtheywillalsogiveafinalpresen‐ tationattheendinthetownhallofEmmendingen. The town of Emmendingen City centre of Emmendingen Emmendingen is a town near Freiburg im Breisgau. The region offers a variety of links to the program, including a long tradition of exceptionally high‐ qualityproductionandprocessingoffoodstuffs.Itis a hotspot of biodynamic agriculture – the Demeter Movement.Notsurprisingly,italsohostsaSlowFood association. Emmendingen possesses several rem‐ nants of medieval gardens and has plans to restore them as historical sites. One of the industrial high‐ lights of the town, the Wehrle‐Werk AG, develops andbuildsequipmentforenergyandenvironmental technology. It is also exploring the possibility of urbanrooffarmingonitsfactorybuildings. Seven local enterprises and organizations offer themselves as cooperating partners for the group projects.Theyincludeadairygoatfarm,horticulture, a beekeeper, a food marketer, organic shops, rural organizations,andcharityorganizations. The people and businesses of Emmendingen are highly interested in having the European College of HumanEcologylocatedinthetown.Respectiveplans have been developed since a Charrette was held in 2011.
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