the latest edition of the Club magazine `GEARBOX`


the latest edition of the Club magazine `GEARBOX`
Issue 93
May 2015
Online Edition
In This Issue:
President’s Report
Attention in the Pits
Future Event Information
Misc Reports
Last GEAR Event reports
Gearbox Trading Post
Sup Regs
GEAR Committee & Contacts
Next GEAR Day is
10th June 2015
Those who say it can’t
be done should not
interrupt the ones doing
The Golden Era Auto Racing Club promotes the preservation of the racing and sports cars of the golden age of
Australian motor sport, to the end of the era in the early 1960s.
GEAR organises non-competitive Drive Days for the pleasurable use and enjoyment of the cars in a safe,
regulated, affordable and social motoring environment.
President’s Report
ell another great day at Wakefield for the April meeting. The weather was a bit chilly, but it stayed dry
and after the heavy overnight rain the circuit was very good except for a small stream that ran across
the track at the final corner for most of the day!
We had great fields of proper GEAR cars in the main groups with 10 cars running in Group A, 10 in
Group B and 12 in Group C, with 2 new drivers running in Group E, bringing the total to 34.
It was great to see some new faces and new cars, as well as our familiar friends and I know that
everybody I spoke to had a fantastic days motor sport. It was a real treat watching Group B with the two Austin A30's of
Allan Bryson and Greg Payne running nose to tail all day and having a really great time and watching John Hewlett and
Colin Goldsmith doing the same in the big Healeys up front. There was also some great spirited driving at the pointy end of
Group A!
A massive thank you to all of the helpers on the day, particularly the people on the flags out in the chilly breeze and
the few girls up in the tower doing the timing who were kept busy all day and hardly had any time to drink coffee or eat
chocolates. I hope we can bring in some reinforcements for the next event!
Was also great to have Pat 2 Dogs back on the microphone, keeping us all on our toes (I think he has become the voice of
GEAR - we missed you last meeting Pat). Having only four groups is certainly a great boost to the track time you get, and I
think all the drivers went home happy and worn out, I know I sure did.
The Eligibility Committee has been working on getting through all the new registration forms, there are now around
80 cars on the new GEAR Eligible Cars List with more forms still coming in. An up todate list should be available to view
on the Club website by the time you receive this issue.
At the last committee meeting, after requests from and consultation with some of the Saloon car owners, it was
decided to accept a minimum 60% aspect ratio for tyres for Saloon cars bringing them in line with the Production Sports
Cars and the proposed new tyre regulations for Group Na and Sa. It was also agreed to increase the engine capacity limit for
'new' Historic Specials to 4 litres for normally aspirated and 2.5 litres supercharged. The decision was also made, that at the
next two meetings, we would have a special group for invited cars (Group I) with the June meeting having an event for
Invited Sports and Saloon Cars and the August meeting an event for invited Racing and Sports Racing cars. Invited cars will
be limited to selected cars that have previously run at GEAR. Please contact our event secretary Lisa, if you are interested in
running an invited car.
Next year will be the 40th Anniversary of the first All Historic race meeting in Australia that was held at Amaroo
Park in January 1976. Our Club has been contacted by the Vintage Sports Car Club and we have agreed to support an event
to mark this important milestone. Many of the cars and drivers from this first event are still about and are members of our
club, so stay tuned for details. Hope to see you at Wakefield on June 10th - we shouldn't have many cars with overheating
Greg Snape.
Please visit our New WEBSITE at
The views expressed in newsletter articles, submissions and spotlights are those of the authors and do not
necessarily represent the views of GEAR. It is the purpose of this periodical to share a variety of viewpoints.
The next GEARBOX will be published Mid July 2015
We require your Group Reports and Committee reports by
29th June2015
to enable us to post the news letter out on time.
If you need help with your report please contact the Editor .
Please send all: Event Reports/For Sales - Wanted/ other News items to The Editor.
Please send any changes to your contact details to the Secretary.
We prefer the information you send us to be in Digital form as it makes formatting and editing easier. Such as ;Microsoft Word , DOCX or Email text. High resolution Photos in JPEG format are great. Scanned Documents
make our job a little harder.
Thankyou for your Cooperation.
Editor - Terry Perkins (Raewyn). Email;
H; 0240 286 627
Mob; 0459 753 929
2015 Historic Meetings
2nd GEAR
10th June Wed.
16th June Tues.
12th Aug. Wed
18th Aug Tues.
14th Oct. Wed.
20th Oct Tues.
2nd Dec. Wed.
