sunday, march 29 - Estes Church of Christ
sunday, march 29 - Estes Church of Christ
Es es Echo Estes Church of Christ 3505 Hwy. 45 South P.O. Box 191 Web Page: Henderson, TN 38340 Email Address: “Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” Ephesians 4:3 March 20, 2015 Elders Cliff Bennett.............608-0038 Steve Johnson...........989-7725 Richard Taylor..........989-9510 Allen Walker.............989-7506 Paul Schwartz............989-3428 Tony Hysmith............989-4978 Harold Pirtle.............608-7950 Ken Cargile...............989-1950 Ministers Mark Blackwelder.....879-9123 Jesse Robertson.........989-5539 Youth and Family Minister Trent McManus........731-413-1883 Education Director Jason Lockridge............879-0169 Secretary Debbie McLaughlin......989-5576 Missions Patrick Boyns..............England David May..........................Haiti Alastair Ferrie...........Scotland Roberta Edwards................Haiti Carlos Ardila.................Argentina Mike Jacobs.............South Africa Larry Waymire....................Haiti Russell Epperson..............Montana Ryan Davis..........................Peru Widlord Thomas..................Haiti Sandy Bidman...................Samoa Kevin Gray.............New Zealand Medical Missions FHU Bible Teaching Program and Graduate Bible Program Thailand Literature Program World Bible School West TN Children’s Home Sign language interpretation available as needed. Sheep Need a Shepherd; Humanity Needs the Good Shepherd Last published in 2007, W. Phillip Keller wrote A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23. Mr. Keller came to write the book with a very interesting and diverse background. He was, himself, a shepherd for many years of his adult life. Being a well-educated man, he spent the last several years of his professional life working as a scientist. This placed him in an interesting position when he wrote A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23. He was able to provide insight from a practical standpoint because he was a shepherd and he was able to write from a technical standpoint because he understood the science behind why shepherds do the things they do. In the book, Mr. Keller tells of how he would often lead a flock of sheep to a luscious, green pasture. The pasture was often fenced in and would have good water available and nutritious plants for the sheep to eat. He relayed how there would always be one, and maybe a few more, lambs who would walk along the fence looking for a way out. There were always sheep that wanted to escape. The sheep would often escape to pasture that was dangerous for them and even to pasture that was much worse for them. They were just looking for a way out. Mr. Keller then relayed how the sheep would develop an intimate relationship with their shepherd and would do anything they were directed to do. He told how he could lead a sheep to the slaughtering block and they would blindly follow him, not being cognitively aware they were being led to their death. And, in the pasture at large, the sheep would be headed for their own death or demise without the shepherd’s direction. It is interesting how children of God will study His word and often attempt to look for a way out of the directives given by God. Isaiah described humanity: “All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned every one, to his own way” (Isaiah 53:6). Often times, Christians look for a way out of God’s directives and it is ultimately to their own demise. Sheep need a shepherd and humanity needs the Good Shepherd. It is also easy to imagine a lamb following shepherds to their own death. The lambs were, of course, led to their own death by the priests of the old law and did not have any awareness they were to be slaughtered. It was not that way with the Lamb of God. Christ was led to His own death completely aware He was to die on Calvary’s tree. “He was oppressed and He was afflicted, Yet He opened not His mouth; He was led as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, So He opened not His mouth” (Isaiah 53:7). --Jeremy Northrop In Our Prayers Prayer Requests Scott & Christy Miskelly and Ryan & Abby Hysmith are working to adopt children from other countries. Don Hicks, Marti McDaniel’s brother, is recovering from a stroke. Deanne Counce, Betty Vincent’s niece, is losing her eyesight. Dylan Fischbach has been diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome and is