ACTIVITIES - Florence School of Regulation


ACTIVITIES - Florence School of Regulation
The Florence School of Regulation – Communications and Media (FSR C&M) at the European University
Institute aims to provide state-of-the-art training for practitioners, to carry out analytical and empirical
research, and to promote informed discussions on key policy issues in the electronic communications and
media sector.
The FSR C&M training courses combine high academic standards with a deep and direct understanding of current regulatory
issues and trade-offs. At the same time the training activity seeks to build a unique regulatory culture and a wide networking
capability across European companies and public institutions.
Annual Training on
Communications and
Media Regulation
Consisting of a residential part (60+
hours divided into 4 blocks) and online tutorials/e-learning activities, the
training runs from October to April.
Lecturers are prominent representatives
from academia, EU Commission and
National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs)
as well as private actors. The Annual
Training is open to staff members
from NRAs, private companies and the
European Commission, as well as to
Advanced Executive
Ad-hoc Training
1.5 day course on selected crucial issues
tackled in such a way as to provide an
innovative and constructive contribution
to the debate. This advanced training is
open to: executive level staff from private
companies, senior level regulators and
civil servants of the European institutions.
To be eligible for admission, more junior
staff should have previously completed
the FSR C&M Annual Training.
These are specific training courses
organised upon the request of NRAs or
private companies supporting the FSR
C&M Activities. The structure and the
focus of the training are decided jointly.
The FSR C&M is carrying out research in the electronic communications and media field. It also regularly opens calls for finalised
papers finalised to contribute to its Working Paper Series and participates in or conducts specific research commissioned by
relevant stakeholders.
Scientific Seminar
An annual event that takes place
on the last Friday and Saturday of
March. On this occasion, selected
papers dealing with electronic
communications and media issues
are presented following a call for
papers. The objective of this seminar
is to turn theory into practice.
Working Papers
The FSR C&M publishes academic
contributions in its FSR C&M
Working Paper Series. This is done
through regular calls for papers as
well as a follow-up of its Annual
Scientific Seminar.
May 2015
Ad-hoc Studies
The FSR C&M also carries out
specific studies commissioned by
different stakeholders active in the
electronic communications and
media sector.
Every year the FSR C&M organises a series of policy events, which gather speakers and participants who bring to the table the
point of view of the different stakeholders (European Commission, NRAs, public institutions, private companies, academics,
regulators, etc.).
Annual Conference
This event usually takes place the last
Friday of May and looks at the present and
future of the electronic communications
and media sector. A comparison with
non-European perspectives usually
enriches the discussion.
Policy Workshops
The FSR C&M organises workshops
aiming to discuss specific topics and hot
issues in the electronic communications
and media sector.
Inter-sectorial Conferences
The FSR C&M organises joint events
together with the other areas of the
Florence School of Regulation on specific
topics that involve different network
Director and Research Team Scientific Committee
Prof Pier Luigi Parcu manages the FSR A group of widely-known experts both
C&M working together with a team of from the academic and professional
worlds ensures that the School’s activities
research associates based in Florence.
meet the highest academic standards.
Current Members of the Committee:
Prof Bohlin, Prof Bourreau, Prof
Cambini, Prof Cave, Prof De Streel, Prof
Gambaro, Prof George, Prof Helberger,
Prof Hoernig, Prof Marcus, Prof Monti,
Prof Parcu, Prof Peitz, Prof Preissl, Prof
Sassano, Prof Valcke, Prof Valletti.
Advisory Council
Composed of members from the private
partners supporting the FSR C&M, it
provides suggestions for the overall
working programme.
Research Team
Support Team
Part-time Professor, Carlo Cambini -
Web Master, Lorenzo Giuntini -
Coordinator - Research Associate, Paula Gori -
Project Manager, Claudio Mazzetti -
Research Associate, Marco Botta -
For more information visit Director, Prof. Pier Luigi Parcu -
Administrative Assistant, Alessandra Caldini -
Research Associate, Virginia Silvestri -
Research Associate, Maria Luisa Stasi -
FSR Communications & Media, EUI, 19 Via delle Fontanelle – 50014 San Domenico di Fiesole, Florence, Italy (+39 055.4685803) –
Institutional partner:
Private partners:
May 2015