Spring 2015 Non-Credit Course Guide
Spring 2015 Non-Credit Course Guide
Non-Credit and Continuing Education Course Guide Enhance Skills C h a n g e C a r ee r s P u r s u e P a ss i o n s E a r n Ce r t i f i c a t es Enrich Life noncredit.temple.edu/nce work•pla SPRING 2015 This SPRING at Temple University Ambler, Fort Washington AND CENTER CITY The Ambler Arboretum of Temple University The Ambler Arboretum of Temple University offers educational courses in the areas of horticulture and floral design. Pages 20 - 21. Certificate in Leadership and Management Whether you are a supervisor, manager, team or project leader, or you want to enhance your leadership and management abilities, this certificate program will focus on a variety of skills that enable you to become a better leader and manager. Pages 2 - 3. It All Starts Here Interior Design Certificate Program If you are considering entry into the interior design industry, or are a homeowner and want to make the best design decisions for your home, this program is where you should begin. This program is available at the Fort Washington and Center City campuses. Page 11. Foreign Languages Want to learn a new language or brush up on skills you learned in high school or college? Check out the variety of language programs offered at the Ambler and Center City campuses. Pages 17 - 18. Online Learning Choose from a variety of instructor-facilitated online courses and certificate programs from ed2go, Gatlin, and UGotClass, that can help you achieve your professional and personal goals. Pages 14 - 15. Learn New Skills Expand your Income Enrich Your Life Welcome to our Spring Session! Take this opportunity to enjoy a non-credit course that will make your life more enjoyable, enhance your productivity, or expand your knowledge. Non-Credit courses and programs at Temple University Ambler (TUA), Fort Washington (TUFW), and Center City (TUCC) campuses provide you with learning opportunities at all phases of your life. We are excited to announce our new online registration and payment system for non-credit courses. The new system will allow you to register and pay for non-credit courses anytime of the day or night through our secure network. The user-friendly system includes a Student Portal where you can view your current and past courses, request transcripts, and more. To access our new online registration system, visit us at noncredit.temple.edu/nce. If you have recently taken courses with us, please contact ncregistrar@ temple.edu or 267-468-8500 to confirm if you already have an account in the new system. Temple University’s Office of Non-Credit and Continuing Education (ONCE) offers hundreds of non-credit courses each year that stimulate, expand and your tickle your mind. For a modest price you can: • Learn from competent instructors with real-life experience. • Explore new directions. • Refresh outdated skills or learn new ones. Think you don’t have time to attend a non-credit course? We also offer a variety of online courses and certificate programs with ed2go, Gatlin Education Services, and UGotClass to provide professional development and personal enrichment courses. Through online courses, you can achieve your educational goals without leaving your home or office! Students are encouraged to register early. When too many people wait until the last minute to register, classes may be cancelled. To avoid disappointment don’t delay! Register today! For more information about our Spring non-credit course offerings, the new online registration system or other general questions, please contact us at 267-468-8500 or visit us online at noncredit.temple. edu/nce. We look forward to seeing you in class soon! Choose the location that best meets your needs! We offer non-credit courses at three convenient locations – Ambler, Fort Washington and Center City. Look for these campus codes to determine the location of the courses you are interested in: TUA - Ambler TUFW - Fort Washington TUCC - Center City TEMPLE UNIVERSITY AMBLER, FORT WASHINGTON and Center City NON-CREDIT aND CONTINUING EDUCATION COURSES SPRING 2015 Professional Development The Business Agenda Internet Marketing Accounting Professional Meeting Planning Computer Applications Database Management Web Site Design Editing and Writing Interior Design Wedding Planning and Consulting Financial Planning Real Estate Institute 2 4 4 5 6 8 8 10 11 12 13 13 Online Learning UGotClass ed2go Gatlin 14 15 15 Personal Enrichment Digital Photography Special Programs Languages Arts, Literature and History Food and Entertainment Horticulture Healthy Lifestyles and Exercise College Prep Registration Information & Form 16 17 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 ACT 48 for Educators The Office of Non-Credit and Continuing Education is an approved ACT 48 provider. Many of our professional development courses qualify for ACT 48 credit. To see if the course you wish to take is ACT 48 approved, call our office at 267-468-8500. Gift Certificates Are Available! Minimum amount is $25. To purchase, please call 267-468-8500. 1 AMBLER, FORT WASHINGTON and CENTER CITY NON-CREDIT COURSE GUIDE SPRING 2015 Professional project management plan; build structures and timelines; identify stakeholders and manage stakeholder interaction; manage scope and resources; estimate costs; and create a budget. Instructor: Andrea Sullivan, MA Leader Strength Systems, Inc. n The Business Agenda Certificate in Project Management To earn this certificate, you must complete the following four required courses within a two-year period: • Project Management Basics I • Project Management Basics II • Project Management: Leading the Team • What’s Your Point?: Effective Interpersonal Communication CERTIFICATE PROGRAM IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT in one semester! Take the following four courses in the same semester and pay one fee, an almost 15 percent discount off the total cost of enrolling in thecourses separately. Courses may also be taken individually. $775 (2.4 CEUs) TUA and TUCC Project Management Basics I Whether you are new to project management or are juggling several projects at once, a solid foundation in the fundamentals of project management is essential. This course introduces you to the project management framework currently used in most organizations. Learn how to: develop a 2 TUA Fri., Feb. 13 • 9 AM to 4 PM $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUA TUCC Wed., Mar. 11 • 9 AM to 4 PM $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUCC Project Management Basics II Prerequisite: Project Management Basics I This course provides valuable tools and techniques for executing the project, monitoring and controlling the project work, controlling quality, managing risks, and, finally, closing the project. A brief review of project management software is also provided. Instructor: Andrea Sullivan, MA TUA Fri., Feb. 20 • 9 AM to 4 PM $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUA TUCC Wed., Mar. 18 • 9 AM to 4 PM $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUCC Project Management: Leading the Team Project team leadership is often the most challenging part of successfully managing your project. Learn how to: develop and manage your project teams to maximize output and minimize disruption; distribute tasks and information in a way that works; motivate your team to get the work done right and on time; and create credibility and accountability so your team members give their very best to your project. Instructor: Andrea Sullivan, MA TUA Fri., Feb. 27 • 9 AM to 4 PM $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUA TUCC Wed., Mar. 25 • 9 AM to 4 PM $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUCC What’s Your Point?: Effective Interpersonal Communication All too often, our well-intended communications are misinterpreted. Learn to enhance your ability to respond to and influence others, encourage collaboration, and get results by flexing your communication style. Learn to identify communication styles and avoid barriers, respond to conflict, and create communication strategies to achieve results. Instructor: Theresa Hummel–Krallinger President, High Five Performance, Inc. TUA Fri., Mar. 13 • 9 AM to 4 PM $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUA TUCC Fri., Feb. 27 • 9 AM to 4 PM $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUCC Certificate in Leadership and Management To earn this certificate, you must complete the five required courses within a two–year period. The required courses are: • The Manager as Leader • The Results–Oriented Leader • Managing the Tough Spots • What’s Your Point? Effective Interpersonal Communication • Motivating: How to Get Extraordinary Results from Ordinary People CERTIFICATE PROGRAM IN LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT in one semester! Take the following five courses in the same semester and pay one fee, an almost 15 percent discount off the total cost of enrolling in the courses separately. Courses may also be taken individually. $955 (3 CEUs) • TUA Register online at noncredit.temple.edu/nce or by phone at 267-468-8500. Development The Manager as Leader Are you new to management? Have you been managing for some time now and would like to update your skills? This class provides an overview to management that will give you the skills you need to confidently lead your staff and solidify your position as a leader in your organization. Topics include: The Manager’s Role; Core Leadership Competencies; Assess Your Leadership Style; Positive Leadership; Business Politics; and much more! Instructor: Andrea Sullivan Fri., March 20 • 9 AM to 4 PM $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUA The Results-Oriented Leader Every manager must produce results. This class provides a framework for achieving desired outcomes while providing the skills you need to overcome common obstacles of performance. Topics include: Results–Oriented Leader; Planning for Performance; Accountability and Feedback; Engaging and Motivating Your Staff; Conflict Management; Handling Workplace Emotions; and more. Instructor: Andrea Sullivan Fri., Apr. 17 • 9 AM to 4 PM $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUA Managing the Tough Spots There are times when everything flows as planned, and times when they don’t. We will address those difficult situations where your strengths as a leader are challenged – where you need to find your way through complex issues or business problems. Gain competencies and tools that help you analyze and work through any business issue, whether it’s a sudden change in operations or an unforeseen barrier that gets in your way. Topics include: Managing Change; Decision Making; Crisis Management; Negotiation Techniques; Assertive Communication; and more. Instructor: Andrea Sullivan Fri., May 1 • 9 AM to 4 PM $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUA Motivating: How to Get Extraordinary Results from Ordinary People Are you frustrated in your attempts to get others to take the initiative, meet challenging deadlines, or go the extra mile? Don’t throw your hands up in defeat! Develop the skills you need to get the best from people. Learn to recognize and understand others’ needs and behaviors and use what you’ve learned to inspire exceptional performance. We’ll also discuss what causes de–motivation and how to reverse it, techniques for creating an environment that nurtures initiative–taking and ways to keep motivation high. Instructor: Theresa Hummel–Krallinger Fri., Apr. 10 • 9 AM to 4 PM $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUA What’s Your Point? Effective Interpersonal Communication See page 2 for description, locations and dates. Speaking Up Become more confident in speaking situations. Acquire techniques to overcome nervousness and promote relaxation. Learn the skills of effective speaking. Develop techniques that allow you to concentrate on your message and your audience. Learn to be animated, easily understood, natural and poised, and practice speaking in a relaxed, supportive environment. Instructor: Lynne L. Jacobus, MA Jacobus Associates NEW Sales 101 Are you new to sales or does your job involve some sort of sales aspect? This introductory course will provide you the specifics of mentally preparing to work with new customers, discovering the customers’ purchasing abilities and their intentions, overcoming objections, presenting the service or product, closing the sale and proper follow up. Whether you do face to face selling, telephone sales, or retail/showroom sales, this workshop will provide key activities in any selling environment. Instructor: Melissa Lonie President, Lonie & Associates Fri., Mar. 13 • 9 AM to 4 PM $225 • TUCC NEW How to Get Publicity Do you own a small business or represent a non-profit or community organization? Do you have a product, service or special event you believe should be covered by the media? Discover how you can get coverage from weekly and daily newspapers, television, and radio, as well as blogs and online publications. You will learn about press releases, tip sheets, media alerts, how to contact reporters and bloggers, and proper follow–up etiquette. Instructor: Ilena DiToro, MBA Public Relations Specialist Mon., Mar. 16 • 6 to 9 PM $75 • TUFW Fri., March 27 • 