The University of Dayton Alumnus, March 1943
The University of Dayton Alumnus, March 1943
University of Dayton eCommons The University of Dayton Magazine Marketing and Communications 3-1-1943 The University of Dayton Alumnus, March 1943 University of Dayton Magazine Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation University of Dayton Magazine, "The University of Dayton Alumnus, March 1943" (1943). The University of Dayton Magazine. Book 61. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Marketing and Communications at eCommons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The University of Dayton Magazine by an authorized administrator of eCommons. For more information, please contact [l ) I C, I • " ... and it c01nes out here" ... Bob Chester (Page 2) MARCH • 1943 756 GRADS IN SERVICE The University of D ayton honor roll , pictured on the front cover of the Februa ry Alumnu s, now conta ins 756 names. Of the e 756, seven have pa id the supreme sacrifice. In addition to the ix former students pictured in this i sue, HOWARD W. KELLY, a Qight school student m 1938 a nd 1939 has been killed in action. K elly, a pilot in the U. S. Army Air Corps, was killed in the European a rea just a few month ago. ESTABLISHED 1929 Vol. IX M a rch, 1943 0. 3 R. C. (Jim ) BROWN '34 ..... . .. . .............. . . . .... . ... .. .. . Editor BETTY MA YL '43 .... . .... .. .. . ....... .. ..... . . . .... . . Assistant Editor Further casualties: LT. TIM WHOLEY '36, i a Japanese prisoner of war in Tokyo. LT. AL SUTTMAN '41 , i a J a panese pri oner of war in Tokyo. DAVID M cCO NAUGHEY, jr., '40, is " missing in action" in North Africa since Februa ry 17, 1943. H e had previou ly received the Order of the Purple H eart a fter being wounded in the original North African inva IOn, ovember 8, 1942 . FRED SOMMERS '41 , is"mi sing in action" in North Afri ca in ce February 17, 1943. LT. LEO FARBER '4 1, is " missing in action" in North Afri ca since Februa ry 17, 1943. the last full measure of devotion" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Associa tion Members-1942-1943 .............. . . .............. . . . . . 4-5 Letters from the Alumni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hilltop H a ppenings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6 Electric Welder Given ... . . .... . ... . ...... . . ... . .. . .. .... . . . . .... .. . 7 Class otes ...... . . . .... . ... . . . . ... . . . . . .. .. .... . . .. ...... . ...... 7-8 "Entered as second class matter April 15, 1940, at the Post Office, at Dayton, Ohio, under the Act of March 3, 1879." Issued Monthly-October through June SUBSCRIPTION-Per Year, including Membership in the Alumni Association, $4.00. Subscription alone, $2.00. Single copies, 25 cents. Checks, drafts and money orders should be made payable to "The Alumni Association of the University of Dayton." For wills and other bequests, the legal title of the corporation is, "The University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio." THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON F 1·on t Cover: BOB CHESTER GETS BACK TO DAYTON Leading one of the top bands of the na tion and being a composer of some of th e most popul ar tunes of the day are di tinctions of Bob Chester, one of D ayton' best liked undergraduates back in the twenties. The affability and na tive cha rm tha t cha racterized Bob in the old day is with him yet. H ead coach H a rry Ba uja n (he coached Bob at end on the 1924 footb all team ) a nd M a urice R. Reichard, head of the depa rtment of music, (he pl ayed in the U.D. ba nd with Bob ) met the