Weekly Gazette - Gethsemane Lutheran Church


Weekly Gazette - Gethsemane Lutheran Church
Calendar for the Week of April 12, 2015
Sunday: Worship @ 8 & 10:30a/EdHour and Sunday School, 9:30a
Panda Fundraiser (122 & Halsey) from Noon to 9p
NO Pinochle (resumes next month)
Memorial Service for Bud Qualheim, 3 p.m.
Monday: MHCC Exercise, 9:30 a.m.
B-Team, 10:30 a.m.
Finance Meeting, 6:30 p.m.
Band, 7 p.m.
Tuesday: Men’s Breakfast, 8 a.m.
Preschool Board Mtg., 9 a.m.
Bible Study, 10 a.m.
Mutual Ministry Meeting, 1 p.m.
Parenting Class, 6-8 p.m.
Swing Band, 7 p.m.
Wednesday: MHCC Exercise, 9:30a
Clutterers, 5:30 p.m.
Thursday: Bible Study @ Adventist Cafeteria, 7:30 a.m.
Women’s Bible Study, 10 a.m.
Orchestra, 12:30 p.m.
Girls Group, 1:20 p.m.
Pacific Lutheran Univ. Choir, 7 p.m.
Friday: Office Closed — MHCC Exercise, 9:30a
Sunday: Worship @ 8 & 10:30a/Adult Ed & Sunday School, 9:30a
Memorial Service for Dean Johnson, 3 p.m.
Mission Statement: As a people forgiven and called by God we proclaim the Good News of
Christ by serving both the physical and spiritual needs of people in our changing community.
Vision Statement: Gethsemane Lutheran Church will, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit,
grow as a servant body reaching out to our neighborhood and our community, sharing God’s
grace and serving as the Body of Christ in this time and place.
April 12
Altar Guild
Asst. Min.
Keeper of Keys
Readers Apr 12
8 am
10:30 am
S Lee, K Reagan
Larry/Kim Stoffregen
S Lee, Rachel Coughlin
Nettie Ubrick
Denise Johnson
Gloria Kelsay
Shar Giard
CMyers, BHerbert, DQualheim, AHurt
D Kuehmichel, M Burgess Matthew Burk, Ernie Butenschoen
Shar Giard
Diane Liefeld
“A caring church for a changing community.”
Gazette: To publish or announce.
April 12, 2015
Office: 503.256.1835 glchurch@aceweb.com, glcportland.org
Church Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Pastor: Tom Hiller, 503.557.7991 or 503.250.0736; glcpastor@aceweb.com
Preschool Director: Katie Strobel, 503.256.1835; gethsemanepreschool@hotmail.com
Youth Coor.: Jennilee Porch, JennileePorch@gmail.com, 315.573.4901
Parish Admin.: Judith Rykken
Finance Mgr.: Cathey Myers,
Organist: Brooke Benfield
Custodians: Dale/Ann Van Horn
Choir Director: Cameron Herbert
+ Please Use the time before worship for meditation and prayer. As you
leave, go with a prayer for yourself, for others who worship with you, and
for the needs of the world. Peace to you!
+ We Welcome all who worship here today. Children are welcome at
worship, but childcare is available from 10:15 to 11:45 a.m. for children 5
and under.
+ Speak With An Usher if you’d like communion brought to you in your pew.
If you need a Gluten-Free wafer, please ask when you come to the altar.
+ Amplification Devices, Wheelchairs, Walkers
of the order of service and Gazette are available as are Sermon Outlines at
the usher’s station.
The Sacraments of Our Church
Baptism – You and your children are invited to receive God’s gift of Baptism. In
Baptism God offers these gifts: forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ; new life
here in the Body of Christ, the church, and beyond death in God’s presence; and
the power of the Holy Spirit. If you wish to be baptized or if you desire baptism
for your children please speak to Pastor.
Holy Communion – You and your children are invited to receive God’s gift of
Holy Communion. In Holy Communion God offers the gifts of forgiveness of
sins and unity within the Body of Christ, the church. We believe that Jesus
Christ, crucified and risen, is present in this sacrament, giving his true body and
blood as food and drink and that this real presence is a mystery. To learn more
or if you are considering the readiness of your children to receive this
Sacrament please speak to Pr. Tom.
**Like Us on Facebook**
Please sign up in the narthex to help as a Worship Assistant. Sign up
for a whole month, or for just a Sunday or two. Questions? Talk to
Registration for Preschool is Starting,
Starting so if you have a 3 or 4 year old (by
Sept 1, 2015) come by and visit our program. We would love to show you
around on a school day. Spread the word to family and friends about our
great program. View our website at www.glcportland.org/preschool or see
us on Facebook.
