Archaeal lipid biomarkers and isotopic evidence of anaerobic
Archaeal lipid biomarkers and isotopic evidence of anaerobic
Organic Geochemistry 34 (2003) 827–836 Archaeal lipid biomarkers and isotopic evidence of anaerobic methane oxidation associated with gas hydrates in the Gulf of Mexico Chuanlun L. Zhanga,*, Richard D. Pancostb, Roger Sassenc, Yaorong Qianc, Stephen A. Mackod a Department of Geological Sciences, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211, USA Organic Geochemistry Unit, School of Chemistry, University of Bristol, Cantock’s Close, Bristol BS8 1TS, UK c Geochemical and Environmental Research Group, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77845, USA d Department of Environmental Sciences, The University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22903, USA b Received 6 May 2002; accepted 16 December 2002 (returned to author for revision 27 August 2002) Abstract Anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) occurs in the Gulf of Mexico gas hydrate systems. Here we show lipid biomarker and isotopic evidence that archaea are involved in AOM. The estimated abundance of total archaeal lipids ranges from 44.8 to 60.4 mg/g (dry sediment) in hydrate-bearing samples but is below detection limit in the hydrate-free sample. The 13C values of archaeal lipids range from 69 to 99 % in hydrate-bearing samples. These results suggest that biomass of archaea is significantly enhanced through AOM at the gas hydrate deposits. These data also support a currently acknowledged mechanism of AOM mediated by a consortium of sulfate-reducing bacteria and archaea observed in a variety of methane-rich marine settings. Anaerobic oxidation of oil hydrocarbons also occurs in the Gulf of Mexico gas hydrate systems as shown by degradation of n-alkanes ( >C15) in the anoxic sediments. These processes convert hydrocarbons to carbon dioxide and increase pore water alkalinity, which promote the precipitation of enormous volumes of authigenic carbonate rock depleted in 13C. This long-term geologic sequestration of carbon may affect models of global climate change. # 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Gas hydrate occurs widely along continental margins in the world’s oceans (Henriet and Mienert, 1998; Kastner, 2001; Kvenvolden and Lorenson, 2001). Estimated methane carbon in the world’s gas hydrates is on the order of 1019 g (Kvenvolden and Lorenson, 2001), which is a vast potential energy resource. On the other * Corresponding author at current address: Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, The University of Georgia, Drawer E, Aiken, SC 29802, USA Tel.: +1-803-725-5299; fax: +1-803725-3309. E-mail address: (C. L. Zhang). hand, methane in gas hydrates may be released from the subsurface into the water column and the atmosphere, and may cause dramatic climate changes (Dickens et al., 1995; Kennett et al., 2000; Dickens, 2001) because of the potency of methane as a greenhouse gas (DeLong, 2000; Kastner, 2001). Anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) is estimated to be equivalent to 5–20% of the net modern atmospheric methane flux (Valentine and Reeburgh, 2000). Phylogenetic analyses in combination with lipid biomarkers and stable isotopes suggest that consortia of sulfate-reducing bacteria and archaea work in syntrophy to mediate AOM in methane-rich sediments (Hinrichs et al., 1999; Boetius et al., 2000; Orphan et al., 0146-6380/03/$ - see front matter # 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/S0146-6380(03)00003-2 828 C.L. Zhang et al. / Organic Geochemistry 34 (2003) 827–836 2001). Abundant gas hydrates have been found in the Gulf of Mexico (Brooks et al., 1986; Roberts and Carney, 1997; Sassen et al., 1998). Geochemical evidence indicates that AOM plays an important role in carbon cycling and the development of biological communities in the Gulf of Mexico (Sassen et al., 1993; Aharon and Fu, 2000). By increasing alkalinity, AOM and concomitant bacterial sulfate reduction enhance carbonate precipitation, which increases the seafloor stability (Roberts and Aharon, 1994) and provides favorable ground for the development of invertebrate communities in the deep ocean (Nelson & Fisher, 1995; Sassen et al., 1994, 1998). Recently, Lanoil et al. (2001) reported molecular DNA evidence of diverse