band leader a t the Colonial theater in D ayton a nd the cover picture resulted . Chester's band is ma king a cross-country tour. - OFFICERSPresident . . ... HoN . WM . H. WoLFF '31, Dayton, Ohio Vice-President . . . .. .... ... CHARLES PFARRER '27, Dayton, Ohio Treasurer . . . . ..... . ..... . .. .... . WM. J. REYNOLDS '29, Philadelphia, Pa. ( T erms expire Commencement, 1943) Secretary . . .. . .... .. .. . . R. C. Brown '34, Dayton, Ohio ( Appointiue office) - DIRECTORSTerms expire Commencement, 1943- J osEPH GoETZ '31, D ayton ELMER WILL '37, Dayton T erms expire Homecoming, 1943-DR. LEoN DEGER '1 0, Dayton DR. WALTER REILING '30, Dayton T erms expire Homecoming, 1944-PAuL MooRMAN '30, Dayton HuGH E. WALL, JR. '34, Dayton ALUMNI MEMBERS - BOARD OF ATHLETIC CONTROLTerms expire January, 1943- RoBERT C. PAYNE '34, Cincinnati LEo SPATZ '28, Dayton Terms expire January, 1944-Lo uxs R. MAHRT '26, Dayton MERLE P. SMITH '25, Dayton 1945-MARTIN C. KuNTz '12, Dayton Terms expire January, J. ELLis MAYL '08, Dayton 2 ••• the last C. J. LITKOWSKI Lt. Charles John litkowski, U. S. Army, was killed in action January 18, 1942. An infantry officer, he met his death in an engagement with the Japanese in the Philippine Islands. He was awarded the Order of the Purple Heart. He graduated in 1940. f u II measure F. H. RATERMAN Ens. Harry Raterman, U. S. Navy, was killed in the line of duty February 24, 1943 . A flying officer, he met his death in the crash of his naval warplane near Alameda, California. Ens. Raterman would have graduated with the class of 1942. of devotion" FRANK ZAVAKOS Lt . Frank Zavakos, Royal Air Force, was killed in action over the English channel , June 2, 1942, after a raid on .Essen, Germany. Frank, a flying officer, enlisted with the RCAF early in the war. Lt. Zavakos would have graduated with the class of 1941 . J. E. BOHLENDER E. L. HAKES BRUCE JAMES Capt. John Bohlender, U. S. Army, was killed in action February 14, 1943. An officer of Field Artillery, he met his death on the sands of North Africa while engaging Marshal Rommel's German forces . John was a special student in ' 38 and ' 39. S/Sgt. Edward Hakes, U. S. Army Air Corps, was killed in the line of duty Easter Sunday, April 5, 1942. He was stationed at Hickham Field, Hawaii . Ed lost his life when his flying fortress crashed near the field. He would have graduated this year. Ens. Bruce James, U. S. Navy, was killed in the line of duty March 9 , 1943 . An instructor in the naval air corps school at New Orleans, La., Ens . James met death during a night flight near New Orleans. Bruce was a business student, class of 1936. 3 ASSOCIATION MEMBERS The fo llowing graduates made dues p ayments during the las t s ix mon th s of 1942. Those who p a id d uri ng th e firs t ha lf of th e year were lis te d in th e Jun e, 194 2 , iss u e of th e Alumnu s. A W. H. Adams, Jr., Zanesv ill e, 0. Robert G. Allen, Da yton, 0. Rev. E. H. Angel, Wexford , Pa. Grace E. A ylstock, Da yton , 0. Lt. J ames G. Ayres, Wapakone ta, 0 . B P eter A. Babb, Din amita D go., Mexico Jose ph C. Bach, Da yton, 0 . Jack R. Baker, Oakland, Calif. John E . B er suder, Charl eston, W.Va. Elise J. Biechler, Jr., Dayton, 0. Edward T . Bishop, Loui sville, K y. Walter K . Blaire, Shawnee, 0. Wm. A. Blake, Dayton, 0. Lawrence F . Boeckermann , Dayton, 0 . J ames P . Bolger, Cin cinnati, 0. C harles R. Borns, Da yton , 0. Capt. Wm. S. Boyd, Australia John H . Bramlage, White Plains, . Y. Fred C. Brandel, Hamilton, 0 . Eugen e G. Brands, Washin gton, D. C. Howard J . Brenn er, Lake Charl es, La. . W. Brinkman, R ea din g, 0 . Hu ston Brown, Dayton, 