CURRICULUM VITAE - University of Connecticut Health Center


CURRICULUM VITAE - University of Connecticut Health Center
Robert Lee Trestman, Ph.D., M.D.
University of Connecticut Health Center
263 Farmington Ave; MC 5386
Farmington CT 06030-5386
TELEPHONE: 860-679-5596
New Orleans, Louisiana
Professor of Medicine, Psychiatry and Nursing
University of Connecticut
As part of the evolving role of the Center for Public Health and Health Policy,
I moved my primary affiliation to the Department of Medicine in 2007. My clinical
appointment and teaching role in Psychiatry continue. Because of my active role in
supporting and developing nursing education and research, I earned an additional
secondary appointment as Professor in the University of Connecticut School of
Nursing. In addition to multiple collaborations, I sit on the advisory board of the
School of Nursing’s Center for Correctional Health Networks.
Executive Director of Correctional Managed Health Care (CMHC), a division of the
University of Connecticut Health Center.
4/2007- present
UConn Health Correctional Managed Health Care (CMHC) is a globally
capitated, comprehensive staff model healthcare system providing care to all
inmates of the Connecticut Department of Correction. The budget for FY 2015 is
$93.5M and includes over 800 staff members. In 2007, the program routinely ran a
deficit, was near a contempt-of-court citation for problematic management of a
federal consent decree, and experienced many basic union disagreements.
Consistent with most of UConn Health, virtually the entire CMHC workforce,
including its physicians, is unionized. Since that time, we have been ahead of
budget each of the past seven years, in compliance with all regulatory and judicial
requirements, and are seen as a national leader in correctional healthcare. We have
worked to improve efficiencies in all areas, from pharmacy processes to overtime
management. We now provide financial support for multiple faculty and resident
lines and have implemented an active multidisciplinary telemedicine program that
engages the Departments of Medicine, Dermatology, Surgery, and Psychiatry.
During my tenure at Correctional Managed Health Care, we have expanded
our educational activities at multiple levels. We host approximately 100 students
each year from schools of pharmacy, medicine, nursing, social work, and
psychology. Psychiatry residents and supervising faculty rotate through. Over the
past year, we funded and created the nation’s second accredited Correctional
Medicine fellowship in collaboration with the Department of Medicine. We are now
recruiting, in collaboration with the UConn School of Pharmacy, our first
Correctional Pharmacy residents. We are now in the early stages of developing and
funding a Forensic Psychiatry fellowship in collaboration with the Department of
Psychiatry. We collaborate with the School of Medicine Office of Community and
Continuing Medical Education to provide a range of approved programs.
The Oxford Textbook of Correctional Psychiatry (Publication date June 2015)
is the first formal textbook in the field. It is a comprehensive work of 72 chapters
(eight authored or coauthored by me) designed to support a structured curriculum; I
am the senior editor.
Interim Director, Center for Public Health and Health Policy
2/2015 – present
Since my appointment, we are shifting focus to include more population
based care efforts and grow our community collaborations.
Interim Division Chief of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Department of Medicine, University of Connecticut Health Center
7/2008 - present
Board Chair
Children’s Fund of Connecticut
9/2014 – present
Since 2008, I represent UConn Health on the board of the Children’s Fund of
Connecticut and its operational arm, the Child Health and Development Institute.
This 501c3 is a visible, successful, and influential collaboration among Yale
University, Connecticut Children’s Medical Center, and UConn Health, built on its
endowment (currently $34M). I have led its Program Committee, have served as
Board Chair of Child Health and Development Institute and am current Board Chair
of the Children’s Fund of Connecticut.
Board Secretary
Academic Consortium for Criminal Justice Health
10/2012 - present
B.S. (Chemistry and Psychology), Carnegie- Mellon University; Pittsburgh PA
Ph.D. (Experimental Psychology), University of Tennessee, Knoxville TN
M.D., University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center, Memphis TN
Internship, Mount Sinai Hospital, New York NY
Resident in Psychiatry, Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, NY
Veterans Administration Research Psychiatrist Trainee
Bronx VAMC and Mount Sinai Hospital, New York NY
1992, ABPN Certificate # 36487
July, 1986-June, 2000
February, 1999-
New York State #166702
Connecticut #037488
Sol Ginsberg Fellow to the Group for the Advancement of Psychiatry
Veterans Administration Research Psychiatrist Traineeship
Marcel Heiman Memorial Award for Outstanding Research, Department of Psychiatry,
Mount Sinai Medical Center
Teacher of the Year, Department of Psychiatry, Mt. Sinai Medical Center
NARSAD Young Investigator Award
American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACNP)/ Mead Johnson Travel Award
President, Personality Disorders Foundation
Mayoral Citation and City Council Resolution, City of New Orleans, in recognition of
service to the Jewish Children’s Regional Service
Senior Fellow, Child Health and Development Institute
Advisor, National GAINS Center for Evidence Based Programs in the Justice System
Commissioned Paper in support of the Institute of Medicine’s Committee on Ethical
Considerations for Revisions to DHHS Regulations on Prisoner Research
Member, Scientific Advisory Board, National Education and
Awareness of Borderline Personality Disorder
Council Member, American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
Fellow, American Psychiatric Association
Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, 2007 NIMH Services Research Conference
National Institute of Correction, Norval Morris Project Keystone Group Member
Associate, Center for the Promotion of Health in the New England Workplace,
University of Massachusetts, Lowell
Expert Panel Member, Justice and Health Data Exchange Initiative, Vera Institute for
Board Secretary, Academic Consortium for Criminal Justice Health
Co-Chair, 6th Annual Academic and Health Policy Conference on Correctional
Health Care, Chicago IL, March 2013
3/2007Professor of Medicine and Psychiatry with Tenure
University of Connecticut School of Medicine, Farmington, CT
7/2008Interim Chief, Division of Public Health and Population Sciences
Department of Medicine, UCHC SOM, Farmington CT
7/2010Professor of Nursing (Joint Appointment)
University of Connecticut, Storrs CT
4/2005- 2/2007
Professor of Psychiatry with Tenure
University of Connecticut School of Medicine, Farmington, CT
Associate in Psychiatry
Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York NY
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York NY
Director of Research Fellowship Training
Department of Psychiatry, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York NY
1/1995- 2/1999
Associate Professor of Psychiatry
Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York NY
3/1999- 8/2001
Associate Professor of Psychiatry
University of Connecticut School of Medicine, Farmington, CT
9/2001- 3/2007
Professor of Psychiatry
University of Connecticut School of Medicine, Farmington, CT
Director, Division of Health Policy and Legislative Outreach
Center for Public Health and Health Policy
University of Connecticut, Storrs CT
3/1999John Dempsey Hospital, Farmington CT
2007Executive Director, UCHC Correctional Managed Health Care
2008Interim Division Chief, Occupational and Environmental Medicine
(former name: Public Health and Population Sciences)
Department of Medicine, UCHC
Bronx Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Bronx NY
Director, Psychiatry Outpatient Services
Bronx VA Medical Center, Bronx NY
1/1995- 2/1999
Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York NY
1/1995- 2/1999
Deputy Chairman, Department of Psychiatry
Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York NY
Clinical Director, Department of Psychiatry
Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York NY
Vice Chairman for Clinical Affairs, Department of Psychiatry
University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington, CT
3/1999- 8/2005
Clinical Chief of Psychiatric Services, John Dempsey Hospital, Farmington CT
Director, Mental Health for Correctional Managed Health Care
Director, Connecticut Health Signature Program
Connecticut Veterans Home & Hospital
Interim Director, Public Health Signature Program
University of Connecticut Health Center, Farmington CT
Interim Co-Director, Center for Public Health and Health Policy
University of Connecticut, Storrs CT
PROFESSIONAL SOCIETIES: American Psychiatric Association, Fellow
American Medical Association
International Society for the Study of Personality Disorders
American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
International Association for Forensic Mental Health Services
American College of Physician Executives
Academic Consortium for Criminal Justice Health
Personality and Mental Health
Frontiers of Forensic Psychiatry
Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
American Journal of Bioethics
American Journal of Public Health
Behavior Analysis in Offender Treatment and Prevention
Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health
Criminal Justice and Behavior
European Journal of Psychotherapy & Counseling
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology
Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
Journal of Correctional Health Care
Journal of Medical Systems
Journal of Offender Rehabilitation
Journal of Psychiatric Research
Mental Health Services Research
I initially trained as an experimental psychologist, and did subsequent bench
and applied clinical research. Since coming to UConn Health, my work has been
primarily translational with external grant funding (as Principal Investigator or CoPrincipal Investigator) totaling over $4M. Sources include the National Institute of
Mental Health, National Institute of Justice, and investigator initiated clinical trials. I
worked closely with the Institutional Review Board to develop appropriate review
and oversight standards to conduct work with a protected class (prisoners). The
outcome of my largest grant (NIJ funded) has led to a formal implementation in
English and Spanish of a forensic skills-based psychotherapy into widespread
clinical use here in Connecticut and in multiple other states. The first outcomebased study with 850 patients is now in-press. A randomized clinical trial on a
German translation is now underway (with European Union funding to Professor
Christina Stadler of the University of Basel) in Germany, Switzerland, and the
National Institutes of Mental Health, Institutional Training Grant
#1 T32 MH19551-01; "Research Training in Clinical Sciences"
Co-Investigator Percent effort: 10%; Direct Costs: $802,000
Lilly Research Laboratories; #GCO-88-244 PS/VA
2004- 2005
2004- 2005
2005- 2006
"Serotonergic Indicators of Fluoxetine Efficacy in the Treatment of Depression and
Impulsive Aggression"; Principal Investigator; Direct Costs: $25,000
Department of Veterans Affairs; Merit Award #7609-014
"The Dopaminergic System in Schizotypal Personality Disorder"
Co-Investigator; Percent effort: 5%; Direct Costs: $366,735
National Alliance for Research in Schizophrenia and Depression (NARSAD)
#GCO-93-183 PS/VA; "Functional Imaging with SPECT of Cognitive Activity in Schizotypal
Personality Disorder"; Principal Investigator; Direct Costs: $60,000
National Institutes of Mental Health, FIRST AWARD; #1 R29 MH50859-02
"5HT & NE in Aggression and Suicide in Personality Disorders"
Principal Investigator; Direct Costs: $350,000
Janssen Research Foundation; #8593-007
"Risperidone in the Treatment of Psychotic-Like and Deficit Symptoms of Schizotypal
Personality Disorder"; Principal Investigator; Direct Costs: $70,000
New York Community Trust; “Infrastructure grant for the development of the Personality
Disorder Foundation”; Direct Costs: $50,000
United Hospitals Fund; “Special Needs Plan Standards of Care Development”
Co-investigator, Direct Costs: $50,000
The Ittleson Foundation; “Grant for the Development of the Personality Disorder
Foundation”; Principal Investigator, Direct Costs: $30,000
The Schnurmacher Family Foundations; “Grant for the Development of the Personality
Disorder Foundation”; Principal Investigator, Direct Costs: $25,000
The JM Foundation; “Grant for the development of a resource center for the Personality
Disorders Foundation” Direct Costs: $20,000
National Institute of Justice; “Justice Research, Development, and Evaluation Project”
Co-Principal Investigator, Direct Costs: $750,000.00
The Schnurmacher Foundation; “Grant for the Development of the Personality Disorder
Foundation”; Principal Investigator, Direct Costs $25,000
Janssen Pharmaceutica; “Risperidone in the Treatment of Paranoia in Incarcerated Adults”
Co-Principal Investigator, Direct Costs: $113,787
National Institute of Justice; “Connecticut Correctional Health Research Program”
Principal Investigator, Direct Costs $ 2,240,925
National Institute of Mental Health; “Mental Health Research Infrastructure in Corrections”
Principal Investigator, Direct Costs $1,968,743
Department of Justice; “Community Offender Reentry Program”
Evaluator, Direct Costs $1,053,507
Abbott Laboratories; “A Retrospective Analysis of Depakote and Depakote ER Use
in the Connecticut Department of Correction”; Principal Investigator, Direct Cost $ 22,800
Eli Lilly and Co.; “Open Label Study of Strattera in an Adolescent Male Prison”
Principal Investigator, Direct Cost $97,260
National Institute of Mental Health; “Mental Health Research Infrastructure in CorrectionsSupplement”; Principal Investigator, Direct Costs $280,000
Eli Lilly and Co.
“Costs of Criminal Justice Involvement among Persons with SMI in CT”
Site Investigator
National Institute of Mental Health
1RC4MH091939-01, $998,861
“Connecticut Correctional Health Services Research Partnership”
National Institute of Mental Health
“Translational Research in Borderline Personality Disorder”
National Institute of Mental Health
“SBIR proposals for Web-based clinical applications”
National Institute of Mental Health
“Services Research Review Committee”
National Institute of Mental Health
“Special Emphasis Panel for IP-RISPs”
National Institute of Mental Health
“Social and Developmental Psychology Fellowships”
National Institute of Mental Health
“Centers for Innovation in Services and Intervention Research”
National Institute of Mental Health
“Services Research in Non Specialty Settings”
Academic and Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health Care
National Institute of Mental Health
“Individual Pre-and Post Doctoral Fellowship Grants”
National Institute of Mental Health
Challenge Grant Reviewer
National Institute of Mental Health
“Individual Pre-and Post Doctoral Fellowship Grants”
Child Health and Development Institute
“Developmental Grant Applications”
National Institute of Mental Health
“Individual Pre-and Post Doctoral Fellowship Grants”
Child Health and Development Institute
“Developmental Grant Applications”
National Institute of Mental Health
Reviewer, Adult Psychopathology and Disorders of Aging Study Section
American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Institute for Education and Research
Grant Application Review
National Institute of Justice,
Reviewer, Social Science Research on Implementation, Dissemination and Translation
Foundation of Science and Technology of Portugal
Departamento de Programas e Projectos de Investigação
Científica e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico (DPPICDT)
2004Chair, University of Connecticut Physician Health Committee
2007Member, Patient Safety System Supervisory Group
2013Secondary Member, Senior Appointments and Promotions Committee
2008Member, CT Department of Developmental Services, Institutional Review Board
2011Member, Executive Board Committee, Children’s Fund of Connecticut and the Child Health
and Development Institute
2014Board Chair, Children’s Fund of Connecticut
2004Member, Research Committee, American Academy of Psychiatry and Law
2008Member, Institutional and Correctional Forensic Psychiatry Committee,
American Academy of Psychiatry and Law
2008Member, National Advisory Council, Annual Academic and Health Policy Conference
on Correctional Health Care
2008National Institute of Correction, Norval Morris Project Keystone Group Member
2012Founding Board Member, Academic Consortium for Criminal Justice Health
2012Secretary, Academic Consortium for Criminal Justice Health
2012Member, Research Committee, Academic Consortium for Criminal Justice Health
2013Member, Council on Psychiatry and the Law, American Psychiatric Association
2013Chair, Work Group on Persons with Mental Illness in the Criminal Justice System,
American Psychiatric Association
This work group has produced the upcoming national policy volume,
Psychiatric Services in Correctional Facilities, 3rd Edition (June 2015 publication by
the American Psychiatric Press).
