View Newsletter - Fearrington Cares


View Newsletter - Fearrington Cares
The Fearrington Cares Center will be closed on
Monday, May 25th in observance of Memorial Day.
Yoga Practice Improves Health
May 6, 11:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.
at The Gathering Place
Research, conventional wisdom and many Fearrington
residents agree: Participating in regular routines like
Jan Doolin’s Breathe Easy Fitness class improve many
functions and aspects of health.
Come hear this
engaging instructor demonstrate and share what is
known about these centuries old practices. Jan is an
accomplished teacher with years of experience and
also your neighbor. This program is presented as a
part of the Parkinson’s Support Group Meeting.
Environmental Health
May 14, 7:00 p.m. at The Gathering Place
Anne Lowry, Chatham County Environmental Health
Director, will present information about how
Environmental Health Division helps protect the
community from communicable illnesses including
those that are foodborne and water borne. In
addition, Ms. Lowry will share timely information about
tick-borne illness prevention and participants from
each household will receive a tick removal kit.
Of Sight and Mind: Looking for Links between
Age-related changes in the Eye and Brain
May 28, 1:30 p.m. at The Gathering Place
Dr. Whitson will begin her talk with an overview of
current, age-related research at Duke. Converging
evidence suggests that cognitive impairment is more
common and progresses more rapidly in older adults
with vision impairment. In this talk, Heather Whitson,
MD, MSH will describe two ongoing studies that are
probing the mechanisms that may underlie links
between age-related changes in the eye and brain.
One study investigates retinal biomarkers as a
potential means of detecting early Alzheimer’s Disease,
while the other study investigates brain and cognitive
changes that may develop in the context of agerelated macular degeneration. Attendees will have an
opportunity to learn about and register in Duke agerelated research.
Movement Classes
11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. at The Gathering Place
Mondays–Breathe Easy Fitness
strengthening your entire body to relax, rejuvenate
and re–energize you. No Class Monday, May 25th
Tuesdays, May 12, 19–Ceilidh Dancing (no class
May 5)
Informal Scottish traditional dancing, which is easy to
learn. This class alternates Tuesdays with our light
cardio workout class.
Tuesdays, May 12, 26–Light Cardio (May 12th will
be at the Fearrington Cares Center)
Invite a friend and come to a light cardio workout
program with Trainer Vinnie Papandrea. Vinnie holds
national certifications and has been a personal trainer
since 2007; he is well qualified, energetic and provides
total body workouts based on individual needs and
abilities. Take the challenge–get off the couch and
come join residents who are getting stronger and
healthier! This class alternates Tuesdays with our
Scottish dancing class.
New! Thursdays-Breathe Easy Fitness
strengthening your entire body to relax, rejuvenate
and re–energize you.
Fridays–Tai Chi
Uses slow rhythmic movements, deep breathing and
concentration. Tai Chi benefits your heart, your body
and your mind and helps to improve balance,
Caregivers Support Opportunities
May 15, June 19, 1:00 –4:00 p.m.
at The Gathering Place
Family caregivers play a critical role by providing a
significant proportion of the care for both the
chronically ill and aging. While caregiving can be
rewarding and positive, many family caregivers
experience significant physical, psychological and
financial stressors in association with their caregiving
role. These interactive afternoon programs will be
enjoyable, informative and relaxing. Join us for one or
both afternoon programs. Registration is required
by May 8th/June 11th. Contact the Fearrington Cares
Center (919–542–6877) for more information and to
Living a Full Life with Chronic Conditions
May 7, May 14, 2:00 p.m.–3:30 p.m.
at the Fearrington Cares Center
Resources can usually be identified to address chronic
pain but few resources are found to help with the
emotional roller coaster one experiences when living
with a chronic condition or illness. Negative emotions
undermine health; difficult personal feelings can be
compounded by a lack of understanding or empathy
from family and friends.
If you are a resident living with a chronic illness or
condition, consider registering for our program to find
practical advice, support and personal inspiration. We
will discuss the effects of chronic illness on identity and
self–concept, communicating with others in ways that
are healthy, as well as fears and aspirations for the
future. The program is limited to eight individuals. Call
the Fearrington Cares Center by May 4th to register for
either day (919–542–6877).
TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly)
Fridays 2 p.m. at the Fearrington Cares Center
The members of the TOPS group have collectively lost
over 25 pounds in one month and they are a small
group. Impressive…and that is some gains, some
losses and some whose weight has stayed the same.
They are proud of their increase in exercise and that
they are staying on track even when traveling. This
group is supportive of one another. They have a fun
time sharing their stories and ideas. Join them on
Fridays. Annual fee to join is $32 and then $5 a
How fortunate we are to have your financial support to
continue our work in the community; a special “THANK
YOU!” to the 342 households who have contributed in
2015. For many years Fearrington Cares has been
supported by 50-55% of the households in the Village;
this year we have a big hairy audacious goal of a
donation from 75% of you. Word of mouth is more
than 10 times as effective as any written materials we
could develop; please share your reasons for
supporting Fearrington Cares with neighbors.
While April is National Volunteer month, and we had a
party for our Volunteers on the 7th, rest assured that
we celebrate our Volunteers all year long!
Education Services: (All programs are held at The
Gathering Place, unless otherwise noted.)
 Movement Series: Breathe Easy Fitness,
Mondays, 11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
 Movement Series: Ceilidh Dancing, May 12, 19,
11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.
 Movement Series: Light Cardio, May 12, 26,
11:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. (May 12 at Fearrington
Cares Center)
 Movement Series: Breathe Easy Fitness,
Thursdays, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
 Movement Series: Tai Chi, Fridays, 11:30 a.m.–
12:30 p.m.
 Environmental Health: May 14, 7:00 p.m.
 Of Sight and Mind: May 28, 1:30 p.m.
Health Services: (Services are offered at the
Fearrington Cares Center)
 Blood Pressure Checks: ANYTIME!
 RN Office Hours: M–F, 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
 Foot Clinic: May 19 (Call 919–542–6877 for an
 Caregivers Support Opportunities: May 15, June
19, 1:00–4:00 p.m. at The Gathering Place
 Living a Full Life with Chronic Conditions: May 7,
May 14, 2:00– 3:30 p.m.
Support Groups: (All groups meet at the
Fearrington Cares Center, unless otherwise noted.)
 ‘Brainiacs’: Thursdays, 10:00–11:00 a.m.
(Contact Karen Metzguer, 919–542–6877, for
 Dementia Caregivers: May 6, 20, 12:30–2:00
p.m. (Contact Fred or Karen Shectman, or
 Parkinson’s Caregivers and Care Receivers: May
6, 20, 10:15 a.m.–12:15 p.m. at The Gathering
 TOPS Weight Loss Support: Every Friday, 2 p.m.
Community Volunteer Services:
Call the Center (919–542–6877) to schedule an
appointment, to learn more about these services or
to volunteer:
 Fearrington Friends—volunteers who provide
one–to–one social visits to neighbors.
 Handypersons, Computer Support or
Transportation Assistance.
 Support Group Leaders.
Fearrington Cares information is written and
edited by Fearrington Cares personnel. Please
direct comments directly to Fearrington Cares
at 919–542–6877 or
Gail Mazzocco, President
Karen Metzguer RN, Nurse/Executive Director