03/22/2015 - Fata Online
03/22/2015 - Fata Online
St. Louis Parish 12500 Clarksville Pike • Clarksville, MD 21029 March 22, 2015 Fifth Sunday of Lent Our Bulletin is also posted at our website: www.stlouisparish.org OUR MISSION STATEMENT: As stewards of God's many blessings and as parishioners of St. Louis Church, we dedicate ourselves to forming a vibrant community in the Roman Catholic Tradition as we lovingly reach out to all of God's people. We commit ourselves to welcoming and nurturing one another as disciples of Jesus Christ. PARISH LITURGIES Saturday: 4:00pm and 5:30pm Sunday: 6:45am, 8:00am, 9:30am (contemporary), 11:15am (Choir) and 12:45pm Weekday Masses: 7:00am, Church (Year-round) Saturday Morning Mass: 8:00am Church Reconciliation: Saturdays: 3:00 - 3:55pm and 5:00 - 5:25pm MINISTRY OFFICES Rev. Msgr. Joseph L. Luca Pastor Rev. Pete Literal Associate Pastor Deacon Fred Mauser Deacon Scott Lancaster* Deacon Frank Sarro Pastoral Ministers Mrs. Marianne M. Faulstich Pastoral Associate Mrs. Terry Weiss School Principal PARISH OFFICE ST. LOUIS SCHOOL RELIGIOUS EDUCATION 410-531-6040 and 410-531-6191 (Fax) 410-531-6664 and 410-531-6690 (Fax) 410-531-6688 and 410-531-6689 (Fax) WEE PRAISE: Faith Formation for ages 3-5 on Sundays during 9:30 am Mass ELEMENTARY PROGRAMS: On Saturdays for Grades K-5 at 9:00 - 10:30 am Special Religious Education at 9:00 - 10:30 am FAMILY RELIGIOUS EDUCATION & SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION Contact the Of ice of Religious Education. Mrs. Mary Ewachiw Assistant Principal CATHOLIC YOUTH MINISTRY OFFICE & ADOLESCENT CATECHESIS 410-531-6668 and 410-531-6689 (Fax) Mrs. Victoria Yozwiak PARISH YOUTH MINISTRY ACTIVITIES: Year-round for Grades 6-12 Director of Religious Education Dr. Patrick Sprankle Director of Youth Ministry Mrs. Mary S. Helfrich Director of Development Mrs. Heather Adelsberger Director of Music Mr. Leo Rudegeair Contemporary Music Group Director To contact staff by email use “ irst initial + last name” @stlouisparish.org *“ irst initial + last name + 1” @stlouisparish.org MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOL RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OPTIONS for Grades 6-10 CONFIRMATION PREPARATION: Process begins in Grade 10 with reception of the Sacrament in Grade 11. NEW PARISHIONERS, WELCOME TO OUR PARISH! A registration packet containing information on our parish welcome session is available for you on the bookshelf in the back of church. Our welcome session provides you with information about our diverse community and its many ministries. Parish registration will be completed during this session. Check the bulletin or call the parish of ice for the next scheduled welcome session. BULLETIN DEADLINE: MONDAY, 9:00 A.M. REGISTERED PARISHIONER INFORMATION UPDATE Visit our website @ h p://www.stlouisparish.org/ change.html or call the parish office to no fy us of any changes to your address and/or phone number or if you or any family member are reloca ng or moving from the parish. SEVEN SACRAMENTS OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH BAPTISM The celebra on of infant bap sm takes place on Sunday a ernoons at 2:15 p.m. Parents must be registered parishioners at St. Louis for at least six months prior to the scheduled date of bap sm. Parents are also required to a end a bap smal prepara on session. For further informa on, please call the parish office or visit our website. RECONCILIATION AND EUCHARIST For ongoing opportuni es to celebrate these sacraments, please see our bulle n cover. Children are prepared for First Reconcilia on and First Eucharist annually. Please contact the Religious Educa on Office for more informa on. CONFIRMATION This sacrament is offered annually to young people in high school. For more informa on, contact the CYM office. Adults may arrange for confirma on by contac ng the parish office. HOLY ORDERS For informa on on ordina on to the priesthood or diaconate, contact one of the priests at the parish office. MARRIAGE Engaged couples should contact a priest or deacon at least six months prior to their wedding date. One of the engaged must be a registered parishioner of St. Louis for one year. For further informa on, please call the parish office or visit our website. ANOINTING OF THE SICK This sacrament is intended for persons who are seriously ill or infirm. In order to receive this sacrament, contact the parish office. Parishioners scheduled for surgery are encouraged to contact the parish office prior to hospital admission. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) Adults interested in learning more about our Catholic Church and/or Catholics who want to be confirmed, should contact Marianne Fauls ch in the parish office @ mfauls ch@stlouisparish.org or 410-531-6040 x227. CHILDREN’S CHAPEL: during all Masses. Liturgy is televised in this chapel EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Is held in our Chapel each week from 7:30am to 3:00 pm Sunday. