CV - Gaudin Lab


CV - Gaudin Lab
Amélie CM Gaudin
Email: - Phone: 530-752-1212
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Plant Sciences, University of California Davis
Post-doctoral Fellow, Dept. of Plant Agriculture, University of Guelph, Canada
Post-doctoral Fellow, CESD, International Rice Research Institute, Philippines
Research Assistant, International Potato Center, Peru
Plant Agriculture
Crop Sciences
Crop Sciences
University of Guelph (Canada)
“Effects of domestication and nitrogen on root growth and
fine scale architecture in maize (Zea mays L.)”
ESA Angers (France) / CAH Dronten (Netherlands)
LEGTA Olivier de Serres (France)
University of Guelph AGR-2050 Agroecology, Winter 2013, 2014
UC Davis PLS-150 Sustainable Agroecosystem Management, Spring 2016
Fellow, Agricultural Sustainability Institute, UC Davis
International Society for Root Research (ISSR)
Crop Science Society of America (CSSA)
American Society of Agronomy (ASA).
Ecological Society of America (ESA)
Reviewer: PloS journals, Crop Science, Agronomy Journal, Field Crops Research
UofG2013-1671 – Impact of rotation complexity on yield stability and crop response to drought
stress, OMAFRA. Can$218,350 (06/2014 to 06/2017).
Major Professor: 1PhD, 3 MsC
[14] Amélie C.M Gaudin, Ken Janovicek, William Deen, David C.Hooker. (2015) Wheat
improves nitrogen use efficiency of maize and soybean-based cropping systems. Agriculture,
Ecosystems and Environment, 210: 1-10.
[13] Amélie C.M Gaudin, Tor Tolhurst, Alan Ker, Ralph C. Martin, William Deen. (2015)
Increasing crop diversity mitigates weather variations and improves yield stability. PLoS ONE
10(2): e0113261.
[12] Amélie C.M Gaudin, Sarah McClymont, Sameh Soliman, Manish N. Raizada. (2014) The
effect of altered dosage of a mutant allele of Teosinte branched 1 (tb1-ref) on the root system of
modern maize. BMC Genetics, 15: 23-27.
[11] Amélie C.M Gaudin, Ken Janovicek, Ralph C. Martin, William Deen. (2014) Approaches to
optimizing nitrogen fertilization in a winter wheat-red clover relay cropping system. Field Crops
Research, 155: 192-201
[10] Amélie C.M Gaudin, Sabrina Westra, Cora E.S Loucks, Ken Janovicek, Ralph C. Martin,
William Deen. (2013) Improving resilience of northern field crop systems using inter-seeded red
clover. Agronomy, 3: 148-180.
[9] Joseph N Berchie, Amélie C.M Gaudin, Sarah McClymont, Manish N. Raizada, Adu Dapaah,
Sarkodie Addo. (2013) Performance of 13 Bambara Groundnut (Vigna subterrenea (L) Verdc.)
landraces from Sub Saharan Africa under 12 h and 14 h photoperiod. Journal of Agronomy, 12:
[8] Amélie C.M Gaudin, Amelia Henry, Inez H. Slamet-Loedin. (2012) Taking transgenic rice
drought screening to the field. Journal of Experimental Botany, 64: 109-117.
[7] Amélie C.M Gaudin, Eric Lyons, Manish N. Raizada. (2011) Novel temporal, fine-scale and
growth variation phenotypes in roots of adult-stage maize (Zea mays L.) in response to low
nitrogen stress. Plant Cell and Environment, 34: 2122-2137
[6] Amélie C.M Gaudin, Sarah McClymont, Manish N. Raizada. (2011) The nitrogen adaptation
strategy of the wild Teosinte ancestor of modern maize, Zea mays ssp parviglumis. Crop
Science, 51: 2780-2795
[5] Shrinivasrao P. Mane, Cecilia Vasquez Robinet , Alexander Ulanov , Roland Schafleitner,
Luz Tincopa, Amélie C.M Gaudin, Giannina Nomberto, Carlos Alvarado, Christian Solis, Luis
Avila Bolivar, Raul Blas, Oscar Ortega, Julio Solis, Ana Panta, Cristina Rivera, Ilanit Samolski,
Doris H. Carbajulca, Meredith Bonierbale, Amrita Pati, Lenwood S. Heath, Hans J. Bohnert and
Ruth Grene. (2008) Molecular and physiological adaptation to prolonged drought stress in the
leaves of two Andean potato genotypes. Functional Plant Biology, 35, 669–688.
