Bill & Laura Hartman Sponsorship Opportunities


Bill & Laura Hartman Sponsorship Opportunities
Bill & Laura Hartman
of Hartman newspapers, l.p.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Proceeds from the Lone Star Stomp benefit
the educational and preservation efforts of
the Fort Bend County Museum
saturday, april 18, 2015
6:30-11:30 PM
at the
George Ranch Historical Park Arena
Fort Bend County Museum Association | P.O. Box 460 | Richmond, TX 77406-0460 | 281-342-1256
A Special Invitation...
There is no better treasure our forefathers left than the exciting history of
Fort Bend County.
And, there is no better gift we can leave than continuing to tell the story of
Fort Bend County to our descendants and the thousands of new residents
who continue to make our home their home.
That’s why Laura and I are honored to be the honorary chairmen of
the 2015 Lone Star Stomp, sponsored by the Fort Bend County Museum
The Museum is a never-ending storehouse of the heritage of our great
history, and we encourage you to join us in sponsoring and supporting this
year’s Lone Star Stomp, which will benefit the educational programs and
historic preservation efforts of the Museum Association.
This year’s event theme is “Tall Texas Tales” and will entail great food, great
music and dancing, both a silent and live auction and plenty of time to
visit with old friends and make new ones. Laura and I ask that you please
mark your calendars for a grand “Stomp” from 6:30 to 11:30 p.m. on April 18,
Knowing the history and values of Fort Bend County will make you
appreciate life here even more. If you’re a native, a newcomer or
somewhere in between, there’s always something new to learn!!
So please come join us. You’ll be happy you did.
Laura and Bill Hartman
2015 Lone Star Stomp Honorary Chairs
Bill & Laura
2015 Lone Star Stomp
Honorary Chairs
The Fort Bend County Museum Association is extremely honored and excited to have Bill and Laura Hartman as our
honorary chairs. As Bill says, “there is no better gift we can leave than continuing to tell the story of Fort Bend County
to our descendants.” Bill has been telling the stories of our county for years. He began his career as a 9-year-old in the
back shop of The Baytown Sun, where his father was editor and publisher. By 29, Hartman had been named editor
and publisher of the Beaumont Enterprise and Journal. In 1974, he formed Hartman Newspapers, L.P., which today
publishes daily, semi-weekly and weekly newspapers including the The Fort Bend Herald and The Katy Times.
The Texas Gypsies
Musical Entertainment
Cowboy Dave-100.3 FM The Bull
Master of Ceremonies
The Texas Gypsies are a collection of well-seasoned players
comprised of Grammy winners and musicians who have
backed the likes of The Jacksons, Paul McCartney, Ray
Charles, Ella Fitzgerald, Texas Playboys and more!! They are
renowned for their unique take on Classic Jazz and Swing,
Gypsy Jazz (Django), Western Swing (Bob Wills), New Orleans,
Classic Rock, and Pop.
Cowboy Dave is a native Texas talent, homegrown in Magnolia where he makes his home on
a 110 acre ranch with his family and livestock. He
made his debut as a sidekick on The Bull’s original
Morning Show, but his popularity among listeners
earned him his own program which can be heard
evenings, 7pm to midnight.
Presenting Sponsor
○The Distinguished TALL TEXAS TALE Award from the
Fort Bend County Museum Association (presented at event)
○Person of choice to address event attendees
○Four (4) Reserved tables of eight (8)
○Twenty-four (24) tickets to Pre-Event party with
VIP check-in and valet parking
○Prominent signage with name/logo
as Presenting Sponsor
○Prominent recognition in invitation, program, Texian
Gazette newsletter and all publicity materials
○Continuous recognition by Master of Ceremonies
throughout the evening
○One full year of recognition on Fort Bend County
Museum Association website
Investment ~ $15,000
Contact Terri Norris for Presenting Sponsor information | 281-342-1256
Entertainment Sponsor
○The Honorable TALL TEXAS TALE Award from the
Fort Bend County Museum Association (presented at event)
○Person of choice to introduce Entertainment
○Three (3) Reserved tables of eight (8)
○Sixteen (16) tickets to Pre-Event party with
VIP check-in and valet parking
○Signage with name/logo on sponsored area
○Recognition in invitation, program, Texian Gazette
newsletter and all publicity materials
○Continuous recognition by Master of Ceremonies
throughout the evening
Investment ~ $10,000
Contact Terri Norris for Entertainment Sponsor information | 281-342-1256
Sponsor Party
○The Honorable TALL TEXAS TALE Award from the
Fort Bend County Museum Association (presented at event)
○Person of choice to address Party attendees
○Three (3) Reserved tables of eight (8)
○Sixteen (16) tickets to Pre-Event party with
VIP check-in and valet parking
○Signage with name/logo on sponsored area
○Recognition in invitation, program, Texian Gazette
newsletter and all publicity materials
○Continuous recognition by Master of Ceremonies
