

27 MAI 2015
Von 15:00 bis 19:00
Inhalt :
Vorstellung des Projektes
Die 11 ausgewählte Unternehmen
Vignobles Burliga
Bureau Lacoste
Solutions TechProd
Seite 3
10 - 15
Liebe Unternehmer,
Ich habe mehr als zwölf Jahre in Deutschland gewohnt (in Bensheim) und
in deutschen Firmen gearbeitet.
Deutschland ist für mich meine zweite Heimat!
Wir haben Vision Bordeaux Export mit 15 Experten im Internationalen
Handel wie eine Wirtschaftsbrücke zwischen der Region Bordeaux und
Deutschland gegründet.
Die Zielreise, für das Jahr 2015 , ist Frankfurt/Main und Hessen.
Die 15 Fachleute kommen alle aus dem Unternehmensbereich; 60% sind
deutschsprachig, haben schon oder arbeiten noch in Deutschland.
Wir bekommen Unterstützung von vier Gewerbevereinen aus Bordeaux
und privaten Partnern , wie Getrag Ford Transmissions Gmbh, Air Liquide,
Caisse d´Epargne/ Natixis, Rhenus logistics .
Wir stellen Ihnen 11 erfolgreiche Unternehmen vor, die ihre Produkte
und Dienstleistungen auf dem deutschen Markt bringen wollen: Vertrieb
entwickeln, Kunden gewinnen, Technologie Transfer aufbauen.
Ich wünsche Ihnen viel Freude bei der Entdeckung der Geschichte dieser
Unternehmen und freue mich sehr Sie persönlich kennen zu lernen , über
die Visio-Konferenz, den 27ten Mai !
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Jean-Yves Mougeolle
Um an der Visio-Konferenz teilnehmen zu dürfen, Senden Sie uns bitte eine
email an: jy.mougeolle@gmail.com
Einreichungsfrist: 20 Mai 2015
Secure Collaborative Solutions
Activity : Editing software company
Creation date : 2012
Employees : 4
Website : www.tamashare.com
History :
Tamaplace develop different kinds of applications to promote remote collaboration
Pierre Salinas, senior engineer founded Tamaplace to build an open platform able to
create application.
Yannick Brudieux, new technologies evangelist since 15 years, took the lead of the
project to find vertical business to develop.
Secure Collaborative Solutions
References :
Clients :
Leads :
Contests :
Secure Collaborative Solutions
Sales model :
We’ve plan to make direct sales on march 2015 of Tamashare and we’ve already got
plan to make « White Label » application to be resell by others.
Key features :
- Security and privacy : our app provides a secure solution to share documents and
applications with no cloud storage.
- Instant sharing : when you drop document into the working space, they appear
- Connectivity optimization : our application works well even in 3G connection.
- Interactivity : with the display of the hand of each participant, interaction begin
- Communication : Instant messaging, VOIP and Webcam capabilities.
Secure Collaborative Solutions
Sales model in Germany : Reseller and direct sell.
Retribution for distributors / resellers :
- Product : we begin with Tamashare, we can provide custom application for
specific needs and also provide new application during the year (Interschool,
for further information: www.tamashare.com
- Promotion : we will bring all support (video, design) to help to sell.
- Training : we’ve plan to make remote training for each reseller and customer
- Financial : profit sharing based on commission.
Activity : Group decision-making platform
Creation date : 13/02/2015
Co-funders : 5
Website : www.demophonie.com
History & Context :
At the time companies are requiring more "collaboration", group decision-making has
never been so complex. For only one decision, we are able to receive dozens of emails,
lose hours in meetings (or by organizing them) and read several pages of a forum or
group discussion.
The outcomes are worrying:
- The "physical" decision-making (including videoconference) without strong
organizations up to 5 participants is very difficult (unavailability, always the same
participants, physical distance, travel cost, no commitment).
- The mail, forums or other groups are ineffective to decide online (loss of value of the
email, the information is not clear, endless debate, no clear state of progress).