[4] Roland Schafleitner, Amélie C.M Gaudin, Carlos Alvarado, Raymundo Gutierrez, Merideth
Bonierbale. (2007) Capturing candidate drought tolerance traits in two naTve Andean potato
clones by transcripTon profiling of field grown plants under water stress. Plant Physiology and
Biochemistry, 45 :673-690
[3] Roland Schafleitner, Amélie C.M Gaudin, Carlos Alvarado, Raymundo Gutierrez, Merideth
Bonierbale. (2007) Proline accumulation and real Tme PCR expression analysis of genes
encoding enzymes of proline metabolism in relation to drought tolerance in Andean potato. Acta
Physiologiae Plantarum, 29: 19-26.
[2] Roland Schafleitner, Raymundo Gutierrez, Ricardo Espino, Amélie C.M Gaudin, José Pérez,
Mariano Marqnez, Alejandro Domínguez, Luz Tincopa, Carlos Alvarado, Giannina Numberto,
Merideth Bonierbale. (2007). Field screening for variation of drought tolerance in Solanum
tuberosum L. by agronomical, physiological and genetic analysis. Potato Research, 50:71–85
[1] Wilmer Cuellar, Amélie C.M Gaudin, Dennis Solórzano, Armando Casas, Luis Ñopo, Kufala
Prakash Chudalayandi, Giuliana Medrano, Jan Kreuze, Marc Ghislain. (2006) Self-excision of
the antibiotic resistance gene nptII using a heat inducible Cre/loxP system from transgenic
potato. Plant Molecular Biology, 62: 71-82.
[1] Deen W, Martin R, Gaudin ACM (2015) The role of cropping system diversity: Past , Present,
Future. In prep. Nova Science Publisher.
[11] Gaudin ACM, Tolhurst T, Ker A, Martin R, Deen W. 2015. Agroecological approaches to
improve system resilience. Oral presentation, Current Opinion in Plant Biology Conference
(Elsevier). February 15-17, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
[10] Gaudin ACM, Tolhurst T, Ker A, Martin R, Deen W. 2014. Are corn yields increasingly
limited by water availability? Oral presentation, ASA, CSSA & SSSA International Annual
Meeting. November 2-5, Long Beach, California, USA.
[9] Gaudin ACM, Martin R, Deen W. 2013. Increasing Crop Diversity Improves Yield Stability.
Oral presentation, ASA, CSSA & SSSA International Annual Meeting. November 3-6, Tampa,
Florida, USA.
[8] Loucks C, Westra S, Gaudin ACM, Martin R, Deen, W. 2013. Effects of Water Stress on Red
Clover Stands Inter-seeded to Winter Wheat. Poster presentation, ASA, CSSA & SSSA
International Annual Meeting. November 3-6, Tampa, Florida, USA.
[7] Westra S, Gaudin ACM, Martin R, Deen, W. 2013. Understanding the Causes of NonUniform Red Clover Overseeded to Winter Wheat. Poster presentation, ASA, CSSA & SSSA
International Annual Meeting. November 3-6, Tampa, Florida, USA.
[6] Gaudin ACM, Henry A, Slamet-Loedin I.H. 2012. Transgenic Rice Screening: From the Lab
to the Field. Oral presentation, 42nd Annual Crop Science Society of the Philippine Conference.
April 16-21, Puerto Princesa, Palawan, Philippines.
[5] Gaudin ACM, Raizada M.N. 2009. Effect of the Major Domestication Locus TB1 on Root
Architecture: The Hidden Half of Maize Domestication. Oral presentation, 51st Annual Maize
Genetics Conference. March 12‐15, St Charles, Illinois, USA.
[4] Gaudin ACM, Holmes B, Raizada M.N. 2009. The Effect of Nitrogen on Maize Root
Architecture Using an Aeroponics System. Poster presentation, 3rd International Root Research
Symposium. Sept 2-4, Vienna, Austria.
[3] Gaudin ACM, Holmes B, Raizada M.N. 2008. Optimization of Aeroponics, a Non Destructive
Method to Monitor the Effect of Nitrogen on Maize Root Growth and Architecture. Oral
presentation, 5th International Symposium on Adventitious Root Formation. June 16‐20, Alcala
de Henares, Spain.
[2] Schafleitner R, Gaudin ACM, Gutierrez Rosales R O, Alvarado Aliaga C A and Bonierbale M.
2005. Real Time PCR expression Analysis of Drought Response Candidate Genes in Andean
potato. Oral presentation. Plant Gems, 19‐23 September, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
[1] Schafleitner R, Gaudin ACM, Gutierrez Rosales R O, Alvarado Aliaga C A and Bonierbale M.
2005. Impact of drought stress on yield, physiological parameters and gene expression in Andean
potato. Poster presentation, Interdrought II, 24‐28 September, Rome, Italy.

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