Luxembourg`s Association of PhD Candidates & Young Researchers


Luxembourg`s Association of PhD Candidates & Young Researchers
Luxembourg’s Association of PhD Candidates & Young Researchers
Eurodoc Annual Conference 2015:
Empowering Young Researchers in Europe
27th April 2015 – Cluj-Napoca, Romania
• LuxDoc
• Luxembourg
• Main objectives of LuxDoc
• Cooperation with authorities
Ministry of Higher Education and Research
National Research Fund
27th April 2015 – Cluj-Napoca, Romania
What is LuxDoc?
Is the only and interdisciplinary association in
Luxembourg open to all PhD candidates and
young researchers working in Luxembourg as well
as to Luxembourgish PhD candidates and young
researchers abroad.
Was founded on 7th July 2011
Currently has 123 members from 25 institutions
– 66 female, 57 male
– 98 PhD-students; 9 post-docs; 16 others
27th April 2015 – Cluj-Napoca, Romania
LuxDoc‘s Missions
LuxDoc’s mission towards PhD candidates and
young researchers are manifold:
Putting their needs and opinions on the map.
Participate in discussions on national legislation.
Appointing PhD candidate representatives at the
University boards.
Improving working conditions for PhD candidates.
27th April 2015 – Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Excursus: Luxembourg (I)
27th April 2015 – Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Excursus: Luxembourg (II)
Approximately 563,000 citizens
Innovation-driven growth
1 University being centralised
3 Public Research Centres
Several Private Research Centres
27th April 2015 – Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Main objectives (I)
Represent and defend the interests of its
members (related to: training, research, career
perspectives, …).
Develop and promote the scientific culture in
Provide and create information regarding topics of
interest for PhD candidates.
Facilitate exchange and meetings between PhD
candidates and other researchers.
27th April 2015 – Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Main objectives (II)
Organize social and academic events.
Collaborate with the respective authorities in order
to improve the studying and working conditions for
PhD candidates.
Participate in discussions and help develop
policies concerning higher education and research
in Luxembourg.
27th April 2015 – Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Co-operation with authorities
Ministry of Higher Education and Research
National Research Fund (FNR)
University of Luxembourg
Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce
Centre for Documentation and Information on
Higher Education (CEDIES)
27th April 2015 – Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Ministry of Research (I)
New law on part of financing scheme for higher
education (March 2014).
Raise awareness of Ministry for concerns of early
stage researchers.
Internal collection of concerns and publishing of
statement (April).
Exchanges between PhD representatives and
letter to Ministry.
27th April 2015 – Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Meetings with Minister (March, July & December).
Ministry of Research (II)
On-going topics and discussions:
Database of Luxembourgish researchers.
Valuation of PhD in Luxembourg.
Visa issue of non-EU candidates.
Duration of PhD.
Labour law:
– Limited contract: no follow-up contract after PhD possible.
– Parental leave and limited contract.
Eurodoc conference 2016 in Luxembourg.
Input on new law on financing scheme of higher
27th April 2015 – Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Ministry of Research (III)
Raising awareness for issues of PhD candidates and
young researchers that largely remained unheard.
Establish / facilitate collaboration with other institutions
– FNR (promote research in Luxembourg, eurodoc
conference and funding schemes).
– CEDIES (event to inform industry about value of PhD)
– Chamber of Commerce (offer special training to members
and organise a joint event with CEDIES to promote PhDs
in Luxembourg).
27th April 2015 – Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Luxembourg’s small size makes it easy to get in
touch with national authorities.
Authorities are interested in and open to LuxDoc’s
and it’s members’ views.
Change not immediately visible since mostly
driven by formal and informal discussions.
LuxDoc is confident that its discussions help
improve the situation of all PhD candidates and
young researchers that it represents.
27th April 2015 – Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Thank you very much for
your interest!
Romain Decet
Contact us:
LuxDoc a.s.b.l.
B.P. 2770
L- 1027 Luxembourg
27th April 2015 – Cluj-Napoca, Romania