0. Lawrence C. Buch er, Cin cinnati, 0. Capt. Wm. H . Buehrl e, Ft. Custer, Mich. .John M. Burgmeier, Chi cago, Ill . R. B . Busch, Web ster Groves, Mo. c H arry F. Capp el, Dayton , 0. Wm. H . Carmody, Sprin [!;fi eld , 0. Vincent J . Castrop , Detroit, Mich . John F . Chalmer s, Chi cago, Ill . Lt. R. J. Connell y, D ayton , 0 . E dward R. Costello, N. Charl e ton , S. C. Col. Carl Cr ane, Sacr amento, Calif. AI J. Cron, J ersey City, N. J . Wh elan Cull ey, Jr., Memphis, T en n. D Blanch e A. Davis, Da yton, 0 . Charles G. Dehl er, Cleveland , 0. R ev. John F . Dillon, Cin cinnati, 0. Leo Donl ey, J r ., St. Louis, Mo. G. W. E. Dunne, Tol edo, 0. Thomas A. Durkin, ew York, . Y. E Victor Emanuel, New York, . Y. $29.00 Norman M. Englert, Dayton, 0. F Lt. Leo Farber, · ew York, N.Y. Harry Finke, Dayton, 0. H erbert M. Finke, Dayton, 0 . Ra y Fitz, Cu yahoga Falls, 0. Richard Frankensteen, Detroit, Mich. Charl es F reeman, t. Louis, Mo. George Freitas, Honolulu, T. H. Wm . A. Fritz, Miamisburg, 0 . G J. RusseH Garrison, Dayton, 0. Carl T. Gepp ert, Chicago, Ill. Roman T. Gerber, Chillicothe, 0. Francis A. Gerl ach, Da yton, 0. Jam es J . Gibson , Jr., St. Louis, Mo. Leo B. Glaser, Da yton, 0. Lt. Wm . C. Goer , Detroit, Mich. Lt. Jam es J. Grace, pringfi eld, Mass. M. V. Grisez, Canton, 0 . Fred Grundish, Los An geles, Calif. H Joh n .J. H acker, Ironton , 0 . Dr. A. J . H art, Cleveland , 0 . George E. Hart, Chicago, I ll . H erbert Hart, Chica go, Ill . Samu el Hipa, Honol ulu , T. H . John P . Hoch adel, al em, 0. George Hochwalt, Chicaf:!O, Ill . Lt. Joseph Holl enk amp, Detroit, Mich. Joseph H . Holsch er, Chicago, Ill. C. R. Horwedel, Lakewood, 0. L. V. Hosfeld, Lim a, 0 . Capt. Geo. Humm , ew Y ork, N . Y . J Louis P . Jacobs, Da yton , 0 . Clem G. Jau ch , Dayton, 0 . Harry B. J erin a, Lan gley Field, Va. Robert J urp:ens, Mansfield , 0 . J ames Leon ard, Chicago, Ill. Eu gene Litkowski, D ayton, 0. Dr. Louis Loeb er, Da yton, 0. M Torrence Makley, D ayton, 0. J. F. Martin, Camp Blandin g, Fla. Charles Maxwell, Rantoul, Il1. Th eodore McCarthy, Colombi a, S. A. Anne O' Hare McCormick, ew York Francis J. McCormick, 1 ew York Lt. W. E. McDonald, E l Cajon, Calif. Charles McFarland, Palm erton, Pa. H enry Merland, Cincinna ti , 0 . H enry Meyer, Hawaii, T . H. Edward Mill er , Chicago, III. Capt. Paul Moorman, Sebrin g, F la. Lt. Martin Moritz, Mansfi eld , 0. Joseph H. Mulh all, Owosso, Mich. L. A. Mulligan, Detroit, Mich. · Edward T . Murphy, D ayton, 0 . Gale G. Murph y, Dayton, 0 . Jo eph B. Murph y, Dayton, 0. Mar y E. Myers, Cincinn ati , 0 . N Andrew Iickol, Baltimore, Mel. 0 Duncan Obee, Toledo, 0 . Alice E. Ohm er, Dayton, 0 . Charl es T. Ohmer, Dayton, 0 . J. A. Opp enheim, Coldwater, 0 . T . H . Oppenh eim, Coldwater, 0 . p Ca pt. J. J. P adley, B alboa, C.Z. Shirl ey W. P adley, D ay ton , 0 . Dr. John P anos, Dayton, 0 . Dr. J ames P arker, Delaware, 0. Clem P ater, Jr., H amilton , 0 . Robert C. P ayne, Cincinn a ti , 0 . La wr ence Pienin g, Norwood, 0 . P aul A. Piening, Norwood, 0. Jose p h P oelking, Dayton , 0 . Anthon y Pozelnik, Cleveland, 0 . P aul Purpu s, Chillicoth e, 0 . K R Wm . F. K ea ting, Ashtabula, 0 . Eugene K erstin g, Camp Carrab elle, Fla. Major Wm . Kinney, San Francisco, Calif. Edward Klen ke, Sprin gfi eld, 0. Frank Koeh l, Huntin gton Wood s, Mich . Alb ert Kra mer , Da yton , 0. C. P . Kramer, Chicago, Ill. Wilbur Kram er, Dayton, 0. OJ; ver F nhl , Day ton, 0. John .1 . Knhn. Lima, 0. P eter Kuntz, Da yton, 0 . Richard Kuntz, Da yton, 0. H erm an R eboulet, Melrose, Mass. R ev. Wm. A. R eith, Pittsb urgh, Pa. Robert Rohn er, Akron, 0. Carl Ruh , Covington, Ky . Lt. Wm. J . R yan, ew York, . Y. L Edward Lan ge, Covington, K y. Edward Larkin, Albany, N . Y. W m. T . Larkin, Alban y, N .Y. Lawrence Lehni , Alliance, 0 . 