Please Save the Date! July 25, 2015 is Pr. Tom Hiller’s retirement dinner.
Lasagna and Bunco Night on May 15 at 6 p.m. This is a youth fundraiser for
the Detroit Trip. It’ll be a fun evening!
Sincere Thanks to all my Gethsemane family for the prayers and well-wishes
following my successful surgery. Also thank you to all for the prayers for
Allie during her treatments and bone marrow transplant for leukemia. Her
90-day bone marrow biopsy showed no cancer cells and 100% donor cells
and she is getting stronger each day. We are truly blessed. Jo Nelson
I’m Overwhelmed by your gracious and caring actions and words during my
recent surgery and am feeling better every day. Thank you! Jude Rykken.
Panda Express Detroit Fundraiser:
Fundraiser Partnering with Panda Express at
122nd & Halsey.
Halsey Pick up your flyers today in the Narthex (by Fundraiser
Display). Present them to cashier at Panda Express between Noon-9pm
today and a percentage goes toward the Detroit trip.
Next Car Wash:
Wash Sunday, April 26 with the freewill offering going to the
Detroit Trip. Thank you to everyone who participated at the last car
wash. We raised $295!
April Cross+Gen: Fri, 24th from 6:00-8:00pm. Dinner is at 6:30pm and
gathering starts at 7pm. This is a cross-generational gathering, where all
ages are encouraged to come and eat, learn, discuss, work on an activity,
and fellowship together. If you would like to be a part of the gathering
through reading a prayer, leading a song, or facilitating the activity and
discussion please contact Jennilee. Otherwise, you are invited to come
and participate in this interactive time.
Thank You to everyone who donated Easter Lilies to grace our sanctuary
this Easter. It is time for them to go. Please feel free to take your lilies home
now. They can be planted outside in your garden and will bloom every year.
The last day to take home lilies will be next Sunday, April 26.
Unless otherwise requested, people named in the prayers will stay on the
Urgent list for 30 days. Prayer Concerns—Ongoing: Those who are ill,
homebound, or in need of other prayers: Dwain Estes; Linda Babcock and
her grandson Josiah; Katherine Eshleman; Pr. Randy Shutt; Aiden
Lindstrom; Rita Nesbitt and her son John; Galvin & Virginia Irby; Roseann
Foster-Mikhail’s mother Rose; Madison Goldbacher’s friend Breanna;
Jennifer Peck; Tyler Riehl; Nicole Poole; Randy Treanor; Lucille Langseth;
Sharon Lee’s niece Terri; Connie Smith’s friend Joe; Roland & Virginia
Haacke; Ida Olson; Joe Rapp; Dorothy Shouse’s daughter Robin; Tiffany
Herbert; Wynn & Jim Stafford; Jo Nelson’s friend Greg; Ginny Barton’s
friend Golda; Marian Aleckson; Dick Burgess; Paulette Kelley’s brother
Randy; Marilee & Ken Hansen’s daughter Beth; Kay Qualheim; and Carol
Steele and her cousin Arlan Scott.
Urgent Those who are ill or in need of other prayers: Bonnie Aplin; Shar
Giard’s friend John; Todd Sloan; Joyce Woods’ son Mike; Nettie Ubrick’s
brother Frank; Lillian Huston; and Darlene Kuehmichel.
Those who are grieving: The families and friends of Dan Walter, Bud
Qualheim, and Dean Johnson.
Rummage Sale: Sign Up today in the Narthex. May 1 & 2 is fast
approaching! We can now start gathering smaller things in Room 6,(close
to South double doors). However, if you possible, keep things until
Sunday, April 26th. There will be someone to receive things 12-4p that
day. We plan to set up tables, carry boxes, etc. out of storage then. Come
be a part of it! We don’t want old TV’s, please! No mattresses, lg.
appliances, or hangers. Are you saving bags? If you need help moving
things, ask. It’s a huge commitment to make this all happen in one week,
but exciting to see how things unfold. Keep gathering donations from
friends, neighbors. Spread the word! We have some great stories to share
from previous sales,,,,crazy fun! Sign up TODAY.
VBS is August 3-7 from 9 to 11:45 a.m. Volunteers
are needed. Please consider volunteering during
our biggest children's ministry event of the year.
You will find the sign-up display in the Narthex, or
you can contact Jennilee. There are lots of ways to
be a part of this ministry: Volunteering, donating
supplies/food/craft items, decorating, helping at
the Friday BBQ, getting the word out, prayer
support, etc. We are in special need of actors for
the morning Assembly skits. Do you know of a
teen or adult who likes to act?