Faithful Action Leadership Council Application Draft JN 3 25 15.pages


Faithful Action Leadership Council Application Draft JN 3 25 15.pages
Applications must be received by June 30, 2015. Submit to:
If you submit an application and do not get a confirmation within 2 days please contact Justin.
Your name:
Home phone number:
Work phone number:
Mobile/cell phone number:
Email address (optional):
What year (approximately) did you join First Universalist?
Please answer the following questions. We appreciate a brief response; you may use additional paper if
Please describe your past involvement with First Universalist. What roles have you had with faithful
action and/or racial justice work or learning opportunities?
Please provide other professional, volunteer, or leadership experience that you feel is relevant to the
Faithful Action Leadership Council (FALC) in social justice and/or racial justice work.
Please describe your goals related to this position. Why are you interested in becoming a member of this
group? What do you hope to contribute?
How are racial justice and faithful action work part of your faith/spiritual journey?
How might we as a church effect systemic change while also serving immediate needs?
Please read and affirm the guiding principles for the FALC (below).
Briefly state what they mean to
Guiding principles of racial justice!
• We are choosing to focus on the social construct of race. Racism is a fundamental component
of every social and environmental justice issue.!
• Racism exists when a dominant group with institutional and cultural power denies and extracts
resources from a non-dominant group. !
• Racism is morally incompatible with our faith.!
Guiding principles of faithful action ministry!
• Racial justice is primary in all that we do. All of our faithful action efforts will be implemented
and evaluated through a racial justice lens. !
• We achieve a balance between advocacy/systems change and attending to immediate needs.!
• We work through partnerships.!
• We learn from the lived experiences of people of different backgrounds.!
• We support our volunteers in understanding their experiences through the lens of race, racism
and whiteness. We support our volunteers in leadership development and spiritual growth.!
• We engage with stakeholders and make room for stakeholder leadership (i.e. the people that
we serve or partner with). !
• We balance our desire for focus and consistency with our desire to be responsive and nimble. !
• We provide transparent, clear, ongoing communication with the congregation, faithful action
teams/groups and with our partners and community stakeholders.!
• We evaluate our effectiveness and we celebrate. !
• We encourage opportunities for the whole church to be involved across ages and abilities.!
• We connect all efforts to Unitarian Universalism and our faith. Be clear about how our efforts
are rooted in our faith and explore how they inform our spiritual journey.!