4 s John W. aim, Coldwater, 0 . E dward Satalia, Cleveland , 0 . Charl es Saurine, Arlin gton, Va . Ca pt. Arthur Sca rp elli. Afri ca Ca pt. Lee Sch eid, Washin gton, D. C. Dr. Wm. chmidter, Jr., Cincinnati, 0 . R ev. Leo Schmitt, Cin cinn ati, 0 . Martin Schneble, Dayton, 0. E . A. Schneider, S. Charl eston, W. Va. Francis Schopler, Dayton, 0 . .T. R. Schroll, Dayton, 0. N . M. Schweich er, Lakewood , 0 . Lt. J . L. Schwend emann , Sprin gfi eld, 0 . Wm. Seid ensticker, Columbuc, 0 . Robert Seward, Youngstown, 0. Robert Sh erry, Cincinnati, 0 . Joe Shimanek, Baltimore, Md. Leo Showel, Toledo, 0. Lt. Sam A. Simmons, Columbus, 0. Jan e Simons, Dayton, 0. Sisters of th e Sacred H eart, R eading, Pa. W arren Slifer-, Germ an town, 0 . R ev. Fran cis Smith, Norwood, 0. Dr. Cliff Stuhhnueller, Hamilton, 0. T C. A. Tan geman, Da yton, 0. Dr. Thomas I. Thomas, Dayton, 0. Louis Timmer, Dayton, 0. Capt. Rich ard Timm er, Camp Lee, Va. · v Howard Valique tte, Da yton, 0. R ev. Msgr. Martin Varley, Sprin gfi eld , 0. Capt. Leo Virant, Cleveland , 0. w Joseph G. Wagn er, Sidney, 0. Rev. Msgr. R. M. Wa gner , Cincinnati, 0. Hugh E . Wall, Sr., Da yton , 0 . Jam es W all, Loui svill e, K y. B ernard E. Wallace, Da yton , 0. Paul W eb er, Freeport, N. Y. Rich ard Web er, Sao Paulo, Brazil ASSOCIATION MEMBERS The followin g graduates made du es pa yments durin g the rit·s t three months of 194 3. Althou g h I943 stateme nts have not a s yet bee n maile d , contributions are being a ccepte d. A Ra y Arn, Dayton, 0 . Capt. Joseph Fletch er, Xenia, 0. Lt. John Foltz, Selm an Field, La. G B Louis G. Boehmer, Covin gton, K y. c Major John Carroll , Baltimore, Md. Phillip Chun, Honolulu, T . H . Col. Carl Crane, Sacramento, Calif. D George Doonan, La Grange, Ill. F Capt. John F erree, Dayton, 0. Gene Westendorf, Sch enectad y, N.Y. H. E. Whalen, D ayton, 0. Ray N. Williams, Dayton, 0. Lt. J. F. Winter, Fort Shafter, T. H. Sgt. G. L. Wolf, San Fran cisco, Cal. Lt. Louis B. Wolf, Ft. Ord, Calif. Charl es Gerwels, Kingsville, Md. H Lt. Col. W. A. Haberer, Ft. Sill, Okla. Sgt. Dan Halligan, Cleveland, 0. En s. Frank H arig, Norfolk, Va . K Hubert Kline, Da yton, 0 . L J. D. Leonard, St. P etersburg, F la. Edward Lienesch , Dayton, 0. M Torrence A. Ma kl ey, Dayton, 0. Lt. Charles McBride, Da yton, 0 . Marth a W. McK enn ey, D ayton, 0 . 0 LL. Col. Wm. O'Connor, E ngland y C. J. Young, B altimore, Md. z Ralph Zaen glein, Alcoa, Tenn. Lt. A. T. Zidanavi ch, New York; r. Y. Ramon Ziegler, New York, N. Y. Bert Zimmer, Covin gton, K y. Andrew Zittel, Jr., New York, 1 . Y. Q Lt. J. D. Quinn, Clifton H eights, Pa . R Capt. John H . Ritter, Tooele, Ut ah Lt. Thomas M. R yan, Da yton , 0. s E ns. Robert Scheu, D ay ton, 0. Ca pt. Wm. Schroeder, Ab erd een, Md. Jam es Strosnid er, Santa Fe, New Mexico Charles Such er, Day ton, 0. v Howard Valiquette, Da yton, 0. w Robert Walter , Da yton , 0 . Louis Wilks, Chicago, Ill. z Capt. George Zahn, D ayton, 0. Virginia F. Zahn, D ay ton, 0 . INDIVIDUAL STANDINGS 1943 BASKETBALL TEAM PLAYER DR. ALMA BRAUN '39, WHO RECEIVED HER M.D. DE· GREE from Western Reserve medical school, February 26, visited the pre-med lab a few days ago for a chat with undergraduate Mary Wack and Bro. Francis J, Molz, S.M. Dr. Braun was the first woman graduate from the U.D. pre-med department. She was a member of the first class of co-eds who entered in the fall of 1935. She wiU interne at