Aasha Express 10-06-2012 Book-1
Aasha Express 10-06-2012 Book-1
i`”B la[;k % 1 i`”B la[;k % 1 i`”B la[;k % 2 lekt esa fj’rksa dh fodV leL;k gS [kkldj i<+&s fy[ks cPpksa ds fy, vkidk lg;ksx bl leL;k dks de djus esa enn dj ldrk gS gekjs ckjs esa vf/kd ls vf/kd yksxksa dks crk,a rkfd ,d&nwljs ds lg;ksx ls fj’rksa dh leL;k [kRe gks lds vkSj <sj lkjs fj’rs ,d gh txg ij vkSj lqjf{kr <ax ls fey ldsa bu fnuksa Ldhe py jgh gS yM+ds ds jftLVª’s ku ds lkFk ,d yM+dh dk vkSj yM+dh ds jftLVª’s ku ds lkFk ,d yM+ds dk jftLVª’s ku Ýh Ýh jftLVªs’ku fcuk Qksu uacj okyk gS- ,d ds lkFk dsoy ,d jftLVªs’ku Ýh gS- Ýh jftLVªs’ku vius fdlh Hkh fj’rsnkj dk djk ldrs gSa fj’rs gsrq jftLVªs’ku ds fy, lEidZ djsa % jkds’k dqekj pkSgku& 09213603725 /;ku j[ksa % gekjh dksbZ czkap ugha gS] u gh dksbZ ,tsaV] çfrfuf/ki`”B la[;k % 2 i`”B la[;k % 3 uksV % Qksu uacj lfgr yM+fd;ksa dh lwph ;g lqfo/kk 2100/- #i;s ls jftLVªs’ku ij miyC/k gS ID No. 673lqeu] j k s g r d ] g f j ; k . k k m e z % 33 t U e frfFk% frfFk%04&11&1978 dn% dn%5]5" ja x %%xksjk f’k{kk% B. A., B. Ed. , B. Lib., M. Lib. and pursuing M.A. (History) Final Year. tkjh firk firk: phQ fVdV baLisVDVj] jsyos in ls fjVk;MZ xkS=%%cksgr] laidZ uacj% figky, ukjukSy oanuk& vyhiqj] fnYyhI.D.No.348.oa mez%22o”kZ dn% dn%4,10” jax%%lkQ f’k{kk% f’k{kk%12th lkbal ls] 3 o”khZ; fMIyksek bysDVksfud bathfu;fjax esa dk;Z%Asa Level III Engineer of Mol rile firk% ljdkjh ukSdjh ¼MhVhlh esa lgk;d fQVj½ xkS=% jh<yku] rq”kkeM+] ckyxqgjs lEidZ uacj % 9891657265 (Deepak) 971881156 (Balwan Singh) 09896158028, 09996186714 (Sh.Krishan Kumar) I.D.No.605- j h p k ] djuky] tUe frfFk gfj;k.kk]mez frfFk: 16& 07&1986 mez :24tUe dn dn:5]6" jax:xksjk f'k{kk f'k{kk:B. Tech. Electronic & Comunication MBA Marketingdk;Z%:ZSenior Engineer in MNC NOIDA ekfld vk; vk;: 50]000/& Father is Senior Manager in a Nationalised Bank] Mother Housewife] one sister is Computer engineer working with IBM] Younger brother studying- xkS=: <ykSj[k] lgks=k] NA vU; tkudkjh tkudkjh: Required B tech engineer working with MNC good educated high status family-boy with good earnings- simple living vegetarian & nondrinker family- lEidZ ua c j% 09216795565, 01814625565(firk&v’kksd dqekj) çhfr] jksfg.kh]fnYyhID No.678.çhfr] m e z % 26 t U e f r f F k % 10& 04& 1986 d n % 5] 5" jax%xksjk f’k{kk% ch,¼baxfy'k½vkulZ] 3 lky dk vkfQl eS u s t es a V fMIyks e k ekl dkfefuds ' ku dk;Z %ehfM;k esa ekfld vk;% vk;%20]000/& % r] pqfM;kuk] firk firk: cSad vf/kdkjh xkS=%cgks i h o k y Mob.No.:09899550905, 08860898614 (Sh.Palu Ram) :fp dsyk] vyhx<+] ID No.686.:fp m e z % 25 t U e f r f F k %%07&07&1987 dn% dn%5]2" jax%%xksjk f’k{kk% f’k{kk%,e,] ih,pMh] ch,M dj jgh gS firk% ,e,] ljdkjh ukSdjh] eka: ,e,] ljdkjh Ldwy esa v/ ;kid xkS=%%dsyk] ?kSx<+] lkSns Mobile No. 09557772618, 09810068051 (Sh.Purshottam Kela) ekulh] xka/kh uxj] fnYyhI.D.No.653-ekulh] m e z : 21 t U e f r f F k :16&07&1990] dn% dn%5QqV] jax%%lkQ] f’k{kk% f’k{kk%ch, vafre o"kZ esa i<+ jgh gS] firk firk: fnYyh iqfyl esa xkS= :<dksfy;k] xgyksr] cguoky vU; tkudkjh tkudkjh: eka x fyd lEidZ ua c j % 08800517766(Ashok Kumar-firk) lq"kek cSuhoky] MkI.D.No.658-lq va c s M dj uxj]fnYyh- mez % 28 tUe frfFk frfFk:05&04&1983 dn dn:5]1" jax: xksjk f'k{kk f'k{kk: Graduate ¼B.A.½ dk;Z: Working as fitness expert cum dietician ekfld vk; vk;: 30]000/& Mother: working in Safdurjung hospital Father is in MCD, Sister is in IT industry as manger, brother are in private concern xkS=:cSuhoky] Vkad] gaMkys lEidZ uacj % 8860017392, 9873214186, (Sh. Dayanand) I.D.No.668. gsek] ikye dkyksuh] fnYyh- mez % 26 tUe frfFk% frfFk%30&05&1986 d n %%5] 3" j a x %%lkQ f ’ k { k k % 12oha ikl dk;Z%C;wfVf'k;u ekfld vk;% vk;%20,000/-+ firk firk: ,;j QkslZ ls lqijokbtj in ls fjVk;MZ] ,d cM+k HkkbZ vkehZ es]a nks HkkbZ ,;j QkslZ esa xkS=%%?kwlj] [k=h] Vkad vU;% iwjk ifjokj fMQsl a ls lacfa /kr gS rFkk vkbfM;y ifjokj] u'ks vkfn ls nwj lEidZ ua c j% j%8447514750, 9350911960(OmPrakash) ID N o. 705. PARNOTI, Gaziabad, U.P., Age:23 Date of Birth:13-06-1989 Height:5,4" Color: Saaf Education: BA Doing Father:Govt.Job Gotra:Parcha, Bidla, Karotia Mobile No.: 07503351504, 09871584815 (Father:Dhram Veer) lfork] ID No.687-lfork] lfork]'kdw j iq j ] fnYyh- mez%30 tUe frfFk% frfFk%09&02&1981 dn% dn%5QqV jax%%xsgqavk f’k{kk% f’k{kk%ch,+ C;wfVf’k;u dkslZ + QS’ku fMtkbfuax firk% lgk;d % d ] cks g r] Mq y xp] vU; fQVj xkS = %Vka tkudkjh % yM+dh lrlaxh gS Mobile No.: 09811658589, 09711325757, 09654302690 (Sh.Mahaveer Singh) ID No.696. Sneh Vaidh, Vasant Vihar, Delhi Age: 26 Date of Birth:0506-1986 Height:5,3" Color:Fair Education:Graduate (B.Com) Work:Office assistant maruti co Family details :Mother, Father 1 Sister 1Brother Father govt employee air india delhi- Sr. Traffic Supervisor Gotra:Vaid, Raathi, Lahora Mobile No.: 9818854640 (Father: Sh. S.C. Vaid) nw t h;k% I.D.No.720. ekyk] jkuh ckx] fnYyh- tUe frfFk % fnlacj 1976 dn% 5,6” jax% lkQ f’k{kk% ch,] dk;Z% vkaxokM+h esa xkS=% cgksr] <hdk] figky o vkeus&lkeus figky u gks] vU; tkudkjh% tkudkjh%nwth;k] ,d cPpk lEidZ djsa% MkW- xqykc] eksckby uacj% 09968399711 i`”B la[;k % 3 i`”B la[;k % 4 uksV % ;g lqfo/kk 2100/- #i;s ls ij miyC/k gS Qksu uacj lfgr yM+fd;ksa dh lwph ID No.700. ARCHNA, Gandhi Nagar, Delhi.Age: 30, Date of Birth: 2706-1982, Height:5,4" Color:FAIR, Education:BA Pass+Computer Diploma, Family details: Father: Govt.Job, Messanger, Gotra:Gehlot, Dhandwal Bahot, Mobile No. : 9958754157, 9268441520 ( BALESHWAR SINGH GEHLOT) ID No.715.Chanchal, TIS HAZARI ROAD, DELHI. Age:26 Date Of Birth:03-03-1986, Height:5,2" Color:Fair Education: B.A.(H) FROM D.U. J.B.T. FROM BHOPAL BOARD. Pursuing M.A. FROM IGNOU. Family details :I have three elder sister.And one brother. Gotra:Paarcha, Balguher, Kaangda Mobile No.: 09350433043, 09212911518, Email: kulkumar17@gmail.com (Father: Sh.Vinod Paarcha) ID No.732. Rakhi, Khichadi Pur, Delhi, Age: 24 Date of Birth:16-061988 Height:5,3" Color:Fair, Education:12th Pass Doing Computer course, Father:Air port Se VRS, Gotra:Jangare, Chauhan, Kudahan, Mobile No.: 09717519887, 09650026436, 08826921899 ID No.739. Reena, Gaziabad, U.P. Age:27 Date of Birth:02-05-1985 Height:5,1", Color:Fair Education: BA Father: MA, Lab Assistant Gotra: Parcha, Baihniwal, Vaidh, Mobile No.: 08750311109 (Father:Sh.Krishan Bir) ID No.757.SHEETAL ASHOK CHENDALYE , AKOLA, MAHARASTRA, Age:27, Date of Birth:24-04-1985, Height: 5,7" Color:Fair Education:M.A. AND COMPUTERS COURSES TYPING Work: RPF SUB INSPECTOR, (RAILWAY SERVICE) Monthly Income: 20,000/- FATHER: ADVOCATE, MOTHER: M.A. SHEETAL IS RAILWAY RPF SUB INSPECTOR AT RATLAM RAILWAY STATION M.P Gotra:CHENDALYE, KAROSIYA, VAYEDTH, Other information : Cast NO Bar, RAILWAY SERVANTS. STATE GOVRNMENT SERAVANTS TEACHAR OR CLEARK, Mobile No.: 09325625285, 09096276240, E-mail: rkarpsiya1@gmail.com (Father: ADV. ASHOK PARKASH CHENDALYE) jftLVªs’ku ID No.508.Sapna, Ayurvigan Nagar, Delhi. Age: 25 Date of Birth:09-03-1987 Height:5 foot Color: Saaf: Education: 12th, NTT courses and Beautician Work: Part-time work as a social worker in Govt. Hospital Father: SA Gotra:Chhajlana, Bainiwal, Dhakolia Mobile No.: 9910055876, 9871311367 (Father: Sh.Mangeram) ID No.728.Kavita Bidlan, Gaziabad, U.P. Age:26 Date of Birth:12-10-1985 Height:5,1" Color:Fair Education: MBA Finance Work: Finance Officer Monthly Income:20,000/- Family details :Father: B.Tech/MBA, President (Projects) Gotra:Bidlan, Dagore, Kundia Mobile No.09818551275/ 09818748726, Email : rajni320@rediffmail.com (Father: Sh.P.C. Bidlan) lksfu;k , fiFkkSjx<+] mRRjk[kaM- mez%30 I.D.672-lks dn%5,3” jax%%xsgv aq k tUe frfFk% 20 -April -1982 dn% Educational Qualification: B.A. From Kumaon University ( With English Literature ) M. A. From Kumaon University B. ed. From IGNOU Additional Qualification: 6 Month Computer Software Education 9 Month (D.H.N.) Diploma in Hardware & Networking From UIIT xkS=% lsyoku] ?kk?kV Mobile No.: 09458791334, (Mother’-Smt. Dulari Devi)soniya2069@yahoo.com ID No.760.Laxmi, Kalkaji, Delhi, Age:34, Date Of Birth:19-101978, Height:1637cm, Color: Gehuna, Education:MA, B.A.Pass, Work:Private JOB, Father: MCD Retd,Mother: Govt Service, Brother: property dealer and builders, Gotra:Mehandwal, Jhinjotar, Hastodia/dulguch, Mobile No.: 09958641710, (Father: Sh.Jagdish Chander) ID No. 759.Jyoti, dehra dun, Uttarakhand, Age: 28, Date Of Birth: 07-12-1983, Height:5,3", Color:wheatish, Education: Graduate, Work:Job, Monthly Income:25,000/Father: retd from Army, Mother is housewife, Three brothers- eldest officer with govt of india, other two in pvt sector. Well educated Family from dehra dun., Gotra:Sodha, Atwal, Chahar, Other information :educated family preferred, looking for a boy from govt/psu sector. Mobile No.: 09654369964, E-mail: ghanshyamsodhia @gmail.com, (Father: Sh.Rati Ram) ID No.766.Ashmita, Madan Pur, Delhi, Age:25, Date Of Birth:26-1-1988, Height:5,4", Color:Gehuna, Education:Under Graduate, Work:Apply For Job, Father: Private Job,Mother,House Wife, Gotra:Mardan, Baihinwal, Chauhan, Mobile No.:09811904544,(Father: Sh.Ashok Kumar ) i`”B la[;k % 4 Qksu uacj lfgr yM+fd;ksa ds fj’rs i`”B la[;k % 5 dksbZ Hkh fj’rk Lohdkj&iDdk djus ls igys vPNh rjg ls tkap&iM+rky dj ys-a fj’rs gsrq nh xbZ tkudkjh dh lR;rk dh xkjaVh gekjh ugha gS- gekjs ikl vf/kdrj fj’rs vatku yksxksa ds gksrs gS]a blfy, vki [kqn rlYyh djs-a ID No.307. Reena, Mahroli, Delhi. ID No.691. ljyk] 'kdwj iqj] fnYyh mez%34 Date of Birth: 01-07-1982 Height:5,4" tUe frfFk% 04&06&1978 dn% dn%5QqV jax% xksjk f'k{kk% Color:Fair Education: BA+ Nursing ch-lh-,- vafre o"kZ ds dqN isij jgrs gSa] ,e-lh-,- esa Diploma Work: Govt. Job, Staff Nurse Govt. Hospital Monthly Income:45,000/- Family ,Mfe'ku gks pqdk gS- O- Level dEI;wVj dkslZ] firk% details : Father: Government Jobs, Eleder ikfyZ;kesUV esa okpesu eka%ljdkjh ukSdjh] xkS=%%[kSjkfy;k] Brother: officer in Govt. sector, Younger jktiwr NkSdj] mTthuoky] lEidZ uacjj: 9999375933, Brother: Software Engineer, Post Graduate in firk% veh yky½ IT Gotra: Mahrolia, Vaid Mobile 9289695046 ¼firk% f'k[kk pkSgku] Xokfy;j] e/; çns'kID No.693.f'k[kk mez%30 tUe frfFk% frfFk%27&03&1982 dn dn:5]4" jax%%xksjk f'k{kk% M.A., B.ed, TGDCA (Computer½ ikfjokfjd fooj.k fooj.k: 02 Brother, 02 Sisters, 01 Brother & 01 Sister are married x k S = :Chauhan, Pyal, Bal Gauhar v U ; tkudkjh tkudkjh:she is soft nature , slim & educated girl. we wanted a " MANGLIK" boy- l E i d Z u a c j % 09406978687, 09450070078 ¼ f i r k :Harnarayan Chauhan½ No.:9868927460, 08826870260, 01126643541 (Father: Sh.Attar Singh) ID No.708.SUDHA KUMARI, Kota, Rajasthan., Age:29, Date of Birth : 01-111982, Height:5’5" Color: Wheatish Education :M.A. (Pol. Science), Gotra: Kalosiya, Narwala, Nakwal Mobile No.:09460676794 (Father:Sh. Puran Mal) ID No.697.Indu Singh, Haridwar, Uttaranchal Age: 30 Date of Birth:18-12 -1981 Height:5,4" Color:Fair Education: B.Sc.(M) and M.B.A Work:Assistant Engineer - Tendering & Purchasing Monthly Income: 20,000/- Gotra:Chutaile, Dohar, Dagur Mobil No.: 9555792235, 8595420111(Father: ID No.712.Preeti Deep, Kanpur (UP)Age:28 Date of Birth:03-02-1983 Height:5,4" Color:Wheetesh Education: MCA From Kanpur University Work :Working as a Software Engineer Monthly Income: 25000/- Family details :Father is working as a Customs Inspector & mother is homemaker. Gotra: Karoshiya, Tilakdhari Mobile No.:09311494684, (Father:Sh. Kailash Chandra) xhrk vatyh]lq yh] Yrku iqjh]fnYyh]mez mez%22, I.D.No.476-xhrk dn% dn%5QqV] lkQ] f’k{kk% f’k{kk%ch-dke] tschVh] ,e-dke dj jgh gS]xkS=%%xkxjk] ikjpk] Vkad] lEidZ uacj % 9654995540 (Sh. Ishwar Chand Gagra), 09999641686(P.K.Gagra) ID No.694. u h y e f l a g ] xkft;kckn] m-ç- mez% 26 tUe frfFk% frfFk%0901-1986 dn% dn%5,4" jax%%xsgqavk f’k{kk% f’k{kk%,ech-,-] ,e-,- tkjh firk% ;qih iqfyl esa gSM dkaLVscy xkS=%%Nk% fNM+d] Ntykuk] >a > ks V j Mobil No. 09013376849, 09990102131 (Father:Sh.Satyaveer Singh) ID No.698. DR. POONAM KARNWAL, MEERUT, UP Age:31 Date of Birth:05-01-1981 Height:5,3" Color:FAIR Education: B.SC, BPT, MIAP (Bachelor of Physiotherapist) Work:OWN CLINIC Monthly Income: 30,000-35,000 Family details : FOUR BROTHERS (TWO MARRIED) & THREE SISTERS (ONE MARRIED) Gotra: KUDRIYA, PATHRAY, TAANK Mobil No. 09897319325, 08534907073, (Father: SH. RAM CHARAN) Other information :REQUIRE, DOCTOR, ENGINEER, BANK OFFICER & ETC. ID No.704. Dr. Shivangi Pihal, Rohini, Delhi. Age:25 Date of Birth:28-021987 Height:5,1" Color:Fair Education: B.A.M.S (D.U.) Work:Working in Pvt. Hospital Monthly Income:18,000/- Father: BA,LLB, Govt.Job- Sr. Law Officer Gotra:Pihal, Mangwane, Dulgach Other Information: Manglik, Mobile No.:09953649915, 09650333866, Email : pihal@hpcl.co.in (Father:Sh. S.K. Pihal) ID No.710. Neeru (Punjabi), R.K.Puram, Delhi.Age:32, Date of Birth:09-03-1980, Height:5,3", Color:Gehuna, Education: Graduate (Under), Work:Pvt. Job, Monthly Income:10,000/-, Gotra:Nahar, Sahota Mobile No.: 09871868714, 09999826745 (Brother: Sh.Harish Kumar) ID No.736.Sangita Lukhar, Delhi University, Delhi, Age:31, Date of Birth:31-03-1981, Height:5,2" Color:Fair Education: BA Pass, Father: Government Jobs(DDA), Gotra: Lookhar, Dulgach, Sauda, Mob. No.: 09650462756, 09250998685 (Fahter:Ram Dhari) ID No.738.Neeru Birla, Saharanpur U.P., Age: 28, Date of Birth:28 -08 -1984, Height:5,3", Color:Fair, Education:M.A. (economic) pursuing, BA (English,economic), computer diploma Family details :Well educated family. Father is indian railway as train guard old Delhi. elder brother has done MBA (Finance) & working in capital market and younger brother is studying in polytechnic. Gotra:Birlan, Sodhe Other information :We are follower of shri satpal ji maharaj satsang so we are prefer vegetarian family. Mobile No.: 08010341016, 09717634584 (Father:Sh.Babu Ram Birla) ID No.716.Dr. Bhavana Chandra, Lucknow (UP)Age:31 Date of Birth:25-06-1980 Height:5,4" Color:Wheetesh Education: B.H.M.S. Gotra: Silaut Mobile No.: 09452777619, Email: (FatherHarish Chandra) i`”B la[;k % 5 Qksu uacj lfgr yM+fd;ksa ds fj’rs uksV % i`”B la[;k % 6 ;g lqfo/kk 2100/- #i;s ls jftLVªs’ku ij miyC/k gS ID No.723. Alka, Katwaria Sarai, Delhi.Age:29, Date of Birth:14-02-1983, Heigth:5,2" Color:Fair, Education: MA(Enlish)- Final Year Father: Cashier ( Syndicate Bank) Gotra:Dulgach / Mehrolia, Bhardwaj,Ridlan Mobile No.:09711801203, 09312268040, Email: rakeshkumar 9751@gmail.com Father: Sh. Rohtash Kumar) ID No.725. Savita, Adarsh Nagar, DELHI. Age: 28, Date of Birth:28-06-1984, Heigth:5,4" Color:Fair Education: BPT(Bachelor of Physiotherapy) Work:Own Clinic, Monthly Income:35,000/- Father: Senior Section Officer MTNL, Gotra:Jeenwal, Kudia, Paarcha Mobile No.:9013305718, 011-27630131 (Father:Bhule Singh) ID No.724.Manvi, Gandhi Nagar, DELHI. Age:19, Date of Birth: 31-071993, Heigth:5,4", Color: Fair Education:Reading in 12th Class, Mother: Metro in Supervisor, Gotra:Keer, Dhakolia, Jingalay Mobile No.: 08800517766, Email:ashoksiddhant @yahoo.com (Sh. Ashok Kumar) ID No.742. Sanju, PATIALA, PUNJAB, Age:32Date of Birth:21-12-1980 Height:, 5,6"Color: Fair Education: B.A,COMPUTER DIPLOMA L.I.C. AGENT, FATHER: ARTIST IN PUNJABI UNIVERSITY, FOUR BROTHERS, BROTHER-1:XCISE INSPECTOR, BROTHER-2:RMY, BROTHER- 3, LERK IN PUNJABI UNIVERSITY, BROTHER4:EDICAL REPRESENTATIVE. Gotra:Sarwan, Gharu, Gudiliya, Mobile No.:09760767453, 09988451513 (Father:SHRI CHAND) ID No.747.Rekha, Madipur, Delhi. Age:32, Date of Birth:25-09-1980 Height:5,3", Color: Saaf Education: BCA From DU and MBA (kurukshetra university), Diploma Work:PVT Job, Financial Advisor Monthly Income:35000/- Family details : Father: Late. BA, Used to work with central bank of india. Mother: Supervisor(MTNL) Brother-1 :Works with am IT Company, Bsc(computer science) from D.U. Brother2: for the past 2 years at U.K. For Degree in Hospitality Gotra:Bagri, Chavria, Sauda, Mobile No.: 09899031333, 09210105286 (Brother- Nitin) ID No.748. Pooja, Panchkula, Haryana Age:22, Date Of Birth:22-12-1989, Height:5,6", Color:Very Fair Education: She is B.A (Hons) & Pursuing MBA From SCDL. Family details : We are two brother & one sister. Elder brother is working in vardhman as an engineer.Younger brother is pursuing B.Tech.CSE.Father is retired Deputy Superintendent from Haryana Urban Estates Department.Mother is homemaker., Gotra: Lohat, Hans, Sarsu Mobile No.: 01722584353, 08091179721,E-mail: aktitstc@gmail.com ( Father: Mr Man Singh) ID No.751.Dr. Shikha, R.K. Puram, Delhi Age:24, Date of Birth: 26-03-1988, Height:5,5", Color:Saaf, Education: B.A.M.S.