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT TEAM: At the me of a loved one's death, many details need a en on. An experienced volunteer support team is pledged to helping wherever needed. Call the parish office. NOVENA TO THE BLESSED MOTHER: 7:30pm in the Chapel. (Oct-May) Is held on Mondays at CHILDREN OF LIGHT PRAYER GROUP: This parish prayer group meets on Wednesday evenings at 8:00pm. DIVINE MERCY PRAYER GROUP: Thursday at 1:30pm in the Chapel and the 2nd Tuesday of the month at 1:30pm in the Church. ST. LOUIS PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL 2014-2015 Doug Iannarino Banashree Seifert Ma Kolb Helmut Seifert MEMBERS Jack Barbee Norman Belden Leila Benjamin Cheryl Evans Lucie Geinzer Mike Goudreau Alberta Hatmaker Doug Iannarino Chris Kelly Ma Kolb Patrick Marla Mary Alice Mauser Kevin McGowan Lauren Murray Chuck Peddicord Andy Santo Banashree Seifert Helmut Seifert Hollis Shenk Lizzy Timanus Joanne Yuvanc President Vice President Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary TERM 2012-2015 2012-2015 2013-2016 2013-2016 2013-2016 2013-2016 2014-2017 2012-2015 2014-2015 2014-2017 Ex-officio 2012-2015 2013-2016 2014-2017 Ex-officio 2014-2017 2013-2016 2014-2017 2012-2015 2014-2015 Ex-officio TELEPHONE 410-531-3653 410-992-4429 410-465-0180 301-854-2094 410-489-5662 410-290-7648 301-854-6233 410-531-8115 757-377-1402 410-964-1885 410-531-5280 410-489-2339 301-854-1209 410-531-6015 410-792-2512 301-317-6779 301-854-2259 301-854-2259 301-854-0126 410-428-9797 301-490-1516 Parish Pastoral Council mee ngs are held on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. - September through June - in the parish office mee ng room. All parishioners are welcome. Council members, available for parishioner comments and sugges ons, are in the narthex of the church a er all masses during the first weekend of each month. ST. LOUIS CHURCH March 22, 2015 FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT DAILY MASS READINGS Sunday Sunday Wednesday Monday Tuesday Jeremiah 31:31-34 Daniel 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 Numbers 21:49 Isaiah 7:10-14; 8:10 Genesis 17:3-9 Jeremiah 20:10-13 Ezekiel 37:2128 Psalm 51:3-4, 12-15 Psalm 23:1-6 Psalm 102:2-3, 16-21 Psalm 40:7-11 Psalm 105:4-9 Psalm 18:2-7 Jeremiah 31:10 -13 John 8:51-59 John 10:31-42 John 11:45-56 5th Sunday of Lent Hebrews 5:7-9 John 12:20-33 Thursday The Annunciation of the Lord Friday Saturday Hebrews 10:410 John 8:1-11 John 8:21-30 Luke 1:26-38 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Mark 11:110 Isaiah 50:47 Psalm 22:89, 17-18, 1920, 23-24 Philippians 2:6-11 Mark 14:115:47 What is Lectio Divina? While reading sacred scripture, read the words with a love and sense of discovery until something seems to strike home. Sit with the passage as one would with a good friend-not just thinking or analyzing, but instead remaining in a quiet, listening spirit, so the word can nurture and challenge you. Call to Prayer: “Let us take a moment The Word of God: Choose one of next Sunin the midst of all our activity to prepare day’s readings. One person reads the scripture aloud as others are attentive to a word, phrase, ourselves for prayer.” or theme that is meaningful to them. Allow for a Excerpts from SNOW FALLING ON SNOW Copyright 2001 by Robert J. Wicks minute of silent reflection. Have another person Used with permission of Paulist Press read the same scripture a second time. Faith Sharing: Begin with an open ended question such as “What strikes you from this reading?” and/or you can use the “Reflection Question” found on our website or bulletin. Allow time for reflection & sharing. www.paulistpress.com Closing Prayer: At the end of the faith sharing, invite participants to pray aloud for any particular petitions or praises they may have. Feel free to close with: The Lord’s Prayer or Spontaneous prayers or a faithbased song. Reflection Question for Next Sunday, March 29, 2015 This week, read the Passion according to Mark. Find a quiet place by yourself and read it slowly. Out loud. The whole thing. We have grown up with the story of Jesus’ final hours and sometimes become inured – hardened – by the familiar. Jesus, the Eternal Word of the Father, King of heaven and earth, became one of us and WILLINGLY went through the betrayals, the humiliations, the pain and suffering that are part and parcel of being human. And finally, even this: crucifixion. A wretched way to die. Ever feel alone in pain or desolation? Jesus has been there. Dear Parishioner: I would like to offer a very special word of thanks to all who were so kind and thoughtful to me and my family on the occasion of my dear mother’s