
The Max Goodman Family Law Legacy Award was created to recognize an
exceptional attorney or judicial officer who has provided outstanding
contributions to the area of Family Law and to honor our dear friend, the late,
Professor Max Goodman. The inaugural recipient, the Honorable Scott M.
Gordon ’85 will be presented the award during the CLE lunch.
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The Max GoodMan FaMily law
leGacy award
A Family Law MCLE Event & Award Ceremony
Hon. Scott M. Gordon ’85
Known for his compassion, dedication, ethics, amiability
and wisdom, Judge Scott Gordon has been called “the
bench officer’s bench officer” and truly represents the
model of an Outstanding Judicial Officer. Judge Gordon
began his service on the bench in 2002 when he was
elected to the Los Angeles Superior Court as a court
Commissioner and assigned to the Family Law
Department. Later in 2010 he was appointed as Judge
by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Quickly after his appointment he was
assigned as Supervising Judge of the Family Law Department of the LA Superior
Court. He is currently serving as Assistant Supervising Judge of the Criminal
Division. Recently, Judge Gordon was awarded the Spencer Brandeis Award by the
LACBA Family Law Section. He was recognized with Southwestern’s Outstanding
Judicial Officer Award in 2008 and Adjunct Professor Excellence in Teaching Award
in 2003. He was also the recipient of the Los Angeles Commission on Assaults
Against Women “Humanitarian of the Year” award, and the Los Angeles County Bar
Association’s “Prosecutor of the Year” award, and has received more than a dozen
commendations from such entities as the Los Angeles County Board of
Supervisors, the California State Assembly and Board of Equalization, the United
States Congress and the Coalition for Battered Women.
3050 Wilshire Boulevard l Los Angeles, CA 90010-1106
The late Professor Max A. Goodman, one of the leading
family law experts in California, served on the
Southwestern faculty for over four decades. In 1966, he
joined the Southwestern faculty where he quickly
earned a reputation as one of the most highly regarded
family law professors in the country. During recent
years, he continued to teach as Professor Emeritus in
Residence and formally retired in Fall 2009. Always
active in pro bono activities, Professor Goodman served
as a volunteer mediator and arbitrator for the Family Law Department and the
Conciliation Court of the Los Angeles Superior Court and Dispute Resolution
Services and was a contributor to the First World Conference on Family Law and
Children's Rights held in Australia. Professor Goodman was an elected Fellow of
the American Bar Foundation and the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers
(AAML), and shared his expertise through a myriad of publications and legal
forums sponsored by AAML, the California Judicial Council, the Los Angeles
Superior Court, California Continuing Education of the Bar, and the Family Law
Sections of the American Bar Association (ABA) and many local bar organizations.
He chaired the ABA Family Law Section's Law School Curriculum Committee and
Ethical Practice and Procedures Committee for many years, and was a prominent
member of the Family Law Sections of both the California State Bar and the Los
Angeles County Bar Association (LACBA). Professor Goodman passed away on
December 31, 2009 at the age of 85.
Saturday, June 6, 2015
Southwestern Law School w Los Angeles
Professor Max A. Goodman
White Zuckerman Warsavsky Luna Hunt
Alternative Resolution Centers
Northern Trust
Los Angeles County Bar Association, Family Law Section
Pasadena Bar Association
SIGNING ON THE DOTTED LINE: A Family Law MCLE Event & Award Ceremony
Saturday, June 6, 2015 w Southwestern Law School w Los Angeles
he Southwestern Alumni Association is pleased to present this
unique MCLE program on pre- and post-marital agreements and
other current issues in family law featuring a distinguished panel of
experts from the bench and bar. The event also provides us with a
wonderful opportunity to recognize outstanding contributions in
the area of family law by an attorney or judicial officer with the
presentation of the inaugural Max Goodman Family Law Legacy
Southwestern Law School has a proud tradition of training
outstanding members of the family law bar, and over 1,000 alumni
are currently practicing attorneys or jurists in family law and related
areas. Many of those graduates were fortunate to have as their
professor one of the most highly respected experts in this field,
Professor Max A. Goodman, who served on the Southwestern faculty
for more than 40 years.
We hope you will join us for this special family law day of learning
and celebration.