bacterial species but limited archaeal species associated with gas hydrate, and Zhang et al. (2002) reported the lipid biomarker and isotopic evidence of AOM associated with sulfate-reducing bacteria in the Gulf of Mexico. Results of the present study reveal extremely 13C-depleted archaeal lipid biomarkers, thus supporting the hypothesis that AOM in the Gulf of Mexico may be mediated by archaea in consortia with sulfate-reducing bacteria (Zhang et al., 2002). Geochemical evidence also indicates that microbial oxidation of oil hydrocarbons occurs in the hydrate systems. These microorganisms may impact global climate change by oxidizing hydrocarbons and sequestering enormous volumes of carbon dioxide as authigenic carbonate rock. 2. Material and methods 2.1. Sample collection The Johnson Sea-Link (JSL) research submersible was used to recover hydrate-associated sediment from the Green Canyon (GC) 234 site (27 44.80 N and 91 13.30 W) at 543 m water depth. The site was initially identified as a fault related seismic amplitude zone over shallow salt. A new outcrop of vein-filling gas hydrate was discovered and sampled near a chemosynthetic community consisting of tube worms, mussels, and clams (Fisher et al., 2000). Bacterial mats (Beggiatoa) covered the sediment surface over the exposed gas hydrate. A sample of hemipelagic mud was collected using the robot arm of the submersible by means of a 30-cm push core within 0.5 m of the outcropping gas hydrate. The sediment contained decomposing nodules of gas hydrate, was stained with crude oil, and smelled of hydrogen sulfide. The invertebrate community was avoided during push-core collection. The JSL was also used to sample the newly discovered GC 286 site (27 40.40 N and 90 49.70 W) at 839 m water depth. Significant venting was not observed at the site until research submersible operations disturbed a fragile seal related to an isolated patch of living and dead chemosynthetic clams. The minor disturbance of the biologic seal instantly released free gas bubbles and buoyant oil droplets that vented copiously to the water column. Sediment at this site consisted of under-consolidated gassy oil-stained hemipelagic mud that smelled of hydrogen sulfide, small nodules of gas hydrate, and nodules and crusts of oil-stained authigenic carbonate rock up to 10 cm across. The hydrate-bearing mud sample was collected beneath a thick white bacterial mat near the living chemosynthetic clams. Sample GC-cntrl was a hydrate-free sample collected 15 m from sample GC 286 during the same dive. These samples were not intended for fine scale analysis, thus their precise depths were unknown. All samples were frozen at 20 C immediately upon recovery at the sea surface and kept frozen until analysis. 2.2. Lipid extraction and biomarker identification Lipid extraction followed the procedure of Pancost et al. (2000). About 25 g of freeze-dried samples were extracted via sonication in a sequence of solvent mixtures with increasing dichloromethane/methanol ratios: 0:1 three times, 1:1 three times, and 1:0 three times. Total solvent was about three times the sediment volume. Elemental sulfur was removed from the total extracts by reaction with ca. 20 g of activated copper (24 h). Total extracts were separated into acetone-soluble and insoluble fractions (Pancost et al., 2000). The soluble component was further separated into apolar and polar fractions on an alumina column (40 g activated alumina). The apolar fraction was collected using pentane/dichloromethane (9:1, vol:vol) as the eluent, and the polar fraction was collected using methanol as the eluent. Phospholipid fatty acids in the polar fraction have been determined in Zhang et al. (2002). Here we report the abundances and 13C values of archaeal lipids and hopanoids in the polar and apolar fractions. Hydrocarbons (C15–C33) in the apolar fractions were also determined. Quantification of gas chromatography (GC)-amenable archaeal lipids and hopanoids was performed using a combination of GC and GC-mass spectrometry (MS). GC was conducted on a Carlo Erba HRGC 5300 Mega Series instrument, equipped with a flame ionization detector and a CP Sil-5CB (dimethylpolysiloxane, 0.12 mm df) fused silica capillary column (25 m, 0.32 mm id). Samples were injected at 70 C using an on-column injector and the oven was heated