St. John's hospital, Cleveland. S wartzel Schultz Zwe isler Wes te ndorf Claude pierre Pitze r Gift Knis ley Thomas Cult ice Finke Aires Hickey Perkins Dahn Knapke Davis F.G. 58 54 40 32 23 21 25 23 I2 8 5 2 l l 0 0 0 F.T. P.F. T.P. Made Att. 33 17 18 24 16 12 3 5 4 6 3 0 0 0 I l 0 42 36 36 39 29 22 7 8 IO I4 5 0 2 0 I I 0 I5 34 41 12 30 22 I3 10 8 12 5 3 l 2 0 0 l 149 125 93 88 62 54 53 51 28 22 I3 4 2 2 l I 0 --- 305 143 252 209 OPPONENTS 287 146 252 217 753 720 ALUMNUS RETURNS D ear Jim: R ece ived my copy of the " Alumnu s" the other day, and it wa nice to hear of so many of the boy tha t I went to the U. with. However there were several names such as Tom Hoban, Ed Connors. Phil Grime , H enry Dexter, Bill O'Connor, D a n Hobb , etc. that I missed . I often remember them a nd wonder what ha ppened to them. Then there was Cha rley Dugan too. It was reall y a treat to visit the campus last month and see a ll the old prof again, although there were one or two faces tha t I missed . I've been wondering what ha ppened to Brother Fra nk O'Reill y a nd F ather L eimkuhler. It eemed almost like old times to see Brother Paul holding forth at the same old stand in the Arcade, and to get to talk things over again "IN SERVICE'' 1928 Major John E. Carroll 1930 Capt. Wm. P. Bowman 1931 Capt. Harry G. Foster 1935 Robert Kawka Lt. Thoma Moorman Lt. Thomas W . Tucker 1936 (ex) Capt. Stanley Wenrick 1940 Pvt. Lawrence Drouhard Capt. Thomas Glick Lt. (j.g. ) Edward J. O'Tool e Ensign K enneth Smith Staff gt. Gilbert R. Titsch 1'141 Wm . Flynn Robe rt Luthman 1942 Philip H. Bauer Corp . Joseph J. McShane Ensign Paul Ryan 1943 Jam es Curran Ensign Wilson Finley Denni Pvt. Theodore Hempelman Tech . gt. Woodrow D. King Pvt. Robert Miller Corp. Joseph W. Roland Charle chiavo Pvt. Richard Strugarek 1945 (ex) Pvt. Joseph H. Geis with Brother Perz and Brother Pete. I think though tha t I spent the rest of the time in the milita ry department with Sgt. Southall reminiscing about the times when I proved to be the bane of more than one profe sor's life. I was very pleasantly urprised to read in D ayton papers that Pa ul Zehrung a nd ·walt H aberer were wearing silver oak leave now. Why, it ha rdl y seems pos ible tha t it was only two years ago tha t they were First Lieu- tena nt . And M a rty Hillenbra nd, little did I think tha t the boy who knew all the answers almost a soon as the prof could a k the questions would be one day supplying a ll the a nswers in the American diploma tic ervice. Come to think of it, though, that would be right down his alley. I'm hoping for an appointment to the Postal Officers' Candidate School , but ince, as some one has a ptly rema rked, "there' many a slip ' twixt the cup a nd the lip", I'm not holding my breath until I get it. Well it' almost time for lights out so I'll sign off for now. M y be t to MILITARY MANEUVERS- The milita ry department has ina ugurated interior guard duty training a nd formed a corps of basic a nd adva nced R .O.T.C. students who a re a signed daily posts on the university campus. The R .O.T.C. a t the university is composed of 305 cadets under the war-time control of the United States War D epartment ... Civilian qua lification tests in connection with the avy V-12 college training program will be administered by the University of Dayton during April. Bro. George Nagel a nd Bro. Thomas Price will supervise the giving of the tests. SOCIAL SWIRL-The Seniors held their annual Farewell da nce a t the Miami hotel March 7. J erry Westendorf, class president, a nd Pauline Zink led the grand march. This marked the last " in- chool" dance for over 100 seniors . . . St. Patrick's Day parties were held in abundance. The M echanical Engineers had bowling competition a t their celebra tion. The enior team won the coveted trophy . . . The coeds held their last party of the year on M a rch 17. Green decora tion were the rule. STRICTLY ACADEMIC- Six seniors were inducted into Delta Epsilon Sigma, national C a tholic honor society. F a ther Elbert presided a t the meeting. Afterward a n informal pa rty was held for the new members a nd the chapel choir . . . 