Political Science (POS) 2041 Syllabus U.S.


Political Science (POS) 2041 Syllabus U.S.
Political Science (POS) 2041 Syllabus
U.S. Government
Dr. Jared Graber
Winter Park Campus
Faculty Email: JGraber@mail.valenciacollege.edu
Faculty Front Door Site: http://frontdoor.valenciacollege.edu/?jgraber
Course Time and Additional Student Engagement
This course is scheduled for the Spring Term 2015, full term. Class sessions will run from 10:00
a.m. – 12:45 p.m. on Tuesdays for CRN 20516 in Room 237. A comprehensive Calendar with
precise dates for class weeks, topics, assignments and Unit Exams is attached. I will try and
provide time before and after class for additional discussion and/or questions. Feel free to
schedule appointments as well.
Catalog Course Description
POS 2041
3 credit hours
Analysis of the organization, structure and operational dynamics of the U.S. national
government, both past and present, and an examination of the U.S. Constitution, including
principles and theories supporting it. This course includes learning activity designed to ensure
competence in the basic use of computers.
Major Learning Outcomes for this Course
Demonstrate an understanding of the different types and methods of organizing
Demonstrate an understanding of the philosophical theories that led to the writing of the
Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution
Demonstrate an understanding of the core values supporting the democratic tradition of
the United States
Demonstrate an understanding of the checks and balances system created by the U.S.
Constitution, including an understanding of the major powers and responsibilities given
to each branch
Demonstrate an understanding of the effects of government at all levels in the United
States on citizens’ lives and the effects of citizens on government in pursuit of social,
political and economic goals
Demonstrate an understanding of non-governmental actors in the United States and how
these effect citizens’ lives in pursuit of social, political and economic goals
Demonstrate an understanding of the application of the scientific method within the study
of U.S. Government
Utilize critical thinking in analyzing political, social and economic issues
Required Text
We the People, An Introduction to American Politics, Ninth Essentials Edition, Ginsberg,
Lowi, Weir, Tolbert and Spitzer, W.W. Norton and Company, 2013
1 POS 2041 – Tuesday Syllabus Teaching and Learning
The class environment will be characterized by presentation of conceptual and factual
information, questioning, discussion, integrated media and web-based resources, debate,
simulations, modeling, consideration of developing political issues and additional contributions
which might occur. Student learning is the key objective of Valencia’s educational program,
thus you are encouraged to ask questions, express viewpoints and listen actively.
Perspectives on Selected Valencia College Policies and Procedures
The College’s educational program is linked to many policies and procedures. It is suggested
that you review those listed below by referencing the Valencia Catalog, Student Handbook,
online Policies and Procedures (http://valenciacollege.edu/generalcounsel/policy/) and other
appropriate publications. Special notations for policy and procedure as related to this course
are included in italics.
Attendance (Valencia Policy 4-07)
Professors must include their specific attendance policy and procedures in the syllabus
they provide to their students.
Course Policy and Procedure: Attendance will be monitored per college policy, is
certainly encouraged and probably essential for effective student performance.
Generally, class attendance will have no impact on the final course grade, positive or
negative. However, absence resulting in failure to take scheduled Unit Exams will
result in a penalty grade of 0 and have an impact on final course grades. In addition,
at the discretion of the professor, a pattern of absence and disengagement with course
activities and/or assignments can result in assignment of “W” grade and posting of a
last date of attendance on the student’s Final Grades record.
Final Course Grades (Valencia Policy 4-07)
Final course grades of "A," "B," "C," "D," or "F" shall be assigned based upon the
student's academic achievement upon the completion of all course work, including the
required final examination. A student who fails to take the required final examination
may receive a final course grade based on the evaluation procedures in the course
syllabus, unless the professor elects to assign the student a grade of "I" or as
otherwise addressed in the course syllabus. By assigning an "I," the professor indicates
that the student can receive a passing grade by completing satisfactorily the unfinished
course work before the conclusion of the subsequent term. Further, the professor assumes
the responsibility for grading the additional work and reporting the changed grade to the
Office for Student Records. Incomplete work must be made up during the ensuing term in
such a manner that permits the "I" grade to be converted to a letter grade ("A-F"). A
student who receives an "I" and does not complete the required course work before
the conclusion of the ensuing term shall either receive a grade of "F," or as otherwise
addressed in the course syllabus.
Course Policy and Procedure: See Evaluation and Student Performance section of
this syllabus. An “I” grade will only be assigned based on emergency circumstances
and only with advanced approval from the professor.