(Delhi University), doing - MD Work:Doctor Monthly Income:50,000/- Father: BA, Govt. Job, Mother: BA, MA Gotra:Bohat, Dulgach, Bidlan ID No.752. Neha, R.K. Puram, Delhi, Age:25, Date of Birth:17-07-1987, Height:5,6", Color:Saaf, Education:BA, Bed, MA (History) +One year computer courses ITI, Father: BA, Govt. Job, Mother: BA, MA, Gotra: Bohat, Dulgach, Bidlan Mobile No.: 09968248087, 09910371663, Email : 777dharampal@gmail.com (Father: Sh. Dharampal) ID No.749.Anita, Madipur, Delhi. Age:30, Date of Birth:17-09-1982, Height:5,2", Color: Saaf , Education: B.A, Pass, B.Lib, C.Lib, D.Lib, Father: Govt Job, Senior Assistant, Gotra:Bagri, Bohat, Taank Mobile No.: 09268151016, 09811360956, (Father: Ram Parkash) ID No.755.Pooja, Nauroji Nagar, Delhi Age:24, Date of Birth:13-09-1988, Height: 5,4", Color:Saaf, Education:BA, Father: Government Jobs Gotra: Chandelia, Rajoria, Gehlot, Contact No.: 09654033612 (Father), 09654684541 (Mother), 09999505812 (Sister) ID No.756.Neha, Mahroli, Delhi, Age:25, Date of Birth:02-08-1987, Height:5,4" Color:Saaf, Education: B.com, MA, NTT, JBT(DIET), B.ed, Work:Teacher in Govt. School, Monthly Income:22,000/, Father: Govt. Jobs, Eleder Brother office in govt sector, Younger Brother: Software Engineer, Post Graduate in IT, Gotra:Dulgach, Vaid, Bidlan, Contact No.: 9868927460, 9810989954, 01126643541, 08826870260, Email : vipinduggal007@gmail.com (Father: Sh.Attar Singh) ID No.758. Pooja Balguher, Khanpur Extn, Delhi, Age:25, Date Of Birth:22-12-1987, Height:5ft Color:Fair, Education: B.ed- IP University, Work:Teacher, Gotra:Balguhar, Kagda, Mandhotia, Mobile No.:09990661943, 09810112246, Email: ersumitest @gmail.com (Father:Sh.Kamal) ID No.781.Leena Gehlot, Jang Pura, Delhi, Age:28, Date of Birth:05-12-1984, Height:5Ft, Color:Fair, Education: Graduate+F-Tech One Year Computer Course, Father : Railway Technician-1 Gotra: Gehalot, Badgoozar Chauhan, Sherwal, Mobile No.:09810042664, 09891122149, 09810009058 (Father: Sh.Subhash Kumar) i`”B la[;k % 6 i`”B la[;k % 7 dksbZ Hkh fj’rk Lohdkj&iDdk djus ls igys vPNh rjg ls tkap&iM+rky dj ys-a fj’rs gsrq nh xbZ tkudkjh dh lR;rk dh xkjaVh gekjh ugha gS- gekjs ikl vf/kdrj fj’rs vatku yksxksa ds gksrs gS]a blfy, vki [kqn rlYyh djs-a Qksu uacj lfgr yM+fd;ksa dh lwph ID No.767.Ritu, Jahangir Puri, Delhi, Age:31, Date Of Birth:29-011980, Height:5,3", Color:Fair, Education: M.A-Hindi Stenographer, Computer Diploma Course Work:Looking For the Job, Father: BA (Music), Music Teacher, Gotra:Pathher wal, Bhumbak, Bidlaan, Mobile No.: 09910286163, 09250042201, (Father: Mohan Lal) ID No.770. Pallavi, Panchsheel, Delhi, Age:28 Date of Birth: 16-111984 Height:: 5,4" Color:Saaf, Education:BA(Pol. Science), NTTFrom Delhi Moti Bagh + Doing diet JBT Family details :Father : Teacher(central government), Mother: Principal (MCD School), Gotra: Pathariya, Gang, Badetiya, Mobile: 09560782536 (Father: Sh.Rajkumar) ID No.777.Savita Rani, Uttam Nagar, Delhi Age: 27 Date of Birth:05-08-1984 Height:5,2" Color:Fair Education: Graduation Prosthetics & Orthotics(BPO) Father: Govt.Job Retired, Brother: Bsc, Auditor In Railway(Govt.Job) Gotra: Marothia, Chandalia, Karotia Mobile No.: 09650960987 (Father: Sh. Sohan Lal) ID No.779.Dr.Nisha Kumari, Pushap Vihar, Delhi Age:24 Date of Birth:0304-1986, Height: 5Ft, Color: Fair Education: Doctor, BHMS (NHC New Delhi from) In NHCMonthly Income: 50,000/- Father: BA, government jobs Gotra: Bidlan, Bagri, Chhajlana Other information :Aanshik Manglik, Mobile No.: 09968293977, 08860633810 (Father: Rohtas Singh) uksV % ;g lqfo/kk 2100/- #i;s ls jftLVªs’ku ij miyC/k gS ID No.785.Yozna Chauhan, Roorkee, UTTARAKHAND, Age:32, Date of Birth: 25-12-1980 Height:5ft Color:Wheatish Education: Grduate Family details :Father is in govt job in BSNL department ,mother is a house wife. An younger sister ,post graduate in Maths & a younger brother , B.tech in Electronics & telecommunications and preparing for psu’s. Gotra:CHINALIYA, SAUDEY, LOHRE Mobile No.: 09458943443, 09045765376, Email: kumar.vks01@gmail.com (Father:Mahipal Singh) ID No.786. Meenakshi Chauhan, Roorkee, UTTARAKHAND Age:29 Date of Birth: 23-04-1983 Height:5ft Color:Wheatish Education: M.Sc(Maths), B.Ed Work: Government job(SBI) Family details :Father is in govt job in BSNL department ,mother is a house wife. An younger sister ,post graduate in Maths & a younger brother , B.tech in Electronics & telecommunications and preparing for psu’s. Gotra:CHINALIYA, SAUDEY, LOHRE Mobile No.: 09458943443, 09045765376, E-mail: kumar.vks01@gmail.com (Father:Sh.Mahipal Singh) ID No.782.SUMANDEEP KAUR, MOHALI, PUNJAB, Age:25, Date Of Birth:17-04-1987, Height:5,6", Color:Fair Education:Bsc NM PLUS MBA (HR), Work:WORKING AS A COORDINATOR IN A PVT EDUCATION INSTITUTE, Monthly Income:10,000/- FATHER : CLASS 1 JOB RETIRED MOTHER— HOME MAKER,TWO BROTHERS (ONE MARRIED), REPUTED FAMILY BACKGROUND., Gotra:KANDHARA, BADLAAN, SHAH, Mobile No.:07696634124, 07696071290, E-mail: hudaghui2@gmail.com (Father: SUMESH CHAND) ID No.780.Suman Kumari, Pushap Vihar, Delhi, Age:25 Date Of Birth:29-05-1987 Height:5ft, Color:Fair, Education: BA from +1 Year Diploma YMCA, Father: BA, government jobs, Gotra:Bidlan, Bagri, Chhajlana, Other information :Manglik, Mobile No.:09968293977, 08860633810 Prakash Dhingra) (Father: Rohtas Singh) ID No.783.Kamia, Meerut(UP)Age: 26, Date of Birth: 17-12-1986, Height:5,1", Color:Gehuna Education: BDS Doctor Work: BDS Doctor Father: clerk, mother-housewife,2 sister,1 brother Gotra:Dhingra, Taank, Jinwal, Other information :Required doctor, Civil Service, Mobile No.: 07895349266, 01212645055 (Father: Sh.: Jai /;ku j[ksa% gekjh dksbZ czkap ugha gS] u gh dksbZ ,tsaV] çfrfuf/kfj’rs gsrq jftLVªs’ku ds fy, lEidZ djsa% jkds’k dqekj pkSgku& ku&09213603725 i`”B la[;k % 7 Qksu uacj lfgr yM+fd;ksa ds fj’rs uksV % i`”B la[;k % 8 ;g lqfo/kk dsoy muds fy, gS] ftUgksaus 2100/- #i;s ls jftLVªs’ku djk;k gqvk gS ID No.772.NISHA, Mathura, UP, Age: 27, Date of Birth:27-09-1985, Height:5,3", Color:Fair, Education: MA (Pol. Science), Doing B.ed, Father: BA, LLB, Brother:MTNL in engineer Gotra:Parchya, Chauhan, Khare, Mobile No.: 09457489160, 05652432852, 09757033445, 09869021428 (Father:Om Prakash Arya) ID No.773. Sheetal, Mayur Vihar, Delhi, Age:25 Date of Birth: 26-11-1987, Height:5,2", Color:Fair, 12th, Doing Graduation, Work:Tele Caller in Yellow Page Monthly Income:10,000/- Father: Pensioners, Brother: Government Jobs, Gotra:Mewal, Jedhe, Khare, Mobile No.: 09212389576, 09971265777, 011-30254022 ID No.778.Pooja Kumari, Noida, UP, Age: 27 Date Of Birth: 03-11-1985, Height: 5,1", Color:Fair Education: BA(Eco.-Hons), MBA(Finance) Work:Job Monthly Income:15,000/- Father: Office Assit., Gotra:Chawriya, Chuniyana, Dhilor, Mobile No.: 09811103037, 09899202652 (Father:Suresh Kumar) ID No.790. Jyoti Taunk , Bahadurgarh, Haryana, Age:26 Date of Birth:20-04-1986, Height:5,2", Color:Fair, Education:MSC Biotech, Net, JRF, Phd in Biotech, Father: ,Cashier in PNB (Bank), Gotra:Taunk, Ridlan, Pivhal, Mobile No.: 07404217141, 09992232468 (Father: Jogender Kumar) ID No.788. Savita, Tilak Nager, Delhi, Age:28, Date of Birth:18-6-1984 Height:5,5" Color:Fair Education: 12th, Doing J.B.T Course From Jammu University Father:RTD, SI In M.C.D. Sanitary Inspector(Father: Late) Mother: RTD From MCD Gotra:Piwhal, Dulgach, Chindaliya, Mobile No.: 09999721531, 09654305647 (Father:Daryao Singh) ID No.789. Anjali, Malviya Nager, Delhi, Age:26 Date of Birth:6-02-1987 Height:5,2" Color:Sanvla Education:B.A(HONS) ENGLISH FROM DELHI COLLEGE OF ART AND COMMERCE, M.A ENGLISH FROM LADY SHRI RAM COLLEGE, B.Ed FROM I.P UNIVERSITY Work: Teacher (English), Father: Auto Machnic (MCD), Mather house wife, Gotra: Beedlan, Gahlaut, Taank Mobile: 09873606595, 011-29545942 (Father:Sh. Vijay) ID No.792 Geetanjali, Holombi Kalan, Delhi Age:26, Date of Birth:229-1987 Height:5,2", Color:Sanvla, Education:B.A.( Last Year), Work:Tuition, Mother: 12th Pass, Govt.Job,Gotra: Chhudiyana, Dhhingya, Dulgach, Mobile No.: 09871688892, 09810800404 (Mother: Smt.Surekha) ID No.793.Arti Kumari, Kanjhavla Delhi, Age:29, Date of Birth:14-5-1983, Height:5,3" Color:Saaf, Education:M.A., B.ed, B.Lib Work: Librarian, Father:Govt.Job Traffic Inspector Gotra: Bohat, Parcha, Taank, Mobile: 09868412549, 09968708749, 08750480260(Father:Sh.Jai Bhagvan) ID No.794.NIDHI KUMARI RAJORIA, BAREILLY UP, Age:29 ,Date of Birth:15-05-1983 Height:5,2", Color:FAIR, Education:M.COM , LLB Family details : MR. HARI LAL RET. CASHIER FROM SBI BAREILLY EDUCATION INTERMEDIATE,2 BROTHERS MR. GAURAV RAJORIA EMPLOYE IN LIC HFL BAREILLY MR. NEELESH RAJORIA TEACHER IN CONVENT SCHOOL BAREILLY Gotra:RAJORIA, CHATRIYA, RATNAKAR Mobile No.:09457011777, 07830407070 (Father: Sh.HARI LAL) ID No.791. Preeti Rani, Silampur, Delhi, Age:28, Date of Birth:05-031985,, Height:5,4", Color:Fair, Education:M.A. Bed, Work: T.G.T (Social Science), Family details : 3 brothers, 1 sisters, Father: MA, retired, Allahabad Bank were cashiers. Big Brother M. Phil, working in Delhi University. II- brother: B TECH., Big sister: Librarian Gotra:Tanak, Bhagwana, Pivahal, Mobile No.: 09899237084, 09999930429, 0981159279 (Father: Sh.Santram) ID No.763.Jyoti, Vikas Nager, Delhi, Age:27, Date Of Birth:31-031985, Height: 5,5", Color:Saaf, Education: 12thPaas, Father: chief tech. in Indian Air lines (Govt.Job), Gotra: Chandelia, Lohore, Rohodia Mobile No.: 09868252278, 09999845667 ID No.766.Ashmita, Madan Pur, Delhi, Age:25, Date Of Birth:26-1-1988, Height:5,4", Color:Gehuna, Education:Under Graduate, Work:Apply For Job, Father: Private Job,Mother,House Wife, Gotra:Mardan, Baihinwal, Chauhan, Mobile No.:09811904544(Father: Sh.Ashok Kumar ) i`”B la[;k % 8 Qksu uacj lfgr yM+fd;ksa ds fj’rs uksV % i`”B la[;k % 9 ;g lqfo/kk dsoy muds fy, gS] ftUgksaus 2100/- #i;s ls jftLVªs’ku djk;k gqvk gS ID No.802.Anita, Lodhdi Calony, Delhi, Age:25, Date of Birth:10-03-1989, Heigh:5ft Color:Gehuna, Education:10th Pass, Doing 12th, Father:BA, Gazatted Officer, Gotra:Marothia, Paarcha, Bhagwane, Mobile No.:09818269966, 09871379182 (Sh.Sukhbir Singh) ID No.803.Neelam, East Kidwai Nagar, Delhi, Age:30 Date of Birth:21-07-1982, Heigh:5ft Color:Saaf, Education:BA, Work:Home Ministry (Contract Base) Gotra:Ridlan, Jinwal, Gahlot, Mobile No.: 09911054520, 09873988041(Sh. Vinod Kumar) ID No.774.Preeti Churiyana, Tilak Nagar, Delhi, Age:26, Date of Birth:11-01-1987, Height:5ft, Color:Saaf, Education: BA(Hons) in French From Delhi University, Work:IBM and Teaching French Language(Tution) Monthly Income:13,000/-+, Father:Graduate, Govt.Job, UDC(Delhi Jal Board), Gotra:Churiyana, Bainiwal, Ridlan, Mobile No.: 09716564448, 09311488435 ID No.808. Tanvi, Delhi Age:36 Date of Birth:08-10-1975 Heigh:5,3'', Color:Gehuna, Education:12th Pass Gotra:Taank, Bagdi, Untwal, Tanvi, MOBILE No.09717892578, 09911124794, Email : tarachand3333 @gmail. com ID No.809. Prerna, Pankha Road, Delhi Age:30 Date of Birth:26-07-1982, Heigh:5,3' Color:Gehuna Education:B.A Pass, + Merchndiser in Export House Work:Job Monthly Income:8,000/-, Gotra:Taank, Bagdi, Untwal ID No.815.Indu Bala, R.K. Puram, Delhi. Age:30, Date of Birth:08-021983, Height:5,2" Color:Gehuna Education:BA Pass Work: MNC Father: Govt. Job, Gotra:Sauda, Chavriya, Pivhal, Mobile No.: 09540241096, 9891604907, 01126102770 (Sh. Naryan Singh) ID No.814 ANU, KANPUR (UP) Age:27, Date of Birth:0803-1986, Heigh:5,4", Color: Fair, Education: B.COM, M.COM,B.Ed,TET, ONE-brother(LECTURER),ONESISTER(M.sc),One-Sister(marred ),Father-retired technician in IEL,MOTHER-house wife, Gotar:KAROSIYA, AAGWAN, Mobile No.: 09839673293, 05122583586(Sh. L.PRASAD) I.D.584.Dr. Priyanka,Sarojini Nagar, Delhi.Age:27, Date of Brith: 25-06- 1985,Height: 5,4" Colour: Fair Education:B.A.M.S.( Bachelor of ayurvedic medicine and surgery) from D.U.,passed written exam for medical officer(haryana), interview call awaited Work:Herbal supplement manufacturing pharma company in Delhi Monthly Income: 20,000/Family details : Father - working in C.A.G. . as supervisor(grade pay-5400) govt of India, Delhi Mother - housewife Brother - pursuing B. Tech(mechanical engg.), Delhi Gotra:Jangra, Karotia, Burande, Contact No.: 011-24100576, 9868218903, 09716434401 E-mail : p_06_25@yahoo.com I.D.No.507. jtuh] jks f g.kh] tUe frfFk% 01-03fnYyh] mez % 30]tUe 1983 dn% dn%5]2", jax%%xksjk f’k{kk% ,e-,, Father: Working with PSU, Eld Brother: Manager MNC Yng Brother: Director Pvt- Ltd- Co- Yng Sister: Doing LAW from DU]xkS=% iFkxks=h] mTtSuoky] [kkjxks eksckby uacj % 09810038923, 09958022004, 09958300663 (Sh. BL Pathgotri) 812.Deepa Mehra,Lucknow, UP, Age:27 Date of Birth:23-03-1986, Heigh:5.2'’ Color:Gehuna, Education: Master in Lib. SC, DCA, B.LiB. B.A., Pursuing Net & Govt Job, Father is Group’’C’’ Govt Employ & Brother is J.E. in U.P. State Govt servent, Gotra:Mehroliya, Beniwal, Chandaliya, Mobile No.: 09451387191, 09412159441 (Sh. K.K. Mehra) ID No.816.Deepa, Mundka, Delhi.Age:25, Date of Birth: 05-051988 Heigh:5 Foot, Color:Saaf,, Education:Pharmacist, J.B.T, B.S.C, Greduate, Work: Pharmacist in Despensry of Delhi,s Govt, Monthly Income:15,500/-Mother- Superwiser In MTNL Education- 10+2, Gotra:Dheeka,Dulgach, Bohat, Mobile: 09899471095, 01128341424, 07503989855 I.D.No.823.Nisha, Jahangir Puri, Delhi.Age:22, Date of Birth:1990, Height:5,2'’, Color: Gehuna, Education:12th Pass, Father- 5th Pass, Job- MCD, PostPion, Gotra:Ghigan, Taank, Gehlot, Mobile No.: 09718138083, 09911321262 (Father: Sh. Dharm Singh) i`”B la[;k % 9 i`”B la[;k % 10 ID No.824.Vandna, Sant Nagar Burari, Delhi. Age:25 Date of Birth:27-10-1987, Height:5 Foot, Color:Gehuna, Education:!2th, Deploma of One year In Computer, Certificate of One year in Fasion Tecnology and Siving Threading, Father- Govt Job, Post-U.D.C. Gotra: Jediya, Jadusangat, Gaichand, Mobile No.: 09013218885 (Father:Rajender Pal ) ID No.825.Bhavna,Sant Nagar Burari, Delhi. Age: 26, Date of Birth:22-11-1986, Height:5 Foot, Color: Gehuna, Education:!D. Pharma, Work: Pharmcist Job, Father- Govt Job, Post-U.D.C. Gotra:Jediya, Jadusangat, Gaichand, Mobile No.:09013218885 (Father:Rajender Pal ) ID No.834.Manisha, Gopalpuri, Gujrat, ewy xkao o jkT; %%Bhalout, Rohtak (Hariyana) Age:23, Date of Birth:23-01-1989, Height:5,5", Color:Fair, Education:Bcom+ MBA in Finance Mangement Work: ICICI Bank Work As Auto loan Manager, Monthly ikfjokfjd fooj.k% Father Work As A Income:22000,ikfjokfjd Goverment Servant, Mother As Housewife, Two Brothers One Is Studing Chemical Engg. And other One Is studying In B.com, Gotra:Dulgach, Tanak, Bahot, vU; lans’k%k%A groom Who Understands Me In Education MBA BDS Engg. Docter, Mobile No.: 09428081238, 08980345011, E-mail : yug143143@gmail.com (Father: Sh.Mahavirsingh) ID No.811.Karuna Bharti, Lajpat Nagar, Delhi. Age:25 Date of Birth: 2005-1988, Heigh:5 Foot, Color:Fair, Education:B.A(HONS) in Music Delhi University Miranda Hous Collage, Work:Student Father-Yoga Instructor Post- Yoga Expert, Gotra:Sehra Gouhar, Ridlan.Purkhi Kheral Mobile No.: 09811532061 ID No.827.Rachna, Tilak Nagar, Delhi, Age:27, Date of Birth:17-09-1985, Height:5,1'’, Color:Fair, Education:B.A Graduate, Pursuniy M.A, Stenographer IN Income Tax,(Mumbai), Monthly Income:20,000/- +, Father-10th Pass, Job- M.C.D, PostSweeper, Gotra: Mangwana, Sood, Chudiyana, Mobile No.: 09718228404, 09718616052 (Father: Sh. Dharamvir Singh) ID No.828. Vandana, Alipur, Delhi, Age:26, Date of Birth:28-021987 Height:5 Foot, Color:Fair, Education:J.B.T, Diploma In Digital Electronics Engg, Pursuing B. Tech., Junior Technical Assistant (contract), Monthly Income:18,000, Father-12th Pass, Job-Govt Job In D. T. C., Gotra: Reedlan, Tushamad, Balguhar, Mobile: 09871340467, 09136361441 Email: deepak.readlan@gmail.com (Father: Sh. Balwan Singh) i`”B la[;k % 10 i`”B la[;k % 11 fj’rs gsrq yM+fd;ksa dh lwph vkils fuosnu% dksbZ Hkh fj’rk Lohdkj&iDdk djus ls igys vPNh rjg ls tkap&iM+rky dj ys-a jftLVª’s ku djkus okys us tks tkudkjh gesa nh gS] ogh tkudkjh bl lwph esa ns jgs gS]a blfy, lwph esa nh xbZ tkudkjh dh lR;rk dh xkjaVh gekjh ugha gS- gekjs ikl vf/kdrj fj’rs vatku yksxksa ds gksrs gS]a blfy, vki [kqn rlYyh djs-a /;ku j[ks&a gekjk dke dsoy <sj lkjs fj’rs ,d txg ij miyC/k djkus dk gSgekjh dksf’k’k ls gq, fj’rs lQy ;k vPNs gksxa ]s ,slh Hkh dksbZ xkjaVh gekjh ugha gS- fj’rs dh lQyrk vkilh le>] vPNs pfj= ij fuHkZj gS& blesa ge dqN ugha dj ldrs- laLFkk ds fu;eksa vuqlkj fookn gksus ij gesa fookn