11 seniors were awarded Alpha Sigma T au honor society keys a t the a nnual Honors D ay, M arch 30. 10 U.D. ews staff members received "J" keys for ervice on the pa per . . . Winner of the D r. D . G. Reilly oratorical con test were T ed Aponyi, M a ria Economides, and Robert Seiter. Aponyi poke on "The R eturn to Peace." Judges were A. S. K any, M a ria nn a Rehling, an d Gunner Mu selman, of the three D ayton newspaper. B ANQUET FINALES-Ba nd members ba nqu eted March 14, M athema tics club, M a rch 25, Alpha Rho T au coed group a nd Epsilon Gamma, education , M arch 27, a nd Beta Upsilon Sigma, business coeds, M arch 30. Women's Athleti c Association ba nquet is schedul ed for April 8, and the senior dinner is M a rch 29 . . . Th e annual band concert was held M a rch 21. Bob K emper, ba ritone, an d Fred Leiderbach, clarinetist, were featured soloists ... The musical show i in production and will be given April 4-5. GUEST SPEAKERS- R ev. A. ]. Schell er, S.J., of the St. Loui School of Social Service spoke to sociology student on the opportunities in the field of social work . .. Mr. Louis Linger, of the Sheffield Gage corporation, addressed the engineering semina rs on "Gaging Practices in Modern Industry" . . . Bob T aber, noted na turalist, was featured a t as embly, M a rch 23 . .. Dr. Alma Braun a nd Dr. C. E. Schneble spoke a t Sigma Delta Pi meetings .. . Mi s Marianna R ehling was guest peaker at the Beta Upsilon Sigma Banquet . . . Cyril Peckham addressed the M a thema tics club on the subject "The Method of Least Squares." 6 a ll a t dear old U. D., a nd I'll be seein~ you. Yours Pro D eo et Pa tria. Ben Shoe '38 Ba ttery C , I 74th F . A. Camp Bowie, T exas - - -0 - - - " BENO" OVER SEAS H ello .Jim: Sorry I haven't written sooner but I ju t keep puttin~ it off. I am tationed a t C am p Elliott a t present and like it a lot. I a m hoving off soon, so fil e me away as "somewhere in the Pacific." Say hello to H a rry a nd .Jim a nd all the rest. As ever Bernard (Beno ) K eiter '42 Camp E lliott San Diego, C alif. DR. BLACK IN ENGLAND D ear Dr. Molz: M a ny thanks for the copies of the Sigma Delta Pi ew , the niver ity of D ayton News, a nd your thoughtful note a ppended thereto. Also I a pprecia te your kindness in writing to Mrs. Black. I received the D ecember Alumnus today in a package from Mrs. Black. We occasionally ee the result of a D ayton basketball game 1916- R alph J. Wirshing, returning from h is F lorida honeymoon , visited the campus. 1917- Virgi l Murphy is now manager of the Neil House in Columbu , 0 . 1918- R ev. F . J. H eider has been moved to Amelia, 0 . published in the "Sta rs a nd Stri pes," the daily pa per of the U. S. troops over here. We are safe a nd comfortable with plenty of food. Most of us have done some travelinp; to the chief points of interest, most of wh ich have fortunately escaped Hitler's demons of demolition. Our experiences have given us the thrill of a lifetime, but we' re all a nxious to get back home a nd for the time to come to extinguish the ma rine la mp in the chapel. Hoping this find s you in the best of health, a nd with best rega rds to all the brothers, I remain Yours, Pro Deo et Pa tria, A. Vincent Black, '35 I st. Lt. M edical Corps, Somewhere in Engla nd 1919-Now a corporal in the army, B. A. Dury is tationed a t Camp Hood, T exas. Pvt. M a tthew Boyla n is a t Fort Sill, Okl a. 1924 - R ecently promoted, Lt. Col. John Supensky is a t Ft. Benning, Ga . Mr. a nd Mrs. Richa rd Horwedel a nnounce the ·birth of a baby daughter M arch 6. 