2 POS 2041 – Tuesday Syllabus III.
Withdrawal from a Course (Valencia Policy 4-07)
A student is permitted to withdraw from a class on or before the withdrawal deadline of
approximately mid-term, as published in the College calendar (See current Valencia
Catalog for operative date). A student is not permitted to withdraw from a class after the
withdrawal deadline. A faculty member is permitted to withdraw a student from the
faculty member's class up to the beginning of the final exam period, for violation of the
faculty member's attendance policy, as published in the faculty member's syllabus. A
student who withdraws from a class before the withdrawal deadline will receive a grade
of "W." A student who is withdrawn by a professor at any time before the start of the
final examination period will receive a grade of "W." A student who is withdrawn for
administrative reasons at any time will receive a grade of "W" or other grade as
determined in consultation with the professor. Any student who withdraws or is
withdrawn from a class during a third or subsequent attempt in the same course will be
assigned a grade of "F." The grades of "WP" and "WF" are eliminated. If a student
withdraws from a class, the student may, upon request and only with the faculty
member's permission (which may be withheld at any time in the sole discretion of the
faculty member), continue to attend the course. If a student is withdrawn by a faculty
member or is administratively withdrawn, the student is not permitted to continue to
attend the class.
Course Policy and Procedure: As published in the Valencia Catalog and described
Final Examinations (Valencia Policy 4-07)
Professors are required to offer final examinations to all credit students (except those
taking course work for audit) during the scheduled final examination period. Professors
are required to keep the final examination papers on file for one term. The type and
nature of the final examination rests with the supervising administrator and the individual
Course Policy and Procedure: For this course a Unit Exam IV will be given during
the time scheduled for the final exam in lieu of a comprehensive final exam.
Student Code of Conduct (Valencia Policy 8-03, Section III)
Valencia College is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge and learning and also to
the development of responsible personal and social conducts. The primary purpose
for the maintenance of discipline in the College setting is to support a civil
environment conducive to learning and inquiry. By enrolling at Valencia College, a
student assumes the responsibility for becoming familiar with and abiding by the general
rules of conduct established in policy. Violation of any of these may lead to
disciplinary sanctions.
Course Policy and Procedure: There are several college policies related to expected
student conduct. Reference Valencia Policy 8-03, Section 3, Subsection A (Grounds
for Discipline) for a lengthy list of misconduct descriptions.
3 POS 2041 – Tuesday Syllabus VI.
Standards of Classroom Behavior (Valencia Policy 8-03, Section IV)
Primary responsibility for managing the classroom environment rest with the faculty.
Faculty members are authorized to define, communicate, and enforce appropriate
standards of decorum in classrooms, offices, and other instructional areas under their
supervision. Students who engage in any prohibited or unlawful acts that result in
disruption of a class may be directed by the faculty member to leave the class for the
remainder of the class period. Unacceptable behavior includes, but is not limited to,
excessive tardiness, leaving and returning during class, early departure when not
previously authorized, activities that constitute an unreasonable interruption of the
learning process, side discussions which are irrelevant to the subject matter of the class, t
hat distract from the learning process, or impede, hinder, or inhibit the ability of the
students to obtain the full benefit of the educational presentation.
Course Policy and Procedure: Students are expected to conduct themselves in ways
that are conducive to learning, integrity and mutual respect. Please restrict your
use of cell phones or other electronic devices to eliminate any effects that are
disruptive to the professor and/or the learning environment.
Academic Dishonesty (Valencia Policy 8-11)
All forms of academic dishonesty are prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to acts
or attempted acts of plagiarism, cheating, furnishing false information, forgery, alteration
or misuse of documents, misconduct during a testing situation, facilitating academic
dishonesty, and misuse of identification with the intent to defraud or deceive. Students
shall take special notice that the assignment of course grades is the responsibility of the
students’ individual professor.
Academic dishonesty allegations may be processed by the professor as academic
violations, and/or may be processed in accordance with student conduct procedures.
Course Policy and Procedure: Per college policy and procedure, any dishonest or
unethical behavior cited by the professor may be subject to loss of credit for an
assignment, examination, or project; a reduction in the course grade; or a grade of
"F" in the course.
Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD)
In order for the OSD to accommodate students at Valencia College, students MUST
register with the OSD. The student must complete the appropriate Intake Form, AND a
doctor and/or a licensed professional to verify the presence and impact of their disability
must submit appropriate documentation. Appropriate clinical documentation should
substantiate the disability and present evidence to establish a rationale supporting the
need for accommodations. A school plan such as an Individualized Education
Program (IEP) or a 504 plan is insufficient documentation in and of itself but can be
included as part of a more comprehensive evaluative report. If the requested
accommodations are not clearly identified in the diagnostic report, the OSD will seek
clarification and, if necessary, more information. The OSD will make final
determination of whether appropriate and reasonable accommodations are warranted and
can be provided to the individual. For conditions that are subject to change over time
4 POS 2041 – Tuesday Syllabus (including health related disorders or psychological disabilities) the student may be asked
to provide updated documentation for his/her file on an on-going basis in order for
accommodations to be continued. OSD forms are available on all four campuses in the
OSD office or you may access forms via the college’s website at
5 POS 2041 – Tuesday Syllabus Evaluation of Student Performance
Ø The final course grade will be based upon the scores attained on four (4) Unit Exams +
an assigned Computer-Based Learning Activity. Each exam will relate to a major
segment of the course (see attached Course Calendar).
