2015 Relay For Life Pageant


2015 Relay For Life Pageant
4th Annual
Zã|ÇÇxààVÉâÇàç exÄtç YÉÜ _|yx ctzxtÇà
American Cancer Society Benefit
Saturday, April 18th, 2015
Grayson High School
50 Hope Hollow Road Grayson, GA 30017
DEADLINE to Register: April 7th, 2015
(Late Registrations May Be Taken with $10.00 Late Fee)
*** FOUR Titles in Each Age Division***
This is a NATURAL Pageant!
Thank you for considering being a part of our benefit pageant. This is such a wonderful cause. ALL Our
contestants will be invited to participate at the 2015 Relay For Life Event in May at the Gwinnett Co. Fairgrounds.
Appearances are NEVER mandatory, only suggested.
Miss Gwinnett County
Supreme Relay for Life
Highest Score
Miss Gwinnett County
Relay for Life
Second Highest Score
Miss Greater Gwinnett Co.
Relay for Life
Third Highest Score
This group will be invited to participate
at any of the Relay For Life Events
including the Gwinnett County Relay
For Life Event in May 2014 at the
Gwinnett County Fair Grounds.
This group will be invited to participate
at any of the Relay For Life Events
including the Walton County Relay For
Life Event in April 2014 at Monroe
Area High School.
This group will be invited to participate
in any of the Relay For Life Events
including the Barrow County Relay For
Life Event in May 2014 at Barrow
County High School.
NO Double Crowning with the County Relay For Life Titles!
Ambassador & or Princess 1tles may be double crowned as they have NO baring on the pageant outcome.
Judges do NOT know who will be crowned Ambassadors or Princess...as these 1tles are solely on $ raised.
**NEW** Age Divisions: (Director May Split Age Divisions, but NEVER combine)
Segment 1 - 10:00am
Segment 2 - 11:30noon
Segment 3 - 1:00noon
Baby Miss
0-24 months
Tiny Miss
2 & 3 years
Li(le Miss
4 & 5 years
All Boys *will split once we have ages*
Pe#te Miss
Young Miss
Junior Miss
Teen Miss
6 & 7 years
8 & 9 years
10 - 12 years
13 - 15 years
16 - 19 years
20 & up years
Best Friends - Pairs
* Parcipaon Fee: $75.00 *
** Oponal** Purple Palooza Wear Fee: $10.00 *
**Oponal** BFF Fee: $35.00 if par#cipa#ng in pageant or $75.00 of not part. in pageant*
Please make checks payable to: Patricia Ragsdale
Credit Card payment available
www.paypal.com to patriciaragsdale@yahoo.com
Mail Registra1ons
The Gwinne: County Relay for Life Pageant is a 100% fundraiser. It is a Non-profit event.
All money collected over and above the cost to hold the pageant is donated to the American
Cancer Society. The money collected for entry fees (what you pay to enter the pageant) is
used to pay for pageant expenses which include but are not limited to: Crowns, Trophies,
Sashes, Medallions, Prizes, GiC items, Door prizes, Decora1ons, Prin1ng, Adver1sement,
Venue expenses, Staff, Judges, Insurance, and other misc supplies. Money taken for
entry fees that is leC over aCer pageant expenses are paid is donated to American
Cancer Society. ALL Money collected for Ambassador and Princess Titles, is donated
100% to American Cancer Society no excep1ons!
Money taken in as door admission on the day of the pageant is added to the money
leC from entry fees, and combined total that the pageant contributes to American
Cancer Society through Relay for Life. Please feel free to contact the director with any
ques1ons or concerns you may have. Thank you in advance for your help and par1cipa1on!
Formal Wear Compe##on
Formal wear is regular pageant aGre. ANY COLOR ! We will have 3 winners,
1st alternate, 2nd alternate, 3rd alternate, 4th alternate, preGest hair, best dressed,
preGest eyes, preGest smile and photogenic award in each age division.
Purple Palooza Wear Compe##on
This is an OPTIONAL category ! ! ! This can be anything with a purple theme. Use your
imagina1on and have fun! Purple Wear is OPTIONAL and does not count towards the score
of the age division winners in each group. This is a separate award!
Purple Wear Winners in each age division will be given a Beau#ful Tiara.