9 AM to 4 PM $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUA Campus Location Codes: TUA - Temple University Ambler; TUFW - Temple University Fort Washington; TUCC - Temple University Center City 3 ProfessionalDevelopment Development Professional Data Analysis Certificate Program (online) Data Analysis is quickly becom ing one of the most sought– after skills in the workplace. Companies have vast amounts of data, but it is rare to have someone with the ability to ana lyze that data to see trends and make predictions. Add a whole new skill set to your portfolio, and make a big difference in the success of your organization by acquiring data analysis skills. This certificate program consists of three, one–month courses: Introduction to Data Analysis; Intermediate Data Analysis; and Advanced Data Analysis. Courses can also be taken indi vidually. For individual course fees, please visit us online. Instructors: John Rutledge, Mary I. Dereshiwsky, and Jeff Kritzer Feb. 2 to May 1 • $495 • Online Accounting and Finance for Non-Financial Managers (online) Every successful person in the workplace utilizes financial information to aid effective decision making. This course explains the financial concepts and accounting processes used in most businesses and will provide practical techniques that will increase your effectiveness and career. Get a foundation to understand the seven steps in the accounting cycle and use financial information in decision making. Come away with the knowledge to analyze resource allocation and evaluate financial performance. Instructor: Sharon deFonteny Feb. 2 to 27 • $195 • Online n internet marketing Search Engine Optimization Increase your web site visibility. Discover the best methods of web site structure, keyword placement, file name conventions, external links and more. Learn how to analyze a web site using online tools that help you understand how visitors are reaching the web site and what changes may be needed to improve the conversion from visitor to customer. We will also discuss submitting your web site to the various search engines and what is required, Pay Per Click advertisements, and how to keep yourself updated as the search engine industry evolves. Instructor: Larry O’Reilly IT Manager, Temple University Fort Washington and Center City TUA 3 Tues., Mar. 10 to 24 6:30 to 9:30 PM $225 (1.2 CEUs) • TUA TUCC 3 Tues., Apr. 14 to 28 6:30 to 9:30 PM $225 (1.2 CEUs) • TUCC Social Media for Business Certificate (online) Get in on this exciting and growing way to communicate, market and serve your customers and clients. From Facebook to Twitter, blogging, YouTube, LinkedIn, and more, discover the new principles of communication that apply across all networks and how these specific social networks work and the possible uses for your organi zation. This certificate consists of three, one–month courses: Looking for Corporate Training? Introduction to Social Media; Marketing Using Social Media; and Integrating Social Media into Your Organization. Courses can also be taken individually. For individual course fees, please visit us online. Instructor: Jennifer Selke and Suzanne Kart Feb. 2 to May 1 • $495 • Online eMarketing Essentials Certificate (online) Get a fundamental introduc tion to eMarketing, including improving email promotions, analyzing your web site traffic, doing search engine optimiza tion, and successfully employing online advertising. Relevant for any type of organization including businesses, companies, nonprofits, and government agencies. No eMarketing experi ence or expertise is necessary. This certificate consists of three, one–month courses: Improving Email Promotion; Boosting Your Website Traffic; and Online Advertising. Courses can also be taken individually. For individual course fees, please visit us online. Instructor: Dan Belhassen and Susan Hurrell Feb. 2 to May 1 • $495 • Online n ACCOUNTING Certificate in Accounting Office Specialist The Accounting Office Specialist Certificate Program will teach basic business operations and proper accounting procedures. The three required courses are: • Black Belt Accounting: Fundamentals for the Non– Accountant – Part I • Black Belt Accounting: Fundamentals for the Non– Accountant – Part II • QuickBooks 2013 Temple University provides customized training for your organization — at your location or ours. Content will be tailored to your needs. Topics include: • Leadership • Technical Training • Communication Skills • Project Management • Coaching Skills For details, call 215-204-5018, or visit Corporate Training at www.temple.edu/tucc/offcampus 4 Register online at noncredit.temple.edu/nce or by phone at 267-468-8500. 5 Thurs., Feb. 12 to Mar. 19 (no class Mar. 5) 6:30 to 8:30 PM $195 (plus $30 materials fee) (1 CEU) • TUFW Black Belt Accounting: Fundamentals for the Non-Accountant – Part II Prerequisite: Black Belt Accounting: Fundamentals for the NonAccountant – Part I Learn about inventories, depreciation, business entities, and financial statements, among other topics. The accounting cycle is finally completed with one last hands-on problem. With sufficient background now in place, we can begin to look at some real world problems such as the recent financial meltdown, how people get in over their heads with credit cards, and got in over their heads with mortgages. At the end of this course, you should be conversant in detail work and accounting concepts. Instructor: Peter J. Pelensky, CPA, MST 5 Thurs., Mar. 26 to Apr. 23 6:30 to 8:30 PM $195 (plus $30 materials) (1 CEU) • TUFW QuickBooks® 2013 This hands–on workshop will provide you with an overview to efficiently use QuickBooks, a best-selling small business accounting software package. After receiving a foundation of the basic features you will use the sample QuickBooks com- pany file. Work through accounts receivable, accounts payable and payroll transactions using different tips and tricks. Finally, navigate the many reports that QuickBooks offers. You should leave this course feeling comfortable using the software. TUA Instructor: Richard Edwards, CPA, MBA Richard Edwards & Associates, LTD 2 Sat., May 2 and 9 9 AM to Noon $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUA TUCC Instructor: Jameson Moore Moore Productivity 2 Sat., Apr. 18 and 25 9 AM to Noon $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUCC n professional meeting planning Certificate in Professional Meeting Planning The key to a successful event is knowledgeable and sophisticated planning that fulfills the clients’ expectations. This program provides 38 hours of seminar–style instruction in six required classes taught by meeting professionals. The program is endorsed by the Philadelphia Area Chapter of Meeting Professionals International (PAMPI). The six required courses are: • Fundamentals of Meeting Planning • Site Inspection and Selection • Budgeting Tool Kit • Food and Beverage • Technology for the Meeting Professional • Contract Negotiations CERTIFICATE PROGRAM IN PROFESSIONAL MEETING PLANNING in one semester! Take the following six courses in the same semester and pay one fee, an almost 20 percent discount off the total cost of enrolling in the courses separately. No additional discounts apply. Fundamentals of Meeting Planning Discover the basics needed to plan, produce and promote successful meetings. Learn how to design and market your program, develop and organize meeting plans, direct and control meetings on site, and evaluate the success of your functions. Also, learn how to plan for the right size meeting space and physical setup, so that attendees can focus on the purpose of the event without distractions. Instructor: Amy Drum Caruso, CMP Owner, Drum Consultants 3 Thurs., Feb. 12 to 26 6 to 9 PM $225 (.9 CEUs) • TUCC Site Inspection and Selection Selecting the site for your meeting or function is critical to its success. Learn how to relate meeting goals and objectives to meeting sites. Discuss the different types of facilities available and what to look for during a site inspection. This class meets off-site. Instructor: Joanne Romano, CMP Operations Leader, American Express Meetings & Events Sat., Mar. 14 • 9 AM to 2 PM $135 (.5 CEUs) • Double Tree Hotel Technology for the Meeting Professional Explore the latest technology as it relates to meetings from industry experts and receive a basic overview and understanding of audiovisual equipment, industry software, web sites and virtual conferencing. Instructor: Justin Covington Director of Technical Services Dyventive, Inc. 2 Thurs., Mar. 12 and 19 6 to 9 PM $165 (.6 CEUs) • TUCC $825 (3.8 CEUs) • TUCC Campus Location Codes: TUA - Temple University Ambler; TUFW - Temple University Fort Washington; TUCC - Temple University Center City 5 Professional Development Black Belt Accounting: Fundamentals for the Non-Accountant – Part I Fast-paced and challenging, this study of the “language of business” begins with the most fundamental equation and expands from there. Categories of accounts, their relationship to each other, and generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) are covered. We’ll also take a brief look at the international standards, IFRS, and the move toward them. You’ll receive a series of hands–on problems as we work our way through the accounting cycle. Instructor: Peter J. Pelensky, CPA, MST Professional Professional Development Development Budgeting Tool Kit Learn the steps needed to develop a budget and to identify basic principles associated with the financial aspects of your meeting. Techniques for figuring costs and projecting budgets will be covered. Please bring a pocket calculator to this seminar. Instructor: Joanne Romano, CMP 2 Thurs., Mar. 26 and Apr. 2 6 to 9 PM $165 (.6 CEUs) • TUCC Food and Beverage Learn ways to manage the food and beverage components of meetings, events, conferences and conventions. Discussions include budgeting, menu selection to match meeting objectives, cost-saving tips, creative or alternative menus, and the latest food and beverage trends. Instructor: Lou Marrocco, CMP 2 Thurs., Apr. 9 and 16 6 to 9 PM $165 (.6 CEUs) • TUCC Contract Negotiations Negotiating contracts successfully is one of the most important ways meeting planners can show value to their employers. Get valuable tips on the art of negotiating, addressing legal issues and more. New planners and planners with limited negotiation experience will benefit most from this course. Instructor: Amy Drum Caruso, CMP 2 Thurs., Apr. 23 and 30 6 to 9 PM $165 (.6 CEUs) • TUCC n COMPUTER APPLICATIONS NEW Social Media Survival Workshop for Parents The list of social media sites and mobile apps that kids are exposed to is endless. A recent study found that one in three parents feel overwhelmed by social media and do not know how to balance trusting their children online and protecting them at the same time. Discover how you can set ground rules for your children’s use of social media, texting and 6 mobile devices. Analyze different methods and tools for monitoring your children online. Familiarize yourself with the most popular social media sites, mobile apps and online tools so that you can adequately guide your children through their online worlds. Instructor: Daniella Slon, BA, LLB e–Communications and Marketing Specialist TUFW Mon., Mar. 9 • 7 to 9 PM $45 • TUFW TUCC Mon., Feb. 23 • 7 to 9 PM $45 • TUCC Computer Skills for the Workplace (online) Most jobs today require a work ing knowledge of certain com puter skills. Employers seek and reward employees with the skills and knowledge to send messages across the country via e–mail; use a spreadsheet to create a graph and paste it into a report; add and edit data in a database; understand the implications of file sizes, memory limitations, and network arrangements. Any job candidate who already possesses these skills will stand above those who do not. This course is designed to provide the fundamental computer compe tencies you need to survive and prosper in today’s fast–changing workplace. $119 • Online Register at: www.ed2go.com/tua Word 2013: Level I Prerequisite: familiarity with personal computers, keyboard and mouse, and Windows 7 or 8 This course will help you move smoothly through the task of creating professional looking documents. Learn how to create and edit simple documents; format documents; add tables and lists; add design elements and layout options; and proof documents. Discover the ins and outs of electronic word-processing. Instructor: David Grauel Mon., Feb. 9 • 9 AM to 4 PM $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUA Word 2013: Level II Prerequisite: Word 2010 or 2013: Level I Word can be used to create complex documents that are nearly as complicated as those created using a desktop publishing application. Discover how you can work more efficiently by automating some tasks and providing methods to maintain consistency between documents. Create more complex documents that include lists, tables, charts, graphics, and newsletter layouts. Also, merge data into documents to personalize correspondence and address envelopes and labels with the data as well. Finally, add graphics and specify how the text and graphics appear together on the page. Instructor: David Grauel Mon., Mar. 9 • 9 AM to 4 PM $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUA Excel® 2013: Level