throughout the evening
Investment ~ $10,000
Contact Terri Norris for VIP Sponsor Party information | 281-342-1256
Sponsorship Opportunities
The Legend ($5000)
Reserved three (3) tables of eight (8)
Twelve (12) tickets to Pre-event VIP Party, VIP check-in, Valet parking
Recognition in invitation, program, all publicity materials, & Texian Gazette newsletter
Prominent signage at the “TALL TEXAS TALES” 2015 Lone Start Stomp
Recognition by Master of Ceremonies throughout the evening
the tall tale ($3500)
Reserved two (2) tables of eight (8)
Eight (8) tickets to Pre-event VIP Party, VIP check-in, Valet parking
Recognition in invitation, program, all publicity materials, & Texian Gazette newsletter
Prominent signage at the “TALL TEXAS TALES” 2015 Lone Start Stomp
Recognition by Master of Ceremonies throughout the evening
the folk tale ($2000)
Reserved one (1) tables of eight (8)
Four (4) tickets to Pre-event VIP Party, VIP check-in, Valet parking
Recognition in invitation, program, all publicity materials, & Texian Gazette newsletter
Prominent signage at the “TALL TEXAS TALES” 2015 Lone Start Stomp
Recognition by Master of Ceremonies throughout the evening
the fable ($1500)
Reserved six (6) tickets - Preferred Seating
Two (2) tickets to Pre-event VIP Party, VIP check-in, Valet parking
Recognition in invitation, program, all publicity materials, & Texian Gazette newsletter
Prominent signage at the “TALL TEXAS TALES” 2015 Lone Start Stomp
Recognition by Master of Ceremonies throughout the evening
Table & Ticket Opportunities
high tales table ($800)
Reserved table of eight (8)
Two (2) tickets to Pre-event VIP Party and VIP check-in
Recognition in program
the short Story ($500)
Reserved tickets for four (4) - Preferred Seating
Two (2) tickets to Pre-event VIP Party and VIP check-in
Recognition in program
tales for two ($250)
Reserved tickets for two (2) - Preferred Seating
Two (2) tickets to Pre-event VIP Party and VIP check-in
lonesome dove ($75)
Single ticket - Open Seating
Underwriting Opportunities
All Underwriting opportunities include:
Signage recognition in the Lone Star Stomp program
Recognition by Master of Ceremonies throughout the evening
dinner stations ($1000 each)
Six (6) stations throughout arena ○ includes signage recognition at station
valet parking ($1000)
Valet Parking is being offered to our VIP Sponsors
wine pull ($1000)
Saloon Sponsor ($1000)
The Saloon is our very popular Beer & Wine Bar
whiskey tasting ($1000)
boot shiners ($1000)
vintage photo booth ($1000)
A Special Note...
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
I come to you not only as the Director of Development for the Museum
Association but also as your 2015 Lone Star Stomp Chair.
I volunteered to be this year’s chair because the Lone Star Stomp is our
most important and exciting event of the year!! The Stomp showcases
our mission of preserving the history of Fort Bend County for future
The LONE STAR STOMP is our largest fundraiser of the year. With the
funds raised at this event, our mission can expand and grow exponentially.
It is our great honor to have Bill and Laura Hartman serve as our Honorary
Chairs this year. We cannot thank them enough for their support.
So along with the Hartmans, the staff, the board & the volunteers of the
Fort Bend County Museum Association, I ask you for your support. It is
only with your support that we can keep our future generations educated
with our rich history!
I look forward to personally greeting each of you on Saturday, April 18.
Terri A. Norris
Director of Development
2015 Lone Star Stomp Chair
Fort Bend County Museum Association
The mission of the Fort Bend County Museum Association (FBCMA)
is to preserve the history of Fort Bend County and the surrounding
area. The Association strives to inspire and educate the public
for the purpose of strengthening awareness and appreciation of
cultural heritage for future generations.
The Fort Bend County Museum Association, a 501(c)(3) non-profit
organization, has preserved and interpreted Fort Bend County
and Texas history since 1967. One of only 43 museums in Texas to
be accredited by the American Alliance of Museums, the FBCMA
operates a local history museum and six historic structures in
Richmond, an avocational archeological society, and has an active
docent society.
In 2014, the Fort Bend County Museum presented educational
programs to over 5100 school children from Fort Bend County and
surrounding areas. Additionally, over 2500 Houston Metropolitan
area students took part in the museum’s educational outreach
program, the Texian Time Machine.
Led by a 20-member volunteer Board of Trustees, the Association
is also involved in partnerships and collaborations that extend
its impact in archeology, preservation and heritage tourism to a
broader region of Southeast Texas.
The Texas Historical Commission has termed the Fort Bend County
Museum “one of Texas’ best local history showcases”.
Hope to see you at
saturday, april 18, 2015
6:30-11:30 PM
at the
George Ranch Historical Park Arena
© 2015