Poster - The Future Ocean


Poster - The Future Ocean
Sustainable Ocean Development –
A Perspective from Former, Current and Future Kiel
Marine Scientists
September 28 – 30, 2015 | New York City
The international symposium will bring together scientists closely connected to Marine Sciences in
Kiel, Germany for multidisciplinary exchange in the field of integrated ocean science in support of sustainable ocean development. Research alumni of Marine Sciences in Kiel currently working at institutions in North America, Marine Scientists with international backgrounds currently working in Kiel and
postdocs from the organizing institutions are invited to exchange their views on social, economic and
environmental consequences of anthropogenic impacts on the ocean and on chances and challenges for
sustainable ocean development.
Science Sessions:
• Valued Ocean
• Ocean Conservation
• The Ocean in 2100
Deadline for submission of applications:
June 8, 2015
Sessions will include invited keynote lectures
and presentations by selected applicants as
well as pitch talks and a lively poster session.
Decision on contribution acceptance:
June 25, 2015
Invited lecturers include
• Liesbeth Lijnzaad, Maastricht University, NL
• Micheal Oppenheimer, Princeton University
• Andrew Thurber, Oregon State University
• Stephanie Wear, The Nature Conservancy
Application and further information about the
symposium at
Gesche Braker and Nancy Smith,
‘The Future Ocean’, Kiel University
The symposium is co-organized and co-funded by the Cluster of Excellence ‘The Future Ocean’ in Kiel
and The Earth Institute, Columbia University in New York and supported by grants from the Alexander
von Humboldt-Foundation and the German Center for Research and Innovation (GCRI).
Photo: ‘New York City from The Main Street Park’, Courtesy of Christian Bobadilla, NY