15th Dec Tues.
31st May
26th July
1st November
21st May
Thursday L.S.
6 -7th June
Sydney Retro
18th June
Thursday Q.R.
9th July
Thursday L.S.
13th August
Thursday L.S.
17th September
Thursday Q.R.
19 - 20th Sept
Historic Spring
28 - 29th Nov
Historic Spring
Historic Winton
May 30 - 31st
7 -8th March
Phillip Island
25 -26 April
Mallala Easter
2 -3rd May
Historic Qld
Morgan Park
W.P. = Wakefield Park.
S.M.P = Sydney Motorsport Park. Q.R. = Queensland Raceway. L.S. = Lakeside Qld,
W.R. = Winton Raceway.
-------------------------------------------------------NSW GEAR - Lisa Tobin- Smith. Mob 0419609617
2ND GEAR - Mike Basquil
- Charkes Jardine
Qld GEAR - Lance Boucat
HSRCA Ph 02 9988 4743
40th Anniversary of Historic Racing in Australia
The Vintage Sports Car Club of Australia Limited (VSCCA) committee is hard at work creating a suitable celebratory
event to mark 40 years next year since historic racing started in NSW in January 1976. The VSCCA started historic
racing with the first ever historic racing event being held at Amaroo Park and we continued being the organiser and
promoter for the next 10 years. After that the MG Car Club ran it for a number of years until the creation of the Historic Sports and Racing Association (HSRCA) who still run historic racing although the format and the age of the cars
has moved away from the original concept. The Golden Era Auto Racing Club (GEAR Club) members have also
been involved in running historic racing events
The early events run by the VSCCA primarily catered for cars up to 1960 with strong fields of pre-war racing and
sports cars in the scratch and handicap events and large fields of vintage and PVT cars in the very popular regularity
trials. In addition, historic motor bikes were a large part of the formula.
The committee is proposing to run a celebratory weekend race meeting, using outside help in the organisation, at
some date in 2016 and will run it along the lines of the first event. The organisation may be shared with other like
minded clubs and discussions are currently being formulated to do this. The race meeting could be held at Wakefield
Park or the new circuit at Raymond Terrace and will involve a celebratory Saturday night dinner.
This event naturally will incur considerable expense and the VSCCA committee is anxious to get a feel for the peoples' response to this idea to factor in the risk level to be taken. In order to achieve a reasonably cost neutral outcome
the event would require about 120 participants at a cost of around $300 per competitor for the weekend. Naturally the
event will draw competitors from a wide field other than the VSCCA. Racing and regularity events would cater for all
kinds of cars, but almost certainly all pre-1960.
The VSCCA needs to hear back from you, as to whether you would support this event. Can you please email an expression of interest if this appeals to you to or
John Lackey
GEAR member with GEAR Accepted Car?
Please Contact Lisa By: Monday 8th June2015
Tuesday is too late as she is on the road!!!
Phone: 0240 235 382 Email:
Leave your Name, Phone number, Car details (make, year, colour, number) so the event
groups can be sorted before the day.
You still need to lodge COMPLETED ENTRY and SCRUTINEERING FORMs on the day.
New member & Car suitability enquiries to Secretary - David Shannon
(contact details on back page.)
What do you do when you classic car breaks down 200km's from home?
What do you do when you need the right thingamabob to go in the whatsamagig and you know Whosiwhatzit
has got one?
What do you do when you just want to have a chat?
Well ... you contact someone from the GEAR-DIAN ANGELS list!
I am compiling a booklet with the contact details of all members, for all members. It will show your name, suburb (not full address), phone numbers and email as listed on the GEAR club membership list. It will not be a
electronic list, but a paper copy you can keep.
If you have moved house, changed your phone numbers, got a new email address or you would prefer your
contact details NOT be printed, please let Lisa know by July 1st.
After that, I will make up the booklets and get a copy to everyone.
Contact Lisa:
02 4023 5382
0419 609 617
At the next two meetings, we will have an Events for invited cars
with the June meeting having events for Invited Sports and Saloon
Cars and the August meeting events for invited Racing and Sports
Racing cars. Invited cars will be limited to selected cars that have
previously run at GEAR. Please contact our event secretary Lisa, if
you are interested in running an invited car.