esa ‘kkfey ugha dj ldrsfuosnu gS fd vkils dksbZ f’k{kk] ukSdjh] edku ds dkxt rlYyh ds fy, ns[kus gsrq ekaxs rks cqjk u ekus-a vki [kqn Hkh muds dkxt ns[k ldrs gS-a vki fdlh dk Qksu uEcj ysuk pkgrs gSa rks mldk vkbZ- Mh- uEcj crkdj ys ldrs gS]a ,d ckj esa ge nks fj’rksa ds Qksu uEcj nsrs gS-a ;g lqfo/kk dsoy okf”kZd lnL;ksa gsrq miyC/k gS-Qksu uEcj ysus dk le; nksigj 3 cts ls ysdj ‘kke 8 cts rd gS- ftudh okf”kZd lnL;rk lekIr gks pqdh gS ;k fj’rs gks pqds gS]a mudks ;g lqfo/kk ge ugha ns ik,ax-s vkSj vf/kd lwph ds fy, gekjh osclkbZV ns[ksa- www.valmikirishtey.co.in eks c kbZ y uEcj% 09213603725 oa n uk] mez % 25 tUe I.D.No.10.oa uk]xkft;kckn]m-ç-mez frfFk% firk:bafM;u frfFk%05&03&86 dn% 5]5" jax%%xsga v q k f’k{kk% f’k{kk%ch-,- firk vksojfll cSd a esa dSf'k;j xkS=%%Hkxokus] ikjpk] paMkfy;k I.D.No.196. usgk& fugky fogkj] fnYyh- mez%23o”kZ tUe frfFk% 27-11-1988 dn% dn%5,5” jax%%lkaoyk f’k{kk% f’k{kk%12th dh Nk=k firk% firk%Ops eSut s j xkS=%%pkSgku] ywFkjk] iRFkj pV vferk] mez : 27]dn dn I.D.No.496-vferk] vferk]ikye]fnYyh-mez dn: f'k{kk 5]2"]jajax: lkQ]f'k{kk f'k{kk: ,e,] ch,M] usV dj jgh gS] firk firk:,;j xkS=: egjksfy;k]pqu;kus] 'ksj;kj bafM;k esa dsfcu lgk;d]xkS ruqtk ?kks?kfy;k] lkn uxj] fnYyh] I.D.No.497-ruq mez:26]dn dn s ,w V] blh lky] firk firk: MTNL dn:5]5"] jax: xksjk]f'k{kk:xzt xkS=:?kks?kfy;k]lkjlj] yksgfj;k esa ih,] ljdkjh ukSdjh]xkS tUe I.D.No.504. jtuh] jksfg.kh] fnYyh] mez% 26]tUe frfFk% 01-03-1983 dn% dn%5]2", jax%%xksjk f’k{kk% ,e-,-, Father: Working with PSU, Eld Brother: Manager MNC Yng Brother: Director Pvt- Ltd- Co- Yng Sister: Doing LAW from DU]xkS=% iFkxks=h] mTtSuoky] [kkjxks ID No.514.Madhuri,Rohini,Delhi. Age:21 Date of Birth:16-01-1990 Height:5,2" Color:Fair Education: BA Pass, Diong MA, one-year ‘O’ level computer course+ data entry operator ITI course Pass Father: Government Jobs, Deputy Manager Gotra:Katharia, Chauhan,Ambuja I.D.No.560. lksfu;k dqekjh] xksfcUn iqjh]fnYyhmez% 28 tUe frfFk% frfFk%12&09&1984 dn% dn%5]4" jax%%xsga v q k f’k{kk% f’k{kk%chdke ikl firk firk: VsyhQksu foHkkx esa ljdkjh ukSdjh xkS=%%xgyksr] xkxM+]s Vkad I.D.No.562. iwue e] fd'ku x<+] fnYyh- mez%28] dn% dn%5]1"] jax% lkQ] f’k{kk% f’k{kk%ch, ikl] dk;Z%daI;wVj dk dke] xkS=%%xqgjs ] pkSgku] mTtSuoky :ch] vkj-ds-iqje]fnYyh- mez% 30 tUe I.D..No.567.:ch] frfFk% frfFk%1983 dn% dn%5]2"] jax%%xsgv aq k f’k{kk% f’k{kk%10oha xkS=%%vejd] eêw] [kwVa y s k I.D.No. 576. AMITA PROCHA, KARNAL, Haryana mez%26 tUe frfFk% frfFk%21-08-1984 dn% dn%5QqV jax%%xksjk ’k{kk% M.sc¼BIOTECH½] ikfjokfjd fooj.k% BROTHER f’k{kk% PETROL PUMP]BROTHER, BHABHI TEACHER, SISTER TEACHER & JIJU ENGINEER, FATHER RETIRED PNB xkS=%PAROCHA, PIWAL, BOHAT vU; tkudkjh% PREFERENCE FOR HARYANA GOVT JOB I.D.No.594. jk[kh] xkft;kckn] m0ç0- mez%25 tUe frfFk% frfFk%09&08&1987 dn% dn%5]3" jax%%xksjk f’k{kk% f’k{kk%ch, ikl] Vhpj Vªsfuax dkslZ dj jgh gS firk firk: viuh nqdku xkS=%%flysyku] jtksjk]thuoky I.D.No.597. eksfudk] esjB m0ç0 mez% 26 tUe f r f F k %%11&07&1984 d n %%5]2" j a x %%xsgqavk f ’ k { k k %%c h , dk;Z%fefuLVjh vkQ fMQsal esa vkfMVj] ljdkjh ukSdjh ekfld vk;% vk;%20]000/& xkS=%%maBoky] /kou] eUMksfV;k I.D.No.601. uhuk] }kjdk ]fnYyh- mez% 27 tUe frfFk% frfFk%10&10&1983 dn% dn%5]3" jax%%lkQ ch,¼fn-;w- ls½] vkbZ-VhvkbZ ls Mªl s fMtkbafuax o dfVax Vsyfjax dkslZ v/;kiu firk firk: Ldwy esa Mªkboj] cM+k HkkbZ: ch,] ,yvkbZlh esa xkS=%%f<yksM+ xgyksr fcMyk.k I.D.No.603. f'kçk] ukud iqjk fnYyh- mez% 28 tUe frfFk% dn%5]5" ja x %%lkQ f’k{kk% f’k{kk%ch-,frfFk%20&11&1985 dn% ikl] osc fMtkbfuax daI;wVj dkslZ firk firk: ljdkjh ukSdjh] Adm.Asisstant xkS=%%dhj oS| cguoky I.D.No. 607. vk'kk vk'kk] lkfo=h uxj]fnYyh- mez%25 tUe frfFk% frfFk%22&03&1986 dn% dn%5]4" jax%%xksjk] f’k{kk% ,e, dj jgh gS] daI;wVj dkslZ o ulZjh Vhpj Vªsfuax dkslZ fd;k gqvk gS dk;Z% Vhpj] firk firk: ljdkjh ukSdjh] lgk;d ds in ij xkS=%%Vkad] f/k[k;ku] pkofj;k I.D.No.608. lksfu;k] fnYyh xsV] fnYyh- mez%26 tUe frfFk% frfFk%29 &09&1985 dn% dn%5]2" jax%%xksjk f’k{kk% ch,¼ikl½ dk;Z% ukSdjh ekfld vk;% vk;%15]000/& xkS=%%'kadj tknw] taxkys] djksfr;k vUuq dqekjh] fnYyh dSV] fnYyh- mez%19 I.D.No.610.vUuq tUe frfFk% 01&07&1992 dn% dn%5QqV jax% xsgqavk f’k{kk% f’k{kk%10oh ikl] vkxs i<+kbZ tkjh xkS=% ftU>ksV oky] fcMyku] f<yksM eerk] dY;k.k iqjh] fnYyh-mez mez:27 tUe I.D.No.614-eerk] frfFk frfFk:15&04&1984]dn dn:5]4"jajax: xsgqavk f'k{kk f'k{kk:ch, ikl] 1o"kZ dk NTT dkslZ NCT fnYyh ls] ,d o"kZ dk daI;wVj dkslZ] firk firk: viuk fctuSl] HkkbZ: viuk fctuSl] [kkl xkS=: p.Mkfy;k] eka dk% oSn] nknh dk dk% thuoky] yksgV dfork flag] Fkkus] eqacbZ- mez%27 tUe I.D.No.620-dfork frfFk% 26&01&1983 dn% dn%5]2" jax% xksjk f’k{kk% ,e-dkW]ch,M- ¼vaxzsth ek/;e½ dk;Z%ysDpjkj ¼eqEcbZ½ firk firk:,e-,- ch,M-]Hkkjrh; jsy esa lqijokbZtj xkS=% yks/ks] Loku rSu] iRFkj pkSgku vU; tkudkjh% fnYyh ls ‘kknh dj ldrs gSa /;ku j[ksa% gekjh dksbZ czkap ugha gS] u gh dksbZ ,tsaV] çfrfuf/kfj’rs gsrq jftLVªs’ku ds fy, lEidZ djsa% jkds’k dqekj pkSgku& ku&09213603725 i`”B la[;k % 11 yM+fd;ksa ds fj’rs i`”B la[;k % 12 dksbZ Hkh fj’rk Lohdkj&iDdk djus ls igys vPNh rjg ls tkap&iM+rky dj ysa- fj’rs gsrq nh xbZ tkudkjh dh lR;rk dh xkjaVh gekjh ugha gS- gekjs ikl vf/kdrj fj’rs vatku yksxksa ds gksrs gSa] blfy, vki [kqn rlYyh djsaI.D.No.625- mikluk] vEcsMdj uxj] fnYyh mez:23 tUe frfFk frfFk:21-12-1988 dn dn: 5]4" jax:xksjk f'k{kk f'k{kk: Graduation ikfjokfjd fooj.k fooj.k:Father is working as Sr. O.A / record DelhiMy mother is house wife.xkS=:HkqjksfV;k]lwn] laxfs y;k mez % 25]tUe tUe I.D.No.627- vferk] vferk]tks a r h]fnYyh-mez frfFk% frfFk%07&01&1985] dn% dn%5]1"] jax%%lkQ] f’k{kk% ch, ikl] tschVh] firk% firk%nsgkar& cSd a esa vkWfQlj in ij Fks]HkkbZ: ch-dke] bade VSDl ,oa ,Dlkbt esa baLisDVj xkS=%%figky] ikjpk] oSn eatw]vkj-ds-iqje] fnYyh- m e z % 28 t U e I.D.No.628.ea frfFk% frfFk%22&03&1983 dn% 5]3" jax% xsgqavk f’k{kk% f’k{kk%ch, ikl] xkS=% f<yksj] cSuhoky] ikjpk tschVh tkjh] firk firk: ljdkjh ukSdjh]xkS dhfrZ]vacM I.D.No.630-dhfrZ s dj uxj]fnYyh- mez% 26 tUe frfFk% 18&11&1985 dn% 5QqV jax% xksjk f’k{kk% chch,¼cSpyj vkQ fctusl ,MfefuLVª's ku½ dk;Z%fctusl MsoyIesVa çksQ's kuy ekfld vk;% 18]000/& xkS=%%ikjpk] f<U<ksfj;k] xqMkoys ik:y paæk] Jh vjfoanks ekxZ] fnYyh- mez%27 I.D.No.634.ik:y tUe frfFk% frfFk%26&03&1985 dn% dn%5]1" jax% xsgv aq k f’k{kk% xzt s ,s lu dj jgh gS] ulZjh/çkbejh Vhpj Vªfs uax iwjh] firk firk:bathfu;fjax xzt s ,q V] pkVZMZ bathfu;j] lhfuj;j VsfDudy vkfQlj¼xStVs M s vkfQlj½ xkS=%%pkSfu;kuk][kjs] ujokM+s dYiuk] eqjknkckn]m-ç- m e z % 3 0 t U e I.D.No.636-dYiuk] frfFk% 10&06&1982 dn% dn%5]1" jax%%lkQ f’k{kk% f’k{kk%12oha uflaxZ esa fMIyksek bVkok esa LVkQ ulZ] ljdkjh ukSdjh 20]000/firk firk:lapkj foHkkx esa ofj"B lqijokbZtj xkS=% xkSre J`f"V] I.D.No.637-J` "V]ukaxyksb]Z fnYyh- mez%28 tUe frfFk% 12&08&1984 dn% dn%5]4"]xksjh f’k{kk% ch,] ,e,] ch,M dk;Z%çkbosV as esa Ldwy esa Vhpj+Vîw'ku] firk firk:is'a kuj] ,d HkkbZ: ykbQ ba'kksjl lsYl eSut s j] xkS=%%yksokfu;k] lkgq djksfl;k] N=gkjs vkjrh] ,aMª;wt xat] fnYyh mez:27tUe tUe I.D.No.638-vkjrh] frfFk frfFk:27&09&1984 dn dn:5]2" jax:xsgv aq k f'k{kk f'k{kk:ch-,-]ch-,M-] ,e-,- dk;Z: ,e-,u-lh- esa ekfld vk; vk;:9000/& firk firk: chdke ikl] fnYyh ljdkj esa dk;ZjÙk xkS=:ikjpk]uknkSj]ejksfB;k mez% 25] tUe frfFk% frfFk%01& I.D.No.639-jsjs'kq ]]xkft;kckn]mez dn% 09&1988]dn% dn%5]3"]xksjh] f’k{kk% f’k{kk%,ech,] firk% v/kh{kd] dsUæh; mRikn 'kqYd] ljdkjh ukSdjh] xkS=% lBksfr;k] Mkxksj] Mkxksj xk;=h] fdnobZ uxj]fnYyh] mez%27] tUe I.D.No.642-xk;=h] frfFk% frfFk%26&02&1985] dn% dn%5]3"] jax%%xksjk] f’k{kk% f’k{kk%xzt s ,w V ikl] ,d lky dk daI;wVj dkslZ dj pqdh gS] ch,M dj jgh gS] firk firk: ljdkjh ukSdjh] lhfu;j vkfMVj] xkS=%%cgksr] lkSnk] Ntykuk usgk csnh] xkft;kckn] mez%27] tUe I.D.No.643-us frfFk% 26&04&1985] dn% dn%5]2"] jax%%xksjk] f’k{kk% f’k{kk%M.COM., B.ED, FATHER- RETIRED I-B OFFICER, MOTHER- HEADMISTRESS IN U.P. Govt.. BROTHER-2, BOTH ARE ELDER WORKING AS MANAGE xkS=%%osn] p.Mkfy;k] lkSnk ID No- 646. ç h f r ] Hkksiky- m e z % 26 t U e frfFk% frfFk%19&11&1984 dn% dn%5]3" jax%%xksjk] f’k{kk% f’k{kk%Msc] MBA firk firk: B.H.E.L. esa eSut s j] xkS=%%p.Mkfy;k] pkSgku] ckxM+h ID No-649. Lokrh Lokrh] vk-ds-iqje] fnYyh mez% 24 tUe frfFk% dn%5QqV jax%%xsgv aq k f’k{kk% f’k{kk%xzt s ,w V] ch-dke frfFk%25&12&1987 dn% firk firk: ch,] lqijokbtj xkS=%%mTtSuoky] ikgos] flysyky mez%25 tUe ID No-650. fjfrdk] fjfrdk]vkn'kZ uxj] fnYyh-mez frfFk% frfFk%26&12&1986 dn% 5]5" jax % lkQ f’k{kk % 12oha ikl dk;Z% cSd firk: fcfYMax eSVfs j;y a esa ekfld vk;% 10]000/& firk dk dk;Z] eka : VsyhQksu vkijsVj xkS=% Mqyxp] pkSgku] xspna I.D.No.652- vkjrh] j?kqchj uxj]fnYyh- mez:25 tUe frfFk frfFk:26&03&1987] dn% dn%5]4"] jax%%xksjk] f’k{kk% f’k{kk%ch, ikl] QS'ku fMtkbfuax dksl]Z dk;Z% Own Bautique] eka: ljdkjh Ldwy esa ukSdjh] xkS=: Mqyxp]egkj] ftaxkyk lfprk] vkuan ioZr] fnYyh- mez:25 tUe I.D.No.659-lfprk] frfFk frfFk:23&09&1986 dn dn:5QqV jax: xsgv aq k f'k{kk f'k{kk: ch-dke ikl] tschVh dj jgh gS lkFk gh ljdkjh ukSdjh ds fy, ç;kl tkjh dk;Z% NGO esa ukSdjh xkS=:figky] Mqyxp] yq[kM+ f'kYih jkBkSj] mÙke uxj]fnYyh-mez mez:28 I.D.No.660-f'kYih tUe frfFk frfFk:17&09&1983 dn dn:5]2" jax :xksjk f'k{kk f'k{kk: ,edkWe]vkarfjd¼Interior½ fMtk;uj] dk;Z%vkarfjd ¼Interior½ fMtk;uj MNC es]a ekfld vk; vk;: 30]000/& firk firk:ih-,u-ch- esa eSut s j eka:MCD esa ,dkmaVVsVa In MCD] cM+k HkkbZ% lk¶Vos;j bathfu;j vkLVªfs y;k es]a xkS=%%jkBkSj] ckyxqgjs ] Vkad cchrk] mez:27 I.D.No.661-cchrk] cchrk]G.T.B.,UDyso] fnYyh-mez tUe frfFk frfFk:23&08&1985] dn dn:5]2" jax:lkQ f'k{kk f'k{kk: 12th Regular pass out with commerce stream - 'o' leve computer courese completed from DOEACC society and currently pursuing 'A' level course from the same society - ICWAI foundation qualified and doing intermediate Father is working as a Dispatch Rider in Steel Authority of india limited xkS=:[kSjkfy;k] dtkfu;k] lkSns I.D.No.664- e/kq] laxe ikdZ] fnYyh- mez:26 tUe f r f F kk:18&05&1985 d nn:5QqV j a xx:lkQ f ' k { k kk:ch, xkS=:?kwlj]<hdk] Vkad ikl]xkS lksfu;k] jkuh ckx]fnYyh- mez:28 tUe I.D.No.665-lks frfFk aq k f'k{kk f'k{kk: vaMjxzt s ,w 'ku+ frfFk:13&07&1983 dn dn:5]2" jax:xsgv Y.M.C.A. ls ,;j fVdfVax dk fMIyksek+Autism spectrum disorders this is 2years cours Therapist - Giving treatment to autistc childrens firk firk:ch, ikl] ofj"B ys[kkdkj xkS=:cgksr] Mqyxp] lkSnk I.D.No.667. vkjrh xgyksr]'kkgnjk] fnYyh- mez%22 tUe frfFk% 02&08&2012, dn% f’k{kk%12oha ikl+dIa ;wVj dn%5]3" jax%%xksjk f’k{kk% firk% ljdkjh ukSdjh] lSuVs hª xkbM] eka: ljdkjh ukSdjh xkS=%%xgyksr] fp.Mkfy;k] fHkyioku ik:y I.D.670-ik:y ik:y]'kkgnjk] fnYyh- mez% 27 tUe frfFk% frfFk%18-04-1984 dn% dn%5]6" jax%%xksjk f’k{kk% ch,¼gal½]Ýsp a &fnYyh fo'ofo|ky; ls]+ daI;wVj dh cSfld tkudkjh firk% ljdkjh ukSdjh] eka% ljdkjh ukSdjh xkS=%%thuoky] pkSVy s ]s fp.Mkfy;k djrkj dkSj] xkft;kckn] m-ç- mez%26 ID No.674.djrkj tUe frfFk% frfFk%28&02&1986 dn% dn%5QqV jax%%xksjk 10+2¼CBSE, Delhi½] BA¼DU½] 2 o"kZ dk QkesZlh esa fMIyksek firk firk: lhfu;j ,flLVsaV in] ljdkjh ukSdjh ls fjVk;MZ] xgykSr] f<dk] f/kxku mez%32 ID No.675. fp=k fp=k] luykbV dkyksuh] fnYyh-mez tUe frfFk% frfFk%15&02&1979 dn% dn%5]3" jax%%xksjk f’k{kk% f’k{kk%ch, ikl] xkS=%dikfM+ % ;k]pkSgku] Vkad lEidZ uacj % 09650153855¼ujs’k dqekj½ ;ksfxrk ckyk] v'kksd fogkj] fnYyh mez%27] ID No.679.;ks tUe f r f F k % 08& 08& 1984 d n % 5] 7" jax%xksjk f’k{kk% f’k{kk%ch,¼gal½&iksfYVdy lkbal] ,e,¼gal½ tkjh dk;Z%ljdkjh ukSdjh] ftyk dksVZ esa ,yMhlh ekfld vk;% vk;%24]000/& firk% xkS=%%yksgsjk] f<yksM+] Mqyxp jsyos esa VsfDufu'k;u&1]xkS lhek pkSgku] efgiky iqj]fnYyh- mez% ID No.680-lhek tUe%1988 dn% dn%5QqV jax%%xsgqavk f’k{kk% f’k{kk%12oha firk% n¶rjh] 23 tUe% xkS=%%pkSgku] jSdokj] ta/kkj /;ku j[ksa% gekjh dksbZ czkap ugha gS] u gh dksbZ ,tsaV] çfrfuf/kfj’rs gsrq jftLVªs’ku ds fy, lEidZ djsa% jkds’k dqekj pkSgku& ku&09213603725 i`”B la[;k % 12 yM+fd;ksa ds fj’rs i`”B la[;k % 13 dksbZ Hkh fj’rk Lohdkj&iDdk djus ls igys vPNh rjg ls tkap&iM+rky dj ysa- fj’rs gsrq nh xbZ tkudkjh dh lR;rk dh xkjaVh gekjh ugha gS- gekjs ikl vf/kdrj fj’rs vatku yksxksa ds gksrs gSa] blfy, vki [kqn rlYyh djsavpZuk /kou ID No.681-vpZ /kou] eqjkn uxj] m-ç- mez%26 dn% tUe frfFk% frfFk%11&10&1986dn% dn%5]2" jax%%xksjk f’k{kk% f’k{kk%,e-dke] ch,M firk% firk%twfu;j odZ~l eSustj xkS=%%/kkofu;k] f/kxku] Vkad lfjrk] xkft;kckn]m-ç- mez % 24 tUe ID No.682.lfjrk] frfFk% frfFk%20&02&1986 dn% dn%5]2" jax%%xksjk Bsc] NTT] D.ed firk firk: lsD'ku vkfQlj]dksiM+k]dksfy;k]xnfg;k MkW-iwue jkuh] xkft;kckn] m-ç- mez%25 ID No.683.MkW tUe frfFk% frfFk%05&11&1986 dn% dn%5]2" jax%%lkQ f’k{kk% ,echch,l] ,eMh MkDVj¼iSFkkykth½ dk;Z%MkDVj ekfld vk;% vk;%65]000/ firk &firk firk:ç/kkukpk;Z] ,d HkkbZ% ,echch,l] ,eMh& esfMdy dkyst esa çksQslj] nwljk HkkbZ% ,e, T;ksfr'kkL= xkS=%%Mksenk] figky] egjksfy;k dYiuk fnys j ]]xkft;kckn]m-ç- mez % 29 tUe 684-dYiuk frfFk% frfFk%26&11&1982 dn% dn%5]5" jax%%lkQ f’k{kk% f’k{kk%ch-dke+ QS'ku fMtkbfuax esa fMIyksek firk% ,e,] çkbosV daiuh esa eSustj xkS=%%pkSVsys] cSuhoky fiadhh]baæ badyso] fnYyh] mez% 21 tUe ID No.685-fia frfFk% dn%5 QqV jax%%lkQ] f’k{kk% f’k{kk%12oha ikl frfFk%01&05&1989 dn% % fV;k] ch, çksxzke vafre o"kZ esa firk% jsyos esa VsfDuf'k;u xkS=%jkbZ iRFkj pkSgku] djksfr;k ID No.688. f'kokuh] 'kkgnjk] fnYyh- mez%20 tUe frfFk% dn%5QqV jax%%xksjk f’k{kk% f’k{kk%ch,&çFke o"kZ frfFk%11&09&1992 dn% firk firk: ,yvkbZlh esa]40]000/-PM xkS=%%thuoky] oSn] nh?kku ID No.689. vk'khek] osLV lkxj iqj] fnYyh mez% mez%30 tUe lu~%1981 dn% dn%5]1" jax%%xksjk f’k{kk% 12oha ikl firk firk: jSfMlu gksVy esa C.D.P. xkS=%%thuoky] yksV]dhj lhrk lhrk, tgkaxhj iqjh] fnYyh, mez% 20 dn% ID No.695.lhrk 4,9", jax%%xksjk, f’k{kk% f’k{kk%8th Pass eka% ljdkjh ukSdjh] HkkbZ% daI;wVj dk dk;Z] xkS=% iRFkj pkSgku] lkSns] pkSgku ID No.699.Neeru, Inder Enclave, Delhi Age: 25 Date of Birth:31-12-1987 Height:5,2" Color: Gehuna Education:10+2 Pass, 3 years Nursing Deploma Work:Nurse Monthly Income:17,000/- Father: Govt. Job Gotra:Raitiya, Batel Chauhan, Karotia fiadh] esjB] m-ç- mez%:22,tUe tUe frfFk% 25ID No.701.fia 05-1990 dn% dn%5,1" jax% xksjk f’k{kk% ch, dk;Z% Nk=kstudent Family details :Father’s death, his eldest daughter in firkth dk nsgkar their place has been the post of Auditor (firkth gks pq d k gS ] mudh txg ij mudh cM+ h cs V h dks ukS d jh vkWfMVj ds ij ij ukSdjh feyh gS] yM+dh dh eka dks isa’ku feyrh ggSS) xkS=% maFkoky] /kou] ekuksfV;k lksfudk] ekyoh; uxj] fnYyh . mez%:26, tUe ID No.702.lks frfFk%:16-08-1985, dn% dn%5,3", jax% xksjk, f’k{kk% B.Ed. (Jammu University), B.A. (Maitri College, Delhi University), Diploma in Mass Comm., pursuing M.A. from MDU Work:School Teaching Family details : Father works in Canara Bank, mother a homemaker. one elder sister (married) and one elder brother (married). Brother works for TCS, xkS=% mTtSuoky] dkxjk] [kSjoky T;ksfr] jk/ks iqjh] fnYyh] mez:30 tUe frfFk%:28ID No.703.T;ks 11-1983 dn% dn%5,3" jax% xksjk f’k{kk% Graduate+ Computer Course(DOEAC), Father: Govt. Job, CLERK, xkS=% xgpan] Mqyxp] fioky ID No.706.BHOOMI, Khan Market, Delhi. Age: 30 Date of Birth:22-11-1982 Heigh: 5foot, Color:Fair Education :BA Pass Father: BA Pass, Govt. Job Gotra:Ridlan, Chandalia, Mangwana ID No.707. Indumati(Pooja), Rewari, Haryana. Age:27 Date of Birth:01-11-1985, 11PM Height:5,1" Color:Fair Education :BA, Bed Family details :FatherRecord Keeper in audit. Deptt., Govt. Job, Mother: Govt.Job, Brother: J.E.(Haryana Bijli Board) Gotra:Chawria, Bohat, Jingala ID No.709.Payal, Mangol Puri, Delhi Age: 30 Date off Birth:31-12-1981 Height:5ft Color:Fair Education :BA Pass Work:Pvt. Teacher Gotra:Patthar Chauhan, Sheel, Mewati ID No.711.Pratibha Chauhan, Allahabad, UP, Age:32 Date of Birht:14-08-1980 Height:5,3'’ Color:Fair Education :M.A., B.Ed, T.E.T. Gotra:Chauhan, Kharela ID No.713 Sarika, Jind, Haryana, Age:30 Date of Birth:05-09-1982 Height:5,2" Color:sanwla Education :MA(Eng.), Bed, Computer Gotra:Chandalia, Ronj, Kagra ID No.717.Monika Chanwariya, Noida,UP Age:22 Color:Fair Education :B.A.(with Pol. Sci., Eng. Lit., Eco.), M.A. (with Eng. Lit.), B.Ed. (with Eng. & Eco.), Preparing for Rajasthan Admin. Services (R.A.S.) Family details :mother working, 2 elder graduate working brothers and 1 elder graduate married sister. Gotra:Chanwariya,Chauhan,Chandeliya ID No.718.Ritu, Janak Puri,DELHI. 