1927- Al so promoted wa .Joe Goetz to Ca ptain . 1928- (ex ) Bob Chester was in Dayton playing a n engagement a t a local theater. H e may be reached in care of the Music Corporation of America, New York City. 193G-Ca pta in William P. Bowma n is adjuta nt with the Milita ry Police in Ca mp Butner, N . C . 1931- Now in overseas service is Ca ptain H a rry G. Foster. 1932- At Wright Field, Pvt. Eugene W. Stenger is with the H eadqua rters Squadron, M a teriel Command. 1933- Ca ptain C . Gra tton Clavin i Post Engineer a t the L exington, K y., Signa l Depot. D a n Ada ms is in Africa. 1934 - With the· medical corps Lt. La rry Libecap i~ a t the Sta tion ho pita!, Scott Field , Ill . Lt. (j.g. ) Oliver Kuhl ma rried Dorothy Thies (ex ' 39) M arch 18. ( See CLASS NOTES, Page 8) THE ABOVE I S A PI CT O RIAL " BEFORE AND AFTER " OF T HE GI FT m ade r ecently to th e Univer sity b y the Bohne rt twins, Lee and Herb. The gif t, a h andsome electric welde r , is shown in its packing box a t left prior to shipment. Note the address, " home of th e U.D. Fl yer s." Lee and H e rb a r e astride. At r ight is the welde r with the packing r e moved. Bro . Belz, F athe r Elbe rt a nd Bro. Ben esek of the power hou se insp ect the highly welcome machine. An accompan ying le tte r f rom Lee a n d H erb said in p art, " Hope this h elps Harry ' weld' togethe r a football team which will make u s fo r get th e last two Cincinnati appearances." 7 CLASS NOTES ( Continu ed from Page 7) 1 935 - Captain George E. O ster is also stationed at Wright Field. George W. Hollander is now an Ensign U.S.N.R. at Ocean View, Va . Robert Kawka has joined the army. Lt. Thomas W. Tucker with the medical corps, U.S.N.R., is now on sea duty. New address of Pvt. Lloyd D. Walkey is Fort Hamilton , New York. Seriously wounded in the fighting in North Africa was Ca pt. Thomas Hoban. All of us hope he recovers soon. 1 936- Dr. Thomas Moorman is now a 1st Lieutenant. He is in Albany, Oregon. With the U. S. Arm~· signal corps. S~t. D an "Hao" H alligan is now overseas. Fra nk Quatman is a signa l corps school imtru ctor in Galion, 0. The editors of the Alumnus solicit your cooperation in connection with the above address. If the address is incorrect p lease correct it in the space provided below. If the addressee is in the service and our addre s does not show it, kindl y fi ll out the form and return it to the Alumni Secreta ry. Please indicate ra nk, cl ass, and complete address. Tha nk you ! CLASS NAME ADDRESS CITY AND STATE (Detach Here and Ma il/ 1937- At Selman F ield, L a., Lt. John W. Foltz is in advanced navigation school. Tames Wall has moved to Lou isville. Ky. A/ C Edwa rd Brennan married K ay Perry of New Orlea ns F eb. 20th and is now sta tioned in Santa Ana, Cal. 1938- Post Engineer a t Ca mp Merced , Calif., is Robert Cotterman. Capt. John U nverferth is a n instructor at C a mp White, Oregon. 