funeral. Having received so many Masses, flowers, cards, messages and donations to Stella Maris Hospice, it would be rather difficult to attempt to write a personal thank you note to each of you. Please accept my sincere thanks from the bottom of my heart and know that I am deeply touched and most grateful to each of you. May my mother, Tommasina Maltese Luca, now rest in God’s eternal embrace. ~Msgr. Luca THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK In the roughest moments, remember: God is our Father; God does not abandon his children. - Pope Francis LENTEN CANDLES: In lieu of flowers during Lent, the candles at the shrines of the Pieta, the Blessed Mother, Saint Joseph, and Saint Louis can be given in memory or in honor of loved ones. Donation is $20 to sponsor a pair of candles per location for the week. Arrangements may be made by calling the Parish Office (410-531-6040) Monday through Friday between the hours of 9am and 5pm. All who are honored will be acknowledged in the bulletin. The candles for the Shrine of the Blessed Mother are given this weekend in loving memory of Catherine Tierney Bambrick. The candles for the Shrine of the Pieta are given this weekend in loving memory of Tommasina Luca. SPRING MULCH SALE sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Council to help support our charitable activities: Delivery and pickup for mulch will be Saturday, March 28. Offering 3 cu. ft. bags of shredded hardwood mulch for $5 each. If an order is 30 bags or more, we are offering free delivery. If under 30 bags, please arrange a pickup at Kendall’s Hardware between 8am and 12pm. For questions or to place an order call Vince Grauso at 410-531-3463 or send in an order form with payment and check payable to K of C Council 11898. Order form can be downloaded from www.kc11898.com by using the Mulch Sale link of the home page. Note: all orders must be prepaid and received by March 24. The KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS BLOOD DRIVE is scheduled for March 31, from 1:00 pm until 7:00 pm. Mark your calendars and please consider donating the gift of life giving blood to the Red Cross at Saint Louis. Sign-ups will be in the back of the church after all Masses THIS WEEKEND. You may schedule a time for the 31st before that weekend by visiting www.redcrossblood.org sponsor code kocstlouiscatholicchurch, calling 1-800-red cross or calling John Regnier at 443-266-7363. Heart and Soul Candy Bars are back! Plan now to fill your Easter baskets with delicious Easter wrapped chocolate bars and help support AMERICAN HERITAGE GIRLS, TROOP MD0413. This year there are three flavors to choose from: milk chocolate, dark chocolate and caramel. Look for a booth outside the church after all masses on the weekends of March 21/22 and 28/29. Thank you for supporting American Heritage Girls. MEETINGS/EVENTS THIS WEEK Discovering Christ Monday ACTS SCC Miraculous Medal Novena Choir Rehearsal Women's Bible Study Devine Mercy Devotion Meeting Adult Faith Formation: Into the Heart KoC Open Meeting RCIA Children of Light Charismatic Prayer Meeting Divine Mercy Prayer Group ACTS Women's Retreat Send-off Prayer Treble Choir Rehearsal Children's Choir Rehearsal Good News Rehearsal Thursday ACTS SCC Haiti Committee Adult Faith Formation: Mary Choir Rehearsal RCIA CDA Lenten Soup and Sandwich Meal Stations of the Cross ACTS SCC Monday, March 23, 2015 Monday, March 23, 2015 Monday, March 23, 2015 Monday, March 23, 2015 Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Thursday, March 26, 2015 Thursday, March 26, 2015 Thursday, March 26, 2015 Thursday, March 26, 2015 Thursday, March 26, 2015 Thursday, March 26, 2015 Thursday, March 26, 2015 Thursday, March 26, 2015 Thursday, March 26, 2015 Friday, March 27, 2015 Friday, March 27, 2015 Friday, March 27, 2015 Saturday, March 28, 2015 Social Hall Room 304 Chapel Room 305/Church Room 301 Room 301 Room 306 Social Hall Social Hall Room 306 Room 307 Chapel Room 306 Room 305 Room 305 Room 304 Room 306 Social Hall Room 305 Parlor Social Hall Church Room 304 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 8:00 PM 9:30 AM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:30 PM 1:30 PM 6:00PM 5:00 PM 5:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM 9:30 AM 5:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 AM MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Saturday 3/21 SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Confessions will be heard on Saturday, March 28, by Msgr. Joseph Luca and Fr. Pete Literal. 