I Prerequisite: familiarity with personal computers, keyboard and mouse, and Windows 7 or 8 Updating data in an Excel worksheet is fast and easy. Learn to create spreadsheets and workbooks that you can use to store, manipulate, and share your data. Storing your data in Excel also enables you to run reports on the data, perform calculations, print your work to share with others, and much more. Instructor: David Grauel Section I Mon., Feb. 23 • 9 AM to 4 PM $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUA Section II 2 Mon., Apr. 6 and 13 6 to 9 PM $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUA Excel® 2013: Level II Prerequisite: Excel® 2010 or 2013: Level I Learn how to create advanced formulas and organize your data into tables. Discover the power of PivotTables and PivotCharts and how slicers can make data filtering as easy as clicking a few buttons. Instructor: Michael Lindauer Lindauer Learning Systems Fri., Mar. 13 • 9 AM to 4 PM $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUA Register online at noncredit.temple.edu/nce or by phone at 267-468-8500. Prerequisite: Excel® 2010 or 2013: Level II In this course, you will learn about some of the more advanced features of Excel, including automating common tasks, auditing workbooks to avoid errors, sharing your data with other people, analyzing data, and using Excel data in other applications. Instructor: Michael Lindauer Fri., Mar. 27 • 9 AM to 4 PM $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUA PowerPoint® 2013: Level I Prerequisite: familiarity with personal computers, keyboard and mouse, and Windows 7 or 8 Gone are the days of flip charts or drawing on a white board to illustrate your point. In this course, you will learn to use the vast array of features and functionality available in PowerPoint® and gain the ability to organize your content, enhance it with high–impact visuals, and deliver it with a punch. Begin creating engaging, dynamic multimedia presentations. Instructor: David Grauel Mon., Mar. 23 • 9 AM to 4 PM $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUA NEW Introduction to Camtasia Studio 8 (online) Become a desktop video guru with Camtasia Studio! This easy–to–use suite of tools allows you to record, edit, and produce professional–level videos and export your finished production to almost any type of device. Learn how to: capture action on your computer’s desktop using the Camtasia Recorder, as well as how to import video, audio, and still images from other sources; edit and expand upon your content in the Camtasia Editor; and record and edit audio content. $119 • online Register at: www.ed2go.com/tua NEW Blogging and Podcasting for Beginners Thinking of starting a blog or just beginning one? Perhaps you’d like to try out podcasting, too. Learn how to create, manage, and promote your own blog and audio and video podcast using tools that you already have on your computer—no paid software or equipment is needed. Discover the benefits of using free web tools like Blogger, WordPress, Audacity, and YouTube. You’ll find that creating a blog and podcast is much easier than you ever imagined. $119 • online Register at: www.ed2go.com/tua QuickBooks® 2013 See description on page 5. TUA Instructor: Richard Edwards, CPA, MBA 2 Sat., May 2 and 9 9 AM to Noon $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUA TUCC Instructor: Jameson Moore Moore Productivity 2 Sat., Apr. 18 and 25 9 AM to Noon $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUCC Certificate in Digital Publishing Digital publishing, or desktop publishing, is the use of the computer and software to create visual displays of ideas and information. Digital publishers use computer software to design page layouts for newspapers, books, brochures, and other items that will be printed or displayed online. This certificate program is designed for those who wish to create publications for desktop or commercial printing in a variety of formats. The four required courses are: • Adobe Photoshop CS6: Level I • Adobe Illustrator CS6: Level I • Adobe InDesign CS6: Level I • Adobe InDesign CS6: Level II CERTIFICATE IN DIGITAL PUBLISHING – in one semester! Take the following four courses in the same semester and pay one fee, a more than 20 percent discount off the total cost of enrolling in the courses separately. No additional discounts apply. You may also take these courses individually. $785 (2.4 CEUs) Adobe Photoshop CS6: Level I Students are introduced to the application’s basic tools for making selections, cropping images, painting, drawing, erasing, creating shapes, adding type to an image, making basic adjustments to image quality for print and the web. Instructor: Hope Lindauer Fri., March 13 • 9 AM to 4 PM $245 (.6 CEUs) • TUA Adobe Illustrator CS6: Level I Illustrator is a comprehensive vector graphics program capable of creating complex and attractive illustrations and type effects. Learn to use digital drawing, tracing and painting tools and techniques to create unique illustrations, full color designs, logo and text designs for print and the web. Instructor: Hope Lindauer Fri., March 20 • 9 AM to 4 PM $245 (.6 CEUs) • TUA Adobe InDesign CS6: Level I Learn InDesign, the powerful page layout program that has taken the graphics world by storm. Work with tools and features to create eye-catching page layout designs for printing or converting into PDF documents. Use to create ads, brochures, and other marketing materials. Instructor: Hope Lindauer Fri., April 17 • 9 AM to 4 PM $245 (.6 CEUs) • TUA Campus Location Codes: TUA - Temple University Ambler; TUFW - Temple University Fort Washington; TUCC - Temple University Center City 7 Professional Development Excel® 2013: Level III Professional Professional Development Development Adobe InDesign CS6: Level II Prerequisite: Adobe InDesign CS6: Level I database; constructing tables; designing forms and reports; and creating queries to join, filter, and sort data. Take your skills to the next level. Learn to master more advanced options to produce professional typography and layout. Learn about image and object techniques such as transparency effects and object styles to enhance the visual impact of your design. Also learn about managing long documents and developing complex paths. Instructor: Hope Lindauer Prerequisite: Access® 2010 or 2013: Level I n database Expand your knowledge of relational database design, write advanced queries, structure existing data, share data across applications, and customize reports. Fri., May 1 • 9 AM to 4 PM $245 (.6 CEUs) • TUA management TUA Instructor: Michael Lindauer Fri., Feb. 27 • 9 AM to 4 PM $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUA TUCC Instructor: Jameson Moore Fri., Mar. 13 • 9 AM to 4 PM $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUCC Access® 2013: Level II TUA Instructor: Michael Lindauer Certificate in Database Management Learn how to manage databases with Microsoft Access. This will allow you to work effectively with your data while eliminating confusion that can lead to lost time and lost data. The required three courses are: • Access ® 2013: Level I • Access ® 2013: Level II • Access ® 2013: Level III CERTIFICATE IN DATABASE MANAGEMENT – in one semester! Take the following three courses in the same semester and pay one fee, a more than 15 percent discount off the total cost of enrolling in the courses separately. No additional discounts apply. You may also take these courses individually. $565 (1.8 CEUs) TUA and TUCC Access® 2013: Level I Prerequisite: familiarity with personal computers, keyboard and mouse, and Windows 7 or 8 Most job roles today involve some form of data management. Access can help you collect and manage large amounts of data, either as a personal data management tool or to develop applications for an entire department or organization. Learn to manage your data, including creating a new 8 Fri., Mar. 20 • 9 AM to 4 PM $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUA TUCC Instructor: Jameson Moore Fri., Mar. 27 • 9 AM to 4 PM $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUCC Access® 2013: Level III Prerequisite: Access® 2010 or 2013: Level II Learn advanced Access features such as, database management, advanced form design, packaging a database, encrypting a database, preparing a database for multi-user access and more. TUA Instructor: Michael Lindauer Fri., Apr. 10 • 9 AM to 4 PM $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUA TUCC Instructor: Jameson Moore Fri., Apr. 10 • 9 AM to 4 PM $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUCC n web site design .Certificate in Web Site Design • Adobe ® Photoshop ®: Web Production • Adobe ® Dreamweaver ®: Level I • Adobe ® Dreamweaver ®: Level II • Build Your Web Site: Putting it All Together CERTIFICATE PROGRAM IN WEB SITE DESIGN in one semester! Take the following six courses in the same semester and pay one fee — more than a 15 percent discount off the total cost of enrolling in the courses separately. No other discounts apply. You may also take any of these courses individually. $1,225 (3.75 CEUs) • Daytime at TUA $1,495 (5.1 CEUs) • Evening at TUCC Introduction to HTML Hyper Text Markup Language is the underlying language of every web page. This simple text-based language can be written on any computer, regardless of platform, using nothing more than a plain text editor like Windows Notepad. Learn the syntax of HTML by identifying the building blocks, their attributes and the values these attributes are assigned. By examining how tags are used to define individual portions of web page content called elements, you will learn how to construct HTML documents, format text, embed images and create hyperlinks. TUA Instructor: Hope Lindauer Fri., Feb. 27 • 8:30 AM to 5 PM $255 (.75 CEUs) • TUA TUCC Instructor: Staff 2 Mon. & 1 Thurs., Feb. 9, 12 and 16 6:30 to 9:30 PM $255 (.9 CEUs) • TUCC Learn to build a web site from the ground up with HTML code, make your site visually engaging with Dreamweaver®, and manipulate photo elements using Photoshop®. The required six courses are: • Introduction to HTML • Adobe ® Photoshop ®: Level I Register online at noncredit.temple.edu/nce or by phone at 267-468-8500. TUA Instructor: Hope Lindauer Fri., Mar. 13 • 9 AM to 4 PM $245 (.6 CEUs) • TUA TUCC Instructor: Staff 1 Mon. & 2 Thurs., Feb. 19, 23 and 26 6:30 to 9:30 PM $325 (.9 CEUs) • TUCC Adobe ® Photoshop ® CS6: Web Production Learn to create and work with images to be used on the web pages and then learn to optimize these images for the web. Also, learn to stage web page components, arrange them aesthetically, and add interactivity to them. You will export the web page consisting of interactive images so that you can view and test their functionality in Internet browsers. Finally, you will use the “Save for Web and Devices” feature to create and optimize animations for the web and mobile devices. TUA Instructor: Hope Lindauer Fri., Mar. 27 • 9 AM to 4 PM $245 (.6 CEUs) • TUA TUCC Instructor: Staff 2 Mon. & 1 Thurs., Mar. 9, 12 and 16 6:30 to 9:30 PM $325 (.9 CEUs) • TUCC Adobe ® Dreamweaver ® CS6: Level I Prerequisite: Introduction to HTML, or equivalent knowledge Learn the basics of Dreamweaver®, the standard HTML development program. With Dreamweaver®, anyone can create dynamic HTML pages. This introductory class will familiarize users with the Dreamweaver® interface and web site basics. Upon completion of this course, you will be able to create web pages for personal or professional purposes. TUA Instructor: Rebecca Britt Computer software trainer Fri., Apr. 10 • 9 AM to 4 PM $245 (.6 CEUs) • TUA TUCC Instructor: Viral Mehta Senior Systems Administrator, Temple University 1 Mon. & 2 Thurs., Mar. 19, 23 and 26 6:30 to 9:30 PM $325 (.9 CEUs) • TUCC Adobe ® Dreamweaver ® CS6: Level II With Dreamweaver® Level II, create advanced image-based layouts with cascading style sheets. Customize your site with behaviors, templates, and library elements. Use Dreamweaver’s® features to help you analyze your site for accessibility and usability. TUA Instructor: Rebecca Britt Fri., Apr. 17 • 9 AM to 4 PM $245 (.6 CEUs) • TUA TUCC Instructor: Viral Mehta 2 Mon. & 1 Thurs., Mar. 30, Apr. 2 and 6 6:30 to 9:30 PM $325 (.9 CEUs) • TUCC Build Your Web Site: Putting It All Together Take the skills you have learned in HTML, Photoshop® and Dreamweaver®, and spend the day creating a personal web site. Usability and graphic design practices will be emphasized, teaching students how to develop the best possible web site. The instructor will guide you as you develop your site. When your site is complete, the instructor will critique it and make recommendations. You will also receive information on how to test your page, find a host for your site, get your own domain name and transfer files to a server. TUA Instructor: Rebecca Britt Fri., May 1 • 9 AM to 4 PM $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUA TUCC Instructor: Viral Mehta 1 Mon. & 1 Thurs., Apr. 13 and 16 6:30 to 9:30 PM $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUCC n WebSITE DESIGN ELECTIVES Google Analytics Google Analytics is a powerful, free software that will give you incredibly rich insight into the visitors of your web site. Understanding how visitors are interacting with your site is key to converting visitors into