THE ADVANCE NEWS JOURNAL 20 Wednesday, July 1, 2015 Public Notices/Classifieds LEG AL NOTI CE LEG AL NOTI CE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids addressed to Mr. Roel (Roy) Rodriguez, P.E., City Manager, City of McAllen, will be received on July 16, 2015 until 4:00 p.m., at which time they will be taken to the Conference Room located on the second floor of McAllen City Hall, and publicly opened and read aloud. Bids must be in the City of McAllen’s possession on or before the aforementioned date and time (no late bids will be accepted). Sealed proposals addressed to Mr. Roel “ Roy” Rodriguez, P.E., City Manager, City of McAllen, will be received on July 16, 2015 until 3:00 p.m., at which time they will be taken to the Conference Room on the second floor of McAllen City all, and publicly opened and read aloud. Bids must be filed in the City of McAllen s possession on or before the aforementioned date and time (no late bids will be accepted). RECYCLING CENTER TRUCK WASH FACILITY McAllen Public Library - Upgrades To Existing Book Conveyor System D escrip tion of W ork : Work on this project generally includes (but is not limited to) the construction of a truck wash facility including all civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing and site work as shown on the Drawings and specified herein. The Contractor hereby agrees to furnish all of the materials and all of the equipment and labor necessary and to perform all of the work shown. S um m a ry of W ork : This project will provide upgrades to the existing book conveyor system. The purpose of this upgrade is to provide fall protection in three areas of the system. The book drop off room will be enlarged and caged ladder installed to allow access to the upper level belt area. The elevated belt system will have a mesh enclosure to allow employees to safely transverse the system. The book sorting room will have a new structural platform with a caged ladder installed for access. This work will need to be performed while the library remains in operation. The Contractor hereby agrees to provide a one story structure including metal canopy systems, complete with structural framing (columns, rafters, struts, purlins, girts, bracing), and optional prefinished roofing, roof and building canopy, metal flashings, trim, gutters, downspouts, fasteners, roof and wall accessories and other components and material required for a complete installation. A Bidder’s Bond from a reliable surety company licensed to operate in the State of Texas or certified Cashier s Check, payable without recourse to the City of McAllen, for the amount of not less than five (5) percent ( ) of the total bid shall accompany the bid as a guaranty that, if awarded the contract, the bidder will enter into a contract with the City of McAllen. Payment and Performance Bonds shall be executed except in the event that the total amount bid is 50,000 or less, the successful contractor has the option to enter into a single payment contract with the City of McAllen in lieu of a Performance Bond. In the event that the total amount bid is 25,000 or less, the successful contractor has the option to enter into a single payment contract with the City of McAllen in lieu of a Payment and Performance Bond. Plans and Specifications may be obtained from the office of Eli abeth Cabrera, Interim Director of Purchasing and Contracting, 1300 ouston Avenue, McAllen, Texas 501, for the amount of $ 75.00. General and/or Prime Contractors submitting bids and/or proposals to the City of McAllen shall be refunded their deposits upon return of plans and specifications in good condition. All other recipients of plans and specifications shall be reimbursed their deposit only if they return plans and specifications in good condition to the Purchasing and Contracting Department no later than the fifth (5th) working day after bid opening. Additionally Plans and Specifications may be ordered electronically via our bidding portal at www.ebidexchange. com/mcallen. We are asking that vendors/contractors register online and order plans & specs electronically. Once on the portal, after you have logged in you can click on the button “ Order complete set of Prints” to order your documents, just indicate in the number of set(s), your Carrier Account # (for billing purposes), under the special instructions you may enter the Carrier Name associated with your account number. Plans and specifications may be reviewed at Valley branches of the AGC, Dodge Data & Analytics. Potential bidders are asked to post their questions of a contractual nature and/ or questions of a technical nature on our bidding portal under the tab labeled “ Questions” under the relative project number. Bids are to be submitted electronically, as well as, in hard copy format. (Written Formal Sealed Bid Submittal shall govern, in case of discrepancies). The City of McAllen reserves the right to refuse and reject any or all Bids and to waive any or all formalities or technicalities, or to accept the Bid considered the best and most advantageous to the City and to hold the bids for a period of sixty (60) days without taking action thereon. Hand-deliver Bids: 1300 ouston Avenue, Purchasing Contracting Department (3rd Floor) If using Land Courier (i.e., FedEx, UPS): 1300 ouston Avenue, Purchasing Contracting Department (3rd Floor), McAllen, Texas 501 Mail Bids: P.O. Box 220, McAllen, T 505-0220 A Pre-Bid Conference will be held July 9, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. in the Conference Room, 2nd Floor of the Municipal Building, City of McAllen. All prospective bidders are encouraged to be in attendance. Bid proposals must be clearly marked on the envelope: BIDS: Proj ect No. 07-15-C17-357 TRUCK WASH FACILITY (Published in the Advance News Journal on July 1 & July 8, 2015.) NOTI CE Application has been made with the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission for a Wine and Beer Retailer’ s Permit by Rebekah Z amora dba Z amora Cigar Co., to be located at 6401 N. 10th St. Unit 120, McAllen, Hidalgo County, Texas. Owner is Rebekah Z amora. (Published in the Advance News Journal on July 1 July , 2015.) A Bidder’s Bond from a reliable surety company licensed to operate in the State of Texas or certified Cashier s Check, payable without recourse to the City of McAllen, for the amount of not less than five (5) percent ( ) of the total bid shall accompany the bid as a guaranty that, if awarded the contract, the bidder will enter into a contract with the City of McAllen. Payment and Performance Bonds shall be executed except in the event that the total amount bid is 50,000 or less, the successful contractor has the option to enter into a single payment contract with the City of McAllen in lieu of a Performance Bond. In the event that the total amount bid is 25,000 or less, the successful contractor has the option to enter into a single payment contract with the City of McAllen in lieu of a Payment and Performance Bond. Plans and Specifications may be obtained from the office of Eli abeth Cabrera, Interim Director of Purchasing and Contracting, 1300 ouston Avenue, McAllen, Texas 501, for the amount of 50.00. General and/or Prime Contractors submitting bids and/or proposals to the City of McAllen shall be refunded their deposits upon return of plans and specifications in good condition. All other recipients of plans and specifications shall be reimbursed their deposit only