30 Date of Birth:01-011982 Height:5.1" Color:Fair Education :10+2 Work:Teaching Monthly Income:5,000/- Family details : Elder Brother: Working in State Bank Of India as a Cashier Gotra:Sauda, Bagri, Gehlot ID No.719.Archna Chaudhary, Agra, UP Age:32 Date Of Birth:Oct / 15 / 1979 Height:5,7" Color:Ghehua Education : B.A, M.A History, Mass Communication & journalism PG.Diploma Family details :Father LIC Retire Mother House Made 4 Brother & 4 Sister one Elder Brother & two Elder Sister married Gotra:GhareChand, Todiparwat, Chandel ID No.721.Shaloo, Mujaffar Nagar, UP, Age:26 Date of Birth:16-08-1987, Heigth:5,3" Color:Ghehua Education:Bsc, Bed, MA Work: Teaching, Father: Job Gotra:Chandalia, Bahot, Bidlan ID No.722.Anita Kumari,Chanakya Puri, DELHI. Age: 31 Date of Birth:05-04-1981, Heigth:5,6" Color:Saaf Education:BA Pass Work:American Company Monthly Income:21,000/- Father:JobEmbassy Serbia Gotra:Gudhria, Kheralia, Ujjainwal ID No.726.Archana Gahlot,Shreshtha Vihar,Delhi. Age: 31 Date of Birth:16-09-1980 Height: 5ft Color:Fair Education:M.Com, Bed Work:Teaching Asstt. On adhoc Basis Monthly Income: 8000/- Father:MA, Retd. Bank Manager Gotra:Gahlot,Jeenwal, Mangwane ID No.727.Anju, Shreshtha Vihar,Delhi. Age:28, Date of Birth:13-02-1984 Height:5,2" Color:Fair BA(Hans) in Math’s, Bed Work:Service Monthly Income:40,000/- Father:MA, Retd. Bank Manager, Gotra:Gahlot,Jeenwal,Mangwane u;s fj’rs % ID No.730.Kusum, Aliganj, Delhi, Age: 30 Date of Birth:03-03-1976 Height:5,2", Color:Saaf, Education:BCA, MCA, Work:Computer Teacher Monthly Income: 10,000/- Gotra:Luhera, Lidlan, Chauhan i`”B la[;k % 13 yM+fd;ksa ds fj’rs i`”B la[;k % 14 dksbZ Hkh fj’rk Lohdkj&iDdk djus ls igys vPNh rjg ls tkap&iM+rky dj ysa- fj’rs gsrq nh xbZ tkudkjh dh lR;rk dh xkjaVh gekjh ugha gS- gekjs ikl vf/kdrj fj’rs vatku yksxksa ds gksrs gSa] blfy, vki [kqn rlYyh djsaID No.731.Pooja, ALLAHABAD, U.P. Age: 26 Date of Birth:30-march-1986 Height:5,2" Color:Fair Education: BA from Allahabad University, MA Parsuing from Allahabad University, Diploma in Beauticion.Diploma in Computer, Father:Rly Employee, Mother. House Wife, Brother Three Brothers All are studing Gotra:Raghuvanshi, D’nt matter, D’nt matter Other information : BACHPAN ME LEFT SIDE KA FACE DOODH SE THODA JAL GAYA THA, ABHI KUCH SAMAY PAHLE SURJARY HUA HAI. BUS THODA NISHAAN HAI, JO MEDICINE SE JALD HI KHATAM HO JAYEGA. Photo surgery k bad ki Hai.(I have search a understand middile class femily for my sister..bcoz we r also belong to middile class and simple nature femily) ID No.733.Sonia, Near:Subash Nagar,Delhi, Age:26 Date of Birth:13-09-1986, 6AM Height: 5,5" Color:Fair Education:B Com Pass, Work:Govt. Job (Administrative Assistant), Father: senior accountant in the Ministry of Labour (Gazetted Officer) Gotra:Balguher, Gehlot, Taank ID No.734. Renuka Vaid, Rohini Delhi Age:29 Date of Birth:19-04-1982 Height:5,2" Color:Fair Education:BA (English) Hans Work:MNC Monthly Income:15,000/- Family details :Brother:Interior decorator + civil contractor (Business), Gotra:Vaid, Patthar Chauhan, Taank ID No.735.Alka Kagra,Rohini, Delhi, Age:26, Date of Birth:02-06-1986 Height:5,6½” Color:Fair Education:BA Psychology (Honors), MA Public Admn & Diploma in mass communication. All from Punjab University Chandigarh Father: Senior Manager in a Nationalise Bank., Brother: Consultant in a company, Gotra:KAGRA, KESALA, CHANALIYA ID No.736.Sangita Lukhar, Delhi University, Delhi, Age:31, Date of Birth:31-03-1981, Height:5,2" Color:Fair Education: BA Pass, Father: Government Jobs(DDA), Gotra:Lookhar, Dulgach, Sauda, Mobile No.:09650462756, 09250998685 (Fahter:Sh. Ram Dhari) ID No.737.Reena, Rohini, Delhi. Age: 26 Date of Birth:23-07-1986, Height: 5,4", Color:Saaf Education:BA, Gotra:Kandera, Dhilod, Bagri ID No.740.Surabhi, Meerut, U.P. Age:24, Date of Birth:17-08-1988, Height:5,3", Color: Gehuna Education:BA Pass+NTT courses, Father: BA, supervisor, Big Brother: BA, private job,second brother, 12th, Private Job Gotra:Taank, Chavria, Gehlot ID No.741.Shobha, BHIWANI, Haryana, Age:23 Date of Birth:11-02- 1989, Height:5,3", Color:Fair Education:BA M.A & now these day i am doing a job in DPDO Office at post of clerk WorkCLERK Monthly Income:25000/- one brother & sister, Gotra:Kagra, Pivhall, Dulgach ID No.743..Neha Maharothia, Lodhi Road, Delhi. Age:25, Date of Birth:06-07-1987, Height: 5Foot, Color:Fair, Education:BA, Teacher Course (DIET), Work: contract basis teacher Monthly Income:13,000/- Father: Government Jobs, Gotra:Maharothia, Sauda, Taank ID No.744.Renku, Gaziabad, U.P.Age:27, Date of Birth:20-03-1984, Height:5,2", Color:Fair Education:BA, MBA(HR), Work:vodafone, Father: XII, Diploma-MLT, Govt. Job. Lab Tech.,Brother: M.tech Engineer, Sister : BCA, MCA, software engineer, Gotra:Rajoria, Gouhar, Kuria ID No.745.Kavita, Sonipat, Haryana, Age:25, Date of Birth:27-01-1986, Height:5Foot, Color:Fair, Education: BA, B.Lib Father: Lab Assistant, Brother :Regional Manager- Brinjal Group of Hotels & Resorts, Gotra:Puhal, Chavria, Saraswal ID No.746.Monika,Shadipur, Delhi. Age: 25, Date of Birth:13-10-1986, Height:5,3", Color:Fair, Education:BA, Bed, Father: Govt.Job, W/Shop office(DTC), Gotra:Dheegan, Sauda, Pivhal ID No.750.Kavita,Wazir Pur, Delhi. Age:30, Date of, Birth: 16-06-1982,Height:5,3",, Color:Fair, Education:MA in Public administration, B.ed Work:teachers in Govt. Schools(contract basis) Monthly Income:15,000/- Father: Govt. Job, Mother: Govt. Job, Gotra:Soda, Sarsar, Bidlan ID No.751.Dr.Shikha, R.K. Puram, Delhi Age:24, Date of Birth: 26-03-1988, Height:5,2", Color:Saaf, Education:B.A.M.S.(Delhi University), doing - MD (Delhi University) Work:Doctor Monthly Income:50,000/Father: BA, Govt. Job, Mother: BA,Be.d, MA Gotra:Bohat, Dulgach, Bidlan ID No.752. Neha, R.K. Puram, Delhi, Age:25, Date of Birth:17-01-1987, Height:5,4", Color:Fair, Education:BA, Bed, MA(History)+One year computer courses ITI, Father: BA, Govt. Job, Mother: BA,Be.d, MA, Gotra:Bohat, Dulgach, Bidlan Mobile No.:09968248087, 09910371663, Email : 777dharampal@gmail.com (Father: Sh. Dharampal) ID No.753.Sarita,Sultan Puri,Delhi. Age:25, Date of Birth:23-10-1987, Height:5,2' Color: Ghehua,Education:12th Pass, Mother: Govt. Job, Gotra:Chandalia, Dulgach (mehrolia),Chhjlana ID No.754.Madhvi , Tri Nagar, Delhi, Age:28, Date Of Birth:30-07-1984, Height:5,4", Color:Fair Education:MA (English), Bed, Pursuing-MBA(HR), Work:English Teacher (Pvt. School), Father: MA (Eco) Government jobs, Gotra:Handa, Nidania, Vaid ID No.761.Vishakha Chand, Inder Puri, Delhi, Age:28 Date Of Birth:10-02-1984, Height:5,3", Color: Gehuna, Education: B.A.(Hons) From Kirorimel College M.A. B.ed,Covent School Educated, Father: Spt. Asstt. S.B.I. Bank Mother is House Wife, Gotra:Bagri, Mandothia, Jhingala ID No.762.Anju, Jahangir Puri, Delhi, Age:28, Date Of Birth:11-11-1984 Height:5,4', Color:Fair, Education:B.eD, M.A, B.A,Translation Diploma in English,Hindi, Father : Retierd,Mother: M.C.D, Gotra:Chachilad, Pihal, Bohat ID No.764.Unika, Sahabad Dolat Pur, Delhi, Age:28, Date Of Birth:6-10-1984 Height:5,3",Color:Fair, Education: M.A(Pol.Science) + NTT Course From S.C.E.K.T., ETT Course From J & K Boaed, Father: Govt. Job,Mother, House Wife, Gotra:Dulguch, Bohat, Ridlan ID No.765.Deepmala, Tuglkabad, Delhi, Age:26, Date Of Birth:16-06-1986, Height:5ft, Color:Fair, Education: B.A. Second Year, Course-N.T.T., Father: Govt,Job,D.T.C.,Mother,House Wife,, Gotra:Parcha, Chindalia,Jhingra, Other information :Manglik i`”B la[;k % 14 yM+fd;ksa ds fj’rs i`”B la[;k % 15 dksbZ Hkh fj’rk Lohdkj&iDdk djus ls igys vPNh rjg ls tkap&iM+rky dj ysa- fj’rs gsrq nh xbZ tkudkjh dh lR;rk dh xkjaVh gekjh ugha gS- gekjs ikl vf/kdrj fj’rs vatku yksxksa ds gksrs gSa] blfy, vki [kqn rlYyh djsaID No.768.Sonu, Shivaji Bridge, Delhi.Age:30, Date Of Birth:26-09-1982, Height:5,6", Color: Gehuna, B.A. Pass, Computer Course (MS office), Father: Govt. Servent in (N.Rly.), Gotra: Badagoojar Chauhan, Chautele, Shikha ID No. 769.Geeta, Nangloi, Delhi, Age:25 Date of Birth: 21-11-1987, 5,3"Color:Gehuna, Education: B.Com(Hons) Work: Job in Govt. Bank, Monthly Income: 22,000/- Father: B.com, Govt. Job(Lab Tech.), Gotra:Bidlan, Jhinjhoter, Ridlan ID No.771.NEHA SINGH, BULANDSHAHR, UP, AGE: 24, Date of Birth:01-05-1988 Height:5,2" Color:Fair Education:MA (SOCIOLOGY) , DOUBLE MA (EDUCATION) , DIPLOMA IN COMPUTER APPLICATION (DTP, FATHER-BANK MANAGER IN(BOI), MOTHERHOUSE WIFE,BROTHER-DOING MBA,SISTER- DOUBLE MA (MARRIED Gotra:DHAKOLIYA, KHERALIYA, KUNDIYA Other information :WE WANT A EDUCATED FAMILY & BOY TO BE A GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE ID No.774.Preeti Churiyana, Tilak Nagar, Delhi, Age:26, Date of Birth:11-01-1987, Height:5ft, Color:Saaf, Education: BA(Hons) in French From Delhi University, Work:IBM and Teaching French Language(Tution) Monthly Income:13,000/-+, Father:Graduate, Govt.Job, UDC(Delhi Jal Board), Gotra:Churiyana, Bainiwal, Ridlan ID No.775.Preeti, Chirag Delhi, Age:28, Date of Birth:17-03-1984, Height:5,3", Color:Saaf,, Monthly Income:BA Pass, JBT Pass, Work:Computer Opretor(Krishi Bhawan, Delhi), Mother:Govt. Job(Attenden), Brother-1:BA Pass,Amety Uni. in Asitt., Brother-1. Govt. Job, Gotra:Chandalia, Balguhel, Bagri ID No.776.Rajni, Sangam Vihar, Delhi Age:27 Date of Birth:30-07-1985 Height:5.4'’ Color:Fair Education: 12th, Father. Graduate,Govt Job, Mother. !2th, House Wife. Gotra:Taank, Chotela, Vaid ID No.787.Kanchan, Raghubir Nagar, Delhi, Age:37 Date of Birth:08-01-1976, Color:Wheatish Education:MA,Bed,Diploma Translator,English,O-Level Father:RTD,Indian Railway,Electrical Chargna Gotra:Choutata, Dhakolia, Hard For Chauhan ID No.795.Vishesh gahlot, Ashok Vihar, Delhi Age:28 Date of Birth: 17-06-1984 Height: 5,2" Color:Fair Education: M.com,B.ed. Father is A.S.I in mcd, mother is housewife Gotra: Gahlot, chotala, chawariya ID No.797. Saarika,, Shakur Pur, Delhi, Age:22, Date of Birth:01-10-1990, Heigh:5,5" Color:Fair, Education: B.com+ Diong- CS(Company Secrtrial) Father: Govt.Job Gotra:Taank, Sarsar, Dulgach ID No.798.Rinkal, Kingsway camp, Delhi, Age:29 Date of Birth:10-08-1983, Height:5,3", Color:Fair Education:MA, Bed, Work:TGTsocial science, Gotra: Sinandi, Luhera, Saarwan ID No.799. Priti, Mundka, Delhi, Age: 23 Date of Birth:01-01-1990, Heigh:4,11", Color:Saaf Education: B.Com(Final Year) Work:Child Play School in administration Work Father:12th Pass, Govt. Job Gotra:Dulgach, Chidiyana, Bidlan /;ku j[ksa% ID No.800.Sakshi Mayur Vihar, Delhi. Age:22 Date of Birth:24-03-1991 Heigh:5,2", Color:Saaf, Education: B.A Paas From Open University Delhi, JBT Pursuing, Father: B.A Paas Govt Service Mother 12th Paas, Business Gotra:Balguher, Souda, Rajput Chauhan, Other information : Please Find Pure Vegetarian Family ID No.801.Shalini Nath Gole Market, Delhi, Age:21 Date of Birth:31-08-1992, Heigh:5,4", Color:Fair Education:Graduation (English, Hons) From Gargi College+ Advance Diploma in Office Management + Computer Applications From YWCA+Computer Operator Course Work: Steno Grafer YWCA Father: BAPaas, Bank Officer, Mother:12th Pass, Govt. Job(LDC), Gotra:Seria, Sarkania, Mathur ID No.804.Kalpna, Model Town, Delhi. Age:29 Date of Birth:08-04-1984, Heigh:5ft Color: Dusky(Saavla) Education:BA from delhi university, Pursuing MA(pol.science Work:JOB Monthly Income:12,000 Father:Sainatry Guide in MCD, brother,MA, working news agency,elder sister working Tihar jail as Asst.superintendent Gotra:Chauhan, Kheralia, Pathargotri Chauhan ID No.805.Prtibha Gehlot, Sarojani Nagar, Delhi. Age:27,Date of Birth:29-09-1985, Date of Birth:5,7", Color:Gehuna, Education:B.S.W., Doing M.S.W Lib Science, Father: MA, Govt. Job senior translator Gotra:Gehlot, Silelan, Rajaura ID No.806.Mamta, Kalyan Puri, Delhi Age:29 Date of Birth:15-04-1984, Heigh:5,4", Color: Gehuna, Education: BA, NTT course of 1 year NCT of Delhi, one year computer course Father: Your Business, brother: your Bijnas Gotra:Chandalia, Vaid, Jeenwal ID No.809. Prerna, Pankha Road, Delhi Age:30 Date of Birth:26-07-1982, Heigh:5,3' Color:Gehuna Education:B.A Pass, + Merchndiser in Export House Work:Job Monthly Income:8,000/-, Gotra:Taank, Bagdi, Untwal ID No.810.Meenakshi, Uttam Nagar, Delhi Age: 27, Date of Birth:26-06-1986, Color:Fair Education: B.A Pass, multimedia web Designing One- Year, Work:Private Job, Monthly Income: 10,000/-, FatherGovt . service(P.S.U) Post-Security man, Gotra: Kheraliya, Chauhan. Bahanwal, Mob. No.09811532061 ID No.811.Karuna Bharti, Lajpat Nagar, Delhi. Age:25 Date of Birth: 20-05-1988, Heigh:5 Foot, Color:Fair, Education:B.A(HONS) in Music Delhi University Miranda Hous Collage, Work:Student FatherYoga Instructor Post- Yoga Expert, Gotra:Sehra Gouhar, Ridlan.Purkhi Kheral 812.Deepa Mehra,Lucknow, UP, Age:27 Date of Birth:23-03-1986, Heigh:5.2'’ Color:Gehuna, Education: Master in Lib. SC, DCA, B.LiB. B.A., Pursuing Net & Govt Job, Father is Group’’C’’ Govt Employ & Brother is J.E. in U.P. State Govt servent, Gotra:Mehroliya, Beniwal, Chandaliya, Mobile No.: 09451387191, 09412159441 (Sh. K.K. Mehra) gekjh dksbZ czkap ugha gS] u gh dksbZ ,tsaV] çfrfuf/k- fj’rs gsrq jftLVªs’ku ds fy, lEidZ djsa % jkds’k dqekj pkSgku& 09213603725 i`”B la[;k % 15 yM+fd;ksa ds fj’rs ID No.814 ANU, KANPUR (UP) Age:27, Date of Birth:08-03-1986, Heigh:5,4", Color: Fair, Education: B.COM, M.COM,B.Ed,TET, ONE-brother(LECTURER),ONESISTER(M.sc),One-Sister(marred ),Father-retired technician in IEL,MOTHER-house wife, Gotar:KAROSIYA, AAGWAN, Mobile No.: 09839673293, 05122583586(Sh. L.PRASAD) ID No.813.Sarika Luhera, Gurgaon(Hariyana) Age: 29 Date of Birth:29-03-1983, Height:5ft, Color: W h e a t i s h , Education:B.Sc(H)Zoology From Delhi University, Work:Computer Teacher(Pvt. School) , Family is very religious and strongly believe in Krishna.We are living in a simple lifestyle, we don't even use Onion and Garlic in our food.We are staying Air Force Station, Gurgaon From last Years, But Home Town is in Manesar(Haryana) near by gurgaon. Gotra:Luhera, Balguher, Chavriya ID No.816.Deepa, Mundka, Delhi.Age:25, Date of Birth: 05-05-1988 Heigh:5 Foot, Color:Saaf,, Education:Pharmacist, J.B.T, B.S.C, Greduate, Work: Pharmacist in Despensry of Delhi,s Govt, Monthly Income:15,500/-Mother- Superwiser In MTNL Education10+2, Gotra:Dheeka,Dulgach, Bohat, Mobile: 09899471095, 01128341424, 07503989855 ID No.817.Vandna, Nangloi, Delhi, Age:20,Date of Birth: 08-06-1993,Heigh:5,4'’Color:Fair, Education:Doing B.A, And J.B.T Course, Work:Agent of Bhartiya Jivan Bima, Monthly Income:7,000/-, FatherDelhi Nagar Nigam, ,Post- R/SK ,Mother-Delhi Nagar Nigam,Post-R/SK, Gotra:Dheeka, Sauda, Kangda ID No.818.Priyanka Singh, Mayur Vihar, Delhi.Age:26, Date of Birth: 22-11-1986, Heigh:5,2'’, Color:Fair Education:12th Pass, Father- ICICI Bank LTD Post- Clark, Gotra:Sarkania, Benwal, Marothia ID No.819.Sushma, Madangiri,Delhi, Age:29, Date of Birth: 23-11-1983, Heigh:5,4'’, Color:Saaf, Monthly Income:B.COM pass, Work:Tution Teacher At Home (To B.A Pass Student), Father-Xth Pass, JobState bank Of Hedrabad, Post-Head Cashier, Gotra:Vaid, Kudiya, Benwal I.D.No. 820.Anu Radha Singh,G.T.B. Enclave,Delhi.Age:32, Date of Birth: 1981, Height:5 foot, Color:White, Education:M.A., Pol. Science + M.A. Socology. B.ED, Work:Teacher, Father- M.A English, M.A History, LLB Job- Govt Service, Post- Class 1 Officer, Gotra:Soda,Karotia I.D.No. 821.Preeti Singh, G.T.B. Enclave, Delhi.Age:31,Date of Birth: 1982, Height:5,5'’, Color:White, Education:M.A English, B.ED. Rohtak, Doing C.E.A.T, Father- M.A English, M.A History, LLB Job- Govt Service, Post- Class 1 Officer, Gotra:Soda, Karotia I.D.No. 822.Monika Singh, G.T.B. Enclave, Delhi.Age:25, Date of Birth: 1988, Height:5,1'’, Color:White, Education: B.SC. Biology, B.A, Work:She Do, Father- M.A English, M.A History, LLB Job- Govt Service, Post- Class 1 Officer, Gotra:Soda, Karotia I.D.No.823.Nisha, Jahangir Puri, Delhi.Age:22, Date of Birth:1990, Height:5,2'’, Color:Gehuna, Education:12th Pass, Father- 5th Pass, Job- MCD, PostPion, Gotra:Ghigan, Taank, Gehlot,Mobile No.: 09718138083, 09911321262 (Father:Sh. Dharm Singh) i`”B la[;k % 16 ID No.824.Vandna, Sant Nagar Burari, Delhi. Age:25 Date of Birth:27-10-1987, Height:5 Foot, Color:Gehuna, Education:!2th, Deploma of One year In Computer, Certificate of One year in Fasion Tecnology and Siving Threading, Father- Govt Job, Post-U.D.C. Gotra:Jediya, Jadusangat, Gaichand, Mobile No.:09013218885 (Father:Rajender Pal ) ID No.825.Bhavna,Sant Nagar Burari, Delhi. Age: 26, Date of Birth:22-11-1986, Height:5 Foot, Color: Gehuna, Education:!D. Pharma, Work:Pharmcist Job, Father- Govt Job, Post-U.D.C. Gotra:Jediya, Jadusangat, Gaichand, Mobile No.:09013218885 (Father:Rajender Pal ) 