5th grade promotion update - Forest Knolls Elementary School PTA
5th grade promotion update - Forest Knolls Elementary School PTA
June 6, 2015 Hello 5th Grade Parents! Our children’s 5th grade promotion ceremony is near and we’d like to give you an update on what’s happening for the remainder of this month and next. Date Friday, June 12, 2015 Event 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony, Reception, and Fun Day!!! Monday, June 15, 2015 Student Service Learning Day Monday, Teacher Luncheon June 15, 2015 Half Day Now Slide Show Now Promotion Donations Event Details th The 5 Grade Promotion Committee is preparing for the ceremony, the reception, and fun afterwards! Parents and other relatives are welcome to attend the ceremony. Younger FKES siblings will watch from their classrooms. We anticipate the ceremony will last about an hour. Stay tuned for more information on the promotion ceremony and associated events! Tentative Schedule 10:00 -11:00 AM—Promotion Ceremony 11:00 AM-11:30 PM—Post Ceremony Reception 12:00 PM-12:45 PM—Students go to lunch and change for the afternoon activities. A pizza lunch will be served. 1:00 PM-2:45 PM—Our 6th graders will attend a celebration party, partially hosted by KAH. We will have inflatables, music, and more!) If you can help with any of these efforts, contact Kristen LeFevre. After our children are promoted to the 6th grade, they can begin accruing hours for Student Service Learning (SSL). For information on SSL, go to: http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/departments/ssl/index.aspx Students will help teachers and other FKES staff with various end-of-the-year tasks such as sorting papers and packing up the classroom. Tentative Schedule: 9:00-9:30—distribute SSL forms and assign students specific jobs 9:30-11:30—students help FKES staff We need volunteers for this event in order to make it happen. Please contact the Tuwenia Grebowsky if you can help. We would like to thank our FKES teachers for the wonderful and tireless work they have done this year. We need a volunteer to coordinate a thank you luncheon for them. Students can also get SSL hours for this event. Please contact Tuwenia Grebowsky if you can lead this effort. The committee will certainly assist. This event can only happen if we get a volunteer. Students “clap out” of the school. We are putting together a slide show for the ceremony. Parents have been asked to provide baby pictures of their 5 th graders. There is still time to submit a monetary donation for the 5th grade promotion events. The suggested donation is $20 per family. Of course, any amount you can donate is welcome. Please make checks payable to Forest Knolls ES PTA. If you are able, we greatly appreciate any donation to help another 5th grade family. Please fill out the form below and return it with your donation in an envelope addressed to the PTA 5th Grade Promotion Committee c/o Tuwenia Grebowsky. To those of you who have already donated, thank you! If you have any questions, feel free to contact any of the committee members. Very sincerely yours, The 5th Grade Promotion Committee Members: Tuwenia Grebowsky (abfab2005@comcast.net) Kristen LeFevre (kristen.lefevre@gmail.com) Diane Lill (diane.greenkids@gmail.com) Leslie Patton (leslie.e.patton@gmail.com) 5th Grade Promotion Donation ________________________________________________________________ Your name ________________________________________________________________ Your child’s name ________________________________________________________________ Your child’s homeroom teacher Please indicate the amount you are contributing. It helps us track donations. Thanks! $_______ Your family donation $_______ Donation to help another 5th grade family