Chair, Psychiatry Research Fellowship Curriculum Comm, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine
Executive Committee, Psychiatry Research Fellowship Prgm, Mt. Sinai Schl of Medicine
Advisory Committee, Mt. Sinai Medical Center General Medical Clinical Research Center
Teaching Committee, Brain & Behavior Curriculum, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine
Appointments and Promotions Committee, Department of Psychiatry, Mt. Sinai SOM
Medical Records Committee, Mount Sinai Hospital
HEALTHFIRST Inc. Mental Health/Chemical Dependency Advisory Committee
Co-Chair, Psychiatry Services Alliance Committee of the Mt Sinai Health System
Member, Board of Directors, Association of the Attending Staff of the Mount Sinai Hospital
Member, Executive Council, Faculty Practice Associates, Mount Sinai Medical Center
Member, Medical Staff Working Group, Mount Sinai Health System
Member, Ethics Committee, Mt Sinai Health System Home Health Agency
Member, Interdisciplinary Clinical Pathways Steering Committee, Mt Sinai Hospital
Member, Physician Advisory Council, Faculty Practice Associates,Mt. Sinai Medical Center
Member, Quality of Care Committee, Faculty Practice Associates Mt. Sinai Medical Center
Member, Credentials Committee, John Dempsey Hospital
Member, Clinical Governance Committee, Strategic Planning Subcommittee, John
Dempsey Hospital
Member, Medical Board, John Dempsey Hospital
Member, Two Strategic Planning Committees, Brain and Behavioral Disorders and Public
Health Clinical Strategic Planning, John Dempsey Hospital
Chair, Credentials Committee, John Dempsey Hospital
Co-Chairman, Connecticut Health Signature Program for UCHC
At-Large Clinical Member, School of Medicine Council, University of CT School of Medicine
Member, Clinical Governance Committee (CGC), University of CT School of Medicine
Member, Standards Committee of the Sex Offender Policy Advisory Comm.
First & Second Year Medical Student Mentoring Program
Member, University of Conn Institute for Public Health Planning Committee
Member, University of Connecticut Conflict of Interest Committee
Member, UC Center for Public Health and Health Policy - Strategic Plan Team
Member, Appeals Committee of the School of Medicine Compensation Plan
Chair, Appeals Committee of the School of Medicine Compensation Plan
Member, JDH Baldrige Task Force Leadership Committee
Chair, UCHC Vision 2020 “Grow Your Own” Task Force
Member, Synergy Working Group
Member, Patient Safety System Supervisory Group
Member, BEST Executive Committee
Member, UCHC Leadership Team for Diversity
Member, UConn Code of Conduct Review Committee
Member, Doctorate in Nursing Practice Committee, Phil Frick, APRN
District APA Branch Committee on Behavioral Therapy
District APA Branch Task Force on Voluntary Services to the Homeless
NYC Task Force on Development of Integrated Treatment Services for Borderline
Personality Disorder
Member, Greater New York Hospital Association, Psychiatry Advisory Committee
Co-Chair, Mt Sinai IPA Mental Health Network Development Committee
Member, Board of Directors, Managed Care Innovations, Inc
Chair, Care Management and Quality Assurance Subcommittee, Managed Care
Innovations, Inc
Member, Executive Committee, Managed Care Innovations, Inc.
Chair, Program Committee, Managed Care Innovations, Inc.
Member , Expert Panel on Treatment and Intervention for the CT Governor’s Blue Ribbon
Commission on Mental Health
Member, Medical Examining Board for State Employee Disability Retirement
Member, Department of Correction, Research Oversight Committee
Member, Connecticut Department of Mental Retardation, Institutional Review Board
Member, Executive Committee, Connecticut Center for Effective Practice
Member, CT Parole Risk Assessment Committee
Member, Sex Offender Policy Advisory Council II for the State of CT
Member, Interagency Taskforce on Youth in Adult Corrections, Mental Health Committee
Member, Program Committee, Child Health and Development Institute
Member, Public Policy Committee, Child Health and Development Institute
Member, Audit Committee, Child Health and Development Institute
Chair, Program Committee, Child Health and Development Institute
Chair, Research Committee, American Academy of Psychiatry and Law
Member, Special Health Services Subcommittee of the CT Health Information Technology
and Exchange Advisory Committee
Board Chair, Child Health and Development Institute
Board Vice-Chair, Children’s Fund of Connecticut
Chair, Institutional and Correctional Forensic Psychiatry Committee,
American Academy of Psychiatry and Law
Member, National Institute of Justice, Guidelines Taskforce for Research in
Prison Rape
Councilor, American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law
Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, NIMH Mental Health Services
Research Conference
Member, Bureau of Justice Statistics/CMHS/NIMH Joint Advisory Group on
Mental Health Data Collection in Jails and Prisons
Member, National Advisory Council, American Correctional Health Services Association
Annual Conference
2009Board Member, Children’s Fund of Connecticut
2009Board Member, Child Health and Development Institute
2014Board Chair, Children’s Fund of Connecticut
Member of Task Force on Voluntary Services to the Homeless
Academic Director of Task Force on Development of Integrated Treatment Services for the
Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder in New York City
President, TARA- Association for Personality Disorders
President, Board Chair, and Co-Founder, Personality Disorders Foundation
Member, Clinical Advisory Board, Creative Alternatives of New York
Secretary, Norfolk CT Board of Education
Board Member, Education Connection, Litchfield, CT
Board Member, Norfolk CT Board of Education
Board Chair, Child Health and Development Institute
Medical Students:
First Year
2002Second Year
Introduction to the Mental Status Examination
PCM Lecture, 2 lecture hours
Mental Health Law
First Year
20022010Second Year
Human Development and Health, 1 Lecture Hour
Mental Status Examination with Depressed Patients
PCM Lecture, 2 lecture hours
Mental Health Delivery Services
Human Development and Health, 1 Lecture Hour
Crash Course, Personality Disorders, 1.5 Lecture Hours
Personality Disorders, Drill-Down Seminar Series, 3 lecture hours
Axis II Disorders
Psychopharmacology Didactic Seminar, 1.5 lecture hour
Abbott Neuroscience Department of Corrections Advisory Board
Balint Group Leader, UCHC Department of Family Medicine
CT Department of Children & Families, Special Review Team for Mortality Review
California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation: Implementation and evaluation of
an evidence- based behavioral management program
Florida Department of Juvenile Justice: Training, implementation and evaluation of a cognitive
Behavioral intervention in residential and detention facilities
CDC/National Center for Health Statistics and the DOJ/Bureau of Justice Statistics: Correctional Health
and Healthcare- Identifying and Prioritizing Data Needs
Joint Compliance Officer, United States v Erie County NY Stipulated Settlement Agreement
Expert Panel Member, Vera Institute of Justice, Justice Health Data Exchange, NYC
Correctional Services of Canada
Mt. Sinai Medical Center, New York NY, Department of Psychiatry, Grand Rounds. Biological dimensions of
depression. November 1990.
University of Arkansas School of Medicine, Little Rock AR, Department of Psychiatry, Grand Rounds. Differential
diagnosis of depression and personality disorders. November 1991.
Central General Hospital. Plainview NY, Grand Rounds. Diagnosis and treatment of depression. January 1992.
WCBS Nightly News. Recognition and treatment of depression. October 1992
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh PA. Department of Psychiatry, Grand Rounds. Differential biology . of
impulsivity, aggression, and suicidal behavior. February 1993.
Department of Mental Health, Yonkers NY. Differential diagnosis and treatment of impulsive aggressive patients.
November 1993.
Good Morning America, TV Broadcast. Cabin Fever: Winter depressions and their treatment. January 1994.
Lincoln Hospital, Bronx NY. Department of Psychiatry. Grand Rounds. Differential therapeutics of refractory
depression. February 1994.
QAP/ Noticias TV, National News Program. Bogota Columbia. Medications for subsyndromal disorders. February
Mt. Sinai Medical Center, New York NY, Department of Psychiatry, Grand Rounds. Pharmacotherapy of
subsyndromal disorders. March 1994.
Postgraduate Center for Psychotherapy/Alliance for the Mentally Ill, New York NY, Biology of borderline personality
disorder. April 1994.
Lenox Hill Hospital, New York NY. Department of Medicine, Grand Rounds. Differential diagnosis and treatment of
depression in the elderly. July 1994.
Public Radio International. Voices in the Family, One Hour Radio Talk Show, Host: Dr. Dan Gottlieb, CoDiscussant: Dr. Peter Cramer. September 1994.
National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression (NARSAD), Annual Scientific Symposium,
Chicago Il. Functional neuroimaging of cognition in schizotypal personality disorder. September 1994.
Alliance for the Mentally Ill of New York State, 12th Annual Conference. Biology of Borderline Personality Disorder.
November 1994.
Montefiore Medical Center, Bronx NY. Department of Psychiatry, Outpatient Rounds. Differential pharmacotherapy
of mood disorders. December 1994.
New York Academy of Medicine, Biology of Borderline Personality Disorder in the conference Dialectical Behavior
Therapy of Borderline Personality Disorder. December 1994.
Wyeth-Ayerst Visiting Professor, New York NY. Serotonergic and Noradrenergic Abnormalities in the Severe Mood
Disorders. January 1995.
Department of Psychology, Brooklyn College of the CUNY. Psychobiology of Personality Disorders. April 1995.
Project Reachout, New York. Recognition and Treatment of Severe Personality Disorder among the Mentally Ill
Homeless. June 1995.
Harlem Hospital, New York NY. Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds. The Psychopharmacology of Borderline
Personality Disorder. December 1995.
Woodhull Hospital Center, Brooklyn NY. Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds. The Psychobiology and
Psychopharmacology of Severe Personality Disorders. January 1996.
University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH. Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds. The Psychobiology and
Psychopharmacology of Borderline Personality Disorder. January 1996.
SmithKline Beecham, New York NY. Presentation to Primary Care Physicians: Anxiety and Depression:
Presentation, Diagnosis, and Treatment. May, 1997
Cabrini Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds. The Psychopharmacology of Severe Personality
Disorder. June 1997.
Roerig Pharmaceuticals, New York NY. Mental Health Delivery Systems. October, 1997
Voluntary Attending Staff, Mt. Sinai Medical Center, The Pharmacotherapy of Anxiety Disorders, October, 1997.
Creedmoor Psychiatric Center, Queens Village NY. The Differential Diagnosis and Pharmacology of Severe
Personality Disorder. November 1997.
Pilgrim Psychiatric Center, West Brentwood, NY. Psychiatry Grand Rounds: The Treatment of Affective Lability.
December 1997.
FEGS, New York NY. Medical Grand Rounds: Medical Necessity in the Era of Managed Care. February 1998.
State of California, Department of Health, Consultant reviewer for Alzheimer’s Disease Research and Clinical Care
Centers. February 1998
Pilgrim Psychiatric Center, West Brentwood, NY. Psychiatry Grand Rounds: The Treatment of Impulsive
Aggression. March 1998.
Dartmouth Medical Center, Lebanon, NH. Psychiatry Grand Rounds. Treatment Opportunities for Impulsivity and
Affective Instability. August 1998.
Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, New Brunswick NJ. Psychiatry Grand Rounds. Diagnostic and Treatment
Issues in Affective Lability and Impulsivity. October 1998.
University of Connecticut Health Center, Department of Psychiatry, Psychiatry Grand Rounds. Implications and
Opportunities for the Treatment of Severe Personality Disorders. December 1998.
Institute for Behavioral Healthcare, “Provider Sponsored Solutions for Integrating Systems, Academic MBHO’s and
Community-Based Organizations. Managed Care for Special Needs Populations: Role of the Academic Medical
Center in a Provider Sponsored Network. Co-Presenter: Cindy Freidmutter, Esq. McLean, VA. January, 1999.
Mental Health Association, Bloomfield, CT Radio interview Self-Mutilatory Behavior. What causes it? What can
be done about it.” August, 1999.
Mental Health Association, Bloomfield, CT. Radio interview Personality Disorders: What they are and how they
can be helped. September, 1999.
WVIT Channel 30, 11:00 p.m. News, Hartford, CT. Television interview Jealousy and Envy. February, 2000.
University of Connecticut Health Center, Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds. What to do? Bioethical issues
surrounding clinical staff action and subsequent cardiac arrest in a patient on DNR status. January, 2001.
Division of Mental Health Services, Yale University, Department of Psychiatry, New Haven, CT. Behavioral
Treatment of the Aggressive and Disciplinary Problematic Mentally Ill Inmates. January, 2001.
Charlotte Hungerford Hospital, Family Issues Association of Northwest Connecticut, Torrington, CT. Recognition
and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder: Family Issues. January, 2001.
Guest lecture at Capitol Region Mental Health Center, Treatment of Aggression in Public Sector Care for Severely
Mentally Ill. Sponsored by AstraZeneca, March, 2001.
Invited guest to participate in the Second Criminal Justice Advisory Panel meeting, Miami, FL, February, 2002.
University of Mississippi, Department of Psychiatry, Grand Rounds: “Psychiatric Services Research in Corrections”,
April, 2002.
University of Massachusetts, Department of Psychiatry, Grand Rounds, “Mentally Ill Offenders: Providing
Treatment in a Correctional Environment” and Workshop “Personality Disordered Inmates: Helping the Patient and
Helping the System”, April , 2002.
National Institute of Justice, Professional Conference Series, “Empirical Development of Mental Health Screening
in Correctional Settings”, Washington, DC, July, 2002.
Mental Health Association of CT., St. Thomas Seminary, “Borderline Personality Disorders”, Wethersfield, CT, July
16, 2002.
West Hartford Community Television, “Mental Health Discussions”, West Hartford, CT, September 6, 23, 27, 2002.
Correctional Medical and Mental Health Care Symposium, “Assessing, managing and reducing suicide risk in jails
and prisons. “ Saratoga Springs. NY, October 2002
Connecticut Juvenile Training School- Topics in Juvenile Justice, “Suicide prevention in the juvenile offender
population.” Middletown, CT, November, 2002
WVIT Channel 30, Nightly News. “Depression & Menopause” Jan 13, 2003
New Haven Register; New Britain Press; Bristol Press. “Care for psychiatric patients in nursing homes” March 3,
Waterbury Republican American. “Power and corruption” March 21, 2003
Temple University, Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds, “Borderline Personality Behind Bars: Helping the
patient and helping the system” April 2003
WVIT Channel 30, 11:00 p.m. News, Hartford, CT. Television interview, “When Parents are Away: Preparing
Children for Extended Separation. September, 2003
NBC-30 (live interview) Nightly News. “Advice to couples in sexless marriages” November 19, 2003
Video House Calls – cable programming Northwestern CT. “Depression during the holidays” December 18, 2003
WTIC-AM (live interview). “Depression during the holidays” December 23, 2003
University of Connecticut Health Center, Department of Psychiatry, Grand Rounds, “Severe and Persistent Mental
Illness - Continuity and Complexity in a Specific Case”, January 2004
NBC Channel 30, News, Hartford CT. Television Interview, ”Sports Violence: How Parents can Help”. March 11,
Rockland State Hospital, Grand Rounds, “Treating the Difficult to Treat Patient with Borderline Personality
Disorder,” Orangeburg, NY April 28, 2004
Danbury Hospital Grand Rounds, “Treatment of Aggression,” Danbury Ct, April 29, 2004
NCCHC Conference, Las Vegas NV. “Bipolar Disorder in Jails and Prisons: What you need to know”. July 12,
Abbott Neuroscience, National Specialty Account Executives Meeting, Chicago IL, “Mental Illness in Jails and
Prisons.” August 19, 2004
University of Connecticut Health Center, “Panel on Health Disparities”, October 2004
Viewpoints (Syndicated Radio Public Health Show), “Rude and Violent Behavior at Sporting Events,” OctoberNovember, 2004
National Institute of Drug Abuse, “Developing Efficacious Behavioral Therapies for Criminal Justice Involved
Populations: the Development of Corrections Modified Dialectical Behavior Therapy.” Gaithersburg Maryland,
December 2004
Pennsylvania Department of Correction Mental Health Conference, “Pharmacologic Management of Incarcerated
Patients with Bipolar Disorder,” Harrisburg PA, February 23, 2005
Cedarcrest State Hospital, “Treating Patients with Severe Borderline Personality Disorder,” Newington, CT March
10, 2005
Abbott Neuroscience, CME Conference, “Difficult Challenges: Mood Disorders in Correctional Settings,” Atlanta
GA, June 4, 2005
Eastern Connecticut Health Network, Psychiatry Grand Rounds, “Treating the Difficult to Treat Patient with
Borderline Personality Disorder,” Manchester CT, June 10, 2005
Office of the Attorney General, “Parental Mental Illness and Child Protective Services: Challenges and
Opportunities,” Madison CT, June 17, 2005
New York State Department of Correctional Services, “Managing Impulsive Aggression in Correctional Settings,”
Fishkill NY, June 21, 2005
Norwalk Hospital, Psychiatry Grand Rounds, “Borderline Personality Disorder,” Norwalk CT, September 9, 2005.
