2015 High School Essay Contest


2015 High School Essay Contest
The European Union Centre of Excellence at the University of Alberta invites essays
on the theme of ‘The European Union and Internationalism’. Students are welcome to
write on any aspect of EU and policy. How has the creation of the European Union
allowed Europe to curb nationalism solve policy problems? What are the tradeoffs?
Students are also welcome to draw comparisons to Canada.
The contest is open to students in grade 10, 11 and 12 in Alberta high schools. Essays
should be between 800 and 1000 words and should be submitted as a word or pdf
document file by email to euce@ualberta.ca by Monday, June 22. All entries should
include the student’s name, email address, school, and teacher’s contact name and
contact email.
One first prize of $500 and one second prize of $300 will be awarded.
This contest has been co-funded with the assistance of the European Commission. The contents of this announcement are the
sole responsibility of the organizers of the contest and can not be taken to reflect the views of the European Commission.