826.Priyanka, Rohini, Delhi, Age:28, Date of Birth:03-11-1985, Height:5,4'’, Color:Fair, Education:B.A, M.A Japnese, D.U, Work:SR Exeeuline, MNC(Maruti) Gurgaon, Monthly Income:45,000, FatherB.COM, Job-Retd. A.C.P (Delhi Police) Gotra: Dhkauliya, Dheegan, Bhagvane ID No.827.Rachna, Tilak Nagar, Delhi, Age:27, Date of Birth:17-09-1985, Height:5,1'’, Color:Fair, Education:B.A Graduate, Pursuniy M.A, Stenographer IN Income Tax,(Mumbai), Monthly Income:20,000/- +, Father-10th Pass, Job- M.C.D, Post- Sweeper, Gotra: Mangwana, Sood, Chudiyana, Mobile No.: 09718228404, 09718616052 (Father: Sh. Dharamvir Singh) ID No.828. Vandana, Alipur, Delhi, Age:26, Date of Birth:28-02-1987 Height:5 Foot, Color:Fair, Education:J.B.T, Diploma In Digital Electronics Engg, Pursuing B. Tech., Junior Technical Assistant (contract), Monthly Income:18,000, Father-12th Pass, Job-Govt Job In D. T. C., Gotra: Reedlan, Tushamad, Balguhar, Mobile: 09871340467, 09136361441Email: deepak.readlan@gmail.com(Father: Sh. Balwan Singh) ID No.829.Satesh Kumari, Sunder Nagari.Delhi, Age:38, Date of Birth:16-03-1975, Height:5,4'', Color:Gehuna, Education:M.A (Pol. Science), FatherRetired Solider(Ex-servicemen), Gotra:Singh, Chauhan, Katahriya, Mobile No.: 09811670684, 09899179680 ID No.830, Neera Balguher, Safdarjang Enclave, Delhi, Age:29, Date of Birth:02-10-1983, Height:5,2'', Color:Fair, Education:M.A. Final, Father : Govt. Job Retired, Gotra:Balguher, Ridlan, Kandera ID No.831.Meenakshi, Rohini, Delhi, Age:26, Date of Birth:17-07-1987, Height:5,1'', Color:Whietsh Education:Graduate From D.U, J.B.T (Teacher Training) Work:Teaching, Tutions,Monthly Income:10,000/-, Father- Graduate, Mother- Graduate,Gotra:JhinJhotan, Bohit, Gehlot ID No.832.Archana Bharti, Gaziabad(UP), Age:28, Date of Birth:14-08-1985, Height:5,2'', Color:Saaf, Education:M.S.C. Geography From Kurukshetra University (Kurukshetra ), Work:G.I.S. Executive/ group Leader, Monthly Income:18,000/-, Father- B.A, Job- Govt Service, Post- Post Master, Mother- 8th Pass, Job- Service, Post- Executive, Gotra:Dhakoliya, Lohera, Bainiwal i`”B la[;k % 16 i`”B la[;k % 17 ID No.833.Nisha,Rohini, Delhi. Age:22, Date of Birth:20-04-1991, Height:5,7'', Color:Gehuna, Education:B.Com, 2nd Year/ Computer Course, Work:Private Job/C.P.C.A, Monthly Income:10,000/-, Mother- Job-M.C.D, Post- S.K, Gotra:Kagda, Dulgach, Dadi Gotra:Bahot, Bidlan ID No.834.Manisha, Gopalpuri, Gujrat, ewy xkao o jkT; %%Bhalout, Rohtak (Hariyana) Age:23, Date of Birth:23-01-1989, Height:5,5", Color:Fair, Education:Bcom+ MBA in Finance Mangement Work: ICICI Bank Work As Auto loan Manager, Monthly ikfjokfjd fooj.k% Father Work As A Income:22000,ikfjokfjd Goverment Servant, Mother As Housewife, Two Brothers One Is Studing Chemical Engg. And other One Is studying In B.com, Gotra:Dulgach, Tanak, Bahot, vU; lans’k%k%A groom Who Understands Me In Education MBA BDS Engg. Docter, Mobile No.: 09428081238, 08980345011, E-mail : yug143143@gmail.com (Father: Sh.Mahavirsingh) iatkch % ruoh fxy] I.D.No.533-ruoh fxy]lQnjta x ba d ys o ]fnYyhdn% f’k{kk%ch,llh¼Bsc½gal] ch,M¼Bed½] ]mez dn%5]5"] jax%%xksjk] f’k{kk% mez%22]dn% firk ,e,llh¼Msc½]firk firk: ljdkjh cSd a esa lhfu;j eSut s j] eka: MTNL esa lqijokbtj xkS=%%fxy] ?kk: 'kkfyuh lkyoku] I.D.No. 629.'kkfyuh lkyoku]y{ehckbZ uxj] fnYyh] mez% 28 tUe frfFk% 06&04&1984 d n %%5] 2" j a x %%lkQ] fQft;ksFksfjfiLV rFkk ,ech,¼gsYFk gksLihVyh eSut s esVa ½ baVjus'kuy firk ,uthvks esa ekfld vk;% 20]000/&firk firk: vaMj lSØVs jh] Hkkjr ljdkj eka% lhfu;j ,dkmUVsVa ¼ljdkjh ukSdjh½ xkS=%%lkjoku] lkjlj] ejksfB;k fodykax % dn% I.D.No.475.jajatuk dqekjh] jksfg.kh] fnYyh- mez% 22]dn% firk%ch,] cSd a es]a xkS=%%p.Mkfy;k] 5QqV]jajax% xsga v q k] f’k{kk% f’k{kk%10oha ikl] firk% <dksfy;k]lkjoku] 5% fodykax I.D.No.596. uhrw jkuh ¼Handicap½] cqyan'kgj] mez% 28 tUe frfFk% frfFk%04 &06& 1984 dn% dn%5]5" jax%%xksjk m0ç0]mez have done MA ¼History½ and ¼B.ed½ dk;Z % Assistant Teacher ekfld vk;% vk;%25000/- Father is goverment servent in hosptle xkS zxkS=%%cgyoky] jktksfj;k] eaxokuk vU; tkudkjh%Little bit handicap of one left foot dksbZ tkfr ca/ku ugha % ID No.757.SHEETALASHOK CHENDALYE ,AKOLA, MAHARASTRA, Age:27, Date of Birth:24-04-1985, Height: 5,7" Color:Fair Education:M.A.AND COMPUTERS COURSES TYPING Work: RPF SUB INSPECTOR,(RAILWAY SERVICE) Monthly Income: 20,000/- FATHER:ADVOCATE, MOTHER: M.A. SHEETAL IS RAILWAY RPF SUB INSPECTOR AT RATLAM RAILWAY STATION M.P Gotra:CHENDALYE, KAROSIYA, VAYEDTH, Other information : Cast NO Bar, RAILWAY SERVANTS. STATE GOVRNMENT SERAVANTS TEACHAR OR CLEARK, Mobile No.: 09325625285, 09096276240, E-mail: rkarpsiya1@gmail.com (Father: ADV. ASHOK PARKASH CHENDALYE) i`”B la[;k % 17 Qksu uacj lfgr yM+dksa ds fj’rs dksbZ lR;rk Hkh dh fj’rk xkjaVh i`”B la[;k % 18 Lohdkj&iDdk djus ls igys vPNh rjg ls tkap&iM+rky dj ys-a fj’rs gsrq gekjh ugha gS- gekjs ikl vf/kdrj fj’rs vatku yksxksa ds gksrs gS]a blfy, uksV % ;g lqfo/kk 2100/- #i;s ls jftLVªs’ku ij miyC/k gS ID No.387 Manish Kumar, Pahad Ganj, DelhiAge:27 Date of Birth:29-10-1985, Heigh:5,6" Color:Sanvla Education:Museum of Science, NET examination Pass+ D.ed Primary Teacher Guide (Rashtrapati Bhawan), Govt. Job Gotra:Dulgach, Meheroliya, Kodaliya, Sauda, Other information : Manglik Mobile No.:09811338494, 09811770882 (Father: Sh. Hemraj) ID 390.Manish, Chandigarh Delhi. Age:26, Date of Birth:27-021987,Heigh: 5,7" Color:FAIR, Education:Electronics & communication engineerWork: Working in Tech Mahindra as a Sr.quality analyst. Family details : Father is working in RBI at Chandigarh,mother is housewife.I have two sisters,elder sister is married in Delhi,and younger sister is pursuing MBE from Chandigarh. Gotra: Sood, Godala, Bhidlan, Mobile No.: 9872002590, ID No.367.Dr. Sudeep Kumar, AGRA,U.P. Age:26 Date of Birth:30-06-1986 Height:5,5" Color:Gehuna Education:MBBS Pursuing M.D. (Medicine) Monthly Income: 45,000/- Father: Senior Branch Manager in Nationalized Bank, Mother: House Wife, Elder Two Sister-MA, & MA, Bed- Both Married, Younger Brother- M.Tech(P.E.) Gotra: Kajroth, Karronchhia, Bagri Mobile No.: 09557312277, 09425714455, Email: vkr10664@gmail.com (Father:Sh. Vinod Kumar) nh xbZ tkudkjh vki [kqn rlYyh dh djs-a ID No.372.Kunal Bhatia, Lawrence Road, Delhi. Age:31, Date of Birth:313-1981, Height:5.8" Color: Fair Education:M.B.A Work: Job as R.H+Owned Business Monthly Income:50,000/- Father:Retd, Mother: Govt.Job, UDC Gotra: Bhatia, Malik, Gill, Mobile No.: 08527106151 ID No.374. Surender Kumar, Baljeet Nagar, Delhi, Age:28 Date of Birth:17-04-1983 Height:5,9", Color:Fair, Education:B.A Pass, Work: Self Employe Family details :Father: 12th Pass, Govt. Job in DDA , Mother: Govt.Job(M.C.D), Gotra:Sirswal, Bhohat, Dulgach, Mobile No.: 09953820028, 09560122918 (Father: Sh. Krishan Kumar) ID No.376.Jitender, Wazir Pur, Delhi. Age:30, Date of Birth:25-121982, Height:6ft, Color:Saaf, Education:BA Pass(DU), One Year Software Engineer course(NITT), MA Running, Work:senior editor sports media, Monthly Income:14,000/-, Father: Assistant in General Insurance Company, Gotra:MANGWANE, JINJHOTH, DHAKOLIA, Mobile No.:09873765438, 9968303013, (Father: Sh.Roop Chand) ID No.:401ABHISHEK, Dwarka, Delhi, Age:27, Date of Birth:02-10-1985, Heigh:5,10", Color:Gehuna, BA(Eng.Hon) from Delhi University, Diploma in Animation from MAAC, Delhi and pursuing MA(Eng) from Karnataka Work:Research Analyst in BMR Pvt.Ltd, Gurgaon, Monthly Income:20,000/- Father: working in Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. As Dy. Manager in Delhi, Mother: Beautician Brother(Elder) married,: B.Tech(CS) doing his own International Business i.e. in USA, Canada, UK providing technical support in these countries thru his Executives working under him. Sister-inlaw(Bhabhi) working as Asstt. Manager in Pvt. Office she is also M.Sc(Chem) from DU., Gotra: Marothia, Karotia, Batain, Mobile No.: 09971091644 Email:pals2mishka@gmail.com (Father: S.Pal) /;ku j[ksa% gekjh dksbZ czkap ugha gS] u gh dksbZ ,tsaV] çfrfuf/kfj’rs gsrq jftLVªs’ku ds fy, lEidZ djsa% jkds’k dqekj pkSgku& ku&09213603725 i`”B la[;k % 18 fj’rs gsrq yM+dksa dh lwph i`”B la[;k % 19 dksbZ Hkh fj’rk Lohdkj&iDdk djus ls igys vPNh rjg ls tkap&iM+rky dj ysa- fj’rs gsrq nh xbZ tkudkjh dh lR;rk dh xkjaVh gekjh ugha gS- gekjs ikl vf/kdrj fj’rs vatku yksxksa ds gksrs gSa] blfy, vki [kqn rlYyh djsa- kj fot; fogkj] I.D.No.122. fou; dq e kj& o”kZ xksjkk] f’k{kk% ch, jksfg.kh¼fnYyh½ mez%24o”kZ] dn%5,7”] jax%xks ikl] ,fues’ku dk dkslZ dj jgk gS dk;Z% viuk dke] viuh nqdku ¼eksckby ‘kkWi½ ekfld vk;%15,000/ljdkjh ukSdjh] ,elhMh esa baLisDVj xkS=% cgksr] firk%ljdkjh ckxM+h] lkSnk jktdqekj] fodkl uxj ,Dl-]fnYyhS.No.174.jktdq mez% 33o”kZ dn% dn%6QqV jax%%lkQ f’k{kk% f’k{kk%ch-,-ikl dk;Z% ljdkjh xkS=% ukSdjh] iwlk] esa lqijokbtj ekfld vk;% vk;%15000/-xkS pUnsfy;k] jksgfUn;k] iRFkj pkSgku I.D.No. 198. gjh’k nqXxy xy&}kfjdk] fnYyh-mez% 30 o”k aq k f’k{kk%ch-Vsd ikl dk;Z%fnYyh esVkª s o”kZ] dn%5,6”] jax% xsgv esa bathfu;j] ljdkjh ukSdjh ekfld vk;% 33,000/- firk% xstfs VM vkWfQlj in ls fjVk;j cM+k HkkbZ% bathfu;j HkkHkh% ihthVh¼ljdkjh ukSdjh½ xkS=%%nqXxy uksV% yM+ds dk fnYyh esa MIG ¶ySV] ljdkjh ukSdj ;qorh pkfg,- bathfu;j@MkWDVj@ysDpkj dks çkFkfedrk- dksbZ Hkh cU/ku ugha- de ls de [kpsZ esa ‘kknh djus dks rS;kj gS-a I.D.No.281. ,l-dqekj] vkj-ds-iqje] fnYyh] mez% 27]dn% dn% dn%5]9" jax%%xsgv aq k f’k{kk% f’k{kk%,e-,-] ehfM;k tujfyte dk;Z%çfrf"Br jk"Vªh; nSfud v[kckj esa lgk;d laiknd ekfld vk;% vk;%ikap vadksa esa firk firk:mPp inkf/kdkjh] ljdkjh ukSdkjh pkSgku Vkad jktoa'kh I.D.No.283-nsnsoæas pkSgku ku] fNanokM+k] e0ç0- mez%30] dn% dn%5]8"]jajax%%xksjk] f’k{kk% Under Graduate dk;Z% Work as a Computer Assistance in National Highway Aught- of India ekfld vk;% 10]000/& ikfjokfjd fooj.k% fooj.k%Father is Ritered Railway Officer, Mother is a House wife, one brother is working at MNC as a Network Eng- 2 Sister is still studying xkS=%%pkSgku] ijksps kj vackyk] gfj;k.kk] I.D- No-285- eukst dqekj] mez:30] tUe frfFk frfFk:02&01&1983 dn dn:5]8'' jax: xsgv aq k f'k{kk f'k{kk: ch-Vsd¼daI;wVj½ dk;Z:Senior position in pvt software company ekfld vk; vk;: 50,000/& xkS=:Sandar, Badhlan, vU; tkudkjh Dhlod tkudkjh: Well settled and simple family looking for a well educated and suitable match from a decent reputed family I.D. No.294.Kishan Laxman Singh, Chembur, Mumbai Age: 32, Date Of Birth: Jun / 3 / 1980, Height: 5' 11'’ Colour: Gehuna, Education: Bachelor in Commerce from Mumbai University (B.Com) Source of income: Business monthly inc. : Rs.30,000-45,000 Family details : Living with Elder Brother & family, Mother. 1 sister married & settled in Delhi., Gotra: Badgujar, Kudiya, Barodiya /;ku j[ksa% gekjh dksbZ czkap ugha gS] u gh dksbZ ,tsaV] çfrfuf/kfj’rs gsrq jftLVªs’ku ds fy, lEidZ djsa% jkds’k dqekj pkSgku& ku&09213603725 I.D. No.297. Vipin Kumar, KARNAL, HARYANA, mez%30, tUe frfFk%07- 07- 1983, dn% dn%5,10" jax%%xksjk f’k{kk% B.TECH dk;Z% SBI MANAGER(SOFTWARE), GOVT- JOB ekfld vk;%50,000/- ikfjokfjd fooj.k% FATHER: RETIRED MANAGER SBI,SISTER & JIJU DOCTOR, BROTHER ADA, Sister Bank Manager xkS=%Machal, Parocha I.D. No.304- nq";ar] vyhiqj fnYyh- mez%21 tUe frfFk% frfFk%08&10&1989 dn% dn%5]7" jax%%lkQ f’k{kk% f’k{kk%ch, dk vafre ,d isij fn;k gS dk;Z%MhVhlh esa ukSdjh ekfld vk;% vk;%10]000/ & firk firk: ljdkjh ukSdjh xkS=%%jh<yku rq"kkeM+ ckyxqgjs I.D. No.307. v:.k dqekj] jksfg.kh]fnYyh- mez% 29 tUe frfFk% 14&03&1982 dn% dn%5]9" jax% xksjk f’k{kk% 12th ikl dk;Z% ekcZy daiuh esa ekfld vk;% 20]000/& xkS=% d.Msjk] fnyksM] ckxM+h I.D. No.308. dkS'ky ky] xkft;kckn ]m0ç0- mez%30 tUe frfFk% 13&11&1983 dn% 5]8" jax% xksjk f’k{kk% Bsc, Bed, PG in Computer Network By SISCO dk;Z% usVodZ bathfu;j] ekfld vk;% 17]000/& firk firk:ljdkjh xkS=% yks/ks] xkSgj] ikFkjs ukSdjh] C.I.S.F. esa S.I.xkS lat; fd'ku] I.D. No.311-la fd'ku]jksfg.kh]fnYyh-mez: 28 dn dn: 5]8"jajax:xksjk f'k{kk f'k{kk: ch-dkWe i=kpkj ls tkjh dk;Z% çkbosV vk;: 10]600/& firk firk: MNC in AssttukSdjh ekfld vk; Officer xkS=: jh<yku] [ksjoky] fljloky lR;sæa dqekj] ulhjiqj] fnYyh-mez:39 I.D. No.313-lR;s dn dn: 5]5" jax: xsgv aq k] dk;Z%,elhMh esa ljdkjh iDdh ukSdjh ekfld vk; vk;: 13]600/& firk:fjVk;MZ] eka: ljdkjh ukSdjh xkS=% pkofj;k] ikjpk] fp.Mkfy;k mes'k dqekj]fdnobZ kj] I.D. No.314-mes uxj] fnYyh- mez:25 tUe frfFk frfFk: 20&07&1988 dn dn:5]7" jax:xsgqavk f'k{kk% ch,&jktuhfr foKku¼gal½ esa dj jgk gS] firk firk: ljdkjh ukSdjh] ,flLVsVa ] xkS=: Ntykfu;k] dtkfu;k] cguoky I.D. No.315. lqfer dqekj] xkft;kckn]m-ç- mez%29 tUe frfFk% 08&06&1984 dn% dn%5]9"] jax%%xksjk] f’k{kk% ckjgoha ikl] dk;Z% cSd a esa ljdkjh ukSdjh] ekfld vk;% vk;%10]000/& firk firk:ljdkjh ukSdjh] cSd a esa dSf'k;j] xkS=%%Hkxokus] ikjpk] fp.Mkfy;k uohu dqekj paæ] nsgjknwu] mÙkjk[kaM I.D. No.317-uohu mez: 29 tUe frfFk frfFk: 03&10&1981 dn dn:5]7" jax:xksjk f'k{kk: B.com, M.A. , M.B.A. dk;Z% Working with Micro Finance Comp. vk; vk;: Rs- 5-00 lakh / year, Father is an A-G-M in Nationalised Bank] Mother is home&maker ] only younger sister M-A ,M.B.A already married ] all close relatives are well placed in Govt- jobs] Father posted in Dehradu xkS=:iRFkj pkSgku] xwtj Bkdqj] ukxj dq.kky fd'kksj] ikaMo uxj]fnYyh- mez%30 I.D. No. 320-dq tUe frfFk% 23&11&1983 dn% 5]10" jax% xksjk f’k{kk% ,ech, dk;Z% cSd a esa ukSdjh ekfld vk;% vk;%14]000/& firk firk: % Voky] ljdkjh ukSdjh] A.M.O.] eka: ljdkjh ukSdjh xkS=%Åa yq[kM+] mTthuoky mez%30 I.D. No.321. vfer dqekj] tksr a h] fnYyh-mez tUe frfFk% frfFk%14&06&1982]7:00AM dn% 5]6" jax%%lkQ f’k{kk% f’k{kk%ch-dke ikl fnYyh fo'ofo|ky; ls dk;Z% bade VSDl ,oa ,Dlkbl esa baLisDVj xkS=% figky] ikjpk] oSn i`”B la[;k % 19 yM+dksa ds fj’rs i`”B la[;k % 20 dksbZ Hkh fj’rk Lohdkj&iDdk djus ls igys vPNh rjg ls tkap&iM+rky dj ysa- fj’rs gsrq nh xbZ tkudkjh dh lR;rk dh xkjaVh gekjh ugha gS- gekjs ikl vf/kdrj fj’rs vatku yksxksa ds gksrs gSa] blfy, vki [kqn rlYyh djsa- vrqy <hdk] xqMx+ kao] gfj;k.kk] mez%30] I.D. No.323.vrq tUe frfFk% frfFk%03&11&1983] dn% dn%5]7"] jax%%lkQ] f’k{kk% bySDVªkfs ud ,oa dE;wfuds'ku esa bathfu;fjax] fMykV dk;Z% daiuh esa bathfu;j] ekfld vk;% vk;%60]000/&] xkS=%%<hdk] lkjlj] mTtSuoky I.D. No.324- ç'kkar]]xkft;kckn] m-ç- mez% 26] tUe frfFk% frfFk%17&04 &1985] dn% dn%5]9"] jax%%lkQ] f’k{kk% M.TECH -IIT ROORKEE dk;Z%ASST. PROFESSOR ELECTRICAL (TEACHING), ekfld vk;% RS. 45000 PM, FATHER Govt.- EMPLOYEE, MOTHER HOUSEWIFE, TWO YOUNGER BROTHER AS ENGG. xkS=%%?kkxV] fioky] lgksrk xqMM ~ ]q dY;k.k iqjh] fnYyh- mez%29] tUe I.D. No.325-xq frfFk% frfFk%24&08&1982] dn% dn%5]4"] jax%%lkaoyk] f’k{kk% f’k{kk%ch-dke] dk;Z%daI;wVj vkijsVj] ekfld vk;% vk;%10]000/&] firk: lekt lsod] viuk fctusl] HkkbZ: viuk fctusl] xkS=%%fp.Mkfy;k] oSn] thuoky /khjsUæ çrki] fdnobZ uxj] fnYyh] I.D.No.328-/khjs mez%30 tUe frfFk% dn%5]10" jax% xksjk frfFk%09&09&1983 dn% f’k{kk% ch,] fnYyh fo'ofo|ky; ls dk;Z% fnYyh iqfyl esa dkaLVscy ekfld vk;% vk;%25]000/& firk firk: ljdkjh ukSdjh] lhfu;j vkfMVj xkS=% cgksr] lkSnk ] Ntykuk nhid dqekj]eks kj] rh ckx] fnYyh- mez%31 I.D. No.329.nhid tUe frfFk% f’k{kk%n'koha frfFk%07&09&1981 dn% dn%5]6" jax%%lkQ f’k{kk% dk;Z%MªkbZoj ekfld vk;% vk;%10]000/& firk firk: SO in ls fjVk;MZ xkS=%%cXxu] Vkad] dUMkjk ID No. 330. fofiu] jksgrd] gfj;k.kk] mez: 30 tUe frfFk frfFk: 27-01-1983 dn% dn%5,4" jax:xsgv aq k f'k{kk% M.S in Computer Science from US, B.Tech in Computer Engineering from a reputed college in India., dk;Z%Software Engineer] vk;% 70,000 dollars per annum ikfjokfjd fooj.k fooj.k: Well educated family settled in Haryana (Rohtak), Father retired from university as Assistant Registrar- Have a younger sister who has done B.Ed, Mother is house wife xkS=% pkofj;k] pukfy;k] pkofj;k vU; lan's kk: We are looking for a well educated girl from a simple/decent family- My son lives in US and works as an Engineer- So girl and her family should be comfortable with sending her off to US vuwi flag] uks,Mk] m-ç- mez% 30 tUe ID No. 332-vuw frfFk% 16&06&1983 dn% 5]7" jax% xksjk f’k{kk% chVsd¼daI;wVj lkbal½] ,e-Vsd dk;Z% Astt. Prof. in Engg. College ekfld vk;% 32]000/& firk firk: ljdkjh ukSdjh] ,d HkkbZ ,ech, dj jgk gS] nwljk HkkbZ ch, esa gS xkS=% lwn] cgksr] ckyxqgjs vU; tkudkjh% ch,M] ,ech, vFkok ,e,llh ikl yM+dh gks ID No. 333- fefyan jkBkSj] mÙke uxj] fnYyhmez%30 tUe frfFk% frfFk%30&07&1983 dn% dn%5]5" jax% xksjk f’k{kk% ,e-Vsd¼vkLVªfs y;k ls½ dk;Z% vkLVªfs y;k esa lk¶Vos;j bathfu;j ekfld vk;% 2]50,000/& firk firk:ih-,u-ch- esa eSustj eka:MCD esa ,dkmaV VsVa In MCD] cM+k HkkbZ lk¶Vos;j bathfu;j vkLVªfs y;k esa xkS=%%jkBkSj] ckyxqgjs ] Vkad vthrs ' k] fnYyh- mez % 29 tUe ID No.334.vthrs frfFk% frfFk%07&10&1982 dn% dn%5]11" jax%%xksjk f’k{kk% f’k{kk%H.M.