Application Questions for New Candidates


Application Questions for New Candidates
FACT Youth Board of Directors 2015-2016
Application Questions for New Candidates
The application for new candidates to serve on the FACT Board can be completed and
Online applications and letters of recommendation are due May 29, 2015.
Applicants should collect the necessary information and prepare their responses to the
application’s questions in advance; progress cannot be saved on the online application until
it is submitted. Write responses to the essay questions beforehand using a word processing
program and then cut and paste them into the appropriate spaces on the online application
form. Spelling and grammar are important.
1. Information About You (First Name, Last Name, School that you will attend next year
(2015-16), Home Address, City/Town, ZIP, WI County, Email Address, Phone Number)
2. Gender (optional)
3. Race and/or Ethnicity (optional)
4. Date of Birth
5. What grade are you currently in?
6. Please provide contact information for at least one parent or guardian (First Name, Last
Name, Relationship to you, Home Address, City/Town, ZIP, Email Address, Phone
7. Optional parent or guardian contact #2 (First Name, Last Name, Relationship to you,
Home Address, City/Town, ZIP, Email Address, Phone Number)
8. When did you first become a FACT member? (Check your profile
for the month and year that you registered)
9. How many FACTivism points have you earned so far? (Check your
10. If someone asked you, "What is FACT?" how would you answer them? (100 words or less)
11. FACT's new tagline is often used alongside of our new logo; it describes what we do.
What is FACT's tagline? Hint: It’s five words long
12. Serving on the FACT Board of Directors requires dedication and a continual time
commitment between meetings throughout the entire year. Successful FACT Board
members spend about 2 hours per week on Board work (conference calls, emails,
Check the box to indicate, “I understand that if I am selected to serve on the FACT
Board, I will need to make time for my additional Board member responsibilities.”
Engaging in elected official education is an important part of being a FACT Board member.
This involves providing community leaders with the information that they will need to make
informed decisions regarding tobacco prevention and control. If selected as a board
member, you may be asked to speak to a local coalition, school board or other groups, as
well as state legislators, about youth tobacco prevention and the FACT Movement.
13. Have you ever spoken to community leaders, legislators, or any similar groups in the
past? If so, please tell us about your experience. (100-200 words; about one paragraph)
14. What are the names of your local state legislators? Everyone has one State Senator
and one State Representative; you can search for this information online. HINT: Our state
legislators working in Madison, WI are different from our Congressmen/Congresswomen
working in Washington D.C.
High quality, approved FACTivisms meet ALL six of the following guidelines:
1. Eye-catching, unique activity that spreads the truth about tobacco
2. Peer-to-peer advocacy targeting an audience of youth in grades 7 through 12 who aren't
already members of FACT
3. Selected, planned and carried-out by FACT members with support from their groups' Adult
4. Clearly connected to the statewide FACT movement by including the movement's name,
logo and/or website URL
5. Educates the target audience with information that is accurate and is in line with best
practices for youth tobacco prevention
6. Is documented with photos that show the activity being done and is reported by the
youth that performed it on
15. Create an entirely new, original FACTivism idea that would meet all 6 guidelines.
What title would you suggest for your new FACTivism? Some examples of FACTivism titles
include, "Spot The Not", "Cups In The Fence", and "Human Billboard".
16. Guideline 1: Describe how your FACTivism idea would be eye-catching and unique.
(answer with just a sentence or two)
17. Guideline 2: How would your FACTivism idea target youth in grades 7 through 12 who
aren't already members of FACT? (answer with just a sentence or two)
18. Guideline 3: Could your FACTivism idea be planned and carried-out by teen FACT
members? Select either:
- Yes, teen FACT members could do this FACTivism by themselves
- Yes, but teen FACT members would need help from their Adult Advisors
(describe any help needed with just a sentence or two)
19. Guideline 4: Tell us how you would include the FACT movement's name, logo and/or
website URL in this FACTivism idea. (answer with just a sentence or two)
20. Guideline 5: How would you check to make sure that the information presented by your
FACTivism idea is true and current? (answer with just a sentence or two)
21. Guideline 6: How would you document this FACTivism (photos, video, etc...) so that this
FACTivism could reported by your fellow group members on (answer
with just a sentence or two)
Please answer the following short essay questions. Recommended response length for each
question is 100-200 words (about one paragraph). Spelling and grammar are important,
show off your writing skills! Reminder: You will not be able to save your work and return to
finish the online application; the entire application must be completed online all at once.
22. Tell us about why you joined the FACT Movement. Why is youth tobacco prevention
important to you? (100 – 200 words; about one paragraph)
23. What is the most memorable thing that you have done as a FACT member so far? Explain
why this experience was meaningful to you and what you learned from it. (100 – 200 words;
about one paragraph)
24. (Optional) Please describe any prior leadership roles that you have held (if applicable).
How have these experiences helped shape you as a leader? (100 – 200 words; about one
25. Tell us about the traits and skills that would make you a valuable member of the FACT
Board. (100 – 200 words; about one paragraph)
A letter of recommendation from your FACT group's Adult Advisor will be required as a part of
this application process. It is your responsibility to ask your FACT group's Adult Advisor to write
and submit a letter of recommendation for you. This letter of recommendation will be due to
FACT's Field Coordinator, Renee, by May 29, 2015. Your Adult Advisor must submit this letter
26. Who is your FACT group's Adult Advisor? (select Advisor’s name from drop-down list)
FACT Staff will contact your Adult Advisor via email to provide them with the information
that they will need to write the letter of recommendation.
27. Check the boxes below to indicate that you understand the letter of recommendation
- I understand that I will need to ask my group's Adult Advisor to write and submit a
letter of recommendation for me and that FACT's staff will contact the Adult Advisor
that I indicated above with the necessary information via email
- I understand that this letter of recommendation must be submitted by my Adult
Advisor directly to FACT's staff by May 29, 2015 or my application will be incomplete.
Type your full name and today's date in the spaces provided below to indicate that:
- the information that you have provided on this application is truthful and accurate to
the best of your knowledge and,
- you understand and are committed to the responsibilities of serving on the FACT
Youth Board of Directors for one term if you are selected.
Thank you for applying to serve on the FACT Board of Directors! The time that you have taken
to complete this application is appreciated and the information that you have provided will
be valuable during the selection process.
All applications and letters of recommendation are due by 11:59 PM on May 29, 2015.
Paper applications will not be accepted. Applicants that have been selected to serve on the
2015 - 2016 FACT Youth Board of Directors will be notified by June 26, 2015 via phone and email
and their one-year term will begin on July 1, 2015.
You must ask your FACT group's Adult Advisor to write and submit a letter of recommendation
for you. Your application materials will not be complete unless this letter of recommendation
is submitted by your Adult Advisor directly to FACT's Field Coordinator by 11:59 PM on May 29,
If you have any questions contact FACT's Field Coordinator, Renee, by email at or by phone at 262-703-4837.