Cedarcrest State Hospital, “Impulsivity and Aggression,” Newington CT, September 22, 2005
Capital Region Mental Health Center, “Impulsivity and Aggression,” Hartford CT, September 28, 2005
Berkshire Medical Group, “Treating the Difficult to Treat Patient with Borderline Personality Disorder,” Lenox MA,
November 15, 2005
Florida Juvenile Justice Association and the Florida Alcohol and Drug Abuse Association “Adolescent Treatment
Issues Conference,” Plenary Speech: Troubled Youth, Drugs and Empowerment: The Role of Cognitive Behavioral
Therapy to Facilitate Change,” Tampa FL, March 2, 2006
Fox61 News@10, Television Interview, “The UCHC Patient School,” March 6, 2006
Capital Region Mental Health Center, “Community Reintegration of Mentally Ill Offenders,” Hartford CT, March 14,
CT Freedom of Information Commission Annual Conference, “ Difficult Issues, Difficult People, Difficult Times,”
Keynote Address, Westbrook CT, April 4, 2006
WWUH University of Hartford Radio, Mind Matters talk show, “Prisoners with Mental Illness,” Sunday April 30,
Central New York Psychiatric Center Statewide MSO Meeting, “Optimizing Psychiatric Care for Prisoners”, New
Hartford NY, May 10, 2006
International Society for the Study of Personality Disorders, 7 Congress, “Imprisonment of the Personality
Disordered: Challenges and Opportunities, Plenary Presentation, Prague Check Republic, June 9, 2006.
American Psychiatric Nurses Association, Clinical Psychopharmacology Institute, Pharmacologic Treatment of
ADHD in Correctional Settings,” Cambridge MA, June 23, 2006
American Psychiatric Nurses Association, Clinical Psychopharmacology Institute, “Current Approaches to
Psychopharmacology of Borderline Personality Disorder,” Cambridge MA, June 23, 2006
NBC News Channel 30, Connecticut, Television Interview, “The UCHC Patient School,” February 5, 2007
CT Psychiatry Resident Day, “Psychiatry Behind Bars: The Needs, Challenges and Opportunities,” West Hartford
CT, April 10, 2007
University of Massachusetts Medical School 2 Annual Conference on Correctional Health, Plenary Speech,
“Corrections Specific Translational Research,” Quincy MA, Friday March 28, 2008
New York University, Tri-State AAPL Annual British-American Conference, Plenary Speech, “Personality Disorders
in Correctional Settings,” New York NY, April 12, 2008
Association of State Correctional Administrators, Research and Technology Committee, “START NOW:
Background, Current Status and Next Steps,” Wethersfield CT, October 29, 2008
American Correctional Health Services Association, Plenary Speech, “Crisis of Oral Health in Corrections: Policy
Implications”, Orlando FL, March 14 2009
UCHC Discovery Series, “Managing Stress and Anxiety,” Farmington CT, May 12, 2009
CMHC Mental Health Conference, “Evidence Based Practice in Corrections: Impulsive Aggression and Self
Injurious Behavior,” May 14, 2009
National Association of State Forensic Mental Health Program Directors Annual Meeting, Plenary Speech,
“Psychopharm Formulary: The Right Medicine, At The Right Time, and On Budget,” Virginia Beach, VA, September
30, 2009.
WNPR, Colin McEnroe Show, “Dealing with the Holiday Blues,” Hartford CT, December 9, 2009
NBC News Channel 30, Connecticut, Television Interview, “The Problem Gambler and March Madness,” March 22,
APA Annual Meeting, “Managing the Aggressive/ Disruptive Inmate,” in Advances in Correctional Psychiatry, Chair:
Charles Scott, New Orleans, May 24, 2010
National Center for Health Statistics, “Correctional Health and Healthcare: Epidemiology of Mental Illness and
Process of Service Delivery,” Hyattsville, MD, June 28-29, 2010.
Jewish Children’s Regional Service Annual Meeting, “Overcoming Adversity,” New Orleans LA, March 27, 2011
The Police Commissioners of CT, “The Public Health Implications of Correctional Health Care,” Hamden CT, March
30, 2011
UCHC High School Clinical Career Day, Guidance Counselors, “Keeping your Shining Stars from Burning Out:
Support for Achievers and Overachievers,” Farmington Ct, April 1, 2011
NIMH Conference on Mental Health Services Research, Plenary Speaker, “Translating Research into Systemic
Solutions to Improve Mental Health Care,” Washington DC, July 28, 2011
Justice Health of New South Wales, “Correctional Mental Health Care in Connecticut USA,” Sydney Australia,
September 5, 2011.
UConn Premed Student Club, “Medical Education and Medical Care: Current Challenges and Opportunities,”
Storrs CT, November 8, 2011.
Academic & Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health in Atlanta, GA, March 22-24, 2012.
UCHC Schwartz Center Rounds, “Informed Dissent and the Right to Refuse Surgery: Is it Reasonable?” March 19,
Podcast, Journal of Correctional Healthcare: Recidivism Rates Among Mentally Ill Inmates: Impact of the
Connecticut Offender Reentry Program”, April 10, 2012.
8 Annual Yale NEA-BPD Conference, Borderline Personality Disorder: Impulsivity, Aggression and Legal
Involvement, Plenary Speaker, “Dialectical Behavior Therapy- Corrections Modified and START NOW,” New
Haven CT, May 4, 2012.
WNPR, Colin McEnroe Show, “Prison Love: It May be Different Than You Think,” Hartford CT, June 20, 2012
Correctional Services of Canada, Management of Extreme Behaviors, Abbotsford BC, Canada, October 16, 2012
University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey and the New Jersey Department of Corrections, “Psychiatric
Assessment and Management of Chronic Pain in Correctional Settings,” Trenton NJ February 18, 2013.
University of Connecticut Health Center, Center for Public Health and Health Policy. Brown Bag series –
“Correctional Health Services Research: Opportunities for Improving the Public’s Health and its Healthcare”,
Farmington, CT, March 7, 2013.
University of Connecticut TEDX Conference. “Influencing violence in the Years Ahead.” UConn Storrs Campus,
September 21, 2013.
Central New York Psychiatric Center in Marcy, NY, “Motivational interviewing: Applications in START NOW”,
September 26, 2013.
University of Edinbugh, Correctional Psychiatry, Clinical Forum, Coatsbridge, Scotland, November 11, 2014.
University of Basel, Why START NOW? A clinical approach to skills, affirmation and strength. Department of
Forensic Psychiatry, Basel, Switzerland, November 13, 2014.
University of Basil, Ethical issues in correctional psychiatry. Division of Bioethics, Basel, Switzerland, November
14, 2014.
New York State Correctional Mental Health Staff, “Correctional Mental Health: A Best Practices Sampler”,
December 10, 2014.
University of Connecticut, Human Rights Institute, “Constrained Choice,” UConn Storrs Campus, April 1, 2015.
Original Peer-Reviewed Reports:
*Trestman RL, Heinemann MA, Whitaker JN and Seyer JM. Hormonal and drug effects on the degradation by rat
renal alkaline proteinase of human myelin basic protein peptide 43-88. Biochemical Pharmacology, 34(8): 12311237, 1985.
*Trestman RL and Stein M. Stress, infection and the immune system. Infections in Medicine, 8:17-22, 1991.
*Trestman RL, Coccaro EF, Bernstein D, Lawrence T, Gabriel S, Horvath TB, and Siever LJ. Cortisol Responses
to mental arithmetic in acute and remitted depression. Biological Psychiatry, 29:1051-1054, 1991.
Halper JP, Miller AH, Trestman RL, Santucci AC, Lackner C, and Stein M. Biochemical mechanisms of stressinduced impairment of rat T-cell mitogenesis. Journal of Neuroimmunology, 32:241-247, 1991.
Stein M, Miller AH, and Trestman RL. Depression and immune function: A critical review. Archives of General
Psychiatry, 48:171-177, 1991.
Siever LJ, Trestman RL, Coccaro EF, Bernstein D, Gabriel SM, Owen K, Moran M, Lawrence T, Rosenthal J, and
Horvath TB. The growth hormone response to clonidine in acute and remitted depressed male patients. Journal of
Neuropsychopharmacology, 6:165-177, 1992.
Kramer TAM and Trestman RL. A didactic program for fellowships in psychiatric research. Academic Psychiatry,
15:172-173, 1991.
Miller AH, Spencer RL, Trestman RL, Kim C, McEwan B, and Stein M. Adrenal steroid receptor activation in vivo
and immune function. American Journal of Physiology, 261:E126-131, 1991.
Coccaro EF, Lawrence TL, Trestman RL, Gabriel S, Klar H, Siever LJ. Growth hormone response to intravenous
clonidine challenge correlates with behavioral irritability in psychiatric patients and healthy volunteers. Psychiatry
Research, 39:129-139, 1991.
Siever LJ, Amin F, Coccaro EF, Trestman RL, Silverman J, Horvath TB, Mahon TR, Knott P, Davidson M, Davis
KL. Cerebrospinal fluid homovanillic acid in schizotypal personality disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry,
150:149-151, 1993.
*Trestman RL , Lawrence TL, Coccaro EF, Harvey P, Bernstein D, Lawrence EK, Condello V, Mahon T, Yang R-K,
Knott P, Horvath TB, Siever LJ. Noradrenergic responses to clonidine in acute and remitted depressed male
patients. Psychiatry Research, 43:199-213, 1992.
Wemm KM, Trestman RL, Levine S. The effects of a laboratory stressor on natural killer cell function in chronic
fatigue syndrome patients. Psychosomatics, 32:470-471, 1991.
Siever LJ, Kahn RS, Lawlor BA, Trestman RL, Lawrence TL, Coccaro EF. Critical issues in defining the role of
serotonin in the psychiatric disorders. Pharmacologic Reviews, 43:509-526, 1991.
Siever LJ, Trestman RL, Silverman J. Validation of personality disorder assessment by biologic and family studies.
J Personality Disorders, 6:301-312, 1992.
*Trestman RL, Coccaro EF, Bernstein D, Lawrence TL, Knott P, Horvath TB, Siever LJ. Norepinephrine responses
to postural and isometric stressors in acute and remitted depression. Psychiatry Research, 47:291-293,1993.
Weiner M, Muttakin MH, Risser RC, Trestman RL. Cortisol secretion in remitted late-life depressives, Biol
Psychiatry, 33:560-561, 1993.
*Trestman RL, Coccaro EF, Mitropoulou V, Gabriel SM, Horvath T, Siever LJ. The cortisol response to clonidine in
acute and remitted depressed male patients. Biological Psychiatry, 34:373-379, 1993.
Kahn R, Trestman RL, Lawler B, Davidson M, Siever LJ. Effects of ipsapirone in healthy controls: A dose response
study, Psychopharmacology, 114:155-160, 1994.
Siever LJ, Coccaro EF, Trestman RL, Gabriel S. Use of serotonin-selective agents in other psychiatric disorders.
Clin Neuropharmacol, 15 Suppl 1:355-356.
*Trestman RL, Coccaro EF, Lawrence TL, Knott P, Gabriel SM, Siever LJ. The stability of plasma growth
hormone, MHPG, and cortisol responses to repeated clonidine challenge in normal males.
Psychoneuroendocrinology, 19:13-20, 1994.
Siever LJ, Friedman L, Moscowitz J, Mitropoulou V, Keefe R, Roitman SL, Merhige D, Trestman RL, Silverman J,
Mohs R. Eye movement impairment and schizotypal psychopathology. Amer J Psychiatry, 151:1209-1215, 1994.
*Trestman RL, Yehuda R, Coccaro E, Knott P, Gabriel S, Siever LJ. Diurnal neuroendocrine, noradrenergic, and
autonomic dysregulation in major depression. Biol Psychiatry. 37:448-456, 1995.
Larry J. Siever, Merril Rotter, Miklos Losonczy, Song Ling Guo, Vivian Mitropoulou, Robert L. Trestman, Seth
Apter, Zvi Zemishlany, Jeremy Silverman, Michael Davidson, Kenneth L. Davis. Lateral ventrical enlargement in
schizotypal personality disorder. Psychiatry Research, 57:109-118, 1995.
Yehuda R, Teicher MH, Levengood R, Trestman RL,Siever LJ. Circadian regulation of basal cortisol levels in
postraumatic stress disorder. Ann NY Acad Sciences, 746:378-380, 1994.
*Trestman RL, Keefe RSE, deVegvar ML, Harvey P, Davidson M, Siever LJ. Cognitive function and biological
correlates of cognitive performance in schizotypal personality disorder patients.Psychiatry Research, 59:127-236,
Yehuda R, Teicher MH, Levengood RA, Trestman RL, Siever LJ. Circadian regulation of basal cortisol levels in
posttraumatic stress disorder. In Brain Corticosteroid Receptors and Function (Vol 746) of the Annals of the New
York Academy of Sciences, pp 378-380, 1994.
Coccaro EF, Kavoussi RJ, Trestman RL, Gabriel SM, Cooper TB, Siever LJ. Hormonal responses to m-CPP
challenge are undimished by acute m-CPP pretreatment. Psychiatry Research, 62:139-145, 1996.
Siever L, Trestman RL, The serotonin system and aggressive personality disorder. Int Clin Psychopharmacol, 8
Suppl 2:33-39, 1993.
Yehuda R, Teicher MH, Trestman RL, Levengood RA, Siever LJ. Cortisol regulation in post-traumatic stress
disorder: A chronobiological analysis. Biological Psychiatry, 40:79-88, 1996.
Stein DJ, Trestman RL, Coccaro EF, Mitropoulou V, Hollander E, Siever LJ. Serotonergic responsivity in
obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. J Neuropsych & Clin Neurosciences, 8:393-398, 1996..
New AS, Trestman RL, Siever LJ. The pharmacotherapy of borderline personality disorder. CNS Drugs, 2:347354, 1994.
Siegel BV, Trestman RL, Amin F, Kirrane R, Silverman J, Schmeidler J, Keefe RSE, Siever LJ. D-Amphetamine
challenge effects on Wisconsin Card Sort Test performance in schizotypal dersonality disorder. Schizophrenia
Research, 20:29-32, 1996.
Buchsbaum MS, Trestman RL, Hazlett E, Siegel BV, Shaefer CH, Luu C, Tang C, Herrera S,Solimando AC,
Losonczy M, Serby M, Silverman J, Siever LJ. Regional cerebral blood flow during Wisconsin Card Sorting Test in
schizotypal personality disorder. Schizophrenia Research, 27:21-28, 1997.
Steinberg BJ, Trestman RL, Mitropoulou V, Siever LJ. Depressive response to Physostigmine challenge in
borderline personality disorder patients. Neuropsychopharmacology, 17:264-273, 1997.