8:00 am Dale Leachko and William Fitzpatrick 4:00 pm Dorothy Irene Doyle and Manuel N. Borromeo CHURCH ALTAR LINENS AND CLEANING TEAM SCHEDULE Altar Linens Church Cleaning 5:30 pm Mischelle Thompson and Christian Knudson 3/22 Ms. Dolores Gill Team 4 3/29 Ms. Fran Justice Team 5 6:45 am Ann Walker and Rose Sovero 8:00 am Robert & Tracy Mayer (SI) 9:30 am Jane Gossage and Patricia Gelak 11:15 am Maurice Hall, Jr. and Margaret Riffe 12:45 pm Maria Bochniewicz and Alexander Teslow Monday 7:00 am Marianne Jedlecki and Kevin Klink Tuesday 7:00 am Edward Gwizdz and Frank McNeill Sunday Wednesday 7:00 am John Smith and Geraldine McGinnis Thursday 7:00 am Veronica Mary Maurice and Joseph Albert Firetti Friday 7:00 am Carl Essl and Jerome Long Saturday 8:00 am Kay Shelly Meredith and J. Shelton Meredith, Jr. 4:00 pm Veronica Mary Maurice and Elizabeth Bradford 5:30 pm Joseph Hathaway and Linda Wieman (SI) denotes a Special Intention for a living person or persons. Anyone interested in participating in the Children's Choir at the CHILDREN'S EASTER MASS on April 4 at 11:15 am (in the John Evans Memorial Gym), please attend the choir rehearsal on Thursday, March 26, 5:30-6:15pm. Contact Mary Theresa, deprem@comcast.net, for more information. PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR RECENTLY DEPARTED FAMILY MEMBERS AND FRIENDS: Pamela Joseph, wife of Malcolm Joseph, III and mother of Natalie, Malcolm, IV, Margaret and the late Elizabeth. BAPTISM: The next Baptism Preparation Session will be held on Tuesday, April 14, 2015, in Room 301 of the Pastoral Center from 7:00 to 9:00 pm. Please call the Parish Office at 410-531-6040 to register. MILITARY LIST: Pray for our troops and their families, especially: J. Adams R. Adams D. Canaday Bain D. Breville R. Cafiero S. Cooper J. Danko C. Daugherty L. Draughn P. Evans B. Gallagher N. Gladfelter B. Green D. Haack J. Helfrich J. Henry K. Holland O. Hughes D. Joyce M. Lark R. LeBair M. Mangus, Jr. K. McLin T. Musselman Fr. A. Ochalek A. Parrish J. Parrish S. Parrish K. Purser D. Reccardi K. Remick J. Ryan J. Scheler T. Settle J. Six M. Spies A. Stone R. Stone S. Stone E. Surrette B. Urena P. Wallace A. Wassell Fr. T. Wood K. Zaumseil PRAYER LIST: To have your name or that of a loved one put on our Prayer List for a three month period, call the parish office at 410-531-6040. Pray for all who need prayers, especially: Zorha Bahhari Dan Johnson Sandy Osborne JoAnn Bellucci John Justice Glenn Ozaki Margaret Biro Larry Boarman John Kaulfuss George Kuegler Herman Pierlioni Georgiana Podniesinski Milagros Borromeo Virginia Kovalyak Aaron Reick Nancy Bruch Dave Kraus Jason Richardson Paul Caruso Nick Lahijan Georgia Sabatini John Christman Melanie Ciesluk Jim & Lynn Lintner Sally Livingston Kyle Siveloski Matthew Smith-Farrell Veronica Costerioto Julie Longuemare Justin Tabio Kathleen Duckhorn Mary Lynch Paul Trainor Al Fitch Cornelius Flynn Tiyo Fonte Carter Furey Joseph Magno Enrique R. Valencia Maryln Meoli Lorraine Miller Margaret Miller Melody Walsh Patricia Walsh Geraldine Washburn Jeannine Grantham Richard Hause Nancy Mortimer Troy Neal & Family Susan Wynn Arlene Zook Lillian Held HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE PALM SUNDAY – March 29 Palms will be blessed and distributed at all of the regularlyscheduled weekend Masses HOLY THURSDAY – April 2 (No morning Mass is celebrated this day) 8:00 AM – Morning Prayer in the Chapel 7:30 PM – MASS OF THE LORD'S SUPPER, followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until midnight GOOD FRIDAY – April 3 (No Mass is celebrated this day) 8:00 AM – Morning Prayer in the Chapel 3:00 PM – LITURGY OF THE LORD'S PASSION, Veneration of the Cross, and Holy Communion 7:30 PM – Stations of the Cross in Tableau Form, followed by Veneration of the Cross HOLY SATURDAY – April 4 (No 8:00 AM, 4:00 PM, or 5:30 PM Masses & no afternoon confessions) 8:00 AM – Morning Prayer with RCIA in the Chapel 1:00 PM – Blessing of Easter Foods in the Church 7:30 PM – THE EASTER VIGIL EASTER SUNDAY – April 5 (No Eucharistic Adoration) 6:30 AM 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 11:15 AM 12:45 PM Additional Mass at 11:15 am in the John Evans Memorial Gym (Children’s Mass) TABLEAU STATIONS OF THE CROSS: Each Good Friday evening for many years, parishioners have enacted the Stations of the Cross. We have openings this year for a couple of men and women. No acting experience or training necessary: if you can stand still for a few minutes, you can do this. The Tableau is a loving service to the whole parish and only takes a bit of organizing during Lent. Please contact Marianne Faulstich mfaulstich@stlouisparish.org, 410-531-6040. LENTEN STATIONS OF THE CROSS: The Stations are celebrated on the Fridays of Lent at 7:00pm followed by Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Come and reflect on the price Jesus paid as He carried His cross to Calvary. This is an ancient yet very meaningful meditation on the price Our Lord paid for our Salvation and a beautiful way to keep the spirit of Lent. LENTEN MEAL March 27—CDA Soup and Sandwich Dinner, 5:00-6:45 PM in the Social Hall. Free will offering “GO TO CONFESSION” …advice from Pope Francis to all Catholics! Opportunities this Lent include: At Saint Louis: Every Saturday from 3:00 to 3:55 pm and from 5:00 to 5:25pm Friday– 3/27 from 3:00 pm to 8:00pm At the Shrine of St. Anthony: Monday through Saturday from 11:30am-11:55am Wednesdays from 4:00pm.