Grade 11 ECART - gloabl citizenship and civic responsibilities


Grade 11 ECART - gloabl citizenship and civic responsibilities
Student’s Name: ………………………………………………………………………… Grade : 11/s/2
Grade 11/S/2
First Trimester
Theme : Global Citizenship and Civic Responsibilities
ECART Components (Process)
Big Questions:
inina a
Q1: What’s the meaning of the word (citizen)? Use your dictionary.
Q2: What's a Global Citizen? How can one become a Global Citizen?
………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………
Q3: Give examples of good citizens.
Good citizens
Why are they good?
Because they help sick people and ………
Q4: Describe a global citizen.
I think that a global citizen is ……………………………………………………………………………
Student’s Name: ………………………………………………………………………… Grade: 11/s/2
Brainstorming 1
Example: Those who help the poor and the
Good citizens
Citizenship and Civic Responsibility
Are you a good citizen? Are you responsible? It is good to be a responsible citizen. Citizenship means to
live in a country and follow the rules and laws of that country. Responsible means to be a good person and
respect others. A responsible citizen obeys the laws. A responsible citizen helps to make his or her country
better. A responsible citizen is loyal to his or her country.
Education: How can you be a good citizen? You can study and work hard in school. If you do this, you can
help your country. When you finish school, you can get a good job. This will help your country to develop.
This will make the society better. This will help to sustain your country or help it to continue developing. If
you do not study, you will not be able to get a good job. You will not be able to help your country develop.
Safety: Safety is very important. We should be safe and we should help others to be safe. For example, can
you drive? If you can, do you drive too fast? Do you disobey the speed limit? Driving too fast can hurt
others. Driving fast can put the welfare of others in danger. If you are hurting others, you are not being a
good citizen. You are not showing concern for the people in your community. However, if you drive safely,
you are helping to protect yourself and other people. Protecting people means that you are being a good
Community Service: Do you help people? Helping people is important. If you help people in your
community, you are being a good citizen. Do you know what community service means? Community service
means to help people in your community as a volunteer. This means you are not being paid money. You are
helping because you love and care for others. You can do community service by helping others. You can give
money to the poor. You can give money to Red Crescent or any other charity organization. If someone is sick,
you can help them. If someone is old and cannot do anything, you can help them. Helping people makes you
a responsible citizen.
Being a good citizen is very important. When you care about your country you will do your best to make sure
it is a safe and wonderful place to live in. Each of us can do something to help improve our country. We
should all be responsible citizens.
Write a short paragraph about your rights as a citizen.
How to Be a Good Citizen
What is citizenship?
Citizenship means being a citizen, or member of a group. When you are a part of a group, you
have certain rights and responsibilities.
What is a right?
A right is something you are allowed to have. The right to vote means, when a citizen turns 18,
he/she is allowed to vote. Citizens also have the right to a free public education and free health
insurance. Some countries don’t have those rights. There are many rights citizens of the United
Arab Emirates have.
What is a responsibility?
Responsibilities are things people have to do because it is doing their fair share. A responsibility
of a citizen would be to obey the law. People, who don’t obey the law, are not only hurting
themselves, but others too. It wouldn’t be fair if a person drove to fast, because it could hurt
someone else. That’s why when people break the law they get into trouble. There are
responsibilities for everyone, everywhere. Even at home and school. Other responsibilities are
being polite, being fair, telling the truth, or doing something when you say you will. Think of all
of the responsibilities you have every day.
Who makes the rules for people to follow?
It may be difficult sometimes to want to follow rules, but rules are made so that people don’t get
hurt physically or with words. Parents make rules to keep you safe from dangerous people or
places. Police officers watch to make sure people don’t break laws. It isn’t because they like to
find bad people, but because they want to make sure others don’t get hurt. Teachers and
principals want students to follow rules at school. If there weren’t any rules at school, how could
anyone get their education that they have a right to?
What are some ways citizens show respect to their country?
-Respect the flag of your country. ‫اﺣﺘﺮام ﻋﻠﻢ اﻟﺒﻼد‬
Respect the leaders of the country.
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Student’s Name: ………………………………………………………………………… Grade: 11/s/2
Brainstorming 2
Those who do not help other people.
Bad citizens
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How to be a good citizen
Get a good education. One of the best things you can do to help your community is to get a good
education. When you're well educated, you can get better jobs and contribute more to the
economy. You can also be better informed and make good decisions when it comes to voting and
other civic activities. Pay attention in school, get good grades, and try to go to college.