if they return plans and specifications in good condition to the Purchasing and Contracting Department no later than the fifth (5th) working day after bid opening. Additionally Plans and Specifications may be ordered electronically via our new bidding portal at www.ebidexchange. com/mcallen. We are asking that vendors/contractors register online and order plans & specs electronically. Once on the portal, after you have logged in you can click on the button “ Order complete set of Prints” to order your documents, just indicate in the number of set(s), your Carrier Account # (for billing purposes), under the special instructions you may enter the Carrier Name associated with your account number. Plans and specifications may be reviewed at Valley branches of the AGC, Dodge Data & Analytics. Potential bidders are asked to post their questions on our bidding portal under the tab labeled “ Questions” under the relative project number. Hand-deliver Bids: 1300 ouston Avenue, Purchasing Contracting Department (3rd Floor) If using Land Courier (i.e., FedEx, UPS): 1300 ouston Avenue, Purchasing Contracting Department (3rd Floor), McAllen, Texas 501 Mail Bids: P.O. Box 220, McAllen, T 505-0220 The City of McAllen reserves the right to refuse and reject any or all Bids and to waive any or all formalities or technicalities, or to accept the Bid considered the best and most advantageous to the City and to hold the bids for a period of sixty (60) days without taking action thereon. A Pre-Bid Conference will be held July 9, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. in the Conference Room on the Second Floor of the Municipal Building, City of McAllen. All prospective bidders are encouraged to be in attendance. All prospective bidders are encouraged to be in attendance. Bid proposals must be clearly marked on the envelope: BIDS: Proj ect No. 07-15-C18-229 LIBRARY BOOK CONVEYOR (Published in the Advance News Journal on July 1 & July 8, 2015.) Th e ADVANCE NEWS JOURNAL Offers You 52 New & Exciting Issues! Only 1 a ear -- In idalgo County only. Outside-of-County and Out-of-State -- 25. Mailed to your home or business. Extra Bonus: Free Classified Ad with each new subscription or subscription renewal -- up to 20 words. Name ______________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________ City & Zip___________________________________________________ Mail this form with your check or money order to 21 . Park Ave., Pharr T 5 . Wednesday, July 1, 2015 THE ADVANCE NEWS JOURNAL 21 Public Notices/Classifieds LEG AL NOTI CE LEG AL NOTI CE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids addressed to Mr. Roel “ Roy” Rodriguez, P.E., City Manager, City of McAllen, will be received on July 21, 2015 until 4:00 p.m., at which time they will be taken to the arge Conference Room (2nd floor) of McAllen City all, and publicly opened and read aloud. Bids must be filed in the City of McAllen’s possession on or before the aforementioned date and time (no late bids will be accepted). Sealed Bids addressed to Mr. Roel “ Roy” Rodriguez, P.E., City Manager, City of McAllen, will be received on July 16, 2015 until 2:00 p.m. at which time they will be taken to the arge Conference Room (2nd floor) of McAllen City Hall and publicly opened, and the names of company(ies) responding shall be announced. Bid Tabulations showing actual bid prices shall be uploaded to City’ s bidding portal at a later date. Bids (both electronic paper copy) must be in the City of McAllen s possession on or before the aforementioned date and time (no late bids will be accepted). WICHITA AVENUE STREET IMPROVEMENTS Summary of Work: P roj ect proposes to repair pav ement section of Wichita Av enue between 10th Street and B icentennial B oulev ard. P roj ect includes replacement of curb and gutter and existing 12” asbestos waterline. A Bidder’s Bond from a reliable surety company licensed to operate in the State of Texas or certified Cashier s Check, payable without recourse to the City of McAllen, for the amount of not less than five (5) percent ( ) of the total bid shall accompany the bid as a guaranty that, if awarded the contract, the bidder will enter into a contract with the City of McAllen. Payment and Performance Bonds shall be executed except in the event that the total amount bid is 50,000 or less, the successful contractor has the option to enter into a single payment contract with the City of McAllen in lieu of a Performance Bond. In the event that the total amount bid is 25,000 or less, the successful contractor has the option to enter into a single payment contract with the City of McAllen in lieu of a Payment and Performance Bond. Plans and Specifications may be obtained from the office of Eli abeth Cabrera, Interim Director of Purchasing and Contracting, 1300 ouston Avenue, McAllen, Texas 501, for the amount of $ 100.00. General and/or Prime Contractors submitting bids and/or proposals to the City of McAllen shall be refunded their deposits upon return of plans and specifications in good condition. All other recipients of plans and specifications shall be reimbursed their deposit only if they return plans and specifications in good condition to the Purchasing and Contracting Department no later than the fifth (5th) working day after bid opening. Additionally Plans and Specifications may be ordered electronically via our new bidding portal at www.ebidexchange. com/mcallen. We are asking that vendors/contractors register online and order plans & specs electronically. Once on the portal, after you have logged in you can click on the button “ Order complete set of Prints” to order your documents, ust indicate in the number of set(s), your Carrier Account (for billing purposes), under the special instructions you may enter the Carrier Name associated with your account number. Plans and specifications may be reviewed at Valley branches of the AGC, Dodge Data & Analytics. Potential bidders are asked to post their questions on our bidding portal under the tab labeled “ Questions” under the relative project number. Hand-deliver Bids: 1300 ouston Avenue, Purchasing Contracting Department (3rd Floor) If using Land Courier (i.e., FedEx, UPS): 1300 ouston Avenue, Purchasing Contracting Department (3rd Floor), McAllen, Texas 501 Mail Bids: P.O. Box 220, McAllen, T 505-0220 The City of McAllen reserves the right to refuse and reject any or all Bids and to waive any or all formalities or technicalities, or to accept the Bid considered the best and most advantageous to the City and to hold the bids for a period of sixty (60) days without taking action thereon. A Pre-Bid Conference will be held July 14, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. in the Large Conference Room (2nd floor) of McAllen City all. All prospective bidders are encouraged to be in attendance. Bid proposals must be clearly marked on the envelope: BIDS: Proj ect No. 07-15-C20-291 Wichita Street Improvements (Published in the Advance News Journal on July 1 & July 8, 2015.) SERVICE CONTRACT FOR TOWING SERVICES (Automobile/Light, Medium, & Heavy Duty Trucks/Eq uipment) Bidders receiving a “NOTICE TO BIDDERS” and/or “REQUEST FOR BIDS” notice via e-mail, fax or reading same in the newspaper are advised that they shall be required to go online to our Bidding Portal: www.ebidexchange. com/mcallen for bid details. Bids are to be submitted electronically, as well as in paper copy. If this is your first time on our portal, Click