GEAR January Grand Prix
To help us celebrate the 88th Anniversary of the First Australian Grand Prix held in Goulburn in January 1927,
we thought it might be a bit of fun to hold our own "Grand Prix" as part of the Goulburn Bowl weekend on
January 17th, trying to round up as many pre 1960 Australian Grand Prix cars that we could. Of course the
performance differential between cars from the late 20's to the cars from the late 50's is huge, so it was decided to
run the 'Grand Prix' as an elapsed time event - the first one to cross the line after 19 minutes and 27 seconds (1927
- First AGP) would be deemed the winner!
What a roll up we had! Dick Willis came all the way down from northern NSW with the John Nind MG TB
Special. What a great history this car has, competing in a total of 5 AGP's in 1948, 1949, 1950 1952 and 1953.
GEAR regular David Gleen drove his Anderson Holden Special which was raced by Wal Anderson at the 1954
AGP at Southport in Queensland. Terry Perkins immaculate Nota Consul was another genuine AGP car that ran at
Bathurst in 1958 as well as Graeme Snape's Zephyr Special from the 1955 AGP at Port Wakefield in SA. We
were also treated with the sight and sounds of Noel Cunningham's 1926 Talbot Darracq with its 1.5 litre
supercharged straight eight engine, all the way from Romsey in Victoria. What a gem of a car! Not only was this
one of the team cars that finished 1-2-3 at Montlhéry Grand Prix in France in 1926 it also ran in the AGP at Albert
Park in 1953 driven by Reg Nutt. John Lackey's recreation of the Allan Tomlinson MG TA Special was also a
sight to see, being the 1939 AGP winner on the road circuit at Lobethal in SA.
We also had some cars to represent former AGP cars. The 1938 Bathurst AGP winning black ERA was
represented by Frank Cuttell's black Supercharged Armstrong Siddeley Special which is built in the likeness of an
ERA, Paul Boatwright's Supercharged Austin Seven Special filled in for the 1928 Phillip Island AGP winning
Austin Seven. Rob Cavenagh's Jaguar Special represented Lex Davidson's 1954 Southport AGP winner, the
HWM Jaguar and Phill Speer's MG TC Special stood in for the 1947 Bathurst AGP winning MG TC Special of
Bill Murray. The AGP's over the years had many different Riley Specials which were represented by Rees
McKay's 1933 Riley Special. Brian Parkinson's Harris Special filled in for the blue ex Price Bira MGK3 that
competed at Victor Harbour in 1937 with two other MGK3's and David Holyoak's Side valve Ford V8 Special
filled in for the not pretty but effective 1950 AGP winner at Nuriootpa in SA, Black Bess, the Ford V8 Special
driven by Doug Whiteford.
Cars were started from the grid two at a time in traditional GEAR fashion (it is also interesting to note that the
first AGP was run in heats with two cars at a time) and were flagged away by the Mayor of Goulburn, Geoff
Kettle. It was great that all of the cars that started the event were still running at the end and when the chequered
flag was unfurled at 19 minutes and 27 seconds there were a gaggle of cars on the back straight! The 'race' was on
the crowd were on their feet and as they crossed the line it was Frank Cuttell in the "ERA" in first place very
closely followed by the MG TC Special of Phill Speer with Graeme ("another fifty yards I would have got 'em
both") Snape in the fast approaching Zephyr Special. Definitely the most exciting 'non race' finish I have ever
Enormous silver trophies were presented after the event (courtesy of Shannons) and the podium was completed by
the three drivers spraying champagne which was followed by more champagne and a BBQ in front of the Club
House, a great end to a great day of very enjoyable motor sport.
A big thank you to all the hard work from Gill, Laraine and Lisa a big thank you for all the other helpers over the
weekend. Thanks also to Shannons for sponsorship and a very special thanks to all those that bought along their
wonderful old racing cars to compete in a great event. Looks like we will have to do it again next year!
Prezz Greg
GROUP A Racing Cars - 8th April 2015
Paul Armstrong
Sean Cavenagh
Ray Kenny
Rees Mackay
* Ken Reidy
James Elphick
David Gleen
Greg Snape
Greg Snape
Nalla Holden
GD Jaguar Spl
Thompson Sports
Riley Special
Kenbob Austin Special
Gazelle Ford 10 Spl
Anderson Holden
Austin Lancer Spl
Cooper BMW
isa, ordered good weather and again it was delivered,
as she usually does.
When it cooled down after lunch it proved very hard to get
tyres to warm up. I am afraid Reidy Racing Group had an
off day! The Bobken Holden refused to play. It had a major fire around the engine one week before GEAR, we
thought we had it sorted but it was not to be. The Kenbob
Austin normally so reliable kept locking the right front
brake at every corner slowing things down considerably.