Beauty: THREE Winners * 1St Alternate * 2nd Alternate * 3rd Alternate * 4th Alternate
Purple Wear Winner
Most Photogenic
Photo can be wallet size up to an 8 x 10 (color or black & white) One photo included in registration fee.
*You can submit more than one photo for an additional fee of $5.00 for each photo*
*Bring photo to check in the day of the pageant. Photos will be judged approx. 15 minutes prior to
each segment of the pageant.
If your photo is not turned in 15 minutes prior to start time, It Will Not Be Judged!
Best Dressed
Best Hair
Best Eyes
Best Smile
( these will be judged while contestants are in a group line up)
Contestants MUST check-in no later than 15 minutes before your designated start 1me!
(any photos not turned in by this #me will not be judged).
**Contestants must be ready at their designated start me. We will NOT delay!**
Doors will open and Check-In will begin at 9:00am,
So please DO NOT arrive earlier than 9:00am.
***You will receive your contestant number at check-in.***
2015 Gwinnett County Relay For Life Ambassadors
The contestant in each age division that helps us raise the most money thru Good Luck Tickets and dona1ons will
be awarded the Title of 2015 Miss Georgia Tri County Relay For Life Ambassador
and will be awarded Crown, Trophy, & Sash. She will be recognized on stage as all other age division winners and
will also be invited to ride in local parades & events. These 1tles can be double crowned for age division winners.
The Contestant that raises the most funds over the en1re pageant will be awarded the
Title of
**2015 Miss Gwinnett County Relay for Life Princess**
She will receive HUGE Trophy, Beautiful Crown, Custom Sash, and Much More!
Good Luck Sponsorship Tickets
Several Prizes Will Be Awarded During The Pageant Including $$$Cash
(Prizes solely depend on number of #ckets sold)
This is suggested to help with the cost of entry fees into the pageant, but is NOT required!
Sell 100 Tickets and your entry fees are PAID!***
(All money and 1ckets must be turned in with registra1on form by deadline date: April 7th, 2015)
*No 1ckets will be accepted the day of the pageant unless arrangements are made with the director!!!*
If we do not have the Good Luck Tickets and totals by the deadline date, we will not be able to provide the
appropriate awards and or list awards in the program book.
TÅutáátwÉÜ TãtÜwá
*** New for 2015*** (not including Purple Wear or BFF Categories)
Any contestant raising $150.00 - Beau1ful Crown
Raising $200.00 - Beau1ful Crown & 2 C. Trophy
Raising $250.00 - Beau1ful Crown & 2 C. Trophy & Miss America Scepter
Raising $300.00 - 3 C. Trophy & crown & special giC & Miss America Scepter
Raising $400.00 - 4 C. Trophy & Beau1ful Crown & Miss America Scepter
Please either photocopy the a:ached 1ckets or make your 1ckets to match.
Miss Gwinne( Relay For Life Pageant
Name: ________________________________________
Contestant that Sold Ticket : ______________________
ECDH Zã|ÇÇxàà VÉâÇàç exÄtç YÉÜ _|yx ctzxtÇà
Registra#on Form
(Some or all of the informa#on may be read by the Emcee. Selec#ons to be made by the Emcee)
Contestant #
(do not fill in)
(age on date of pageant)
Contestant Name
Phone #
Alternate Phone#
Email address:
Parent or Guardian
(As the contestant walks, the Emcee may say “… is the daughter of …” )
Hair Color
Eye Color
Favorite Food
Favorite Color
Three Words That Describe Me: ____________
, _____________ , &
Hobbies (things I enjoy doing)
Sponsored By:
(You may list any companies, friends, family members that have helped you par1cipate in the pageant)
I will not hold the director, staff, or anyone connected with the pageant or facility where the pageant is being held responsible for any
accidents, damages, injuries, theCs, or losses that may occur before, during, or aCer the pageant or to and from the pageant. I accept
full responsibility for my child and her ac1ons/behavior at all 1mes. I am aware that any photographs taken may be used for publicity.
I understand that the judge’s decisions are final and will not be disputed. I understand that no bad sportsmanship will be tolerated.
We are here to make each contestant feel like a winner. Our goal is to install self-confidence and self-achievement.
Please Complete Areas Contestant Will be Compe#ng:
Purple Palooza Wear
Parent/Guardian Signature