on the ogin button in the upper right-hand corner use your e-mail address under the Forgot Password area and a temporary Password will be e-mailed to you. Once in the system, you will be prompted for a “ New” password. To enter your bid prices just Click on the “ Solicitation” tab, Select the appropriate Pro ect and enter your bid. our electronic submittals shall be reflective of your paper copy submittal. Potential Bidders are asked to post their questions on our bidding portal under the tab labeled “ Questions” under the relative project number. Hand-deliver Bids: 1300 ouston Avenue, Purchasing Contracting Department (3rd Floor) If using Land Courier (i.e., FedEx, UPS): 1300 ouston Avenue, Purchasing Contracting Department (3rd Floor), McAllen, Texas 501 Mail Bids: P.O. Box 220, McAllen, T 505-0220 The City of McAllen reserves the right to refuse and reject any or all Bids and to waive any or all formalities or technicalities, or to accept the Bid considered the best and most advantageous to the City and hold the bids for a period of sixty (60) days without taking action. Be advised that if your company is contemplating on responding to this project you must register on our portal so that any changes and/or additions via Addendum form can be forwarded to your company. A Pre-Bid Conference will be held July 09, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. in the Large Conference Room (2nd floor) of McAllen City all. All prospective bidders are encouraged to be in attendance. Proj ect No. 07-15-S57-30 TOWING SERVICES (Published in the Advance News Journal on July 1 & July 8, 2015.) Envelopes must be clearly marked: Signed, Sealed, Delivered.... Ticked Off? Don' t keep it to yourself. Share your thoughts about current politics, community events, and city developments with The Advance News Journal and its readers. etters to the Editor must be signed with a verifiable address and phone number. Only your name will be printed, and that too may be withheld if you so specify. The editor reserves the right to edit all letters and articles submitted. M ai l t o : Let t er t o t h e Edi t o r 217 W. P ar k Av e. P h ar r TX 7 857 7 Or e- m ai l t o : adv anc enew s@ ao l. c o m Classified ds Get Results! Call Advance News Journal Today. Ph (956) 3-0036 F (956) - 24 e-mail advancenews THE ADVANCE NEWS JOURNAL 22 Wednesday, July 1, 2015 Public Notices/Classifieds LEG AL NOTI CE LEG AL NOTI CE NOTICE TO BIDDERS NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids addressed to Mr. Roel Roy Rodrigue , P.E., City Manager, City of McAllen, will be received on July 21, 2015 until 3:00 p.m., at which time they will be taken to the arge Conference Room (2nd floor) of McAllen City all, and publicly opened and read aloud. Bids must be filed in the City of McAllen’s possession on or before the aforementioned date and time (no late bids will be accepted). The City of Pharr, Texas, is soliciting sealed bids to be received by the City Secretary s Office located at 11 South Cage Boulevard, 4th Floor Pharr, Texas, 78577. City of Pharr normal business days are Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and shall be closed on recognized holidays. MCALLEN ENTRY MONUMENT (10th & 2nd STREETS) Summary of Work: The work consists of a new one story structure including landscaping. To include the entire building and related mechanical, electrical and plumbing, for a complete system with, (flashings, trim, fasteners), roof and wall accessories other components and material required for a complete installation. Work also consists of demolition of existing landscaping walls, electrical and relocation of existing palm trees. Located at 10th and 2nd, McAllen, Texas. A Bidder’s Bond from a reliable surety company licensed to operate in the State of Texas or certified Cashier s Check, payable without recourse to the City of McAllen, for the amount of not less than five (5) percent ( ) of the total bid shall accompany the bid as a guaranty that, if awarded the contract, the bidder will enter into a contract with the City of McAllen. Payment and Performance Bonds shall be executed except in the event that the total amount bid is $50,000 or less, the successful contractor has the option to enter into a single payment contract with the City of McAllen in lieu of a Performance Bond. In the event that the total amount bid is $25,000 or less, the successful contractor has the option to enter into a single payment contract with the City of McAllen in lieu of a Payment and Performance Bond. Plans and Specifications may be obtained from the office of Eli abeth Cabrera, Interim Director of Purchasing and Contracting, 1300 Houston Avenue, McAllen, Texas 78501, for the amount of $ 50.00. General and/or Prime Contractors submitting bids and/or proposals to the City of McAllen shall be refunded their deposits upon return of plans and specifications in good condition. All other recipients of plans and specifications shall be reimbursed their deposit only if they return plans and specifications in good condition to the Purchasing and Contracting Department no later than the fifth (5th) working day after bid opening. Additionally Plans and Specifications may be ordered electronically via our new bidding portal at www.ebidexchange. com/mcallen. We are asking that vendors/contractors register online and order plans & specs electronically. Once on the portal, after you have logged in you can click on the button “ Order complete set of Prints” to order your documents, just indicate in the number of set(s), your Carrier Account # (for billing purposes), under the special instructions you may enter the Carrier Name associated with your account number. Plans and specifications may be reviewed at Valley branches of the AGC, Dodge Data & Analytics. Sealed Bids, addressed to: City of Pharr; Attention: Juan G. Guerra, Interim City Manager; 118 South Cage Boulevard, 4th Floor, Pharr, Texas 78577, will be received until 2:00 pm on Wednesday, July 15th, n ids recei ed after t e s ecified date ill not e considered Bids will then be publicly opened and read (2nd Floor). The Bid shall be for: CITY OF PHARR SERVICE CONTRACT FOR CATASTROPHIC EVENT DEBRIS REMOVAL Bid No. 1415-01-517-0022 Plans, proposal forms, specifications, and contract documents may be viewed at Pharr City all, City Clerk s office located at 11 S. Cage, Pharr, Texas during normal business days or may be obtained by interested parties by contacting the Department of Public orks 1015 East Ferguson, Pharr, Texas 78577 or by calling at (956)787-9772. Copies of the plans and specifications may be examined without charge at the following locations: Pharr Department of Public Works; 1015 E. Ferguson, Pharr, Texas 78577. Contact Rene Saenz, Jr. Public Works Assistant Director. Bids shall be submitted in an envelope sealed with tape and prominently marked on the lower left hand corner of envelope with the corresponding bid number and title. The City of Pharr reserves the right to accept or re ect any or all bids submitted waive formalities in bidding accept bid deemed most advantageous to the City of Pharr and to hold the bids for a period of ninety calendar(90) days without taking action. A Bidder’s Bond from a reliable surety company licensed to operate in the State of Texas or certified cashier s check, payable to the City of Pharr, for the amount equivalent to five percent (5 ) of the total bid shall accompany the bid as a guaranty that, if awarded