We spent lunch time trying to sort the problems and forgot
to nominate a time so no chance of a chocy! So now you
all should have a tissue.
The Charred Bobken Holden
With my cars not wanting to play I watched the Amaroo
Park Alive from the hill near the end of the straight .
There was some very spirited and close driving between
Ray Kenny
Thompson Sports
David Gleen
Anderson Holden
Paul Armstrong. Nalla Holden
I did manage to pass Sean in the Jag a couple of times
while he tried to sort out which end of the car should go up
the hill first.
There were 8 starters in a Group A Warwick farm Remembered.
David Gleen. Anderson Holden
2nd. James Elphick. Gazelle
Rees Mackay. Riley
The wind got up and the temperature down for Catalina
Paul Armstrong Nalla Holden
Sean Cavenagh. Spinning Jaguar
Greg Snape.
Austin Lancer
Having a great contest not far behind was Sean in the Jag
and Greg in his Cooper.
A big thanks from all the drivers to all the volunteers
THERE is no event without you.
Ken Reidy
Group A Continued
GROUP B/D Sports &Tin Tops - 8th April 2015
Rod Anderson
Paul Barbara
John Barnett
Roger Benjamin
Allan Bryson
* Richard Cardew
Colin Goldsmith
John Lamond
Greg Payne
John Hewlett
Morris Major
KM 200
MGB SebringReplica
DL Vangard Spl
Austin A30
Sunbeam Alpine
A. Healey 3000
Triumph Spitfire
Austin A30
Austin Healey 3000
Silver Green
ypical Goulburn weather did not
dampen the spirits of the sports
cars that turned up for the GEAR
meeting. Rain held off though the
clouds threatened from time to time.
The drenching the day before left a
flow of water across the exit to the
turn on to the main street, thereby
leading to caution and experimentation
with different lines.
The two big Healeys of Colin
Goldsmith and John Hewlett contrasted
with the two Group Na A30s of Allan
Bryson and Greg Payne. Both the latter
were running on 4.5 inch rims which
made their 175/60/13 look decidedly
baggy. Accompanying them were Rod
Anderson’s Morris Major, John
Lamond’s immaculate and fairly
standard Triumph Spitfire Mk1, John
Barnett’s Sebring Replica MGB and
my Alpine. Two KM bodied cars were
there, one BMC powered the other
Vanguard powered.
That meant a fair spread of speeds and
most events saw each pair of Austins
sparring split by the Alpine with gaps
spreading substantially as the laps
rolled by. Rod Anderson and Roger
Benjamin also did some sparring.
Times appeared to be off for many
entrants by a couple of seconds, which
we will put down to cold weather and
inability to get a fast entry onto the
main straight. That’s our story and we
are sticking to it. The wind also gusted
strongly at times and that may explain
Rod Anderson dropping a rear wheel
off the bitumen at the top of the hill.
He caught it quickly and didn’t lose
much time.
The big Healeys did not have it all their
own way. A rolling start gives the
tiddlers a chance and the event was
prefaced by a discussion between
John Hewlett, Colin Goldsmith and
myself over lines across the top of the
hill. John was pretty happy with his
technique of turning the two right
handers into one and praised Colin
Goldsmith for his ability to do this very
consistently. After the event he was
asked about how he felt going through
there this time. He expressed pleasure
and said where were you? Right on
your backside I said and immediately
behind were the A30s. Colin had seen
us and thought to himself, this looks
interesting. I was able to hassle them
till the main street and tried my best
to close up through the corners on the
next lap but their superior grunt was
just too much. We won’t talk about
Greg and Allan thoroughly enjoyed
their time running in close company.
It was impressive because Greg is
over 30 centimeters taller than Allan
and even though he is now very trim,
he is probably 30 kilograms heavier.
That alone would make his car
around 6% heavier. At least the
corners at Wakefield Park favour
those cars with extra weight on the
driver’s side.
As for results, the timers decided
upon John Lamond, Paul Barbara and
Roger Benjamin for the first event. In
the second, John Lamond was best
but though I was next and having got
a prize John Barnett and Colin
Goldsmith filled 2nd and 3rd.
I learnt something about this event that you might like to
know. The lap used to compare with the nominated time
is arbitrarily decided before the start of the event, so it is
not necessarily the closest lap time you did during the
event that counts on the time on the pre-determined lap.
It really does pay to be consistent.
