March 2015 - Freshwater Creek Steiner School


March 2015 - Freshwater Creek Steiner School
Freshwater Creek Steiner School, Inc
52 McIntyres Road, Freshwater Creek VIC 3216
Phone: (03) 52645077 ‐ Fax: (03) 52645066
ABN: 32 925 426 918
School #: 1988 – Children’s Services License#: 10527
Minutes of School Council Meeting
Freshwater Creek Steiner School Association Inc. No. A0032232B
Wednesday 18th March 2015
Wetlands room
Present: Dipika Delmenico Voss (President), Gabby Brennan, (Vice President), Karen Jepsen, Vanessa
Ritchie (Treasurer) Louise M, Louise Poon (Minute Secretary) Joseph Kecskemeti (FWCSS Facilitator), David
MacFie (Business Manager)
Apologies: None
Meeting opened. 6.50pm
The opening verse was read by Vanessa Ritchie.
Introduction of Chair
Vanessa Ritchie
Confirmation of Previous Minutes
Motion: That the minutes of the council meeting held Wednesday 3rd December 2014 be accepted as a
true and correct record.
Moved: Dipika Delmenico Voss
Seconded: Karen Jepsen
All in favour – carried
Review of actions from last meeting
1. GPLA update.
a) Joseph & David to go to Vic Roads about road
b) A small group of representatives to steer the GPLA group. At present the group consists of Louise
Murray council would like a COT member to join in the group.
Class One Extension
Class 1 extension building work has been completed. The space has been transformed into a beautiful new
classroom for Class 1 students.
The total extension process & budget $30,000-35,000
This building will serve as a prototype for any process & planning in the future on any other extensions to
class portables.
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Update on Leanne Miram’s’ performance review.
Leanne’s performance review has been re-scheduled. She will be taking on more hours from 24-30 hrs per
week. The school also needs an additional person in the administration area to deepen this role, a position
will be placed on the SEA website.
Correspondence In
a) SEA & Glam Conference
a. Facilitator’s Report
Presented by Joseph.
Joseph will be on leave from 24th February-9th March 2015
b. Audit and Finance Committee
Presented by David
David also proposed more structure around projects in borrowing & funding.
Enrolments are on the increase from previous years.
c. Marketing Initiative Group
Nothing to report.
d. Buildings and Grounds
In the Facilitator’s report.
e. Consultative Committee
Nothing to report
New Business
Priority & Projects in the school.
To discuss at the next finance meeting & bring a proposal to the next council meeting.
Planning & Process’ in school.
Gabby Brennan to organise & streamline this broad subject on Friday 13th February 2015. Discussions on her
findings to be discussed at the next council meeting
School Forum
The whole School Forum has been changed from 28th February to 21st March 2015.
The School Forum will be focused on ‘Parental involvement in the school’. Gabby Brennan will facilitate.
2. Meeting closed:
3. Next Meeting
18th March 2015.
Dipika Delmenico
President, School Council 2014
Louise Poon
Secretary, School Council 2014
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