Bergman, A, Harvey P, Mitropoulou V, Aronson A, Marder D, Trestman RL, Siever LJ. The factor structure of
schizotypal symptoms in a clinical population. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 22:501-509, 1996.
*Trestman RL, Horvath TB, Kalus O, Peterson AA, Coccaro EF, Mitropoulou V, Apter S, Davidson M, Siever LJ.
Event related potentials in schizotypal personality disorder. Jrnl Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 8:3340, 1996.
New AS, Trestman RL, Mitropoulou V, Benishay DS, Coccaro EF, Silverman J, and Siever LJ. Serotonergic
function and self-injurious behavior in personality disorder patients. Psychiatry Res, 69:17-26, 1997.
*Trestman RL. Clinical correlates and predictors of violence in patients with personality disorders. Psychiatric
Annals, 27:741-744. 1997.
Coccaro EF, Kavoussi RJ, Trestman RL, Kanof PD, Gabriel SM, Cooper TB, Siever LJ. Serotonin function in
human subjects: Intercorrelations among central 5-HT indices and aggressiveness. Psychiatry Res., 73:1-14, 1997.
New AS, Gelernter J, Yovell Y, Trestman RL, Nielsen DA, Silverman J, Mitropoulou V, Siever L. Tryptophan
hydroxylase genotype is associated with impulsive aggressive measures: a preliminary study. Am J Med Genet
(Neuropsychiatric Genetics), 81:13-17, 1998.
New AS, Sevin EM, Mitropoulou V, Reynolds D, Novotny SL, Callahan A, Trestman RL, Siever LJ. Serum
cholesterol and impulsivity in personality disorders. Psychiatry Res, 22:85(2):145-50, 1999.
Koenigsberg HW, Reynolds D, Goodman M, New AS, Mitropoulou V, Trestman RL, Silverman J, Siever LJ.
Risperidone in the treatment of schizotypal personality disorder. J. Clin Psychiatry 64(6): 628-634, 2003
Mitropoulou V, Trestman RL, New AS, Flory JD, Silverman JM, Siever LJ. Neurobiologic Function and Personality
Traits in Subjects with Personality Disorders. CNS Spectrums 8(10) 725-730, 2003
Ford JD, Trestman RL, Steinberg, KL, Tennen H, Allen, S. Prospective Association of Anxiety, Depressive, and
Addictive Disorders with High Utilization of Primary, Specialty, and Emergency Medical Care. Health Psychology
Social Science & Medicine. 58: 2145-2148, 2004
Gaftanyuk O, *Trestman RL. Scopolamine Patch in the Treatment of Clozapine-induced Sialorrhea. Psychiatric
Services. 55:318, 2004
Berzins L, *Trestman RL. The Development and Implementation of Corrections-Modified Dialectical Behavioral
Therapy. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health 3(1): 95-105, 2004
New A, Trestman RL, Mitropoulou V, Goodman M, Koenigsberg HH, Silverman J & Siever LJ. Low prolactin
response to fenfluramine in impulsive aggression, Journal of Psychiatric Research, Volume 38 (3): 223-230, 2004
Ford JD, Trestman RL, Tennen H, Allen S. Relationship of Anxiety, Depression and Alcohol Use Disorders to
Persistent High Utilization and Potentially Problematic Low Utilization of Primary Medical Care. Social Science &
Medicine 61 (2005) 1618–1625
*Trestman RL, Sevarino K, Kelly M. Management of Psychiatric Issues in Patients with Intellectual Disability,
Journal of the Connecticut Medical Society, 68(8): 495-498, 2004
Arias A, Steinberg K, Banga A, Trestman RL. Systematic Review of the Efficacy of Meditation as Treatments for
Medical Illness. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 12:8, 817–832, 2006.
Ford JD, Trestman RL, Hogan V, Zhang W. “Development and Validation of a Brief Mental Health Screening
Instrument for Newly Incarcerated Adults”, Assessment, 14(3):279-99, 2007.
Erickson SK, Rosenheck, RA, Trestman RL, Ford JD, Desai, RA. Risk of Incarceration Between Cohorts of
Veterans With and Without Mental Illness Discharged From Inpatient Units. Psych Services, 59:2, 178-183, 2008.
Kamath J, Temporini H, Quarti S, Zhang W, Pagano K, Dematinis N, *Trestman RL. Psychiatric Use and Utility of
Divalproex Sodium in Connecticut Prisons. Int J Offender Ther Comp Criminol. 2007 Sep 24 epub;print version: Int
J Offender Ther Comp Criminol 2008; 52; 358
*Trestman RL, Ford JD, Zhang W, Hogan V. Current and Lifetime Psychiatric Illness among Inmates not Identified
as Acutely Mentally Ill at Intake in Connecticut’s Jails. Journal of The American Academy of Psychiatry and the
Law, 35:490-500, 2007.
Sampl, S., Wakai, S., Trestman, R.L., Keeney, E.M. (2008). Functional Analysis of Behavior in Corrections:
Empowering Inmates in Skills Training Groups. Journal of Behavioral Analysis of Offender and Victim Treatment
and Prevention, 1(4), 42-51.
Ford JD, Trestman RL, Weisbrok V, Zhang W. Validation of a Brief Screening Instrument for Identifying Psychiatric
Disorders Among Newly Incarcerated Adults. Psychiatric Services, 60(6):842-6, 2009.
McClure M, Trestman RL, Koenigsberg H, Goodman M, New A, Silverman J, Siever L. The Effects of Risperidone
on the Cognitive Performance of Individuals with Schizotypal Personality Disorder, Journal of Clin Psychopharm,
24:396-398, 2009.
Wakai S, Shelton D, Trestman RL, Kesten K. Conducting Research in Corrections: Challenges and Solutions.
Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 27:743-52, 2009.
Shelton D, Sampl S, Kesten K, Zhang W, Trestman RL. Treatment of Impulsive Aggression in Correctional
Settings. Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 27:787-800, 2009.
Kamath J, Shelton D, Wakai S, Kesten K, Zhang W, Trestman RL. Disseminating Best Practices for Bipolar
Disorder Treatment in a Correctional Population. Psych Services,61(9):865-867, 2010.
Sampl S, Wakai S, Trestman RL. Translating evidence-based practices from community to corrections: An
example of implementing DBT-CM. Journal of Behavioral Analysis of Offender and Victim Treatment and
Prevention, 2(2): 114-23, 2010.
Shelton D, Kesten K, Zhang W, Trestman RL. Impact of a Dialectic Behavior Therapy- Corrections Modified upon
Behaviorally Challenged Incarcerated Male Adolescents. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing. 24:
105-113, 2011
Appelbaum K, Savageau J, Trestman RL, Metzner J, Baillargeon JG. A National Survey of Self-Injurious Behavior
in American Prisons, Psychiatric Services, 62(3):285-90, 2011.
Kesten KL, Leavitt-Smith E, Rau DR, Shelton D, Zhang W, Wagner J, Trestman RL. The Connecticut Offender
Re-Entry Program (CORP) and Standard Re-entry Treatment Planning Services: A Comparison of Recidivism
Rates Among Mentally Ill Inmates in Connecticut. Journal of Correctional Health Care, 2012, 18(1):20-8. Epub
2011 Nov 17.
Kamath J, Zhang W, Kesten K, Wakai S, Shelton D, Trestman RL. Algorithm-Driven Pharmacological
Management of Bipolar Disorder in Connecticut Prisons. International Journal of Offender Therapy and
Comparative Criminology, 57(2) 251–264 2013, DOI: 10.1177/0306624X11427537, online 24 November 2011.
Ehret, M., Shelton, D., Barta, W., Trestman, RL., Maruca, A., Kamath, J., Golay, L. (2013). Medication Adherence
Among Female Inmates with Bipolar Disorder: Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial, Psychological
Services, 2013, 10(1): 106–114 DOI: 10.1037/a0031433.
Swanson, J., Frisman, L., Robertson, A., Lin, HJ, Trestman RL, et al. Costs of Criminal Justice Involvement
among Persons with Serious Mental Illness in Connecticut, Psychiatric Services in Advance, March 15, 2013; doi:
Tanguay S, Trestman RL, Weiskopf C. (2014). Patient Health Satisfaction Survey in Connecticut Correctional
Facilities, Journal of Correctional Health Care, Volume 20 Issue 2 April 2014 pp. 127 - 134.
Cislo A and Trestman RL. (2012). Challenges and Solutions for Conducting Research in Correctional Settings:
The U.S. Experience. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 36(3-4),2013, pp. 304 – 310; DOI:
Spaulding AC, Kim AY, Harzke AJ, Sullivan JC, Linas BP, Brewer A, Dickert J, McGovern BH, Strick LB, Trestman
RL, Ferguson WJ. Impact of New Therapeutics for Hepatitis C Virus Infection in Incarcerated Populations. Topics
in Antiviral Medicine, 21(1) 27-35, 2013.
Barry LC, Ford JD, Trestman RL. (2014). Comorbid Mental Illness and Poor Physical Function among Newly
Admitted Inmates in Connecticut’s Jails. Journal of Correctional Health Care, Volume 20 Issue 2, pp. 135 - 144.
Trestman RL, Aseltine RH. Justice-Involved Health Information: Policy and Practice Advances in Connecticut.
(2014). Perspectives in Health Information Management. 2014 Winter; 11(Winter): 1e.Published online Jan 1,
Ahalt C, Trestman RL, Rich J, Greifinger R, Williams BA, Paying the Price: The Pressing Need for Quality, Cost
and Outcomes Data to Improve Correctional Healthcare for Older Prisoners. Journal of the American Geriatric
Society, 61:2013–2019, 2013. DOI: 10.1111/jgs.12510
Meyer JP, Cepeda J, Wu J, Trestman RL, Altice, FL, Springer SA. (2014). Optimization of human
immunodeficiency virus treatment during incarceration. Viral suppression at the prison gate. JAMA Intern Med.
doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2014.601. Published online March 31, 2014.
Trestman, RL. (2014) Ethics, the Law, and Prisoners: Protecting Society, Changing Human Behavior, and
Protecting Human Rights, Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, DOI 10.1007/s11673-014-9560-1. Published online July 5,
Trestman R.L., Ferguson W, Dickert J. (2014). Behind Bars: The Compelling Case for of Academic Health
Centers Partnering with Correctional Facilities. Academic Medicine, Published online July 24, 2014.
Wang EA, Aminawung JA, Ferguson W, Trestman R.L. Wagner EH, Bova C. (2014). A Tool for Tracking Chronic
Illness Care in Prison (ACCIC-P). Journal of Correctional Healthcare, 20(4), 313-333.
Power J, Trestman RL, Smith H. What to do with the cutters? Best practices for offender self-injurious behaviors.
In Review.
Angela Di Paola, A., Altice, F.L., Powell, M.L., Trestman, R.L., Springer, S.A. A Comparison of Psychiatric
Diagnoses among HIV-Infected Prisoners Receiving Combination Antiretroviral Therapy and Transitioning to the
Community. Health and Justice, 764 2014 2:11.
Meyer JP, Cepeda J, Springer SA, Wu J, Trestman RL, Altice FL. HIV in people incarcerated in Connecticut
prisons and jail observational cohort study, The Lancet HIV, Early online publication, October 10, 2014, doi:
Kersten L, Cislo AM, Lynch M, Shea K, Le H, Trestman RL. Evaluating START NOW: A Skills-Based
Psychotherapy for Inmates with Behavioral Disorders. In Press.
Barry LC, Wakefield DB, Trestman RL, Conwell Y. Active and Passive Suicidal Ideation In Older Inmates, In
Kamath, J., Wakai, S., Zhang, W., Kesten, K., Shelton, D., Trestman, R.L. Adaptation of the Texas
Implementation Medication Algorithm for Bipolar Disorder in Adult Female Offenders: A Quasi-Randomized Study.
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. In press.
Trestman RL, Appelbaum KL, Metzner J. (Eds). The Oxford Textbook of Correctional Psychiatry, Oxford University
Press, In Press.
Other Publications:
Samejima F and Trestman RL. Analysis of the Iowa data I: Initial findings. Office of Naval Research, Research
Report 80-1, 1980, 156 pp.
Stein M and Trestman RL. Anxiety and the immune system. In Neurobiological Basis of Panic Disorder.
Ballinger, J. (ed.), Alan R. Liss Inc., New York. pp. 333-348, 1990.
Stein M and Trestman RL. Psychiatric perspectives of brain, behavior and the immune system. In Immunologic
Mechanisms in Neurologic and Psychiatric Disease. Waksman, B. (ed.), ARNMD. Raven Press, New York. pp
161-169, 1990.
Stein M, Miller AH and Trestman RL. Depression and the immune system. In Psychoneuroimmunolgy II. Ader, R.,
Cohen, N. and Felten, D. (eds.), Academic Press, New York. pp 897-930, 1991.
*Trestman, R.L. and Siever, L. The growth hormone response to clonidine in depression. In Biological Markers of
Depression: State of the Art. Ansseau M, von Frenckell R and Franck G (eds.), Elsevier, New York. pp 4353, 1991.
O'Brien M, Trestman RL, Siever LJ. Cluster A personality Disorders. In Current Psychiatric Therapy, Dunner DL
(ed.), WB Saunders, New York. pp 399-404, 1992.
Steinberg BJ, Trestman RL, Siever LJ. The cholinergic and noradrenergic systems and affective instability in
borderline personality disorder. In Biological and Neurobehavioral Studies in Borderline Personality Disorder. Silk
KR (ed.), American Psychiatric Press, pp 41-62, 1994.
deVegvar M, Siever LJ, Trestman RL. Impulsivity and serotonin in borderline personality disorder. In Biological
and Neurobehavioral Studies in Borderline Personality Disorder. Silk KR (ed.), American Psychiatric Press, pp 2340, 1994.
Siever LJ, Steinberg B, Trestman RL, Intrator J. Biological markers in personality disorders. Volume 13 Annual
Review of Psychiatry 1994 Section II, Gorman J, Papp L (eds.), American Psychiatric Press, pp253-290.
*Trestman RL, deVegvar M, Siever LJ. Treatment of personality disorders. Textbook of Psychopharmacology.
Nemeroff CB, Schatzberg AF (eds.), American Psychiatric Press, 753-767, 1996.
New AS, Trestman RL, Siever LJ. Borderline personality disorder. Impulsivity and Aggression, Hollander E, Stein
D (eds), John Wiley & Sons, pp 153-174, 1995.
Siever LJ, Trestman RL. The serotonin system and aggressive personality disorders. International Clinical
Psychopharmacology Serotonin Supplement, Rapid Communications of Oxford, Ltd, Oxford, 1993, 8:33-39.
Amin F, Siever LJ, Silverman JS, Coccaro EF, Mitropoulou V, Trestman RL, Anderson GM, Davis KL. Plasma
homovanillic acid in clinically derived schizotypal personality disorder. Plasma Homovanillic Acid Studies in
Schizophrenia: Implications for Dopamine Dysfunction, Friedhoff AJ, Amin F (eds.), American Psychiatric Press,
Washington DC, 133-149, 1997.
Zale, CF, O’Brien MM, Trestman RL, Siever LJ. Cluster A personality disorders. Current Psychiatric Therapy II,
Chapter 60, Dunner DL (ed), WB Saunders, pp427-432, 1996.
*Trestman RL. Perspectives on Borderline Personality Disorder. The Journal of the California Alliance of the
Mentally Ill, 1:10-14, 1997.
Porr V and Trestman RL (co-editors). Borderline Personality Disorder. Issue of The Journal of the California
Alliance of the Mentally Ill, 1, 1997.