customers. Learn to create more effective sites that will drive better quality traffic to your web site, and help turn your site into an effective marketing tool. Instructor: Larry O’Reilly Senior Technical Support Specialist, Temple University Fort Washington and Center City TUA Tues., Feb. 24 • 6:30 to 9:30 PM $99 (.3 CEUs) • TUA TUCC Tues., Apr. 7 • 6:30 to 9:30 PM $99 (.3 CEUs) • TUCC Search Engine Optimization (SEO) See description on page 4. Instructor: Larry O’Reilly TUA 3 Tues., Mar. 10 to 24 6:30 to 9:30 PM $225 (1.2 CEUs) • TUA TUCC 3 Tues., Apr. 14 to 28 6:30 to 9:30 PM $225 (1.2 CEUs) • TUCC Campus Location Codes: TUA - Temple University Ambler; TUFW - Temple University Fort Washington; TUCC - Temple University Center City 9 Professional Development Adobe ® Photoshop ® CS6: Level I Discover the application’s basic tools for making selections, cropping images, painting, drawing, erasing, creating shapes, adding type to an image, applying color and making basic adjustments to image quality. Also learn about Photoshop’s® many palettes, how the palettes are used, how to resize and reposition them within the workspace, and how to save a specific workspace arrangement for future use. Professional Development WordPress for Beginners: Part I Looking to build a web site for your family, organization or small business without having to learn any special coding? WordPress is the answer you’re looking for! We will discuss the various WordPress features and spend some time developing a basic site in WordPress. Instructor: Leonard Nelson Director, Information Technology, Temple University 2 Tues., Mar. 10 and 17 6:30 to 9:30 PM $125 • TUCC WordPress for Beginners: Part II Part II of this class will focus on installing WordPress with a hosting provider. We will discuss the requirements for running WordPress in a hosted environment, demonstrate how to register a domain name, perform the WordPress installation and configure WordPress to work with a hosting provider. Instructor: Leo Nelson 2 Tues., Mar. 24 and 31 6:30 to 9:30 PM $125 • TUCC RELATED COURSES: Also, check out Digital Publishing Certificate Program, on page 7. n editing and writing Certificate in Editing This program is designed to develop competency in proofreading and editing. Enhance your skills for your current position or explore the field of editing as a possible career choice. The required three courses are: • Proofread like a Pro • Fundamentals of Editing • Master Editing Workshop CERTIFICATE IN EDITING – in one semester! Take the following three courses in the same semester and pay one fee, an almost 15 percent discount off the total cost of enrolling in the courses separately. No additional discounts apply. You may also take these courses individually. $575 (1.8 CEUs) TUA and TUCC Proofread Like a Pro Proofreading is more than catching spelling errors. This course will teach you the basics of what makes a good proofreader and help you develop your skills. Learn what the standard proofreading marks mean and how professionals use them. Discover the difference between proofreading and editing. Through a series of exercises, you’ll get hands-on practice spotting common errors and catching some uncommon ones. Also get advice on how to pursue a career that uses your new skills. Instructor: George Milite Professional writer and editor TUA Fri., Feb. 20 • 9 AM to 4 PM $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUA TUCC Fri., Feb. 27 • 9 AM to 4 PM $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUCC Fundamentals of Editing The best writers will always admit that what really makes their prose stand out is good editing. Find out what it takes to become a topnotch editor. Learn about copyediting and substantive editing, and how to edit a piece of writing without losing the author’s voice. Topics include eliminating jargon and fixing awkward sentences, the difference between editing standard and colloquial writing, and working with authors. In-class exercises will show you how to put your skills to work. Receive useful reference tools for editors, and pointers and resources for those seeking a career in editing. Instructor: George Milite TUA Fri., Mar. 13 • 9 AM to 4 PM $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUA TUCC Fri., Mar. 20 • 9 AM to 4 PM $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUCC 10 Master Editing Workshop Prerequisite: Fundamentals of Editing, or two years of editorial experience Give your skills a workout in this hands–on workshop that offers real-world writing samples in need of an editor’s careful eye. Clean up garbled prose, soften stilted sentences, and give life to listless headlines. A series of roleplays will let you practice working with authors and other editors. Instructor: George Milite TUA Fri., Apr. 10 • 9 AM to 4 PM $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUA TUCC Fri., Apr. 17 • 9 AM to 4 PM $225 (.6 CEUs) • TUCC NEW Effective Copywriting (online) Whether you are sending out a press release, communicating internally with a memo or promoting your own skills on LinkedIn, strong writing skills are the key to success. Come away with the tools and techniques you need to improve your copywriting skills and learn how to avoid the common writing mistakes that can hold you back. Instructor: Kathryn Will Mar. 2 to 27 $195 • Online NEW Write Your Life Story Your personal life story is important. Share what it was like to grow up and live in the 20th century. Tell about the times you’ve lived in, the people and events that have been important to you, and how and whom you’ve loved. Remember, you are the hero/heroine of your own story. In creating this life story, you are giving the ultimate gift to your children, your grandchildren and others who will come after you. In a relaxed and supportive atmosphere, this workshop will help you organize your thoughts and aid your creative development. Instructor: Vivian Grey, MA Elected member of the New Jersey Literary Hall of Fame 4 Sat., Apr. 11 to May 2 10 AM to 12 PM $125 (.8 CEUs) • TUCC Register online at noncredit.temple.edu/nce or by phone at 267-468-8500. 6 Thurs., Feb. 12 to Mar. 26 (no class Mar. 5) 6:30 to 8:30 PM • $155 • TUCC NEW Beginner’s Guide to Getting Published If your goal is to become a published freelance writer of fiction or nonfiction for books or magazines, this comprehensive course will help you guide your work directly into the hands of an editor and onto the shelves of your favorite stores. Taught by a successful journalist and author, this course will walk you through every step of the publishing process. We will also discuss important legal issues, including copyright, agents, and the use of pseudonyms. $119 • online Register at: www.ed2go.com/tua Writing Short Stories Storytelling is the basis of almost all writing. This workshop focuses on the craft of writing stories. We’ll study and write short stories to learn how to create compelling storylines and unforgettable characters. All genres welcomed: literary, mystery, fantasy, sci–fi, horror, romance, memoir, feature or personal essay. Great for all levels, from beginners to experienced writers. Instructor: Anne Schuster Hunter, MA Writer, editor and writing coach Professional Development Reinventing Yourself through Writing Change is happening to us all the time – and it happens whether we want it to or not. This course is about embracing change. Emphasis will be placed on selfdiscovery through creative writing and using your life experiences to rediscover your deepest passions and hidden talents. This class is ideal for people in various types of transition, as well as for those adults who have been wondering what they are going to do “when they grow up,” and for creative writers interested in thinking outside of the box. Information on publishing will be provided as well as information on innovative uses of blogging. Instructor: Janet Mason Author of Hitching to Nirvana and Tea Leaves, a memoir of mothers and daughters 8 Sat., Feb. 21 to Apr. 25 (no class Mar. 7 and Apr. 4) 10 AM to Noon $195 (1.6 CEUs) • TUCC NEW Introduction to Journaling (online) Learn the different types of journaling (including dream journaling), and sample a buffet of journaling techniques, exercises, tools, and resources. Learn a seven–step process that will ease you into writing a journal. Find out how you can use your journal to explore your thoughts, feelings, and values. You’ll also understand how journaling can ease the stress of unwanted change throughout the course of your life. You’ll even discover how journaling can help you choose the best career for you or advance in your current career. $119 • online Register at: www.ed2go.com/tua n INTERIOR DESIGN Certificate in Interior Design The fascination with the design and decoration of the American home continues today as strongly as ever. This certificate program is for homeowners who want to make the best design decisions for their interiors, those contemplating entry into the interior design industry, and current designers who wish to brush up on their skills. The required five courses are: • Fundamentals of Design and Layout • The Effective Use of Color • Fabrics and Materials • Furniture • Lighting and Accessories CERTIFICATE IN INTERIOR DESIGN – in one semester! Take the following five courses in the same semester and pay one fee, an almost 15 percent discount off the total cost of enrolling in the courses separately. No additional discounts apply. You may also take these courses individually. Fundamentals of Design and Layout Find out how to create beautiful interiors by learning the ways a professional interior designer puts a room together. Learn to create your own professional looking floor plans using properly scaled furnishings and furniture placement to control the flow of the room and make it function well. Also, learn how to understand space planning. TUFW Instructor: Kristine Robinson Robinson Interiors at Sycamore Cottage www.kristine.robinson.org 4 Tues., Feb. 10 to Mar. 10 (no class Mar. 3) 6:30 to 8:30 PM $235 (.8 CEUs) • TUFW TUCC Instructor: Dana M. Hudiak Dalucci Design Co. LLC 4 Thurs., Feb. 12 to Mar. 12 (no class Mar. 5) 6:30 to 8:30 PM $235 (.8 CEUs) • TUCC The Effective Use of Color Learn the elements of color in order to coordinate and match components. Find out the techniques for achieving desired effects and how to avoid errors. Learn the purposes, specific uses and techniques of faux finishes on walls and furniture. TUFW Instructor: Kristine Robinson 3 Tues., Mar. 17 to 31 6:30 to 8:30 PM $185 (.6 CEUs) • TUFW TUCC Instructor: Dana M. Hudiak 3 Thurs., Mar. 19 to Apr. 2 6:30 to 8:30 PM $185 (.6 CEUs) • TUCC $785 • TUFW and TUCC Campus Location Codes: TUA - Temple University Ambler; TUFW - Temple University Fort Washington; TUCC - Temple University Center City 11 Professional Development Fabrics and Materials Learn how to coordinate fabrics by scale, color and pattern, and how to select fabrics for various uses. Study the strengths and weaknesses of different fabric weaves and floor coverings. The Saturday class will meet at an off-site location. Students must provide their own transportation. TUFW Instructor: Kristine Robinson 2 Tues., Apr. 7 and 14 6:30 to 8:30 PM and 1 Sat., Apr. 11 • 12 to 2 PM (trip to ProSource) $185 (.6 CEUs) • TUFW TUCC Instructor: Dana M. Hudiak 2 Thurs., Apr. 9 and 16 6:30 to 8:30 PM and Wed., Apr. 15 • 3 to 5 PM (trip to Market Place Design Center) $185 (.6 CEUs) • TUCC Furniture Learn to identify and describe the major periods of furniture styles and design. Study the basics of antique furniture and quality furniture construction in both case goods and upholstery. The textbook is available for purchase at the first class meeting for approximately $20. TUFW Instructor: Kristine Robinson 3 Tues., Apr. 21 to May 5 6:30 to 8:30 PM $185 (.6 CEUs) • TUFW TUCC Instructor: Dana M. Hudiak 3 Thurs., Apr. 23 to May 7 6:30 to 8:30 PM $185 (.6 CEUs) • TUCC Lighting and Accessories Learn how to accessorize rooms and create workable vignettes. We will also discuss using lighting effectively as a decorative and functional part of the room. TUFW Instructor: Kristine Robinson 2 Tues., May 12 and 19 6:30 to 8:30 PM $125 (.4 CEUs) • TUFW TUCC n INTERIOR DESIGN n WEDDING PLANNING Business Side of Interior Design Discover the basics of setting up your own business out of your home office or studio. Learn how to acquire the necessary licenses and registrations to get your business established. Discuss financial and legal issues such as start–up costs and potential liabilities. Learn about marketing and advertising strategies to build your client base. Discover how to acquire wholesale accounts with key suppliers such as fabric and furniture manufacturers. Instructor: Kristine Robinson Certificate in Wedding Planning and Consulting Electives 2 Thurs., Mar. 19 and 26 6:30 to 8:30 PM $125 • TUFW Introduction to Window Treatments Examine the importance of window treatments in the overall transformation of a room. You will study dramatic examples of optical illusions created by intelligent window treatment design and learn the ten considerations for finding the perfect custom design. Discover trade secrets of professional drapery workroom fabrication and review the process of workorder writing and fulfillment. This course is a must for anyone who hopes to create, sell or design custom window treatments. Instructor: Jeanelle Dech Director, Custom Home Furnishings Academy and Founder, Adaptive Textiles 2 Wed., Apr. 1 and 8 6:30 to 9 PM $155 • TUFW AND CONSULTING This 36–hour non-credit certificate program is for those who want to develop wedding planning skills. Experts will provide case examples, lectures and opportunities for discussion. Guest presentations will liven the classes. The required four courses are: • Wedding Planning and Consulting: Part I • Wedding Planning and Consulting: Part II • The Business Side of Wedding Planning and Consulting • Tents and Outdoor Weddings (offered in Fall) Wedding Planning and Consulting: Part I This class introduces students to wedding planning as a career. Learn how to plan a perfect wedding that meets the needs of your clients. Topics include how to organize a wedding day so it flows properly; prepare a wedding budget with your clients; choose outstanding ceremony and reception venues that fit the client’s budget and style; plan a reception; and dress tables appropriately and beautifully. You’ll also learn about laying out a floor plan; the latest in food trends and renting basic equipment; negotiating contracts with clients and vendors; transportation for the wedding party; and running a successful wedding planning and consulting business. Instructor: Sheryl Garman Wedding Consultant and Event Specialist, Retired 2 Wed., Feb. 18 and 25 6:30 to 9:30 PM and 1 Sat., Feb. 21 9 AM to 1 PM $255 (1 CEU) • TUFW Instructor: Dana M. Hudiak 2 Thurs., May 14 and 21 6:30 to 8:30 PM $125 (.4 CEUs) • TUCC 12 Register online at noncredit.temple.edu/nce or by phone at 267-468-8500. 