The final event should have been me again, sorry but it
is also very rare for me win the rolling start event. The
elapsed time is not in my favour. It went to Allan Bryson
followed of course by Greg Payne and then Rod
Anderson. And John Hewlett got a chocolate as the only
other runner. The two KM bodied cars had struck
mechanical problems that in each case might lead to
prospective and perhaps overdue overhauls of engines
that have done many years of service.
Richard Cardew
GROUP C Racing Cars
8th April 2015
Rob Cavenagh
Alan Higginbotham
Percy Hunter
Stirling Mackay
* Brian Parkinson
Ken Reidy
Bruce Richardson
David Shannon
Mathew Snape
Antony Wood
Bruce Chatfield
Bob Fisher
GD Jaguar Spl
Almost Reptilian Spl
MG TC Special
Riley Special
MGTC “The GAF” Spl
Austin Lancer Spl
Nota Minx
Donington Riley Spl
Morris Austin Spl
Austin Spl
Kenbob Austin Spl
ell! The true believers were treated to one of the best
GEAR days ever experienced, with spirited and
close driving in all groups.
Spectators were treated to really entertaining Motor Sport,
with the lead changing many times and many personal times
reduced substantially.
There were wide smiles from ear to ear everywhere, Lots of
sunshine, no Breakdowns, no Tow truck, and best of all , no
need for the AMBOs, just heaps of fun and lots of
The true spirit of GEAR lives on! Congratulations to our
Committee and of course our wonderful eager Volunteers.
Great to see the Father and son Combo growing in numbers.
Indeed this is the future of GEAR.
Dark Green
Results;Warick Farm Remembered,
1st Ken Reidy
2nd Bob Fisher
3rd Bruce Chatfield.
Catalina Capers.
1st Rob Cavenagh.
2nd David Shannon.
3rd Stirling Mackay
Amaroo Alive.
1st Antony Wood.
2nd Percy Hunter.
3rd Bruce Richardson.
Hope to see you at Winton 28th May.
Brian Parkinson
Group C Continued
GROUP E Newcomers - 8th April 2015
* Glen Nagy
John Wards
Cooper BMW
Austin A30
I would just like to thank the entire Car Club on their
support, encouragement and enthusiasm for my first
ever race event. I found the club to be very professional
and I witnessed a group of very dedicated people get
together and simply enjoy a day celebrating what the
club truly represents. I saw just how much work goes
into organising these events and everyone should be
proud of their efforts. I will certainly be making the
effort to attend as many of these events as possible.
Whether it’s driving or volunteering.
Results;Event 1 . Warick Farm Remembered
1st Glen Nagy.
2nd John Wards
Event 2. Catalina Capers.
1st Glen Nagy (nom 1.40 did 1.40.71)
2nd John Wards
Event 3 . Amaroo Park Alive
1st John Wards
2nd Glen Nagy
I thought I would put my day into a poem….just for
something different:
I was nervous, excited even felt some fear
For my first ever race day was here at GEAR.
My first interaction with you all was at the pre-race spiel
That’s when I realised that this was real.
No backing out now the day has begun
A few inspiring words from Matt Snape “go out their
kiddo and just have some fun”.
I took president Snape’s Cooper out for the first time in
It ran quite well for only having 3 gears.
There were only two newcomers racing in group E
As the day went on our times got better, and there were
no more signs of that nervous wee.
I didn’t realise how much works goes in by the
committee and the volunteers
But it all seems worth at the end of the day when we
celebrate with chocolate trophies and a few cold beers.
I had such a fun and amazing day
So thankyou is what I’m trying to say!
Report by Glen Nagy.
Volunteers 8th April 2015
Clerk of Course
Bruce Wells
John Lackey
Graham Pagden
Robyn Snape
Robyn Snape
Graeme Snape
Peter Gentry
Margaret Reidy
Greg Snape
Bob Langdon
Pat Gleen
Dummy Grid
Tow Truck
Pat 2 Dogs
Bruce Wells
Bruce Wells
John Lymbery
Graeme Snape
Alanna Snape
Event Secretary
Phil Sim
Lisa Tobin-Smith
M Rigo
B Connell
Volunteers – Helping people, changing lives.
Council of Motor Clubs - Report by Pat Marshall-Cormack
CMC Meeting 31 March 2015
General;Shannon’s Sydney Classic – so Far 55 clubs and 900 cars booked in.
Robert Shannon Foundation. Any applicants for grants limited to persons under 30 years old who are restoring a piece
of motoring heritage.
Tours, Lynelle Titcume, Sep 2016 –UK, Aug 2017 – Route 66. 1st Nov 2015 – Cooma Motor fest – Yass Festival.
