2015 Cheer Try-Out Packet


2015 Cheer Try-Out Packet
April, 2015
Dear Parents,
Welcome to the 2015 Folsom Jr. Bulldogs Cheer Clinic and Tryouts! We know you have many
questions, and we’ve prepared this information outline to help you decide whether or not cheer is
the right sport for your family. The information included here is critically important – we ask that
you review and sign the last page of this packet and return it along with the cheer deposit to the VP
of Cheer by Thursday, April 23rd, so we can be sure you have read and understand this information.
The girls will be performing their routines Thursday at 7:15 pm – come watch!
Karryann Pallitto
VP of Cheer
Tammy Kirby Pulfer
Asst VP of Cheer
What’s this program all about?
Hard work, discipline, football games, competition, teamwork, and FUN! Your cheerleader(s) will
dedicate themselves to a very challenging athletic program, and will amaze you in what they learn
and accomplish. We are the feeder program into Folsom High, but welcome all girls who live in
Folsom regardless of what High School they may eventually attend. Our goal is to ultimately help
the girls be prepared for high school cheer tryouts.
What’s the time commitment?
Cheer is a family sport.
 PARENTS are required to work a minimum of 12 volunteer hours per child during the season.
 Cheerleaders are required to attend ALL practices, games, playoffs, championships, camps
and competitions – only three absences will be allowed without a doctor’s note or notice of a
school field trip. Midgets are required to attend a UCA overnight camp.
When should we take our vacation?
As soon as possible! The following Important or MANDATORY dates are currently on the 2015
April 20th-April 25th
April 29th
May 2nd
May 11th
June 26-29th
July 25th
July 27th through July30th
Aug. 3rd through Aug. 6th
Aug. 10th
Aug 14th
Aug 15th
Aug. 16th
Tryouts at Folsom Middle School * see schedule in packet
All Sports Night Folsom Comm. Center (physicals will be available)
Returners only uniform swap
Uniform Fittings for all cheerleaders FMS
Midgets go To UC Davis Camp
Chant Camp 9-3pm FMS
Conditioning at Livermore Park (by Volleyball)
Conditioning at Livermore Park (by Volleyball)
Start of Reg. Practices at FMS
Opening Night Ceremonies Livermore Field
Picture Day@ Livermore Field
If any of the above dates conflict with other events in your family schedule, please see the
VP of Cheer before your child tries out. There may also be squad meetings, social and fundraising
events to be determined by your coach. All Practice, camps, and clinics are Closed practices.
(This is for the safety of all of our cheerleaders)
What is the practice schedule?
July 25th
July 27 –Aug. 6
Oct 1st – Nov 1st
Chant Camp at FMS 9-3
Conditioning at Livermore (by Volleyball) 5:30-7:30
Practice Starts at FMS Aug.10 (Aug.12 first day of school-no practice)
Wed-Thurs ~ 6-8 (may adjust, please stay flexible)
Practice will be 3-4 days a week ~ Comp preparation practice
( No Missing Practice After Oct. 1st, as we need Every Cheerleader there to be prepared for Comp.)
Practices will be held at Folsom Middle School in the multipurpose room. Practice schedule and
times in late season are TBA and is subject to change depending on facilities. Again, please be
flexible as we are usually at the mercy of the schools.
Do we know our game schedule yet?
Yes, it will be posted to our website within the next couple of weeks, (www.folsomjrbulldogs.com).
Games begin August 22nd 2015, are on Saturday, unless the away team has a conflict and cannot get
their field on a Saturday. We will not have a league game during Labor Day weekend.
What is the tryout schedule?
Tryouts will be Saturday, April 25th at Folsom Middle School. Attendance at tryouts is
REQUIRED. If you have a serious conflict, see the VP of Cheer immediately. Following is the
approximate tryout schedule – your daughter should arrive at least 15-30 minutes before her
scheduled time to check in, calm down! CHEERLEADERS WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO TRYOUT
Deposit & Midget $75 deposit for Camp, 2.0 GPA, WITH NOTHING LESS THAN A D- IS
REQUIRED. (If there is less than 25 MM we will not have them Try Out on Saturday)
Tryout Check in Times: (be sure coach has your cell number in case try outs finish early or go late)
Lower Division 8:30am
Upper Division: 9:30am
Tryouts: 9:00am – 10:00am
Tryouts: 10am – 12:00
Squad Placement
Mascots & Mighty Mites will be 4 to 8 year olds. Children 9 and older, will either be trying out for
the Lower Division or the Upper Division depending on her age and grade. We do our best to start
from the 8th graders and go down. As a feeder program into Folsom High School, it is important
that we try to put as many 8th graders as possible on our teams. Occasionally a 7 th grader will be
placed on the Midget squad if her age is appropriate. We are able to include up to 3- 13 year olds on
our Jr. Midget Squad if they have no previous cheer experience. This enables us to still place a few
cheerleaders on a squad without cutting them, thus giving them the time to gain the experience
they need for high school. Secondly, we know this will be used by other associations and it will be to
our benefit to do this.