2 Wed., Mar. 11 and 18 6:30 to 9:30 PM and 1 Sat., Mar. 14 9 AM to 1 PM $255 (1 CEU) • TUFW The Business Side of Wedding Planning and Consulting Wedding consulting is a business. In this course, learn how to begin a wedding consulting career; the “what” and “why” of a business plan; creating the company name, logo, stationery, promotional pieces and business cards; how to market your business via networking with the right people and referrals; the importance of sales, ads in print media and a web site; how to keep clear and accurate accounting records; the importance of legal resources; how to price your services; and how to get your first and future clients through good relationships and service. Instructor: Karen Pecora President, Philadelphia Event Planners n WEDDING PLANNING AND CONSULTING ELECTIVES Become a Wedding Planner Busy couples are hiring professionals to ensure perfect, stress-free weddings. Learn what professional wedding consultants do. Find out what skills, traits, education and experiences are needed to be successful, and how to acquire what you don’t already possess. Explore possible areas of specialization within the field. Instructor: Linda Simunov Consultant, Afflair Events and Design Wed., Feb. 4 6:30 to 9:30 PM $75 (.3 CEUs) • TUFW Solutions to Wedding Day Emergencies This course will prepare wedding planners for the worst things that can happen on a wedding day. You will walk away knowing how to get red wine out of a wedding dress, how to make a boutonniere in case the groom breaks his, what to do when the trolley is lost and so much more! Bring your questions and get ready to brainstorm the hardest situations. Instructor: Karen Pecora n Financial Planning Certificate in Financial Planning Temple University in partnership with Kaplan Schweser, the leading provider of financial planning and education, offers the Certificate in Financial Planning (CFP) Program. This program meets the challenges faced by today’s financial planning professionals in the brokerage, insurance, accounting, banking and related fields. All classes take place at the Temple University Center City (TUCC) campus. The fee for this entire nine–month program is $4,500. Books and other study materials will cost approximately $500. The next program will be offered in September 2015. For more information on the CFP program, contact us at ncregistrar@temple.edu or 267-468-8500. 2 Mon., Mar. 23 and 30 6:30 to 9:30 PM $155 (.6 CEUs) • TUFW 2 Wed., Apr. 8 and 15 6:30 to 9:30 PM and 1 Sat., Apr. 11 9 AM to 1 PM $255 (1 CEU) • TUFW REAL ESTATE INSTITUTE Located in the heart of Center City, the Real Estate Institute (REI) at Temple University is the largest program for professional real estate education in the tri-state region. REI is known and respected for its wide-ranging course selection, which includes classes for professional real estate salespeople, brokers, appraisers and property managers, as well as for people simply interested in expanding their knowledge about the real estate market. Whether it’s buying or selling a home, learning more about property management, investment, law, development or finance, REI offers something for everyone. For more information or to register for REI courses, please visit REI online at www.temple.edu/rei, or call 215-204-1539 Campus Location Codes: TUA - Temple University Ambler; TUFW - Temple University Fort Washington; TUCC - Temple University Center City 13 Professional Development Wedding Planning and Consulting: Part II Learn the traditions of different religious wedding ceremonies; how to help your client select music for the ceremony; how to plan a reception, including staging an outdoor wedding; how to choose flowers, décor, props and linens to create atmosphere; the hottest trends in wedding photos and videos; how to predict obstacles and plan ahead to overcome them; and what you should consider if you are thinking of opening a wedding planning business. Instructor: Sheryl Garman Online UGOTCLASS - Online Courses and Certificates Get skills for the 21st century. Demonstrate your knowledge. Boost your productivity and your organization’s bottom line. Learn from work or home – all you need is a computer! Log on at your own convenience, anytime day or night, during the scheduled course dates. Certificate in Presentation Media Presentation media are keys to communication, sales, speeches and any other effective presentations today. Whether your presentation is online or inperson, presentation media will not only enhance your message but often make your message more successful. Discover how to use Prezi, the new slide software that goes beyond one-dimensional presentations, and the finer points of Photoshop for presentations. Also, discover the design elements to creating visual presentations for success using any media. This certificate program consists of three, onemonth courses: Prezi; Creating Visual Presentations; and Photoshop for Presentations. Feb. 3 to May 2 • $495 Certificate in Customer Service Customer service is essential for business and all work organizations. With the increase of technology, human interaction with customers becomes all the more important. Learn to improve your customer service skills to enhance your career skill set, improve productivity, and increase your organization’s success. You will also take away some extraordinary customer service techniques you won’t find anywhere else. This certificate program consists of two onemonth courses: Keys to Customers Service; and Extraordinary Customer Service. Feb. 3 to Mar. 28 • $245 Data Analysis Certificate Program Data Analysis is quickly becoming one of the most sought-after skills in the workplace. Companies have vast amounts of data, but it is rare to have someone with the ability to analyze that data to see trends and make predictions. Add a whole new skill set to your portfolio, and make a big difference in the success of your organization by acquiring data analysis skills. This certificate program consists of three, one-month courses: Introduction to Data Analysis; Intermediate Data Analysis; and Advanced Data Analysis. Feb. 3 to May 2 • $495 NOTE: Courses can also be taken individually. For individual course fees, please visit us online. Business Coaching Certificate Mentoring and coaching have come to be used more frequently in organizations to improve leadership competencies and provide employee support. It has benefits for the employer and employee. Develop skills in the development, implementation, and support of coaching and mentoring programs in your workplace. Take home the much-awaited toolkit you have been searching for to improve your employees’ performance and create the working environment that your employees will find truly rewarding. Feb. 2 to Mar. 27 • $295 eMarketing Essentials Certificate Come get a fundamental yet advanced introduction to eMarketing, including improving email promotions, analyzing your web site traffic, doing search engine optimization, and how to successfully employ online advertising. Relevant for any type of organization, including businesses, companies, non-profits, and government agencies. No eMarketing experience or expertise is necessary. If you are already at an advanced level, your instructors are experts and can provide the latest most advanced information and answer your toughest questions. This certificate program consists of three, one-month courses: Improving Email Promotion; Boosting Your Website Traffic; and Online Advertising. Feb. 3 to May 2 • $495 NOTE: Courses can also be taken individually. For individual course fees, please visit us online. Entrepreneurship Certificate Boost your chances of success for your new or small business and reduce your risks. Get the latest on planning your business, brainstorming business ideas and a checklist for going into business. Also, learn how to create a business plan, including assessing business feasibility and prepare the management and financial plans. Take home a step-by-step approach to attract and keep customers, with an emphasis on customer-driven marketing decisions and building a strong brand. This certificate consists of three, onemonth online courses. Register for the certificate program and pay a discounted fee. Courses can also be taken individually. Feb. 3 to May 2 • $495 NOTE: Courses can also be taken individually. For individual course fees, please visit us online. NOTE: Courses can also be taken individually. For individual course fees, please visit us online. For individual course descriptions and to view more UGotClass online course offerings, visit us online at noncredit.temple.edu/nce. 14 Register online at noncredit.temple.edu/nce or by phone at 267-468-8500. Learning www.ed2go.com/tua ONLINE CLASSES! Think you don’t have time to take a course? Think again! We can help you learn online— anytime and anywhere! Instructor-facilitated online courses are informative, fun and convenient. All courses run for six weeks, are project-oriented and include lessons, quizzes, hands-on assignments, discussion areas, supplementary links and more. Lessons are released twice a week for you to complete at your own pace. Complete any course from your home or office at any time of the day or night. Start Dates: A new section of every online course will begin on the following dates: January 21February 18March 18April 15 Fees: most online courses are $119. Some are priced higher. No discounts apply to online courses. Requirements: All online courses require internet access, e-mail, Microsoft Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox Web browser. Some courses may have additional requirements. To register: For more information or to register for online courses, visit the online Instruction Center at www.ed2go.com/tua or call 267-468-8500 for assistance. The following represent just some of the online courses that are available: A to Z Grant Writing Basic CompTIA A+ Certification Prep Become a Physical Therapy Aide Become a Veterinary Assistant Beginning Writer’s Workshop Computer Skills for the Workplace Easy English 2 Effective Business Writing Explore a Career as an Administrative Medical Assistant Explore a Career in Medical Coding GMAT Prep Grammar Refresher Introduction to Flash CS6 Medical Terminology: A Word Association Approach Publish and Sell Your eBooks Speed Spanish Writing Essentials To browse over 300 online course offerings, visit us online at www.ed2go.com/tua ONLINE CAREER TRAINING PROGRAMS Online Learning…Anytime, Anywhere…Just a click away! Prepare for employment in some of today’s hottest careers with a comprehensive, affordable and self-paced online Career Training Program. You can begin these programs at any time and learn at your own pace. Upon successful completion of all required coursework, you will receive a Certificate of Completion. If there is a national certification exam in the field, the course will help to prepare you to sit for the exam. Please note: Once the course is accessed by the student, either by requesting materials or viewing lessons, there are no refunds. To make sure the program is the right choice for you, talk to a Gatlin admissions counselor at 877-221-5151. Financial assistance is also available. Visit us at www.gatlineducation.com/tua for more information, to chat live online with an admissions counselor, to learn about other available courses, and to register. Below are just some of the programs available: Medical Billing and Coding 240 hours • $1,595 Grant Writing 300 hours • $2,095 Paralegal 300 hours • $1,995 Pharmacy Technician 300 hours • $1,995 Travel Agent Training 200 hours • $1,795 Veterinary Assistant 170 hours • $1,995 