History & Context :
- It is very difficult to have a clear and effective monitoring of our decisions (What are the
group decisions to make? What was the outcome of this decision 2 months ago?).
It is high time that our group decisions making become simple, effective and clear.
That is why Demophonie.com was created.
Demophonie.com is a new kind of tool: A group decision-making platform.
The project is supported by Demophonie S.A.S, a startup registered in France based in
bask country.
Guillaume TASTET (President & Interface designer), Alexandre HAGEN (back-end
programmer), Sébastien GONZALEZ (front-end programmer), Guillaume RODRIGUEZ
(back-end programmer) and Bastien MOULIA (front-end programmer) fund the start-up.
Based on an original web platform Demophonie.com dedicated to each decision makers’s
group, Demophonie enables any decision makers to efficiently organize the co-construction
and collective decision-making of your project.
Every user of the platform can submit projects, which present a major interest for the
group, so that these can be carried out thanks to the cooperation of other members on
the platform.
Commercial prospection:
Companies up to 50 employees,
City hall,
Hospital environment,
University & Educational System
Contest winner:
Sale model:
The current online version is a beta. The beta phase will be free.
Then a multi-level subscription system SAS based (Software as a Service)
(September 2015) and an intranet software version will be released (beg 2016).
Key features:
- Improvement: our app provides a secured and online solution to group decision-making.
- Methodology: The current platform offers 2 types of decision for the moment:
• Co-Construction Decision: Organise an consultation about an open issue.
• Multiple Choice Decision: Hold an open vote between several identified solutions.
- Instant messaging: Instant or asynchronous messaging are possible to allow everyone
to participate to the decision-making.
- Overview: Instant agreement level or ranked list allows everyone to track the decisionmaking progress.
- Only needed data: For each decision, participant can share sources (documents, photos, videos)
Key benefits:
Improve management and reduce lead-time
Take advantage of the collective intelligence of your groups and reduce the risk
of bad decisions with your customers and employees.
Track your decision at every stages
Easily find the current decisions or consult the history of your decisions in a
few clicks.
Reduce the cost of group decision-making
Save time and energy (20% less emails, reduce meeting time).
Effectively reduce associated costs (travel, video conference room rental)
Sales mode in Germany:
- Reseller and direct subscription sell from the web site Demophonie.com
Retribution for distributors / resellers:
- Product: Starting with Demophonie, the service will be available using modern web
browser. Just connect yourself to Demophonie.com (register is free).
- Promotion: All support (video, design) will be provided to help to sell.
- Training: Remote training plan for each reseller and customer will be available.
- Financial: profit sharing based on commission.
Activity : Brand of natural skin care products
Creation date : 02/03/2012
Employees : 3
Website : www.oceopin.com
History :
Océopin was founded in 2012 in the pinewoods of Cap-Ferret, near Bordeaux
(France), with the ambition of creating an innovative cosmetic range combining
excellence, naturality and efficiency.
Our flagship product, L’HUILE DE GRAINES DE PIN MARITIME® (Maritime pine seed
oil®) is the result of ten years of studies conducted by Professor Robert Wolff, a
researcher at the Institute of Fats & Oils in Bordeaux. Dermatological and clinical
tests have shown its exceptional benefits for the skin. Océopin is the one and only
harvester and manufacturer of maritime pine seed oil in the world.
History :
All our products are certified organic and manufactured with the utmost care:
unique textures, high formulas concentrated in natural active ingredients, allergenfree, without the use of preservatives or additives.
The Océopin cosmetic range is suitable for delicate and sensitive skins of the face
and the body.
Océopin is a family owned company managed by its founders: Jean-Jacques Berger
and his daughter, Marina Berger.
They gave OCÉOPIN brand its present form and philosophy: to offer organic skin
cares entirely imagined, sourced and produced in France.
References :
Clients : Pharmacies, Parapharmacies, Natural food stores (hygiene/beauty department).
Contests : “1.618 Paris selection 2014” is award honours
the brands which represent excellence in terms of innovation,
sustainable initiative and quality.