-5:00pm Confessions are no longer heard on Thursday evenings at the Shrine THE LIGHT IS ON FOR YOU! This Friday, March 27, Confessions will be heard in the church from 3:00pm to 8:00pm. This is an excellent opportunity to make your Lenten Confession. Come and receive God’s mercy and forgives—the light is on for you!! PARISH PILGRIMAGE TO THE HOLY LAND PRESENTATION at the next Knights of Columbus Open Meeting to be held on Tuesday 3/24/15 at 7:30 pm in the Pastoral Center Social Hall. All are invited to listen to the journey of Parish Pilgrimage to the Holy Land presented by Mike Leumas. Light refreshments will be provided. For more information contact Jim Garippa at 443-995-1211. WOMEN'S ACTS RETREAT: Limited space is available for the upcoming Women's ACTS retreat on March 26 - 29. Please prayerfully consider if the Lord is calling you to come spend some time away with Him. You can register on the Parish website or by contacting Melanie Jangro at Melanie.jangro@verizon.net or Jeanne Nardolillo at Jeannenardo@verizon.net. Our DIVINE MERCY GROUP invites you to hear Fr. Jim McCormick from the Marian House of Studies on Tuesday, March 24, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm, speaking on the importance of Divine Mercy and Divine Mercy Sunday. We will meet in Rooms 301 & 302 of the Pastoral Center. We hope you will join us! YOUTH MINISTRY The following is a portion of an essay on My Image of God by Maddy O’Brien, 9th grade at Glenelg High School and a member of the EDGE Religious Education class. This week we were busy with standardized testing and trying to catch up from all those snow days! We had great fun in the afternoons shooting a video all around the school and cannot wait to see the results. A great big shout out and “Thank You” to one of our alumni, Jack Douglass, who took time out from his busy schedule to lend his expertise and talent to the project. Thank you to his mom, Mrs. Donna Douglass for leading the students in the choreography and making it all so F-U-N! Do you have an interesting career that you are passionate about? We are looking for guest speakers for our Career Day on April 24, and would love for you to join us! On Career day we try to expose our students to the many different opportunities there are and have them think outside of the box. If you would like to join us, please contact Heather Langsdale at hnalangsdale9403@hotmail.com. It is time to think spring and what better way than imagining yourself on a nice warm golf course! Plans are underway for our 23 rd annual St. Louis Golf Classic to be held at Cattail Creek Country Club on Monday, May 18 and registration is open. We are seeking business sponsorships and have many opportunities for you to show your support! For more information and to register, please visit our website, or contact Colleen Craig at 410-531-6664. St. Louis School Charms & Lapel Pins: Are you looking for something extra-special for your First Communicant, 8th grade graduate or young alumni? We have recently partnered with a local jeweler to have custom St. Louis School keepsake charm and lapel pins designed. They are available in silver or 10K gold, are on display in the school lobby, and complimentary engraving is offered on both. Orders may be placed through the end of March and will be available for pickup on or before April 24. Contact Irene Woo at iwoonet@gmail.com or Kathy Kelley at kkelley1217@verizon.net with any questions. Please give to the Annual Fund campaign which supports our budget each and every year by providing unrestricted funds to those needs that are most immediate. A successful campaign allows us to keep tuition increases at a minimum, and remain fiscally responsible. The good news is that we have received over $41,000 in gifts to the Fund for St. Louis so far this year, but we have a long way to go to reach our budgetary goal of $80,000 before our year– end of June 30, 2015. Gifts can be made by check and sent to the school office, or through our secure website. Even the smallest amounts can add up and help us to reach our goal. Thank you so much! RELIGIOUS EDUCATION VBS 2015! Get ready to have a BLAST at St. Louis SonSpark Labs Vacation Bible School during the week of July 13-17 from 8:30am to 12:00pm. We’re currently gathering our “Adult Lab Team.” For more info on how YOU can join in on this super fun week at VBS, please call Vickie Yozwiak or Tammy Schuessler at 410-531-6688, or email us at vbs@stlouisparish.org. Registration