Campus Location Codes: TUA - Temple University Ambler; TUFW - Temple University Fort Washington; TUCC - Temple University Center City 15 Personal Digital Photography I This introductory course will teach you about digital photography, how to use your camera, and how to compose well–exposed and focused images through weekly assignments. You’ll also learn how to edit your photos using simple photo–editing programs via live on–screen demonstrations. TUFW Instructor: Bob Brooke Bob Brooke Communications n digital photography NOTE: This certificate program is offered at both the Temple University Fort Washington (TUFW) and Temple University Center City (TUCC) campuses. Certificate in Digital Photography Digital photography, which unites the fields of computing and photography, is replacing traditional darkroom techniques worldwide. The three required courses in recommended sequence are: • Digital Photography I • Digital Photography II • Digital Darkroom: Introduction to Photoshop® CERTIFICATE IN DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY – in one semester! Take the following three courses in the same semester and pay one fee, an almost 15 percent discount off the total cost of enrolling in the courses separately. No additional discounts apply. You may also take these courses individually. $425 (2.7 CEUs) TUFW and TUCC 5 Wed., Feb. 18 to Mar. 25 (no class Mar. 4) 7 to 9 PM $165 (1 CEU) • TUFW TUCC Instructor: Steven Goldblatt Commercial photographer 4 Wed., Feb. 25 to Mar. 25 (no class Mar. 4) 6:30 to 9 PM $165 (1 CEU) • TUCC Digital Photography II Prerequisite: Digital Photography I or equivalent knowledge and experience Expand your digital photography skills by learning to use more of your camera’s features. After a review of the basic settings for your camera, you’ll learn to control your camera to create great photographs as you learn about image stabilization, scene modes, histograms, avoiding exposure problems, adding mood to your photos, and how to use Aperture and Shutter Priority Modes. You will have a weekly shooting assignment, one of which is interpreting the same location, and a discussion of the results in class. TUFW Instructor: Bob Brooke 4 Wed., Apr. 1 to 22 7 to 9 PM $155 (.8 CEUs) • TUFW TUCC Instructor: Steven Goldblatt 3 Wed., Apr. 8 to 22 6:30 to 9:10 PM $155 (.75 CEUs) • TUCC 16 Digital Darkroom: Introduction to Photoshop® Prerequisite: familiarity with basic computer operations Discover how to create your own masterpieces, in color or black and white, without the use of a darkroom. Learn how to scan original films or prints, download files from a digital camera or CD, and optimize files to ready them for photo–quality printing or web use. This class takes place in a computer lab, where you will be able to practice the skills you have learned. Instructor: Steven Goldblatt TUA 3 Tues., Apr. 28 to May 12 6:30 to 9:30 PM $175 (.9 CEUs) • TUA TUCC 3 Wed., Apr. 29 to May 13 6:30 to 9:30 PM $175 (.9 CEUs) • TUCC n Digital photography electives NEW Digital Photography III: Advanced Prerequisite: Digital Photography II Now that you’ve mastered the workings of your camera, you’ll want to learn some advanced techniques. In this course you’ll learn about tone control, image manipulation, digital dodging and burning, creating artistic effects, how to capture unique images, using advanced composition techniques, and how to create a photo Web site. Depending on weather conditions, the course may also include a field trip to photograph a nearby site together. Instructor: Bob Brooke 3 Sat., Apr. 11 to 25 10 AM to 12 PM $125 (.6 CEUs) • TUFW Register online at noncredit.temple.edu/nce or by phone at 267-468-8500. Enrichment $119 • Online Register at: www.ed2go.com/tua NEW Introduction to Lightroom 5 (online) Do you have a lot of images to manage? Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5 is a fantastic tool for any digital photographer who needs to edit and sort images quickly. Whether you’re a busy parent shooting lots of pictures or a professional photographer with many clients, Lightroom 5 will help you get the results you want in a lot less time. $119 • Online Register at: www.ed2go.com/tua n special programs NEW Social Media Survival for Parents The list of social media sites and mobile apps that kids are exposed to is endless. Discover how you can set ground rules for your children’s use of social media, texting and mobile devices. Analyze different methods and tools for monitoring your children online. Familiarize yourself with the most popular social media sites, mobile apps and online tools so that you can adequately guide your children through their online worlds. Instructor: Daniella Slon TUFW Mon., Mar. 9 • 7 to 9 PM $45 (.2 CEUs) • TUFW TUCC Mon., Feb. 23 • 7 to 9 PM $45 (.2 CEUs) • TUCC the most practical foreign language for Americans to learn. We will focus on conversational Spanish, using practical vocabulary and emphasizing communication. Instructor: Elsa Rodriguez Foreign Language Instructor Getting Paid to Talk: An Introduction to Professional Voice Acting Have you ever been told that you have a great voice? From commercials and cartoons to audio books and documentaries, people just like you earn great income using their voices. Learn the basics and record a commercial under the direction of our producer. This class is lots of fun and a great first step for anyone interested in professional voice acting. Instructor: John Gallogly Creative Voice Development Group 8 Tues., Feb. 10 to Apr. 7 (no class Mar. 3) 6:30 to 8:30 PM $175 • TUCC Learn to Play American Mah Jongg American Mah Jongg is a game with a long history and recent resurgence of interest. The Chinese game was introduced to the US in the 1920’s and has undergone many changes. Join us and learn to play this intricate game that provides an exercise for the mind and an opportunity for social groups to get together and have fun. Please bring $7 to the first class for materials. Instructor: Kate Forest Mah Jongg instructor and national competitor Introduction to Italian: Part I Want to know what Andrea Bocelli is singing about? Want to impress a dinner date by correctly pronouncing “gnocchi” or “bruschetta?” Perhaps you plan to travel in Italy? Whatever your reasons, you’ll find the study of Italian fun and rewarding. Join us for this beginner’s course in spoken Italian. We will focus on a conversational approach. Learn basic vocabulary, dialogue, some grammar and pronunciation in a supportive, low–pressure environment. TUA Instructor: Gina Nichols Language consultant Tues., Apr. 7 • 6:30 to 9 PM $55 • TUFW 5 Wed., Mar. 18 to Apr. 15 7 to 9 PM $85 • TUFW n Languages Introduction to Spanish Spanish is the second most–used language in the United States and Intermediate Spanish Prerequisite: Use and conjugation of To Be verb (Ser o Estar) in Present Tense Different drills will be used to continue improving your Spanish language skills. This course will cover the Past Tense (Preterito) and Future Tense. It is designed to strengthen your conversational Spanish. Instructor: Elsa Rodriguez 6 Sat., Mar. 14 to Apr. 25 (no class Apr. 4) 9:30 AM to Noon $175 • TUCC 8 Tues., Mar. 10 to Apr. 28 5:30 to 7:30 PM • $175 • TUA TUCC Instructor: Marco Circelli Language Consultant 8 Thurs., Mar. 12 to Apr. 30 6 to 8 PM • $175 • TUCC Campus Location Codes: TUA - Temple University Ambler; TUFW - Temple University Fort Washington; TUCC - Temple University Center City 17 Personal Enrichment Introduction to Digital Scrapbooking (Online) Learn to use digital editing techniques to show off your photos and memorabilia. Using Photoshop Elements 11, this course will teach you how to make the most of your scrapbooking talents and artistic ideas when you combine traditional and digital scrapbooking. Build your own clip–art, create frames, and develop multi–layer pages with an endless array of layouts and designs. Introduction to Italian: Part II Prerequisite: Introduction to Italian, or some basic knowledge of the language Personal PersonalEnrichment Enrichment Take your Italian communication skills to the next level. You may never make it through all three parts of Dante’s La Divina Commedia, nor develop a taste for caffè espresso, but whatever your preferences in art, history, fashion, food, design, or business, by learning Italian you are giving yourself the opportunity to get to know and appreciate a culture of unmatched complexity and beauty. We’ll learn more vocabulary, grammar and improve our conversational skills. Instructor: Gina Nichols 8 Tues., Mar. 10 to Apr. 28 7:45 to 9:15 PM $145 • TUA Arabic Language for Beginners Learn the basics of the Arabic language in a friendly and supportive environment. You will learn the Arabic alphabet, including Arabic letters, vowels and rules. Also, learn how to read, write and pronounce the Arabic alphabet and words. Upon completion, you will know how to read, write and converse in Arabic. Instructor: Aladdin Abou–Ouf Egyptologist, Tour–Guide and Hotel Manager 8 Thurs., Feb. 5 to Apr. 2 (no class Mar. 5) 6:30 to 8:30 PM • $195 • TUA Conversational Chinese: Part I Learn the basics of Mandarin Chinese. Acquire listening and speaking skills through a variety of fun, interactive group exercises. Learn the Chinese Pinyin and tonal system, and how to recognize and pronounce 300 characters. We will learn how to write and read some characters and conduct simple conversation. You will also be introduced to important aspects of history and culture. Instructor: Faye Wei Chinese language instructor 10 Mon., Feb. 2 to Apr. 13 (no class Mar. 2) 6 to 8 PM • $195 • TUCC 18 Japanese Language Part I: Conversation and Writing Become immersed in the culture of Japan. Receive a useful primer that introduces you to basic Japanese conversations, traditions, as well as the Japanese calligraphy, known as “Shodo.” By practicing conversations as well as “Shodo,” you will learn the culture of Japanese writing, including his tory, philosophy and “Zen” like spirit. Students should bring cal ligraphy equipment to class. The instructor will explain necessary items for the calligraphy portion at the first class meeting. TUCC Instructor: Akiko Mori Japanese language instructor 8 Thurs., Mar. 12 to Apr. 30 5:45 to 7:45 PM • $175 • TUCC n Arts, Literature and HISTORY NEW Four Women and a Russian: Timeless and New Global Fiction (book discussion) This semester we will read some old, some new, and some not so very old gems of literary fiction. We begin, at popular request, with Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s chilling tale of murder and corruption in 19th century Russia, Crime and Punishment. From Russia we fly to 1950’s Naples, to read the mysterious Elena Ferrante’s coming of age novel, My Brilliant Friend. We follow with Brian Morton’s New York story of Florence Gordon, a crusty feminist of the sixties. We continue with the autobiographical Nora Webster, Colm Toibin’s much-lauded tale of an Irish widow. We end with a southern American classic from the twentieth century, Eudora Welty’s The Optimist’s Daughter. Feel free to bring a snack or bag lunch. Instructor: Miriam Camitta, PhD Lecturer, University of Pennsylvania Section II 5 Tues., Feb. 10, 24, Mar. 10, 24, Apr. 7 1 to 3 PM • $115 • TUA The Conservative Round-table This lively and interactive course is structured to provide a place where people, who maintain a politically conservative foundation, can share perspectives, deepen their knowledge base, and learn from others. You will have the opportunity to comment on assigned readings, pose questions and contribute your positions. Become more confident about your opinions and be more effective in conversations that are centered on local, national and international politics. Instructor: Stewart Bolno Principal, Political Persuasions Consultant 6 Tues., Feb. 17 to Mar. 31 (no class Mar. 3) 6:30 to 8:30 PM• $95 • TUCC NEW Drawing for the Absolute Beginner (online) Gain a solid foundation and understanding of the basics to drawing. Become the artist you’ve always dreamed you could be! You’ll become familiar with paper types, drawing styles, rendering techniques, and the basic principal of perspective, layout, design, lighting, volume, and space. You’ll even discover how best to get in touch with your right brain. $119 • Online Register at: www.ed2go.com/tua NEW Start Your Own Arts and Crafts Business (online) Do you have an art or a craft and you dream about starting your own home–based or small business? Learn how to start your own business from a professional artist. Discover how to find your niche within your chosen craft and how to create your own unique business identity. You’ll also see what makes Section I 5 Tues., Feb. 10, 24, Mar. 10, 24, Apr. 7 10 AM to Noon • $115 • TUA Register online at noncredit.temple.edu/nce or by phone at 267-468-8500. marketing in the arts and crafts business different from marketing in most other enterprises, and you’ll find a sales approach that meshes with your personality and preserves your creative integrity. $119 • Online Register at: www.ed2go.com/tua Mon., Mar. 9 • 6:30 to 8:30 PM $45 • TUFW NEW Necessary Fictions: Early American History It is largely forgotten that George Washington called the American victory in the Revolutionary War, “A standing miracle ... of [numerous] causes to produce this Event; which