Booking Form 2003


Booking Form 2003
Baltimore Maritime Centre
Booking Form 2015
Your Membership Nº:
First Name:
Course Name:
Last Name:
Course Date:
Male 
Female 
Home Phone
Work Phone
Date of Birth:
Special requirements (diet, health):
Have you sailed with us before? No  Yes 
Which course?
Please tick if you do not want your address or telephone number disclosed to other Club members 
(We do not give our mailing list to 3rd parties)
1. Your deposit and membership fee are non-transferable and non-refundable
2. To cancel your booking you should confirm in writing
3. CANCELLATION CHARGES: (from date of receipt of written confirmation)
2-4 weeks before start date 70% of course cost
less than 2 weeks: 100% of course cost
4. If you cancel a course but book another in the same year
your deposit will not be forfeited. There will be an
amendment fee of €15 in addition to the course fee.
Payment Method:
Credit Card
Bank Transfer
 Drawn on Irish Banks only. Made payable to Glenua Sailing Centre Ltd.
 Through Paypal
 Bank details below
AIB plc, Skibbereen, Co. Cork.
Account Name: Glenua Sailing Centre Ltd
Account Number 11787092
Sorting Code: 936375
or Membership Junior/Temporary
Plus Course deposit
Due Now
Balance due 4 weeks before course begins
Member sailing weekend price
Non-member sailing weekend price
Less Deposit €100 for Weekend
Balance due 4 weeks before course begins
Ordinary Membership
“I paid by credit card. Please debit my account for the
balance due 4 weeks before course begins. ”
IBAN Code: IE19AIBK93637511787092
Please scan & email completed form to:
Or Fax to (01)8350064 (international +353 1 8350064)
HEALTH DECLARATION: I hereby declare that I (my son,
daughter or ward) understand(s) that a BMC course can be
demanding, necessitating a good standard of fitness, and that
I (my son, daughter or ward) am (is) fit to participate on sailing
courses run by BMC Sailing Centre Limited.
I have read and understood the Booking Conditions and
agree to be bound by them.
If under 18 years of age, must be signed by parent or guardian.
Sailing is a weather dependent sport.
Baltimore Maritime Centre cannot be liable for sailing time lost to due to bad weather.
Baltimore Maritime Centre
1. These terms are important and govern the contract you
are entering into.
Brochure: The brochure issued by from time to
time for sailing courses and ancillary activities.
Sailing courses and ancillary activities
organised by BMC.
Member: A Person who for the time being has paid the
current Membership fee to BMC.
2. All course participants must be Members of BMC.
3. The completed Booking Form must be signed by you and
must be accompanied by your deposit or the full course
fee if you book less than four weeks before the start of the
course. If you are under 18, your parents or guardian must
sign the Booking Form. Your booking is not definite unless
you comply with the above and until confirmed by BMC.
4. Your deposit and Membership fee are non-transferable
and non-refundable (see exemption paragraph 6). The
balance of the course fee must be paid at least four weeks
before the course starts. If you do not pay within that time,
BMC reserve the right to cancel the booking without notice
and re-allocate the place.
5. If you need to cancel your booking, you should do so in
writing. It becomes effective from the date of
acknowledgement of receipt by BMC. Please note the
cancellation charges:
(i) 2-4 weeks before the start of the course - 70% of total
course cost.
(ii) Less than two weeks before the start of the course 100% of the total course cost.
6. If you cancel a course but book another in the same year
your deposit will not be forfeited. There will be an
amendment fee of €15 payable in addition to your course
fee. A new Booking Form must be signed and BMC must
confirm the new booking.
7. If you book a course and fail to attend or if you leave after
the course has started, the full course fee is forfeited.
8. Travel documents and travel arrangements to and from the
booked course are your own responsibility. Sailing is
weather dependent and BMC will not be liable for any
extra travel expenses that may be incurred if a course fails
to finish on the date or at the place specified. Your travel
arrangements should be flexible to take account of this.
9. At the time of booking a course you must complete and
return the BMC Health Declaration on the Booking Form.
You may be asked to have a doctor certify your fitness. If
you are under 18 years a parent or guardian must sign the
Health Declaration. If you fail to comply with these
requirements you may not participate on the course and
your fee will be forfeited.
10. Your booking is accepted on the basis that all details in
respect of sailing experience and health are true and
11. The fee includes a charge for Personal Accident
Insurance, which has been arranged on your behalf.
Details are available from the office on demand. Please
note this is Accident Insurance, not health or holiday
12. All sporting activities carry an element of risk of personal injury
and Members attending Courses should accept the risks
associated with the activity of their choice.
13. Under no circumstances can BMC accept responsibility for
loss of life, personal injury or illness. Further, BMC cannot
accept responsibility if the incidents mentioned occur because
Members fail to carry out the instructions or orders of BMC
staff or instructors. BMC will not be responsible for loss of
14. Sailing is a weather dependent sport. BMC cannot be
responsible for sailing time lost due to inclement weather.
15. On cruises, if you damage a boat or equipment you are
obliged to report details of the incident to the person in charge
of the base from where the cruise started at the earliest
16. BMC reserves the right to provide sailing craft other than those
specified in the brochure.
17. Course availability is subject to sufficient operating levels. Any
booking affected by operating levels will be offered an
alternative date, an alternative course or a full refund.
18. BMC reserves the right to cancel a course before
commencement if hostilities, political unrest or other
circumstances amounting to force majeure occur or if for any
reason it is impractical to hold the course. If events as outlined
above occur, BMC will advise you and will offer you either an
alternative course or a refund of monies.
19. A waiver by BMC of any of the terms and/or conditions herein
contained shall not constitute a general waiver of such terms
and/or conditions.
20. The only terms and conditions of agreement between BMC
and its Members are those contained herein and a Member is
deemed to have accepted these terms and conditions by
making a full or part payment for a course.
21. Any dispute arising out of, or in connection with these terms
and conditions which cannot be settled amicably may be
referred to a competent person to be appointed by agreement
between the parties and in default of agreement by the
President of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland and such
competent person shall act as an expert and not as an
arbitrator and accordingly his decision shall be final and shall
bind the parties hereto.
22. These Booking Conditions shall be governed by and construed
in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Ireland.
23. RISKS NOT COVERED Our insurance does not cover
accidents occurring when using any form of private
vehicle. Neither does it cover risks involved in journeys to
and from BMC Sailing Centres. You are strongly advised
to purchase your own personal Holiday and Travel
Insurance to cover such eventualities as cancellation,
curtailment, loss of personal possessions, money and
24. The course fee does not include food, diesel or marina
fees on live-aboard cruising courses or travel to and from
the sailing centres, including island ferries.
25. A security deposit of €80.00 on live-aboard cruising and
dinghy racing courses is required.