Organic certification : Ecocert
Sales model:
We’ve plan to enter partnership with a German distributor specialized in natural
beauty products. Our ambition is that Océopin range be solded in natural stores and/
or pharmacies in Germany.
Key features:
- Innovation: our flagship product L’HUILE DE GRAINES DE PIN MARITIME®
(Maritime pine seed oil®) is unique in the market. This new cosmetic facial oil has
all the strengths needed to attract German customers and to prevail upon
« competitors » like argan oil, for example.
- Patent: Backed by cosmetic and clinical objectivization tests, the results of our
investigations on maritime pine seed oil® have been patented.
Key features:
- Research: Océopin is putting research at the heart of its development
fundamental guarantor of efficiency and high quality.
- History and marketing: Océopin history is a family history rich with passion and
closely linked to its native land along the French Atlantic coast, the Cap-Ferret
peninsula and the Bordeaux region. Furthermore, maritime pine has a strong
imaginative and marketing power.
- Sustainable approach: Organic certification + respect for the natural environment
and forest recovery.
- Made in France: All our products are totally made in France from harvesting
through to packaging.
Sales model in Germany : Distributor
Retribution for distributors / resellers :
- Product : Beginning with Océopin, we provide all products and communication
tools: packaging, point of sale advertising and brochure, testers.
- Promotion: We will bring support to help to sell: our website (already in English)
+ our brochures and product labels will be translated in german. There is also a
possibility to participate in a german cosmetic trade show if necessary.
- Training: We can plan to train distributor and/or points of sale in Océopin skin
care products (use, virtues, brand image).
- Financial: commission.
Activity : Development business application
on smartphone & tablets
Interactive and dynamic online catalog editor.
Creation date : 09/2010
Employees : 5
Website : www.soft-mobiles.com
History & Context :
Softmobiles was created by two experts who have both been working for 15 years in
information and communication technology business sector. Stéphane Vergnères and
Valéry Chevrot founded the company in 2010. Softmobiles develops mobile apps for
the B to B field of activity on Smartphones and tablets. The company works for services,
industry and mass-market retailing activities.
References :
Main Clients : Leroy Merlin, Samsic, Adidas Group (adidas and Reebok brands),
Astera, Bordeaux airport, Casino Bank, Alstom and Michelin.
Contests :
- Nominee as best solution at Mobile World Congress 2013
- Nominee as best innovative solution for sales at CGPME 2014
Focus on our B2B solution for sales
Key features :
Development business application on smartphone & tablets
Innovation: internal communication support between contributors.
Interactive: make it easy customer interaction and all contributors in business
Dynamic: instant and regular updating of your data via a dedicated back office
Adaptability: Custom design and development applications
Key features for the Online Catalog “Softcatalog”:
Softcatalog is an interactive and dynamic online and offline catalog for sales on tablets.
Directly marketable: Ready to use thanks to optimized development
Business: Streamline your process and boost your sales
Marketing: become a change leader in your business
Economic: immediate return on investment
Sales mode in Germany :
- Resellers for the online catalog “Softcatalog”
- Direct sale for customers’ applications
Retribution :
- Promotion: Softmobiles will provide all marketing materials (video, website, app
demo and documentation) to promote and sell the product.
- Training: commercial and technical assistance for our partners (call, skype, other
- Financial: revenue sharing based on turnover
Activity : Weine und Alkohol
Creation date : 1984
Employees : 2
Website : www.burliga.com
(under construction)
History :
BURLIGA’s vineyards from father to son.
A story of passion in History… which has celebrated the 30 years in 2014. In the core
of Bordeaux vineyard area, the Burliga’s family estate take its roots in Beychac-etCaillau, on a ground located just a few kilometers from Saint Emilion. Some walls of
the estate are dating from the 12th century.
The history begins in 1984, with fifteen acres, when Jacques Burliga bought the
Château La Lande de Taleyran. He wanted to produce wines and his only aim was a
high quality.
