Position #1: CSU STEM Collaboratives


Position #1: CSU STEM Collaboratives
The College of Science and Mathematics is proud to announce its selection to host one
AmeriCorps*VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America) member during the 2015-2016
academic year. This is one of 15 VISTA positions awarded to STEM (Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics) programs throughout the CSU system and the only VISTA award
among CSU campuses in the Central Valley. The new CSU STEM VISTA program has as its
theme “Building Institutional Capacity for a Stronger Baccalaureate.”
Our CSM VISTA will help the College of Science and Mathematics launch a new support
program for incoming freshmen during the summer and the 2015/16 academic year. The position
will focus on assisting staff and faculty with efforts in building capacity of planned
programmatic support mechanisms intended to increase student success.
Overall expectation: A one-year commitment beginning July 15, 2015 to support the College of
Science and Mathematics and its Advising and Resource Center (ARC).
Position #1: CSU STEM Collaboratives
This CSM VISTA will be an integral part of the ARC, focusing on developing enhanced
programming for our incoming freshmen.
The CSM VISTA will work specifically with faculty in the Biology, Chemistry and Earth and
Environmental Sciences (EES) departments to enhance a 5-day STEM summer enrichment
program and first year experience program. The VISTA will assist faculty in developing new
learning opportunities and will track and monitor the progress of students accepted to the
Specifically, the CSM VISTA will work under the supervision of the ARC Director to:
develop workshops to help increase students’ knowledge of campus resources;
develop a plan to track student engagement in program components;
assist faculty with CSM 10 and CSM 15 courses;
assist faculty with the training of e-portfolios and managing students work as it is being
uploaded; and
assist staff and faculty with the monitoring of peer advisors’ interaction with the new
freshmen population.
Required qualifications for the VISTA position:
B.S. or B.A. in a STEM or STEM-related discipline. The CSM VISTA will have strong
organizational skills and the ability to collaborate at the local department, college and university
level, including establishing partnerships with community K-12 programs and industry partners.
VISTA must have strong and effective written and oral communication skills. Applicants from
groups traditionally underrepresented in STEM (minority, first-generation student, female) will
be particularly valuable to our project. Hispanic and Hmong applicants are especially encouraged
to apply.