undergoing treatment. Willard Beshires is undergoing chemo at West Clinic in Memphis. Lou Anderson, Linda Anderson’s husband, is recovering from a TIA (mini-stroke). Amy Roebuck, Joel Sanford’s sister, has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer that has spread to her liver. She begins chemo Tuesday in Huntsville. Linda Jacobs is recovering from knee replacement surgery. Tony Cupples, Ben Cupples’ father and Jenna Cupples’ father-in-law, is now at home and recovering. Georgia Beene, Judy Beene’s mother-in-law and also family to Ginger Frank and Jere Beene, is recovering from surgery to remove a blood clot from her brain. Linda Anderson has been diagnosed with shingles. Jeanette Weaver Williams, Anita Beshires’ cousin, is only 47 years old and has suffered two mini strokes. She is hospitalized for tests. Danny Stack, Ed and Tammie Collins’ son-in-law, is scheduled for heart valve surgery on Monday at Jackson General. Dennis Falkenheim, David Falkenheim’s father, will have a heart cath on Friday. Mike McCutchen had a heart attack while traveling with FHU’s basketball team in Kansas City. —— Cancer Concerns: Hal Cardiff (Terri Sokoloski’s relative), Colton Gates, Jim Maxwell, Forrest Vest, Blondell Powers (Minnie Davis’ sister), Megan Jarrell (Erica Parten’s cousin), Summer Maples, James Peacock (Zach Peacock’s grandfather), Julie Pitts (Madga Young’s aunt), Sam Kachelman, Renee Phelps, Elizabeth Saunders, Mrs. Belton from Haiti, Judy Tilghman (Susan Bradford’s cousin), Lula Johns (Debbie McLaughlin’s aunt), Trey Leonard (Marvin and Renee Croom’s nephew), Glenda Wilson, Tonya Hyde, Sam Daniel (Heather Stewart’s grandfather), Lois Travis (Vicki Hilliard’s mother), Randy Cook (Matt Cook’s father), Nicollette Isaacson, Barbara Clenney (Trent Scott’s aunt), Joyce Gilmore, Nicole Hall (Lenita Powers’ niece), Charles Anderson (Linda Anderson’ son), Ann Dawson (Jennifer Farrow’s aunt), Niccole Feaker (Beverly Means’ sister), Natalie Morris, Joyce Lott (Rex Phillips’ aunt), Josh Patrick (Joel & Beth Sanford’s friend), Whit Robertson (Jesse Robertson’s nephew), Loy Mitchell, and Tommie Polk. Ongoing Health Concerns Bessie Garner; 4910 Hwy. 45 S.; Finger, TN 38334 Jeff Payne; 420 Melodie Circle; Henderson Gertrude Sheffield; HHRC, Room 607B; PO Box 223; Henderson Jean Weaver; 56 Southview Rd.; Pinson, TN 38366 Bob Wells; Heritage Towers, 310 E. University, Henderson Opal Marsh; HHRC; Rm. 113A; PO Box 223; Henderson Lois Garner; HHRC; Rm. 410B; PO Box 223; Henderson Betty Vincent; 1197 Finger Leapwood Rd., Finger, TN 38334 David Irvin; 50020 Priestville Rd., Caledonia, MS 39740 Dennie and Ruby Robison; 253 4th St., Henderson Omer and Marie Duberry; Elmcroft, 911 Old Humboldt Rd., Jackson 38305 Jane Caldwell; 108 N. Auburndale #117, Memphis, TN 38104 Jurilee Rouse; 614 Rosebud, Henderson Phyllis Lackey; 740 4th St., Apt. F64, Henderson Our Missionaries Patrick Boyns (England) Roberta Edwards (Haiti) David and Charlene May (Haiti) Larry Waymire (Haiti) Alastair & Linda Ferrie (Scotland) Mike & Gail Jacobs (South Africa) Russell & Allison Epperson (Montana) Carlos & Lucena Ardila (Argentina) Ryan and Sarah Davis (Peru) Widlord Thomas (Haiti) Sandy Bidman (Samoa) Kevin and Josie Gray (New Zealand) Looking Ahead Sunday: -Worship @ Heritage Towers, 2:00 pm (each Sunday) -Worship @ Southern Oaks, 2:30 pm (1st & 5th Sundays) -Worship @ HHRC, 2:30 pm (4th Sundays) -L2L Song Leading meets after evening worship, Room 5 Wednesday: -L2L Songs of Praise meets at 6:15 pm in room 5. -L2L Oral Bible Reading (boys) meets at 6:15 pm. -Wednesdays @ Estes: “The Joy of the Lord and His Peace” - Danny Eldridge For the Record Week of March 15, 2015 Sunday Bible Study.....................................................374 Sunday Morning Worship .................................................464 Sunday Afternoon Worship..............................................328 Mid-Week Bible Study.......................................................368 2015 Budget Contribution over/(under) budget YTD $106,700 $112,573 $5,873 3/15/15 $9,700 $10,279 $579 Brittany Bradford - Hawaii - Jessica Shannon Glaser (former member) - Germany Paul Johnson - Washington, D. C. Peter Holtin (Rodger and Alice Holtin’s son) - Kansas Pulpit Preview A.M.: “Peace in the Puzzle of Life,” Matthew 5:9 -- Mark P.M.: “A complaint arose. Now what?” Acts 6:1-7 -- Mark 23 23 25 25 Zachary Brown Alicia Owens Christy Moody Marissa Dove 27 27 28 28 Kelby