8:00 – 8:30 a.m.
Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:45 – 9:00 a.m.
Welcome & Remarks
9:00 – 10:00 a.m. Pre-Marital Agreements: Crafting/Pitfalls/Litigation
Panelists: Hon. Hank Goldberg – Los Angeles Superior Court
Chris Melcher, CFLS - Walzer and Melcher
10:00 – 11:00 a.m. Post-Marital Agreements: Crafting & Enforceability/
Pitfalls/Fiduciary Duty Issues/Litigation
Panelists: Hon. Robert A. Schnider, Ret. – Los Angeles Superior Court
Stephen A. Kolodny, CFLS – Kolodny Law Group
11:00 – 11:15 a.m. Break
11:15 – 12:15 p.m. Transmutation Documents: Crafting/Pitfalls/Litigation
– Stephen A. Kolodny, Partner, Kolodny Law Group,
and a long-time friend of Professor Goodman and Southwestern
Register online at
Alternatively, complete the form below and return it with the registration fee
by May 9, 2015 to:
Southwestern Law School
Institutional Advancement Office
3050 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90010
Fax: 213-736-1205 Email:
Each attendee must register. If necessary, make copies of this form and complete one for
each attendee in your group. No refunds will be given for cancellations after May 9, 2015.
Before May 9, 2015:
$129 – Non-Southwestern Alumni or Non-Member of Pasadena Bar Association (PBA) or
$79 – Southwestern Alumni, Member PBA & LACBA
$39 – Southwestern Nickel Club/ Barrister Society Partner Level
Complimentary – Judicial Officers, Southwestern Students, Faculty & Staff (RSVP Required)
After May 9, 2015:
$149 – Non-Southwestern Alumni or Non-Member of Pasadena Bar Association (PBA) or
$99 – Southwestern Alumni, Member PBA & LACBA
$59 – Southwestern Nickel Club/ Barrister Society Partner Level
Complimentary – Judicial Officers, Southwestern Students, Faculty & Staff (RSVP Required)
Panelists: Neal Hersh ’76, CFLS – Hersh, Mannis & Bogen
Judy Bogen ’80, CFLS – Hersh, Mannis & Bogen
12:15 – 1:15 p.m. Post Disso Filing Documents: Crafting/Pitfalls/Fiduciary
Duty Issues/Litigation
Panelists: Hon. Dianna J. Gould-Saltman ’85 – Los Angeles Superior Court
Marshall Waller, CFLS – Feinberg & Waller
1:15 -2:30 p.m.
Presentation of the Max Goodman Family Law Legacy Award
Closing Remarks
Special recognition goes to those who
helped plan and organize the event. Event Chair, Patrick Baghdaserians ’07, Stephen A.
Kolodny, Neal Hersh ’76, Judy Bogen ’80 and Seth Kramer ’80. And the Sponsors: White
Zuckerman Warsavsky Luna Hunt, ARC, Northern Trust, LACBA Family Law Section and
Pasadena Bar Association.
CLE This CLE offers 4 hours of CLE credit. Southwestern is a State Bar of California
approved MCLE provider.
LOCATION For directions to Southwestern, visit
Parking is complimentary.
"At the close of this decade, the Los Angeles Family Law Community saw the close of an era
with the passing of Max Goodman, one of the most well-respected, kindest, gentle beings
that difficult field of law has ever been privileged to count amongst its members.
A well-respected litigator in the 60's, 70's and 80's, known for his wisdom and ability to
reason with people but try difficult cases when necessary; in the later years of his
exemplary career, Max turned to teaching law at Southwestern, part of the meteoric
success and well-respected reputation of that fine law school. 'Max the Axe' taught
thousands of people the finesse of being a fine lawyer, being knowledgeable and prepared
as the way to success, being kind and professional as the way to practice law, and being a
tough litigator when necessary if other methods fail. The Los Angeles legal community is
left with a gaping hole - one not to be filled easily, if at all."
For additional information please contact:
Event Chair, Patrick Baghdaserians, CFLS
Partner, The Law Offices Of Donald P. Schweitzer, APC
201 South Lake Avenue I Suite 800 I Pasadena, CA
Phone: 626-683-8113 I Fax: 626-356-0102 I Email:
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