05.10.2015 - First Christian Reformed Church
05.10.2015 - First Christian Reformed Church
Happy Mother’s Day First Christian Reformed Church Sunday May 10, 2015 Pastor Gary Bomhof WE GATHER IN HIS NAME Prelude Gathering to Worship Welcome and Announcements Call to Worship God’s Greeting Time of Friendship Choir: He Hideth My Soul Song: You Are Holy Song: Here I am To Worship Service of Reconciliation Call to Confession Prayer of Confession Song: I Surrender All Assurance of Pardon Song: How Great Thou Art Message Scripture: Psalm 116: 1-6 Message: “The Care of Souls” Pastor Jack Hielema We Respond in Giving, Prayer and Praise Song: Savior Like A Shepherd Lead Us Pastoral Prayer Our Tithes and Offerings: First Church Budget Ministry Central Alberta Pregnancy Care Centre Close Blessing Doxology Postlude Pastor Jack Hielema is our guest pastor this morning. First Church News Last Friday Rika Kranenborg had surgery and hopes to be home soon to recover. We pray for her to have a speedy recovery and also our prayers are for Henry at this time. Alice Freschette had a fall this past week and was admitted to the Red Deer hospital but hopes to move to Villa Maria – Covenant Care soon. Prayers are for Alice to be able to get back to her regular routine. We also continue to pray for the Bomhof family, Winnie Tensen, Erwin Mielink, Natalie Thompson and Rea deJong. Today the Young Adults will be serving cake along with the coffee in honour of Mothers Day. Today, being Mother’s Day, the deacons will be handing out baby bottles for the Central AB Pregnancy Care Centre. The hope is you and your family fill them with change or other funds and return them on Father’s Day. These bottles are a symbol of the centers ministry along with being an annual fundraiser. The Spring Congregational Meeting will be on May 20 at 7:30pm. There will be a report on the 2014 Financial Statement as well as all ministry groups. The agenda is in your mail boxes. Everyone is welcome! Remember the many people who are unable to worship with us regularly due to illness or age including Hermina de Gruyter, Alice de Wit, Lies Harkema, Marge Groeneveld, Henny Oosterhoff, Dicky Mulder, Winnie Tensen, Helen Spanninga, Janet vanderMeulen, Peter Humting, Jannie deBoon, Cor Bruin, Cor and Pearl Nienhuis, Louis Braaksma and Henk Werkema. FIRST CHURCH EVENTS AND NEWS Guests: We extend a special welcome to guests who are joining us this morning. JaMtime is for the children age 3 to those going into Grade 5. There is a supervised nursery care for infants to age 3. Everybody is cordially invited to a time of fellowship and friendship in the Social Hall following the worship service Change of address: Mark Visser 118 Kirkland Close, Red Deer, AB T4P 4A4 403 877 8831 mjvisser@telus.net Thank You Thank you!! The Youth and Young Adults would like to say thank you to a number of people who have helped with events the last few weeks. Thank you to Ev and Arlene Oosterhoff who put on amazing costumes and wandered around the mall while the Youth ‘hunted’ for them. Thanks to the brave people who allowed a group of Youth and Young Adults to crash their kitchen to prepare a dessert for the Master Chef Dessert Challenge. Thank you to Jeff and Jane Visser, Ann Korver, Cathy and Dave Tilstra, Rita and Carel Louw, Warren and Su Elgersma and Elsie McKinnon. And thank you to Harvey and Connie Sypkes who hosted an evening of games, food and a bonfire! We are very grateful for the support this church gives us! Senior-club Wine and Roses-- The last meeting of the season will be on May 20 th at 10.am. Chris Salomons will tell us about his experiences at Potter's Hands. Should be an interesting morning. See you there. Marian and Ethel Save Your Bottles May 19 the Youth will be out collecting bottle, money raised will go towards the retreat in September. If you would like your bottles picked up there is a sign up sheet on the Youth bulletin board. Thank you for your ongoing support of the Youth program. Vacation Bible School “Take the Plunge!” July 6-10 9:30 – 11:30 We now have almost 30 volunteers! Wow! Once we have all our volunteers in place, we can begin to finalize other details. Please prayerfully consider where you can help. 1. 