*Trestman RL, Woo-Ming A, deVegvar M, Siever LJ. Treatment of personality disorders. Textbook of
Psychopharmacology, 2nd ed. Nemeroff CB, Schatzberg AF (eds.), American Psychiatric Press, pp 901-916, 1998.
*Trestman, RL. Behind Bars: Personality Disorders. The Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the
Law, 28:232-235, June, 2000.
*Trestman, RL. Commentary: Antipsychotic Prescribing Practices in the Texas Prison System. The Journal of
the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, 29:54-57, 2001.
*Trestman, RL, Woo-Ming, A.M., deVegvar, M., Siever, L.J. Treatment of Personality Disorders. Essentials of
Clinical Psychopharmacology, Schatzberg AF, Nemeroff CB (eds.), American Psychiatric Press, pp 571-587, 2001.
Rayford, B. & *Trestman, RL. The Intensive Mental Health Unit in Connecticut’s Department of Correction: A
Model Treatment Program. Psychiatric Times, March 2002.
*Trestman, RL Commentary: Problems in Correctional psychiatry. Journal of the American Academy of
Psychiatry & The Law, 30:30-2, 2002
*Trestman, RL & Macura, T. Psychopharmacological Research in Corrections: A Needs Assessment. Psychiatric
Times’ Mental Health Outcomes, pp 1-3, June, 2002.
Champion M, Trestman RL. Interface Between Department of Mental Health and the Department of Correction.
American Academy of Psychiatry & Law Newsletter, September, 2002
Huey, LH., Cole, S., Trestman, RL., Tinsley, JA. Managed Behavioral Healthcare and Healthcare Reform. In: The
Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, 8 Edition, B.J. Sadock, V.A. Sadock, Eds., 2004
*Trestman RL. Combined Psychotherapy and Psychopharmacology for Treating Patients with Severe Personality
Disorder. Psychiatric Times, pp 35-38, October 2004.
Leebens PK, Trestman RL, Prozac for preteens: Antidepressants can help. New Haven Register, Opinion Forum,
December 5, 2004
Buscema C, Trestman RL. Treatment Algorithms: The Correctional Setting. American Academy of Psychiatry and
the Law Newsletter, 19-20, January 2005
Trestman RL, Candilis P, Silberberg J, Temporini H. Correctional Mental Health Research. American Academy of
Psychiatry and the Law Newsletter, pp 10-11, April 2005
Trestman RL. An Academic- Correctional Partnership- Connecticut’s Development of Correctional Mental Health
Services Research. Corrections Today, pp 42-44, July 2006.
Sampl, S., Trestman, R.L. START NOW: A Comprehensive Coping Skills Training Program for
Offenders., (2006).
Trestman RL. Research with Prisoners.(Chapter 20) In: Correctional Psychiatry, M. Piasecki and O. Theinhaus,
Eds. Civic Research Institute, Kingston NJ, pp 20.1 – 20.10, 2007
Trestman RL. Current Pragmatics of Prisoner Research, Commissioned Paper in support of the Institute of
Medicine’s Committee on Ethical Considerations for Revisions to DHHS Regulations on Prisoner Research, 2006
de Ruiter C, Trestman RL. Prevalence and Treatment of Personality Disorders in Dutch Forensic Mental Health
Services, Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, 35(1):92-7, 2007
Trestman RL. Sherwin Nuland MD: Physician Assisted Suicide. American Academy of Psychiatry and Law
Newsletter, Vol 32(1), pp 12-13, 2007
Trestman RL, Eucker S, Müller-Isberner R. The Treatment of Personality Disordered Offenders in Germany,
Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry & The Law, 35(2): 229-34, 2007
Wakai S, Trestman RL. Impulsivity and Aggression. In: Textbook of Violence Assessment and Management, R.
Simon and K. Tardiff, Eds. Arlington, VA: APPI, pp 211-234, 2008.
Quanbeck, CD; McDermott BE; Trestman R; Scott CL. Changes loom in the federal rules governing research
involving prisoners: Is the pendulum swinging back? In Press.
Ford J, Trestman RL. Evidence Based Enhancement of the Detection, Prevention, and Treatment of Mental
Illness in the Correction Systems,” August 2005, NCJ 210829, available online at
pdffiles1/nij/grants/ 210829.pdf
Ford J, Trestman RL, Osher F, Scott JE, Steadman HJ, Robbins PC. Mental Health Screens for Corrections. May
2007, NCJ 216152, available online at
Wortzel H, Trestman RL. Forensic Neuropsychiatry. In: Textbook of Neuropsychiatry and Behavioral Neurology,
Chirstopher Filley, David Arciniegas, and C. Alan Anderson, Eds. Cambridge University Press, pp 406-414, 2013.
Helfand SJ, Sampl S, Trestman RL. Managing the Disruptive/Aggressive Inmate, In: Handbook of Correctional
Mental Health, 2 Edition, Charles Scott, Ed. APPI, pp197-230, 2009.
Trestman RL, Lazrove S. On the Coming of Age of Antisocial Personality Disorder: A Commentary on the NICE
Treatment Guidelines for Antisocial Personality Disorder. Personality and Mental Health, 4:12-15, 2010.
Harlow MC, Trestman RL. The Professional Imperative and Challenges of Psychiatry Research. American
Academy of Psychiatry and Law Newsletter, Vol 34(3), p20, 2009.
Trestman RL. Evidence Based Practice Can Transform Care. Guest Editorial in NCCHC CorrectCare, 24(3):3,
Sampl S, Trestman RL, START NOW Facilitator Manual, Version 2.1, June 3, 2010.
Sampl S, Trestman RL, Harrison J. START NOW Workbook for Female Participants, Version 2.1, July 16, 2010.
Sampl S, Trestman RL, START NOW Workbook for Male Participants, Version 2.1, July 16, 2010.
Trestman RL, Shelton D. Final Report: Mental Health Subscale Development for the National Survey of Prison and
Jail Inmates, Bureau of Justice Statistics, June 2010
Trestman RL, Bradford JMW, Scott CL. The 2011 AAPL Research Survey and the AAPL/AP-LS Forensic
Research Collaborative. AAPL Newsletter, 37(1):21-30, 2012.
Trestman RL, Barry L. Implications of Clinical Assessment for Reentry Planning, in Dlugacz HA (Ed.) Re-Entry
Planning for Offenders with Mental Disorders: Policy and Practice, Vol II, Civic Research Institute, Kingston NJ.
Trestman RL. Book Review of Cohen, F., Knoll, J.L., Kupers, T.A., Metzner, J.L. Practical Guide to Correctional
Mental Health and the Law. Kingston, NJ: Civic Research Institute, 2011. In PSYCHIATRIC TIMES, 29(6):33,
Berger, R., Chaplin, M. Paul, Trestman, RL. Commentary. Toward an Improved Understanding of Administrative
Segregation: What are we Trying to Achieve? The Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law,
41:61-64, 2013.
Singh, J. P., Yang, S., Bjorkly, S., Boccacini, M. T., Borum, R., Buchanan, A., Cooke, D., de Ruiter, C., Desmarais,
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R. K., Hare, R. D., Harris, G. T., Hart, S. D., Heilbrun, K., Larsen, M. A., Monahan, J., Montaldi, D. F., Mossman,
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Scurich, N., Skeem, J. L., Trestman, R. L., Urbaniok, F., Viljoen, J. L., & Mulvey, E. (2013). Reporting standards
for risk assessment predictive validity studies: The Risk Assessment Guidelines for the Evaluation of Efficacy
(RAGEE) Statement. Tampa, FL: University of South Florida.
Trestman RL, Clinical Implications of Working With Patients on Parole or Probation. Psychiatric Times August 14, 2013,
Metzner JL, Appelbaum KL, Trestman RL. Correctional Psychiatry and the Forensic Psychiatrist
In: Robert Sadoff MD (Ed.): "Forensic Psychiatry: History, Current Developments, Future Directions". In Press
Trestman RL, Wall AT. Interdiction of Drugs in Correctional Settings, in Rich J, Kinner S (Eds), Drug Abuse in Jails
and Prisons, In press.
Trestman RL and Volkmar F. Accessing Mental Health Treatment, in Liza H Gold MD and Robert I Simon MD
(eds), Gun Violence and Mental Illness (American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc.), In press.
Trestman RL (Work Group Chair), American Psychiatric Association, Psychiatric Services in Correctional
Facilities, 3 ed. American Psychiatric Press, In press.
Dismuke, S.E., McClary, A., Trestman, RL, Lassiter, D. and Dickson, H. Physician attitudes and action in
preventive medicine. Clinical Research, 32(5): A922, 1984.
Coccaro, E.F., Siever, L.J., Kavoussi, R., Trestman, RL, Howard, L., and Davis, K.L. Serotonergic correlates of
personality disorder. American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, (poster presentation), May, 1988.
Halper, J.P., Miller, A.H., Lackner, C., Trestman, B., Berkenbosch, F., Santucci, A, Haroutunian, V. and Stein, M.
Effect of brief stressors on lymphocyte function in rats: Mechanistic implications. Society for Neuroscience
Abstracts, 15: A119.16, (poster presentation) 1989.
*Trestman, R., Teicher, M., Coccaro, E., Bernstein, D., Gabriel, S., Knott, P., and Siever, L. Disruption of
noradrenergic and neuroendocrine rhythms in depression. Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting, (oral
presentation) May, 1990.
*Trestman, RL, Coccaro, E., Bernstein, D., Lawrence, T., Horvath, T., and Siever, L.J. Norepinephrine and cortisol
responses to naturalistic stressors in acute and remitted depression. Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual
Meeting, (poster presentation) May, 1990.
*Trestman, RL, Teicher, M., Coccaro, E., Bernstein, D., Gabriel, S., and Siever, L. Noradrenergic/ HPA
dysregulation in depression. American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, May, 1990 (poster presentation).
Levine, S.M., Trestman, RL, Cunningham-Rundles, C., and Halper, J. Catecholamine levels in Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome. American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, May, 1990 (poster presentation).
Siever, L.J., Trestman, RL, Coccaro, E.F., Bernstein, D., Gabriel, S.M., Owen, K., Moran, M., Lawrence, T.,
Rosenthal, J., and Horvath, T.B. Clinical applications of the clonidine test: The growth hormone response to
clonidine in depression and personality disorders. International Congress: Biological Markers of Depression: State
of the Art, (abstract book) June, 1990.
Siever LJ, Coccaro EF, Lawrence TL, Trestman RL, Gabriel S, Knott P, Silverman J. Serotonergiccatecholaminergic interactins in the affective and personality disorders. American College of
Neuropsychopharmacology Annual Meeting, (poster presentation), December, 1990.
Mahon T, Kalus O, Trestman RL, Mitropoulou V, Weisberg J, Gruber L, Gabriel S, Siever L. Growth hormone
coefficient of variation in personality disorders. Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting, May, 1991.
Rotter M, Kalus O, Losonczy M, Guo L, Trestman RL, Coccaro E, Davidson M, Davis K, and Siever L. Lateral
ventricle enlargement in schizotypal personality disorder. Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting, May
*Trestman RL, Lawrence TL, Coccaro EF, Mitropoulou V, Gabriel S, Weston S, and Siever LJ. Impulsivity,
aggression and prolactin response to fenfluramine in personality disorders. Paper presented at Society of
Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting, Abstract #115, May 1991.
*Trestman RL, Teicher MH, Coccaro EF, Harper D, Mitropoulou V, Gabriel S, Knott P, and Siever LJ. Non-linear
multioscillator analyses of noradrenergic and neuroendocrine regulation in depression. Paper presented at Society
of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting, Abstract #26, May 1991.
Lawrence T, Coccaro EF, Trestman RL, Bernstein D, Mitropoulou V, and Siever L. Noradrenergic function as a
correlate of impulsive/ aggresive behavior in personality disorder. Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting,
May 1991.
Rotter M, Kalus O, Losonczy M, Guo L, Trestman RL, Coccaro E, Davidson M, Davis K, and Siever L. Enlarged
VBR in schizotypal personality disorder. American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, May, May 1991.
Amin F, Coccaro EF, Trestman RL, Knott P, Mahon T, Davidson M, Davis KL, and Siever LJ. CSF HVA in
schizotypal and other PDs. American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, May 1991.
Lawrence T, Coccaro E, Trestman RL, Bernstein D, Mitropoulou V, and Siever L. Noradrenergic activity in
impulsivity/ aggression. American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, May 1991.
Kalus O, Keefe R, Lees S, Moskowitz J, Trestman RL, Harvey P, Porter C, and Siever L. Prefrontal lobe function
in schizotypal personality disorder. Society of Biological Psychiatry Annual Meeting, May 1991.
*Trestman RL, Teicher M, Coccaro EF, Harper D, Mahon T, Mitropoulou V, and Siever LJ. Disturbed
neuroendocrine regulation in depression. American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, Abstract #71, May
*Trestman RL, Lawrence TL, Coccaro EF, Mitropoulou V, Weston S, Weisberg J, Gabriel S, Siever LJ. Impulsivity
and 5HT in personality disorders. American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, Abstract #167, May 1991.
Siever LJ, Maurer G, Trestman RL, Weisberg J, Kalus O, and Coccaro E. Anhedonia and schizophrenia spectrum
disorders. American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, (Symposium presentation), May 1991.
*Trestman RL, Lawrence TL, Coccaro EF, Mitropoulou V, Gabriel S, Weston S, and Siever LJ. Impulsivity,
aggression and prolactin response to fenfluramine in personality disorders. Neuroendocrinology Letters, 13:192,
*Trestman RL, Teicher MH, Coccaro EF, Harper D, Mitropoulou V, Gabriel S, Knott P, and Siever LJ. Non-linear
multioscillator analyses of noradrenergic and neuroendocrine regulation in depression. Neuroendocrinology
Letters, 13:237, 1991.
Siever LJ, Coccaro EF, Lawrence TL, Trestman RL, Gabriel S, Knott P, Silverman J. Serotonergiccatecholaminergic interactions in the affective and personality disorders. Proc 29th Annual Meeting, American
College Neuropsychopharmacology, 1990.
Amin F, Siever LJ, Silverman J, Trestman RL, Knott P, Davidson M, Davis KL. Dopaminergic dysfunction in
schizotypal personality disorder. Proc 30th Annual Meeting, American College of Neuropsychopharmacology,
Siever LJ, Trestman RL, Coccaro EF, Teicher M, Lawrence T, Silverman J. The noradrenergic system in the
affective and personality disorders. Proc 30th Annual Meeting, American College of Neuropsychopharmacology,
*Trestman RL, Coccaro EF, Mitropoulou V, Weston S, Ramella F, Siever LJ. Arousal and impulsivity in the
personality disorders: Differential correlates with central noradrenergic and serotonergic function. Proc 30th Annual
Meeting, American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 1991.
*Robert L. Trestman PhD MD, Emil F. Coccaro MD, Susan Weston MD, Vivian Mitropoulou MA, Felice Ramella
BA, Steven Gabriel PhD, Larry J. Siever MD. Impulsivity, suicidal behavior and major depression in the personality
disorders: differential correlates with noradrenergic and serotonergic function. Biological Psychiatry, 31:68a, 1992.
F Amin, L Siever, RL Trestman, J Silverman, O Kalus, M Rotter P Knott, G Anderson, KL Davis. Dopamine system
in schizotypal personality disorder. Biological Psychiatry, 31:163a, 1992.
Julia K. Temple, Robert L. Trestman, Emil F. Coccaro, Vivian Mitropoulou, Felice Ramella, Steven Gabriel, Larry
J. Siever. State dependent cortisol response to clonidine in acute and remitted depression. Biological Psychiatry,
31:134a, 1992.