forms for campers and youth will be available soon! As a child I had always imagined God had long brown hair, a beard, and big brown eyes and always wore a white robe with brown sandals….I also knew he would always protect and forgive me and that he was responsible for everything I could see, hear, touch, smell, and feel…I know he has given us the seasons in nature, the warmth, our friends and family, and most importantly: life….Everything he’s given us is a gift and we need to cherish it…. I know that when I hit a rough patch in life, God will always be the first person I turn to….I know I can always turn to him when I have a problem or have sinned because he is so forgiving. That is one of my favorite qualities he possesses along next to the fact that he sees the good in everybody. I know that by doing the right things in life, I hope I’ll be rewarded with going to heaven to be reunited with loved ones while I’m right next to God. There are billions of people in the world and yet he always makes the time to talk and watch over me. He makes us feel special and he made us one of a kind…. I see him in my dream’s, I feel his presence in my room when I pray at night, and I hear him in my head guiding me to make the right choices. I know he’s watching over my friends and family with careful eyes, making sure we get up every morning and making sure we go to bed every night safe and sound. Thanks, Maddy, for your faith. I’ll be praying for all of you! MIDDLE & HIGH SCHOOL CATHOLIC YOUTH MINISTRY: 3/22 BRUNCH at Grassroots 6:30pm Foster the Faith 7-10pm Please pray for those on the Spark Retreats this weekend MS CYM Dance 3/27-29 4/10 4/11 Tentative Coffeehouse to benefit Haiti Sister Parish COLLEGE HABITAT FOR HUMANITY TRIP, May 25-30, is open now! For more information visit stlouisparish.org/cym or email kerskine@stlouisparish.org. ADULT FORMATION St. Pope John Paul II described the Mass as "heaven on earth." You're thinking "Really?"....yes, REALLY! Author and speaker Dr. Scott Hahn unfolds this mystery in his book THE LAMB'S SUPPER. Learn to experience Mass with fresh eyes and renewed hearts so that we can participate more fully, enthusiastically, intelligently and powerfully than ever before. Join other parishioners in a discussion to be held Wednesday, April 8, Room 303, 7-9 pm. The book can be purchased online or at a Catholic bookstore. Contact Mary Dan by email: handydan5@comcast.net or by phone: 410-531-6571. SHRINE OF ST. ANTHONY Recurring Events: x Daily Mass, Sunday through Saturday, 12 pm ( Tuesday Mass includes the Novena to St. Anthony) x First Friday Healing Mass, 7:30 pm x Third Sunday & Last Sunday Healing Mass, 12 pm x Adoration, Thursday—Quiet Adoration after the 12 pm Mass until 4:30 pm; Evening prayer from 4:30-5:30 pm x Confession, Monday—Saturday, 11:30 am and Wednesday, 4—5 pm Seder Meal: Thursday, March 26, from 6:00 to 8:30pm. A remembrance of the Last Supper Christ shared with his disciples and its connection to the Passover meal of the Old Testament. The cost for this event is $30 per person which includes a full meal. Please RSVP for this event by March 16th. MY BROTHER’S KEEPER Annual Bull and Oyster Roast: Saturday, April 25, 2015 from 6:00 pm – 11:00 pm at Mt. St. Joseph’s High School, 4403 Frederick Lane, Baltimore MD 21229 Come enjoy good food with friends and browse the selections at the silent auction, all to support a great cause! Tickets cost $60 each and are available online at www.mybrotherskeeperbaltimore.org. Tickets may also be purchased by check. Please mail checks made payable to My Brother’s Keeper to: Ms. Joani Van Tuyl, Cooke Family Office, 2205 Warwick Way, Suite 210, Marriottsville, MD 21104. Your name will be placed on the list at the door. Any questions, please contact Ms. Joani Van Tuyl at 410-680-8361 or joani@cookeinc.com. SAXOPHONE BENEFIT CONCERT FOR CATHOLIC CHARITIES: Seminarian James O'Reilly will be performing a saxophone concert at St. Mary's Seminary in Baltimore on Thursday, April 30, at 7:00 pm. No admission fee or tickets are needed to attend the concert. A "free will" offering will be collected during intermission to benefit Catholic Charities of Baltimore. Come out and enjoy an evening of classical, sacred, and jazz music. RESPECT LIFE: Bills to legalize physician assisted suicide have been filed in the MD General Assembly (House Bill 1201 and Senate Bill 676). There are 38 co-sponsors of the House Bill and 8 co-sponsors of the Senate Bill. Visit www.stopassistedsuicideMD.org for more information including how to contact your legislators. Tenebrae Service: Wednesday, April 1, from 7:30 to 8:30pm. From the Latin word for shadows, Tenebrae is an ancient liturgical custom of walking with Jesus to the Cross and Tomb through scripture and song. Good Friday Day of Prayer led by Fr. Dennis Mason, OFM Conv. on April 3 from 1 to 8:30pm. The cost for this retreat is $25 and RSVP’s must be in by Thursday, April 2. 