¼Pusa½] MBA-Australia dk;Z%Site Manager ekfld vk;% vk;%2 yk[k firk firk: ljdkjh ukSdjh,C.S.B.O. lqijokbtj eka% ljdkjh ukSdjh&Dy.Supt. xkS=% yw[kM+] Hkxokuk] lkSnk lqjæas ]frgkM+ ] ID No.335-lq ] fnYyh- mez%35 tUe frfFk% 19-11-1977 dn% dn%5]10” f’k{kk% f’k{kk%10oha ikl] dk;Z%viuk fctusl] firk lsy&ijpst ekfld vk;% vk;%vufyfeVfirk firk:ch-,-] Retd Supt. xkS=% ckyxqgjs ] fj<yku] xsgyksr ID No.336. fuf[ky fuf[ky] }kfjdk] fnYyh- mez%22] tUe frfFk% dn%6]2" jax%%xsgqavk f’k{kk% f’k{kk%10oha dk;Z%dLVe frfFk%1990 dn% dkcksZ es ekfld vk;% vk;%10]000/& firk firk: cSd a esa eSut s j] eka: % uoky] pkofj;k] <hdk Ldwy esa Vhpj xkS=%mTtS ftrsaæ dqekj] lhrkiqj] m-ç- mez%24 ID No.337-ftrs tUe frfFk% frfFk%20&06&1988 dn% dn%176cm jax%%xksjk f’k{kk% f’k{kk%,e,- dkuiqj ;qfuoflZVh ls dk;Z%;qih iqfyl esa dkaLVscy xkS=%%Khagariya, Tusauir, Chaudhary I.D.No.339. ftrsaæ dqekj jktksfj;k] egjksyh] fnYyhm e z %%30 t U e f r f F k %%03-10-1983 d n %%5,5" j a x % x k s j k f’k{kk% PURSUING GRADUTION dk;Z % IN IIT DELHI ON CONTRECT FROM INSTITUTE ADMIN e k f l d vk;% ikfjokfjd fooj.k% FOUR SISTER AND TWO vk;%10,000/-ikfjokfjd BROTHER] THREE SISTER ARE MARIDE AND ONE BIG BROTHER ARE MARIDE ]BROTHER IS WORKING IN IIT DELHI AS OFFICE ASSISTENT AND MOTHER IS IN Govt SERVICE IN UP WE R BELONG FROM UP IN J-P NAGAR NEAR MURADABAD UP NOW WE R SETAL IN DELHI xkS=%jktks % fj;k] esgjk] Vkad ID No.340 Amit, Delhi. Age:26 Date of Birth:0603-1987, Height:5,7 “ Color:Gehuna Education: MBA Bsc Assistant Professor at the University of Delhi Monthly Income: 47,600 / - Father: MA, Bank Branch Manager Gotra:Bohat, Bagri, Uzzanwal ID No.341.Sunil Kumar, Tilak Nagar,Delhi. Age: 24 Date of Birth:15-08-1989 Height:5,6" Color:Fair Education: 12th Pass Work:Pwt Work Father: Govt. Job Gotra:Karotia, Kandera, kazania ID No. F344. Vikram Tanwar, Pitampura,Delhi. Age:24 Date of Birth:02-09-1988, Height:5,6" Color:Gehuna, Education: BA -2nd year exam Work:Private Job Monthly Income:12,000/- Father: Govt Job(Asstt. Director), Gotra:Dulgach, Lohera,Jhingala ID No. F345. Sandeep, Dwaraka,Delhi. Age: 27, Date of Birth:11-09-1984 Height:5,6', Color:saaf Education: D. Pharma (BTE)2008 Work: Private. Pharmacist Monthly Income:15000/- Father: Own Clinic Gotra:Ridlan,Bidlan, Sagwan ID No. F346.Amit, Dwaraka,Delhi. Age:26, Date of Birth:27-10-1987, Height:5,6' Color:Fair, Education: D.Pharma (BTE) 2011, Work:Pharmacist Monthly Income:9000/- Father: Own Clinic Gotra:Ridlan, Bidlan, Sagwan i`”B la[;k % 20 yM+dksa ds fj’rs i`”B la[;k % 21 dksbZ Hkh fj’rk Lohdkj&iDdk djus ls igys vPNh rjg ls tkap&iM+rky dj ysa- fj’rs gsrq nh xbZ tkudkjh dh lR;rk dh xkjaVh gekjh ugha gS- gekjs ikl vf/kdrj fj’rs vatku yksxksa ds gksrs gSa] blfy, vki [kqn rlYyh djsa- ID No. F347.Amit Gahlot, Shreshtha Vihar,Delhi. Age:34 Date of Birth:23-07-1978 Height:5,10" Color:Gehuna Education: Bsc(IT) Work:MNC Monthly Income:16,700/- Father:MA, Retd. Bank Manager Gotra:Gahlot, Jeenwal, Mangwane ID No. F348,ASHWANI KUMAR, LODHI ROAD, Delhi. Age:28 Date of Birth:15 -05-1985 Height:5,7" Color:Wheatish Education:B.A (2nd year) from IGNOU, New Delhi Work:Data Entry Opreator Cum Office Assistant. Monthly Income:10,000/- Family details : FATHER:-GOVT. EMPLOY,MOTHER:-HOUSEWIFE, TWO YOUNGER SISTER:- BOTH ARE STUDETN’S AND I AM WORKING WITH PRIVATE FIRM AS A DEO CUM OFFICER ASSISTANT AND MONTHLY SALARY IS Gotra:GODIYAL, CHOUDHARY, GUDGUCH ID No.F349. NITIN BAGDI, ROHTAK,Haryana. Age:26 Date of Birth:24-01-1986 Height:5,8" Color:FAIR Education:B.TECH (ELECTRICAL) Work:WORKING AS OFFFICER IN A PRIVATE BANK CANNUGHT PALACE Monthly Income: 20,000/FATHER: MANAGER PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK Gotra:BAGDI, KANDERA, DULGACH F350.Pankaj, Ambala City, Haryana. Age:32 Date of Birth:26-08-1979 Height:5.6' Color:FAIR Education:B.A., LL.B Work:Advocate (Ambala City) Monthly Income: 30,000/- Family details :Father Retd. Govt.Employee, Mother House Wife, Four Sisters out of which 2 married. Gotra:Mattu, Sahota, Gill ID No.F351. Nitin Dhillo Safdarjung Enclave, Delhi. Age:23 Height:5,11" Color:FAIR Education: Diploma in Automobile Engg., Pursuing A.M.I.E (B.E) Work:Senior Instructor,( to conduct training on Road safety projects) Monthly Income:17,000/- Family details : Father Govt. service in AIIMS, Mother, Housewife, Elder sister is Staff Nurse In E.S.I. Hospital(Govt. service), Younger bro. doing Medical electronics engg. Gotra:Dhillor, Parcha, Bidhlan ID No.F352.Vipin Duggal, Mahroli,Delhi. Age:28, Date of Birth:11-03-1985 Height:5,7" Color:Saaf Education:Bsc(D.U.), MSC(Informatics) D.U. Work:Software Engineer in Pvt. MNC Monthly Income:45,000/- Father: Government Jobs, Eleder Brother office in govt sector, Gotra:Mahrolia, Vaid ID No.F353.Rohit Raj, Palam,Delhi Age:26 Date of Birth:13-02-1987, Height:5,10'’ Color:FAIR Education: Graduate(B.Com) and working with CONVERGYS. Sn. CCO Family details : my all family member’s are well educated well settled in there prospective fields. Gotra:Sodha, Lohri / Dulgajh, Bidhlan ID No.F354.Rahul Kumar, Palam,Delhi. Age:26 Date of Birth:05-03-1986, Height:5,10'’, Color:FAIR Education:Graduate(B.Com) and worked with IBM Previous worked in Convergys Pvt. Ltd. as senior CCO. now working in private sector Family details :my all family member’s are well educated well settled in there prospective fields. Gotra: Sodha, Lohri / Dulgajh, Bidhlan ID No.F355.Amit Procha, Karnal(Haryana) Age:30, Date of Birth:08-04-1982 Height:5,8'’ Color:FAIR Education:MCA Work:Petrol Pump,Monthly Income: 80,000/- Family details : Father retired from PNB mother house wife brother & sister teacher & merried educated family Gotra:Procha, Puhal, Bohat Other information : Petrol Pump owner (No any Demand) ID No.F356.Taru Tomar, Mandawali, Delhi. Age:26,Date of Birth:02-02-1986 Height:5,5" Color:FAIR Education:Graduate, Work:Executive, with the Private Company, Monthly Income:23000/- Family details :Father - Advocate, Delhi High Court. Mother Teacher, with Private School. Siblings - Studying. Gotra:Tamoli, Guher, Mehrolia ID No.357.Ashwani Chauhan, Hisar,Haryana. Age:31 Date of Brith:05-01-1981 Height:5,8" Color:Fair Education:B.Tech. in Electronics and Comm. Engg. from N.I.T. Kurukshetra (Deemed University) Work: Class-I, Gazetted Officer, AXEN (Asst. Executive Engineer) in Haryana Electricity Department. Monthly Income: 50,000 Family details : Father is Dy. Superintendent in Govt. of India. Mother is Homemaker Sister is Married Bother is working Gotra: Chauhan (Dulgach), Bidlan, Bohat Other information : Passed HCS Exam in 2009, Preparing for IAS, Recently passed HCS-Pre, Now preparing for HCS Mains Exam. ID No.358. Ajay kumar, Rampur, U.P. Age:31, Date of Birth:03-01-1981 Height:5, 6' Color:Saaf Education:B.com Work:self Business Monthly Income:19000/- Family details : father, mother, brother, self Business Gotra:Katharia ID No.F361.Parveen Kumar, Aram Bagh, DelhiAge:26 Date of Birth:12-04-1985 Height:5,10" Color:FAIR Education:12TH PASS Work:t/o-theater orderly Monthly Income:20,000/- Father is govt job me also govt. job Gotra:Bohat, Sirswal, kagda Other information :No Cast Bar ID No.F362-Chetan Chauhan, Panipat, Haryana. Age:29 Date of Birth:02-09-1984 Height:5’8" Color:FAIR Education:Diploma In Engineering. CAD, CAM,Solid work, B.Com-I Work:Pvt. Job.,Designer Head. Monthly Income: 20,000/- Father: Govt. Job Haryana Police Mother: House Wife, Sister: Married. Brother/Bhabi: Teachers. Gotra:Dulgach, Jhanjhotar,Bohat ID No.363.Mayur Lukhar, Mumbai. Age:32 Date of Birth:20-12-1980 Height:5,11" Color:FAIR Education:B.Com, journalism Work:Times Now Monthly Income:35,000/- Family details :Father - Late - retired from Air India as Manager Inflight Services., (BSc, Dip In Pharmacy) - Married and settled in Mumbai, Elder brother -(BSc) - Married and settled in Poland, Sister (BCom) Married and settled in Mumbai, Sister - (Bcom) - CPL holder-Unmarried Sister- (BA, Dip Travel and Tourism from Auckland university, New Zealand)currently working in New Zealand- Unmarried Gotra:Lukkhar,Paarcha, Sauda i`”B la[;k % 21 yM+dksa ds fj’rs i`”B la[;k % 22 dksbZ Hkh fj’rk Lohdkj&iDdk djus ls igys vPNh rjg ls tkap&iM+rky dj ysa- fj’rs gsrq nh xbZ tkudkjh dh lR;rk dh xkjaVh gekjh ugha gS- gekjs ikl vf/kdrj fj’rs vatku yksxksa ds gksrs gSa] blfy, vki [kqn rlYyh djsaID No.364.Vipin kumar, Muradabad U.P., Age:32 Date of Birth:20-12-1980 Height:5,6" Color:FAIR Education:M.Com,MBA,,Bed,uptet,net,cet phd mother pension,brother service,mobile tower rent etc. Family details :my father was ADO (statistics)...we are four member in my family my mammy and two Gotra:brother., Rajoriya, Sinhal ID No.365.Jugal kishor bagri, JAHANGIR PURI, Delhi Age: 30 Height:5,8" Color:Gehuna Education:12th Work:M.C.D. Department as a labour Monthly Income:8000/ - Family details :I HAVE LARGE FAMILY AND I AM EALDER (SMALL) IN MY FAMILY. Gotra: Bagri, Taank, Bidlan & dhilod u;s fj’rs % ID No.366.Vikas, Madan Giri, Delhi. Age:24, Date of Birth:09-05-1988, Height:5,8", Color:FAIR, Education:MBA, Work:Own Business, Monthly Income:50,000/-, Father:Govt. Job, Assistant, Gotra:Saarsar, Chandalia,Luhera ID No.368. Romit, Ashok Vihar, Delhi Age:26 Date of Birth:19-06-1987 Height:5,9" Color:FAIR Education:B.Tech (Mechanical Automation) Work:Govt. Officer Monthly Income:80,000/- Father: Govt. Job(Officer) Gotra:Chindalia, Chavaria, Parcha ID No.369,Vipin Kumar,Meerut, U.P. Age:25 Date of Birth:16 -01-1987 Height:5,7" Color:Fair, Education:post graduate.diploma in aviation, hospitality & travel- tourism., Work:job in a restaurant, Monthly Income:10,000/- Family details :Father was a govt. servant. mother is a house wife. one elder brother is sub inspector in u. p. police. second is senior executive in private job. sister is married., Gotra:Vaid,, Taank, Silelan ID No.370.Manoj Kumar, Aaya Nagar, Delhi. Age:31, Date of Birth:1-03-1981, Height:5.7'’, Color:Fair, Education:M.SC (Math), B.ED (Physics, Math), Computer Course CCC, Work:Try in Govt Job, I.A.S, P.C.S dh ukSdjh ds fy, rS;kjh, Father: P.CC Officer, Gotra: Barkharar, Tilak Tod Voochad, Khairariya ID No.371.Parveen Kumar, Badar Pur, Delhi. Age:26, Date of Birth:31-10-1986 Height:5,2", Color:Fair, Education:WAITING FOR RESULT (BA PASS) FINAL YEAR WORK: Lab Technician Monthly Income:15,000/-Father:Govt. Job. Tech. Engg. Gotra:CHHAJLANA, MADOTHIYA, JAGHARA ID No.372.Kunal Bhatia, Lawrence Road, Delhi. Age:31, Date of Birth:31-3-1981, Height:5.8" Color:Fair Education:M.B.A Work: Job as R.H+Owned Business Monthly Income:50,000/- Father:Retd, Mother: Govt.Job, UDC Gotra:Bhatia, Malik, Gill, Mobile No.: 08527106151 ID No.373.Mukul, Mahavir Enclave, Delhi. Age:26, Date of Birth:06-08-1986, Height:5,6", Color:Gehuna, Education:B.Com(Hons), MBA (Finance & Marketing) Work:P.O. in PSU Bank(Govt. Job) Monthly Income:26,000/-, Father: BA, Chief supervisor (MTNL), Govt.Job, Gotra:Bohat, Sauda, Machchad /;ku j[ksa% gekjh dksbZ czkap ugha gS] u gh dksbZ ,tsaV] çfrfuf/kfj’rs gsrq jftLVªs’ku ds fy, lEidZ djsa% jkds’k dqekj pkSgku& ku&09213603725 ID No.374. Surender Kumar, Baljeet Nagar, Delhi, Age:30 Date of Birth:17-04-1983 Height:5,9", Color:Fair, Education:B.A Pass, Work: Self Employe Family details :Father: 12th Pass, Govt. Job in DDA , Mother: Govt.Job(M.C.D), Gotra:Sirswal, Bhohat, Dulgach, Mobile No.: 09953820028, 09560122918 (Father: Sh. Krishan Kumar) ID No.375.Vivek Kumar, Palam, Delhi, Age:29, Date of Birth:05-08-1984, Height:5,8", Color:Fair, Monthly Income:B.Com Pass, Work:Working in Misistry of External Affairs(Govt. of India) As an LDC Monthly Income:19,000/-, Father: Working in United india Insurance (Govt. of india)-Sr. Assistant, Gotra:BALGOHAR, SODA, DULGACH ID No.376.Jitender, Wazir Pur, Delhi. Age:30, Date of Birth:25-12-1982, Height:6ft, Color:Saaf, Education:BA Pass(DU), One Year Software Engineer course(NITT), MA Running, Work:senior editor sports media, Monthly Income:14,000/-, Father: Assistant in General Insurance Company, Gotra:MANGWANE, JINJHOTH, DHAKOLIA, Mobile No.:09873765438, 9968303013, Email : jitender1.magwanna @gmail.com (Father: Sh.Roop Chand) ID No.377.Sanjay Kumar, Hissar, Haryana, Age:28 Date of Birth:30-08-1984, Height:5,10", Color:Fair, Graduate(B.A. in Mass Communication) Work:Manager, Monthly Income:20,000/-, Father. B.B.M.B(Service), Gotra:Dhingiya, Gharu, Hadaley ID No.378.R. Rahul Nakwal, Gita Colony, Delhi Age:27 Date of Birth:23-10-1984 Height:5.7'’ Color:Saaf Education:B.P.T (Diploma In Dietician Process master of PhysioTherapy Work:One Nurshing Part Time Father.B. Com and M.A (Public Admistetion) , BHEL,Dy officer Gotra:Nakwal, Jedia, Goyar ID No.F380.Ravinder Kumar, Uttam Nagar, Delhi Age:31 Date of Birth:09-12-1981 Height:5,2" Color:Fair Education: Bsc Physics(Hons), Delhi University Work:Auditor In Railway (Govt.Job) Monthly Income:30,000,Father: Govt.Job Retired Gotra:Marothia, Chandalia,Karotia ID No.381.Arun Kumar, Nand Nagari, Delhi, Age:27, Date of Birth:12-05-1986, Height:5,9", Color:Fair, Education:12th Pass, Work:NGO Monthly Income:10,000/-, Father: 10th,, Mother:Nursh, Gotra:Sahaya, Kandera, Bagri ID No.384.Vijay, Panipat, Haryana, Age:29 Date Of Birth:17-06-1984, Color:Saaf, Education: graduate in music and hotel mangment coure and studied in u.k, Work:Hotel Manager, Mother works in m.c and big bro married and he is L.t and one sister, Gotra:Bhumbak, Chavariya, Chotala ID No.F385.DAVINDER SINGH, MOHALI, PUNJAB,Age:27,Date of Birth: 07-04-1985, Heigh:5,8" Color:Fair Education: Bsc NON-MEDICAL PLUS MCA AND DIPLOMA IN H/W AND NETWORKING, FATHER— CLASS 1 JOB RETIRED MOTHER— HOME MAKER,TWO SIBLINGS (BROTHER MARRIED,SISTER UNMARRIED) , REPUTED FAMILY BACKGROUND. Gotra: KANDHARA, BADLAAN, SHAH i`”B la[;k % 22 yM+dksa ds fj’rs i`”B la[;k % 23 dksbZ Hkh fj’rk Lohdkj&iDdk djus ls igys vPNh rjg ls tkap&iM+rky dj ysa- fj’rs gsrq nh xbZ tkudkjh dh lR;rk dh xkjaVh gekjh ugha gS- gekjs ikl vf/kdrj fj’rs vatku yksxksa ds gksrs gSa] blfy, vki [kqn rlYyh djsaID No.F386.Ashwani Kumar, Seelampur, Delhi. Age:31Date of Birth:23-09-1982, Heigh: 5,7" Color:Saaf] Education:M.S.C.(IT), Work:Subject Mater Export Family details :Two brothers, Two sisters, Father: MA, retired, Allahabad Bank were cashiers. Big Brother M. Phil, working in Delhi University. Little brother: B TECH., Big sister: Librarian, little sister: B. Ed. Delhi Public School Teacher Gotra:Taank, Bhagwana, Pivhal ID No.F388.Sandeep, Sagar Pur, Delhi Age:25 Date of Birth:05-04-1987 Heigh:5,8" Color:Gehuna, Education:12th +Basic Computer PVT.Job, Father: Sr. Asst,Store Incharge, Gotra:Jhanjhot, Vaid, Taank ID No.F391.Sunil Kumar, Baljit Nagar, Delhi Age:34 Date of Birth:28-08-1978 Height:5ft, Color:Saaf Education: 9th Pass Work:Properties Dealer Monthly Income:10,000/ - Father: Supervisor Gotra:Dhingia, Bagri, Balguher ID F392. Deepak Bagga, Age: 31 Date of Birth: 2508-1981, Height : 5,10” Education: BA Work: C.M.S (Manager), Father: A.M(Assistant Manager) at airport authority of india(AAI) Gotra: Baggan,Lohat, Chilania I.D.No.393- fofiu fofiu& ykMiqj] fnYyh- mez%24o”kZ ch-,-vafre o”kZ] daI;wVj gkMZo; s j dn%5,10”jax% xksjk f’k{kk%ch-,-va ,.M usVofdZax dk dkslZ fd;k gqvk gS+MCSC(daI;wVj dkslZ) dk;Z% System Engineer ekfld vk;% vk;%22,000/- firk% ch-dkWe] vkWfQl lqijhVsM a M as ] ljdkjh ukSdjh xkS=%%pUnsfy;k] iRFkj pkSgku] mTtSuoky ID No. F396. Nitin Kumar, Teliwada, Delhi, Age:34, Date of Birth:15-11-1979, Heigh:5,11", Color:Sanwla, Education:12th Pass, SI Diploma Work:Govt. Job(MCD) Gotra:Luhera, Taank, Dulgach 398.Ashwani Lal, Dwarka,Delhi, Age:29 Date of Birth:2207-1983 Height :5,10” Color: Sanwla Education:MBA Work:Business Monthly Income:50,000 Father: Late(Graduate, Govt. Job- FCI), Gotra:Ridlan, Dhigan ID No.F399,Ashish Nath, Gol Market, Delhi Age:23, Date of Birth:15-4-1991, Heigh:5,11' Color:Fair, Education:Doing M.B.A Work:Axis Bank Officer, Monthly Income:20,000, Father: B.A Paas Bank Officer, Mother 12th Paas Govt Service, Gotra:Seria, Sarkania, Mathur Other information :I Want Singal Family and Two brother And one Sister okYehfd fj’rs gsrq ?kj cSBs jftLVªs’ku djkus ds fy, fj'rs ds fy, jftLVª's ku gsrq lgk;rk jkf'k dsoy 1100/& #i, gS- ;g ,d o"kZ dk lnL;rk 'kqYd gSosclkbV ij QksVks o Qksu uacj lfgr MkVk Myokuk pkgrs gSa rks 2100/- gS- lgk;rk jkf’k euhvkMZj ¼M.O.