The Coffee Pot - Falmouth and Gwennap Methodist Circuit


The Coffee Pot - Falmouth and Gwennap Methodist Circuit
Lanner Methodist Church
Sunday 26 April 2015
Lectionary Reading for today:
“Jesus is the one of whom the scripture says,
‘The stone that you the builders despised turned out to be the most important of
all.’ Salvation is to be found through him alone; in all the world there is no one else
whom God has given who can save us.” Acts 4:11-12 Good News Bible (GNB)
9.30am Praying Together
10.30am: Mr Peter Cocks
Please join us for coffee in the Hall following morning worship.
The Coffee Pot
Friday 1 May from 10.00am
Lanner Methodist Hall. Free tea/coffee. Come for a chat!
Everyone welcome!
Christian Bookshop provided by SacredPlace, St Austell.
Bibles, books, gifts available. If you would like to request
a particular item from the bookshop, please telephone
Dan on 01726 63945.
Spring Bank Holiday - Monday 4 May 2015
We have booked a stall at Gwennap Street Fayre.
Please can you help?
We need homemade cakes etc. (wrapped), bric-a-brac – anything
saleable, but no jumble. Could you help on the stall?
Please contact Sylvia or Jeanette.
Regular Events
Care and Share 2.15pm Lower Vestry.
Dates for your Diary:
Lanner Wives Group Monday 27 April 7.30pm Lower Vestry. Speaker:
Jacqui Liddicoat.
Network Tuesday 28 April 2.30pm Lower Vestry. Speaker: Rev Brian
The Coffee Pot Friday 1 May from 10.00am Lanner Methodist Hall.
Christian Book Shop provided by SacredPlace. Everyone welcome!
Circuit Prayer Meeting Tuesday 5 May 7.30pm Edgcumbe.
Lanner Wives Group Monday 11 May 7.30pm Lower Vestry. Speakers:
Rev Brian Mavers and Rev Mark Liddicoat.
Network Tuesday 12 May 2.30pm Lower Vestry. Speaker: Mrs J
Liddicoat (Bring and Buy sale for World Mission).
Coffee Morning Wednesday 13 May 10.30am Penmarth Chapel.
Everyone welcome.
Coffee Morning Thursday 14 May 10.30am Carharrack Chapel.
Everyone welcome.
Circuit Prayer Breakfast Saturday 16 May 9.00am Ponsanooth.
Concert Penzance Orpheus Ladies Choir Sunday 17 May 7.30pm
Edgcumbe Chapel.
Easter Offering Circuit Service at Stithians Sunday 17 May 3.00pm
followed by a 'bring & share' tea.
Wesley Day at Trewint Sunday 17 May 4.00pm- worship led by Rev Steve
Wild. Preaching from the Porch – Rev Mark Dunn-Wilson, followed by tea at
Altarnun Parish Hall. Service 7.00pm Altarnun Parish Church – Rev Mark DunnWilson.
Gwennap Pit Pentecost Service 24 May 3.00pm
Preacher Rev Steve Wild, Ecumenical service, Salvation Army Band
NHS and Alzheimer’s Society
You’re invited to our health fair! Pop along and enjoy a free
cup of tea and a slice of cake at one of our health fairs near you! With lots of
informal advice available about a wide-range of health conditions, from
dementia, to diabetes, stroke to respiratory conditions and much more, we'll
be able to provide guidance and support to help you and your loved ones.
Come and chat to our skilled teams, take part in a live memory café and let us
help support and guide with any health questions you may have. If you're a
carer of someone who has dementia you'll also have the chance to give us your
feedback on how dementia carer support could be improved in Cornwall and
the Isles of Scilly. For more information please contact: or call 01637 834806.
Monday 27 April 2.00pm to 4.00pm Crossroads Care Home, Scorrier.
Monday 1 June, 2.00pm to 4.00pm Falmouth Rugby Club.
Monday 14 September, 2.00pm to 4.00pm Wadebridge Town Hall.
Local Preachers and Worship Leaders Photo Competition!
Entrants to submit two photos for their entry. The first should be of
the local preacher or worship leader engaging a congregation
through worship or preaching. The other should depict the subject
in an aspect of their daily life that informs their ministry - perhaps in their day job,
enjoying a hobby or engaging with a community project. The competition is open to
UK residents and people are encouraged to interpret the brief as creatively as possible.
Images captured using smartphones are welcomed, as long as the quality is high.
Winners in each category will be awarded a cash prize of £75, with £40 awarded to
second and third place. The closing date for entries is Sunday 31 May. See
Catalyst – a FREE day for all the church family in Heartlands, Redruth.
Monday 25 May 11.00am to 6.00pm
Arts, music, activities for all ages, creation fest stage, exhibition area,
prayer celebration. Contact Ambassadors for Christ, Tel 01209 820342.
Events for children & young people
Route 393
(Friday 7.00 to 9.00pm Lanner)
Donation £1. Contact Mark & Julia Pratten (01209) 699896.
Friday Night Thing (FNT) fortnightly at 7.00pm for school years 3 to 6.
Contact: Ang (01209) 315526 and Sharon (01209) 214191.
Praying Ministry:
If you know of someone who needs our prayers, a visit or is in hospital,
please contact Rev Mark Liddicoat or a member of the Prayer Circle.
Gracious God, light and guide of all who put their trust in you: grant us in all
our doubts and uncertainties the grace to seek your will, that the Spirit of
wisdom may save us from all false choices and that in your light we may see
light; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. William Bright (1824-1901)
MWIB Spring District Day
Tuesday 19 May 10.00am to 4.00pm Carbis Bay Methodist Church
Contact Gillian Langford for details
Easter Offering
Circuit Service at Stithians Sunday 17 May
3.00pm, followed by a 'bring & share' tea.
Churches Together Tent at Royal Cornwall Show 4 to 6 June
A request for help required with hospitality in the Churches Together Tent, especially
to serve visitors with tea and coffee. For the offer of a half day's assistance in the Tent,
an entrance ticket can be provided which will leave the rest of the day to be enjoyed
around the Show. Help also required for the Pasty Supper on the previous evening,
following the Start of Show Service. Please contact Anne Tarry
or telephone 01841 540656.
Flowers kindly given by:
26 April: Mrs Thomas
3 May: Mrs Langford
10 May: Mrs Pooley
Services 10.30am
3 May: Rev C Phillips
10 May: Miss J Whetham
Society Steward: Mr Peter Bailey 01209 213088
Minister: Rev Mark Liddicoat 01209 217573