the contract, the bidder will enter into a contract with the City of Pharr. (Published in the Advance News Journal on July 1 & July 8, 2015.) Potential bidders are asked to post their questions on our bidding portal under the tab labeled “ Questions” under the relative project number. Hand-deliver Bids: 1300 Houston Avenue, Purchasing & Contracting Department (3rd Floor) If using Land Courier (i.e., FedEx, UPS): 1300 Houston Avenue, Purchasing & Contracting Department (3rd Floor), McAllen, Texas 78501 Mail Bids: P.O. Box 220, McAllen, TX 78505-0220 The City of McAllen reserves the right to refuse and reject any or all Bids and to waive any or all formalities or technicalities, or to accept the Bid considered the best and most advantageous to the City and to hold the bids for a period of sixty (60) days without taking action thereon. A Pre-Bid Conference will be held July 14, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. in the Large Conference Room (2nd floor) of McAllen City all. All prospective bidders are encouraged to be in attendance. Bid proposals must be clearly marked on the envelope: BIDS: Proj ect No. 07-15-C19-431 McAllen Entry Monument (Published in the Advance News Journal on July 1 & July 8, 2015.) LEG AL NOTI CE CITY OF ALAMO NOTICE OF PLANNING AND Z ONING MEETING The Planning and Zoning Commission will hold a Regular Public Meeting on Wednesday, July 15, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. at the City Commission conference room at 420 N. Tower Road to consider the following: Variance Ms. Noelia Alvarado is requesting a variance for a 3’ rear setback instead of the code minimum 15’ rear setback, physically located at 401 Dulce Dr., legally described as Lot 63, Valle Dulce Subdivision Phase I. Mr. Gilbert R. Ramirez is requesting a variance to Title 11 - Subdivision Regulations, physically located at 105 S. Tower Rd. legally described as a tract of land out of Lot One (1), Block One (1), Nelco Subdivision. Renewal Conditional Use Permits LEG AL NOTI CE Ms. Nydia Contreras is requesting a renewal conditional use permit for “ Tolonga’s Bar” , physically located at 916 W. Frontage Rd., legally described as Lot 8, Block 2, Cabana South Subdivision. BEN’ S 24 HR. TOWING 5011(B) N. Cage • Pharr, TX 78577 • (956) 702-4584 Ms. San Juanita Campos is requesting a renewal conditional use permit for “ Kidz-N-Care” , physically located at 432 Monterrey, legally described as Lot 29, La Casa Real Subdivisions. 2nd Notice Re-Z one Pursuant to the provision contained in rule 85.704. Subchapter, from Chapter 5, Part 4 of title 16 in the Texas Administrative Code, we are officially notifying you that the below described motor vehicles held in our custody are to be picked up, removed and all charges paid within (30) days. Failure of the owner or lienholder to claim vehicle(s) before the date of sale is a waiver of all right, title, and interest of vehicle(s). And also consent to the sale of the vehicle in public sale, according to Texas law. Total charges cannot be computed until vehicle is claimed. Storage charges will accrue daily until vehicle is released. Mr. Alberto Cazares is requesting a re-zoning from R-1 Single-Family Dwelling District to C Commercial District, physically located at 1029 W. Duranta Ave., legally described as all of the N. ½ of Lot 4, Block 3, Alamo Original Townsite. YEAR MAKE/MODEL VIN # 2001 Ford Explorer (Blue) 1FM 2E32 B1 6 5 (Published in the Advance News Journal on July 1, 2015.) Si desea informacion en espanol, por favor llame al departamento de planificacion de la cuidad de Alamo (956) -0006 ex. 12 . (Published in the Advance News Journal on July 1, 2015.) The public is hereby invited to attend and express their support or opposition of said requests. For additional information or questions concerning the above, please call the Community Planning & Development Department at (956) 787-0006 ext. 128. Wednesday, July 1, 2015 THE ADVANCE NEWS JOURNAL 23 Public Notices/Classifieds LEG AL NOTI CE LEGAL NOTICE ou are hereby notified that the Board of Commissioners of the City of McAllen, Texas, idalgo County, at a regular meeting held on May 11, 2015 read, approved and passed the following ordinance(s) HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS, SHALL BE CHANGED FROM R-3C (MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM) DISTRICT TO R-3T (MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL TOWNHOUSE) DISTRICT AMENDING THE Z ONING MAP TO CONFORM TO THESE CHANGES. ORDINANCE NO. 2015 – 37 ORDINANCE NO. 2015 – 38 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE Z ONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MCALLEN, TEXAS AS ENACTED ON MAY 29, 1979, BY PROVIDING THAT 13.13 ACRES OUT OF LOTS 7, 8, 10 & 11, KINGS HIGHWAY SUBDIVISION, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS, SHALL BE CHANGED FROM A-O (AGRICULTURALOPEN SPACE) DISTRICT TO C-3 (GENERAL BUSINESS) DISTRICT; THAT 2.558 ACRES OUT OF LOTS 5 & 6, KINGS HIGHWAY SUBDIVISION, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS, SHALL BE CHANGED FROM A-O (AGRICULTURAL-OPEN SPACE) DISTRICT TO C-3 (GENERAL BUSINESS) DISTRICT; THAT 3.319 ACRES TRACT OF LAND OUT OF LOTS 5 & 6, KINGS HIGHWAY SUBDIVISION, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS, SHALL BE CHANGED FROM A-O (AGRICULTURALOPEN SPACE) DISTRICT TO R-1 (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) DISTRICT; THAT 1.485 ACRES OUT OF LOT 12, KINGS HIGHWAY SUBDIVISION, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS, SHALL BE CHANGED FROM A-O (AGRICULTURALOPEN SPACE) DISTRICT TO C-3 (GENERAL BUSINESS) DISTRICT; THAT 2.415 ACRES OUT OF LOT 147, LA LOMITA IRRIGATION AND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY SUBDIVISION, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS, SHALL BE CHANGED FROM A-O (AGRICULTURAL-OPEN SPACE) DISTRICT TO C-3 (GENERAL BUSINESS) DISTRICT; THAT 5.43 ACRES OUT OF LOT 147, LA LOMITA IRRIGATION AND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY SUBDIVISION, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS, SHALL BE CHANGED FROM A-O (AGRICULTURAL-OPEN SPACE) DISTRICT TO R-4 (MOBILE HOME-MODULAR HOME) DISTRICT; THAT 1.97 ACRES OUT OF LOT 88, BLOCK 3 MCALLEN SUBURBAN CITRUS GROVES, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS, SHALL BE CHANGED FROM A-O (AGRICULTURAL-OPEN SPACE) DISTRICT TO C-3 (GENERAL BUSINESS) DISTRICT; THAT 3.23 ACRES OUT OF LOT C, FORM-O-UTH SUBDIVISION, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS, SHALL BE CHANGED FROM A-O (AGRICULTURALOPEN SPACE) DISTRICT TO C-3 (GENERAL BUSINESS) DISTRICT; THAT 0.756 ACRES OUT OF LOT 169 LA LOMITA IRRIGATION AND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY SUBDIVISION, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS, SHALL BE CHANGED FROM A-O (AGRICULTURAL-OPEN SPACE) DISTRICT TO R-2 (DUPLEX-FOURPLEX RESIDENTIAL) DISTRICT; THAT 18.66 ACRES OUT OF LOT 180 LA LOMITA IRRIGATION AND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY SUBDIVISION, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS, SHALL BE CHANGED FROM A-O (AGRICULTURAL-OPEN SPACE) DISTRICT TO TO C-3 (GENERAL BUSINESS) DISTRICT; THAT 2.00 ACRES OUT OF LOT 180 LA LOMITA IRRIGATION AND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY SUBDIVISION, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS, SHALL BE CHANGED FROM A-O (AGRICULTURAL-OPEN SPACE) DISTRICT TO R-1 (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) DISTRICT; THAT 