Blacktown Swap Meet - Sunday 5th July ,Fairfield Showground , Smithfield Road, Prairiewood.
Shoalhaven Historic Vehicle Club inc.---POSH WEEKEND. 17th 17th May -contact Pat Marshall-Cormack
0412 862 460
Photos in this Magazine are kindly supplied by Phil Sim.
Phil Sim has taken thousands of photos of our meetings and has them all on file. If members wish to purchase any action pictures of their cars, from postcard size up to 914 x 610
(36"x 24"), you can contact Phil by phone on 02 9449 3031, or by email on
Mowog 1.5 ltr A series motor or crankshaft.
MGB Block, Head, Crankshaft and Windscreen.
4 Benz alloy wheels in good condition suit 78 -80 models
Pat 2 Dogs 0244 641 723 or 0412 862 460
Slightly used 15 inch motor cycle tyres to suit smaller type car.
Fitted to my Cooper and only used at Wakefield a couple of times.
Great in the dry, hopeless in the wet!
2 x 130/90/15 and 2 x 140/90/15. $30 each.
Also 2 x 130/90/15 that are well worn but would be fine for wheeling
your next project around on. Free to good home.
Can deliver to next GEAR event if required.
Greg Snape. Yass NSW. 02 6227 1111
Ready to go!
Eligible car but will need 15 " (Volvo ) wheels to
run next year.
Driver needs to be 80kg or less and less than 1.8
mtrs tall.
02 49978298
Rob Simpson
1954 DL Vanguard Special. Built in
Orange by Don Lapham.2.2 litre Vanguard
(Fergie guts)engine; 4sp. gear box; Ford Diff;
Magneto ign.
A LOT has been done to get this car back in
action. This is developing into a
good ,genuine car - which can only get better
with a fitter driver. 5’8” - 5’10”
1965 MGB, 5 Bearing motor
fully rebuilt.Body rebuilt
including new paint, needs new
hood. Eng # 18GBUH24737
$10500 ONO
Contact Pat
Holden special (grey motor)
Goulding 0249 452 086
$20,000-00 Negotiable
BENJAMIN 0260262986
1960 MGA 1600 Engine
No.16Ga/u/18231. Car
restoration, Trim good, new
front brake discs, calipers
rebuilt. Unregistered.
$13000 ONO
Replica 1935 Miller Sprint Car
Q series Dodge side valve 6cyl engine,
Triple Rochchester carbie. 3 speed Dodge g/box with remote shift.
Halibran quick change diff. Polished alloy body. Good tyres.
Tonneau cover. Sold with single axle tilt trailer and hold down straps.
Great GEAR car.
All enquires
Bob Thomas. 0411247948
GREY HOLDEN CYLINDER HEAD WANTED, also distributor drive shaft.
Please contact Paul Armstrong 02 9489 5524 or email
Trading Post Advertisements are FREE to members of all clubs receiving this Newsletter. Trading Post items are run for
Trading Post Advertisements are FREE to members of all clubs receiving this Newsletter. Trading Post items are run for
one issue unless a re-run request is sent to the Editor by the cut-off date ; 2 weeks after the last GEAR Meeting. Cars adone issue unless a re-run request is sent to the Editor by the cut-off date which is 2 weeks after the last GEAR Meeting.
vertised may not meet GEAR eligibility or invitation requirements. Purchasers should check with the GEAR Committee.
Event & Supplementary Regulations
Wakefield Park – 10th June 2015
1. The event will be organised by the Golden Era Auto Racing Club Inc, 4 Joy Street Cardiff 2285 Ph: (02) 4023 5382 in
conjunction with Inner Product Pty Ltd.
If you are planning on driving, you need to advise of your entry by contacting Lisa Tobin-Smith.
Phone: (02) 40 235 382 / 0419 609 617 Email: Post: GEAR Club Inc., 4 Joy Street Cardiff 2285
We need to know: Name of DRIVER/S; CAR (INCLUDING YEAR); NUMBER & COLOUR; LAP TIME for Wakefield Park.
ENTRIES CLOSE - Sunday 7th June 2015
2. We invite entries from all members and potential members of GEAR Club with suitable Historic pre-war, post-war racing cars,
and sports cars manufactured prior to 30th April 1963 (or run-ons) and sedan cars up to 31 December 1960, as well as other
vehicles as per GEAR Club Inc Eligibility. Sedan cars post 31 December 1960 will be at the discretion of the GEAR Eligibility
Committee and must be identical to pre-1961 models. All cars entering for a GEAR Meeting must be registered with GEAR Club
Drivers who are not GEAR members are invited to enter ONE meeting prior to applying for GEAR membership. (Cost of GEAR
membership is $30 per year.)