Myron Weiner, Moinuddin Muttakin, Richard Risser, Robert L. Trestman. Cortisol secretion in late-life depressives.
Biological Psychiatry, 31:100a, 1992.
Rene S. Kahn, Robert L. Trestman, Brian Lawlor, Jason Gold, Larry Siever, Michael Davidson. Ipsapirone as a
probe for 5-HT1a receptors: A dose-response study in healthy subjects. Biological Psychiatry, 31:104a, 1992.
*Robert L. Trestman PhD MD, Emil F. Coccaro MD, Julia Temple MD, Felice Ramella BA, Steven Gabriel PhD,
Larry J. Siever MD. Impulsivity and serotonin in borderline PD. Proc American Psychiatric Association Annual
Meeting, Paper 50C, p 194, 1992.
Siever LJ, Trestman RL, Weston S, Lawrence T, Knott P, Coccaro E. Noradrenergic/ cholinergic function in
borderline PD. Proc American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, Paper 50D, p 194-195, 1992.
*Robert L. Trestman PhD MD, Emil F. Coccaro MD, Susan Weston MD, Vivian Mitropoulou MA, Felice Ramella
BA, Steven Gabriel PhD, Larry J. Siever MD. Biology of impulsivity, suicide and MDD in Axis II. Proc American
Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, Abstract #NR-85, 1992.
Julia K. Temple, Robert L. Trestman, Emil F. Coccaro, Vivian Mitropoulou, Felice Ramella, Steven Gabriel, Larry
J. Siever. MDD State dependent cortisol response to clonidine. Proc American Psychiatric Association Annual
Meeting, Abstract #NR-109, 1992.
F Amin, L Siever, RL Trestman, J Silverman, O Kalus, M Rotter P Knott, G Anderson, KL Davis. Dopamine system
in schizotypal personality disorder. Proc American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, Abstract #NR-84, 1992.
LJ Siever, RL Trestman, TL Lawrence, EF Coccaro, V Mitropoulou, S Gabriel, P. Knott, S. Weston.
Neuroendocrine aspects of borderline personality disorder. Neuroendocrinology Letters, 13:134, 1991.
Larry J. Siever, Robert L. Trestman, Julia Temple. Psychoneuroendocrinologic correlates of personality disorders.
Proc XXIII Congress of the ISPNE, p 85, 1992.
*Robert L. Trestman, Emil F. Coccaro, Vivian Mitropoulou, Felice Ramella, Steven Gabriel, Larry J. Siever.
Differential biology of impulsivity, suicide and depression in personality disorders. Proc XXIII Congress of the
ISPNE, p 92, 1992.
Larry Siever, Robert Trestman, Emil Coccaro, Marie deVegvar, Susan Weston, Bonnie Steinberg, Steven Gabriel,
Peter Knott, Jeremy Silverman. Neurochemical correlates of impulsive, affective and cognitive symptoms in
borderline personality disorder. Proc 31st Ann Mtg, American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, p 24, 1992.
*Robert Trestman, Emil Coccaro, Vivian Mitropoulou, David Gold, Orna Guralnik, Steven Gabriel, Larry Siever.
Impulsivity, suicide and depression: Differential biology in personality disorders. Proc 31st Annual Meeting,
American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, p 91, 1992.
Farooq Amin, Larry J. Siever, Jeremy Silverman, Robert Trestman, Peter Knott, Michael Davidson. Dopamine
metabolism in schizotypal personality disorders. Proc 31st Annual Meeting, American College of
Neuropsychopharmacology, p 117, 1992.
Rachel Yehuda, Robert Levengood, Robert Trestman, Martin Teicher, Karen Binder-Brynes, Ilana Schlein,
Douglas Gerber, Frank Mereweather, Jennifer Geni, Larry Siever. Circadian rhythms of cortisol in posttraumatic
stress disorder. Proc 31st Annual Meeting, American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, p 158, 1992.
Emil F. Coccaro, Richard J. Kavoussi, Robert L. Trestman, Larry J. Siever. Serotonin and impulsive aggression:
Significance of simultaneous assessment of pre- and post-synaptic indices of serotonin function. Proc 31st Annual
Meeting, American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, p 197, 1992.
Rene Kahn, Robert Trestman, Larry Siever, Michael Davidson, Robert Weitzner. Ipsapirone as a probe for 5HT1a
receptors. Proc 31st Annual Meeting, American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, p 191, 1992.
LJ Siever, EF Coccaro, RL Trestman, S. Gabriel. The serotonin system and aggressive personality disorders. Proc
Advances in the Pharmacology and Clinical Applications of Serotonin, 1993.
Joanne Intrator, RL Trestman, Vivian Mitropoulou, Irene Lopez, Eyal Pavell, Elena Taurke, Larry J. Siever. Clinical
dimensions of the dramatic cluster: Self report and biological validators. Biological Psychiatry, 33:85A, 1993.
Bonnie Steinberg, Susan Weston, Robert L. Trestman, Virginia Condello, Julia Temple, Damon Mitchell, Larry J.
Siever. Affective instability in personality disordered patients correlates with mood response to physostigmine
challenge. Biological Psychiatry, 33:86A, 1993.
EF Coccaro, RJ Kavoussi, RL Trestman, LJ Siever. 5-HT and aggression: Assessment of pre- and post-synaptic
indices of 5-HT. Biological Psychiatry, 33:87A, 1993.
*Robert L. Trestman, Marie deVegvar, Emil F. Coccaro, Vivian Mitropoulou, Irene Lopez, Steven Gabriel, Larry J
Siever. The differential biology of impulsivity, suicide, and aggression in depression and in personality disorders.
Biological Psychiatry, 33:46A-47A, 1993.
Marie-Louise deVegvar, Richard Keefe, Jackie Moskowitz, Sonia Lees, Oren Kalus, Peter Knott, Robert L.
Trestman, Larry J. Siever. Performance on tests sensitive to frontal lobe dysfunction and "deficit-like" symptoms in
schizotypal personality disorder. Biological Psychiatry, 33:101A, 1993.
Larry J. Siever, Robert L. Trestman, Emil F. Coccaro, Marie deVegvar, Steven Gabriel. Serotonin and impulsivity.
Proc American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, Paper 10B, p 130-131, 1993.
Rachel Yehuda, Earl Giller, Robert Levengood, Robert L. Trestman, Martin H. Teicher. Enhanced sensitivity of
HPA axis in combat PTSD. Proc American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, Paper 51C, p 188, 1993.
Larry J. Siever, Robert L. Trestman, Emil F. Coccaro, Marie deVegvar, Steven Gabriel, Jeremy Silverman.
Challenge tests in the personality disorders. Proc American Psychiatric Assn Annual Mtg, 100E, p 257, 1993.
Bonnie J. Steinberg, Susan Weston, Robert L. Trestman, Julia Temple, Damon Mitchell, Larry Siever. Mood
response to cholinergics in personality disorder patients. Proc American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting,
NR113, p 88, 1993.
Rachel Yehuda, Robert Levengood, Martin Teicher, Robert L. Trestman, Karen Binder-Byrnes, Ilana Schlein,
Larry Siever. Circadian release of cortisol in combat PTSD. Proc American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting,
NR225, p 116, 1993.
*Robert L. Trestman, Marie deVegvar, Emil Coccaro, Vivian Mitropoulou, Irene Lopez, Steven Gabriel, Larry
Siever. Differential biology of aggression and suicide. Proc American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting,
NR439, p 169, 1993.
Joanne Intrator, Robert L. Trestman, Vivian Mitropoulou, Irene Lopez, Eyal Pavell, Elena Taurke, Larry Siever.
The dramatic cluster dimensions and validators. Proc American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, NR334, p
143, 1993.
Larry J. Siever, Merrill Rotter, Robert L. Trestman, Emil F. Coccaro, Miklos Losonczy, Kenneth Davis. Increased
ventricular brain ratio in schizotypal personality disorder. Proc American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting,
NR335, p 143, 1993.
Marie-Louise deVegvar, Richard Keefe, Jackie Moskowitz, Sonia Lees, Oren Kalus, Peter Knott, Robert L.
Trestman, Larry J. Siever. Frontal lobe dysfunction and schizotypal personality disorder. Proc American
Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, NR502, p 186, 1993.
Milton Wainberg, Robert L. Trestman, Richard Keefe, Barbara Cornblatt, Marie-Louise deVegvar, Larry Siever.
Continous performance test in schizotypal personality disorder. Proc American Psychiatric Association Annual
Meeting, NR501, p 186, 1993.
Siever LJ, Coccaro EF, Trestman RL, Gabriel S. Use of serotonin-active agents in other psychiatric disorders.
Clin-Neuropsychopharmacology, 15(S1), p355A-356A, 1992.
Siever LJ, Trestman RL, Coccaro EF, Amin, Lawrence T, Gabriel S, Mitropoulou V. Monoamines in personality
disorder. Clin-Neuropsychopharmacology, 15(S1), p231A-232A, 1992.
*Robert L. Trestman, Marie deVegvar, Emil Coccaro, Vivian Mitropoulou, Irene Lopez, Steven Gabriel, Larry
Siever. Differential biology of aggression and suicide. Proc Third Congress International Society for the Study of
Personality Disorders,1993.
Joanne Intrator, Robert L. Trestman, Vivian Mitropoulou, Irene Lopez, Eyal Pavell, Elena Taurke, Larry Siever.
The dramatic cluster dimensions and validators. Proc Third Congress International Society for the Study of
Personality Disorders,1993.
Marie-Louise deVegvar, Richard Keefe, Jackie Moskowitz, Sonia Lees, Oren Kalus, Peter Knott, Robert L.
Trestman, Larry J. Siever. Frontal lobe dysfunction and schizotypal personality disorder. Proc Third Congress
International Society for the Study of Personality Disorders,1993.
Milton Wainberg, Robert L. Trestman, Richard Keefe, Barbara Cornblatt, Marie-Louise deVegvar, Larry Siever.
Continous performance test in schizotypal personality disorder. Proc Third Congress International Society for the
Study of Personality Disorders,1993.
*Robert L. Trestman. Dopaminergic challenge strategies in personality disorders. Symposium Presentation. Proc
Third Congress International Society for the Study of Personality Disorders,1993.
Larry J. Siever, Robert L. Trestman, Emil Coccaro, Marie deVegvar, Steven Gabriel. Serotonin and Impulsivity.
Proc American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, Symposium 10, p 40, 1993.
Larry Siever, Robert L. Trestman, Emil Coccaro, Marie deVegvar, Steven Gabriel, Jeremy Silverman. Challenge
tests in the personality disorders. Proc American Psychiatric Assn Annual Meeting, Symposium 100, p 125, 1993.
*Robert L Trestman, Marie deVegvar, Emil Coccaro, Larry J Siever. Depression and personality disorder:
differential biology of aggression and suicide. Neuroendocrinology Letters, 15:353, 1993.
*RL Trestman, M Losonczy, B Siegel, M Buchsbaum, E Pavell, LJ Siever. Functional imaging with SPECT of
cognitive activity in schizotypal personality disorder. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 23rd Annual Meeting,
Washington DC, #769.8, p1885, November, 1993.
Larry Siever, Leonard Handelsman, Jeffrey Halperin, Jeffrey Newcorn, Vansh Sharma, Emil Coccaro, David
Bernstein, Karen Holloway, Robert Trestman. Impulsivity, attention deficit disorder, and substance abuse: The
neuropsychopharmacologic link. Proc American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 32nd Annual Meeting, p30,
Dec 13-17, 1993.
Larry J Siever, Robert L Trestman, Farooq Amin, Richard SE Keefe, Phil Harvey, Richard Mohs, Kenneth Davis.
Dopamine and cognition in schizotypal personality disorder. Proc American College of Neuropsychopharmacology,
32nd Annual Meeting, p51, Dec 13-17, 1993.
Monte S. Buchsbaum, Robert L Trestman, Nancy C. Andreasen, Lucy Brown, Harold A. Sackheim, Karen F.
Berman. Functional imaging of cognitive challenges in the schizophrenias. Proc American College of
Neuropsychopharmacology, 32nd Annual Meeting, p42, Dec 13-17, 1993.
*Robert L Trestman, Antonia New, Joel Gelernter, Marie deVegvar, Joseph Erdos, Vivian Mitropoulou, Larry
Siever. Biology of self-injurious behavior, aggression, and suicide in MDD and personality disorder. Proc American
College of Neuropsychopharmacology, 32nd Annual Meeting, p161, Dec 13-17, 1993.
*Robert Trestman, Leonard Handler, Howard Pollio. Anxiety indices in figure drawings of cancer patients. Proc
Society for Personality Assessment, Annual Meeting, p10, April 14-17, 1994.
*RL Trestman, M Buchsbaum, B Siegel, M Losonczy, C Shaefer, LJ Siever. Functional imaging with SPECT of
cognitive activity in schizotypals. Biological Psychiatry, 35:152A, 1994.
*RL Trestman, M Buchsbaum, B Siegel, M Losonczy, C Shaefer, LJ Siever. SPECT imaging of cognition activity in
schizotypals. Proc American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, NR381, p156, 1994.
Steinberg BJ, Trestman RL, Mitropoulou V, Coccaro E, Siever LJ. Diurnal MHPG, cortisol, and autonomic rhythms
in acute and remitted depression. Biological Psychiatry, 35:196A, 1994.
Steinberg BJ, Trestman RL, Lopez I, Pavell E, Siever LJ. Cholinergic challenge and affective instability in
personality disorder patients. Biological Psychiatry, 35:452A, 1994.
New A, Trestman RL, Siever LJ. Serotonin and self-directed aggression in personality disorders. Biological
Psychiatry, 35:112A, 1994.
New A, Trestman RL, Kano M, Gettinger S, Siever LJ. Serum cholesterol and impulsivity in mood and personality
disorders. Biological Psychiatry, 35:451A, 1994.
Bergman A, Mitropoulou V, Trestman RL, Siever LJ. Factor structure of schizotypy. Biol Psychi, 35:453A, 1994.
Handelsman L, Bernstein D, Holloway K, Sheikh I, Trestman RL, Siever LJ, Cooper T. Hostile/impulsive traits in
addicts: 5-HT behavioral pharmacology. Biological Psychiatry, 35:37A, 1994.
Steinberg BJ, Trestman RL, Mitropoulou V, Coccaro E, Siever LJ. Diurnal MHPG, cortisol, and autonomic rhythms
in acute and remitted depression. Proc American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, NR191, p105, 1994.
Steinberg BJ, Trestman RL, Lopez I, Pavell E, Siever LJ. Cholinergic challenge and affective instability in
personality disorder patients. Proc American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, NR378, p155, 1994.
New A, Trestman RL, Siever LJ. Serotonin, self-injury and suicide in personality disorders. Proc American
Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, 88E, p161, 1994.
New A, Trestman RL, Kano M, Gettinger S, Siever LJ. Serum cholesterol and impulsivity in mood and personality
disorders. Proc American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, NR379, p155, 1994.
Bergman A, Mitropoulou V, Trestman RL, Siever LJ. The factor structure of schizotypy. Proc American Psychiatric
Association Annual Meeting, NR380, p156, 1994.
Siever LJ, Steinberg BJ, Trestman RL, Intrator J. Personality Disorders. Proc American Psychiatric Assn Ann
Meeting, p342, 1994.
*Trestman RL, Steinberg BJ, Mitropoulou V, New A, Lopez I, Siever LJ. Differential biological mediation of
affective instability and behavioral impulsivity in personality disorders. Proc 25th Congress Intl Soc Psychoneuroendocrinology, p47, 1994.
deVegvar M, Trestman RL, Lawrence TL, Coccaro EF: Impulsivity and 5-HT in personality disorders. The Mount
Sinai Journal of Medicine, p 6, November, 1994.