Clark Jack Rudder Brooklyn Judd Matt Matthews In the Spotlight Sunday, March 29 • Noon Potluck • Congregational Meeting • Early afternoon worship service after the meeting. • No 5 pm service. Surveys were distributed to the congregation on Sunday asking for feedback about future building expansion at Estes. Please return the completed surveys by the evening worship service on Sunday, March 22. If you did not receive a survey, additional copies are available at the Welcome Center. life. together. Embracing Differences to Serve Effectively Ladies’ Day @ Estes Saturday, April 25 Speakers: Mallory Baker & Jennifer Webster More details to come; sign-up sheets for committees are available on the Ladies’ Board. Sympathy to Minnie Davis on the death of her brother, M. E. Plunk, and to Madga Young on the death of her aunt, Julia Newman Pitts. TN Children’s Home “Change for Children” It’s time to return your coin boxes! Please bring them to the Welcome Center by Sunday, March 22. PAY-DOWN-DEBT SUNDAY March 29, 2015 The previous 19 special 5th Sunday collections have averaged $8,291. It would be great if we all could give at least this much at the end of this month. Let us give generously to this special collection at the end of the service on March 29th. Please pray with your family about this opportunity. PLEASE PLAN AND PRAY FOR THIS SPECIAL COLLECTION Estes Kids’ Easter Egg Hunt Saturday, March 28, 10:00am-noon Trent and Suzanne Scott’s house 115 Old Friendship Road Bring 2 dozen filled plastic eggs (nothing containing peanuts, please) PER CHILD and place them in the basket provided in the lobby. Check the sign-up sheet on the activities’ board to help with snacks. Renewing Our Strength Senior Adult Rally @ Henderson Church of Christ Saturday, March 28 -- Speaker: David Shannon Registration, 9:30 am; lunch provided. RSVP to the Henderson church office. Brandon Notgrass asks for prayers and forgiveness. If you would like to either renew or start a subscription to Christian Woman magazine with the $15.98 Estes group rate; give a check (made out to Estes) to Cindi Cotton no later than Wednesday, April 22. Check with Cindi if you would like to give a gift subscription at the international rate of $21.98 to a missionary in the field. Congratulations to David and Laurie Novak on the birth of a new granddaughter! Matilda March Montague was born to Brad and Kristi March 16; she weighed 8 lbs. 12 ozs. and was 21” long. Matilda was welcomed by proud big brother Miles. INCITE MEN’S BREAKFAST THURSDAY, APRIL 2 - 6:30 AM If you would like to ride in an Estes van to the L2L convention on Easter weekend, please contact Brent or Melinda Rudder as soon as possible. Lord’s Supper: Prayer: Closing Prayer: Singing: Nursery: Security/Parking: Greeters: Morning Worship Dan Ayers, Roy McIntyre, Mike Moss, C. J. Vires, Dave Barnett, Micah England, Dan Lussier, Kyle Connor Deryl Hilliard Brent Rudder Alex Walker Alyssa Showers, Kasey White Chad Moss, Matt Matthews Mike & Jennifer Showers, Mildred Beard, Mark & Sylvia Scott NON-PROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID HENDERSON, TN 38340 PERMIT NO. 5 Pre-Sorted Those To Serve Afternoon Worship Please dress appropriately and respectfully. If unable to serve, call Gary Irwin at 608-2783. Schedule of Services Sunday Bible Study.........................9:30am Morning Worship..............10:30am Evening Worship................5:00pm Wednesday Bible Study.........................7:00pm For additions and updates to the Estes Echo or to receive the Estes Echo via email, contact Debbie McLaughlin at (731) 989-5576 or Date 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Reading 1 Joshua 7,8 Joshua 9,10 Joshua 11,12,13 Joshua 14,15 Joshua 16,17,18 Joshua 19,20 Joshua 21,22 Ushers: Ralph Austin Shepherds Receiving Responses: Paul Schwartz, Ken Cargile Cards: Benjamin Rudder, Eli England Sound Booth: Mitch Zlatovich, Nate Kitchen Wed. Security/Parking: Richard England March food committee: April Kitchen Prepare Communion: Steven and Emily Marise Bldg. Lockup: Mark Scott Address Service Requested DO NOT FORWARD Brent Beshires Ron Dee Larry Sokoloski Ethan McLaughlin Mary Emilee Lussier, Sarah Sells John McCaskill Estes Church of Christ 3505 Highway 45 S P. O. Box 191 Henderson, TN 38340 Opening Prayer: Lord’s Supper: Closing Prayer: Singing: Nursery: Security/Parking: Reading 2 Luke 2:25-52 Luke 3 Luke 4:1-32 Luke 4:33-44 Luke 5:1-16 Luke 5:17-39 Luke 6:1-26