to 130 C at 20 C/min then at 4 C/min to 300 C, at which the temperature was held for 20 min. The carrier gas was H2. GC–MS was performed using a Thermoquest Finnigan TRACE GC interfaced to a Thermoquest Finnigan TRACE MS operated with electron ionization at 70 eV and scanning C.L. Zhang et al. / Organic Geochemistry 34 (2003) 827–836 a m/z range of 50–800. GC column and temperature program were the same as those used in GC analyses, but the carrier gas was He. Identification of archaeol, sn-2-hydroxyarchaeol, tetrahymanol, bishomohopanol, and C20 and C25 isoprenoids (e.g., crocetane: 2, 6, 11, 15-tetramethylhexadecane and PMI: 2, 6, 10, 15, 19-pentamethylicosane) were based on Pancost et al. (2000) and references therein. Identification of tetraethers was performed using high performance liquid chromatograph (HPLC)-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI)-MS (Hopmans et al., 2000; Pancost et al., 2001) on a Waters 600 MS liquid chromatograph interfaced to a Finnigan MAT TSQ 700 triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. Separation was achieved using a Spherisorb NH2 column (4.6250 mm, 5 mm df) maintained at ambient temperature and with tetraethers eluted isocratically with a 1 ml/min flow rate of 99% hexane/1% iso-propanol for 25 min. The APCI-MS detection condition includes 60 psi Nebulizer pressure, 400 C vaporizer temperature, 200 C capillary temperature, 14 V, and a 7 ma corona. 2.3. Carbon isotopes of biomarkers GC–C-IRMS was conducted using a Hewlett Packard gas chromatograph interfaced via a Thermoquest Finnigan GC III combustion interface to a Thermoquest Finnigan Delta S mass spectrometer. The GC was equipped and operated as for the GC–MS analyses. Measurements were performed in duplicate and values are reported as parts per thousand (%) relative to the V-PDB standard. Errors were typically less than 1% based on duplicate measurements and internal or coinjected standards. These errors are somewhat larger than those normally observed (ca. 0.3%) and reflect the relatively high baseline and/or co-elution with small background peaks. 3. Results 3.1. Lipid biomarkers The two hydrate-bearing samples (GC 234 and GC 286) contain diagnostic biomarkers of the Archaea, which include archaeol, sn-2-hydroxyarchaeol (Fig. 1), and isoprenoidal hydrocarbons (e.g., crocetane and PMI) (Table 1). These biomarkers, however, are below the detection limits in the hydrate-free sample (GC-cntrl). In GC 234 and GC 286, archaeol and sn-2hydroxyarchaeol are the most abundant of the quantified archaeal biomarkers (7.5–41.6 mg/g dry sediment). Furthermore, sn-2-hydroxyarchaeol is about twice as abundant as archaeol in GC 234 and about four times more abundant than archaeol in GC 286 (Table 1). The 829 unsaturated crocetene and PMI are present at low (< 1 mg/g dry sediment) concentrations (Table 1). Intact isoprenoid glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs), although not quantified, are also present in GC 234 and GC 286, as indicated by the five major peaks in the LC-MS chromatogram (Fig. 2). These are all caldarchaeol skeletons with varying numbers of cyclic moieties (Fig. 2): an acyclic-acyclic GDGT (0–0); a monocyclic-acyclic GDGT (0–1); a mixture of acyclicbicyclic and monocyclic-monocyclic (0–2/1–1) GDGTs; a monocyclic-bicyclic GDGT (1–2); and crenarchaeol, a GDGT comprised of a bicyclic tetraether and a tricyclic tetraether in which one cyclic group is a cyclohexane rather than cyclopentane moiety (Schouten et al., 2000; see Pancost et al., 2001 for a detailed interpretation of cold seep GDGT mass spectra). The acyclic caldarchaeol and the crenarchaeol are also present in GC-cntrl, and thus appear to reflect pelagic archaeal input independent of the hydrate community. This is consistent with the observation that acyclic caldarchaeol and crenarchaeol are commonly observed in pelagic sediments (Schouten et al., 2000). Furthermore, the isotopic composition of the pelagic crenarchaeal biomarkers in Mediterranean carbonate crusts has been shown to be consistent with a pelagic source (Bouloubassi and others, personal communication). Nonisoprenoidal dialkyl glycerol diethers, which are inferred to derive from Bacteria rather than Archaea (Pancost et al., 2001), are present in GC 234 and GC 286 but not in GC-cntrl. In GC 234, at least six such