FWBFUMC.org Important Dates This Week Sympathy and Prayers


FWBFUMC.org Important Dates This Week Sympathy and Prayers
Ministry News & Notes | FWBFUMC.org
Click What’s Going On link for a full list of announcements.
Sanctuary Flowers
Flowers are placed today to the Glory of God, and in honor of Andrew
Hinton on his 19th birthday from Mom, Dad, Dee Dee and Diana
Sympathy and Prayers
Sympathy and prayers are extended to the family of Lucy Knight, upon
the passing of her uncle, Bill Bridges, on June 24th.
Register On-line For Vacation Bible School
EVEREST: Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power is the theme
of this year’s Vacation Bible School. It will be a fun week of new
friends, amazing experiments, games, snacks, adventures, and incredible music! 9AM to 12PM Mon, July 6 through Fri, July 10 for ages 4 to
5th grade. A $5 optional donation benefits the Backpack Ministry. Register at FWBFUMC.org or Contact Cathy Wyant cwyant@fumcfwb.com
with questions. Hope to see you there!
Stephen Ministry Looking For More Volunteers
Are you a good listener and want to help others? Stephen Ministry is
the place for you. You will be trained and equipped to show God's mercy, care, and compassion to a person who is hurting. To start the process of becoming a Stephen Minister, fill out an application in the front
office or call Margaret Nordlie at 850-865-4109.
CPR/Defibrillator Training
Sunday, August 23rd FWBFUMC will be hosting a CPR/Defibrillator training class in the fellowship hall from 1:00 till 2:00PM. Our instructor will
be FWB Fire Marshall Glenn Guarin of the FWB Fire Department. Lunch
will be provided at 12:30PM. This is a free class and will not be for any
official certification. It is simply to gain practical training, knowledge
and information to help in times of distress and need. Please register
through the church office to let us know who and how many to expect.
Deadline for Bulletin/Web Announcements
Deadline for submitting announcements for the bulletin/web is 12PM
Tuesday. Email Ann-Marie at amrider@fumcfwb.com.
Ministry News & Notes | FWBFUMC.org
FWB First UMC Preschool News
The preschool office will be open one day a week, Tues mornings from
9AM to 12PM, until fall classes begin. Note: all 2015/2016 classes are
currently full except for the 3 year old classes (5 days a week) and 2
year old classes (2 days a week). There are waiting lists for all of our
classes. Circumstances of our preschool families change over the summer, especially living in a military town, and people moving. So, be sure
to get on the waiting list if you have a child or know of a parent that is
interested in having their child enrolled for the 2015/2016 school year.
Wednesday Movies With The Children’s Ministry
Children’s Ministry will be going to the movies this summer on select
Wed mornings. Cost is $5 per child and it includes: movie, popcorn, and
drink. Arrive 8:45AM. The bus leaves promptly at 9AM. The children will
return back to the church no later than 12PM. Please sign-up ahead of
time by contacting Cathy Wyant cwyant@fumcfwb.com. Volunteers/
Chaperones are needed to help out with taking the children to the movies and driving the vans. If you are able to help, please let Cathy know!
Movies in July are: July 15 (Mr. Peabody), July 22 (Penguins of Madagascar) and July 29 (Dolphin Tale 2)
Thank You!
Thank you for the donations for the Back Pack Program! These donations have helped feed numerous meals to hungry local children. Donations are always being accepted and are greatly appreciated.
School Supplies are needed for the families at Fresh Start. We will
pack new backpacks filled with new school supplies for the children that
are in the Fresh Start program in August.
School supplies needed: Pencils, pens, erasers, markers, paper, spiral
notebooks, binders, calculators, folders with brads and pockets, rulers,
scissors, backpacks, and lunch boxes. We will be collecting these supplies during the month of July. Backpacks will be given to the children
approximately August 10th.
Prayer/Breakfast—Wednesday mornings
Every Wednesday morning, a Prayer Group meets in the Chapel at 7:00
a.m. to pray for our Congregation and concerns, then afterwards, meet
at a local restaurant for breakfast and fellowship. All are welcome to
Ministry News & Notes | FWBFUMC.org
Beach Clean Up Make-up Date
Since we were unable to participate in the last clean up date due to
our Great Day of Service, on Saturday, July 11th our church will participate in a make-up day. We will meet at Beasley State Park at 8:00AM.
