june 2015 color - First United Methodist Church


june 2015 color - First United Methodist Church
June 2015
First United Methodist Church — Hartford, WI
FUMC Mission Statement
“Making Disciples of Christ”
VBS, lots of pictures, new
construction, Imagine No
Malaria, Hospitality up-
Special Thanks to Rachel Garza
date , Relay for Life and
much more!
From Pastor Paul
P. 3
Youth News
P. 8
First United Methodist Church
738 West Monroe Avenue
Hartford, 53027
Rachel Garza has served the church in a variety of
ways and especially in her position as our Membership Care Coordinator. Many of you greet Rachel on Sundays as you enter the church.
She has helped in countless ways.
Recognizing the changing needs of the congregation, the Staff Parish
Ministry Team and the Leadership Council voted to discontinue the
position of Membership Care Coordinator effective May 31, 2015.
Over the summer a new job description will be developed creating a
position that will strengthen our ministry and mission.
Be sure to thank Rachel Garza for her work as our Volunteer Coordinator.
Paul Johnsen
Director of Children’s Ministries
Kari Staus
Office Managers
Robin Pfotenhauer & Becki Swenson
Little Lambs Preschool
Deb Justman
District Superintendent
Rev. Deborah Thompson
Our Missionary
Paul Webster
The Coolest Week of the Summer!
June 28th – July 1st 5:10-8pm
Ages 3 – 5th Grade
Everyone is welcome! Find a registration form in the church office or
www.fumchartford.com . This is a free opportunity, but please try and
register by June 12th in order for the VBS team to get the necessary
supplies. There are still snowflakes in Fellowship Hall with food items
listed that we still need. If you have any questions, please contact
Kari Staus at church or 262-370-3909.
FUMC News and Notes
The Bottom Line…
April Receivings: $19,629.37
April Payments: $26,819.89
The average person has their financial priorities in
this order:
1.Lifestyle 2. Saving 3. Giving
This means that you buy what you want to fit the lifestyle that you want, then if there is any money left
you put some in savings and if by chance there is
anything left after that you give to church or charity.
A person who is focused on the heart and mind of
God has their financial priorities in this order:
1.Giving 2. Saving 3.Lifestyle
This means that when you get paid you first give
10% back to God as an act of thanksgiving for all He
has given you, then you put an appropriate amount
in savings and then you CHOOSE your lifestyle based
on what you have left. Our culture encourages us to
live above and beyond our means but God teaches
us to live at or below our means so we learn to be
faithful stewards of our resources. I encourage you
to take a look at your priorities and see where you
Ann Conroy, Treasurer
Youth Video
A copy of our 1998 Easter Sunrise Service youth
presentation of Jesus Christ Superstar is now available on the church YouTube channel. To find the video, go to YouTube and in the search field enter
“1998 Easter First United Methodist Church.” Watch
the entire video for some real historical scenes. Enjoy!
Be sure to attend the Hartford/Slinger
Relay for Life, June 19-20 at the Hartford Union High School football
field. There is lots to do at Relay for
those on a team and those who just
want to support the fight against cancer:
luminaria ceremony
cancer education
face painting
silent auction
bounce house
You can also sponsor a member or two in their walk by
contacting one of our members named below or finding
their personal websites through www.RelayForLife.org/
Karen Bidwell
Tabitha Bryzek
Renee Draper
Lynnette Jordan
Corinn Pillsbury
Bill Vander Pas
Pam Brown
Becky Cleland
Corina Jordan
Joyce Kautz
Andrea Vander Pas
Lori Vander Pas
Or during Coffee Hour you can remember a loved one lost
to cancer, support those still fighting, and honor those
who have won the battle by purchasing a luminaria for a
donation of $5 each or a Cancer Ribbon Key Chain/
Zipper Pull for $1. All proceeds go to the American Cancer Society.
