Kipling Grove Softball League
Kipling Grove Softball League
FUN, AFFORDABLE AND LEAVES THE SUMMER FREE KIPLING GROVE SOFTBALL The Kipling Grove Softball League was started in 1956 to enable children of all levels of ability to play ball. This is still our goal – every player fields and bats the entire game. SEASON - Runs from April 20 to June 22 with games two evenings a week – always on the same days of the week, at the same time, and in the same location. LOCATION - All games are played on the two diamonds located at the former Kipling Grove Public School at 19 Glen Agar Drive (north of Rathburn Rd. between Kipling Ave. and Martin Grove Rd.) TIME - Warmup at 6:30pm. games start at 6:45pm. and finish about 8:00pm. AGES 7 to 11 year olds (minimum age 7 by April 20) play on Tuesdays & Thursdays. 12 to 16 year olds (maximum age 16 on June 22 ) play on Mondays & Wednesdays. AT THE GAMES Each player must wear a team shirt and cap. Only league bats may be used. No washrooms at the field. Insurance - The league cannot assume responsibility for any injury. We recommend a school policy or one of your own. Games are played in light rain but cancelled in storms due to short season length. EXTRA GOODIES All equipment except gloves provided by the league. Team photos included in registration fee. Trophies for all participants and playoff winners. Team shirts and caps from previous years can be re-used if in good condition. REGISTRATION - Every effort will be made to accommodate all applicants, however, returning players will be given preference. Team assignments and game schedules will be provided by the coaches after registration is complete. For registration forms or further information contact: Bill Gray, tel: 416-231-3217 or email: $15 early registration bonus for forms received before April 3rd Kipling Grove Softball League 2015 Player Registration Boy Girl Player's First Name: Date of Birth (mm/dd/yy): Home Phone: Last Name: Age at 1st Game: Weight: Height: Home Mailing Address: Postal Code: Mother's First Name: Last Name: Alternate Phone: Father's First Name: Last Name: Alternate Phone: School: May we contact you by email? Yes No Email Address: Kipling Grove is run entirely by volunteers. We depend on you for our success. High school students qualify for community service credit. Please Volunteer: I'd like to help with coaching I'd like to help with umpiring New to Kipling Grove: Yes No Registration before April 3rd: $50 Ball Cap: $12 Registration after April 3rd: $65 Uniform Jersey: $23 Note: all registration must be recieved before season commences Fees Required: I'd like to volunteer in some other way Please Note: No extra jerseys are made to keep league costs down, please order carefully Make cheques payable to: Kipling Grove Softball League Mail or deliver to: Kipling Grove, 23 Cheshire Drive, Toronto, M9B 2N7 Adult Size Jerseys: Small Medium Large Extra Large Youth Jersey Sizes: Medium Large Senior team last year: Braves (blue) Dodgers (red) Giants (yellow) Yankees (green) Junior team last year: Indians (yellow) Pirates (green) Red Sox (red) Tigers (blue) Release: I hereby release the organizers of the Kipling Grove Softball League and / or its officials from all liabilities caused by any injuries or loss, however caused, and agree to release Kipling Grove Softball League from all claims and damages which arise as a result of or by reason of such injuries or loss. Signature of Parent or Guardian Date: Keep this Kipling Grove Softball League 2015 Game Schedule Please note that due to the short length of our season every effort is made to play every game. In the spirit of our "cottage league" and to leave the weekends free there are no make-up games for those canceled due to electrical storms. During light showers we play on. Unless advised by your coach, please report to the field on rainy days as your team forfeits if there are less than the minimum 7 players. Senior Division Game Dates (12yrs - 16yrs) Junior Division Game Dates (7yrs - 11yrs) APRIL: APRIL: Tuesday 21 Thursday 23 Tuesday 28 Thursday 30 Tuesday 5 Thursday 7 Wednesday 13 Tuesday 12 Thursday 14 holiday Monday 18 Wednesday 20 Tuesday 19 Thursday 21 Monday 25 Wednesday 27 Tuesday 26 Thursday 28 Monday 1 Wednesday 3 Tuesday 2 Thursday 4 Monday 8 Wednesday 10 Tuesday 9 Thursday 11 Monday 15 Wednesday 17 (playoff ) Tuesday 16 Thursday 18 (playoff ) MAY: JUNE: Monday 20 Wednesday 22 Monday 27 Wednesday 29 Monday 4 Wednesday 6 Monday 11 Monday 22 (final - playoff winners) MAY: JUNE: Monday 22 (final - playoff winners)