in probability at no time or under any circumstances will combine again.” Discover the real history of the Revolutionary War to learn the truth of his remarks versus the needed popular fictions and perceptions. Instructor: Richard Hartman Mon., Mar. 16 • 6:30 to 8:30 PM $45 • TUFW NEW Growing Up with the Web The history of the Web’s impact on the lives of young adults born in the 1990’s is the basis of this course. This interactive experience reflects on World Events from 1990 to now and the personal and world–wide, positive and negative impacts of the Web now and in the future. Instructor: Richard Hartman Mon., Mar. 30 • 6:30 to 8:30 PM $45 • TUFW entertainment Introduction to Wine Appreciation* There’s red and white, foreign and domestic. If that sums up your knowledge of wine, check out this enlightening wine–tasting course. Learn to recognize different grape varieties and their characteristics as we sample from the major wine regions of the world. Gain the vocabulary to put you at ease with wine lists and labels. You’ll learn how to buy, order, serve and store wine with confidence and pleasure. Instructors: Neal Ewing and Robert Peters phillywine.com 3 Thurs., Feb. 12 to 26 7 to 9 PM $125 (includes materials) TUFW *NOTE: You must be at least 21 to attend. NEW Wines of the Napa Valley and Sonoma* The Napa Valley is famous for starting the modern winemaking revolution in the U.S. and having a tremendous impact on world wine culture. On the first night, we will cover as many regions important to the tradition and future of this American Icon. On the second night, we’ll move to Sonoma. After years of playing second fiddle to Napa Valley, Sonoma has come into its own as a destination for wine lovers who want a more relaxing, laid back wine country experience. We’ll explore traditional favorites like Sauvignon Blanc and Zinfandel, as well as the current star, Pinot Noir. Instructors: Robert Peters and Richard Unti Best of Philadelphia Magazine 2 Thurs., Mar. 19 and 26 7 to 9 PM $85 (includes materials) TUFW *NOTE: You must be at least 21 to attend. NEW Craft Cider Tasting* Did you know that craft cider industry is growing by 80% a year? And, it doesn’t look like it will decrease anytime soon! Discover more about the cider history in the U.S. as well as present artisanal ciders from Spanish sidras, French Keeved cidre, British farmhouse ciders, as well as American craft ciders. Instructor: Patrick Huff Co–Founder, The Maryland Cider and Mead Trail Thurs., Mar. 12 • 7 to 9 PM $75 • TUFW *NOTE: You must be at least 21 to attend. NEW Wines of Northeastern Italy* The Tre Venezie–Friuli, Giulia, Veneto along with the Alto Adige have been the crossroads of past empires starting with the Romans. Austria–Hungary, Bavaria, and France have left an imprint on the wine industry there. We will enjoy wines from all the regions and find out why this area has become the largest producer of wine in Italy. The usual suspects of Amarone, Pinot grigio and Prosecco will make an appearance, along with a few up and coming unknown varietals. Instructors: Robert Peters and Richard Unti Thurs., Apr. 16 • 7 to 9 PM $65 (includes materials) TUFW *NOTE: You must be at least 21 to attend. NEW Homemade Soups, Sauces, and Stocks Putting together fresh, homemade meals becomes easier once you’ve learned a few basic recipes for soups, sauces and stocks. Join us in the kitchen with Chef Steven Waxman and learn to make chicken stock, beef stock, chicken soup, beef barley soup, and brown chicken gravy. Instructor: Steve Waxman Chef and Owner, Trax Restaurant Mon., Mar. 30 • 7 to 9 PM $65 Trax Restaurant, Ambler, PA *NOTE: No discounts apply to this course. Campus Location Codes: TUA - Temple University Ambler; TUFW - Temple University Fort Washington; TUCC - Temple University Center City 19 Personal Enrichment NEW The Marx Brothers: Their Story and Their Music You may have seen the Marx Brothers on film or TV, but what do you really know about their life, the mother Minnie, their vaudeville career or their Broadway triumphs? Join us for an in-depth biography of the brothers as comics and musicians, along with the opportunity to hear their music and learn about their careers as musicians. Instructor: Richard Hartman Retired School Teacher n FOOD and The Ambler Arboretum of Temple University The Ambler Arboretum of Temple University is an accessible, historic, public garden within the Ambler Campus of Temple University. Its mission is to serve as a living, learning laboratory for students, professionals in the field, and the general public. The Ambler Arboretum courses, taught by Temple faculty and respected practitioners in the field, utilize the University classroom resources, including the Ambler Arboretum. n horticulture Personal Enrichment Certificate in Master Home Gardener & Landscape Design Learn what it takes to make your home garden and landscape beautiful, and how to keep it that way for years to come. The required courses and recommended sequence to earn the certificate are: • Analyzing Your Garden and Landscape • Woody Plant Identification • Herbaceous Plant Identification • Residential Landscape Design • Landscape Maintenance (summer only) Analyzing Your Garden and Landscape You drive by a property and say, “I wish my home looked like that!” So, where do you start? First, you have to be able to analyze your property. This course will enable you to create a base plan of your property’s existing elements and teach you how to evaluate your property’s environmental conditions to ensure the success of your new design. Instructor: Robert Dougan Grounds Supervisor, Jeanes Hospital 2 Wed., Feb. 25 and Mar. 11 (no class Mar. 4) 6:30 to 9:30 PM • $99 • TUA 20 Woody Plant Identification Study the variety of trees, shrubs and vines that form the foundation of our natural and designed landscapes. Learn to identify the types and how each is best used in the landscape. Find out how to maintain them to prevent pests, diseases and other problems. Saturday classes take place outside in the beautiful Landscape Arboretum on the Ambler Campus. Instructor: Robert Dougan 2 Wed., Mar. 18 and 25 7 to 9 PM and 2 Sat., Mar. 21 and 28 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM $155 • TUA Herbaceous Plant Identification: Spring Plants Learn how to identify many types of spring–flowering perennials and wildflowers. Many of these plants have attractive foliage and other unique characteristics, such as texture, that provide interest when the plants are not in bloom. Care and proper culture will be discussed. Plants native to our area will be noted. Instructor: Ruth MacCarthy Director of Horticulture, Cathedral Village 3 Wed., Apr. 1 to 15 7 to 9 PM and Sat., Apr. 11 9:30 AM to Noon $135 • TUA Residential Landscape Design Prerequisite: Analyzing Your Garden and Landscape This course will provide you with an introduction to the principles and processes of landscape design. Learn how to combine flowers, trees, shrubs and groundcovers into an attractive landscape. You will receive an overview of the design process, including analysis of existing environmental conditions and identification of specific design goals. You will also be introduced to design principles and elements, including pavements, walls, fences, plants, etc. Instructor: Robert Dougan 3 Wed., Apr. 22 to May 6 6:30 to 9:30 PM and 2 Sat., Apr. 18 and 25 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM $225 • TUA n horticulture electives Creating Your Vegetable Garden Join us for an introduction to vegetable gardening. We will explore garden siting, bed preparation, and discuss early varieties of vegetable crops that can easily be grown from seed or purchased already started at your local garden center. Learn the importance of companion planting and crop rotation. Discover different types of pests that will visit your garden along with least-toxic means to control them. Finally, learn what should be planted for summer harvest. Instructor: Brenda Sullivan Horticulturist and horticulture therapist 2 Tues., Mar. 24 and 31 7 to 9 PM • $85 • TUA Register online at noncredit.temple.edu/nce or by phone at 267-468-8500. NEW Stormwater Tools for the Home and Community Discover the basics of stormwater management principles and practices for the home, including do–it–yourself installation of rain gardens, rain barrels, downspout planters, porous paving and other stormwater tools. Learn overall environmental issues relating to stormwater runoff effecting communities, and plans to mitigate the problem, including Philadelphia’s innovative Green City, Clean Waters green stormwater infrastructure initiative. The course involves one field trip to a working rain garden. Instructor: Douglas DeMers Owner, Home Sciences, LLC Introduction to Beekeeping Beekeeping is a fun and interesting hobby that allows you to produce the delicious treat of honey while helping the environment. In the first weekend, you’ll learn the basic principles to get started. We’ll discuss location requirements, how to obtain bees, required equipment and how to care for your new colony. During the second weekend, we will cover seasonal management, harvesting honey, and disease control. You will have the opportunity to visit Temple’s bee yard for hands-on activities. No prior knowledge of honey bees or beekeeping is required. Please bring a bag lunch as the lunch break is only 30 minutes. Instructor: Vincent Aloyo, PhD Master Beekeeper Sat./Sun., Feb. 21 and Feb. 22 and Sat/Sun., Mar. 21 and Mar. 22* 11 AM to 3:30 PM • $149 • TUA *Dependent on weather conditions. If too cold to work with bees, class will be rescheduled for March 28 and 29. Learn and develop the skills to make beautiful floral arrangements for home, weddings and parties. The four courses in the certificate are: • Floral Design I • Floral Design II • Flower Arranging of Yesterday for Today (spring only) • Flower Arranging for Special Occasions (summer only) Floral Design I Develop the basic skills of designing with flowers and foliage — fresh, dried and silk. Learn how to make flowers last longer and become proficient in the selection of colors and flower types to coordinate with living spaces and entertainment needs. Supplies are available at cost (approximately $20) from the instructor. Please bring floral clippers to each session. Instructor: Priscilla-Gene W. Shaffer, BA, ART 4 Thurs., Jan. 29 to Feb. 19 7:15 to 9:45 PM • $125 • TUA Floral Design II Prerequisite: Floral Design I, or basic floral design skills Learn more advanced techniques for creating lovely floral arrangements, including combining fruits and vegetables with flowers, designing in glass, and other current styles. You will work with a wonderful assortment of seasonal flowers to create beautiful arrangements to take home. Supplies will be available at cost (approximately $20) from the instructor. Please bring floral clippers to each session. Instructor: Priscilla-Gene W. Shaffer, BA, ART 4 Thurs., Feb. 26 to Mar. 26 (no class Mar. 5) 7:15 to 9:45 PM • $125 • TUA Floral Arranging of Yesterday for Today Responding to the classical influences and updating the old masters’ way with flowers is a particular joy in the spring. Learn the distinctive patterns of flower placement, color harmonies, containers, and flower types for the pleasant outcome of the Dutch and Flemish, French, and Victorian styles of European flower arranging, as well as the Williamsburg and Colonial styles of the New World. Supplies will be available at cost from the instructor. Please bring floral clippers to each session. Instructor: Priscilla-Gene W. Shaffer, BA, ART 6 Thurs., Apr. 2 to May 7 7:15 to 9:45 PM • $165 • TUA n FLORAL DESIGN ELECTIVES Creating Tropical Flower Arrangements The intense colors and unusual forms of tropical flowers make them impressive ingredients for sensational floral arrangements. The dramatic bird–of–paradise, the boldness of anthuium, and the elegance of dendrobium orchid sprays are but a sample of the exotics you will use for making striking floral compositions. At each session, you will create a tropical floral arrangement to take home. Flowers and materials will be available at cost from the instructor. Please bring floral clippers to class. Instructor: Priscilla–Gene W. Shaffer, BA, ART 4 Tues., Mar. 10 to 31 7:15 to 9:45 PM • $125 • TUA Campus Location Codes: TUA - Temple University Ambler; TUFW - Temple University Fort Washington; TUCC - Temple University Center City 21 Personal Enrichment 3 Tues., Apr. 7 to 21 6:30 to 8:30 PM • $85 • TUA Certificate in Floral Design n HEALTHY LIFESTYLES Personal Enrichment and exercise Yoga… a Body, Mind and Spirit Workout Yoga poses are not just a way of becoming strong and limber, but are being discovered as a way of relaxing and reconnecting with body, mind and spirit. Studies show yoga improves muscle tone, flexibility, strength and stamina; stimulates the immune system; improves balance, sleep and digestion; and helps to manage arthritis, headaches, back pain, blood pressure and chronic pain. All levels of fitness are welcome to participate in this beginner class. Instructor: Lois A. Hitt Adjunct professor, Temple University & President, WellCore Group 10 Mon., Feb. 2 to Apr. 13 (no class Mar. 2) 6 to 7 PM • $125 • TUA Yoga Extension Here’s a great way to continue your yoga routine until the next session