Livestock Judging: Market Lamb Evaluation


Livestock Judging: Market Lamb Evaluation
Livestock Judging:
Market Lamb Evaluation
Supplement for CEV #477
Livestock Judging: Market Lamb Evaluation
Supplement for CEV #477
To introduce the purpose of evaluation and the desired phenotypic
traits of the ideal market lamb.
1. to identify and list the major factors considered in market lamb
2. to establish the ideal modem market lamb
3. to evaluate and defend the placing of a market lamb class
Livestock Judging: Market Lamb Evaluation
Quiz I
Short Answer
1. List three growth indicators of market lambs.
2. Why is it important for lambs to have growth potential?
3. What is the ideal weight of market lambs?
Livestock Judging: Market Lamb Evaluation
Quiz II
True or False
___1. Market lambs should be the widest from stifle to forearm.
___2. Seventy-five percent of the carcass value is derived from the hindsaddle.
Short Answer
3. Label the following
A. Rack
B. Loin
4. What is the least valuable cut on the lamb carcass?
Livestock Judging: Market Lamb Evaluation
Quiz III
Short Answer
1. Why is structural soundness important in market lambs?
2. List two common structural defects in market lambs.
3. Define “cow-hocked.”
4. Describe the ideal topline of a market lamb.
Livestock Judging: Market Lamb Evaluation
Quiz IV
Short Answer
1. Define Balance.
2. What is the most accurate view to determine style and balance?
3. How do you increase volume?
Livestock Judging: Market Lamb Evaluation
Quiz V
Short Answer
1. What is the ideal fat cover on market lambs?
2. Why should market lambs have at least .10” of finish?
True or False
___3. Leg Score is the most important factor used in determining yield grades.
___4. Industry prefers lambs with Yield Grades of 4 or 5.
Livestock Judging: Market Lamb Evaluation
Quiz VI
Short Answer
1. Which lamb is the shortest bodied, most heavily finished lamb in the class?
2. Between 1 and 2, which lamb was the most correctly finished?
3. Of the four lambs in the class, which lambs were ewes?
4. Which lamb is the lightest muscled lamb in the class?
5. Between 2 and 3, which lamb was the most muscular?
Livestock Judging: Market Lamb Evaluation
Final Quiz
Short Answer
1. List the five major factors considered when evaluating Market Lambs.
2. Why is market lamb evaluation important?
3. What was your placing of the market lamb class? Defend your placing.
(use the back of this paper or a separate sheet)
4. Describe the ideal Market Lamb in terms of finish and muscling.
5. What is the most accurate view(s) for evaluating muscling?
6. What are the four major cuts of the lamb carcass?
7. Define Yield Grade.
8. Why is it important to keep fat thickness at .25”?
Livestock Judging: Market Lamb Evaluation
Answer Key for CEV #477
Short Answer
1. List three growth indicators of market lambs.
Length of neck
Length of face
Length of cannon
Length of body
2. Why is it important for lambs to have growth potential?
Lambs need to have the ability to grow and be slaughtered at 130
pounds. In order to stay lean and meet industry specifications, they
need to be late maturing.
3. What is the ideal weight of market lambs?
130 pounds
Livestock Judging: Market Lamb Evaluation
Answer Key for CEV #477
True or False
F 1. Market lambs should be the widest from stifle to forearm.
They should be widest from stifle to stifle.
T 2. Seventy-five percent of the carcass value is derived from the hindsaddle.
3. Label the following:
A. Rack
B. Loin
4. What is the least valuable cut on the lamb carcass?
The shoulder
Livestock Judging: Market Lamb Evaluation
Answer Key for CE #477
Short Answer
1. Why is structural soundness important in market lambs?
Structural soundness is imperative in order for lambs to be efficient.
Structural correctness affects growth and the daily function of market
2. List two common structural defects in market lambs.
cow-hocked, steep-rumped, also ewe necked and weak shouldered
3. Define “cow-hocked.”
The hocks turn inward instead of being straight.
4. Describe the ideal topline of a market lamb.
The ideal topline is straight and level from the top of the shoulder to
the pin bones.
Livestock Judging: Market Lamb Evaluation
Answer Key for CEV #477
Short Answer
1. Define Balance.
Balance refers to a market lamb’s proportions in length, depth, width
and general appearance.
2. What is the most accurate view to determine style and balance?
side view
3. How do you increase volume?
adding depth, length and width
Livestock Judging: Market Lamb Evaluation
Answer Key for CEV #477
Short Answer
1. What is the ideal fat cover on market lambs?
.10” to .25”
2. Why should market lambs have at least .10” of finish?
To prevent dehydration and prolong shelf life.
True or False
F 3. Leg Score is the most important factor used in determining yield grades.
The fat over the loin eye between the 12th and 13th rib
F 4. Industry prefers lambs with Yield Grades of 4 or 5.
prefers grade of 2, but 2-3 is acceptable
Livestock Judging: Market Lamb Evaluation
Answer Key for CEV #477
Short Answer
1. Which lamb is the shortest bodied, most heavily finished lamb in the class?
2. Between 1 and 2, which lamb was the most correctly finished?
3. Of the four lambs in the class, which lambs were ewes?
2 and 4
4. Which lamb is the lightest muscled lamb in the class?
5. Between 2 and 3, which lamb was the most muscular?
Livestock Judging: Market Lamb Evaluation
Answer Key for CEV #477
Short Answer
1. List the five major factors considered when evaluating Market Lambs.
Structural Correctness
Style and Balance
2. Why is market lamb evaluation important?
Market Lamb evaluation is important to meet the demands of the meat
industry and the health conscious consumer. Market lambs must be
lean and muscular while still maintaining palatability.
3. What was your placing of the market lamb class? Defend your placing.
(use the back of this paper or a separate sheet.)
3 6 4
4. Describe the ideal Market Lamb in terms of finish and muscling.
The ideal market lamb should have a long loin, a plump rack and a
muscular bulging leg. Additionally, the lamb should have between .10”
and .25” of fat cover.
5. What is the most accurate view(s) for evaluating muscling?
The most accurate views for evaluating muscling are the side and rear
6. What are the four major cuts of the lamb carcass?
leg, loin, rack and shoulder
7. Define Yield Grade.
Yield Grade refers to the percentage of the closely trimmed retail cuts.
This is an indication of cutability.
8. Why is it important to keep fat thickness at .25”?
Retail cuts are trimmed to one-quarter of an inch. When we limit fat
thickness, there is less trimmable fat on the carcass for the packer to