The team rosters will be posted on the FYFC Web site (www.folsomjrbulldogs.com) by 3:30pm
Saturday. If you child makes a squad, we will be emailing you information that you will need
for uniform fittings and registration. Coaches will also send out a congratulations email with
information and upcoming squad meeting dates.
When you turn in your tryout agreement form, you will also be including a check payable to
FYFC for $200. If you have a child that would be a midget then you will need to also include
$75 as a deposit for U.C. Davis Cheer Camp also made out to FYFC (if your child makes the
team that $200 goes towards your $245 registration fee & that $75 deposit for Midget Camp
will go towards the $429 cost) If she does not make the team we will give you your check
How will they be judged?
A sample score sheet is attached. The total points on the tryout day are 300 (100 per judge). In
addition, the girls will be evaluated for AAT Points during clinic (Attitude, Attendance and
Tumbling) as follows: Attitude (up to 20 points), Attendance (up to 20 points), and Tumbling (up to
10 points) determined as follows:
2 points standing back handspring/round-off back handspring
4 points multiple round-off/standing back handsprings
6 points round off back handspring back tuck
8 points standing back tuck or layout
10 points for a full
What should she wear for tryouts?
We ask that all children wear their clinic T-shirt, black shorts (with no drawstrings or wording of
any type), white cheer style tennis shoes-no-show socks, and hair in a high ponytail, with the white
try out bow they will be receiving with the try out shirt on Thursday. (Short hair/bangs should be
clipped away from their face).
Judges will be advised on the clothing requirements, and your child can be penalized for wearing
ANYTHING that indicates they were cheerleaders in the past. Cheer shoes with the color tabs
removed are fine.
What if my child doesn’t make the team?
Unfortunately we are limited to 25 cheerleaders per squad and we always have an extraordinarily
talented group – the judging is difficult! We encourage you to tell your child that you’re proud of
them, and explore other programs that might help them prepare for next year, such as tumbling or
What does the program cost?
We make every effort to keep costs as low as possible but there is no doubt that this is an
expensive sport. We will be having a Uniform Swap for Returning Cheerleaders, (Please visit our
Website for Information on Cheer Cost Break down) (FYFC will not be buying back uniforms)
See/or Email VP of Cheer if you have any questions vpcheer@folsomjrbulldogs.com
Here are approximate costs for the coming year:
FYFC Registration
Uniforms (skirt, shell, body liner)**
Warm-ups (jacket and pants)**
Camp wear/practice uniform - Midgets Only $60
2 t-shirts, 3 soffees
Back Pack, Water Bottle, Jersey
Cheer Shoes
Briefs/metallic red Spanks
Bows(midgets add $15 extra for camp bows) $25
Stunt Camps
Midget: Overnight 4-day overnight camp
FYFC Raffle Opening Night/Squad Funds
Additional Cost: Game Entry Per Person $5, Competition Entry for Per Person (approx..$13), Banquet Entry for Per
Person (approx.$15), Buddy Night Gift Exchange $5.00, Instructor Gifts $20.
**returning cheerleaders, please bring your backpack, blue water bottle, poms & full uniform
on May 2nd for inspection**
When do we pay?
$200.00 due when you turn in your try out agreement made out to FYFC
(midgets will pay an additional $75 deposit for Cheer Camp made out to FYFC) If
your child does not make a squad, this check will be returned to you.