5 more classroom teachers You teach the lesson (about 30 – 45 minutes) Other volunteers lead crafts, games and other activities which you assist with, but are not responsible for. We really try to make this a do-able job! 2. Classroom helpers (students entering Grade 7 & higher) 3. Nursery (to care for young children of teachers and other VBS staff) We still need 1 more person for 3 days. 4. Crafts, Games and /or activities (If you have an activity you would like to lead – please talk to us!) 5. Sound/power point 6. Youth to participate in the drama Remember to get your volunteer application form from the kiosk in the hallway to take along when you get your criminal record check completed. To volunteer, or if you have questions or need more information, please call Kathryn Ludwig(403 986-3027), Michelle Driedger (403 309- 8855) or Connie Sypkes (403 340-8373) We look forward to hearing from you!!! YOUTH Bottle Drive the sign up for volunteers for the May 19 Bottle Drive is posted; we need Youth, Young Adults and Parents to help. Proceeds will go towards the Retreat in September. Young Adults Bible Study meets Thursday at 7:30pm in the council room, studying ‘The Unshakable Truth’. All Young Adults out of high school and beyond are invited. Progressive Dinner has been rescheduled to Saturday June 6, more details to follow. MUSIC NOTES Thank-you for coming out and support the Chancel Choir at our annual Spring Praise Concert. Choir rehearsal will resume Thursday Evening, 7:30 pm, September 10. If you enjoy singing sacred choral music, consider joining us. If you have any questions, just ask a choir member! Our anthem today is a beautiful arrangement of "He Hideth My Soul," by Brad Nix. Brad Nix currently serves as Associate Professor of Music at Sterling College, in Sterling, Kansas. His responsibilities include teaching music theory, composition, orchestration, applied piano, and group piano. Brad received his Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the University of Colorado at Boulder. As a widely-recognized composer and arranger, he has written for many of the major publishing companies and has dozens of pieces in print. He frequently travels throughout the country as a clinician for reading sessions and conferences. Doug Ward will be joining us on his flute BIRTHDAYS May 11 12 13 13 16 17 Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday 7:00pm 9:30am 7:30pm 3:30pm Jim Blain Alice Prins Jodi Sanguin Margaret vanEs Alexis Duduman Jenna vanderVeen 11 13 13 15 16 Garth Stange Anna Lodewyk Marian Scholten Jannie deBoon Cor Pikkert NEXT WEEK Friendship Coffee Break Young Adults Bible Study Michener Hymn Sing STEWARDSHIP NOTES Today’s Tithes and Offerings: First Church Budget Ministry Central AB Pregnancy Care Centre Future Offerings 17 24 May Collection from April 25 & May 03 World Renew - General Central AB Women’s Shelter Budget Honduras Water Project Cadets SERVING TODAY Greeting: Tanner Duduman Helping Hands: Jim Bakker Nursery: Krista Dunstan, Yvonne Prins, Tori Stryker, Shaylyn Wagenaar Coffee Hosts: Young Adults Serving Elder: Coby Bylsma SERVING NEXT WEEK Greeting: Michelle Driedger Helping Hands: Rolf Westera Nursery: Pam Dodd, Kathryn Ludwig, Jeanette Schalk, Janna Schalk Coffee Hosts: Wilf & Verla OpdenDries Serving Elder: Wilf opdenDries $21,092.00 $3,320.00 $1,052.00 Up Coming Events CHURCH CONTACT INFORMATION First Christian Reformed Church 16 McVicar Street Red Deer, AB T4N 0M1 firstcrc@telusplanet.net Phone: 403-346-5659 www.firstcrcreddeer.org Widowed Support Network: meeting is Friday May 15, 2015 at the First Christian Reformed Church, 16 McVicar Street, Red Deer. We meet at 7:00 PM. Margo and Marlene from the Hospice will be our guest speakers for the evening. Coffee, tea, punch and desserts will be served. Feel free to invite any family or friends who are widowed to join us for an evening of conversation, friendship and support. It’s time for Golf! The Red Deer Society for Christian Education invites you to attend our Third Annual Charity Golf Tournament on Saturday, May 23 at Lakewood Golf Course, Sylvan Lake. The day starts with breakfast, registration and the driving range from 9:00-11:00am. We tee off for 9 holes of golf at 11:00am followed by a delicious steak lunch & prizes at 1:30pm. Registration is $100/player which includes a $28 charitable tax receipt. Extra steak lunch tickets, which also include a partial tax receipt, are available for $40 each. Proceeds raised from the tournament support Spiritual Formation initiatives at Gateway Christian School such as Worship and Biblically based Curriculum Development. Please call or email Carolyn Stolte at 403-347-5160 or ckstolte@gmail.com to register. Magdalene House Society recently opened their home for the recovery of people exploited by human trafficking. Please join us in our Freedom Walk 2015 to raise some much needed funds for the operation of our home. We have outgrown our starting facility and thank Streams Christian Church for partnering with us this year. Saturday June 13, 2015 Streams Christian Church Registration begins at 8:30 a.m. We will have a fresh cup of fair trade coffee, juice and muffins to start your day. Preregistration fee of $25 will cover the food and an Organic Fair Trade T-shirt. You can download a registration and pledge sheet from www.magdalenehouse.ca or call the office at 587 273 4324. Thank you for your support.