FERNDALE WOODS E.S. - Ferndale Woods Elementary School


FERNDALE WOODS E.S. - Ferndale Woods Elementary School
Betsy MacDonald
170 Ferndale Drive South
Barrie, ON L4N 8A1
Safe Arrival 733-5636 Ext. 1
School website: http://fer.scdsb.on.ca
Joanne Merkley
Vice Principal
APRIL 2015
8 – Floor Hockey Tournament/Wear Pink
8/9 – Primary Dental Screening
13 – School Council – 6:00 pm
17 – Jack and the Beanstalk – Kindergarten
22nd – Boston Pizza 5 -8, Ferndale Fundraiser
23 – Demonstration for Jump Rope
24th – Spring Into Clean
27 – Scientist in the classroom – Gr. 3
29- Race Against Drugs – Grade 5’s
May 6/7- Grad Pictures Ktgn/Grade 8
May 15- Grade 3’s to Simcoe County Museum
June 9th – Welcome to Kindergarten 3:30
June 16th – Fun Fair – 4:30
After School Numeracy – March 23
Every Tuesday and Thursday (3:15 to 4:45)
Student Stars
Nick P. was successful representing Ferndale
Woods at the SCDSB regional Science fair on
Friday night and Saturday. His project titled Totally
Random which focused on randomization of a
Rubik's cube received a Bronze Medal and a $25
money prize. This is quite an accomplishment
considering Nick worked on this on his own time at
Congratulations to Jamie W, who continues to
“wow” audiences with his public speaking ability.
Jamie, recently won the Royal Canadian Legion’s
Area Speech Championship, and he is now off to
provincial level of competition. Way to go Jamie!
Jump Rope for Heart
Our school is excited to take part in the Jump
Rope for Heart program. Last year, we raised
more than $7500 for the Heart and Stroke
The SOAR skipping team will kick off our Jump
Rope for Heart campaign April 23rd. Pledge
forms and information will be sent home that
day. Students are asked to seek donations from
people they know. DO NOT GO DOOR TO DOOR!
Students may register and fundraise online at
jumpropeforheart.ca. Fundraising online is an
easy way to raise money and earn great bonus
prizes. Each student that registers online will
receive a free skipping rope. Envelopes and
pledges will be due back to the school by May 1st.
This year we will be collecting donations as part
of a House Challenge. The Ferndale Falcon House
that collects the most donations will be awarded
an extended recess. Go Falcons Go!
Thanks to all of our Ferndale families
for coming out and participating in our
annual Dance-a-Thon. The students
had a fantastic time! We raised
$2,140.00. The money raised will go towards
various extracurricular activities. Congratulations
to all our winners!
Annual Ferndale Fun Fair
Pack a Rainbow in your Kid’s Lunch!
We are currently planning our Annual Ferndale Fun
Fair for Tuesday June 16th, 2015 and are inviting
community based groups like you to assist in our
Sports/PAN AM Games Theme.
This popular annual event that boosts an attendance
of 500+ runs from approximately 4-7pm and we are
offering the opportunity for your organization to run
an involved interactive (student/family participation)
demonstration as one of the stations of our event.
For example, basketball free throw competition or Tae
Kwon Do demos, etc. The idea is to get our students
and family involved in fun activities loosely based on
our Pan Am Games theme while also allowing you to
promote your business at the same time. You would be
required to bring all items required for your
station/activity and also could bring brochures, etc. to
promote what you offer.
Make sure your kids do not leave the
house without a lunch kit full of
colourful veggies and fruit to munch
on during the day. Try some of these
tasty kid friendly ideas to ensure
they will eat what you pack!
We have limited spots available so please RSVP by
March 30th, 2015.
