Training school/PhD course on Qualitative and - facesmap


Training school/PhD course on Qualitative and - facesmap
Training school/PhD course on Qualitative and Mixed Research
Methods, 7.5 credits
The second training school in the frame of the FACESMAP Cost Action will be organised from
4-8 May 2015 in Umea, Sweden. The FACESMAP training school will at the same time be an
official PhD course at SLU University. Participants may optionally participate i) only as COST
Action participants at the TS, ii) only as PhD course participant, or iii) both.
FACESMAP will grant participation of around 12 trainees. The participation of Early Stage
Researchers and PhD students are both welcome. There are three possibilities to take part
in this course:
- as PhD student – with possibility to attend the course and earn 7.5 credits.
Precondition: to be PhD student at some university and formal application for the
course at SLU. Fulfil all requirements for PhD course according to SLU course
- as COST Action Early Stage Researchers – with possibility to attend the course and
to get the travel costs reimbursed through FACESMAP, but without obligation to
earn the credits. Requirements for the grant are: coming from a COST Action country
and as described below.
- combine both – application at SLU and COST Action in parallel.
This course will provide trainees with skills on how to conduct qualitative research on issues
related to forest resource management relevant to the transformation of forest land
ownership in Europe and its significance for management and policy. The course will cover a
variety of qualitative methods for data collection, analysis by manual and software usage,
and interpretation in a cross-country comparison context. Particular focus will be given to
research interviews, focus groups, innovative methods supporting researchers learning from
stakeholder’s interaction (e.g., the COST Action so-called “Travellab”), construction of
typologies, research ethics and how to reflect critically on research and sources used.
Upon completion of the course, the trainees shall:
- be able to evaluate and critically discuss strengths and weaknesses of different
research methods, including both qualitative and quantitative methods in
comparison, and different ways of combining these;
- be able to delineate a relevant empirical field including research questions,
interviewee selection and development of interview guides and coding scheme in
relation to a given area of research;
- demonstrate practical knowledge in the selection and use of different research
methods to establish relevant empirical material in relation to the analysis of specific
research questions;
- be able to discuss and explain the meaning of terms such as "general",
"representative", "strategic", "theoretical saturation" and "typologies" in relation to
empirical studies in different contexts.
The course will start with preparatory literature work prior to the intensive course week and
will include analysing work and a presentation after the week. The intensive week (4-8 May
2015) will include lectures, practical exercise and discussions. Trainees will then become
familiar with different methods such as primarily case study research, semi-structured
interviews, focus groups, participant observation and stakeholder interaction (Travellab),
and the analysis of data from these. In addition, discourse analysis and the use of narratives
will be discussed at the course. Trainees will demonstrate their understanding of different
ways of conducting research by various forms of practical exercises, based on the methods
of the course and adequate material provided by students themselves or by the COST Action
(FACESMAP). The experiences from the exercises will provide the necessary feedback during
seminar discussions. The participants will carry out a project work and present the results
orally. PhD students present their written report at a final seminar in Umea, COST Action
participants present the results at the Action meeting in Zagreb (June 8-10, 2015).
For completion of the TS/PhD course, project work and written report of the project as well
as an oral presentation is required for all participants. Granted Early Stage Researchers who
attend training school, will be invited to take part in the 5 thMC and WG meeting in Zagreb
(8-10 June 2015) where they will present their project work. For PhD students, who intend
to earn the 7.5 credits, the same is required but at SLU (see more details here)
COST Action TS Grant:
The grant for the participants will cover travel, meals and accommodation costs for the days
of the training school (intense course week). The grant will be a fixed amount of 900 EURO
except for Swedish students or from neighbouring countries with cheaper travel costs.
If you want to apply for training school as PhD student please send motivation letter and
the CV to and until 21 February 2015
(please note the specific requirements for PhD participants). If your application is positively
assessed, you will be accepted as PhD student to the course at SLU as well as the Grant.
If you want to apply for the training school grant as Early Stage Researchers please send
motivation letter and the CV to until 21 February 2015.
Applicants will be informed about the grant decision by email until 28 February. After that
they will also receive an official invitation via the e-cost system, after which they will be able
to book the accommodation and organise the travel.
*More information on the PhD course please find at the following link:
*If you need any additional information, please write us to