POE Training Guide


POE Training Guide
Point of Entry Training
CareLogic Enterprise:
Training Guide
Point of Entry
Point of Entry Process Flow
The following diagram shows the process flow for the Point of Entry module. An outline of the process
flow follows the diagram.
Contacted by Client. Clients
generally make contact with a
treatment facility through a
referral source or by calling
Client Search. The POE
module is used only to admit
new clients into the system. In
order to confirm that a client
does not already exist in the
system, you must perform a
client search.
1. directly.
POE Wizard. The POE Wizard
is used to collect the following
information about the client.
Payer Authorization
Admit to Program. The final
step in the POE process is to
assign the client to a treatment
CareLogic POE Training
The Point of Entry (POE) module is used to enter new consumers into the system. The
process of admitting new consumers involves completing the POE Wizard, which allows you to
collect basic information about the consumer, such as demographic information, consumer
guarantors, consumer payers, payer authorizations, and consumer co-pay information. The
POE Wizard allows you to admit consumers into the system by either scheduling an
appointment (for out-patient services) or by assigning them to a bed (for in-patient/residential
Once the POE Wizard is complete, and the client is admitted into the system, all of the client‟s
data is moved to the ECR (Electronic Clinical Record) module. This means you must use the
ECR module, rather than the POE module, to modify a client‟s data once he is admitted into the
system. The POE module is used only to gather the initial client data and then admit clients into
the system.
Point of Entry Wizard
CareLogic POE Training
Adding New Consumers to CareLogic
(11 steps)
Procedure for adding new consumers
Step 1:
Click the Point of Entry tab.
Step 2:
On the Client Name Information screen, enter the consumers First Name,
Last Name, Date of Birth and/or SSN on the Client Name Information
Click Submit to perform a duplicate person search. Based on the result,
complete Step 4a or 4b.
If you find the person is already in the system DO NOT add as a new client.
Verify if the consumer is currently active in a FSA program by clicking on
Intake History.
Step 3:
– If they are currently active (no discharge date on the program listed)
then there is no need to complete POE. Go directly to the consumer
ECR and add a program via Program History. (See Add a Program),
NOTE – You will need to enter a reason to enter the Consumer‟s ECR.
Enter “POE – Adding _______ as new program.”
Step 4a
Step 4b:
Step 5:
Step 6:
If they are NOT currently active (there is an end date listed for all
programs), then click Start a New Referral.
If the consumer is NOT found via the duplicate consumer search in Step 3,
click the Add as a New Client button.
The Demographics page will appear. Complete the Demographics page
by entering consumer information in all required fields.
 Select the Organization that the consumer will be admitted to
 Enter First and Last Name
 Enter telephone number(s) where the consumer can be reached. Be
sure to indicate if it’s okay to identify as Drenk staff when calling or
leaving messages at each number.
 Enter consumer address.
 Enter birth date, gender, race, ethnicity, smoking status, and primary
language at a minimum.
 Please note that you will not be able to submit this information
unless the SSN# is entered. If the SSN# is not available at this time,
enter „Not Available‟ in the SSN explanation box, or other
appropriate explanation. You can return to the Demographics page
later to obtain SSN and other information.
 Select Referral Source – type a few letters and press the TAB key
to populate the dropdown menu.
 Click Submit to save consumer demographics information. The next
module screen/page will automatically appear.
Initial Contact Info – This is where additional consumer information and
treatment history is entered.
CareLogic POE Training
Step 7:
Click on Guarantors. By default, the consumer is listed as his own
guarantor. Change both radio buttons, as shown below, to “NO”.
Click Submit to save guarantor information
Step 8:
Click on Payer to add insurance information for the consumer.
Please note that when entering new client‟s into CareLogic, the Payer
defaults to Self-Pay until you Add a Payer Type.
Click on Add a Client Payer and complete the necessary fields in the Payer
Information Entry page, then click Submit to save and add Payer.
Step 9:
Click Assign Directly to Caseload OR Schedule Appointment in the
Point of Entry wizard.
 Click Assign Directly to Caseload.
 Complete the Direct Caseload/Schedule Assignment page.
Click Submit in the navigation bar.
CareLogic POE Training
Add a Program  Complete if Client is already active in another FSA
When a consumer is already active in another FSA program, but is being admitted to your
program, you will need to add your program for the consumer via the ECR > Program History.
(7 steps)
Procedure for adding a program for a consumer.
Step 1:
Perform a Client Search or access a consumer from your caseload.
Step 2:
Click the ECR button that corresponds to your consumer.
Step 3:
Click Show Menu in the shortcut bar.
Step 4:
Select Program History from the menu to access the Program History
Click Add a Program.
Step 5:
The Client Program Entry page appears.
Step 6:
Step 7:
Begin Date/Time – Enter the date and time of the admission. Note –
this will default to the current date/time.
Organization – Select your organization.
Program – Select your program.
Staff – Select an appropriate staff person. Note – the consumer will
appear on this staff‟s caseload.
Override Default Services? – Select No.
Default Per Diem Activities – Automatically fills in if applicable.
Click Submit.
CareLogic POE Training
Locating a Consumer in Point of Entry (POE)
If you need to leave the POE process at any time to do other things in CareLogic, you can
always find the consumer later by searching for them in Incomplete POE.
(4 steps)
Procedure for locating a consumer in Incomplete POE.
Step 1:
Click on the Point of Entry tab.
Step 2:
Click Show Menu in the shortcut bar.
Step 3:
Click Incomplete POE.
Locate your consumer in the list. Keep in mind, the list could be several pages
long. You can click on “Call Date” to sort the list by date.
Step 4:
CareLogic POE Training
Point of Entry Menu Options
The Point of Entry module contains two menus: the main Point of Entry menu and the Point of
Entry Wizard
Point of Entry Menu (under „Show Menu‟)
POE Reports – This option is used to run a report on all incomplete POE consumers.
The report will list all consumers who have not been admitted to a program.
POE Wizard – This option is used to enter new consumers into the system. It allows you
to search for duplications before entering in new consumers.
POE Search – This option is used to access point of entry records by entering userdefined search criteria.
Incomplete POE – This option is used to access the POE records that have started but
not scheduled an intake or assigned to a staff member‟s caseload.
Scheduled POE – This option is used to access the POE records that have been
scheduled for an appointment.
CareLogic POE Training
Point of Entry Knowledge Exam
The Point of Entry Module is used to:
enter new staff/employee into the system
register new consumers
post insurance payments
to configure payer plan charge-master
The first step in the PoE Wizard is to perform a consumer search.
a. True
b. False
The Organization field is used to
determine which program the consumer will enroll in.
determine at which organization new consumers will have their episode created.
determine the consumer‟s place of employment.
determined by the consumers education history.
Guarantor is defined as _____________________________________________
By default, every consumer in the system is set up as his own guarantor.
a. True
b. False
List four Point of Entry record search options.
Once a consumer has been assigned directly to a caseload, you
(Can / Cannot ) _________________________ make any changes to the point of entry
record through the point of entry wizard.
---------------------END-----------------------CareLogic POE Training