Upcoming Community Breakfast Teams
July 7
July 14
July 21
July 28
Robbins Team
Ravan/Whitney Team
Wagner Team
Barkalow Team
Opportunity Place Meal Schedule
Jul 27
Aug 24
Faith Followers Class
FUMC Staff
Upcoming Meetings
July 13
July 13
July 14
July 14
July 20
July 20
July 27
Beachside Emmaus
UMW General Meeting, Longhorns
Finance Committee
Book Club
UMW Circles 1 & 2
Admin. Board
Welcome New Members!
Please join us in a warm, heartfelt welcome to our new church members: Nancy Willis Dillard, Susan Morrison, Stephen Gonitzke, Jason &
Angela Parsons, and Mary Linda Moody Cole.
July Book Club - Taken, by Dee Henderson
If any of you are interested in the next Book Club selection, it is
"Taken" by Dee Henderson. She writes great suspense fiction! You
may have read her "O'Malley Series," which is another great set of
We will be meeting on Tuesday, July 14th. That's only 2 weeks away
so get your book and start reading! Although that's not long, we
would like to get back on an earlier Tuesday schedule. We will meet
at 6pm at Stephanie Wheat’s home.
Hope to see you then! Remember - even if you don't read the whole
book, please come! We have great conversation!!
Sermon Notes
* People Standing As Able
+ Ushers Seat Those Waiting
+ Gathering / Prelude Joy Comes in the Morning
+ Welcome and Announcements
* Opening Song
R. Romans
Jimmy Whited
How Great Is Our God
C. Tomlin
* Call to Worship
* Gloria Patri
* The Passing of the Peace
* + Sung Faith Expression
A Mighty Fortress
C. Nockels
Prayers of the People and Spoken Lord’s Prayer
Ancient of Days
Offering Response
New Doxology
G. Sadler
T. Ken
Blessing of the Children
Song of Illumination
Thy Word
Scripture Reading
Psalm 48
What is Your Refuge?
A. Grant / M. W. Smith
Jimmy Whited
Rev. Dave McAlister
Songs During Communion
Whom Shall I Fear
* Benediction
* Closing Song
C. Tomlin
C. Tomlin
Week At-A-Glance | Important Upcoming Dates
Click Online Calendar for a complete listing of daily events.
Important Dates This Week
July 6 to 10
July 11
Mon - Fri
Vacation Bible School
Beach Clean-Up
Sunday Classes & Worship
Library open thru 8:00AM thru 12:30PM
Traditional Worship (Sanctuary)
Sunday School (Various Rooms)
New Traditions Worship (Sanctuary)
Sunday Night Youth (2nd Floor/Upstairs)
Weekday Classes & Events
Mon thru Fri
AM & PM Taekwondo Classes (G123 & 124)
9AM Walk, Walk, Walk (G124)
9AM to 2PM Library Open
7:30PM Crossroads College Ministry (Youth Assembly Rm)
6:30AM Community Breakfast (Fellowship Hall)
6PM Stephen Ministry 1st & 3rd Tues each month (Library)
7PM Hugs, Not Drugs (Choir Room)
7AM Prayer Group (B104), Breakfast Afterwards
Summer Music Schedule: Choir 6 PM, Praise Band 7:15 PM
Youth, Beach Bible Study
8PM Hugs, Not Drugs (Choir Room)
Book Club, UMW, First Friends (Various Rooms/Locations)
Many Adult, Youth, Children’s, and Music Ministry options
& fellowship opportunities to choose from.