0.533 ACRES OUT OF LOT 16, BLOCK 3, C. E. HAMMOND’ S SUBDIVISION, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS, SHALL BE CHANGED FROM A-O (AGRICULTURAL-OPEN SPACE) DISTRICT TO C-3 (GENERAL BUSINESS) DISTRICT; THAT 0.44 ACRES OUT OF LOT 9, R/S LOT 18, BLOCK 3, C. E. HAMMOND’ S SUBDIVISION, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS SHALL BE CHANGED FROM A-O (AGRICULTURAL-OPEN SPACE) DISTRICT TO C-3 (GENERAL BUSINESS) DISTRICT; THAT LOT 5, RENAISSANCE CENTER SUBDIVISION, AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF MCALLEN, CHAPTER 138 (“Z ONING”); ARTICLE I (“IN GENERAL”), SECTION 138-1 (“DEFINITIONS”), MODIFYING DEFINITIONS OF BROADCAST TOWER AND PERSONAL WIRELESS SERVICE FACILITIES, ADDING DEFINITIONS RELATING TO ELIGIBLE FACILITIES REQUEST (SECTION 6409), ADDING SECTION 138-1.A. ELIGIBLE FACILITIES REQUEST (SECTION 6409) DEFINITIONS AND PROCEDURES, ADDING SECTION 138-1.B. APPLICATION FOR A PERSONAL WIRELESS SERVICE FACILITY, AND AMENDING CHAPTER 138 (“Z ONING”); ARTICLE IV (“CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS”), SECTION 138-118 (“REQUIREMENTS OF CONDITIONAL USE”), MODIFYING SECTION 138-118 (11) PERSONAL WIRELESS SERVICE FACILITY, MODIFYING PERTINENT SECTIONS AND ADDING SECTION 138-118 (11) Q RELATING TO ELIGIBLE FACILITIES REQUEST UNDER SECTION 6409; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, AND ORDAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT MATTER THEREOF. LEG AL NOTI CE CITY OF SAN JUAN PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Planning and oning Commission of the City of San Juan will hold a public hearing on Thursday, July 16, 2015 at 6 00 p.m. and the City Commission will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, July 28, 2015 at 6 00 p.m. at the San Juan Memorial ibrary, located at 1010 S. Standard Avenue, San Juan, Texas, on the following 1. Conditional se Permit to operate a drive-thru business and for the Sale of Alcoholic Beverages for Off-Premise Consumption at C B DriveThru, located at 2201 N. Cesar Chave Road, legally described as ot 1, C B Subdivision, as Requested by Brenda Garcia. 2. Ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances at Appendix A nified Development Code, Chapter 2 oning Regulations, Article II Establishment of Districts and Boundaries and Article IV District se and Area Regulations creating a new oning category for institutional uses and making other minor changes to the oning ordinance. ITNESS M AND AND SEA , this 30th day of June, 2015. avier Cervantes, AICP Director of Planning (Published in the Advance News Journal on July 1, 2015.) ORDINANCE NO. 2015 - 39 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE BUDGET OF THE CITY OF MCALLEN FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2014/2015 EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 2014, BY PROVIDING FOR A TRANSFER OF FUNDS TO-WIT: $ 2,577,725 TO RECLASS ADVANCES TO/FROM THE FOLLOWING FUNDS: THE GENERAL INSURANCE FUND ADVANCE TO THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND, $ 2,035,009; THE GENERAL FUND ADVANCE TO THE EB-5 FUND, $ 190,000; AND THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND TO THE TRANSIT SYSTEM FUND, $352,716. ORDINANCE NO. 2015 - 40 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE BUDGET OF THE CITY OF McALLEN FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2014/2015 EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 2014, BY PROVIDING FOR AN INCREASE IN EXPENDITURES TO-WIT: $41 2,000.00 FOR ADDITIONAL DESIGN FEES FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS BUILDING. ORDINANCE NO. 2015 - 41 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE BUDGET OF THE CITY OF McALLEN FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2014/2015 EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 2014, BY PROVIDING FOR AN INCREASE IN EXPENDITURES TO-WIT: $12,625.52 FOR REPAIR OF THE GENERATOR AT THE ANZ ALDUAS INTERNATIONAL BRIDGE. TESTIMON EREOF, ITNESSED M OFFICE this 26th day of June, 2015. AND AND SEA CIT OF McA EN Perla ara, TRMC/CMC, CPM Deputy City Secretary (Published in the Advance News Journal on July 1 & July 8, 2015.) OF THE ADVANCE NEWS JOURNAL 24 Wednesday, July 1, 2015 Public Notices/Classifieds a LEGAL NOTICE LEG AL NOTI CE ou are hereby notified that the Board of Commissioners of the City of McAllen, Texas, idalgo County, at a regular meeting held on May 26, 2015 read, approved and passed the following ordinance(s) ORDINANCE NO. 2015 - 43 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE Z ONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MCALLEN, TEXAS AS ENACTED ON MAY 29, 1979, BY PROVIDING THAT 5.11 ACRES TRACT OUT OF LOTS 38 AND 39, BLOCK 1 MCALLEN SUBURBAN CITRUS GROVES SUBDIVISION, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS, SHALL BE CHANGED FROM A-O (AGRICULTURAL-OPEN SPACE) DISTRICT TO R-3A (MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT) DISTRICT; THAT 2.44 ACRES TRACT OUT OF LOT 22, BLOCK 1, MCALLEN SUBURBAN CITRUS GROVES SUBDIVISION, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS, SHALL BE CHANGED FROM A-O (AGRICULTURAL-OPEN SPACE) DISTRICT TO R-1 (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) DISTRICT; THAT 20.43 ACRES TRACT OUT OF LOTS 8, 13-15, BLOCK 1, MCALLEN SUBURBAN CITRUS GROVES SUBDIVISION AND LOTS 1-6 PALM VALLEY ESTATES SUBDIVISION, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS, SHALL BE CHANGED FROM A-O (AGRICULTURAL-OPEN SPACE) DISTRICT TO R-1 (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) DISTRICT; THAT 2.317 ACRES TRACT OUT OF LOT 8, BLOCK 2, RIO BRAVO PLANTATION COMPANY SUBDIVISION, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS, SHALL BE CHANGED FROM A-O (AGRICULTURAL-OPEN SPACE) DISTRICT TO C-3L (LIGHT COMMERCIAL) DISTRICT; THAT 2.825 ACRES TRACT OUT OF LOT 8, BLOCK 2, RIO BRAVO PLANTATION COMPANY SUBDIVISION, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS, SHALL BE CHANGED FROM A-O (AGRICULTURALOPEN SPACE) DISTRICT TO C-3L (LIGHT COMMERCIAL) DISTRICT; THAT 0.993 ACRES TRACT OUT OF LOTS 5 AND 6, FORD’ S SUBDIVISION, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS, SHALL BE CHANGED FROM A-O (AGRICULTURAL-OPEN SPACE) DISTRICT TO C-3 (GENERAL BUSINESS) DISTRICT; THAT 13.94 ACRES TRACT OUT OF LOTS 23 AND 24, BLOCK 3, C. E. HAMMONDS SUBDIVISION, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS, SHALL BE CHANGED FROM A-O (AGRICULTURAL-OPEN SPACE) DISTRICT TO C-3 (GENERAL BUSINESS) DISTRICT; THAT 47.70 ACRES TRACT OUT OF LOTS 23 AND 24, BLOCK 3, C. E. HAMMONDS SUBDIVISION, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS, SHALL BE CHANGED FROM A-O (AGRICULTURAL-OPEN SPACE) DISTRICT TO R-1 (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) DISTRICT; THAT 15.83 ACRES TRACT OUT OF LOT 25, BLOCK 3, C. E. HAMMONDS SUBDIVISION, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS, SHALL BE CHANGED FROM A-O (AGRICULTURAL-OPEN SPACE) DISTRICT TO R-3A (MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL APARTMENT) DISTRICT; THAT 3.619 ACRES TRACT OUT OF LOT 25, BLOCK 3, C. E. HAMMONDS SUBDIVISION, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS, SHALL BE CHANGED FROM A-O (AGRICULTURAL-OPEN SPACE) DISTRICT TO TO C-4 (COMMERCIAL-INDUSTRIAL) DISTRICT; THAT 18.47 ACRES TRACT OUT OF LOTS 26 AND 27, BLOCK 3, C. E. HAMMONDS SUBDIVISION, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS, SHALL BE CHANGED FROM A-O (AGRICULTURAL-OPEN SPACE) DISTRICT TO C-3 (GENERAL BUSINESS) DISTRICT; THAT 53.87 ACRES TRACT OUT OF LOTS 26 AND 27, BLOCK 3, C. E. HAMMONDS SUBDIVISION, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS, SHALL BE CHANGED FROM A-O (AGRICULTURAL-OPEN SPACE) DISTRICT TO R-1 (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) DISTRICT; AMENDING THE Z ONING MAP TO CONFORM TO THESE CHANGES. ORDINANCE NO. 2015 -44 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE BUDGET OF THE CITY OF MCALLEN FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 2014/2015 EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 2014, BY PROVIDING FOR AN INCREASE IN EXPENDITURES TO-WIT: $ 37,079.00 TO FUND THE HIDALGO POE CONTRACT COST OF IMPLEMENTING THE DAVISBACON ACT 2014 PREVAILING WAGE RATES AT THE MCALLEN-HIDALGO INTERNATIONAL BRIDGE. ORDINANCE NO. 2015 - 45 AN ORDINANCE ABANDONING PARCELS 98A THROUGH 106A, OUT OF LOT 72, LA LOMITA IRRIGATION AND CONSTRUCTION COMPANY SUBDIVISION, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN VOLUME 24, PAGES 67-68, DEED RECORDS OF HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS AND BEING A PORTION OF THE 30 FOOT CANAL RIGHT-OFWAY LYING ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE RESUBDIVISION PLAT OF PARKWOOD MANOR SUBDIVISION PHASES 1, 2, & 3, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF MCALLEN, HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN VOLUME 23, PAGE 102-B, MAP RECORDS OF HIDALGO COUNTY, TEXAS; AND ORDAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT MATTER THEREOF. ORDINANCE NO. 2015 - 46 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE ANNUAL ACTION PLAN APPLICATION AND BUDGET FOR HUD ENTITLEMENT FUNDS TO BE RECEIVED BY THE CITY OF MCALLEN UNDER THE HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACT OF 1974, AS AMENDED; ESTABLISHING AN ANNUAL BUDGET PERIOD OF OCTOBER 1, 2015 TO SEPTEMBER 30, 2016; AUTHORIZ ING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FORTY-FIRST YEAR PROGRAM; PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE AND SEVERABILITY OF SECTIONS AND AUTHORIZ ING THE MAYOR OR DESIGNEE TO PERFORM ALL ACTIONS NECESSARY TO IMPLEMENT THE PROGRAM. ORDINANCE NO. 2015 - 47 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF MCALLEN AT CHAPTER 22 (“BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS”), ARTICLE VIII (“HOUSING CODE”), SECTION 22-246 (“ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURES”); PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, AND ORDAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT MATTER HEREOF. TESTIMON EREOF, ITNESSED M OFFICE this 26th day of June, 2015. AND AND SEA OF CIT OF McA EN Perla ara, TRMC/CMC, CPM Deputy City Secretary (Published in the Advance News Journal on July 1 & July 8, 2015.) EM P LOY M ENT NOTI CE EM P LOY M ENT NOTI CE CITY OF SAN JUAN - JOB VACANCY NOTICE CITY OF SAN JUAN - JOB VACANCY NOTICE City of San Juan is accepting applications with resume for Department of City Secretary. JO 15-03 The City of San Juan is accepting applications (with resume) for the following position with the San Juan Memorial ibrary JO 15-039 City Secretary (Full-Time/Exempt) Required to attend all meetings of the City Commission, keep accurate minutes of the proceedings, serve as Election Administrator, and Custodian of Records he/she has the authority to certify documents of the City. Is responsible for complex administrative and secretarial work in recording and retaining official records, recording actions, disseminating information and directives of the City Commission. Requires a Bachelor s Degree in Business or Public Administration, or certification through the Texas Municipal Clerk Certification Program. ill be required to recertified every 5 years thereafter (may obtain Certification within 2 years from the date hired). Requires 5 years supervisory experience and training or equivalent combination of education and experience. Annual salary 42,4 1.23. Application and ob description are available at San Juan City all or City s web site at www.cityofsan (no emails/faxes accepted). Submit application to uman Resources, 09 S. Nebraska, San Juan, T 5 9. Position will remain open until filled. Library Assistant Supervisor (Full-Time/Exempt) Supervises the ibrary Aides. Plans and monitors their assigned tasks for completion. Ensures that staff is cross trained on all library functions. Assist library patrons with any and all library transactions. Requires a igh School Diploma with a minimum of 3 years related experience, some college hours preferred and supervisory responsibilities. Must also be computer literate, bilingual (English/Spanish). Possess a valid Texas Driver s icense, clear background check and pass a drug test. Annual salary 2 ,0 0.00. Application and detailed ob description are available at San Juan City all or can be downloaded from the City s ebsite at www/cityofsan Please submit original application (no emails or faxes will be accepted) to City of San Juan (Department of uman Resources) 09 S. Nebraska San Juan, T . 5 9. Position will close on Monday, July 6, 2015 at 5 00 p.m. The City of San Juan is an eq ual opportunity employer. (Published in the Advance News Journal on July 1, 2015.) The City of San Juan is an eq ual Opportunity Employer Posted 06/29/2015 (Published in the Advance News Journal on July 1, 2015.) THE ADVANCE NEWS JOURNAL Wednesday, July 1, 2015 25 Public Notices/Classifieds a LEG AL NOTI CE G LEG AL NOTI CE C G ou are hereby notified that the Board of Commissioners of the City of McAllen, Texas, idalgo County, at a regular meeting held on June , 2015 read, approved and passed the following ordinance(s) R R C C R R G R C CR R C G C GR C G R R C G C G R R G C G R C R C R R C CR R C G R R R C C G CR R C C G R R C CR R C C C C C G C R C C G C GR C G R R C C G CR R C G C C C GR C C R R G R C R R G C GR C RC G C G R R C R G C R C C CR R C R C C R CR G R R C C C R C C G R C CR R C C R C G R C C R C R R R C G R R R R R R R C R R C R R C R TESTIMON EREOF, ITNESSED M OFFICE this 26th day of June, 2015. CR CC R G R C G C R C R CC C C R R R R C R R R C C R C C R R C R G R R C G C R C C C RG C R C R CC C C C C R R C R C R R R G R C G R C C R R C C C C R R R C R R G C R TESTIMON EREOF, ITNESSED M OFFICE this 26th day of June, 2015. C R C C R R AND AND SEA R C OF CIT OF McA EN Perla ara, TRMC/CMC, CPM Deputy City Secretary u lis ed in t e d ance e s ournal on ul ul LEG AL NOTI CE R C CIT OF McA EN Perla ara, TRMC/CMC, CPM Deputy City Secretary u lis ed in t e d ance e s ournal on ul ul Classified ds Get Results! Ph (956) 3-0036 F (956) - 24 e-mail advancenews C la o R G R C R Pursuant to the provisions contained in Article V and Section 5.04, of the Texas Abandoned Motor Vehicle Act, (VCS 44 -9a), we are serving notice to the owners and/or lienholders that the below-described motor vehicle plus other vehicles whose owners have been notified, yet vehicles remain unclaimed, have been taken into custody and will be sold at a public sale. G R C R CR G AND AND SEA Call d ance e s ournal oda R R R C R C C G R R C R R R C R C R G G G C C R R R R R G G R C C R R C R R R G R G G C C R C R C C G R C C C R C C C R R R C R C R R C R R R R R R C C R C C G G R R C R G C R G C R R R C GR C RC R C C G R C CR C C R C R C R C R G C C G G C C GR C G C R R C R R C R G C GR C G R C C R R C R R R R C C C G C GR C R G G R C CR G C R R ou are hereby notified that the Board of Commissioners