Lori Vander Pas will be the Honorary Chair at Relay for
Life on Friday June 19 at Gib Mahr Field at HUHS. She
will be introduced during the opening ceremony at 6 pm
and will present the Relay for Life Pledge. She will be
sharing her brave and courageous story during the Luminaria Ceremony at 9:30 pm. All are welcome, you do
not need to be a part of a team to attend! Please consider supporting Lori and our Spirit Driven team by attending the Luminaria Ceremony!
Thank you for helping in the fight against cancer!
July 11th, 7:00 pm picnic and
Young adults out of high school are welcome! Singles or couples. 262.224.2442
P. 2
First United Methodist Church — Hartford, Wisconsin
June 2015
From the desk of Pastor Paul…..
"Preaching Around Hartford"
rah Johnsen will preside over the communion
services on Thursday evenings.
While this is an experiment for our congregation, I hope you appreciate the "Preaching
Around Hartford" sermon series. I look forward
to being with you in person on Thursday, June
25 and Sunday June 28!
Paul Johnsen
In June, I will attend my third and final sum- *********************************
mer residency at Luther Seminary in St. Paul,
Minnesota. I appreciate your prayers, support
and encouragement! I anticipate finishing my
thesis and doctoral work early next year.
I will not be physically present at worship the
first three weekends in June. However, I will
be preaching at each of the Thursday
night and the Sunday morning services during
this time. How is this possible? Can I be two
places at once?
With the help of Terry Brown and the support
of the Worship Ministry Team, I have video
taped three sermons that will be shown during worship on the first three weeks in June.
Terry and I have gone outside the church and
recorded these sermons at three different locations in Hartford. You will need to come and
find out where I am preaching each week. I
offer this one clue, I will not be preaching a
sermon from the dollar store!
Meet for golf on Sunday afternoons
at 4 pm at the Hartford Golf Club.
Starts May 31st and continues
throughout the summer
You don’t have to be available every
week. Call the church office
if interested in golfing.
Our liturgists and lay leaders will lead the worship, offering the prayers and welcoming the
children. The Reverends Arv Arveson and SaJune 2015
First United Methodist Church — Hartford, Wisconsin
P. 3
UMW News
Cheryl Malko, President
UMW 150th Anniversary Facts: "Organized by
Methodist women in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1848,
the Ladies' China Missionary Society raised money to
support single women in mission to China. The society women contributed money to the parent boards,
despite receiving the 'cold shoulder' from the clergy.
Nevertheless, in 1858, the Ladies' China Missionary
Society paid for three single women, appointed by
the parent board, to go as teachers to Foochow, China. Two of these women, sisters Sarah and Beulah
Woolston, ran a school for lower-class and abandoned girls. The course of study included literacy
with the goal of reading the entire Bible, writing and
composition, geography, history, arithmetic, astronomy and useful and ornamental needlework. In 1869,
the Ladies' China Missionary Society merged with the
newly formed Woman's Foreign Missionary Society
and the Woolston sisters were adopted as its official
missionaries." (from Conduct Becoming to a Woman
by Elaine Magalis; revised and Expanded Edition
2003 Women's Division, General Board of Global
Ministries of The United Methodist Church.)
Reading Program Highlight - Refuse To Do
Nothing: Finding Your Power to Abolish Modern-Day
Slavery by Shayne Moore and Kimberly McOwen Yim.
Slavery never ended. It just went underground and
people continue to exploit powerless men, women
and children in horrific ways throughout the world.
Refuse To Do Nothing will share insights to illuminate
the shadows where the trafficked and traffickers hide
and will compel, motivate and mobilize friends and
strangers to refuse to do nothing.
Exploit No More (ENM) Update: What's Next?
