Jr. Livestock Show Entry Form - Utah State University Extension


Jr. Livestock Show Entry Form - Utah State University Extension
2015 Entry Form – Duchesne County Fair Jr. Livestock Show
Entry forms are due June 3, 2015.
Please send to: USU Extension Office ~ P.O. Box 978 ~ Duchesne, UT. 84021
Exhibitors Name: ______________________________________________Grade as of Jan. 1, 2015:____________
Mailing Address: __________________________________________City _____________ Zip: _______________
School Enrolled in _______________________Cell phone # where you can be reached at the show: ____________
4-H FFA (circle one)
4-H Enrollments must be submitted at https://ut.4honline.com by the June 3rd, 2015
Email address where show information can be sent: _______________________________________________
Market Animals: You may enter a maximum of two market animals and one alternate market animal per species entered.
Tag #
Breeding Animals: You may enter any number of bred heifers, sheep or goats. Use back of forms if needed.
Species & Breed:
Sex & Age:
Species & Breed
Sex & Age:
Will you participate in Showmanship? No__ Yes__, in these species: Beef _______ Sheep _______ Swine ________
I hereby enter the animal /s at my own risk and will be subject to all of the Duchesne County Fair Jr. Livestock rules and
regulations of the show. I also certify that no drugs or other illegal substances of any type have been or will be administered to these
market animals. I hereby release Duchesne County, Duchesne City, the Duchesne County Fair Board, Jr. Livestock Committee, and
Utah State University or its officers, directors, agents, or employees from all liability of every kind and character on account of loss,
damage or injury to property which I may have on the fair grounds. I will also adhere to the Utah State 4-H Code of Conduct and
Waiver of Liability.
Exhibitors Printed Name
Parent or Guardian’s Printed Name
Exhibitors Signature
Parent or Guardian’s Signature
Important rules: Animal drug rule will be strictly enforced. All market lambs will be slick shorn before weigh-in. Only one
weigh-in will be allowed. Lambs showing signs of prolapse will not be allowed to remain on the fairgrounds. Male animals must be
castrated. No open sores permitted. Drenching will not be allowed unless the show veterinarian or a show official is present and it is
needed for emergency purposes only. Use of an electrical contrivance, muzzles, etc. is not acceptable. Exhibitors will need to
provide their own bedding. Sawdust will be available for sale at the fairgrounds.
For more information, please call 435-738-1140 or email michelle.simmons@usu.edu