April 23
{We will Not Be Able to Split up Payments, But will have Check # 4 & #5 Post dated for June 1 st}
May 11th
At Uniform Fittings You will Write Several Checks Out. (Be Prepared)
One Check To Varsity for Uniform, Practice Wear, Shoes ($612 if you need all new)
One Check To Cassie Michaels for Bows ($25) ( $40 for Midgets)
One Check to FYFC for Midget Camp (if your child is a Midget) (remaining $354)
One Check to FYFC for Stunt Camps-Water Bottle-Back Pack-Jersey ($190 -
Less if you don’t need a new bk pk or water bottle) plus remaining $45 registration.
One Check made out to FYFC for Raffle Tickets ($100)
(Credit Cards will be accepted, as separate transactions, if your payment (whether Credit or Check does not go
through there will be additional charges & you will not receive bulk discount on your pieces)
We have no Current Fundraiser’s Scheduled for Cheer.
A $25 fee will apply to all returned checks, as well as re-payment of original amount with cash or
money order. All subsequent payments must be made in cash or money order.
Will cheer get in the way of school or academics?
Your child’s education is a high priority. In fact, we REQUIRE proof of a 2.0 GPA or better (minus
PE and nothing lower than a D-) on the 2nd trimester report card before tryouts. Field trips are
considered excused absences. 3 unexcused absences are allowed a season. Participants with a 3.0
GPA or better by the end of the season can apply for the prestigious Excellence in Academics and
Athletics award.
Anything else?
NEW Cheerleaders must bring a photocopy of their birth certificate to the fittings. You must also
provide a physician’s release, dated after April 15th by July1st. You can attend the All Sports
Night on April 29th and get one for $15.00. The FYFC handbook is available for download at our
website, www.folsomjrbulldogs.com , and contains answers to other questions. Please take the time
to read this.
PARENT PERFORMANCE ON THURSDAY. Please arrive no sooner than 7:00
and we will begin AT 7:15 PM!
(Example Scoring Sheet)
Folsom Jr. Bulldogs
Cheerleading Score Sheet
Jump #1 (Toe Touch)
Jump #2
Grooming, posture,
Appropriate clothing
Enthusiasm, facials,
confidence, spirit, poise
JUDGE INITIALS ____________
TOTAL POINTS________________
Detach this page, sign it, keep a copy for reference and return it to the VP of Cheer,
along with a $200 check payable to FYFC (midgets add the $75 deposit for Camp made out to
NO LATER than Thursday, April 23rd BY END OF PRACTICE.
Please read and initial each line.
I/we understand the requirements involved with being an FYFC cheerleader
outlined in the tryout handout, especially the following (initial each line):
____ Attendance at practice, games and camps are mandatory and are critically important.
____ Parents are required to provide a minimum of 12 volunteer hours each season, per child in the
program. Willful failure to work my hours, a fine is assigned & my child will be benched until paid.
____ Good sportsmanship and respect for volunteer leaders, coaches, and instructors is required.
All Cheerleaders and Parents will be required to adhere to the Code of Conduct at all times.
____ A minimum GPA of 2.0 or better is required on the 2 nd trimester.
____ Safety measures are FYFC’s highest priority; I will support any measures taken that are in
the best interests of a safe practice. I understand that all practice/camps and clinics are Closed
for safety purposes. (Talk to VP of Cheer if you have a reason to Visit Practice)
____ I will discuss my concerns, questions, or problems with the coach. Player agent or the VP of
Cheer and not with other parents or instructors, to ensure they can be resolved quickly. I will abide
by the parent code of conduct/ethics at all times.
____ I understand the costs for this program, which are similar to other select sports, and agree
to the financial terms. Uniforms/Awards will not be released until all debts are paid.
____ I will make sure my child arrives to every game or practice on time, in the right uniform and
will pick my child up on time or I will be called to bring my child the correct uniform. If they cannot
attend, I will notify the coach directly prior to the start of practice or game. I understand and
accept the attendance guidelines and consequences. (once we get to Comp season Oct.1, there is no
missing practices because the squads require every cheerleader to be there to succeed)
____ I understand that I cannot choose my child’s position or placement on a particular squad,
placement during a routine or whether or not they will tumble in a routine and agree to accept the
Judges/Coaches/Instructors/VP of Cheer decisions. This is non negotiable and not up to discussion
at any point during the season.
If your child is unwilling to accept a position on any squad they are placed on,
please do not try out for our teams.
Parent/Guardian Signature __________________________________ Date ___________
Print child’s name _________________________
Grade in the fall of 2015: _______ Age on 8/1/15___________________