“On Broadway!”


“On Broadway!”
“On Broadway!”
Glee Girls Summer Camp
Jessica Lee Gilbert, Director
Dear parents,
Welcome to “On Broadway!” I am THRILLED about this camp for many reasons!
We are making a MUSIC VIDEO!!!!!!!!
I have hired two amazing guest instructors to teach our dancing and acting classes.
Girls will get to sing all of their Broadway favorites and receive top-notch vocal instruction.
Did I mention that we’re making a music video?!!
I have top quality instructors coming for our dance and acting classes, and a professional
videographer coming to shoot our music video! Girls will receive a total of 20 hours of dance,
acting, and vocal instruction, in addition to their performance Friday evening and video shoot on
I am pulling out all the stops this year – We’re goin’ BIG or goin’ HOME! With a camp of this
magnitude I have worked extra hard to keep the cost low and accessible to families.
I am excited to see many familiar faces, and also a lot of new faces at camp!
I can’t wait to see you there!
What to bring to camp
Sack Lunch
Water bottle
Music folder – Please help them remember to bring their folder every day!
Wear comfortable, modest, clothes & shoes that you can MOVE in for the dance classes
(there will not be time to change into dance attire). Tennis shoes, loose-fitting pants, No
flip flops or dresses/skirts.
Eat a good breakfast!
T-shirt Days:
Singers should wear their camp T-shirts (handed out first day) to camp on Tues. and Thursday!
Concert Dress
For our Friday performance all singers will wear:
*Their camp T-shirt! (handed out the first day of camp)
*Khaki pants, khaki capris or khaki skirt (must be to the knees in length)
*FLAT black/brown shoes (no heels). No flip-flops. Sandals need to have a heel strap.
Video Shoot Wardrobe: Details TBA the week of camp.
All events held at Christ United Methodist Church
2375 E 3300 S Salt Lake City 84109
Drop-off and pick-up is at the WEST doors!
*This camp is for Girls ages 8-16 (age as of June 1st 2015)
Girls will be divided into two classes based on age and music/dance experience.
Monday – Thursday Schedule
June 22nd-25th
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
9:00 AM
Drop-off singers at the Church
Short Break
All - video prep
Lunch (singers bring their own lunch!)
Vocal/Acting Classes
Group practice; Notes; Dismiss
Friday – June 26th - Parent Demonstration Day
Same Morning Schedule - Different Afternoon Schedule
9:00 AM
Drop-off singers at the Church
Short Break
All - video prep
Parent Demonstrations – Acting and Dance (All parents invited!)
Lunch (singers bring their own lunch!)
*attendance is required at the dress rehearsal to be able to sing in the concert.
Dress Rehearsal
Group Rehearsal; Notes; Dismiss
6:30 PM
7:00 PM
Call time for Singers
CONCERT! Invite Friends and Family! ($5 admission/Ages 12 and under FREE)
Feel free to bring lots family and friends to the concert Friday night!
We want to have a good crowd for our singers!
Saturday – June 27th - Video Shoot! – Drop Singers off at Sugarhouse Park
8:30 AM
Drop off singers at Sego Lily Pavilion – Sugarhouse Park 1400 E 2100 S
Sego Lily Pavilion is the first lot on the RIGHT after the big sledding hill.
8:30-12:00 PM
VIDEO SHOOT (small snack will be provided, but eat a good breakfast!)
“On Broadway!” Glee Girls Summer Camp Mail-in REGISTRATION FORM. Please complete this form (TWO PAGES) and mail to:
Jessica Lee Gilbert
2174 Parkway Ave. SLC, UT 84109
*Please complete a separate form for EACH participant. For Girls ages 8-16 (age by June 1st)
First Name:
Last Name:
Best Parent Contact:
Best Phone:
Other Contact:
Preferred email(s) for communications (checked daily)
Street Address
Zip Code:
Any severe allergies that we should be aware of:
Musical training: List any choir/theatre/voice experience that you have (not required for participation).
Dance Level: Beginning (0-2 years)
Intermediate (3-5 years)
Advanced (6+ years)
Circle T-shirt size: Youth: XS S M
Ladies: XS
*youth sizes run big. The youth L is about the same as the Ladies S. Ladies sizes are longer in trunk.
EARLY Bird - postmarked by May 11th: $220.00
After May 11th: $250.00
***Registration deadline June 10 ***
Discount options. Please check any that apply. Maximum discount - $30.00 per singer.
General Discounts: $10 off : Multi-­‐Sibling (name) $20 off: Refer a friend** (see below) Name of friend: Total Discount taken: $
Glee Girls Member Discount: Please check the ONE that applies to you: $10 off : Glee Girls member for ONE session (sang Winter 2014 OR Spring 2015) $20 off: Glee Girls member for FULL SEASON (sang BOTH winter and spring) (maximum $30 per singer)
**Friend’s registration must be received same day (can mail together w/ yours). Friend cannot have
attended summer camp or Glee Girls sessions before. Friend must write YOUR name on their form under
“How did you hear about this camp?” Friend can also take $20 off IF they refer an additional friend.
I have included a tuition check in the amount of $
made out to
Jessica Lee Gilbert for the following participant(s): (please list their names, first and last).
How did you hear about this camp? (please name friend if someone referred you)
Parents please read carefully and initial each item:
I have read the Welcome letter and Camp Schedule.
If I do not receive an email confirmation of receipt of this registration within two
weeks of its postmark, I will contact Jessica at leemusi@gmail.com.
I will drop-off and pick-up my singers at the WEST doors of the church.
I understand that I will be contacted if my tuition amount is not correct and that I will
need to resolve the balance prior to June 22nd in order for my participant to join the camp.
Camp tuition is non-refundable.
I will help and encourage my singer to practice the camp songs at home every day with
the practice tracks that are emailed to me.
(optional) I can be available to volunteer for one or more days at camp (full or half day).
I release Jessica Gilbert, Christ United Methodist Church, and any other employee or agent from
any and all claims or liability for personal injury, loss of property, death, or damages of any kind,
however caused, arising from Glee Girls activities, now or in the future, and agree, on behalf of the
undersigned and Participant, to waive any and all rights to bring any court action against Jessica
Gilbert or Christ United Methodist Church to recover any such damages.
Attendance at the Friday afternoon dress rehearsal is required to sing in the concert.
If any solos are given they will be assigned at the discretion of the director. If my
participant misses the portion of rehearsal where auditions take place for solos, it may
not be possible to make up the audition.
I will notify the director if my participant will have to miss any portion of the camp that
I have not stated below: leemusi@gmail.com.
(check one)
My participant does not have ANY conflicts with the camp schedule.
My participant will need to miss the following camp days/times:
I would like to receive information about future events!
Parent Signature: