May 2015 - PDF - Firehall Fitness Center


May 2015 - PDF - Firehall Fitness Center
Lighting the
May 2015
No Classes
Memorial Day
Monday, May 25th
Desk Attendant available 8 to 2
Full Access opens at 8am
Members only after 2pm
Meet the Staff
99 days for $99!
Begins May 4th
Meet Shanon Williams - Our New Personal Trainer
Most of you know Shanon Williams as one of our desk attendants. Now
Shanon has become a certified personal trainer through the National
Strength and Conditioning Association. He is also currently enrolled at
Montana State University, pursuing a B.S. degree in Exercise Science in
preparation for Physical Therapy School. As a football coach and competitive
powerlifter, Shanon brings a unique perspective and philosophy to Firehall
Fitness. He specializes in sport-specific training, performance training, and
strength-training. His philosophy for exercise revolves around mastering the
basics of human movement and laying a solid foundation to safely build
upon. Shanon is a firm believer that performance goals are the key to
success, whether the goal be fat loss, muscle and strength gain, or overall
health. No matter your goal, Shanon can help you reach your full potential!
Talk to one of our desk attendants to schedule a session with Shanon.
Mother’s Day
is Sunday,
May 10th
Pam and Jeff
Layne Glaus
Front Desk
Shanon Williams
Laramie Roberts
Scott Rosberg
Eliza Boyd
Nancy Olson
Tasha Anderson
Personal Trainers
Joy Bausch
Melissa Evje
Julie Mastro
Shanon Williams
Group Fitness
Chantelle, Chau,
Maria, Karen,
Janine, Laura,
Melissa, MaryAnn,
Sally, Pam, Ryah,
Julie, Kim
Visit us @
and download our current
group fitness schedule!
“Like” us
Monthly Nutrition Tips
Now that spring is in full bloom, your allergies may be as well. Your system may
be overreacting to all the pretty flowers that have just shown up.
These food tips can help reduce seasonal allergies:
* The flavonoid compound quercetin aids in controlling histamine reaction which
is what causes an allergic response. Quercetin can be found in black plums,
cranberries, and blueberries.
* Omega-3′s aid in combating inflammation which is what causes the stuffy effect.
Flaxseed oil contains an abundance of omega-3′s.
* Increase your Vitamin C intake to give your immune system that extra punch
when it’s trying to fight off an allergic reaction. Kale is a great source of Vitamin
How Many Calories Do I Need While Exercising?
The Harris-Benedict Equation is used to estimate a person’s basal metabolic rate and in turn
daily caloric needs. The equation takes into account weight, height, age, and activity level.
Try it for yourself. Remember, there are 2.2 kilograms in every pound and 2.54 centimeters
in every inch.
1. The first step is to find your basal metabolic rate (BMR).
Men BMR = 88.362 + (13.397 x weight in kg) + (4.799 x height in cm) - (5.677 x age in years)
Women BMR = 447.593 + (9.247 x weight in kg) + (3.098 x height in cm) - (4.330 x age in
2. Once you have your BMR, you can calculate your recommended caloric intake.
Little to no exercise Daily Kilocalories needed=BMR x 1.2
Light exercise (1-3 days per week) Daily kilocalories needed = BMR x 1.375
Moderate Exercise (3-5 days per week) Daily kilocalories needed = BMR x 1.55
Heavy Exercise (6-7 days per week) Daily kilocalories needed = BMR x 1.725
Very Heavy Exercise (twice per day, intense) Daily kilocalories needed = BMR x 1.9
Ex.. 27 year old male, 170 lbs, 6’0” ft, Heavy Exercise needs 3,305.28 kilocalories/day.
Upcoming Events!
Register online @ (all races)!
3rd Annual K9 9K
Saturday, May 16, 2015 - 9:00 AM
325 S. Church Avenue - Bozeman
Come enjoy a 5 mile run or 5 mile walk through
Bozeman's trails! We have a 1 mile event too. You can
bring your dog too!!
SUMMIT RunWalk and Family Fun Day
Saturday, May 02, 2015 - 10:00 AM
3001 West Villard, Bozeman
5K RunWalk & 1K FunRun followed by tons of Family Fun
activities -- come for the run or just the fun!
Family fun activities include a Huge Bouncy Obstacle Course,
Cupcake Walk, Carnival Games and Prizes, Face Painting, Arts
and Crafts, Food and Drinks, and our Natural Playground.
Athletic Training @ Firehall
Are you battling pain before, during, or
after your workout? The Firehall’s
Manager and Certified Athletic Trainer
(ATC), Layne Glaus, can help!! He
specializes in injury evaluation,
prevention, and treatment in relation to
athletic activity. This includes the nagging
overuse injuries, which can keep you
from your daily workout. Talk to Layne or
inquire at the front Desk about rates, or
email Layne at
Run for Recovery 5K/10K
Saturday, May 23, 2015 10:00 AM
1794 Baxter Lane East – Bozeman
The 2nd Annual AALRM Run for Recovery is a 5K/10K
benefit run for the Alive Again Life Recovery Mission
based at The Commons at Baxter & Love (1794 Baxter
Lane East, Bozeman, MT 59718).
May Gatorade Special
Only $1.00!
Machine Spotlight - Cybex 610A Arc Trainer
The “Total Body” Cybex 610A Arc Trainer offers award winning features for a great
cardio workout, along with arm handles conveniently designed with grips that
enable you to put emphasis on either upper or lower body muscles. This patented
Same Side Forward (SSF) configuration allows you to maintain correct posture at any
degree of ramp incline. The high intensity user can lean forward without placing
excess stress on the back. You can choose from a wide variety of resistance levels.
The reciprocal movement of the footplates allows for an accurate foot path in a
natural (arc) motion, creating a relaxed feel. Four-bar linkage input arms keep the
footplates at a constant angle with the floor – thereby reducing stress on the foot
and ankle. If you are looking for a no-impact, total body cardio workout; try the
Cybex 610A Arc Trainer during your next visit to the Firehall.