Weston S, Trestman RL, Lawrence TL, Coccaro EF: Noradrenergic function as a correlate of impulsive-aggressive
behavior in personality disorder. The Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine, p 6, November, 1994.
*Trestman RL, Teicher MH, Cocaro EF, Harper D: Nonlinear multioscillator analyses of noradrenergic and
neuroendocrine regulation in depression. The Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine, p 7, November, 1994.
Weston S, Trestman RL, Temple J, Coccaro EF: Cortisol response to clonidine in acute and remitted male
depressed patients: evidence for a state-dependent relationship. The Mount Sinai Journal of Med, p7, Nov 1994.
Yehuda R, Levengood R, Teicher M, Trestman RL, Siever LJ: Circadian release of cortisol in combat veterans
with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine, p 7, November, 1994.
Wainberg M, Trestman RL, Keefe RSE, Cornblatt B: Neurocognitive functioning in schizotypal personality disorder:
the continuous performance test. The Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine, p 8, November, 1994.
Steinberg B, Weston S, Trestman RL, Temple J, Mitchell D, Gold D, Gurainik, Siever LJ: Physostigmine challenge
in affectively unstable personality disorder patients. The Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine, p 8, November, 1994.
*Trestman RL, deVegvar M, Coccaro EF, Mitropoulou V, Lopez I, Gabiel S, Siever LJ: Aggression and suicide in
personality disorder (PD) and major depressive disorder (MDD): differential biology. The Mount Sinai Journal of
Medicine, p 9, November, 1994
Siever LJ, Trestman RL, Silverman J, Erdos J, Gelernter J. Impulsivity and tryptophan hydroxylase allelic status in
personality disordered patients. Proc American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, p17, 1994.
Yehuda R, Resnick H, Pitman R, Foy D, Trestman R, Steinberg B, Siever LJ. Enhanced neurobiological
sensitization following trauma. Proc American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, p53, 1994.
*Trestman RL, Siegel B, Losonczy M, Mitropoulou V, Silverman J, Keefe R, Mohs R, Buchsbaum M, Davis KL,
Siever LJ. Neuroimaging, neurobiological, and neuropsychological contributions to understanding the
schizophrenia spectrum. Proc American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, p115, 1994.
Siegel BV, Siever LJ, Trestman RL, Buchsbaum M. Regional brain glucose metabolism in schizotypal personality
disorder. Proc American College of Neuropsychopharmacology, p148, 1994.
Siegel BV, Siever LJ, Strous R, Trestman RL, Buchsbaum MS. Frontal and striatal volumes in schizotypal
personality disorder and schizophrenia assessed with MRI: Neuropsychological and phenomenological correlates.
Schizophrenia Research, 15:99, 1995.
Siever LJ, Trestman RL, Siegel BV, Losonczy M, Mitropoulou V, Silverman J, Keefe R, Mohs R, Buchsbaum M,
Davis KL. Neuroimaging, neurobiological, and neuropsychological abnormailities in SPD: Implications for a model
of the schizophrenia spectrum. Schizophrenia Research, 15:99, 1995.
*Trestman RL, Buchsbaum M, Siegel BV, Stein D, Shaefer C, Luu C, Siever LJ. Functional neuroimaging in
schizotypal personality disorder. Schizophrenia Research, 15:101, 1995.
Yehuda, R, Teicher, MH, Levengood, RA, Trestman, RL. HPA axis and catecholamine alterations in PTSD. Proc
American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, p66, 1995.
Siegel, BV, Buchsbaum, M, Siever, LJ, Trestman RL. Dopamine function and MRI measures in schizotypy. Proc
American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, p76, 1995.
*Trestman, RL, Buchsbaum, M, Siegel, BV, Losonczy, M, Schaefer, C, Siever, LJ. Spect imaging of cognition in
schizotypals. Symposium Co-Chairman, Proc American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, p76, 1995.
Falk, J, Trestman, RL, Kahn, R, Siever, LJ. Ipsapirone challenge in personality disorders. Proc American
Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting Meeting, p54, 1995.
Steinberg, BJ, Yehuda, R, Trestman, RL, Mitropoulou, V, Siever, LJ. Neurobiology of abuse in personality
disorders. Proc American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, p58, 1995.
Steinberg, BJ, Trestman, RL, Mitropoulou, V, Siever LJ. Cholinergic challenges in personality disorders. Proc
Amercian Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, p59, 1995.
Falk, J, Trestman, RL, Mitropoulou, V, Siever, LJ. Serotonin and prediction of fluoxetine response time. Proc
American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, p74, 1995.
New, AS, Trestman, RL, Benishay, DS, Coccaro, EF, Siever, LJ. Self-injurious behavior in personality disorders.
Proc American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, p141, 1995.
Stein, DJ, Trestman, RL, Coccaro EF, Mitropoulou, V, Hollander, E, Siever, LJ. Serotonergic responsivity in
compulsive personality. Proc American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, p190, 1995.
Yovell, Y, Gelernter, J, Trestman, RL, Mitropoulou, Erdos, J, Siever, LJ. Tryptophan hydroxylase and impulsive
aggression. Proc American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, p191, 1995.
Grossman, RA, Yehuda, R, Teicher, MH, Levengood, RA, Trestman, RL, Siever, LJ. Chronobiological analysis of
prolactin in PTSD. Proc American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, p198, 1995.
Siegel, BV, Jr., Trestman, RL, Buchsbaum, MS, Luu, C, Shaefer, C, Siever, LJ. Prefrontal activation during the
WCST in schizotypal personality. Biological Psychiatry, 37:17, 1995.
Steinberg, B, Trestman, RL, Mitropoulou, Siever, LJ. Cholinergic challenge in personality disorders. Biological
Psychiatry, 37:18, 1995.
Falk, J, Trestman, RL, Kahn, R, Siever, LJ. Ipsapirone as a serotonergic probe in personality disordered patients.
Biological Psychiatry, 37:19, 1995
Siegel, BV, Jr., Trestman, RL, Mitropoulou, Siever, LJ. D-Amphetamine effects on cognition in schizotypal
personality. Biological Psychiatry, 37:20, 1995.
Yovell, Y, Siever, LJ, Trestman, RL, Mitropoulou, V, Erdos, J, Gelernter. Tryptophan hydroxylase polymorphism is
associated with impulsive aggression. Biological Psychiatry, 37:184, 1995.
Stein, DJ, Trestman, RL, Coccaro, E, Mitropoulou, V, Hollander, E, Siever, LJ. Serotonergic responsivity in
compulsive personality disorder. Biological Psychiatry, 37:186, 1995.
Steinberg, B, Yehuda, R, Trestman, RL, Mitropoulou, V, Siever, LJ. Early abuse and biological measures in
personality disorder patients. Biological Psychiatry, 37:231, 1995.
New AS, Gelernter J, Trestman RL, Mitropoulou V, Siever LJ. A polymorphism in tryptophan hydroxylase and
irritable aggression in personality disorders. Biological Psychiatry, 39:506, 24a, 1996.
New AS, Yehuda, R, Steinberg B, Trestman RL, Mitropoulou V, Coccaro E, Siever LJ. Self-reported abuse and
biological measures in personality disorders. Biological Psychiatry, 39:535, 121a, 1996.
Zale C, New AS, Trestman RL, Mitropoulou V, Siever LJ. Serum cholesterol and impulsive aggressive behavior in
personality disorder patients. Biological Psychiatry, 39:535, 122a, 1996.
Kirrane R, Trestman RL, Mitropoulou V, Cornblatt B, Siever LJ. Effects of amphetamine on cognitive impairment in
schizotypal personality disorder. Biological Psychiatry, 39:581, 280a, 1996.
Woo-Ming A, New AS, Mitropoulou V, Trestman RL, Coccaro EF, Siever LJ. Gender differences in noradrenergic
and serotonergic studies. Biological Psychiatry, 39:594, 321a, 1996.
New AS, Trestman RL, Mitropoulou V, Benishay D, Coccaro E, Siever LJ. Serotonergic function and self-injurious
behavior in personality disorders. Proc American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, p61, 1996.
Woo-Ming A, New AS, Mitropoulou V, Trestman RL, Coccaro EF, Siever LJ. Gender differences in noradrenergic
and serotonergic studies. Proc American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, p94, NR99, 1996.
Zale C, New AS, Trestman RL, Mitropoulou V, Siever LJ. Serum cholesterol and impulsive aggressive behavior in
personality disorder patients Proc American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, p143, NR280, 1996.
Kirrane R, Trestman RL, Mitropoulou V, Cornblatt B, Siever LJ. Effects of amphetamine on cognitive impairment in
schizotypal personality disorder. Proc American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, p144, NR283, 1996.
New AS, Gelernter J, Trestman RL, Mitropoulou V, Siever LJ. A polymorphism in tryptophan hydroxylase and
irritable aggression in personality disorders. Proc American Psychiatric Assn Annual Meeting, p144, NR284, 1996.
New AS, Yehuda, R, Steinberg B, Trestman RL, Mitropoulou V, Coccaro E, Siever LJ. Self-reported abuse and
biological measures in personality disorders. Proc American Psychiatric Assn Annual Mtg, p145, NR285, 1996.
New AS, Gelernter J, Trestman RL, Siever LJ. Serotonin related genes and impulsive aggression in personality
disorders. Proc Amer College Neuropsychopharmacology, p167, 1996.
Siever LJ, Trestman RL, New AS, Hazlett E, Sevin E, Buchsbaum M. PET studies and fenfluramine in impulsive
patients. 5th International Congress on the Disorders of Personality, VanCouver, BC, June 1997.
New AS, Gelernter J, Trestman RL, Mitropoulou V, Siever L. Serotonin related genes and impulsive aggression in
personality disorder. 5th International Congress on the Disorders of Personality, VanCouver, BC, June 1997
New AS, Gelernter J, Trestman RL, Siever LJ. Serotonin related genes and impulsive aggression in personality
disorder. Biological Psychiatry,41:186,55S, 1997.
Kirrane R, Trestman RL, Mitropoulou V, Nunn M, Siever L. Effects of amphetamine on cognitive impairment in
schizotypal personality disorder. Biological Psychiatry, 41:356, 103S, 1997.
Woo-Ming AM, Trestman RL, Mitropoulou V, Siever LJ. Biological Psychiatry,41:416, 119S, 1997.
Woo-Ming AM, Trestman RL, New A, Siever L. Responses to clonidine and pre- and post-menopausal women.
Proc American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, p110, NR162, 1997.
Kirrane R, Trestman RL, Serby M, Mitropoulou V, Siever LJ. Effects of amphetamine on working memory in
schizotypal personality disorder. Proc American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, p173, NR394, 1997.
New AS, Woo-Ming A, Trestman RL, Siever LJ. Serotonin and prediction of fluoxetine response time. Proc Amer
College Neuropsychopharmacology, p131, 1997.
New AS, Gelernter J, Trestman RL, Siever LJ. Serotonin related genes and impulsive aggression in personality
disorders. Proc Amer College Neuropsychopharmacology, p132, 1997.
New AS, Gelernter J, Trestman RL, Koenigsberg HL, Siever LJ. Serotonin related genes and impulsive
aggression. Proc American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, p78, Symposium 23B, 1998.
Trestman, RL, Tennen H, Kranzler, H, Armelli, S, Rounsaville, B. Evaluation of DSM Axis II nosology in substance
abusers. ISSPD 6 International Congress on the Disorders of Personality, Geneva, September, 1999
Trestman, RL, Lewis, C. An Academic Model of Correctional Mental Health Care National Commission on
Correctional Health Care, New Orleans, LA, March, 2000.
Trestman, RL, Appelbaum, KL, Rayford, BS, Brower, MC Academic/Corrections Models of Mental Health Care.
American Psychiatric Association, Chicago, IL, May, 2000.
Trestman, RL, Coleman, K., McDonald, C., Bogdanoff, T., Gomez, G., Hashim, A. Behavioral Treatment of the
Aggressive Mentally Ill Inmate. American Psychiatric Association, New Orleans, LA, May, 2001.
Appelbaum, K., Trestman, RL, Lewis, CL. Challenging cases in Correctional Psychiatry. American Academy of
Psychiatry & The Law, Boston, MA, October, 2001.
Trestman, RL. American College of Neuropsychopharmacology 2001 Annual Meeting. Poster Presentation
Psychopharmacology of Mental Illness in Correctional Setting. December, 2001.
Koenigsberg, HW, Goodman, M, New, AS, Mitropoulou, V., Trestman RL, Silverman, J., Siever, LJ. Risperidone
treatment of schizotypal personality disorder. American Psychiatric Association, Philadelphia, PA, May, 2002.
Trestman, RL, Bannish, D., Chaplin, P. Implementation of DBT in Correctional Environments. American
Psychiatric Association, Philadelphia, PA, May, 2002.
Trestman RL. Empirical Development of Mental Health Screening. Invited presentation at the annual Research &
Evaluation conference co-sponsored by the National Institute of Justice, July 2002
Appelbaum K, Trestman RL, Medical Schools and Correctional Mental Health. American Academy of Psychiatry
& Law, Newport Beach, CA , October 2002.
Bergman A, Trestman RL. Epidemiology and treatment of co-occurring addictive disorders and mental illness in
incarcerated populations: A review of the field. American Academy of Addictions Psychiatrists, December 2002.
Hogan VS, Trestman RL, Bannish D, Chaplin P. Developing forensic DBT: the utilization of Dialectical Therapy
components with difficult to manage correctional populations. National Institute of Mental Health, the National
Institute on Drug Abuse, and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism “Beyond the Clinic Walls”
(poster presentation), March 2003
Trestman RL, Hogan VS, Ford J. The development of a brief mental health screening tool. National Institute of
Mental Health, the National Institute on Drug Abuse, and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
“Beyond the Clinic Walls” (poster presentation), March 2003
Trestman RL, Hogan VS, Ford J. The development of a brief mental health screening tool. Annual conference of
the American Psychiatric Association, San Francisco, CA, May 2003.
Trestman RL. The development and validation of a brief and efficient mental health screen for corrections:
products and updates. Invited presentation at the annual Research & Evaluation conference co-sponsored by the
National Institute of Justice, July 2003.
Trestman, RL, Norko, MA, Hanson, AL, Champion, MK.. The many interfaces of correctional mental health.
Workshop: Annual meeting of the American Academy of Psychiatry & the Law, San Antonio, TX, October, 2003..
Temporini, HD, Hogan, VS, Trestman, RL. Dialectical Behavior Therapy in a maximum security prison: Effects on
problem behavior. Annual meeting of the American Academy of Psychiatry & the Law, San Antonio, TX, Oct, 2003.
Trestman RL, Ford JD, Hogan V, Quarti S. Epidemiology of, and Development of a Brief Screen for, Personality
Disorders in Jails. VIII International ISSPD Congress, Florence. October 2003.
Trestman RL, Hogan VS, Bannish D, Berzins L. Adaptation and Use of DBT in Correctional Settings: Current
Status and Future Directions. VIII International ISSPD Congress, Florence. October 2003.
Magaletta P, Scott JE, Trestman RL, Vanyur J. Improving Correctional Mental Health Services: Brief Mental
Health Screening Instruments for Jail Detainees and Prison Inmates. American Correctional Assn January 2004.
Ford, JD, Hogan, VS, ,Trestman, RL, Quarti, S, Temporini, HD. Development of a brief and efficient mental
health screen for jails. American Psychiatric Association, May, 2004.