History :
The exploitation is growing up with the resumption of two estates : Château PAULIN
in 1986 and Château LANDRIEU in 1993. Arnaud BURLIGA, the only family heir, has
fallen in love with the spirit called" wine." This passion brought him to a
undergraduate qualification in oenology, agronomy and business.
He worked in prestigious vineyards : Château Lamothe, Château La Cardonne
(anciently owned by Lafitte Rothschild) to (perfectionate) improve his knowledge.
Then, he moved in Oregon (U.S.A.) to be a winemaker during two years.
Enriched by all those experiences, he joined his father on the estate in 2005.
In 2008, the family built a modern wine storehouse of 1200 m ².
Concerned by preserving the environment, the family uses all technics to protect
biodiversity (combination of organic and integrated farm management) to insure our
customers, workers and land to have a longer life with our products.
BURLIGA’s vineyards are exploiting 54 hectares on 2015.
References: BURLIGA’s family passion for wine has been awarded several times
in France and abroad :
- Gold, silver and bronze medals at the Concours Général Agricole de Paris
(First one in 1987)
- Gold, silver and bronze medals at the Concours de Bordeaux Vins d’Aquitaine
(First one in 1986)
- Gold and silver medals at the Concours International de Lyon 2014
(First participation)
- Gold, silver and bronze medals at the Concours des Grands Vins de France de Mâcon
(First one in 1992)
- Gold, silver and bronze medals at the International Wine Challenge
(First one in 1986)
- Bronze medal in 2012 for Château PAULIN Bordeaux Supérieur Rouge 2010 at
the first participation at the DECANTER World Wine Award
Our wines are sold in Bordeaux, in France but also in Europe and all over
the world (30-40% our production).
Typologie unseren Kunden :
Spezielle Kaufhäuser (« GMS ») 30 %
Kaffee Hotels Restaurants (« CHR ») 20 %
Kellermeister (« Cavistes ») 30 %
Privatpersonen 5 %
Handel außer Platz von Bordeaux : 15 %
Großhändler / Händler
1/ Direkte Kommerzialisierung
Wir haben kein Vermittler.
2/ Unser Produktionswerkzeug
Wir haben ein moderne kellertechnische Austattung. Wir können unsere
Produkte individuell gestalten (zum Beispiel die Etiketten).
3/ Grosse Palette von Weinen
Wir schlagen for verschiedenen erkunftsbezeichnungen (« Appellations »).
Wir haben auch eine Handelsgesellschaft. Zum Beispiel, wir können Champagne,
Weine von Bourgogne oder Weine von Provence verkaufen.
Jeder Vorschlag wird uns interessieren.
Wir werden versuchen, unsere zukünftigen Gesprächspartner so gut wie möglich
zu befriedigen.
Activity : Makers of winding cable machines
Creation date : 01/1979
Employees : 19
Website : www.drouaire.com
History :
Mr Jean-Claude DROUAIRE created his company in 1979. At the beginning, he was
making agriculture machinery but quickly, with the help of his brother Roger
DROUAIRE and his past in CEFILAC factory, he dedicated the production to cable
winding machines. In 1999, Emmanuel DROUAIRE, his son, took the lead and is still
managing with his brother Sylvain DROUAIRE.
Clients: For about 20 years, we are making cable machines for three kinds of
customers :
* 1 / Cable makers (eg: LAPP, NEXANS, PRYSMIAN, SILEC,…)
* 2 / Cable sellers (eg: REXEL, SONEPAR…).
* 3 / Cable users (eg: ALSTOM, TELECOM, EDF…)
Leadership: As the only French maker of these machines, we have now 90 % of the
French market and are one of the leaders in Europe.
3 Key features:
Customized service to meet all the customer needs
Reliability and quality of making with competitive prices
After sale service in 48 hours in all Europe.
Sales model in Germany : Reseller with a commission by a small company able
to sell and maintain.
Retribution for distributors / resellers :
- 10 % commission with at the end, the same customer price as in France.