½] cSd a Mªk¶V] psd vkfn ds tfj, Hkst ldrsa gS-a fnYyh ls ckgj ds psd Hkstrs le; cSd a ksa dk Vªkt a Ds 'ku 'kqYd t#j tksMd + j Hkst]as vU;Fkk vkidk 'kqYd ekU; ugha gksxkvki vius utnhd dh LVsV cSd a vkQ ifV;kyk vFkok ;wfu;u cSd a vkWQ bafM;k dh czkp a esa tkdj Hkh psd vFkok uxn tek djk ldrs gS-a —i;k cSd a Vªkt a Ds 'ku 'kqYd tek djkuk u Hkwy]as vU;Fkk jftLVª's ku ekU; ugha gksxk- euhvkWMZj ;k psd Hkstus ds fy, irk % jkds’k dqekj] 12 / 224],e lh-Mh-¶ySV] lsDVj&20] jksfg.kh] fnYyh&110086. ‘kqYd tek djus ds fy, [kkrk uacj [kkrk /kkjd dk uke : cSad dk uke : [kkrk uacj : dSyk'k pan pkSgku LVsV cSad vkWQ ifV;kyk] iwBdyk] fnYyh55015145125 nwljk cSad [kkrk uacj % [kkrk /kkjd dk uke : jkds'k dqekj cSad dk uke : ;wfu;u cSad vkWQ bafM;k] lSDVj& Vj&22]] jksfg.kh] fnYyh[kkrk uacj : 604202010000420 fj’rksa dh vkSj vf/kd lwph ds fy, gekjh osclkbZV ns[ksa %& /;ku j[ksa% gekjh dksbZ czkap ugha gS] u gh dksbZ ,tsaV] çfrfuf/kfj’rs gsrq jftLVªs’ku ds fy, lEidZ djsa% jkds’k dqekj pkS g ku& ku&09213603725 www.valmikirishtey.co. in eksckby uacj % 09213603725 i`”B la[;k % 23 yM+dksa ds fj’rs ID No.F400. Rahul Gehlot, Sarojani Nagar, Delhi Age:27, Date of Birth:04-06-1987, Heigh: 5,7", Color: Fair Education:B.S.W., Doing M.S.W, Work:Govt. Job, Monthly Income:16,677, Father: MA, Govt. Job senior translator Gotra:Gehlot, Silelan, Rajaura ID No.F402. Surender Kumar,Rohini, Delhi, Age: 31 Date of Birth: 10-08-1981 Heigh: 5,5", Color:Gehuna, Education: B.B.A.+ Engineering, Father - Working with PSU, Eld Brother - Manager MNC Yng Brother - Director Pvt. Ltd. Co. Yng Sister Doing LAW from DU, Gotra:Pthgotri chauhan, Ujjainwal, Khargo F403.Pankaj Kumar, Khera Khurd, Delhi, Age:27 Date of Birth:13-08-1987 Heigh: 5,6'’, Color:Gehuna, Education: 5th Pass, Work:Private Job, Monthly Income:8,000/-, Gotra:Jingala, Sagwan, Chawariya ID No.F404.Veer, Baraham Puri, Delhi, Age:35 Date of Birth:24-01-1978, Heigh:5,8'’, Color:Gehuna Education:BA Pass, Work:Singer + Kesiyo Vadak Monthly Income:30,000, Gotra:Taank, Bagdi, Untwal ID No.F405.Gaurav, West Kidwai Nagar, Delhi. Age:25 Date of Birth:02-08-1987, Heigh:5,8'’ Color: Gehuna, Education:B.A Final Year, Work: Cargo Agent, Monthly Income:15,000/- Father- G. Sarvent S.J.H. Hospital Lab Attant, Gotra:Chandaliya, Sera Gohar, Rohdya ID No.406.Nitin Raj, Nangloi, Delhi, Age:22, Date of Birth:30-01-1991, Heigh:5,2'’, Color:Gehuna, Education: Doing B.A, Work:Shop Of D.J, Monthly Income: 8.000/-, Father-Delhi Nagar Nigam, Regular Safai Karmi, Post-R/SK, Mother- Delhi Nagar Nigam, Regular safai Karm,i Post-R/SK, Gotra:Dheeka, Sauda, Kagda ID No.407.Sanjiv Kumar, Loar Kaithu. Shimla, Age: 33 Date of Birth: 14-02-1979, Height: 5,5'’ Color:Saaf, Education:12th Pass, Work:Own Mobile Job, Monthly Income:14,000/-, Father- Maitric, Job- Govt Servent In Hospital Of Shimla, Mother- 5th Pass, JobJob In Govt School, Gotra:Tank, Sarswal, Bidlan ID No.408.Nitish Ridla, Karol Bagh, Delhi, Age:24, Date of Birth: 20-08-1988, Height:6ft, Color:Fair Education: Bsc Life Science+LLB-II Year(DU), Father:Bsc, LLB, Delhi Govt. Job-DM(Vig.), Mother: MA, LLB, Advocate Notary Public, Gotra:Ridla, Singh, Chidiyana ID No.409.Aalok kumar, Ashram Road, Gaziyabad, Age : 24 Date of Birth: 06-10-1989, Height:5,9'’, Color:Gehuna, Education: B.Tech (Machenical Inginiaring)[Shram Indestreis L.T.D, G.2. BInginiar Service Monthly Income: 22500/- Gotra: Sode, Ghagar, Dilolche ID No.410.Varun Bainiwal, Chirag Delhi, Delhi. Age: 29, Date of Birth: 1983, Height:5,6'’Color:Fair, Education: Graduate+O.M.S.P(Course) 3 Year,, Work: Bussiness+Govt Job Coaching, Monthly Income: 30.000, Father- 12th Pass, Job- Perater Water Suprly Gotra:Bainiwal, Bidlan,Bagdi i`”B la[;k % 24 ID No.F411.Dushyant, Alipur, Delhi.Age:24, Date of Birth: 08-10-1989, Height:5,8'’, Color:Fair, Education: B.A., J.B.T., Work:Conductor in D.T.C (Contrect), Monthly Income: 12,000, Father-12th Pass, Job- Govt Job In D.T.C, Post-Asst. Fitts, Gotra:Readlan, Tushamad, Balguhar ID No. F412.Rishi Pawar, Tikri Kalan,Delhi, Age:29, Date of Birth:30-09-1984, Height:5,6'’, Education:Under Graduate From Delhi University (Corspondence), Work:Interior Desine Work Monthly Income:30,000/-Father- Govt Retired, Post-Region Officer, Gotra:Dhaka Pawar, Dulgach, Pihal i`”B la[;k % 24 MkWDVjksa ds fj’rs i`”B la[;k % 25 dksbZ Hkh fj’rk Lohdkj&iDdk djus ls igys vPNh rjg ls tkap&iM+rky dj ysa- fj’rs gsrq nh xbZ tkudkjh dh lR;rk dh xkjaVh gekjh ugha gS- gekjs ikl vf/kdrj fj’rs vatku yksxksa ds gksrs gSa] blfy, vki [kqn rlYyh djsa- MkWDVj yM+fd;ka % I.D.584.Dr. Priyanka,Sarojini Nagar, Delhi.Age:27, Date of Brith: 25-06- 1985,Height: 5,4" Colour: Fair Education:B.A.M.S.( Bachelor of ayurvedic medicine and surgery) from D.U.,passed written exam for medical officer(haryana), interview call awaited Work:Herbal supplement manufacturing pharma company in Delhi Monthly Income: 20,000/- Family details : Father - working in C.A.G. . as supervisor(grade pay-5400) govt of India, Delhi Mother housewife Brother - pursuing B. Tech(mechanical engg.), Delhi Gotra:Jangra, Karotia, Burande, Contact No.: 01124100576, 9868218903, 09716434401 ID No.779.Dr.Nisha Kumari, Pushap Vihar, Delhi Age:24 Date of Birth:03-04-1986, Height: 5Ft,Color:Fair Education: Doctor, BHMS (NHC New Delhi from) In NHCMonthly Income: 50,000/- Father: BA, government jobs Gotra: Bidlan, Bagri, Chhajlana Other information :Aanshik Manglik,Mobile No.: 09968293977, 08860633810(Father: Rohtas Singh) ID No.783.Kamia, Meerut(UP)Age: 26, Date of Birth: 17-12-1986, Height:5,1", Color:Gehuna Education: BDS Doctor Work: BDS Doctor Father: clerk, mother-housewife,2 sister,1 brother Gotra:Dhingra, Taank, Jinwal, Other information :Required doctor, Civil Service, Mobile No.: 07895349266, 01212645055 (Father: Sh.: Jai Prakash Dhingra) ID No.796.DR. Nilam, R.K. Puram, Delhi Age:26, Date of Birth:01-07-1986, Height:5,4", Color:Saaf, Education:M.B.B.S (Diploma Child Helth), Work:Medical Collage Monthly Income: 50,000, Father:ASI(DP), Gotra:Parcha, Chauhan, Taank Other information : ljdkjh MkW-iwue jkuh] xkft;kckn] m-ç- mez%25 ID No.683.MkW tUe frfFk% frfFk%05&11&1986 dn% dn%5]2" jax%%lkQ f’k{kk% ,echch,l] ,eMh MkDVj¼iSFkkykth½ dk;Z%MkDVj ekfld vk;% vk;%65]000/ firk &firk firk:ç/kkukpk;Z] ,d HkkbZ% ,echch,l] ,eMh& esfMdy dkyst esa çksQslj] nwljk HkkbZ% ,e, T;ksfr'kkL= xkS=%%Mksenk] figky] egjksfy;k MkW-fu'kk dqekjh] iq"i fogkj] fnYyh I.D.No.779.MkW MkWDVj yM+ds % Mk-fç;adkk] ljkstuh uxj] fnYyh- mez% I.D.No.584-Mk-fç;a 25]tUe frfFk%25&06&1985 dn% dn%5]3" ja x %%xks j k f’k{kk% tUe frfFk% MkWDVj ekfld vk;% 60]000/& xkS=%%pVksy]s [kjkSy] cSuhoky] djksfr;k vkWfQlj pkfg, mez%24 tUe frfFk%03&04&1986 dn% dn%5QqV jax%%xksjk f’k{kk% I.D.No.278. Mk-iou dqekj] xkft;kckn m0ç0] firk:ch,] mez%34 28&08&1978 5]6"]jajax%%lkoayk f’k{kk% MkWDVj] BHMS¼N.H.C. New Delhi ls½] dk;Z%N-H-C- esa firk f’k{kk%MkDVj] ,e-ch-chljdkjh ukSdjh] xkS=%%fc<yku] ckxM+h] Ntykuk ,l-] ,e-,l¼tujy ltZu½ dk;Z% fnYyh ds ljdkjh vLirky esa B.A.M.S.( Bachelor of ayurvedic medicine and surgery) from D.U.,passed written eÛam for medical officer(haryana), interview call awaited dk;Z%Herbal supplement manufacturing pharma company in Delhi ekfld vk;%20]000/&] Father & working in C.A.G. as supervisor] govt of India, Delhi Mother & housewife Brother & pursuing B- Tech¼mechanical engg-½] % xkjk] djksfr;k] cqjaMs Delhi xkS=%ta I.D- No-287. Mk-lR;nhi] ;equk uxj] gfj;k.kk, mez%30, dn% dn%5,9" jax%%xksjk, f’k{kk% f’k{kk%BDS from PGIMS, Rohtak (Haryana)] Specialisation in Oral Surgery from AustraliaRunning own Dental Clinic in the name of Epping Dental care in 730 high street, Epping Victoria 3076, vk;%AppAustralia,Running own Dental Clinic ekfld vk;% 2-50 lac, Father: Retd- E.O.(Industries) Mother: RetdMatron from Deptt- Of Health Haryana,Only younger Brother: B.Tech. Now engeged in preparing Documentary films xkS = %%xks j h, pkS g ku, pks V kyk vU; tkudkjh%Required beautiful girl having qualification BDS/ ID No.698. DR. POONAM KARNWAL, MEERUT, UP Age:31 Date of Birth:05-01-1981 Height:5,3" Color:FAIR Education: B.SC, BPT, MIAP (Bachelor of Physiotherapist) Work:OWN CLINIC Monthly Income: 30,000-35,000 Family details : FOUR BROTHERS (TWO MARRIED) & THREE SISTERS (ONE MARRIED) Gotra:KUDRIYA, PATHRAY, TAANK Mobil No.09897319325, 08534907073, Email: karanwalr@gmail.com (Father: SH. RAM CHARAN) Other information :REQUIRE, DOCTOR, ENGINEER, BANK OFFICER & ETC. ID No.704. Dr. Shivangi Pihal, Rohini, Delhi. Age:25 Date of Birth:28-02-1987 Height:5,1" Color:Fair Education: B.A.M.S (D.U.) Work:Working in Pvt. Hospital Monthly Income:18,000/- Father: BA,LLB, Govt.Job- Sr. Law Officer Gotra:Pihal, Mangwane, Dulgach Other Information: Manglik, Mobile No.:09953649915, 09650333866, Email : pihal@hpcl.co.in (Father:Sh. S.K. Pihal) ID No.751.Dr. Shikha, R.K. Puram, Delhi Age:24, Date of Birth: 26-03-1988, Height:5,5", Color:Saaf, Education: B.A.M.S.(Delhi University), doing - MD Work:Doctor Monthly Income:50,000/- Father: BA, Govt. Job, Mother: BA, MA Gotra:Bohat, Dulgach, Bidlan Mobile No.: 09968248087, 09910371663, Email : 777dharampal@gmail.com (Father: Sh. Dharampal) MDS/MBBS/MCA/Computer Engg-/Similar Education and should be willing to shift in Australia- Early Marriage- Mk-vuqjk/kk] p.Mhx<+] mez% 28] tUe ID No-644-Mk-vuq frfFk frfFk: 12&02&1984] dn dn: 5]3"] jax: xksjk] f'k{kk f'k{kk: M.B.B.S. Doctor] dk;Z: Medical Officer] Govt-Job] ekfld vk; vk;: 45000/&] ikfjokfjd fooj.k% Mother govt job one brother working in MNC] xkS= : Mattu, Sandal, tkudjh: preference for doc. hcms or equivalent Bann] vU; tkudjh I.D. No.310- Mk-fnudj flag] vk;k uxj] xqMx+ kaomez:32 tUe frfFk frfFk: 22&02&1981 dn dn:5]8" jax:xksjk f'k{kk: ch-,-,e-,l-¼B.A.M.S.½ dk;Z:viuk gkWLihVy ekfld vk; vk;: 30 ls 35]000/& firk firk: vkfQlj ¼ljdkjh ukSdjh½] eka: cSd a esa DydZ xkS=:lkjlj] ckxM+h] pkofj;k ID No.367.Dr. Sudeep Kumar, AGRA,U.P. Age:27 Date of Birth:30-06-1986 Height:5,5" Color:Gehuna Education:MBBS - Pursuing M.D.(Medicine) Monthly Income:45,000/- Father: Senior Branch Manager in Nationalized Bank, Mother: House Wife, Elder Two Sister-MA, & MA, Bed- Both Married, Younger BrotherM.Tech(P.E.) Gotra:Kajroth,Karronchhia, Bagri Mobile No.: 09557312277, 09425714455, Email: vkr10664@gmail.com (Father:Sh. Vinod Kumar) ID No.F397. Dr.Bijender Kumar,, Shakur Pur, Delhi, Age:28, Date of Birth:04-08-1984, Heigh:5,4" Color:Fair, Education: BDS(Dentis) Father: Govt.Job Gotra:Taank, Sarsar, Dulgach i`”B la[;k % 25 i`”B la[;k % 26 ekaxfyd fj’rs dksbZ Hkh fj’rk Lohdkj&iDdk djus ls igys vPNh rjg ls tkap&iM+rky dj ysa- fj’rs gsrq nh xbZ tkudkjh dh lR;rk dh xkjaVh gekjh ugha gS- gekjs ikl vf/kdrj fj’rs vatku yksxksa ds gksrs gSa] blfy, vki [kqn rlYyh djsa- ekaxfyd yM+fd;ka : ekulh] xka/kh uxj] fnYyh- mez:21 tUe I.D.No.653-ekulh] frfFk frfFk:16&07&1990] dn% dn%5QqV] jax%%lkQ] f’k{kk% f’k{kk%ch, vafre o"kZ esa i<+ jgh gS] firk firk: fnYyh iqfyl esa xkS=:<dksfy;k] xgyksr] cguoky vU; tkudkjh tkudkjh: ekaxfyd lEidZ uacj % 08800517766(Ashok Kumar-firk) f'k[kk pkSgku] Xokfy;j] e/; çns'kID No.693.f'k[kk mez%30 tUe frfFk% frfFk%27&03&1982 dn dn:5]4" jax%%xksjk f'k{kk% M.A., B.ed, TGDCA (Computer½ ikfjokfjd fooj.k fooj.k: 02 Brother, 02 Sisters, 01 Brother & 01 Sister are married xkS = :Chauhan, Pyal, Bal Gauhar vU; tkudkjh tkudkjh:she is soft nature , slim & educated girl. we wanted a " MANGLIK" boy- lEidZ ua c j% firk 09406978687, 09450070078 ¼firk firk:Harnarayan ½ ID No.704. Dr. Shivangi Pihal, Rohini, Delhi. Age:25 Date of Birth:28-02-1987 Height:5,1" Color:Fair Education: B.A.M.S (D.U.) Work:Working in Pvt. Hospital Monthly Income:18,000/- Father: BA,LLB, Govt.Job- Sr. Law Officer Gotra:Pihal, Mangwane, Dulgach Other Information: Manglik, Mobile No.:09953649915, 09650333866, (Father:Sh. S.K. Pihal) ID No.765.Deepmala, Tuglakabad, Delhi, Age:26, Date Of Birth:16-06-1986, Height:5ft, Color:Fair, Education: B.A. Second Year, Course-N.T.T., Father: Govt, Job, D.T.C., Mother, House Wife,, Gotra:Parcha, Chindalia,Jhingra, Other information :Manglik ID No.779.Dr.Nisha Kumari, Pushap Vihar, Delhi Age:24 Date of Birth:03-04-1986, Height: 5Ft,Color:Fair Education: Doctor, BHMS (NHC New Delhi from) In NHCMonthly Income: 50,000/- Father: BA, government jobs Gotra: Bidlan, Bagri, Chhajlana Other information :Aanshik Manglik,Mobile No.: 09968293977, 08860633810(Father: Rohtas Singh) ID No.780.Suman Kumari, Pushap Vihar, Delhi, Age:25 Date Of Birth:29-05-1987 Height:5ft, Color:Fair, Education: BA from +1 Year Diploma YMCA, Father: BA, government jobs, Gotra:Bidlan, Bagri, Chhajlana, Other information :Manglik, Mobile No.: 09968293977, 08860633810 ( Rohtas Singh) ekaxfyd] dksbZ tkfr ca/ku ugha % 'osrk]k]a,aM:t xat]fnYyh- mez%25 tUe I.D.No. 635-'os frfFk% frfFk%27&06&1986] tUe le;% le;%11:33AM dn% dn%5]1" jax%%xksjk f’k{kk% ekLVj vkQ vkD;qi's kuy FksjiS h¼esfMdy½ dk;Z% çkbosV firk Dyhfud esa ukSdjh ekfld vk;% vk;%20]000/&firk firk:ch,] ljdkjh ukSdjh] jktif=r vf/kdkjh xkS=%%Vkad] d';i]cgksr ekaxfyd yM+ds : ID No.387 Manish Kumar, Pahad Ganj, DelhiAge:27 Date of Birth:29-10-1985, Heigh:5,6" Color:Sanvla Education:Museum of Science, NET examination Pass+ D.ed Primary Teacher Guide (Rashtrapati Bhawan), Govt. Job Gotra:Dulgach, Meheroliya, Kodaliya, Sauda, Other information : Manglik Mobile No.:09811338494, 09811770882 (Father: Sh. Hemraj) ID No.343.Dheeraj Kumar, Subhash Nagar, Delhi. Age:30 Date of Birth:24-10-1982 Height: 5,9",Color:Saaf, Education:Graduate Work: SEO Manager in IIPM at Gurgaon Monthly Income:22,000/- Father: Superintendent Gotra:Balguher, Sauda, Taank, Kangda Other information :Manglik ID No.F382,Sandeep Kumar, Pushap Vihar, Delhi, Age:30, Date Of Birth:10-09-1983,, Height:5,6", Color: Fair, Education:B.Com, PGDM (Marketing), Work:Executive, Monthly, Income:30,000/-, Father: BA, government jobs, Gotra: Bidlan, Bagri, Chhajlana, Other information :Aanshik Manglik nwth;k fj’rs nwth;k yM+fd;ka % I.D.No.564. liuk] }kjdk] fnYyh- mez % 27] tUe frfFk% frfFk%14&09&1985 dn% dn%5]3" jax%%xksjk f’k{kk% f’k{kk%10oha dk;Z%Mkal Vhpj] firk firk: ljdkjh ukSdjh] ,fj;j iksVZ ij lhfu;j ,flLVsVa xkS=%%lkaxoku] Mqyxp] yq[kM+ vU; tkudkjh% nwth;k] yM+dh dsoy rhu eghus llqjky esa jgh gS I.D.No.677. Priyanka Parasker, Pili Bhit, U. P. Age:: 26 Date Of Birth: 23-07-1986 Colour:: Fair Height:: 5,1” Family details : Father and Mother goverment job Education*: B.pharma graduate Work and post: one year experience in pharma mnc Gotra: Parasker,Lal, Chautaley, I.D.No.720. ekyk] jkuh ckx] fnYyh- tUe frfFk % fnlacj 1976 dn% 5,6” jax% lkQ f’k{kk% ch,] dk;Z% vkaxokM+h esa xkS=% cgksr] <hdk] figky o vkeus&lkeus figky u gks] vU; tkudkjh% tkudkjh%nwth;k] ,d cPpk lEidZ djsa% MkWxqykc] eksckby uacj% 09968399711 m"kk] cq) fogkj] fnYyh- mez%30 tUe I.D.No.443.m"kk] frfFk% f’k{kk%ch,&vafre o"kZ frfFk%09-02-1981 dn% dn%5]1"jajax%%lkQ f’k{kk% % [kM+] ls NksM+ fn;k] firk firk: fnYyh ljdkj esa lgk;d in ij xkS=%yq figky] xgpUn lEidZ uacj % 9891779119, 9211507432 (Sh.Azad Singh),09213603725 jtuh] mez:35]dn dn dn: 5]1"] I.D.No.490-jtuh] jtuh]xkft;kckn]m0ç0-mez jax: xksjk]f'k{kk f'k{kk xkS=: f'k{kk:,e-,- ¼iksfYVdy lkbal½] Vkbfiax LVsuksa dh ukWyt s ]xkS pkSgku]lhgkrs]paMsfy;k] vU; tkudkjh tkudkjh: dsoy Qsjs dh nks"kh lEidZ uacj% 09871447909,09997292759, 09935099950 (Mr.Sanjay Kumar) lhek] lhek]ukud iqjk] fnYyh- mez% 30 tUe I.D.No.587.lhek] frfFk% 01&04&1979 dn% dn%5]1" jax%%lkQ f’k{kk% f’k{kk%10oha ikl xkS = %%ikjpk] dBs f j;k] dhj vU; tkudkjh% tkudkjh%nw t h;k lEidZ uacj % 9971733895 (SMT. Aasha) i`”B la[;k % 26 nwth;k fj’rs i`”B la[;k % 27 nwth;k yM+fd;ka % nwth;k yM+fd;ka % ID No-645. Hkwfedk] vkj-ds-iqje] fnYyh- mez%22 tUe frfFk% frfFk%19&06&1989 dn% dn%5]4" jax%%xksjk f’k{kk% f’k{kk%,yhesUVªh Vhpj ,T;qds'ku¼ETE½ ,oa ch, rhljs o"kZ esa] i<+kbZ tkjh dk;Z%ljdkjh Ldwy esa dkUVªsDV cSfll firk firk: fMIVh Mk;jsDVj ÅtkZ foHkkx esa] xkS=%%pkaofj;k] cM+xwtj pkSgku] tktkfj;k lEidZ ua c j% 8800658820, 01126176875(Sh.Satish Kumar ) lquhrk] I.D.No.662-lq hrk]xksy ekdsVZ ]fnYyh- mez:42 dn dn: 5]5" jax:xksjk] f'k{kk f'k{kk: 5oha ikl] xkS=:Mqyxp] yksgV] ckyxqgjs ] vU; tkudkjh tkudkjh: nwth;k lEidZ uacj % 09873031485, 09928588550 (Sh.Raghubir Singh) nhik fxy] yks/kh jksM] fnYyh] iatkch- mez:34 I.D.No.663-nhik tUe frfFk frfFk:27&03&1977 dn dn:5]2" jax:xksjk f'k{kk f'k{kk:12oha ikl dk;Z%çkbosV ukSdjh xkS=:fxy] pkSgku vU; tkudkjh tkudkjh: nwth;k] dksbZ tkfr ca/ku ugha] iatkch lEidZ uacj %%011-24643336, 09911707539 (Sh.Sohan Lal Gill) eerk] ;equk uxj] gfj;k.kk] mez:35 tUe I.D.No.666-eerk] frfFk dn: 5]3" jax: xksjk f'k{kk f'k{kk: MCA] MBA frfFk:14&08&1976 dn dk;Z%Doing Job as System Officer in a Government Office. On contract base Service ekfld vk; vk;:15]000/& Father : Retied as ohuw lgk;] fcUnkiqj]fnYyh-mez mez%33 tUe frfFk% 671.ohuw frfFk%0808-1978 dn% dn%5,2" jax%%xsgqavk f’k{kk% B.A.