compounds exist and apparently comprise two pseudohomologous series. However, the abundances of these diethers are too low to permit precise identification. In GC 286, two diethers (diether 1 and diether 2) are predominant (Table 1). Based on previously reported occurrences of diethers (Pancost et al., 2001) and the available mass spectrometric data, diether 1 probably has a cyclic group (perhaps a cyclopropane) in one of the chains and diether 2 has a cyclic group in both chains. Pentacyclic triterpenoids, including bishomohopanol and tetrahymanol, are present in GC 234 and GC 286 but not in GC-cntrl (Fig. 1, Table 1). Bishomohopanol is diagnostic of aerobic bacteria (Rohmer et al., 1984). In hydrocarbon seeps, it may be derived from a H2Soxidizing chemoautotroph, such as Beggiatoa (Pancost and Sinninghe Damste´, in press). The particularly high abundance of bishomohopanol at GC 234 (8.7 mg/g dry sediment) is consistent with the wide occurrence of Beggiatoa mats at this site. The source of tetrahymanol is less clear (see Sinninghe Damste´ et al., 1995), but this compound is common in other cold seep sediments where it has been tentatively ascribed to ciliates grazing exclusively on prokaryotes (Pancost and Sinninghe Damste´, in press). Another possible source of these pentacyclic triterpenoids is methylotrophic bacteria, which 830 C.L. Zhang et al. / Organic Geochemistry 34 (2003) 827–836 Fig. 1. Partial gas chromatogram of TMS derivatives of polar lipids, including bacterial and archaeal biomarkers, in GC 286. Stars denote steroids, solid circles denote unidentified non-isoprenoidal diethers, and C24–C32 denote n-alkanols. Note that both the monoand di-TMS ethers of sn-2-hydroxyarchaeol are shown on the chromatogram using the derivatization method in this study. may be present in water column above hydrocarbon seeps (LaRock et al., 1994). Petroleum hydrocarbons were analysed to assess the nature of seeping hydrocarbons and the extent of biodegradation. At all sites, the hydrocarbons are represented by n-alkanes, pristane, phytane, steranes, and hopanes with thermally mature stereochemical distributions typical for petroleum. In all three samples (Fig. 3), a strongly elevated baseline is associated with an unresolved complex mixture (UCM), which suggests that the oil hydrocarbons are heavily biodegraded (Sassen et al., 1994), perhaps under anaerobic conditions suggested by the strong smell of H2S. Based on the abundance of n-alkanes relative to the UCM, hydrocarbons at GC 234 and GC cntrl are most severely biodegraded (Fig. 3). In GC 234, the inferred degradation was so pronounced that individual n-alkanes could not be distinguished from the complex mixture even in the m/z 85 mass chromatogram. This is consistent with early observations of oil hydrocarbon degradation at this site (Sassen et al., 1994). Sassen et al. (1994, 2001) attribute this differential degradation to the rate of hydrocarbon flux at these sites. At a high fluxes (such as GC 286), degradation of hydrocarbons is less significant because oil bypasses the sediment and enters the water column (Sassen et al., 1994). At a slow flux (such as GC cntrl and GC 234), the hydrocarbons reside in sediment and are less likely to escape the effect of microbial degradation. In all cases, microbial degradation of hydrocarbons 5C15 appears to be an important process in the Gulf of Mexico gas hydrate systems. However, this process may not involve archaea as indicated by the absence of their lipid biomarkers in GC-cntrl. Other organisms, such as sulfate-reducing bacteria, may be responsible for degradation of these hydrocarbons. This is supported by bacterial fatty acids and carbon isotopic data (Zhang et al., 2002). In addition, degradation of n-alkanes by sulfate-reducing bacteria has been reported in several culture studies (Rueter et al., 1994; Zengler et al., 1999; So and Young, 1999; Kroop et al., 2000). 