ENM Upcoming Events:
Friday, July 24 at Ironwood Golf Course - 2nd Annual
Golf Outing
Summer of 100 Yard Sales
Local Upcoming Events
Hope Circle meeting - Wednesday, June 17 at 7:00
p.m. at church. Stuck Study: Scared - Lesson. Program by Carla Kramoris
Mission U - Monday, July 20 to Thursday, July 23;
Overview day Friday July 24 at the Westwood
Conference Center in Wausau. Come together with
people of all ages to develop a greater understanding
of the mission of the church in the current world context. Three studies will be presented:
Spiritual Growth Study - Created for Happiness: Understanding Your Life in God (new)
Geographic Study - Latin America: People and Faith
Issue Study - The Church and People with Disabilities
(2nd year)
Scholarships are available from our local UMW unit
and from Mission U if you are a first-time attendee or
a teen woman. Pastors can also earn continuing education credits and lay speaking/lay servant credits
are available for laity. Registrations must be submitted no later than June 29th.
2015 Goals:
1. Support development consulting firm
through December 2015
2. Equip every church partner to conduct
awareness, training, or outreach event
3. Conduct annual hotel outreach
4. Pray
5. Identify a viable property and complete li
P. 4
July 5th is open and there are other dates available
coming up if you check the list on the office bulletin
board. By July we should be doing coffee hour ‘the old
way’ in our new kitchen so it will be easier!
Serve as a family, small group of friends or as a ministry team within the church (i.e. worship, garden, hospitality, choirs etc.)
We provide everything you will need except the food
you wish to share. Feel free to serve as much food as
you wish. No minimum required!
First United Methodist Church — Hartford, Wisconsin
June 2015
June 14
June 28
June 7
June 21
Robin Pfotenhauer
Rod Bartlow
Ken and Kathy
Brian Swenson
Larry & Ruth
Lee and Nancy
Lisa Bohovsky
Leslie Hogan
Steve and Kathy
Alsum Family
Renee Draper
Glenn Lepien
Joe Pfotenhauer
Trevor Lang
Stephanie Lang
Andrea Vander Pas
Lindsey Wesner
Fred Weiss
Brian & Becki
Stephanie Lane
Tony Collett
George Roemer
Pat Linehan
Ministry Schedule for JUNE 2015
6:00 Bits potluck kick
off -–location TBD
5-8 VBS
5-8 VBS
5-8 VBS
6:30 Prayer Shawl
7-Hope Circle
7-Evening Worship
8-Outdoor Movie
7-Evening Worship
7-Evening Worship
7-Evening Worship
JUNE 2015
Father’s Day
Annual Conference
Graduation Sunday
First United Methodist Church
738 W. Monroe Avenue
Hartford, WI 53027
12 Office closes at 13
11 am on Fridays
ONLY, beginning this
Annual Conference Annual Conference
Get Connected Sunday 1st Sunday of the Month
I know not all of you are fond of wearing name tags and feel everyone knows who you are so, I did a little research
and comprised a list of 10 reasons it is important to wear name badges or tags. I have also heard that some people
do not have a current name badge, if that is you, please contact the office and they would gladly make you a name
I have also been told that a lot of people do not care for the pin on badges that we have. So in light of that we have
also researched the idea of new badges, for those who would prefer a high quality, magnetic badge. We were able to
come up with a nice badge that would cost each person about $5.00. Hospitality would coordinate the ordering and
cover the shipping costs, since we would need about 100 badges to get this pricing. Please watch the pink slips for a
chance to participate. If you are fine with the badges we have right now, great. They are here and ready for the wearer,
but if they are hindering your participation please consider purchasing one of the magnetic badges. They would look
like this:
10 Reasons Everybody at Church Should Wear a Nametag
1. Few people know everybody in the church. Even in the smallest churches, it’s sometimes difficult to remember everybody’s name. If/as the church grows, that task becomes even more difficult. Nametags allow us to admit that struggle while providing a way to overcome it.
2. Leaders need help with names. I want to know everybody’s name in my church, but I’m not gifted with that kind of
memory. I admit I need help if I want to be the best church leader I can be. I would much prefer calling people by name
as I minister to them – and nametags allow me to do so. Let’s be honest . You can remember maybe 200 people’s
names when you see their faces, but you can probably remember about 1500 people when given their and face and
their name-(think about Facebook).