Trestman RL, Berzins L, Hogan VS. Developing Forensic DBT: Implementation of Dialectical Behavior Therapy
with Difficult to Manage Correctional Populations. IAFMHS Conference, Stockholm June 2004
Trestman RL, Ford JD, Hogan VS. Development of a short and efficient mental health screening tool for jail
settings. IAFMHS Conference, Stockholm June 2004.
Trestman RL. Development of corrections modified dialectical behavior therapy. National Institute of Justice
annual conference on criminal Justice research and evaluation. Washington DC July 2004.
Buscema CA, Dillon JE, Silberberg JM, Thompson JW, Trestman RL. Workshop: Treatment Algorithms in the
Correctional Setting. Annual meeting of the Amer Acad of Psychiatry & the Law, Scottsdale AZ, October, 2004.
Trestman RL, Candilis PJ, Silberberg JM, Temporini HD. Workshop: The Fundamentals of Correctional Mental
Health Research . Annual meeting of the Amer Academy of Psychiatry & the Law, Scottsdale AZ, October, 2004.
Trestman RL. The Development of Corrections Modified Dialectical Behavior Therapy. NIDA, “Developing
Efficacious Behavioral Therapies for Criminal Justice Involved Populations.” Gaithersburg MD, December 2004
Trestman RL, Sampl S, Davis K and Gonillo C. Adaptation and use of DBT in Correctional Settings. Annual
Meeting, International Society for the Study of Personality Disorders, Buenos Aires, Argentina, April 21, 2005
Trestman RL, Ford J, Hogan, and Quarti S. Epidemiology of Personality Disorders in Connecticut Jails. Annual
Meeting, International Society for the Study of Personality Disorders, Buenos Aires, Argentina, April 23, 2005
Trestman RL, Candilis PJ, Silberberg JM, Temporini HD. Meeting the Challenges of Correctional Mental Health
Research . Annual meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, Atlanta GA, May, 2005.
Trestman RL Psychopharmacology Management and Interventions Research in Corrections. Annual meeting of
the American Psychiatric Association, Atlanta GA, May, 2005.
Trestman RL, Sampl S, Gonillo C, Davis K. Adaptation of DBT for Correctional Settings: Preliminary Findings.
NIMH Annual Mental Health Services Research Conference, Washington DC, July 2005.
McLearen A, Trestman RL, Denney D, Farman S. Applying DBT in Correctional Settings- State, Federal and
International perspectives. American Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Washington DC, August 2005.
Buscema C, Thompson J, Trestman RL Forensic Treatment Algorithms for the Treatment of Bipolar Disorder.
Annual meeting of the American Academy of Psychiatry & the Law, Montreal CA, October, 2005.
Appelbaum K, Trestman RL, Metzner J, Benson A. Workshop: The Pros and Cons of Prescribing Controlled
Substances in Prisons. Annual meeting of the Amer Acad of Psychiatry & the Law, Montreal CA, October, 2005.
Butterfield P, Fishbein D, Trestman RL. Evidence based Mental Health Treatment in Corrections. American
Criminal Justice Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore MD, March, 2006.
Trestman RL, Ford J, Zhang W, Pagano K, Development and Validation of a Correctional Mental Health Screen,
7 Annual Conference, International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Amsterdam, June 14, 2006.
Trestman RL, Zhang W, Ford J, Pagano K, Prevalence of Mental Illness in Connecticut Jails, 7 Annual
Conference, International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Amsterdam Netherlands, June 14, 2006.
Gorey J, Trestman RL, Widom C, Gaes G. Does IRB oversight improve prisoner research? National Institute of
Justice Research Conference, Washington DC, July 17, 2006
Trestman RL. Personality disorders in the incarcerated population. National Education Alliance for Bipolar
Disorders Conference (NEABPD). (Sponsored by NIMH) Charleston, SC October 14-15 2006
Trestman RL, Demartinis N, Pagano K, Zhang W, Temporini H. Re-Arrest and Re-Incarceration of the Mentally ill
in CT: 1998-2004. Annual meeting of the American Academy of Psychiatry & the Law, Chicago IL, Oct 2006.
Trestman RL, Ford J, Zhang W, Pagano K. Prevalence of Mental Illness in Connecticut’s Jails. Annual meeting of
the American Academy of Psychiatry & the Law, Chicago IL, October 26-29, 2006.
Trestman RL, Sampl S, Zhang W, Pagano K. DBT-informed treatment for impulsive aggression in corrections: A
pilot study. Annual meeting of the American Academy of Psychiatry & the Law, Chicago IL, October 26-29, 2006.
Trestman RL, Ford J, Zhang W. Development of a brief mental health screening instrument for newly incarcerated
adults. Annual meeting of the American Academy of Psychiatry & the Law, Chicago IL, October 26-29, 2006.
Trestman RL, Demartinis N, Elsamra M, Zhang W. Impact of provider feedback and utilization review in
corrections. Annual meeting of the American Academy of Psychiatry & the Law, Chicago IL, October 26-29, 2006.
Hashmi S, Trestman RL, Zhang W, Pagano K. The Relationship Between BPD and Violent Offenses. Annual
meeting of the American Academy of Psychiatry & the Law, Chicago IL, October 26-29, 2006.
Quanbeck CD, McDermott B, Trestman RL. The history, ethics and future of research involving prisoners. Annual
meeting of the American Academy of Psychiatry & the Law, Chicago IL, October 26-29, 2006.
Trestman RL. START NOW: A cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Offenders with Behavioral Disorders. Fifth
World Congress of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Barcelona Spain, July 12-14, 2007
Fishbein D, Trestman RL, Sampl SJ. Mentally Ill Prisoners: Breakthroughs in Assessment and Treatment. NIJ
Conference 2007, Arlington VA, July 23-25,
Trestman RL. Adapting Evidence Based CBT Practices for Justice Involved Persons. CMHS National GAINS
Center Conference, Bethesda MD, September 6, 2007
Rivera K, Zhang W, Pagano K, Trestman RL. Factors in psychotherapy Adherence in Offenders, Annual meeting
of the American Academy of Psychiatry & the Law, Miami Beach, FL, October 18-21, 2007.
Trestman RL,Scott C, Ash P, Rosner R, Weinstock R. Developing a Research Curriculum for Forensic Psychiatry
Fellowships. Annl mtg of the American Academy of Psychiatry & the Law, Miami Beach, FL, October 18-21, 2007.
Appelbaum K, Trestman RL. Prison Research: Opportunities, Hurdles, Methods. Annual meeting of the American
Academy of Psychiatry & the Law, Chicago IL, October 23-26, 2008.
Helfand S, Trestman RL. Suicide Prevention PI in Corrections: The Six Sigma Method. Annual meeting of the
American Academy of Psychiatry & the Law, Chicago IL, October 23-26, 2008.
Trestman RL, Potter RH, Noonan AS, May JP. Coping with Fiscal Realities in Correctional Healthcare. Annual Mtg
of the American Correctional Health Services Association, Orlando FL, March 13 2009
Trestman RL, Potter RH, Lanier MM, McCuan R. Translation of Evidence-based Practice into Policy Changes in
Correctional Health Care. Annual Mtg of the Amer Corr Health Srvs Association, Orlando FL, March 13 2009
Trestman RL, Spaulding A, McCuan R, Lanier MM. Research Ethics in Corrections. Annual Mtg of the American
Correctional Health Services Association, Orlando FL, March 14 2009
Trestman RL, Helfand S, Gallagher C. Suicide prevention: Performance Improvement Using the Six Sigma
Method. International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Edinburgh, Scotland, June 25, 2009
Trestman RL, Ford J, Kesten K, Zhang W. Validation of the correctional mental health screen. International
Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Edinburgh, Scotland, June 26, 2009
Trestman RL, Temporini H, Kamath J, Kesten K, Zhang W. Evidence-based decision support for the treatment of
bipolar disorder in correctional populations. International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services,
Edinburgh, Scotland, June 26, 2009
Trestman RL, Sampl S, Wakai S, Keeney E. The Correctional application of group-facilitated functional analysis.
International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services, Edinburgh, Scotland, June 26, 2009
Ford J, Kesten K, Trestman RL, Zhang W. Validation of the Correctional Mental Health Screen. Annual meeting of
the American Academy of Psychiatry & the Law, Baltimore MD, October 29 - November 1, 2009.
Trestman RL, Keeney E, Sampl S, Wakai S. Correctional Group-Facilitated Functional Analysis. Annual meeting
of the American Academy of Psychiatry & the Law, Baltimore MD, October 29 - November 1, 2009.
Trestman RL, Shelton D, Wakai S. A process Evaluation of the Implementation of START NOW. Annual meeting
of the American Academy of Psychiatry & the Law, Baltimore MD, October 29 - November 1, 2009.
Trestman RL. The Corrections Modified GAF. Annual meeting of the American Academy of Psychiatry & the Law,
Tucson AZ, Oct 20-24 2010.
Wang S, Felthous A, Young J, Trestman RL. Implications of a National Institute of Forensic Sciences. The
Corrections Modified GAF. Annual mtg American Academy of Psychiatry & the Law, Tucson AZ, Oct 20-24 2010.
Gunter T, Black D, Trestman RL. Practical Research Issues and Opportunities in Correctional Settings. Annual
meeting of the American Academy of Psychiatry & the Law, Tucson AZ, Oct 20-24 2010.
Trestman RL, Juliano-Bult D, Mulvey E, Bradford J. APLS/AAPL Research Collaboration. Annual meeting of the
American Academy of Psychiatry & the Law, Tucson AZ, Oct 20-24 2010.
Appelbaum K, Savagieux J, Trestman RL, Metzner J. “National Survey of Self Injurious Behavior in Prison
Settings,” 4 Academic and Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health, Boston MA, March 10,2011
JW Swanson, MS Swartz, A Gilbert, LK Frisman, RL Trestman, Costs of Criminal Justice Involvement and Service
Utilization among Persons with Severe Mental Illness in Connecticut. APHA 139 Annual Mtg, Washington DC, Oct
29 – Nov 2, 2011.
Trestman R.L., Barry L. Double-jeopardy: Mental illness and poor physical function in CT Prisoners. 5 Annual
Academic & Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health, Atlanta, GA March 22-23, 2012.
Appelbaum, K., Metzner, J., Trestman, R.L. Optimizing mental health care – What’s known and not known about
efficient and effective care delivery. 5 Annual Academic & Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health,
Atlanta, GA March 22-23, 2012.
Magley, V.J., Walsh, B.M., Trestman, R.L., & Dinnan, M. (May, 2012). Initial Evaluation of the Civility Among
Healthcare Professionals (CAHP) Workshop. Paper presented at the National Conference for Workplace Violence
Prevention and Management in Healthcare Settings, Cincinnati, OH.
Kaufman, A., Mossman, D., Hall, R., Trestman, R. (October, 2012). Beyond a Reasonable Doubt: Evidencerd
Based Expert Opinions. Paper presented at the 43 Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Psychiatry &
The Law, Montreal, Canada.
Trestman, R.L., Appelbaum, K., Metzner, J. “Making Things Better: Academic Views About Consultative and
Judicial Impact on Correctional Healthcare.” Academic & Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health in
Chicago, IL, March 19-22, 2013.
Sampl, S., Trestman, R.L., Shea, K., Varma, M., Krauss, W., & Houde, A. “Start Now: Implementing and
Evaluating a Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Offenders.” Academic & Health Policy Conference on
Correctional Health in Chicago, IL, March 19-22, 2013.
Wang, E., Aminawung, J., Ferguson, W., Trestman, R.L., Wagner, E., Bova, C. “Assessing Chronic Illness Care
in Prison.” Academic & Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health in Chicago, IL, March 19-22, 2013.
Cislo, A., Ehret, M., Trestman, R.L. “Metabolic Syndrome in a Corrections Population Treated With
Antipsychotics.” Academic & Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health in Chicago, IL, March 19-22, 2013.
Kamath, J., Trestman, R.L. “Adaptation of Cancer Supportive Care to the Correctional Setting: A Proposed
Model.” Academic & Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health in Chicago, IL, March 19-22, 2013.
Pettigrew, C., Tapia, S., Trestman, R.L. “Collaborating for Quality and Safety: Implementing Therapeutic
Phlebotomy in Connecticut Correctional Infirmaries.” Academic & Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health
in Chicago, IL, March 19-22, 2013.
Barry, L., Trestman, R.L. “Disability and Suicidal Ideation in Older Prisoners: A Pilot Study.” Academic & Health
Policy Conference on Correctional Health in Chicago, IL, March 19-22, 2013.
Trestman, R.L., Coleman, K.C., Krauss, W. “The Development of a Suicide Prevention Physical Plant Audit
Process in Connecticut’s Juvenile Residential Services.” Academic & Health Policy Conference on Correctional
Health in Chicago, IL, March 19-22, 2013.
Hennig, B., Trestman, R.L. “Statewide Collaboration between a Correctional System and a Huntington’ Disease
Clinical Program.” 2013 World Congress on Huntington’s Disease, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 15-18, 2013.
Meyer JP, Cepeda J, Wu J, Trestman RL, Altice FL, Springer SA. Longitudinal Treatment Outcomes in HIVInfected Prisoners and Influence of Re-Incarceration, CROI, Boston MA, March 4, 2014.
Appelbaum, K., Metzner, J., Trestman, R.L. “Should Mental Health Clinical and Ethical Standards Differ in
Correctional Settings?” 7 Academic & Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health in Houston, TX March 2021, 2014.
Thomas, D., Trestman, R.L., Wu, J. “Correctional Fellowships” 7 Academic & Health Policy Conference on
Correctional Health in Houston, TX March 20-21, 2014.
Shelton, D., Trestman, R.L., Cislo, A., Ehret, M. “Building Sustainable Research Teams with Correctional
Partners” 7 Academic & Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health in Houston, TX March 20-21, 2014.
Appelbaum, K., Trestman, R.L., Metzner, J., “Correctional Mental Health: Historical Development of Existing
Guidelines and Their Limitations Regarding Emerging Issues.” 7 Academic & Health Policy Conference on
Correctional Health in Houston, TX March 20-21, 2014.
Cislo, A., Kersten, L., Trestman, R.L., Sampl, S., Le, Hoe, Shea, K. “Start Now: An Evidence-Informed Group
Therapy for Inmates with Behavioral Disorders.” 7 Academic & Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health
in Houston, TX March 20-21, 2014.
Tamburello, A., Metzner, J., Roskes, E., Trestman, R.L. American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Annual
Meeting, “Correctional Psychiatry for the Forensic Psychiatrist” Chicago, IL October 21-26, 2014.
Trestman, R.L. “START NOW: Development and Implementation of a Skills-Based Psychotherapy for
Correctional Settings”, Edinburgh, Scotland, November 11, 2014.
Trestman, R.L. Presentation at the Institute for Biomedical Ethics, Basel, Switzerland, November 13, 2014
Trestman, R.L. “Correctional Mental Health: A Best Practices Sampler.” New York State Correctional Mental
Health Staff, December 10, 2014.
Barry, L., Trestman, R.L., Wakefield, D., Conwell, Y. “Disability in Prison Activities of Daily Living and Suicidal
Ideation in Older Inmates”. Presentation at the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry, 2015 Annual
Meeting, New Orleans, LI, March 29, 2015.
Trestman, R.L., Appelbaum, K., Metzner, J. Evolution of Correctional Psychiatry: A Curriculum for the Next
Generation of Correctional Psychiatrists. 8 Academic & Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health in
Boston MA, March 19, 2015.
Virdi, S., Trestman, R.L. Personality Disorders in the Corrections Population. 8 Academic & Health Policy
Conference on Correctional Health in Boston MA, March 20, 2015.
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