(Pass), PGDCA, M.A.(Eco), doing B.Ed from MDU dk;Z%medical transcriptionist, worked as a quality analyst ekfld vk;% vk;%my buisiness is new, i have started this from October onwards x k S = % Sood,Godiyal,do not know v U ; tkudkjh% tkudkjh%rykd'kq n k Manager, from Bank and Now doing Own Business. Mother : Religious, House Hold Lady] xkS=:dY;k.k] cgksr] lijk] vU; tkudkjh tkudkjh:nwth;k lEidZ uacj % 09416497208(Sh. Sohan Lal) nwth;k yM+ds : ID No.342. Dharmender Singh, G.T.B. Enclave, Delhi. Age:46 Date of Birth:19-04-1968 Heigh:5,10" Color:Saaf Education: Graduate Work:Gazetted Officer, Government Jobs Monthly Income: 47,500/Gotra:Bainiwal, Dhakolia, MehroliaFamily details : (iii) Two Sister (i) Sister-I (Married) - Delhi Metro Rail Corporation me acche post par kaam karti hi, (ii) Sister-II (Married) - Indian Army me Lt. Colonel (Group-A) Officer ki post par kaam karti hi. , Other information :(ii) Divorcee (Talakshuda) - Victime of fraud marriage) ID No.379.Dinesh kumar, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi Age:35 Date of Birth:10-04-1977 Height:5.8'’, Color:Gehuna, Education: B.Com, L.L.B, Work: Advocating Gurgaun, Monthly Income: 50,000, Gotra:Piwhal, Dhogliya, Dhika, Other information :Second Marriage vc gekjs }kjk fganh =Sekfld if=dk dne dk izdk’ku 2 X 3 bZap dk B & W foKkiu ek=k 500 #i;s esa dyj foKkiu 750 #i;s k s x ny c kt vçSy&twu vad e l s ] MkW-vEcsMdj s a x y n t;arh fo’ks”kkad c e g laiknd % dSyk’k pan pkSgku okf”kZd lnL;rk ek= #i;s okf”kZd lnL;rk ek= 100 #i;s vki foKkiu nsa ;k fnyok,a vkidk lg;ksx if=dk dks fu;fer çdkf’kr djus esa ;ksxnku nsxk lg;ksx gsrq bl irs ij lEidZ djsa % jkds’k dqekj pkSgku] 12/224] ,e-lh-Mh-¶ySV] lSDVj&20] jksfg.kh] fnYyh&110086. Mb.:09213603725 tqykbZ&flracj vad ds vfrfFk laiknd gksxa s % vkseçdk’k okYehfd i`”B la[;k % 27 nwth;k fj’rs i`”B la[;k % 28 dksbZ Hkh fj’rk Lohdkj&iDdk djus ls igys vPNh rjg ls tkap&iM+rky dj ysa- fj’rs gsrq nh xbZ tkudkjh dh lR;rk dh xkjaVh gekjh ugha gS- gekjs ikl vf/kdrj fj’rs vatku yksxksa ds gksrs gSa] blfy, vki [kqn rlYyh djsa- nwth;k yM+ds : ID No.F383.Sumesh Chawla,Turakmaan Gate, Delhi, Age:39, Date of Birth:22-08-1973 Height: 5,4", Color: Fair, Education: 10th Pass, Work:Govt.Job(Railway), Monthly, Income:25,000/-, Gotra:Chawria, Taank, Chauhan, Other information : II- Marriage ID No.F389.Arvind Kumar, Kanjhavla Delhi, Age:33, Date of Birth:01-02-1980, Heigh:5,9" Color:Gehuna, Education: 12th Pass, Work: Conductor in DTC Father: DTC.Traffic Inspector Gotra: Bahot, Parcha, Taank Other information : IIMarriage, 2 Girls,Age 1 Girls-4Years, Girls-2, Age1½ Years ID No.F395.Devi Saran, Chhoti Mor Saray, Delhi Age:41 Date of Birth:14-11-1972, Heigh:5,7" Color:Sanwla Education:8th Work:SK, Monthly Income:20,000 Gotra:Ujjainwal, Behanwal, Parcha Other information : II- Marriage f’ko lkxj] esjB] m-ç-] mez%33 jax% ID No.394.f’ko lkQ] dn%5,5”, f’k{kk % ch, dk;Z% ljdkjh ukSdjh ekfld vk;% 16,000/- xkS=% esgjksfy;k] dhj] fp.Mkfy;k] vU; tkudkjh% fodykax] 15 çfr’kr i`”B la[;k % 28 i`”B la[;k % 29 fj’rs gsrq mez 30 + yM+fd;ksa dh lwph Qksu uacj lfgr I.D.No.17. lquhrk dqekjh& vkj0ds0iqje] fnYyhmez%32o”kZ dn% dn%5,1” jax%%xksjk f’k{kk% f’k{kk%,e-,-ikl] Vh-oh-i=dkfjrk fMIyksek dk;Z%Vhoh i=dkj] fnYyh nwj’kZu esa ljdkjh ukSkdjh xkS=%%pkSgku]Vkad] jktoa’kh lEidZ uacj % 07838162897, 01126179405(lkxj iky) gsek] 'kdwj iqj]fnYyh- mez%z30 tUe I.D.No.64-gs frfFk% 20&11&82 dn% dn%5]3" jax%%lkQ f’k{kk% ch-,-ikl] O Level dEI;wVj dkslZ] Vkbfiax Vîw'ku firk firk: jsyos esa xzsM&1 VsfDufl;u xkS=% ckxM+h]<hdk]cSuhoky] jk/kk Lokeh lEidZ uacj% 9971528218] 9968075561(Prem Sagar) I.D.No.153. vferk fc<yku& vEcsMdj uxj] fnYyhmez% 30o”kZ tUe frfFk% 16-07-1981 dn% dn%5QqV jax%%xsgqavk f’k{kk% s j] eka% f’k{kk%,e-,-ikl]NTT DIET dkslZ firk% F.C.I.esa eSut gsM Vhpj] HkkbZ% ,ech, xkS=%%fc<yku] xqgjs ] f>axkyk] lEidZ uacj %%09560383975 (Devi Singh) fjrq ] igkM+ xat] fnYyh- mez%32 tUe I.D.No.329.fjrq frfFk% 14&02&1978 dn% dn%5 QqV jax%%xsagqvk f’k{kk% f’k{kk%ch-,-¼P½ dk;Z%lekt lsfodk ¼fe-vkWQ lks'ky osyQs;j½ 5]000/& firk firk: xkS=%%Vkad]yksfg;k]ckyxqgsj lEidZ uacj% Retd.- ljdkjh ukSdjh]xkS 20065806] 9968759573 (Sh.Kamal Singh]) jkuh & flfoy ykbZu] fnYyh- mez%30 o”kZ I.D.No.343.jkuh tUe frfFk% 04-10-1981 dn% dn%5,3” jax%%lkQ f’k{kk% f’k{kk%ch-,-]ch,M] ,e-,- dj jgh gS xkS=% mTtSuoky] lkjoku] ckyxqgjs lEidZ uacj %%9968310895 T;ksfr& thUn] gfj;k.kk- mez%30o”kZ tUe I.D.No.357.T;ks frfFk% f’k{kk%,e,llh ¼Msc½ frfFk%09-11-1982 dn% dn%5,6” jax%%lkQ f’k{kk% dEI;wVj lkbal dk;Z% ukSdjh firk% firk%lhfu;j AAI xkS=%%cXxu] yksgV] fpykfu;k lEidZ uacj %%09968289917 (Jon Maisi) dfork& ikye] fnYyh- mez%31o”kZ tUe I.D.No.360.dfork& frfFk% 08-03-1979 dn% f’k{kk%ch-dkWe+1lky dk dn%5,2” jax%%lkQ f’k{kk% daI;wVj dkslZ +1lky dk Vwj ,.M VsªoYl dk fMIyksek] ,edkWe&fgekpy ;wfuoflZVh ls] ,e-ch-,- iatkc ;wfuoflZVh lsdk;Z%ukSdjh ekfld vk;% vk;%15,000/-PM firk% firk%,;j bafM;k esa dsfcu lgk;d] 25,000/-PM xkS=%%egjksfy;k] pqu;kus] ‘ksj;kj lEidZ uacj % 9911239505 (Sh.Krishan Pal) &js[kk] olar fogkj]fnYyh- mez%33o”kZ tUe I.D.No.400.&js frfFk% frfFk%12-06-1977 dn% dn%5,4” jax%%xsgv aq k f’k{kk% f’k{kk%ch, ikl dk;Z% ,yMhlh xkS=%%cSuhoky] djksfr;k] Ntykuk lEidZ uacj % 9717955285, 9013502766 (Sh.Gulab Singh) &jf’e] mez % 34o”kZ I.D.No.449.&jf’e] &jf’e]xkft;kckn ]m0ç0-mez dn% dn%5QqV jax%%lkQ f’k{kk% 10+2 (CBSC,fnYyh ls) dk;Z%ljdkjh ukSdjh firk% ofj”B ys[kkdkj in ls fjVk;MZ xkS=%%xgyksr] <hdk]f/ kxku lEidZ uacj% j%9210337703 (Sh. Ramesh Chand) 'kksHkk] I.D.No.477.'kks kk]flfoy ykbu]fnYyh] mez%32, dn% dn%5QqV] jax%%xksjk] f’k{kk% f’k{kk%ch-,- ikl] Vsyfjax ,.M dfVax] ,d lky dk NTT dkslZ]xkS=%%mTtSuoky] lkjoku]ckyxqgsj lEidZ uacj % 9968310895 eerk] vksYM jathr uxj]fnYyh] mez:31] I.D.No.498-eerk] tUe frfFk% f'k{kk frfFk%19-11-1978 dn dn:5QqV] jax: lkQ]f'k{kk f'k{kk:ch,¼jsxy q j ls½+Mªk¶VeSu dk dkslZ iwlk vkbZvkbZVh ls] xkS=:lkSnk]fiOgky] f>a>ksVM+ lEidZ uacj %%9871768149, 01165844576 (Sh. Deevan Singh) eksukk] Qjhnkckn]gfj;k.kk-mez mez%31] tUe I.D.No.563-eks frfFk% dn%5]4"]jajax%%xksjk f’k{kk% f’k{kk%12oha ikl] ljdkjh frfFk%01&09&1980] dn% baLVhVîwV ls NTT+Computer dkslZ dk;Z %çkbosV Vhpj xkS = %%ekMks f B;k] >a x kjs ] Bkdq j ] Mq y xp lEidZ ua c j %9911450989(Sh.Vinay Prakash) I.D.No. 570-Lus yrk]fd'ku xat]fnYyh- mez :34 Lusg yrk] tUe frfFk frfFk: 17&04&1978] dn dn:5QqV jax:xksjk f'k{kk f'k{kk:,y,ych ikl] ,y,y,e dj jgh gS dk;Z: fnYyh gkbZ dksVZ esa çsfDVl ekfld vk; vk;: 12]000/& yxHkx firk firk:bafM;u vk;y esa lhfu;j Qksjesu xkS=% djksfr;k] [kj[kksan] pkSgku lEidZ uacj % 9210325309 (Sh. Kishan Lal), 09213603725 uhrw jkuh] fnYyh xs V ]fnYyh- mez % 31 I.D.No.571.uhrw tUe frfFk% 27&07&1981 dn% dn%5QqV jax%%xksjk f’k{kk% ,e-,] dEI;wVj Vªsfuax] C;wfVf'k;u dkslZ firk firk:ysc VSDuhf'k;u] fnYyh ljdkjh gksLihVy esa xkS=%%e<ksfB;k]yksgV][ktwfj;k lEidZ uacj% 9873667827, 011-23235884, 9818114230 (Sh.Raghunandan Sawroop) xfjek vks e ~ ] vkj-ds - iq j e] fnYyhI.D.No.572-xfjek mez%30]tUe tUe frfFk% dn% f’k{kk%chfrfFk%16&06&1982]dn% dn%5]1" jax%%xksjk f’k{kk% dke¼vkulZ½],y-,l-vkj-¼Mh-;w- ls½] Qkbu vkVZl esa fMIyksek] dk;Z% MNC xqM+xkao esa ukSdjh firk firk: ch-dke] ljdkjh ukSdjh xkS=%%cguoky] ijk'kj] <dksfy;k lEidZ uacj % 9999317067 (Sh.Vegraj Om), 09213603725 ve`rkk] Qjhnkckn] gfj;k.kk- mez% 31 I.D.No.585.ve` tUe frfFk% f’k{kk%ch, daI;wVj frfFk%17&09&1979 dn% dn%5]5" jax%%xksjk] f’k{kk% firk:lsYl VsDl baLisDVj] xkS=%%Vkad] lk¶Vos;j lfgr] ch,M tkjh firk pkofj;k] dkxjk lEidZ uacj % 09818763496, 09910748868 (Surjeet Singh), 09213603725 I.D.No.586.jsjs[kk] osLV fouksn uxj] fnYyh- mez% 30 tUe frfFk% frfFk%19&07&1982 dn% dn%5Qq V ja x %%xks j k f’k{kk% chdke¼P½] daI;wVj ,ifyds'ku esa ,d lky dk fMIyksek firk firk:lhfu;j ,flLVsaV lqijokbtj xkS=%%<haxh;k] esgjksfy;k] gMkys lEidZ uacj % 09313198431, 09873467321(Sh.Lakhmi Chand) I.D.No.599 nqxsZ'k dqekjh] jk"Vªifr Hkou] fnYyhmez % 31 tUe frfFk% frfFk%05&02&1981 dn% dn%4]11" ja x %%xks j k f’k{kk% f’k{kk%Lukrd] daI;wVj dkslZ dj jgh gS firk firk: ljdkjh ukSdjh] HkkbZ: ljdkjh ukSdjh xkS=% mTtSuoky lSfj;k] iRFkj pkSgku] lq u ir lEidZ ua c j % 9818559151 (Om Prakash), I.D.No.600. ;'koUrh dqekjh] jk"Vªifr Hkou] fnYyh mez% 34 tUe frfFk% frfFk%02&03&1978 dn% dn%4]11" jax%%xksjk f’k{kk% firk: ljdkjh ukSdjh] Lukrd ljdkjh ukSdjh] LVsuksxzkQj firk % HkkbZ: ljdkjh ukSdjh xkS=%mTtS uoky lSfj;k] iRFkj pkSgku] lquir lEidZ uacj % 9818559151(Om Prakash), jk[kh] vkj-ds-vkJe ekxZ] fnYyh- mez: I.D.No.615-jk[kh] 31 tUe frfFk frfFk: 13&06&1981 dn dn: 5QqV] jax%%xksjk f'k{kk f'k{kk: xzstw,V] fnYyh fo'ofo|ky; ls] firk firk:ljdkjh vkfQlj in ls ls o kfuo` r ] xkS = : pkofj;k] >>ks V j] rs t h lEidZ ua c j %9810621881, 9999114568, (Dashrath Kumar) I.D.No.616- T;ksfr] esgjksyh] fnYyh- mez: 31 tUe frfFk frfFk: 12&12&1982 dn dn: 5]3" jax: lkQ] f'k{kk f'k{kk: ch-,ikl] ,ech, tkjh dk;Z: MNC esa dke djrh gS] ekfld vk; vk;: 25]000/& firk firk: jkstxkj n¶rj esa] ljdkjh ukSdjh] ekfld vk; vk;: 32,000/& xkS=: Mqyxp] fjMyku] fcMyku] d.Msjk lEidZ uacj %%9899508215, 7838858838', 9811145616, 9811047624(Sh. Ashok Kumar) /;ku j[ksa% gekjh dksbZ czkap ugha gS] u gh dksbZ ,tsaV] çfrfuf/kfj’rs gsrq jftLVªs’ku ds fy, lEidZ djsa% jkds ’ k dq e kj pkS g ku& ku&09213603725 i`”B la[;k % 29 i`”B la[;k % 30 dksbZ Hkh fj’rk Lohdkj&iDdk djus ls igys vPNh rjg ls tkap&iM+rky dj ysa- fj’rs gsrq nh xbZ tkudkjh dh lR;rk dh xkjaVh gekjh ugha gS- gekjs ikl vf/kdrj fj’rs vatku yksxksa ds gksrs gSa] blfy, vki [kqn rlYyh djsa- mez 30 + yM+fd;ksa ds fj’rs I.D.No.617-uhye uhye jRukdj] vyeksjk- mez:32 tUe frfFk frfFk: 03&03& 1978] dn dn: 5]2" jax: xksjk f'k{kk f'k{kk:B A, LLB and Bed dk;Z: mÙkjkapy iqfyl esa dkaLVscy, xkS= : rksej] ?kk?kV]rksej] all member,s are in Govt. job lEidZ uacj %%9456369245, 8859290207(Sh. R. P. Ratnakar) mez%30o”kZ tUe fdj.k] j?kqchj uxj] fnYyh-mez I.D.No.618-fdj.k] frfFk% frfFk%18-06-1982 dn% dn%5,3” jax%%xksjk f’k{kk% f’k{kk%ch-,-] ,e-,-¼fganh½] fganh Vªkl a ysVj dk fMIyksek dksl]Z 2 lky dk dEI;wVj dksl]aZ vjyh pkbYM gqM ds;j esa fMIyksek firk% ljdkjh ukSdjh] xkS=% p.Mkfy;k] lkSnk] cgknqj lEidZ uacj % 9350487710, 9818040242 (Sh.Hari Kishan) fu'kk tUe I.D.No.619.fu'kk fu'kk] if'pe fogkj] fnYyh- mez%30]tUe frfFk% dn% frfFk%30&09&1982]dn% dn%5]6"]jajax%%lkQ f’k{kk% ch-,-¼vkWulZ½] bafXy'k]IATA ¼vkbZVk½ls fMIyksek]SWIFT india NIIT ls fMIyksek rFkk CRS ¼AMTEUS½ From IITTM ls fMIyksek dk;Z% lhfu;j Vª s O yl da l yVs a V MNC] xq M + x ko es a ] ekfld vk;% vk;%30]000/& firk firk:Retd cS a d eS u s t j] xkS = % Mq y xp] fluanh]xqgsj lEidZ uacj %%9810346131 (Sh.B.R.Chaudhri) vuqi dqekjh] kjh yks/kh dkyksuh] fnYyh mez%31 I.D.No.623-vuq tUe frfFk% frfFk%28&06&1979, 5]3" jax%%xksjk f’k{kk% bdksukfeDl firk:A.F. esa goynkj] xkS=%%jktkSj] fjokM+h] pkSgku esa ,e-,- firk lEidZ ua c j % 9868673730(Sh.Munna Lal Rajaur), 09213603725 I.D.No.626. vpZuk thuoky] e;wj fogkj] fnYyhmez%30] tUe frfFk% 12&07&1981] dn% dn%5]2"] jax% xsagqvk] f’k{kk% f’k{kk%Lukrd] B.I.T.M. daI;wVj dksl]Z dk;Z%eYVh uS'kuy daiuh esa ukSdjh] ekfld vk;% vk;%25]000/&] firk firk: ,e-lh-Mh- esa A.S.I. eka: PWD esa ;w-Mh-lh-¼ljdkjh ukSdjh½] eka% thuoky] figoky] ikjpk lEidZ uacj %%9891941548(Subhash Chand) mez%32 tUe I.D.No.631.lq lqy{k.kk] esgjksyh] fnYyh-mez frfFk% 03&08&1979 dn% dn%5]2" jax%%lkQ f’k{kk% f’k{kk%12oha ikl] dk;Z% CAFETERIA MANAGER xkS=% Mqyxp] panfs y;k ]Mcxqgsj lEidZ uacj % 9871627983 (Sh. Sanjiv Kumar) ekyrh] esgjksyh] fnYyh- mez%30 tUe I.D.No. 632.ekyrh] frfFk% 10-12-1981 dn% dn%5QqV jax% lkQ f’k{kk% ch, ikl] xkS=% Mqyxp] panfs y;k] Mcxqgjs lEidZ uacj % 9871627983 (S anjiv Kumar) I.D.No.641- iwtk] osLV fnYyh] fnYyh] mez%30] tUe frfFk% June 1982] dn% dn%5]2"] jax%%xksjk] f’k{kk% f’k{kk%iksYVhdy lkbal esa ,e,] ch,M] ikfjokfjd fooj.k% firk- xtVsM vkfQlj] ,d HkkbZ lEidZ chVsd] ,d HkkbZ ,echch,l MkDVj] xkS=%%iRFkj] [ksjk] Loku]lEidZ uacj% j%9911222176 (Sh.Vijay Kumar), 09213603725 ID No- 647- jsuw ckyk ckyk] iIiudyka] fnYyh- mez% 31 tUe frfFk% 12&01&1980 dn% dn%5]4" jax%%lkQ f’k{kk% ch-,]ch,M dj jgh gS firk firk: DydZ ¼ljdkjh ukSdjh½] eka:10th House wife xkS=%%ckxM+h] xgpan] Mqyxp lEidZ uacj % 9213109845, ID No-648. 'kkjnk 'kkjnk] iIiudyka ] fnYyh- mez % 30 tUe f’k{kk% frfFk% frfFk%28&09&1982 dn% dn%5]3" jax%%lkQ ID No-f’k{kk% f’k{kk%10+2, NTT dj jgh gS firk firk: DydZ ¼ljdkjh ukSdjh½] eka:10th House wife x k S = %%ckxM+h] xgpan] Mqyxp l E i d Z u a c j %9213109845(Sh.Jay karan), ID No- 651. vat]w Mk-vacM s dj uxj] fnYyh- mez% 35 tUe frfFk% 23&11&1976 dn% 4]10" jax% lkQ f’k{kk % 12oha ikl] dkelZ es]a dfVax ,.M Vsyfjax ITI ls dk;Z% çkbosV Ldwy esa fVfpax] xkS= % mTtSuoky] jktkSfj;k] csuhoky lEidZ uacj % 9212512765 uhrw] lqn'kZu ikdZ] fnYyh- mez:31 tUe I.D.No.654-uhrw frfFk frfFk:05&12&1980 dn dn:5]2" jax:xksjk f'k{kk f'k{kk: xzt s ,w V] daI;wVj dh tkudkjh o NTT dkslZ fd;k gqvk gS dk;Z:ukSdjh ekfld vk; vk;: 10]000/& firk firk: fjVk;MZ ] eka : ljdkjh ukS d jh xkS=:vBoky]lkjoku] fpjksfa M;k lEidZ uacj % 09999383219, 09654319029 (Sh.Om Prakash) I.D.No. 655- eat]q lqn'kZu ikdZ- fnYyh- jktLFkku mez:33 tUe frfFk frfFk:01&08&1978 dn dn:5QqV jax:xksjk f'k{kk f'k{kk:xzt s ,w V] daI;wVj dh tkudkjh+ uflaxZ dk;Z%LVkQ ulZ] ljdkjh ukSdjh ekfld vk;% 40]000/& firk firk: fjVk;MZ] eka: ljdkjh ukSdjh xkS=: vBoky] lkjoku] fpjks a f M;k lEidZ ua c j % 09999383219, 09654319029 (Sh.Om Prakash) fdj.k dqekjh] jktk iqjh] fnYyh- mez:32 I.D.No.656-fdj.k tUe frfFk% 12&01&1979 dn dn: 5QqV jax: xksjk f'k{kk f'k{kk: 12oha ikl] dk;Z% çkbosV ukSdjh] xkS=:dUMkjk] lgksrk] pukfy;k lEidZ uacj % 09818164682, 09810163477 ( Premnath) larks"k] jktk iqjh] fnYyh- mez%30 tUe I.D.No.657-la frfFk frfFk:07&01&1989 dn dn:5QqV jax:xksjk f'k{kk f'k{kk: 12oha ikl dk;Z%çkbosV % ukS d jh xkS = %dUMkjk] lgks r k] pukfy;k lEidZ ua c j %09818164682, 09810163477 (Sh.Premnath) ID No.730.Kusum, Aliganj, Delhi, Age: 30 Date of Birth: 03-03-1976 Height:5,2", Color:Saaf, Education: BCA, MCA, Work:Computer Teacher Monthly Income: 10,000/- Gotra:Luhera, Lidlan, lEidZ u a c j % 9873758676(lanhi), Chauhan 09968995895(Sanjay), 9899544176(Ravinder Bohat) ID No.808. Tanvi, Delhi Age:36 Date of Birth:0810-1975 Heigh:5,3'', Color:Gehuna, Education:12th Pass Gotra:Taank, Bagdi, Untwal, Tanvi, MOBILE No.09717892578, 09911124794, E-mail : tarachand3333@gmail.com ID No.809. Prerna, Pankha Road, Delhi Age:30 Date of Birth:26-07-1982, Heigh:5,3' Color:Gehuna Education:B.A Pass, + Merchndiser in Export House Work:Job Monthly Income:8,000/-, Gotra:Taank, Bagdi, Untwal iatkch % I.D.No.555. ue`rk flag] yqf/k;kuk] iatkc] mez%31 tUe frfFk% frfFk%24&01&1979 dn% dn%5]3" ja x %%xks j k f’k{kk% M.A.(Hindi),Diploma in computers,Typing etcdk;Z%Private Job Father: Retd- Rly Gaurd,Mother Housewife, 1 elder sister married & settled in australia, 1 younger sister & 1 ypunger brother- xkS=%%Nahar, kandiara, Malhotra vU; tkudkjh% tkudkjh%ia t kch lEidZ ua c j % 09780761986, 09256066866(Sh.Tarsem Lal Nahar) fu'kk] ljkstuh uxj]fnYyh-mez mez % 30 tUe I.D.No.633.fu'kk] frfFk% 17&07&1982 dn% 5]3" jax%%xksjk f’k{kk% f’k{kk%12oha ikl+2o"khZ; fMIyksek N.T.T.+o"khZ; fMIyksek E.C.C.E. esa ulZjh Vhpj] firk firk: ch-dke] feuLVjh esa lSD'ku vkfQlj xkS=%%vBoky]ukgj] f x y vU; tkudkjh% iatkch lEidZ uacj % 9953433739(Sh.V.K. Athwal) nhik fxy] yks/kh jksM] fnYyh] iatkch- mez:34 I.D.No.663-nhik tUe frfFk f'k{kk:12oha ikl frfFk:27&03&1977 dn dn:5]2" jax:xksjk f'k{kk dk;Z%çkbosV ukSdjh xkS=:fxy] pkSgku vU; tkudkjh tkudkjh: nwth;k] dksbZ tkfr ca/ku ugha] iatkch lEidZ uacj %%011-24643336, 09911707539(Sh.Sohan Lal Gill) i`”B la[;k % 30 i`”B la[;k % 31 lekt esa fj’rksa dh fodV leL;k gS [kkldj i<+&s fy[ks cPpksa ds fy, vkidk lg;ksx bl leL;k dks de djus esa enn dj ldrk gS gekjs ckjs esa vf/kd ls vf/kd yksxksa dks crk,a rkfd ,d&nwljs ds lg;ksx ls fj’rksa dh leL;k [kRe gks lds vkSj <sj lkjs fj’rs ,d gh txg ij vkSj lqjf{kr <ax ls fey ldsa bu fnuksa Ldhe py jgh gS yM+ds ds jftLVª’s ku ds lkFk ,d yM+dh dk vkSj yM+dh ds jftLVª’s ku ds lkFk ,d yM+ds dk jftLVª’s ku Ýh Ýh jftLVªs’ku fcuk Qksu uacj okyk gS- ,d ds lkFk dsoy ,d jftLVªs’ku Ýh gS- Ýh jftLVªs’ku vius fdlh Hkh fj’rsnkj dk djk ldrs gSa fj’rs gsrq jftLVªs’ku ds fy, lEidZ djsa % jkds’k dqekj pkSgku& 09213603725 /;ku j[ksa % gekjh dksbZ czkap ugha gS] u gh dksbZ ,tsaV] çfrfuf/ki`”B la[;k % 31 i`”B la[;k % 32 i`”B la[;k % 32
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