3. Nametags invite conversation. Knowing another person’s name breaks down one barrier to conversations that
church folks ought to feel comfortable having. It’s simply easier to talk with others when you are on a first-name basis.
4. Knowing names makes fellowship more personal. While calling each other “brother” or “sister” sounds good (and is
theologically on target), that nomenclature is often a cover up for “I’m sorry I don’t know your name, and I’m embarrassed to ask.” As long as conversations remain at the anonymous “brother” and “sister” level, fellowship will remain
surface level.
5. Nametags save embarrassment. We’ve probably all called someone by the wrong name, only to realize it later (or
perhaps even within the same conversation). If “brother” or “sister” is a gentle way of saying, “I don’t know your
name,” using the wrong name is an undeniable way of doing so. That’s embarrassing for both parties.
6. Nametags are an inexpensive way to promote outward focus. The church that says, “We don’t need nametags since
we already know everyone anyway,” is probably saying more than they care to admit. My guess is they see few guests
at their church, and they probably aren’t expecting any. On the other hand, using nametags is one way to say: “We expect God to send us guests, and we want to be ready for them.”
7. Guests feel less conspicuous. I understand why we might give guests a nametag, but doing so for them alone actually makes them even more noticeable – and puts them at a disadvantage in conversations. I know their name, but
they don’t know mine if I’m not also wearing a nametag. Guests should never be the ones who must do the asking.
8. Saying to someone, “Please let us know your name” also says, “We want to know you.” Much has been written
about guests’ desire for anonymity in churches, but I take a different slant on that issue. People who come to a church
are looking for something. They often welcome care and concern. What they don’t want is to be smothered and made
uncomfortable. That’s a different issue, though, than simply wanting to know them by name.
9. Guest Oriented. People want to be known . I know there is a school of thought that says that people want to be totally anonymous when they arrive at church. That dangerous application of this belief is that we go out of the way to
make it hard for people to connect. We want to people space to control their experience with our church but we want
to meet them when they are ready to connect. The first step to getting connected is for a member of our team to make
up a name tag.
10. It’s not about you…Name tags by definition are about the other people around us not ourselves. It’s a declaration
that I’m not that big of a deal. When we put on a name tag we are serving other people who might feel uncomfortable
coming up to me.
Blessings, Victoria Triick and the Hospitality Ministry Team
June 2015
First United Methodist Church — Hartford, Wisconsin
P. 7
Youth News
On Sunday, May 17th Youth Group ended the year with a kickball
game and cookout. Over thirty-five 5th - adult joined in the fun enjoying a little competition, good food and fellowship. Can't wait to
come together again in a couple months. Enjoy the summer!
The preschool thru fifth graders gathered in the sanctuary on May 17th for an end of the year celebration. The Sunday School classes were able to come together for 33 Sundays this year to hear about how much God loves
them. Thank you to all parents, guardians and grandparents for encouraging your children to attend and for all the
teachers, shepherds and volunteers for greeting our eager minds each week and filling them with God's love.
P. 8
First United Methodist Church — Hartford, Wisconsin
June 2015
Little Lambs Preschool had a very
busy month in May...
 We had Touch-a-Truck Day:
Thank you to Eric Langenecker and
Langenecker Construction for bringing 2 construction vehicles we could see, sit in, beep
the horn (numerous times), and touch.
 We decorated flower pots and planted
flowers for our special Moms!
 We visited Goeller Farm: Thank you Ellen
Goeller for letting us visit your farm and seeing your 500+ cows! See our pictures on the
next page!
 We ended our school year with the Little
Lambs Graduation Program and Spaghetti
Supper at the end of the month.
