TAMPA BAY FIELD BOOK - Tampa Bay Chapter of FSMS


TAMPA BAY FIELD BOOK - Tampa Bay Chapter of FSMS
A Monthly Publication by the Tampa Bay Chapter of the Florida Surveying and Mapping Society VOLUME 21 President’s Message Next Meeting Secretary’s Report Treasurer’s Report Announcements ISSUE 5 IN THIS ISSUE MAY 2015 PAGE 1 2 3 4‐5 6 7 Ready for a vacation? This year’s FSMS Conference in Naples offers a nice break. Is this your next survey instrument? Look inside to see the newest Florida law concerning the use of drones. 2014 – 2015 Chapter Officers President Vice President President Elect Past President Joe Shatto, PLS Jared Phillips, PSM Justin Ferrans, PSM Leon Hampton, PSM (561) 722‐6382 (727) 324‐3180 (727) 461‐6113 (321) 231‐4874 joe.shatto@wantmangroup.com jphillips@georgefyoung.com justin@polaris‐survey.com Lham5910@yahoo.com Treasurer Secretary District Director Bob Dye, LSIT Chris Wild, PSM Pete Mattson, PSM (727) 432‐2782 (407) 619‐0343 (813) 629‐9609 redye@tampabay.rr.com cwild@drmp.com pmattson@elementeg.com VOLUME 21 ISSUE 5 MAY 2015 PAGE 2 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE by Joe Shatto FSMS 60th Annual Conference July 29th – August 2nd Naples Grande Resort 475 Seagate Resort Naples, Florida 34103 Early Registration ends July 4th ******************************************************************************************** News for UAV’s CS/CS/SB 766 ‐ Surveillance by a Drone General Bill by Appropriations and Judiciary and Hukill
Surveillance by a Drone: Prohibiting a person, a state agency, or a political subdivision from using a drone to
capture an image of privately owned real property or of the owner, tenant, occupant, invitee, or licensee of
such property with the intent to conduct surveillance without his or her written consent if a reasonable
expectation of privacy exists; authorizing the use of a drone by a person or entity engaged in a business or
profession licensed by the state in certain circumstances, etc.
SB Substituted for CS/CS/CS/HB 649 By Judiciary Committee and Civil Justice
Subcommittee and Criminal Justice Subcommittee and Metz
Effective Date: 07/01/2015
Last Event: 05/15/15 Chapter No. 2015-26 on Friday, May 15, 2015 11:07 AM
CS/CS/CS/HB 649 ‐ Surveillance by a Drone General Bill by Judiciary Committee and Civil Justice Subcommittee and Criminal Justice Subcommittee and
Metz (CO-SPONSORS) Dudley; Harrell; McBurney; Rodrigues, R.
Surveillance by a Drone: Prohibits person, state agency, or political subdivision from using drone to capture
image of privately owned real property or of owner, tenant, occupant, invitee, or licensee of such property
with intent to conduct surveillance without written consent if reasonable expectation of privacy exists;
specifies when reasonable expectation of privacy may be presumed; authorizes use of drone by person or
entity engaged in business or profession licensed by state in certain circumstances; provides exception;
authorizes use of drone by employee or contractor of property appraiser for purpose of assessing property for
ad valorem taxation; authorizes use of drone by certain utilities for specified purposes; provides for civil
action for compensatory damages & injunctive relief for violations; provides for recovery of attorney fees &
punitive damages; specifies that remedies provided are cumulative to other existing remedies.