3.2. Stable carbon isotopes Carbon isotopic compositions were determined for selected biomarkers (Table 1). Others were not determined because of either co-elution of peaks, the presence of the UCM, or low abundance of the biomarker. In GC 234, the 13C value of archaeol is 85% and that C.L. Zhang et al. / Organic Geochemistry 34 (2003) 827–836 Table 1 Abundance and carbon isotopic composition of ether lipid biomarkers and hopanoids in the gas hydrate samples from the Gulf of Mexico Lipid biomarkers GC 286 GC 234 mg/g 13C (%) mg/g 13C (%) Ether lipid biomarkers Archaeol sn-2 Hydroxyarchaeol Crocetane+phytane Cr:2 PMI:3 Diether 1 (Nonisoprenoid) Diether 2 (Nonisoprenoid) 7.5 30.8 n.a.a 0.5 0.7 2.6 1.4 18.8 41.6 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. Hopanoids Tetrahymanol Bishomohopanol 1.7 63 n.a. n.a. a 98 89 38 13 Cdepletedb 99 83 74 85 82 n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. 5.6 n.d. 8.7 n.d. n.a.=These compounds were present but not available for isotopic analysis due to co-elution or other problems (see below). b Small and co-eluting peaks. Co-elution and the presence of unresolved complex mixture made it impossible to obtain an accurate measurement, but the ratio trace clearly indicated a profound depletion in 13C relative to normal marine organic matter. Other co-eluting peaks include crocetane (Cr), Cr:1, and PMI (pentamethylicosane):4. The number following the colon sign indicates the numbers of double bonds. 831 of sn-2-hydroxyarchaeol is 82% (Table 1). In GC 286, the 13C values of archaeol and sn-2-hydroxyarchaeol are even more depleted in 13C, 98 and 89%, respectively (Table 1). In the same sample, the 13C value of triunsaturated PMI (PMI:3) is 99%, whereas that of crocetane plus phytane is 38% (Table 1). Crocetane likely derives from a methane oxidizer with 13C-depleted isotopic compositions, whereas phytane largely derives from the phytol moiety of chlorophyll with 13C-enriched isotopic compositions (Pancost and Sinnighe Damste´, in press). The 13C value for the composite phytane+crocetane peak will be intermediate between the two endmember values such that the crocetane 13C value is likely to be significantly lower than 38%. This suggestion is consistent with the 13C depletion (13C values are <45%) in diunsaturated crocetene (Cr:2) (Table 1), which may be derived from the same source as crocetane. The two unidentified diethers (diether 1 and diether 2) have 13C values of 83 and 74%, respectively (Table 1). The 13C value for tetrahymanol is 63% (Table 1), which supports its origin from aerobic methanotrophs or sulfide-oxidizers living on 13 C-depleted CO2 from methane oxidation (Pancost & Sinninghe Damste´, in press). The 13C values of the oil n-alkanes (C15–C33) range from 27 to 31% (Fig. 4). These values are consistent with bulk analyses of oil hydrocarbons (Sassen et al., 1994). Moreover, they are similar to those of C2–C4 Fig. 2. HPLC/APCI/MS partial total ion current traces of glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) in cold seep sediments from (a) the Gulf of Mexico (GC234) and (b) Amsterdam mud volcano in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea (Pancost et al., 2001), which serves as a reference for the Gulf of Mexico sample. Numbers in the chromatograph refer to the number of cyclopentane moieties in the two biphytane components of the GDGTs (c) and ‘P’ refers to a pelagic crenarchaeal GDGT (Schouten et al., 2000) as discussed in the text. 832 C.L. Zhang et al. / Organic Geochemistry 34 (2003) 827–836 Fig. 3. Total ion current (TIC) chromatograms of apolar (hydrocarbon) fractions from GC 286 (a), GC cntrl (b), and GC 234 (c). Insets show the m/z 57 mass chromatogram of each sample, illustrating specifically the n-alkane distributions. No n-alkanes could be identified in GC 234 due to extensive biodegradation. Solid circles denote n-alkanes, letter ‘‘o’’ crocetenes, and letter ‘‘H’’ hopanes. hydrocarbons previously observed in the Gulf of Mexico (Brooks et al., 1986; Sassen et al., 1998), possibly indicating a common source. The 13C values of nalkanes decrease with increasing carbon numbers (Fig. 4), as commonly observed in subsurface reservoirs of the Gulf of Mexico (e.g., Sassen et al., 2001). The 13C values could not be determined for hopanes and steranes due to their low abundances and co-elution with UCM. 4. Discussion Pancost et al. (2001) compared the ratios of crocetane, PMI, and hydroxyarchaeol to archaeol among different mud volcanoes. The results suggest that even at a single site, multiple archaeal species may be present (Pancost et al., 2001). A summary is provided on the diversity and isotopic compositions of archaea in several sedimentary environments where detailed C.L. Zhang et al. / Organic