1939-From Alaska we hear tha t D a n Hobbs has been promoted to C ap tain. Ca ot. Don K ersting is in command of an armored infantry unit in No. Africa . Dr. R alph Lohrey, recently graduated from Western R eserve university, was ma rried to M a rtha J a ne Ca mpbell of C leveland, Febru a ry 27. Dr. Thomas R ab was best ma n. Dr. R ab was married to Pa tricia Sn app, ex '40, Febru ary 25 . Lohrey was his best ma n. J a ke Baker was an usher a nd Mrs. J acob Baker ( M a rgaret M ess, ex '40) was the hride' only a ttenda nt. Dr. Alma Bra un also gradua ted with Drs. Lohrey a nd R ab a nd will soon go into interneship a t St. John's Hospital, Clevela nd. She is U.D.'s first woman doctor. 1 9 4o-Ka rl Schreiber is at Edgewood Ar enal, Md. Staff Sgt. Gilbert R. Titsch is in the Army \.Ya r Coll e~e a t W ashington , D. C. From latest reports we hear tha t Capt. Tom Glick is on his way overseas, nrobably to Africa. R ecently m arried in Mississ ippi were Capt. W alter H . Winkeljohn and M arjorie Yerger. H e is now purchasing and contracting officer and salvage and r eclamation officer in the Q .M . di- vision a t Biloxi. Dr. R aymond K ahn graduated from St. Louis U. F ebrua ry 20. C a pt. Frank Murphy, Jr., is with the signal corps overseas. Alex Rudzienski has been promoted to C a pta in . 194 1 - From Brother Andrew Weber we hear that Capt. Vincent Poeppelmeier has been transferred to Westover Field, Chicopee Fall s, M ass. H e is located in the Post Engineer's office. Bob Forstoff has been working on the Alcan h ighway. Ca rl Costell and Val Pernush a re in Smyrna, T enn., flying B-24's. A recent campus vi itor was Lt. Berna rd Stang now a t Greenville Army Air Base, Greenville, S. C . In Palm Springs, Calif., Robert Q. Jones has been promoted to C a ptain. Another campus visitor wa M ax Wool , now of Longview State Hospital, Cincinnati (a doctor, not a pa tient ). Pfc. Jean Edgington is awaiting call into aviation cadet training in Camp Phillips, K ansas. Richard Egger is stationed at Ca mp M cDowell, N aperville, Ill. Brother R ose tell s us tha t "Dick" is awaiting a commission. Lt. Melvin ellis is assistant personnel offi cer at Edgewood Arsenal Chem ical Warfare Depot. Richa rd Howe has been tra nsferred to Fresno, Calif. M arch 20 was the wedding day for R oberi. W agner an d M argaret L ynn W a llace. Bill Mora n is in Afri ca. 194 2 - Mrs. Robert Dunl ap is the former D avida "Dede" Nash. The marriage took place February 28 . Lt. George Kinzeler is on his way overseas. Corp. Joe M cShane 8 is in Lex ington , Ky., a t the engineering technical enlistment school. His addre s i Co. C, Phoenix hotel. Ensign Paul Ryan is in Cambridge, M ass. Phillip Ba uer is also in the navy a t Great La kes, Ill. Aviation C adet J oe Dunn is in Santa An a, Calif. Richard Frazier, recently ma rried, is now in Schenectady, N. Y. Another campus visitor, George M adden, now a corporal, is at Robins Field, Ga. Paul Finke graduated from Officers' Ca ndida te School M a rch 7, and has his 2nd Lieutenant's bars. At Stewart, Fl a., Berna rd Schmidt is in Camp Murphy. R obert Zimmerma n is in California. Lt. AI Hoegler is in Sa n Fra ncisco with the Qua rtermaster Corps. 1943- ( ex) Corporal Lloyd R ensel was a recent campus visitor. H e arrived in time for the Senior Fa rewell. H e is at Camp Wallace, Texas, with M a jor D an O'Keefe '36. Theodore is the latest H empelma n to join the service. Charles Schiavo is in the Army. Ensign Wilson Finley Dennis was a visitor to Dr. Molz and the campus M arch 11 . Corp. Joe Rol and was a campu s visitor. H e was with the Marines on Guadalcanal. 1 9 44-(ex) H erman Braun and Ba rry Shilito are at the Ba inbridge Army Air Field. Pvt. Paul M oosebrugger is at Newark airport, Newark, N . .T. Bob R eeves is now a pri.vate at Fort L ewi, Wash. 1 9 45- ( ex) In Camp Grant. Ill. , is Pvt. Joseph H. Geis. R alph Outcalt is in Mia mi. Fla.