of the City of McAllen, Texas, idalgo County, at a special meeting held on May 20, 2015 read, approved and passed the following ordinance(s) C G C C OF Contact Ritchie s Towing for information concerning vehicles. Failure of an owner or lienholder to claim vehicles within twenty (20) days after date of this notice and make payment of all towing, preservation, and storage charges resulting from the placing of vehicles in custody shall constitute a waiver of the right to reclaim the vehicle. Public Sale will be held at 42 E. wy. 3, Alamo, Texas, at 9 00 A.M., the 20th day of July, 2015 and the proceeds therefrom distributed in accordance with law. All cars will be sold as is, no guarantees, no warranty expressed or implied. All bids are to be cash and all sales are final. R 200 2004 2003 2000 1999 1996 1996 Ford BM MER CADI PONT FORD FORD u lis ed in t 1FTP 12V1 FB59529 BANB33544B113 1 DBNG 5J33A35641 1G6E 12 5 19 129 1G2NE52T5 C536 09 1FA P54N6TA243912 1FMC 24 0T D0322 e d ance e s ournal on ul THE ADVANCE NEWS JOURNAL 26 Wednesday, July 1, 2015 Public Notices/Classifieds LEG AL NOTI CE LEG AL NOTI CE CITY OF MCALLEN LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO BIDDERS PROJECT: PSJA Memorial igh School Kitchen/ Serving ine Renovations Bid 14-15-0 6 00 S. Alamo Rd. Alamo, Texas Re one from R-2 (duplex- fourplex residential) District to R-3A (mulitfamily residential Apartment) District ots 20 21, Block 20, ammond Addition, idalgo County, Texas 2234 Cedar Avenue. (REZ 2015-0083) OWNER: Pharr San Juan Alamo I.S.D. Purchasing Department Room 249 601 E. Kelly Pharr, Texas Re one from R-1 (single family residential) District to C-4 (commercialindustrial) District ot 1, Ruben Rodrigue Subdivision, idalgo County, Texas 523 Mile Road. (REZ 2015-0084) ARCHITECT: Milnet Architectural Services 60 South 12th Street McAllen, Texas 501 Initial oning to R-2 (duplex- fourplex residential) District 12.2 acres out of ot 16 , John . Shary Subdivision, idalgo County, Texas 2101 South Taylor Road. (REZ 2015-0085) RFCSB DEADLINE: Thursday, July 23, 2015 at 4:00 p.m. ou are hereby notified that two (2) public hearings will be held to consider the following Initial oning to R-3C (multifamily residential condominium) District 0.242 acres out of ot 16 , John . Shary Subdivision, idalgo County, Texas 2021 South Taylor Road. (REZ 2015-0086) The first public hearing will be held before the Planning and oning Commission of the City of McAllen on July 21, 2015, at 4 00 pm, at McAllen City all Commission Chambers, 1300 ouston Avenue, McAllen Texas. The second public hearing will be held before the Board of Commissioners of the City of McAllen on August 10, 2015, at 5 00 pm, at McAllen City all Commission Chambers, 1300 ouston Avenue, McAllen, Texas. All interested citi ens are invited to appear and be heard. If any accommodations for a disability are required or if there are any questions regarding this notice, please notify the Planning Department at (956) 6 11250 prior to the date of the meetings. ITNESS M AND this 1st day of July, 2015. P ANNING DEPARTMENT Rodrigo Sanche , Planner II CIT SECRETAR S OFFICE Annette Villarreal, TRMC/CMC, CPM City Secretary (Published in the Advance News Journal on July 1, 2015.) LEG AL NOTI CE CITY OF ALAMO 420 N. Tower Rd. Alamo, TX 78516 ORDER TO DEMOLISH AND REMOVE STRUCTURES PURSUANT TO ORDINANCE NO. 15-07-14. Notice is hereby given that the City of Alamo Building Standards Committee, at a public hearing held on June 25, 2015 at 6 00p.m. at the City of Alamo City all located at 420 N. Tower Rd., Alamo, Texas 516, has determined that the following properties meet the definition of a substandard building and are public nuisances as defined in Section 2.00 of Ordinance 15-0 -14. INVITATION: our firm is invited to submit Competitive Sealed Bids to the Owner, at the Owner s address indicated above, for the work described above, on or before the RFCSB deadline indicated above. PRE-BID CONFERENCE: A Pre-Bid Conference will be conducted at the Administration Building/Business Services Conference Room 205 at, 601 E. Kelly, Pharr, Texas 5 on Thursday, July 16, 2015 at 10 00 a.m.. All contractors proposing to submit competitive sealed bids on this pro ect are strongly encouraged to attend. BID OPENING: Bid opening will be done in Administration Building/ Business Services Conference Room 205 at 601 E. Kelly, Pharr Texas 5 , shortly after submittal in Room 249. INSPECTION OF SITE: The site is also accessible for inspection at other times upon notification of Mr. Agustin Rodrigue , PSJA ISD Pro ect Manager, at 956-354-2000 extension 1026. Bidders are encouraged to visit the site and assess existing conditions. BID DOCUMENTS: Copies of the Bid Documents, including Drawings and Pro ect Manual (Bid Requirements Contract Forms, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, Specifications) may be obtained, at RGV REPROGRAPHICS 519 S. Broadway, McAllen, Texas 78501 (956) 6861525 by depositing 250.00 in cash, check or money order payable to Milnet Architectural Services. Deposits will be refunded in full if the complete, undamaged Contract Documents are returned within 10 days of the Bid Deadline date. Copies of the Bid Documents are on file at the Architect s office, Builders Exchange of Texas, and at the local Associated General Contractors (AGC) and Dodge Plan Rooms. BID SECURITY: Bidders will be required to provide Bid Security in the form of a Bid Bond in the amount of 5 percent of the largest possible total Bid, including consideration of alternates, with each Bid. A Bid Bond shall be issued by a Surety acceptable to the Owner, licensed to do business in the State of Texas, and meeting the requirements of Documents 00 00 General Conditions of the Contract for Construction. Bid Bonds shall be prepared on forms meeting all the requirements of applicable States of Texas statues. Bid Bonds shall be issued on forms acceptable to the Owner and shall include, as a minimum standard, the information, requirements and standard illustrated by AIA Document A310, latest revised edition available. Failure to provide the Bid Bond with the Bid will constitute a non-responsive Bid and the Bid will not be considered. As the owners, lienholders, or mortgagees of record of the properties below, you are hereby notified that pursuant to Ordinance No 15-0 -14, of the City of Alamo, Texas, an order to demolish and remove the structures located on the properties below has been issued by the Building Standards Committee and must be completed within 30 calendar days from the date of this publication. PERFORMANCE AND LABOR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT BONDS: The successful offeror will be required to provide 100 Performance and abor and Materials Payment Bonds in strict conformance with all the requirements of the Contract Documents. Failure to do so will result in cancellation of the contract award and forfeiture of the Bid Bond security as liquidated damages. A complete copy of the orders, building inspection reports, and notices may be obtained from the City of Alamo through a public information request filed with the City Manager s office located at 420 N. Tower Rd., Alamo, Texas 516. BID WITHDRAWAL: Bids will be required to be submitted under a condition of irrevocability for a period of 60 days after submission. No Bid may be withdrawn for a period of 60 days. PROPERTIES IN VIOLATION OF ORDINANCE NO. 15-07-14 Betty Jane Escobedo P.O. Box 