Work hard. No matter what job you have, working hard is an important part of being a good citizen.
When you work hard, you provide services to others and you earn money, both of which contribute
to a stronger economy in your area.
If you find yourself unemployed, seek out your local unemployment office for help in finding a
new job. Googling "unemployment office" and the same of your state should bring up the
information, if you don't know it.
Stay up-to-date on the news. Read the news and stay fully informed on issues that affect your
Share your good fortune. When you do well enough that you have extra time, money, or items,
give back to your community by paying that good fortune forward. There are lots of great ways that
you can help your community:
Volunteer. You can volunteer with local branches of organizations that mean a lot to you. Try
Habitat for Humanity, which build homes for the less fortunate, or Big Brothers Big Sisters, which
provides mentorship to at-risk youth.
Help the homeless. You can volunteer at a local soup kitchen or shelter to help homeless
people stay safe and healthy.
Donate. You can donate your money to lots of organizations, local, national, and
international. Just be sure that whoever you donate to is a good organization that uses their money
well. Many charities do not and are really just a money factory for the people that run them. Try
using Charity Navigator or the BBB to find out if the organization you want to help is really on the up
and up.
Donate blood and plasma. Blood and plasma are vital bodily fluids that are used to save the lives
of thousands and thousands of people each day. There are often shortages, so it's great if you do
your part and donate. If you have a rare blood type, you can literally be the difference between life
and death for someone in your community.
Donating blood and plasma is especially important when there's been a major crisis.
Massive numbers of injuries often result in serious blood shortages.
Get emergency training. Get trained in CPR and First Aid, as well as other emergency training like
disaster preparedness training, so that you can help your fellow citizens when an emergency
arises. If you've had this training before, it's a good idea to do it again every few years. This helps
you too keep those skills fresh. It's easy to forget them when you're under pressure!
Create jobs. Create the opportunity to work whenever you can. Hire and fairly pay someone to cut
your lawn or paint your house. Hire a maid every few months. This contributes to the economy and
gives a job to someone who is often very much in need.
Contact your local homeless shelter about finding workers there. Oftentimes, homeless
people are simply regular folks who ran on hard times and the small amount of money they earn
from your job can be enough to help them get back on their feet.
Stay healthy. It's important to take care of your body and stay as healthy as possible. When you
get sick, you put others at risk and you take up valuable space in doctor's offices and hospitals that
could go towards someone else. Exercise, eat right, and make sure you stay current on all your
shots. With many vaccine preventable childhood diseases on the rise, it may be a good idea to
update yours. You aren't yourself at risk, as an adult, but the unvaccinated children around you are.
Vote. The most important thing you can do as a citizen is vote. It's easy to forget or feel
disinterested and only vote during the really major elections, but it's very important to vote in every
election you can
Serve on jury duty. Jury duty is no fun, but it's vital to maintain a functional judicial system (at least
in the US). When good people like yourself pass on jury duty, it often leaves a lot of people who do
jury duty for the wrong reasons or who really won't care or and pay attention. When your number is
up, take on the challenge and serve your country in your own way.
Help get others engaged. Help others to also get civically engaged by volunteering with your
preferred political party or elections office to help get people registered to vote, recruit people to
gather petitions, and do other civic activities. Encourage you friends and family members to join you
in these activities or go door to door with an organization to recruit strangers.
Recycle. Recycle papers and plastics according to your city's recycling system. The recycling is
often collected with the garbage, but in a separate container. You can find recyclable items by
looking for the recycle symbol used by your country. Generally, most items made from paper and
plastic can be recycled, so long as they don't contain food and are not covered in wax.
Recycling helps cut down on waste that fills up landfills.
Compost. Compost leftover food and organic material to help keep down waste even further. Some
cities collect compost, but otherwise you'll need to compost it yourself in your back yard.
Items you can compost include leftover food, extra pieces of ingredients (like the leaves from
carrots), and unbleached paper.
Compost by collecting all of these items together in a large box outside. Turn the mixture
every few weeks and add soil, until the whole thing looks like a single mixture. This can often take
When the compost is done, it can be sold or it can be used to provide nutrients to your own
yard or garden.
Pick up litter. If you see trash lying around don't just stare at it and walk pass it. Try to make
time once a month to go around your neighborhood and pick up all of the trash that you see. Just
be sure to use a grabbing stick or gardening gloves, to prevent hurting yourself on something
You can also join city-wide groups that go around the city and pick up litter in the most
affected areas. Contact your city hall to locate a group for your city.