All drivers will be required to hold a Level 2 AASA licence or a competition licence issued by any recognised Motor Sport authority.
The organisers reserve the right to refuse any entry without assigning a reason.
NB: No driver under 17 years of age is permitted to compete in this event.
ENTRY FEE (including GST) will be $130 per driver. There is no reduction in fee for a second driver in the same car. Entry fees
will be payable to Wakefield Park upon completion of the Indemnity at sign-on.
GEAR encourages applications for events from potential participants. However, any application is considered by the GEAR
Committee, and/or GEAR officials delegated authority by the Committee, as no more than an indication of interest in participating in
the event as specified. The GEAR Committee, and/or GEAR officials delegated authority by the Committee shall, at their absolute
discretion, on receipt of an application to participate, issue an invitation on behalf of GEAR to participate. This invitation will be
verbal for Eligible cars and written for Invited cars. No person can participate in any event without receipt of such invitation.
2a. Invited Cars. There will be provision to run as an “Invited car” for Production Sports and Saloon cars. Invitations to compete
will be issued individually at the discretion of the committee. . Each invited car will need to have completed a GEAR Car
Registration Form before participation and have run at previous GEAR event. Extensively modified and post 1967 vehicles may
not be accepted.
3. SCRUTINEERING - All cars will be scrutineered before participating. A fire extinguisher to AS1846 or AS1848 or AS1841
(Min .9Kg capacity) must be securely fitted in the car. An oil breather catch tank of at least l litre capacity must be fitted. Each
carburettor must have a throttle return spring fitted, set up so throttle returns to idle if linkage slips or breaks. Sump gearbox and diff
plugs need to be wired or tightened in presence of scrutineer. Front opening bonnets require a secondary catch system to prevent
bonnet lifting in the event of original catch failure. Headlight lenses are to be taped or covered to prevent glass breakage by flying
stones. Scrutineering will take place in the pit garages prior to the first event.
4. CARS WITHOUT ROLLBARS - may be accepted but the intention to participate should be notified before the next GEAR
meeting as a list of approved cars and drivers is maintained by the Club. Contact Lisa Tobin-Smith (0419 609 617) for details.
5. PROTESTS - There will be no protests. This is a day of safe, enjoyable motor sport. Don’t come if you want to protest.
6. PROGRAM - Time will be allocated for testing, driver training and non-competitive events.
7. OVERTAKING - The full use of mirrors is particularly important. The organisers will pay special attention to any baulking or
tendency towards over driving. (See points 1 and 5 of the attached Members’ & Participants’ Code.)
8. HELMETS, GOGGLES, CLOTHING AND HARNESS - All drivers must wear approved helmets (to AS1698). A minimum
standard of leather shoes, gloves and neck to ankle to wrist clothing of a non-synthetic nature is required. We recommend that a
higher standard of protective clothing be worn, where possible. Goggles with approved lenses must be worn at all times by the
drivers of open cars (unless wearing full face helmets). Please submit these articles for approval with the car at Scrutineering.
Drivers MUST be fully dressed in protective clothing at the time of taking their cars to the marshalling area.
9. NOISE - Remember that there are noise restrictions at Wakefield Park. All cars must be fitted with effective mufflers. The
organisers may exclude any car if it is deemed by the organisers to be excessively noisy.
10. TIMING AND LAP SCORING - will be carried out by the group of enthusiastic helpers. Lap times are taken solely for the
purposes of grading the starting order of cars and for allocating penalty points against nominated target lap times. They are
recorded to the nearest second on a random sampling basis and are generally only available to participants when necessary for an
11. MARKINGS ON CARS - It would be helpful if cars display their regular competition numbers. However we can cope with cars
without a number (provided they are different colours or otherwise easily distinguishable).
12. STARTING POSITIONS in each event will be decided by the Organisers or their nominees following testing.
13. STARTING PROCEDURE - All Events will be started with the Green Safety Flag. Cars will be started in rows of two with a time
interval of at least two seconds between each row for some events, or one at a time for others. The full procedure will be reviewed
at the Drivers Briefing.
14. A DRIVERS BRIEFING will be held prior to commencement of the events. Attendance by all drivers is compulsory. There will
also be a special briefing for any new competitor who has no prior circuit competition experience.