begins in the summer. This four-week extension will allow you to keep active and practice your yoga techniques. Or, if you’re not sure if yoga is for you, register for this four week course and receive a great yoga introduction. Instructor: Lois A. Hitt 4 Mon., Apr. 20 to May 11 6 to 7 PM • $55 • TUA Buddhist Meditation for Beginners: Arouse, Cultivate and Fulfill Discover the philosophy and practice of the Anapanasati sutta meditation – the teachings of the Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama and includes practice sessions, lectures and class discussion. Participants will develop a daily sitting practice, acquire a solid view of Buddhist Meditation, develop skills in approaching traditional obstacles to meditation, learn the contemplative method of study, and study and practice mindfulness within daily life activities. Instructor: Tammy Keorkunian, MA, RYT, CYT, ECMT Meditation facilitator and instructor 6 Tues., Mar. 10 to Apr. 14 7 to 9 PM • $125 • TUA Self Defense for Women The worst part of an attack for a victim is the feeling of total helplessness. Discover some techniques that will allow you to physically escape dangerous assaults, offering you empowerment in place of defenselessness. Also, you will have fun, get in shape and meet new people while building your mental and physical strength. Learn a life skill that may protect you and the ones you love. Instructor: Sean Keyser Personal Safety and Self Defense Advisor Dementia for Family Care Givers (Online) This course is designed for family caregivers dealing with Alzheimer’s disease, Vascular dementia, Lewy-Body Dementia or other conditions which cause significant memory problems. We will cover essential elements to address throughout the illness, common health complications, and tips from professional care providers who deliver person–centered care. Feb. 2 to 27 • $149 • Online NOTE: No discounts apply to this course. Ballroom Dancing: Dance like the Stars Enjoy great music while you learn the basic movements of the most popular ballroom dances, including the fox trot, cha cha, jitterbug, waltz and tango. Gain confidence and skills while having fun and getting in shape. Learn dance techniques you’ll enjoy for a lifetime. Partners are recommended but not required. Please wear tennis shoes to dance. Instructor: Paul J. Wilburn Cut-a-Rug DJ & Dance 4 Sun., Mar. 22 to Apr. 19 (no class Apr. 5) 6 to 7:30 PM • $79 • TUA NOTE: Register two people at the time of registration and pay $140 (a savings of $18). 6 Tues., Jan. 27 to Mar. 3 6 to 7 PM • $85 • TUA LifeLong Learning Society TEMPLE UNIVERSITY FORT WASHINGTON FOR LEARNERS 50 & UP If you enjoy active, stimulating classes with great teachers, topics and students, consider joining the LifeLong Learning Society at Temple University Fort Washington. Classes are offered during the day and are designed for adults 50 and up, but adult learners of all ages are welcome. Learn more about these programs by contacting us at: Temple University Fort Washington: 267-468-8500 or temple.edu/lifelonglearning Spring classes start March 11, 2015. We look forward to seeing you at Temple University – where learning never ends! 22 Register online at noncredit.temple.edu/nce or by phone at 267-468-8500. n College Prep Sat., Mar. 28 11 AM to 12:30 PM $45 • TUA Write a College Essay and Resume That Reflect the Real You This workshop is designed for high school juniors and seniors. Did you know that the college admissions process compares to looking for a job? You may have the qualifications, but not know how to sell yourself. Learn the best ways to present your experiences, activities, and personal information on college applications. Instructor: Linda George GMAT (Online) Applying to graduate business and management schools usually means taking the GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test). Learn testtaking techniques and methods for improving your score and saving time on all GMAT question types. You’ll review the more familiar questions and learn how to approach question types that may be new to you, like critical reasoning and data sufficiency. In the verbal lessons, we will discuss how to do your best on reading comprehension questions, sentence correction questions, critical reasoning questions, and the analytical writing assessment. In the quantitative lessons, we provide a comprehensive math review and techniques for tackling both problem solving and data sufficiency questions. You will practice on actual GMAT tests from previous years. $119 • Online Register at: www.ed2go.com/tua Sat., Mar. 28 • 1 to 3 PM $45 • TUA 4 Sat., Jan. 24 to Feb. 21 (no class February 14) 9 AM to 1 PM $235 • TUA Experience Temple Summer Programs for High School Students (Rising Juniors and Seniors) • Earn 3 college credits • Choose from courses in business, education, communications, health professions or science • Experience Temple U and the City of Philadelphia Applications Available in January 2015. For more information, visit temple.edu/summer/leadership or call 215-204-2712. Campus Location Codes: TUA - Temple University Ambler; TUFW - Temple University Fort Washington; TUCC - Temple University Center City 23 College Prep SAT Exam Review Workshop ATTENTION, HIGH SCHOOL JUNIORS AND SENIORS! The SAT Review Workshop can help you prepare for the PSAT and SAT exams. Improve your chances of getting into the college of your choice by strengthening your skills and building confidence while learning how to raise your scores. Learn guessing and test-taking techniques that will save time and energy on the exam. SAT Math preparation: learn specific strategies in quantitative analysis and multiple-choice questions. Build the algebra and geometry skills you need to succeed. SAT Critical Reading preparation: strengthen your vocabulary, learn how to analyze unfamiliar words and sharpen your reading comprehension. SAT Writing section: review grammar skills for multiple-choice questions, learn strategies for essay questions and write a practice essay. Instructors: Eileen Abrams, MA, MEd College writing instructor, academic coach and Andrew Isom, Instructor, Mighty Writers and Math teacher NEW A Workshop for Parents: Surviving the College Application Process Do you want to offer some ideas to help your child through the college application process? Discover tips for writing a resume, as well pointers for creating concise, original, and insightful essays that impress admission counselors. Instructor: Linda George Professional Writing Coach, Award–Winner Writer Non-Credit Course Registration • Instructions Registration is Easy! For ALL courses: Call 267-468-8500 (Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover) Online: noncredit.temple.edu/nce Mail registration with check payments to: Temple University Ambler Office of Non-Credit and Continuing Education 580 Meetinghouse Road Ambler, PA 19002 In person, come to Temple University Ambler Administration Building Monday to Friday: 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM OR In person, come to Temple University Center City 1515 Market Street, Suite 215 Philadelphia, PA 19102 Monday to Friday: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM The following registration/cancellation policies apply to most non-credit courses: Registration Payment in full, by check or money order, must accompany your mail-in registration form. Online registrations must be paid in full by credit card. We regret that we cannot accept cash. Registrations are processed in the order that they are received; register early to reserve your place in the classes of your choice. You will receive a confirmation letter indicating that you are registered. Registration Deadline Registrations should be received one week prior to the start of the first class session. Cancellation and Refund Policy A participant who withdraws from a course in writing, up to one week prior to the starting date of the course, will receive a refund less a $25 withdrawal fee; for all certificate programs the withdrawal fee is $50. For courses costing $75 or less, the withdrawal fee is $10 per course. No refunds will be given after that time. E-mail your withdrawal request to course.withdrawals@temple.edu. Please note that if you do not officially withdraw from the course and you do not attend the course, you are still responsible for payment. Temple University reserves the right to cancel a course for any reason. If the course is cancelled for any reason, you will be notified and your entire tuition fee will be refunded. If you have any questions regarding the cancellation and refund policy, please call 267-468-8500. Course Location Most course descriptions include a code that indicates the location: TUA=Temple University Ambler, TUFW=Temple University Fort Washington, TUCC=Temple University Center City. If you want to confirm the location of a course, please call us. After we process your registration, you will receive a confirmation letter indicating the course and campus location of your class(es). Parking and Transportation TUFW/TUA – Parking is free for those enrolled in non-credit courses. For Ambler, you will be mailed a parking permit for use in the student lot (which is about a two-block walk from most buildings). At Fort Washington, parking is available adjacent to the building at 425 Commerce Drive. TUCC – Discounted evening rates, with Temple validation, are available at nearby garages. Information on parking will be sent with your confirmation letter. TUCC, located close to Suburban Station, is convenient to SEPTA train and bus service, the Broad Street and Market Street subways, and the PATCO Hi-Speedline. Online Courses Register for ed2go courses at www.ed2go.com/tua. Register for Gatlin Education courses at www.gatlineducation.com/tua. For LERN online courses, register at noncredit.temple.edu/nce Or, call 267-468-8500 for assistance. No discounts apply to online courses. You may choose only one discount. Discounts available only at time of registration. NOTE: Discounts do not apply to online courses, CFP program and other courses where noted. #1 AVID LEARNERS Register one person for three or more courses on the same registration form and receive a 10 percent discount on the total. #2 FRIENDS AND COLLEAGUES OR CORPORATE DISCOUNT Register three or more individuals at the same time and for the same course and receive a 10 percent discount on the total. #3 OLDER AND WISER People 60 years of age and older may take 10 percent off of any course fee. Registration Form • Spring 2015 Mail completed form to: Temple University Ambler Office of Non-Credit Programs 580 Meetinghouse Road Ambler, PA 19002 PHONE: 267-468-8500 REGISTER ONLINE: noncredit.temple.edu/nce General Information (This form may be duplicated for additional registrations.) To register and pay for a non-credit course using a check or money order, please complete the information below and mail to the address above. To register and pay for non-credit courses by credit card, please visit us online at noncredit.temple.edu/nce or call 267-468-8500. We regret that we cannot take credit card payments by mail. Name Date of Birth Home Address City Day Phone State Evening Phone ZIP Cell Phone E-mail address Course Selections Course Title Campus Location Course Fee Materials Fee Course Title Campus Location Course Fee Materials Fee Course Title Campus Location Course Fee Materials Fee Course Title Campus Location Course Fee Materials Fee Course Title Campus Location Course Fee Materials Fee Total Course Fees 10% discount applied (Discount #1❍ or #2❍ or #3❍) $ Minus $ (see applicable discounts on page 24) Total Amount Due $ Payment Mail-in registrations with this form must be paid by check or money order. We regret that we cannot take credit card information by mail. If you wish to pay with a credit card, please register online at noncredit. temple.edu/nce or call 267-468-8500. ❍ I am enclosing a check, made payable to “Temple University” in the amount of $ SPRING 2015 Non-Credit and Continuing Education Course Guide Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Philadelphia, PA Permit No. 1558 SPRING 2015 PROFESSIONAL Development Professional Communication Management and Leadership Written Communication Database Management and Design Web Site Design Wedding Planning Certified Financial Editing and Writing Planner Interior Design Healthy Lifestyles and Exercise Special Programs Digital Photography Hands-on Classes College Prep Horticulture Register online! noncredit.temple.edu/nce Call to register: 267-468-8500 Postmaster: Please deliver to occupant. Writing and Literature 580 Meetinghouse Road Ambler, PA 19002 Personal Finance Food and Entertainment Languages Office of Non-Credit Programs PERSONAL Enrichment Undergraduate Programs @ Temple University Ambler (TUA) Enjoy classes in the state-of-the-art Learning Center, complete a variety of bachelor’s degrees, and begin more than 100 undergraduate Temple degrees. For details, call 267-468-8100. Graduate Programs @ Temple University Fort Washington (TUFW) and Temple University Ambler (TUA) Programs include Education, Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance/Regulatory Affairs, Community and Regional Planning, Landscape Architecture and Social Work. For more information, call 267-468-8500 or visit www.tufw.temple.edu.