Watch where and how you wash your car. The soaps used for washing cars are very destructive
to the environment (often contaminating your drinking water!), so start by washing your car less
often and washing your car yourself. When you do wash your car, use environmentally friendly
At a minimum, move your car onto grass in order to wash it. This will help keep the
chemicals out of your drinking water.
Try to go waterless and simply clean your car with a green window or all-purpose cleaner.
Buy local produce. Buy your food from local farmers and food producers as much as possible.
This will minimize the environmental impact of having to transport the food a long way, it helps
ensure that your food is safe and free of dangerous chemicals or pests, and it contributes to your
local economy.
Food is often labeled with where it was produced. Look for products that are organic and as
close to where you live as possible.
Conserve water. There is likely to be a significant water crisis in our lifetime, so conserve as much
clean water as you can. While our planet is covered in water, only so much of it is drinkable and we
use a lot of that for unnecessary things, like watering grass and taking extra long showers.
If you want to water your lawn, use gray water (which is the water left over from preparing
food or taking a shower).
Take showers that last 10 minutes or less and wash your hair only every other day.
Avoid having things like swimming pools, which take lots of water out of the system and
make it undrinkable.
Conserve energy. Currently, many of the methods used to create energy to power our homes and
devices are also very destructive to the environment. Try to use clean energy, by setting up solar
panels, and conserve the energy you do use.
Turn off lights in empty rooms.
Spend less time on the computer and more time reading books.
Use public transportation. Skip on driving a car and instead take a bus. Not only will you help
save the planet from the ravages of pollution, you'll also be helping to financially support public
transit, which is vital to low-income households (who often don't own cars).
Student’s Name: ………………………………………………………………………… Grade : 11/s/2
Read stories about good and bad citizens, then write what you learned.
My readings about the topic in general.
Magazine, article, essay, newspaper, TV, Internet, story, library
What I read about citizenship
What I learnt
T t1
Student’s Name: ………………………………………………………………………… Grade : 11/s/2
My impression about the things I have read/seen/heard.
My journal 1
My journal 2
resource: ……………………………..
resource: ……………………………..
After reading the ……………………………………..
Resource: ……………………………..
Resource: ……………………………..
Making choices
Student’s Name: ……………………………………………………………… Grade : 11/s/2
What do you want to investigate? Tick the topic you like to investigate in your ECART.
(Think carefully because you cannot change the research topic later)
Citizenship and the national identity
Volunteering in public services
Honesty and citizenship
Rights and responsibilities
Public Role models from the UAE
How to be a good citizen
National and International communities
Public Role models from the world
Social responsibility
Global citizenship
Citizenship according to Isalm
…………………………….. (other “topic related to the theme”)
Why did you choose this topic?
Student’s Name: ………………………………………………………………………… Grade : 11/s/2
What do you know about the topic?
What do you want to know?
What resources are you going to use?
Al Falah School
Student’s Name: ………………………………………………………………………… Grade : 11/s/2
My readings about the topic I have chosen.
Magazines, article, essay, newspaper, TV, Internet, story, library
Things I read
What I learnt
I read an article in the Gulf Newspaper about
After reading the article, I learned that …………….
Text 1 resource: ……………………………..
Text 2 resource: ……………………………..
• It is important to state your resources.
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Student’s Name: ………………………………………………………………………… Grade: 11/s/2
My Vocabulary list:
(The new words you have learned through your readings)
10 Al Falah School
Student’s Name: ………………………………………………………………………… Grade : 11/s/2
Peer reflections:
(Your classmate’s feedback or impression about your topic/ the ECART.)
My friend ………………………. thinks that ------------------------------------------------------
Friend’s recommendations:
Conference with the teacher.
( Your teacher’s feedback)
---------------------------------------------------------------------Teacher’s recommendations: (Notes and recommedations)
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Student’s Name: ………………………………………………………………………… Grade: 11/s/2
My resources: (Where did you get your information from?)
* Example: http://www.????????
*- Who helped you with the ECART?
( ……………………………………. )
How does your topic affect people's lives in general?
How does your topic affect people's lives in the UAE?
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------How are you going to present your topic? (Your Product)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Why did you use this method?
How does this ECART affect your learning?
My Essay: (20 marks) (200-250 words)
My topic is ………………………………………………….
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Student’s Name: ………………………………………………………………………… Grade: 11/s/2
Student’s Name: …………………………………………… Grade: 11/s/2
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