- We print all documentation needed with the help of the reseller to have a good
- 50 % participation of Light & Building fair in Frankfurt (every 2 years).
- Training in Germany and also in France by our commercial and technical team
with visits of customers together.
- After, an extension to Austria is possible.
Activity : Delamet Group specializes in industrial
environments, industrial maintenance, civil and
industrial security
Delamet has R&D departement,
design departements, assembly workshop
Creation date : 1997
Employees : 45
Website : www.delamet.com
Delamet proposes its services in:
• Air & smells treatments
• Atmospheric dispersal with the EOLAGE® system
• Ventilation
• Dust control
• Treatment of the air
History :
1997 - Creation
2000 - Delamet was interested in air treatment and especially smells treatments
2001 - Delamet has developped Eolage® technology
2002 - Demalet has received a patent for Eolage® system
As of today, Delamet has installed nearly 85 systems "Eolage®" in France and Europe
References/Clients :
Sale’s model of Eolage® : In France we are in direct contact with our clients.
In Europe we sale via our distributors
Key features of Eolage® :
- Multi-technical
- Easy installation on-site
- Lack of comsumables
- All types of odour
- Robust product
- Optimised energy consumption
Eolage® process captures the rejections (1), propels them at high
altitude (2) so that it disperses into the atmosphere(3).
3 – To disperse
Sales mode in Germany: Delamet is flexible on the modalities of collaboration. We are
looking for a distributor having an expertise in air treatment. Our process "Eolage®"
would complete the range of distributor’s products.
Retribution for distributors / resellers :
- Innovation and perspectives of development: Patented product/Maintenance and
after sale services/Netwotk of competent professionals in numerical simulation
- Marketing and publicity: German presentation brochure is participate in trade
shows (IFAT)
- Training : Possibility of training cession in Germany
- Finance : Commision on sales or preferential price for a distributor
Water-treatment plant
Composting sludge
Food factory
Water-treatment plant
Manufacturing of asphalt
Water-treatment plant
Activity : Industrial Robotics
Creation date : 1965
Employees : 70
Website : www.lucas-robotic-system.com/fr
History :
LUCAS has been designing and manufacturing machines for major industrial firms for
50 years.
LUCAS SA was founded in Préchac
Launch of the first heavy-load handling systems
Machines went into mass production
Founding of the LUCAS raw-material machining
1st 4-axis cartesian robot
Launch of the expanded LUCAS cartesian robot range.
Launch of the LRS "Lean Robotic System"
References :
Clients : Integrator
Integrator’s customer:
Contests : Label productivez, robot start PME; robocaliser
Sales model :
We sale to integrator (like actemium), they adapt our standard robot in order to sale
it in an entire facility to final customers (like airbus).
Key features :
Our solution offers the following advantages:
- Upgradable, modular solution, which may be extended even after it is installed.
- Optimises the use of space in your plant.
- Rigidity, precision, and repeatability.
- Reliability.
Our cartesian robots may be up to 100 metres long.
They provide ideal solutions for handling heavy, bulky payloads and/or covering
long distances.
Sales model in Germany : To find a partnership with a German firm, we can make a
product exchange and use our knowledge of the French market to sale our partner
Retribution for distributors / resellers / partners:
- Product :
Product will be adapted for the German market (instruction, translation, etc.…)
- Promotion :
Promotion is at the charge of Lucas with suggestion of his German partner.
Promotion consist in newsletter, web site, exhibition participation
(hanover mess, automatica in Munich), and invitation at the production site.
Retribution for distributors / resellers / partners:
- Training :
The partner will be trained with all Lucas product,
Commercial offer will be made by the partner, but the cotation will be made by Lucas, a
specification file is the link between the German partner and Lucas in order to follow
technical data.
Due to the big size of Lucas robot, the final assembly on the customer site will be done
by Lucas team, but we wish to create technological transfer to our partner.
- Financial :
The partner will take a percentage on each sale, we wish it no higher than 5%, the heavy
load linear axis is very concurrential, price is one of the major parameter of a sale.