354 Alamo, TX 78516 Lots 6, 7, & 8, Block 89, Alamo Original Townsite (A2100-00-089-0006-00) (617 and/or 621 E. Fannin Ave., Alamo, TX 78516) OWNER’ S RIGHT OF REJECTION: The Owner reserves the right to accept or re ect any or all offers (competitive sealed bids). (Published in the Advance News Journal on July 1 & July 8, 2015.) Amancio Lucio P.O. Box 579 Alamo, TX 78516 E. ½ of Lot 9 and W. ½ of Lot 10, Block 12, Alamo Original Townsite Subdivision (A2100-00-012-0010-00) (807 E. Citrus Ave., Alamo, TX 78516) Conrado & Teresa Lepe P.O. Box 1075 Alamo, TX 78516 S. 100’ of Lots 1 through 6, Block 52, Alamo Original Townsite (A2100-00-052-0006-00) (211 S. 8th St., Alamo, TX 78516) For more information, please contact Dalia uniga with the Community Planning Development Department at (956) -0006 ext. 12 . (Published in the Advance News Journal on July 1, 2015.) Report a Crime. Get Rewarded. THE ADVANCE NEWS JOURNAL Wednesday, July 1, 2015 27 Public Notices/ Classifieds LEG AL NOTI CE LEG AL NOTI CE THE CITY OF WESLACO NOTICE TO BID Ordinance No. 2015-16 The Pharr–San Juan-Alamo Independent School District invites you to submit bid / proposal for: An Ordinance amending Ordinance 2013-07, the Master Fee Schedule, to revise existing fees and establish new fees; providing a severability clause; providing an effective date, and ordaining other matters with respect to the subject matter hereof. Ordinance No. 2015-18 An Ordinance amending zoning Ordinance no. 320 and amending the zoning map of the City of Weslaco to change the zoning of 1802 N. International Blvd., also being 2.802 acre tract of the S221.75’-N881.75’-W330’ out of farm tracts 1042 and 1043, Adams Tract Subdivision, Weslaco, Hidalgo County, Texas, from R-1 one family dwelling district to B-2 secondary highway business district. PASSED AND APPROVED on first reading at a regular meeting of the City Commission this 2nd day of June, 2015. PASSED AND APPROVED on second reading at a regular meeting of the City Commission this 16th day of June, 2015. CITY OF WESLACO /s/ David Suarez, MAYOR ATTEST: /s/ Elizabeth M. Walker, CITY SECRETARY APPROVED AS TO FORM: /s/ Frank Garza, CITY ATTORNEY (Published in the Advance News Journal on June 24 & July 1, 2015.) PRINTING SERVICES FOR TEACHERS AND STUDENTS FOR ELEMENTARY MATH CURRICULUM BID #14-15-094 (Monday, July 20, 2015 @ 2:30 p.m.) The bid / proposal is available online at the Pharr-San Juan-Alamo I.S.D. website ( Please place your cursor over the “About Us” tab (via grey toolbar) and select “PSJA BID ORDER SYSTEM” from the drop-down list to access the District’s Purchasing Website in order to download bids and proposals. Sealed bid / proposal will be received until, DATES AND TIME PROVIDED ABOVE, at which time they will be publicly opened. NO FAXED OR EMAILED BIDS / PROPOSALS WILL BE ACCEPTED. LATE OR INCOMPLETE BID / PROPOSAL WILL BE CONSIDERED NON-RESPONSIVE / NON-CONFORMING. BID / PROPOSAL MUST BE SUBMITTED IN A SEALED ENVELOPE AND MARKED PROPERLY WITH THE BID / PROPOSAL INVITATION NUMBER, PRODUCT CATEGORY, OPENING DATE AND TIME. Specifications are on file at the P.SJ.A Business Office / Purchasing Department, 601 East Kelly, Room # 249, Pharr, TX 78577. Bid / Proposal specifications may be obtained by calling (956) 354-2000 extension 1124. (Published in the Advance News Journal on July 1 and July 8, 2015.) LEG AL NOTI CE P UB LI C NOTI CE Request for Qualifications SUMMER BREAK The City of Pharr is seeking sealed proposals addressed to Juan Guerra, Interim City Manager, at the Municipal Building, 4th Floor, 118 S. Cage Boulevard, Pharr, Texas 78577, for the following: DELINQUENT AD VALOREM TAX COLLECTION SERVICES Sealed proposals will be accepted until Thursday, August 6, 2015 at 2:00 pm. at which time proposals will be opened publicly and read aloud by Karla Moya, Interim Finance Director, on the 2nd floor in the Pharr Board of Commissioners Room. Copies of the qualification package documents consisting of detailed specifications, general requirements, or other information may be obtained at City Hall, Finance Department, at 118 S. Cage Boulevard, 2nd Floor, Pharr, Texas or by email at or at http://www. Questions regarding this proposal should be directed to Karla Moya, Interim Finance Director, at 956-4024150. The City of Pharr reserves the right to refuse and reject any or all formalities or technicalities or to accept the proposal it considers to be the best and most advantageous to the City of Pharr, and hold the proposals for a period of 30 days without taking action. Proposals submitted past the aforementioned date and time will not be accepted. Proposals must be clearly marked on the envelope: RFQ: DELINQUENT AD VALOREM TAX COLLECTION SERVICES No. 1415-01-511-0021 Witness my hand and seal the 24th day of June 2015. City of Pharr Hilda Pedraza, TRMC City Clerk (Published in the Advance News Journal on June 24 & July 1, 2015.) Th e ADVANCE NEWS JOURNAL Offers You 52 New & Exciting Issues! Only $18 a Year -- In Hidalgo County only. Outside-of-County and Out-of-State -- $25. Mailed to your home or business. Extra Bonus: Free Classified Ad with each new subscription or subscription renewal -- up to 20 words. Name ______________________________________________________ Address_____________________________________________________ City & Zip___________________________________________________ Mail this form with your check or money order to: 217 W. Park Ave., Pharr TX 78577. The Pharr-San Juan-Alamo Independent School District Business Office at 601 E. Kelly will be closed for the Summer Break from Monday, June 29, 2015 through Friday, July 10, 2015 and will re-open for business on Monday, July 13, 2015 at 7:00 a.m. (Published in the Advance News Journal on June 24 & July 1, 2015.) LEG AL NOTI CE CITY OF MCALLEN LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the following have filed a request for renewal of a Conditional Use Permit, for one year. The permit, if granted, will be subject to conditions as stated in the City of McAllen Zoning Ordinance, and may be revoked at any time for violation of those conditions. This permit would automatically expire one year from date of approval and may be renewed after due notice. 1. Jorge Mena, for a portable food concession stand at Lot 15 & 16, Block 29, Hammond Addition Subdivision, Hidalgo County, Texas; 24 South 21st Street. (CUP2015-0086) 2. Lilia G. Mina, for a Home Occupation (day care) at Lot 114, Gardenia Terrace #10 Subdivision, Hidalgo County, Texas; 3208 Hummingbird Avenue. (CUP2015-0087) All persons may comment or object to the granting or denying of these requests, in writing, original of which must be received at City Hall (1300 Houston Avenue) within 10 days from the date of publication of this notice. Address mail to City of McAllen, Planning Department, P.O. Box 220, McAllen, TX 78505-0220. Inquiries may be made to (956) 681-1250. WITNESS MY HAND this 1st day of July, 2015. PLANNING DEPARTMENT Patricia M. Rendon, Planner I (Published in the Advance News Journal on July 1, 2015.) HVAC Filter Service & Sales Employment opportunity Great income potential plus benefits Apply Filters First / HESS AIR INC 817 S. ALAMO RD Alamo, TX 78516 Advance News Journal Classifieds Get Results! Call 783-0036 Today. F OR SALE 3 Cemetery plots for sale Valley Memorial Gardens 3 Cemetery Plots. Section H Lot 331 and 332 - 3 consecutive spaces. $1,600 each or $4,500 all three. Email: 956-607-8581 Serious Inquiries