Geochemistry 34 (2003) 827–836 833 Fig. 4. Carbon isotopic compositions of n-alkanes in GC 286. organic geochemical analyses have been published (Table 2). The distribution of archaeal lipids in the Gulf of Mexico hydrate sites is similar to that observed at the California Margin (Hinrichs et al., 1999, 2000; Orphan et al., 2001) and the Hydrate Ridge (Elvert et al., 1999; 2001), but different from that observed in the Mediterranean mud volcanos (Pancost et al., 2000, 2001) (Table 2). In the Gulf of Mexico and Hydrate Ridge, for example, archaeol and sn-2-hydroxyarchaeol are most abundant and concentrations of PMI and crocetane are low (Table 2). In the Mediterranean, however, crocetane is as abundant as or even more abundant than archaeol in some samples (Table 2). In addition, in the Mediterranean samples, hydroxyarchaeol is almost always less abundant than archaeol, while the opposite is observed for the Gulf of Mexico and other seep environments. Furthermore, sn-3-hydroxyarchaeol is present at some Mediterranean sites but has not been reported for any other cold seep setting. Sprott et al. (1993) observed that sn-2-hydroxyarchaeol is mainly produced by Methanosarcina spp. whereas sn-3-hydroxyarchaeol is found in Methanosaeta concilii. This suggests that archaeal lipids in methane-rich environments may be derived from a variety of archaea closely related to the methanogens. Finally, the presence of tetraether lipids in the Gulf of Mexico confirms the wide occurrence of these compounds as they have been found in the Mediterranean (Pancost et al., 2001), the Black Sea (Schouten et al., 2001; Thiel et al., 2001; Michaelis et al., 2002), and the hydrothermal sediments in the Guaymas Basin (Teske et al., 2002). These biomarkers, however, can derive from archaea that may or may not participate in AOM (Pancost et al., 2001; Teske et al., 2002). For example, In the Mediterranean, a sample from the Amsterdam seep site showed elevated contribution of GDGTs with 1 or 2 cyclopentane rings (GDGT #=0–1, 0–2/1–1, or 1–2; Fig. 2), which are depleted in 13C (54 to 77%), suggesting a source of methane-consuming archaea. On the other hand, the GDGT with three cyclopentane rings in the same sample was enriched in 13 C (19%) and indicate the contribution from nonthermophilic crenarchaeota (peak ‘‘P’’ in Fig. 2; Pancost et al., 2001). The strong similarity in GDGT profile of the Gulf of Mexico sample with the Amsterdam sample of the Mediterranean (Fig. 2) suggest a similar contribution of archaeal lipids from both methane-consuming archaea and crenarchaeotal sources. This has to wait for a definitive answer, however, because of the unavailability of the carbon isotope data in this study (see below). Archaeal biomarkers often have extremely depleted 13C values in gas hydrate or cold seep enviornments. At the California Margin or Hydrate Ridge sites, the 13C values of sn-2-hydroxyarchaeol are as low as 128% and the 13C values of PMI are as low as 129 % (Table 2). In the Mediterranean and the Gulf of Mexico cold seeps, low 13C values of 99 to 107% are 834 C.L. Zhang et al. / Organic Geochemistry 34 (2003) 827–836 Table 2 Comparison of archaeal lipid biomarkers, carbon isotopes, and microbial species potentially involved in anaerobic methane oxidation in methane-rich sedimentary basins Archaeal biomarker Archaeol (mg/g) (13C,%) sn-2-hydroxyarchaeol (mg/g) (13C,%) P Crocetane (mg/g) (13C,%) P PMI (mg/g) (13C,%) Potential Archaea involved in methane oxidation Potential Bacteria involved in methane oxidation Gulf of Mexico Hydrate Ridge California Marginj Mediterranean Black Sea 7.5–18.5 (85 to 98) 30.8–41.6 (82 to 89) >0.5 (13C-depleted) >0.7 (99) ANME-1a ANME-2a Methanosaeta spp.a Proteobacteriaa Actinobacteriaa Firmicutesa 8b (114) 8b (133) 0.02–1.06c* (63 to 126)c 0.02–3.01c* (37 to 128)c ANME-2b 0.4–2.9d (100 to 119)d 0.1–7.3d (101 to 128)d 0.3d (119)d 1.1d (76 to 129)d ANME-1e ANME-2e 0.4–52.9f (20 to 96)f 0.1–f10.2f (57 to 105)f 2.0–55.4f (45 to 89)f 0.5–2f (34.2 to 107)f ANME-1g new Archaeal spp.g not available (88)h not available (90)h not available (95 to 107)h,i not available (71 to 106)i ANME-1h Desulfosarcinab Desulfococcusb Desulfosarcinae Desulfococcuse Proteobacteriag Desulfosarcinah Desulfococcush a Lanoil et al., 2001. Boetius et al., 2000. Desulfosarcina and Desulfococcus