In the case of a product exange we can imagine to have lower percentage between
Lucas and his partner.
Activity : sell products, especially bottle holders,
made of cork composite
Creation date : 13/11/2013
Employees : 1
Website : www.biwine.co
History :
The concept for the bottle holder made of cork was born out of a passion observation and
aspiration: Claudia Courtois (reporter for national media in Bordeaux) has been a keen cyclist
for 20 years, cycling through the city in all weathers. She does not only love the art of twowheel travel, she also enjoys purchasing wine in local (Bordeaux) specialist wine shops
because of the excellent advice, great price and high quality.
But bicycles and wine bottles don’t always mix well. Negotiating busy roads and traffic as
well carrying bags and shopping leaves little room to safely carry your favorite bottle of wine.
One day, she asked Vincent Poujardieu (designer) to start thinking about an original design
for a wine bottle holder that filled at least four essential criteria: it had to be stylish, practical,
bicycle friendly and as ecologically sound as possible.
In earlier 2013, BIWINE was virtually born and technically one year later. With different
options and versions.
References :
Vineyards: Pape-Clément, Haut-Bailly, Smith-haut-Laffite, (AOC Pessac-Léognan),
Kirwan, Prieuré-Lichine (Margaux), Giscours, etc.
Hôtel-restaurants: La Grande Table (Bordeaux), La Co(o)rniche (Arcachon), Les
Sources de Caudalie (Cadaujac), Le Saint-James (Bouliac)
Shops: Bazartherapy (Paris), Les Intendances (Bordeaux), 54 avenue (Biarritz), La
Galerie du fou du roi (Strasburg)
Websites: keyofaurora.com (Zurich), Daandi.com (Paris)
Firms: Decaux, CEVA Santé animale, CIV
Sale model in France:
I sell as well directly to the consumers as the resellers (shops, vineyards, hotels...)
and to marketing or communication services of French firms.
Key features :
- The double-shell is entirely made out of cork covering the bottle completely: a unique
feature for bottle holders. Cork is a natural insulator ensuring the bottle holder keeps
the wine at an ideal temperature for several hours.
- Each half shell is 2cm thick, making the BIWINE® shockproof (cork’s natural property):
it secures and protects a quality wine to be carried safely. The two halves of the shell
are held together with magnetic fastenings which also ensure it is airtight.
- The double shell is sealed, rot-proof and water-repellent. It is designed to protect
bottles from the elements and avoid any sand or water intrusion.
- All the process of the production is sustainable.
- It's made in European Union
- With its design and materials, BIWINE® can be customized for corporate gifts.
Sales model in Germany : Resellers
Retribution for distributors / resellers / partners:
- Product: Beginning with BIWINE with leather, we're working on a glow tube version,
less expensive and more up-cycling (ready for next June).
For the end of 2015, a new range for champagne bottles
- Promotion: flyers, pictures, posters and documentation in English
- Training: It's simple to understand but we’ve got data technical sheets and some
Skype meetings can be planned.
For important resellers, of course, I'll come to the city.
- Financial: profit sharing based on commission.
Bureau LACOSTE – Bordeaux - Franck Lacoste
Activity : wine sourcer for importers
and distributors
Creation date : 1903
Employees : 2
Website : www.lacosteandpartners.com
History :
As usual in the wine world, this is a family story. The agency was founded in 1903 by
Franck Lacoste’s grand-grand father, the current manager. Franck is running the
agency since 1996.
Bureau LACOSTE – Bordeaux - Franck Lacoste
References / Partners:
Wine estates : more than 500 producers, from the small estates (some hectares) to
the large ones (more than 100 hectares), some Grand Crus, as well as cooperatives.
Wine merchants and Importers / distributors : in France, wine merchants.
In China and in the US, importers and distributors.
An agency in China was established in 2007 (4 collaborators).
A project for 2015 : to establish an agency in the US (Las Vegas).