Programs On Summer Break
Preschool; Note Preschool Office is open Tuesdays from 9AM to 12PM
Life Together Wednesday Dinner and Bible Study Children’s Choir, Handbells
Important Upcoming Dates
July 6 to 10
July 11
July 13—17
July 6 to 10
July 11
July 13
July 13
July 13 to 17
July 14
July 20
July 20
July 27
Mon - Fri
Vacation Bible School
Beach Clean-Up
Oakwood—Youth Summer Camp
Vacation Bible School
Beach Clean Up, Beasley State Park
UMW Gen. Meeting, Longhorn’s
Beachside Emmaus Meeting
Youth, Oakwood
Finance Meeting
Circles 1 & 2, Joy Bates’ home
Trustee’s Meeting
Administrative Board Meeting
Congregational Cares and Concerns
*Jeannie Aylsworth
*Duane Barber
*Donna Bennison @
*Joy Brown
*Joe Bruner
*Jan Cannady
*Jim Castleberry
*Denise Chipley
*Suzi Deskins
*Doyle Dingus
*Ray Dreyer
*Jackie and Ralph Duncan
*Becky Edge
*Edith Gibb
*Mazie Glover @
*Greg Goodman
*Jane Greene
*Malcolm Hayles @
*Foie Hicks
*Elizabeth Holden
*Mandy Holguin
*Jim Ifland
*Annie Johnson
David Johnson
Marvin Jolly
*Jean Kendall
*Judy Klug
*Jean Langham
Genie Leong
*Mike Lobner
*Chris Mann
*Virginia Malone @
*Eleanor Maksymyk @
*Kyndal Mathis
*Rev. Dave McAlister
*John McGee
*Jerry Melvin
*Frankie MIddleton
Madison Nalley
*Dick Nieber
*Sue Norton
*Victoria Palmer
*Helen Parkton
*Lavina Pate
*Joanne Potter
*Pat Robertson @
*Mary Lee Robinson
*Garlena Smith
*Jean Smither
*Mike Sorrells
*Lon Spivey @
*Lizz Stanley
*Sue Thrall
*Helen Turner @
*Linda Turner
*June Walker
*Kendall Walker
*Kathleen Wetzel
*Terry Wetzel @
*Margie Worrell
Carol Agers
(niece of Norma Vaughn)
Ann Barrick
(Patsy Robbins’ sister)
Blakeley Baudoin
(granddaughter of
Betsy Thomas)
Ronnie Broussard
(relative of Johnny and
Judy Pope)
Leigh Clark
(friend of Merle Robbins)
Angela Comfort
(friend of the Parish’s)
Margaret Hoffman
(friend of Linda Anchors)
Gail Barber
(Duane and Aurine Barber’s
William Barber
(Duane and Aurine Barber’s
Gary Beckwith
(Becky Jackson’s brother)
Brittany Beitel
(friend of Trish Duggan)
Jim & Betsy Armstrong
(Morris and Kaye Nevill’s
Paula Beasley
(Reja Klug’s mother)
Kristina Bowes
(Barbara Williams’
daughter in-law)
Sandra Browning
(Frances Crissman’s
Jerry Capp
(friend of Doug Wagner)
Clay Cook
(Mollie Parkton’s nephew)
Bob Ferguson
(Brother-in-law of
Don Anchors)
Barbara Haas
(Aubrey Vaughn’s sister)
Sunday, July 5, 2015
6th Sunday after Pentecost
Color: Green
*People standing
+ Ushers seat those waiting
Pre-Service Patriotic Music
“Beautiful Savior”
J. Behnke
Jimmy Whited
*Call to Worship
“Laudate Dominum”
*Opening Hymn
“God of the Ages,
Whose Almighty Hand”
*Affirmation of Faith
The Apostles’ Creed
J. Berthier
No. 698
No. 881
*The Peace (Greet those around you with the love of Christ)
Response to the Peace
“Bless the Lord”
“The Majesty and Glory
of Your Name”
J. Berthier
T. Fettke
Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer
Offertory Prayer
“Great is the Lord”
arr. M. Hayes
*Doxology with “Our Fathers’ God to Thee”
No. 95/697
No. 96
“Praise the Lord
Who Reigns Above”
Scripture Reading
Psalm 48
“What is Your Refuge?”