both belong to the Proteobacteria. c Elvert et al., 1999, 2001. *Calculated based on% organic carbon (Corg) and mg biomarker/g Corg (Elvert et al., 2001). d Hinrichs et al., 1999, 2000. e Orphan et al. 2001. f Pancost et al., 2000, 2001. g Aloisi et al., in press. Please note that it is unknown whether ANME-2 is absent in Mediterranean sediments because the respective primers were not used in the analysis. h Michaelis et al., 2002. In addition, biphytanes in Back Sea (excluding biomarkers from nonthermophilic crenarchaeota) have 13C values ranging from 58% in anoxic water (Schouten et al., 2001) to 92% in microbial mats (Michaelis et al., 2002) to 97% in carbonate rocks (Thiel et al., 2001). i Thiel et al., 2001. j Include Eel River Basin and Santa Barbara Basin. b observed (Table 2). Extremely 13C-depleted archaeal biomarkers have also been observed in water column, sediments and carbonate crusts of the Back Sea (Schouten et al., 2001; Thiel et al., 2001; Michaelis et al., 2002) as well as ancient methane seep deposits (Thiel et al., 1999). The low 13C values of archaeal biomarkers indicate that the sources of the archaeal lipids derive their carbon from methane, which is the most 13C-depleted carbon source in the natural environment. At GC 234, the 13C value of vent methane is about 49% (Sassen et al., 1998). At GC 286, the 13C value of vent methane is about 63% (Sassen, personal communication). The difference in 13C of methane may explain the difference in 13C of archaeal lipids between these two sites (Table 1). The 13C values of methane at the Hydrate Ridge site range from 62 to 72% (Elvert et al., 1999) and those of methane at the California Margin site range from 50 to 69% (Hinrichs et al., 1999). There is not enough information to relate these values to isotopic variation of archaeal lipid biomarkers at these sites. However, the maximum fractionation between methane and archaeal lipids appears to be greater in the California Margin or the Hydrate Ridge (> 59%) than in the Gulf of Mexico (maximum 37%). These results suggest that different fractionation kinetics or pathways may exist for AOM in different geological settings. Although our understanding of the mechanisms of AOM is limited, the process has profound implications. For example, in the Gulf of Mexico, this process is perhaps responsible for the accumulation over geologic time of enormous volumes of carbonate on the ocean floor, and development of chemosynthetic communities, which are favored by the hard ground from carbonate precipitation (Sassen et al., 1994). Future research should quantify AOM process and develop models to evaluate the relative volume of methane fixed as authigenic carbonate rock by microbial process and the volume of methane that vents into the atmosphere. Such insight is necessary to better understand the roles that microbes play in mediating carbon cycling in methanerich environments and perhaps will shed light on the coevolution of microbial and geological processes through the Earth’s history. C.L. Zhang et al. / Organic Geochemistry 34 (2003) 827–836 5. Conclusions Archaeal lipid biomarkers in the Gulf of Mexico hydrate samples are dominated by archaeol and sn-2 hydroxyarchaeol and have extremely low 13C values (69 to 99%). These results are consistent with 13 C-depleted lipid biomarkers of sulfate-reducing bacteria and suggest that AOM is mediated by consortia of archaea and sulfate-reducing bacteria. The distribution of archaeal lipids in the Gulf of Mexico is similar to that observed in California Margin and Hydrate Ridge; however, different isotopic fractionations between substrate methane and archaeal and bacterial lipids suggest a diversity of microorganisms, reaction kinetics and pathways. Extensive oxidation of oil hydrocarbons also occurs in the Gulf of Mexico, which not only adds to the accumulation of enormous volumes of carbonate from AOM but also contributes to the complexity of carbon cycling mediated by different microbial processes. Acknowledgements Comments from two anonymous reviewers, Dr. KaiUwe Hinrichs, and the Editor enhanced the quality of the manuscript. We thank Dr. Marcus Elvert for sharing unpublished data of archaeal biomarker abundance from the Hydrate Ridge and comments to improve the manuscript. 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