Bureau LACOSTE – Bordeaux - Franck Lacoste
Key features :
- provided services for wine estates :
- help winemakers to sell directly to export markets
- prospection for them
- provided services for importers / distributors :
• help importers / distributors to get new opportunities directly from the producers
(new wines and new partners) : I answer the various demands and needs, and
propose new opportunities
• secure the process
• help importers / distributors to sell the wines on their markets : take part of tastings
next to their clients, accompagny distributors’ sales reps, together with the
Bureau LACOSTE – Bordeaux - Franck Lacoste
Business model :
Products - Prices – minimum quantities - delivery - invoicing : from small chateaux
entry level at 2,50 €/btle ex-cellar to Grands Crus around 20,00 €/btle ex-cellar.
Core business between 5,00 / 10,00 €/btle ex-cellar.
The minimum quantity per wine : 600 btles
The picking of the wine is preferently under the responsability of the importer.
The producers are invoicing the importer
Sales mode in Germany :
Importers / distributors, and resellers
Activity : Business Sectors with Germany :
Business Tourism
Creation date : 04/2008
Employees : 2
Website : www.solutionstechprod.com
History :
SOLUTIONS Tech Prod is a business booster that coordinates his teams according to a
global high-level process. The keys of our success are to federate high level skills teams
within the technical, technological, sales and logistic domains of the Wine tourism and
Oster Aquaculture and to orchestrate the organization of all them with the talents of a
great design event.
History :
Created in 2008 by Mrs. Dominique SAUBOT CHEVET, a talented Director in technical
Design Solutions and Event Organization since 30 years, her Agency offers you
personalized and modular services to attend precisely your needs.
To create a successful event, our dedicated project manager will become your best
friend and will understand your expectations to the last details. She will guide you and
advise you on how to position your project and how to sublime your wishes. She will
facilitate the set up of your projects and will propose you reliable, suitable and
performing services for the best results and the most professional client hosting.
Our professionalism in the event organization is an added value a real pitch for your
References :
98% of our turnover with companies
Accor, Air France, BASF, Bouygues, Bosch, Coca-Cola, Cofinoga, EDF, Fleury
Michon, Girondins de Bordeaux, Groupe Havas, Ikéa, Kodak, Leclerc, Leroy
Merlin, Lyonnaise des Eaux, Mc Donald's, Miko, Mooving, Norwich Union,
Orange, Oxbow, Philips, Rothchild, Sanofi, Schlumberger, SNCF, Valéo, Védior
Bis, Xerox, Sita Sud Ouest, Kéolis, Sages Software, Cofrend, Omegashow,
Kedge, L’Oreal, La route du Soleil, Rds Events, Enseirb Matmeca, Susuki,
Sagarmatha, les Hôtels Mercure, Canal +…
3 advantages
Experienced a single contact
- Event provider and logistics coordinator with our A to Z solutions
- Commercial operator to optimize the success of the event
- Communication agency to showcase your project
What distribution method with Germany we looking for?
Since 2008, SOLUTIONS Tech Prod is a key economic player in the development of
Bordeaux, considered as a very sophisticated city in France. Our knowledge of the
region is wide and solid. Some of our customers are themselves very famous and
belong to the upper level class such as the big “Chateaux” and “Grands Crus”
We are looking for project holders in event business, exhibitions and conferences
with Prescribers. The project holders can be communication Agencies, event
planers, or communication services of corporate accounts in the industry fields, all
attracted by the heritage of Bordeaux, classified since 2007 by Unesco and willing to
support the economical.
Development Perspective - Sales mode in Germany
More precisely, we are looking for companies in the luxury business, the healthcare
business, pharmaceutical business, agriculture, aeronautics manufacturers, car and
equipment manufacturers, or beverages industries.
SOLUTIONS Tech Prod is willing to position itself as the unique and preferred contact
of the German event organizer committee. We are committed to work for international
key accounts!
Our difference with a smile
- Listen & Accomplice
- Soft & access
- Anticipates & Goes
- Reactive & Close
- Efficient & Professional
- Rigorous & High performance
The privileged of being welcomed: Welcome Bordeaux !