Song of Response
Page 490
Jimmy Whited
Rev. McAlister
“O God, Our Help in Ages Past”
No. 117
Benediction Response
“Grace, Love
and Fellowship”
“Fantasia on Nun Danket”
arr. T. Fettke
J. Cruger
Daily Readings
Monday, July 6
Genesis 36:20-40 | Colossians 1:21-29
Prayer Focus: Volunteers
Tuesday, July 7
Genesis 37:1-24 | Colossians 2:1-15
Prayer Focus: Mending broken friendships
Wednesday, July 8
Genesis 37:25-36 | Colossians 2:16-23
Prayer Focus: Giving our best
Thursday, July 9
Genesis 38:1-19 | Colossians 3:1-11
Prayer Focus: Lifting others
Friday, July 10
Genesis 38:20-30 | Colossians 3:12-25
Prayer Focus: Families in stress
Saturday, July 11
Genesis 39:1-6 | Colossians 4:1-9
Prayer Focus: Reaching our potential
Sunday, July 12
Genesis 39:7-18 | Colossians 4:10-18
Prayer Focus: Being able to forgive
Memory Verse: “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything
in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through
him.” Colossians 3:17 RSV
Congregational Cares and Concerns Continued
Richard Haas
(Aubrey and Norma
Vaughn’s nephew)
Don Hicks (Foie Hicks’ son)
Gail Jernagin
(friend of Mary Pope)
David Johnson
(Annie Johnson’s son)
Janet Kopf and boys
(Jane Greene’s sister)
Jeff Mason (The Moody’s son-inlaw)
Lonnie McAlister (David’s father)
Marty McMillan
(friend of Mary Pope)
Lyle Miller (Joan Moody’s son)
Sharon Miller
(Joan Moody’s daughter)
Steve Miller (Joan Moody’s son)
Rita Miller
(Ann-Marie Rider’s mother)
Michelle Moody
(Charles’ daughter in-law)
Ivan Pavlic (Becky Edge’s father)
Stacy Spier (Bernice’s daughter)
Barbara Williams
(Jack Thomas’ sister)
Frank and Norma Jennings
(Kim Risalvato’s parents)
Jim Madaris (Leo Hick’s stepson)
Michael Madaris (Leo Hick’s stepson)
Victoria Moody
(Charles Moody’s
Michelle Mason
(Charles Moody’s daughter)
Art Norton
(Wes Norton’s father)
Charlotte and Earl Stricker
(Relatives of Nevills’)
Butch Nevills (Morris Nevills’ son)
Jerry and Tom Roberts
(Frank Robert’s brothers)
Patrick Roberts
(Billie Howell’s grandson)
Bruce Rosen
(friend of Ann-Marie Rider’s)
Kimberly Schreck
(Sue and Larry Thrall’s
Naomi Sigler
(Rev. Mike Sigler’s mother)
Lola Spence
(mother of Larry Kilpatrick)
Diane Moore
(Cathy Wyant’s mother)
David Sweeten
(friend of Patsy Robbins)
Jim Roberson
(Judy Trossbach’s brother)
Laurie Jo Bryant
(Doug Wagner’s sister)
Kristin Wagner
(Scotty and JW Dreyer’s
Rev. Charles Walker
(friend of Joy Brown)
Renee Weisman
(Marla Blontz’s sister)
Bailey Weisser
(Suann & Larry Thrall’s
Un-named Prayer Request
College Students
Our Leaders
Our Military
Belvedere Commons
*Mary Lou Goodman @
*Danette Prescott
Sterling House
*Sybil Fikes @
FWB Rehab. Center
*Ruby Wells
Brookdale of Fort Walton Beach
Ginger Carlisle
*Ruth Fryer
*Gayle Young
*Willie Young
@ TLC Ministry
* Church member
If you wish to have a person
remain on the Concerns List
after one month, please notify
the church office.
Church Staff & Contact Information
Rev. Dave Barkalow
Senior Pastor
Dennis Barebo
Business Administrator
Patrick Carnathan
Director of Youth Ministry
Diana George
Finance Assistant
Ann-Marie Rider
Admin Asst./Church Office
850-243-0905 (fax)
James Whited
Assistant to Pastor and
Director of Programs
Denise Whited
Director of Adult Ministry
Stephanie Wheat
Children’s Music Director
Denise Severson
Director of Preschool Ministry
Cathy Wyant
Director of Children’s Ministry
Rew Randolph
Director of Music and Worship
Prayer Chain
850-217-2254 (Joy Bates)
jbklug@cox.net (Judy Klug)
Diana Salmon—Organist
Sharon Simmons—Pianist
After Hours Emergency
Pastoral Assistance
Rev. Dave Barkalow 850-573-5991
CCLI License #456495
Fort Walton Beach First United Methodist Church
103 First St SE | Fort Walton Beach, FL 32548 | 850-243-9292
Sunday, July 5, 2015
Fort Walton Beach First UMC is a prayerful body of believers
Connecting people to Christ, Teaching them His word and Living our
faith through service to our church, our community and to the world.