3rd Annual Easter Egg Hunt: Saturday, April 4, from 10:30am to 1:00pm. There is no charge for this event but there will be hamburgers and hot dogs for sale for those interested in staying for a picnic lunch after the Hunt. Please bring your own baskets, blankets, and kites to fly! HEART OF MERCY HEALING MINISTRY will offer a Day of Healing Prayer for Women, "The Gift of Mercy", on Saturday, April 11, from 9 am to 3 pm. This will include Mass, two talks on the Mercy of Jesus Christ, time for personal prayer, faith sharing, and lunch. This is sponsored by the Sisters of the Good Shepherd in Halethorpe, MD, and is free of charge. For further information, directions, and to RSVP, please call 443-833-4332 or visit the website at www.heartofmercygs.org. For more info or to register for any of these events, please call the Shrine at 410-531-2800 or visit us at www.ShrineofStAnthony.org The Fifth District Volunteer Fire Department will host their COUNTRY BREAKFAST Sunday, March 29, from 8:00 am – 12:00 pm at Ten Oaks Ballroom. Come over after Mass for hot coffee, juice and a full course breakfast. Adults $9, children $5. Stop by and support our community firefighters and ambulance team. SAVE THE DATE! Please mark your calendars for a very special event taking place on Saturday, April 25. Columbia Pregnancy Center will be holding a “Celebration of Life” gala with guest speaker Archbishop William Lori. The gala will take place at the St. Louis Parish Social Hall and will include dinner, music and a special tribute to Pat and Bane Kelley for their many years of work in the Prolife arena. Tickets will go on sale mid March. For questions please contact Kim Hartman at Columbia Pregnancy Center at 410-7303223. I will draw everyone to myself! Throughout Lent we've been hearing how Jesus explained the reason for his coming, to save us from the slavery of sin. The more we accept and understand the mystery of our Lord's unfailing love for us, the more we want to get closer to him. It is, as the prophet Jeremiah said, written on our hearts. We understand what Jesus was trying to tell his disciples because we know about his passion, death and resurrection. But we sometimes forget the message of the Gospel delivered by Christ. The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. God is with us and we only have to approach the Son to know the Father. May the love we experience empower us to turn our hearts over to God! PARISH CENSUS AND PHOTO DIRECTORY OPPORTUNITY Saint Louis Parish is conducting a Parish Census. We will need help from parish volunteers processing and updating census forms. The initial form will be sent by email to all available email addresses and then a mailing will be sent to the remaining registered parishioners. We will need volunteers during the month of March. UPCOMING SECOND, SPECIAL, OR HOLYDAY COLLECTIONS March 28/29 April 3 (Good Friday) April 4/5 April 25/26 Building Fund Holy Land Shrines Easter Mothers’ Day Building Fund Be Part of Our New Family Photo Directory Program! Do you know the names of the people sitting around you each week at Sunday Mass? Saint Louis Parish is participating in a new Parish Photo Directory Program with Lifetouch Studios. Each individual or family will receive one complimentary 8 x 10 color portrait and a directory for participating. Over 100 families responded during the last two sessions. The next sessions are scheduled for Friday, April 10, from 2:00 to 8:00 pm and Saturday, April 11, from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm in the Pastoral Center. You may sign up online for a session by visiting the parish website at www.stlouisparish.org or by emailing Mary Helfrich at MHelfrich@stlouisparish.org. 2014 STATEMENT OF CONTRIBUTIONS HAVE YOU THOUGHT OF REMEMBERING SAINT LOUIS IN YOUR WILL? May be requested through St Louis’ website: www.stlouisparish.org/ taxstatement or by calling the Parish Office at 410-531-6040. Statements will be e-mailed or mailed at the end of each week. LEAVE A LEGACY THROUGH A PLANNED GIFT TO SAINT LOUIS Planned gifts are funded from accumulated assets of your lifetime. When you make a planned gift to Saint Louis Parish, it typically does not impact your current income. In fact, there are several types of life-income gifts that can actually supplement your income for the rest of your life. Planned gifts are generally used to build an endowment, which is vitally important for the long-term health of the church. Endowment funds empower ministry beyond what is possible through annual operating funds. They provide future parishioners with the means to continue to worship, learn, and serve the community and the world as we have been blessed to do. Planned giving is a