

June 2015
Raffaele Fiocco
Address: D-68131 Mannheim, L7, 3-5, 3rd floor, room 3-09
Email: raffaele.fiocco@uni-mannheim.de Phone: +49(0)621 181 1873
Web: http://fiocco.vwl.uni-mannheim.de
Academic Career
09/2013-Present: Post-doctoral researcher at the University of Mannheim, Department of Economics
10/2009-08/2013: Post-doctoral researcher at the Humboldt University of Berlin, Institute for Economic
Theory I
04/2009-09/2009: Research fellow at the Centre for Research on Energy and Environmental Economics
and Policy (IEFE), Bocconi University of Milan.
2009: Doctor of Philosophy in Economics, Graduate School in the Economics and Finance of Public
Administration (DEFAP), Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Milan)
Thesis title: “The regulatory policy as the outcome of a bargaining process”. Supervisor: Mario Gilli.
Examining Board: Bruce Lyons (University of East Anglia), Carlo Cambini (Politecnico of Turin), Michele
Grillo (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart)
2004: Laurea Magistrale (Master degree) in Political Sciences (awarded cum laude), University of Milan
Thesis title: “Public intervention and competition in local public utilities: Aspects of economic theory”.
Research Interests
Industrial Organization, Microeconomic Theory, Economics of Regulation, Information Economics,
Mergers, Vertically Related Markets.
Consumer standards as a strategic device to mitigate ratchet effects in dynamic regulation (with R.
Strausz). Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, forthcoming (expected publication date:
The regulation of markets with interdependent demands (with C. Scarpa). Information Economics and
Policy, 27(C), pp. 1-12, 2014
The optimal institutional design of vertically related markets with unknown upstream costs. Review of
Network Economics, 12(2), pp. 183-210, 2013
Competition and regulation with product differentiation. Journal of Regulatory Economics, 42(3), pp.
287-307, 2012.
Working Papers and Works in Progress
Bargaining and collusion in a regulatory relationship (with M. Gilli). Revise and resubmit to the Journal of
Economics (Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie)
Mergers between regulated firms with unknown efficiency gains (with D. Guo). Revise and resubmit to
the Review of Economic Design
The strategic value of partial vertical integration
Asymmetric price adjustments: A supply side approach (with F. Antoniou and D. Guo)
Strategic storage incentives in a dynamic monopoly with limited commitment (with F. Antoniou).
Presentations at Conferences
2015: Competition Law and Economics European Network (CLEEN) Workshop, Tilburg; Competition and
Regulation Summer School and Conference (CRESSE), Crete (planned); Annual Conference of the
European Economic Association (EEA), Mannheim (planned); Annual Conference of the European
Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), Munich (planned)
2014: EIEF-UNIBO-IGIER Bocconi Workshop in Industrial Organization, Bologna; UECE Conference on
Game Theory and Applications, Lisbon; SFB-TR15 Conference, Caputh; Annual Conference of the
European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), Milan; Competition Law and
Economics European Network (CLEEN) Workshop, Norwich; SFB-TR15 Workshop for Young Researchers,
2013: MaCCI Competition and Regulation Day Workshop, Mannheim; SFB-TR15 Conference, Munich;
Competition and Regulation Summer School and Conference (CRESSE), Corfu; Annual Conference of the
European Economic Association (EEA), Gothenburg
2012: Centre for Competition and Regulatory Policy (CCRP) Workshop, Vienna; Competition and
Regulation Summer School and Conference (CRESSE), Crete
2011: Annual Conference of the European Economic Association (EEA), Oslo; Centre for Competition and
Regulatory Policy Workshop (CCRP), Paris
2010: Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE),
Istanbul; Centre for Competition and Regulatory Policy (CCRP) Workshop, London; Dynamics of
Institutions and Markets in Europe (DIME) Workshop, Naples
2009: Collegio Carlo Alberto Workshop, Turin; Workshop on Game Theory, Milan
2008: Annual Conference of the International Network for Economic Research (INFER), Evora; Italian
Doctoral Workshop in Economics and Policy Analysis, Turin; Doctoral Meeting of Montpellier
2007: Summer School in Competition Policy and Market Regulation, Milan.
Presentations at Seminars as Invited Speaker
2015: Athens University of Economics and Business; University of Ioannina; Aristotle University of
2013: Düsseldorf Institute for Competition Economics (DICE), University of Düsseldorf.
Teaching Experience
2015: Lecturer for “The Theory of Regulation under Asymmetric Information” (bachelor), University of
2014: Lecturer for “Advanced Microeconomics” (master) and “The Theory of Regulation under
Asymmetric Information” (bachelor), University of Mannheim
2013: Lecturer for “Advanced Microeconomics” (master), University of Mannheim; Lecturer for “The
Theory of Incentives” (master), Humboldt University of Berlin
2012: Lecturer for “The Theory of Regulation under Asymmetric Information” (master) and “The Theory
of Incentives” (master), Humboldt University of Berlin
2011: Teaching Assistant for “Advanced Microeconomics” (Ph.D.), Berlin Doctoral Program in Economics
and Management Science (BDPEMS); Lecturer for “The Theory of Incentives” (master), Humboldt
University of Berlin
2010: Teaching Assistant for “Advanced Microeconomics” (Ph.D.), Berlin Doctoral Program in Economics
and Management Science (BDPEMS); Lecturer for “The Theory of Incentives” (master), Humboldt
University of Berlin
2009: Teaching Assistant for “Industry and Firm Analysis” (master), Bocconi University of Milan;
“Incentive Theory” (Ph.D.), Graduate School in the Economics and Finance of Public Administration
(DEFAP), Milan; “Microeconomics” (bachelor), University of Milano-Bicocca; Teaching Assistant (exam
grading) for “Game Theory” (bachelor), “Games and Strategies for Managers” (bachelor), “Public
Economics” (bachelor), “Political Economy” (bachelor), “Economic Policy” (bachelor), University of
Referee Services
B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, Industrial and Corporate Change, Journal of Economics,
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Journal of Industrial Economics, Rand Journal of
Economics, Review of Network Economics, Scandinavian Journal of Economics.
Other Professional Activities
Co-organizer of the SFB-TR15 Conference, Mannheim, April 2014
Co-organizer of the Mannheim Law & Economics Forum (MaLEF) seminar series.
Awards and Prizes
2009: Prize from Collegio Carlo Alberto of Turin
2008: Prize from the Annual Conference of the International Network for Economic Research (INFER).
Computing Skills
Scientific Workplace, LaTeX, Mathematica, Microsoft Office.
Italian: Native; English: Fluent; German: Intermediate; French: Basic.
Professor Martin Peitz, University of Mannheim, martin.peitz@googlemail.com
Professor Roland Strausz, Humboldt University of Berlin, strauszr@wiwi.hu-berlin.de
Professor Carlo Scarpa, University of Brescia, carlo.scarpa@unibs.it
Professor Helmut Bester, Free University of Berlin, helmut.bester@fu-berlin.de
Professor Mario Gilli, University of Milano-Bicocca, mario.gilli@unimib.it