Christine Drury- christinedrury@rogers.com or 705796-
Reminder to Parents
Grade 7 and Grade 8 Immunizations
Nurses from the Simcoe Muskoka District
Health Unit will be in school in the spring
providing immunizations to Grade 7 students and
Grade 8 girls who provided consent. Consent
forms and fact sheets for the Hepatitis B and
Meningococcal Conjugate ACWY vaccines for
Grade 7’s and Human Papillomavirus vaccine for
Grade 8 girls were sent home in the fall. It is
important that students complete their series of
these vaccines to provide the best protection. If
your child has missed a school clinic, please call
the health unit to speak with the school’s
immunization nurse. The consent forms and fact
sheets are available on the immunization page of
the health unit’s website at
If you have any questions or concerns, please call
Your Health Connection at 705-721-7520.
Add grated carrot to egg or tuna salad
Pack veggies or fruit in small bite size pieces
for easy eating
Prepare veggies and fruit with different
tools that change the shape and add interest
to your child’s lunch. Use melon ballers,
vegetable crinkle cutters, cookie cutters or
even an egg slicer to make some great shapes
Use a shake of cinnamon on cut fruit if it
tends to turn brown…they will enjoy the new
flavour to their favourite apple or banana
If your kid is a dipper, add a small container
of yogurt or pudding for fruit dipping or
cottage cheese or hummus for veggie dipping
For more information you can call Your
Health Connection at 705-721-7520 and
speak with a public health nurse or click on
the health unit website at
Safety on Wheels!
Helmets for under 18 years old –
it’s the law! But there is more to
kids and wheels than helmets.
Helmets do a great job of preventing
head injuries in minor crashes and falls. To avoid
having crashes, children also need:
To know the rules of the road and how to
watch for traffic.
A bike with working brakes and inflated
Equipment that is the right size.
To cycle in safe places – on the sidewalk
until 10 years old and then only on
streets with lower speed limits.
Safe riding and wheeling adults and older
youth who are examples to learn from!
For more information about safe wheeling, visit
www.parachutecanada.org and click on Injury
Topics then helmets or call Your Health
connection at 705-721-7520 or 1-877-721-7520
to speak with a public health nurse.
SCDSB Opportunities for Families
Summer School registration now open
This year, the eLearning summer options have
been expanded to include Grade 10 Civics and
Careers, Grade 12 English, Grade 12 Chemistry
and Families in Canada. Also offered is the
opportunity for students to travel and earn credits
with the summer EduTravel program or to
experience camp at the YMCA's Geneva Park
location while earning leadership credits. Summer
school program details and locations can be found
at The Learning Centres website:
www.thelearningcentres.com. Online registration
for current SCDSB students is available through the
student portal.
Working Together To Support Our Children
presentation on May 7
Dr. Bruce Ferguson will focus on how the
community, school and family can work together to
support children as they develop and grow into
healthy citizens. This event will be free to parents
and takes place on May 7 in the evening at Liberty
North in Barrie. Language interpretation services
will be available.
Ferndale Night” at Boston Pizza
Come celebrate Earth Day on Wednesday, April 22nd from 5 - 8 pm at Boston Pizza. Be greeted
at the door by our very own Ferndale students from Mrs. Harding’s and Mr. Reisch’s classes. These
energetic and enthusiastic students will be working as “celebrity servers” to raise funds for their trip to
Science North in Sudbury. Not only will you enjoy dinner out with family and friends, why not
participate in our silent auction? Come see what all the excitement is about! Support our future
scientists on Earth Day.(Car wash tickets can also be purchased on location.)
Spring has Sprung! It’s time to get that dirty job done.
Think green and get your car “ Klassic” clean.
It’s a “WIN – WIN”. For every carwash you buy from Klassic CarWash, you help support
students from the Grade 5/6 and 6 classes at Ferndale Woods. Remove road salt now. Go to
Klassic CarWash on Anne Street and get THE WORKS:
- Envirosoft Foam Wash
- Super Orange Conditioner
Buy one for yourself. Buy more for gifts – even stocking stuffers. Each coupon is good for one
Yes! I would like to purchase ____________ coupon(s) for $15 each.
*Cheques may be made out to “Ferndale Woods Elementary School”.