Companion Bill passed CS/CS/SB 766 Surveillance by a Drone By Appropriations and Judiciary and Hukill
Effective Date: July 1, 2015
Last Event: Companion Bill passed, refer to CS/CS/SB 766 on Monday, April 27, 2015 2:44 PM; HB Laid on
VOLUME 21 ISSUE 5 MAY 2015 PAGE 3 NEXT MEETING March Chapter Meeting Thursday, June 25, 2015 5:30 pm Happy Hour 6:30 pm Meeting and Dinner Location TBD Cost: $20 members & guests $15 associate members Credit/debit accepted VOLUME 21 ISSUE 5 MAY 2015 PAGE 4 Florida Surveying & Mapping Society Tampa Bay Chapter Thursday, April 23, 2015 Meeting Minutes Location: Beef ‘O’ Brady’s, 9311 N. 56th St., Temple Terrace 33617 Meeting Start: 6:30 pm Persons in Attendance: 22 members and guests The meeting was called to order with Secretary Chris Wild reading the anti‐trust statement. SECRETARY’S REPORT  Secretary Wild explained that January’s reports were not accepted by the chapter due to the joint meeting Motion #1 – A motion was made by FSMS Vice President Dianne Collins to accept the January Secretary and Treasurer’s reports as published in the Tampa Bay Field Book. It was seconded by Ed Wackerman and passed unanimously. Motion #2 – A motion was made by Vice President Collins to accept the March Secretary’s report as published in the Tampa Bay Field Book. As there was no discussion on the motion, it was seconded by Director Pete Mattson and passed unanimously. TREASURER’S REPORT  Treasurer Bob Dye will send an email to Marilyn Evers asking when we can expect chapter dues Motion #3 – A motion was made by Vice President Collins to accept the March Treasurer’s report as published in the Tampa Bay Field Book. As there was no discussion on the motion, it was seconded by Mark West and passed unanimously. DIRECTOR’S REPORT  Board meeting May 15th in Tallahassee COMMITTEE REPORTS  Civic/Community Committee o Last event was Paint Your Heart Out on March 28th o Looking at weekends in May for next Adopt‐a‐Highway cleanup  Special Events Committee o Bowling Tournament to support PAC fund in June  Membership Committee o Will check on non‐paid members  Education Committee o Always looking for speaker ideas  Scholarship Committee o TBSMSF Golf Tournament was April 18 o Mr. Wackerman said participation was low OLD BUSINESS  Pop top collection competition continues NEW BUSINESS  Jeff Kohler reported the sad news that Ray Whitehurst passed away  Dianne Collins reported the sad news that Kristi Breed passed away VOLUME 21 ISSUE 5 MAY 2015 PAGE 5 
Next BPSM meeting May 4th‐6th in Tallahassee Next FSMS Board meeting May 15th in Tallahassee Next chapter meeting May 28th in Pinellas County Russell Hyatt spoke about his trip to Washington, D.C. for Capitol Hill Day with NSPS/MAPPS GUEST SPEAKER Chris Wild, PSM gave a presentation on Infrastructure and the Highway Trust Fund Motion #4 – A motion was made by Vice President Collins to adjourn the meeting. Mark Quinn seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Minutes recorded by Treasurer Bob Dye and submitted by Secretary Chris Wild. VOLUME 21 ISSUE 5 MAY 2015 PAGE 6 VOLUME 21 ISSUE 5 MAY 2015 PAGE 7 UPCOMING EVENTS Check fsms‐tbc.org/events for more information June Chapter Meeting July Chapter Meeting June 25, 2015 July 23, 2015 60th Annual FSMS Conference July 29 – August 2, 2015 | Naples Grande Beach Resort ANNOUNCEMENTS CONFERENCE DRAWING Attend chapter meetings and other events throughout the year for your opportunity to win one full conference registration with one night’s hotel stay. To be eligible to win, members must attend at least 50% of all chapter‐sponsored events, with each subsequent event attended over said 50% resulting in one additional entry. Individuals must be a full member at the time of the drawing (tentatively to be held during July’s meeting) but do not have to be present to win. ADVERTISE IN THE TAMPA BAY FIELD BOOK $15 per month – business card size $20 per month – 1/4 page $30 per month – 1/2 page $50 per month – full page $100 per year – business card size $200 per year – 1/4 page $300 per year – 1/2 page $500 per year – full page fsms‐tbc.org