Ø Students are expected to take exams at the time scheduled. There will be no make-up
Ø Should a student have an emergency situation and receive “prior approval from the
professor” (approval before the time and date of the scheduled exam) to miss an exam,
the score attained on the Unit IV Exam (last scheduled exam) will be doubled in order to
determine a final course grade.
Ø Missing a Unit Exam without “prior approval from the professor” (approval before the
time and date of the scheduled exam) will result in a grade of “0” (no points applied
toward final course grade).
Ø Missing more than one Unit Exam, based on any circumstances, is not acceptable and
withdrawal from the course, per timing and policy, is advised (see Perspectives on
Selected Valencia College Policies and Procedures, Section III above).
Ø The Computer-Based Learning Activity must be submitted as directed by established
deadline. No late submissions will be accepted.
The following system will be used to determine the final course grade:
Unit I Exam
Unit II Exam
Unit III Exam
Unit IV Exam
Computer-Based Learning Activity
Maximum Point Values
Point Totals for Final Grade
378 – 420
336 - 377
294 – 335
252 – 293
Below 252
A (Excellent)
B (Good)
C (Average)
D (Passing Below Average)
F (Failure)
The professor reserves the right to change, add to or modify any part of the syllabus and course
requirements. Advanced notice will be given of any such changes, additions or modifications.
6 POS 2041 – Tuesday Syllabus POS 2041 – US Government Course Calendar
Spring Term 2015
Unit and Topics
Social Institutions
The Social Sciences
The Concept of Power
The U.S. Constitution: Theory and Content
Democratic Systems
Political Performance
A Model Political System
UNIT EXAM I (second half of class)
Political Parties and Political Campaigns
Voting Behavior
The American Political Spectrum
Public Opinion
Complete and submit Computer-Based Learning Activity*
by 2/17/15.
The Electoral Process and Electoral College
Interest Groups 1
Interest Groups 2
UNIT EXAM II (second half of class)
Chapter 1
Power Analysis
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 7
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 8
Legislative Pressures, Terminology and Process
Legislative Leadership and the Committee System
Presidential History and Power
Presidential Decision Making
Foreign Policy 1
Foreign Policy 2
UNIT EXAM III (second half of class)
Legal Concepts
The Federal Court System
Judicial Power and Judicial Philosophy
Approaches to Court Decisions
Landmark Decisions of the US Supreme Court
UNIT EXAM IV – Final Exam Week
7 Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 10
Chapter 14
Chapter 14
Chapter 12
Chapter 4
Cases Handout
POS 2041 – Tuesday Syllabus * Computer-Based Learning Activity Instructions
I will assign each student “the office title” of an appointed or elected
government official.
Research to determine the name of the person who currently holds the
Briefly describe the major functions of the position.
Briefly describe the background and experience of the person.
Suggest where this person fits on the American Political Spectrum and
explain why.
Send the information requested for 2 through 5 in an e-mail or e-mail
with attached file to jgraber@mail.valenciacollege.edu by assigned due date
of 2/17/15.
8 POS 2041 – Tuesday Syllabus Unit Exam Profile
As indicated there will be four (4) equally weighted Unit Exams, each of which will be linked to a major
segment of the course including:
Political Theory and Performance
Political Participation
The Legislative and Executive Branches
The Judiciary
Each exam will represent a value of 100 points applied to the final course grade. Exam scope and format
are provided below.
Section I (70 points) – Best Choice Questions
Thirty-five (35) “best choice” questions will require the student to apply factual and conceptual
knowledge or critically evaluate a process, procedure or issue. Questions will be derived from class
presentations and assigned readings.
During the 2012 presidential election the State of Florida might have been last in validating election
results because:
voting precincts had to close earlier in the day due to limited staff.
the state legislature decreased the period of time set aside for early voting.
tabulation of voting results was impacted by weather conditions.
the Florida Gators’ football season upset voting officials so much that they needed time off.
Section II (15 points) - Identifications
Identifications will require the student to describe or define (2 points) and explain one significance (3
points) of key terminology associated with course content. Six (6) options will be provided from which
the student must respond to three (3). Identifications will be derived from class presentations and
assigned readings.
Article V of the US Constitution
Council of Economic Advisors
majority rule
Henry Kissinger
Roe v. Wade
House Appropriations Committee
Section III (15 points) – Focused Essay
Response to the question or situation posed should be (1) logical in terms of structure and presentation,
(2) coherent in terms of language, (3) competent in terms of content and definition and (4) effectively
illustrated with appropriate ideas and/or facts. All of these dimensions will impact evaluation of your
work. Two (2) options will be provided from which the student must respond to one (1). Questions will
be based on major themes considered during the appropriate unit of the course.
1. Describe the concept of a political campaign and discuss at least four (4) ways in which technology
has impacted campaigning in the current era.
2. Describe and illustrate any five (5) individuals, groups or agencies that provide advice and counsel to
the President of the United States.
9 POS 2041 – Tuesday Syllabus