Little Lambs Preschool still
has openings for our popular Summer Play
Days Program. The program is open to all
children ages 3, 4, and 5 years old. Sessions begin June 17, 9:00 a.m. until 11:30
a.m. every Wednesday until August
19th. Snack and all materials are included! Registration information can be
found on the Little Lambs bulletin board
near the Gathering Room or on our web-
site www.littlelambshartford.com
June 2015
First United Methodist Church — Hartford, Wisconsin
P. 9
Keith Sterman
Heather Wuest
Almer Perkins
John Lindner
Todd Einerson
Olivia Carroll
Scott Wuest
Peg Klippel
Rod Bartlow
James Squires
Araceli Cloud
Doug Carroll
Howard Myers
Nedra Johnson
Allen Cooper
Linda VanderJagt
Zac Utz
Kris Raynor
Hayden Bumgarner
Kim Morris
Auren Deming
Jayden Buege
Bettie Ervin
Steve Dummer
Pam Rohde
Kyle McDermott
Grace Hoxworth
Ruth Brasure
Dave Olson
Sadie Sterman
Tommy Morris
Kaia Weiss
Melissa Thiery
Vickie Ward
Natalie Tetrick
Blanche Roemer
Paul Wilson
Noah Kaminiski
Jerry Cox
Stacey Sigmund
Sheryl Zabrowski
Heidi Gottfried
Alexandra Rouse
Allison Peterson
Kathy Kempen
Laverne Fiscus
Stan Sterman
Dorothy Grandine
Nick Raynor
Helen Wilson
Lydia Wirkkula
Logan Wirkkula
Tiffany Tetrick
Heidi Einerson
Janice Sigl
Tony Collett
Paul Roemer
Tina Hove
Jennifer Thurmer
Nathan VanderPas
Jayden Secord
Carol Krajewski
06/01 Pam & Richard Roggenbauer
Melissa & Dave Schaschwary
06/04 Doris & Tom Lepien
06/07 Lynnette & Alan Jordan
06/08 Abby & Mitch Sauer
06/12 Abby & Bill Baumgarner
06/13 Katie & Rob Bush
06/14 Danielle & Angelo Pezzino
06/15 Carol & Mark Martin
06/16 Jean & James Bell
06/17 Deb & Arnie Wickland
Chris & Dave Hoxworth
06/18 Becky & Bob Cleland
06/20 Marge & Almer Perkins
06/21 Cathy & Steve Alsum
Amber & Darrin Schauer
06/23 Nancy & Lee Jones
06/25 Victoria & Jay Triick
06/29 Jane & Marv Riedel
06/30 Vickie & Doug Ward
Little Lambs preschool went to the Goeller
Farm on May 20th. Left: Ellen Goeller is showing the children what they feed the baby
Below: The Little lambs at the Goeller Farm
just outside of Hartford!
P. 10
First United Methodist Church — Hartford, Wisconsin
June 2015
Kitchen/Bathroom Remodeling
Underway! Pardon our dust!
As you can see, the new kitchen and
bathroom project is on its way to
completion. The work began immediately after Family Promise on Monday April 18th. It has been noisy,
dusty and a little inconvenient as far
as Coffee Hour and bathrooms, but it
will be so worth it. So far things are
going very smoothly with no major
‘bumps’ in the road or unseen
issues. The crew will hopefully finish
in mid June.
We will continue to strive towards our goal of $10,00 or more for the Imagine No Malaria Campaign. Right now we are VERY close to our goal and have until the end of
the year or possibly June of 2016 to reach or exceed our goal. We may plan some
community events to get others involved as well. Thank you so much for your overwhelming support thus far! The positive response has been incredible! It is exciting to
actually make a difference in the world no matter what your donation. The success of
this project will be measurable in the coming years and will be exciting to watch!
P. 11
First United Methodist Church — Hartford, Wisconsin
June 2015
738 West Monroe
Hartford, WI 53027
Remember to
wear your name
tag on the first
Sunday of every month!
First United Methodist Church – Hartford, Wisconsin
First United Methodist Church • Hartford, Wisconsin