powerful opportunity to ensure your most sacred values and commitments are part of your legacy. Your planned gift represents your hope for the future mission of Saint Louis and your faith in future generations. THE 2015 ARCHBISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL, Go Make Disciples is now underway. Ministries supported by the Annual Appeal include Catholic Charities, where almost one quarter of all funds collected are used to support programs such as, My Sisters’ Place, Our Daily Bread Employment Center, and The Food Bank of Western Maryland. Please prayerfully consider how you will support the 2015 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. Envelopes are available at the Hospitality Table in the narthex after all Masses. Making a pledge, which can be paid in monthly installments through December 31, 2015, is a powerful way to maximize your contribution. For more information on the 2015 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal or to pledge online, please visit www.archbalt.org/appeal. - ST. LOUIS PARISH THANKS OUR BULLETIN ADVERTISERS – PLEASE PATRONIZE THEM WHEN POSSIBLE - THE WESTERLUND GROUP REAL ESTATE 1835 Frederick Rd., Catonsville Associate Broker 13390 Clarksville Pike Highland, MD 20777 C: 240.372.7653 • O: 301.854.2155 www.TheWesterlundGroup.com TREE MHIC #16414 “Get The Workmanship, Quality, & Follow-Up Service You Deserve” Additions • Kitchens & Baths • Sunrooms Finished Basements • Custom Decks • Custom Homes Free Initial Consultation Family Owned and Operated Since 1979 Member American Association of Orthodontists Victoria M. 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Box 4889, Baltimore, MD 21211 - © 2015 - ST. LOUIS PARISH THANKS OUR BULLETIN ADVERTISERS – PLEASE PATRONIZE THEM WHEN POSSIBLE GARDEN CENTER • LANDSCAPING FIREWOOD • MULCH MHIC 410-796-4195 #10952 3515 S. Chevrolet Dr. 410-465-4636 7275 Montgomery Rd., Elkridge Ellicott City www.neuvalley.com www.neubauers.com NEW ROOFS AT COLUMBIA 410-381-1118 INCORPORATED Specializing in Basement, Bath, Kitchen Remodels Interior/Exterior Painting Small Handyman Projects M.H.I.C. #78831 For Free Estimate (301) 854-6480 Glenelg Ellicott City, Maryland Outstanding Service • 30 Years Experience Family Owned/Operated 410-203-1741 MD Lic. 96471 • HVAC Lic. 8680 www.kphac.com Hair Pros of Columbia "WOW! Finally I found a salon!" -New Customer 5560 Sterrett Place • Columbia www.hairprosofcolumbia.com Any Service 410-715-8999 John K. Eareckson & Co. Since 1917 443-851-1081 COMPLETE LAWN CARE Mulching & Pruning • Leaf & Debris Removal Brush Clearing • Snow Removal vinstotalcarelandscaping@gmail.com www.vinstotalcarelandscaping.com HARDWOOD FLOOR / CARPETING INSTALLATION & REFNISHING 410-977-4668 jkehardwoodÀooring.com We Congratulate ng • Siding • Gutters Msgr. 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Please Call Us At 410-578-3600 P St. Vincent Pallotti High School TRADITION EXCELLENCE COMMUNITY 410-876-9404 www.timkyleelectric.com BOARMAN’S 301-355-0045 COUNTRY SAUSAGE & MEAT MARKET BlueBirdDinners.com Free Cup of resh, All Natural & Organic Coffee on Sundays •• F On Your Doorstep 301-854-2883 • Only Five Min. ‘til Dinner is on the Table w w w.PallottiHS.org Rt. 108 & 216, Highland • Delicious Restaurant Quality Food 113 St. Mary’s Place Laurel, MD 20707 For ad information, Call Tim Maher or Phil Maher at (410) 578-3600 or write P.O. Box 4889, Baltimore, MD 21211 - © 2015 - ST. LOUIS PARISH THANKS OUR BULLETIN ADVERTISERS – PLEASE PATRONIZE THEM WHEN POSSIBLE - Independently owned and operated in Howard County since 1965 to serve all areas HARRY 4112 H.OldWColumbia ITZKE'S FAMILY FUNERAL HOME, INC. Pike • Ellicott City, MD 21043 • (410) 465-2848 Our Pledge is to offer the pinnacle of service and facilities regardless of one's personal financial circumstances. CREMATIONS • FUNERALS • PREARRANGEMENTS Original Harry H. Witzke Funeral Service founded in Baltimore - 1912 www.harrywitzkefuneralhome.com We are not affiliated with any other Witzke Funeral Home. We are the only locally, independently owned Witzke Funeral Home. E SO N N TR E E SPECI ALIST 30 1 - 85 4 -2 2 18 Lic. # MARINO Columbia Family Eye Care 747-5615 • 788-3983 COMPREHENSIVE EYE CARE PLUMBING & HEATING 5816 Clarksville Square Dr. • Clarksville M-F 8-7 • Sat 8-5 • Sun 10-3 443-535-9218 1610 www.Nelsontreespecialist.com FULTON ANIMAL HOSPITAL Dr. James N. Hess, Jr. O.D. 10% DISCOUNT w/this ad C.O.D. Only 410-531-7507 12345 Wake Forest Drive • Across from St. Louis Church RAYMOND G. MERKLE CEMETERY MEMORIALS 11845 Rt.-216 Next to Post Office FULTON STATION SHOPPING CENTER Laurel and Baltimore DR. FLAVIA DELMASTRO VETERINARY MEDICINE & ACUPUNCTURE Exceptional Service ... Exceptional Results! 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Box 4889, Baltimore, MD 21211 - © 2015