15. ALCOHOLIC LIQUOR - Consumption of alcoholic liquor by drivers or pit crew is forbidden in any area prior to the completion
of the meeting. Such consumption is forbidden for anyone in the pit or paddock area at any time during the conduct of the Meeting.
16. A Wakefield Park INDEMNIFICATION FORM must be completed by the driver at time of entering for the events. The onus is
on the Owner/driver to ensure that any driver of his car has completed this indemnity.
17. FUEL. No Fuel is available at the Circuit.
18. LOCATION OF CIRCUIT. Wakefield Park is approximately 10 Km from Goulburn on the Braidwood Road.
19. FURTHER/FINAL INSTRUCTIONS. The organisers reserve the right to issue Further Event Regulations and/or Instructions to
Drivers, and these shall be of the same effect as these Regulations. The organisers also reserve the right to postpone or cancel the
20. NO WORK may be carried out on cars on the Circuit or Dummy Grid Area. Cars requiring work must return to paddock.
21. INSURANCE. People assisting or spectating at Wakefield Park are automatically insured through the various standing policies
of Australian Auto Sport Alliance. These policies are available through arrangement with the Circuit.
22. DRIVER ATTITUDES. Any driver (or pit crew) not exercising the appropriate attitude at this Event may not be invited to
compete in future GEAR Club Inc activities.
23. QUALIFIED MEDICAL PERSONNEL will be in attendance.
24. Maximum difference in lap time shall not exceed 25% of the nominated lap time of the slowest car in that event.
GEAR Club Inc Drive Days are organised specifically to provide members with the opportunity for the sheer enjoyment and
pleasure of their old racing and sports cars in a safe, affordable, regulated and social motor sport environment. It is therefore the
personal responsibility of each and every member and participant to ensure that all of their fellow members share equally in the
enjoyment of the day, regardless of the age and/or performance of their respective cars and/or the track skills and/or circuit
experience of their fellow drivers.
In order to encourage these important aims and noting that safety is our prime criteria, the Club recommends the following
Participants’ Code of Driving Behaviour:
1. At all times the safety and well-being of fellow drivers and the preservation of their historic cars shall be the predominant
2. Club Days will include a Driver Training Period with experienced observers offering advice and guidance to participants.
3. Cars will be scrutineered for safety. A driver should only participate in an event if his/her car is fully mechanically prepared and
he/she is personally fit and of a sound temperament.
4. Club Days are not race days. Overdriving or balking will not be tolerated under any circumstances.
5. Drivers should continually observe their mirrors for faster and overtaking cars. The faster car must be permitted to pass in
safety, with the driver of the slower car signalling and moving to open the line for the faster car. The driver of the faster car should
like wise then respond and acknowledge the gesture.
6. Approaching a corner, the leading “on-line” car shall have the right to that corner. The following car shall not “dive under” into the
corner, but must concede and wait until the exit before passing the slower car.
7. Any participant considered to be offending the Code of Driving Behaviour may be immediately excluded from an event and may
not be invited to future events.
Unlike formal Race Meetings with paid Officials or otherwise, the running and success of our Days depends entirely on the input of
members. To ensure the full enjoyment of all members, particularly those of the Committee who organise the event but also wish to
drive their cars, it is incumbent on all participants to freely volunteer of their time for some period to assist in the manning of flag
points, recovery vehicles, grid marshalling and similar.
Do the right thing – Get into the spirit of GEAR
Enjoy the cars – Soak up the atmosphere
Relax and be social – Have a great day
This Intellectual Property belongs to the Golden Era Auto Racing Club Inc. of New South Wales - June 2015
GEAR Committee
Event Secretary
GREG SNAPE ( Glenda)
H; 02 6227 1111
H: .0240 235 382
H; 02 4733 4554
Mob: 0419 609 617
“Goodwood, Yass, NSW. 2582
Vice President
H: 02 6942 1940
Mob: 0408 468 071
‘The Old Toy Factory’
12 Hume Street,
Cootamundra, 2590
H: 02 6942 1940
Mob: 0408 468 071
“The Old Toy Factory”
12 Hume Street,
Cootamundra, 2590
H; 02 9918 8092
Club Plates Registrar
JOHN LACKEY ( Margaret )
H; 02 6458 5284
H; 02 9363 9625
Mob; 0419 120 553
Mob; 0400 388 859
( Anita )
H: 02 4464 1723
Mob: 0412 862 460
GEARBOX Editor. Terry Perkins (Raewyn). Email;
Home; 0240 286 627
Mob; 0459 753 929
GEAR Web site;