Site area approximately 2.827 hectares (6.9 acres)


Site area approximately 2.827 hectares (6.9 acres)
Prominent North London Residential
D e v e l o p m e n t Opp o r t u n i t y
F r e e h o l d I n t e r e st f o r S a l e b y I n f o r m a l T e n d e r
Site area approximately
2.827 hectares (6.9 acres)
D e s c r i pt i o n
The site comprises an area of approximately 2.827
hectares (6.9 acres), in a prominent location on the edge
of New Barnet. The majority of the site had previously
formed part of the New Barnet Gas Works.
The broadly rectangular brownfield site was formerly
occupied by a two storey call centre with a single storey
staff social club building in the south-west corner but
these have since been cleared. There is an electricity substation to the south of the site and the remainder of the site
was used for storage and parking.
To the west of the site is a raised railway embankment
which serves the East Coast Mainline. To the north of
the site, beyond the pedestrian footbridge, is an existing
gas holder, which was decommissioned in 2009 – the
COMAH zone is currently being revoked. A summary
document is available on the website. The Victoria
Recreation Ground is situated to the east of the site. The
park provides outdoor recreation for the surrounding
community and links the surrounding residential area to
New Barnet Town Centre.
Due to the nature of the previous use of the site as an
operational gas works, the land is heavily contaminated.
A full Land Contamination Report is available on the
The site benefits from views to Victoria Recreation
Ground and an elevated walkway provides a public right
of way over the site between Victoria Recreation Ground
and Crower Road to the west.
The site also includes a number of properties situated
along Albert Road and fronting onto East Barnet/Victoria
Road. These properties are formed by a terrace and
are predominantly mixed-use with commercial uses at
ground floor and residential uses above. The properties
are currently vacant and boarded up, providing no active
frontage or activity to this part of the town centre.
Residential-led mixed-use
d e v e l o p m e n t o pp o r t u n i t y
Detailed Planning
CON S EN T ( a pp l i c a t i o n
Ref: B/04834/14) for 305
r e s i d e n t i a l u n i ts w i t h 6 7 4
s q m ( 7 , 2 5 5 s q ft ) f l e x i b l e
c o m m e r c i a l sp a c e a n d o p e n
p u b l i c sp a c e .
The site is located to the north of the junction between
the A110 East Barnet Road and Victoria Road. The site
is within close proximity to the town centre and is well
served by a range of services and facilities.
Junction 23 of the M25 motorway and the A1 (M) are
both approximately 5.5 miles to the north-west, enabling
easy connections to the wider motorway network.
Close proximity to New Barnet
Railway Station
To Gatwick
T r a n sp o r t L i n ks
New Barnet Train Station is located to the south of the
site and is approximately a five minute walk. The Station
provides frequent services into Central London with
a journey time of around 30 minutes. There are also
services to St Albans and Welwyn Garden City.
The nearest tube station is High Barnet which is
approximately 1.5 miles to the west and offers services on
the Northern Line.
The area benefits from regular bus services to destinations
such as Brent Cross Shopping Centre, Edgware and
Luton Airport is around 27.6 miles to the north, Heathrow
Airport is approximately 36.5 miles to the south-west and
Gatwick Airport is approximately 73.3 miles to the south.
Adjacent to New Barnet Town
The Surrounding Area
New Barnet is a predominantly residential north London
suburb located within the London Borough of Barnet and
is approximately 11.5 miles north of Central London. It
borders Hertfordshire to the north, Harrow and Brent
to the west, Camden and Haringey to the south-east and
Enfield to the east.
Historically, the surrounding environment developed as a
consequence of the construction of a train station by the
Great Northern Railway in 1850. The station was intended
to serve High Barnet yet it was around a mile away from
High Barnet Town Centre therefore the immediate area
evolved and soon became known as New Barnet.
The majority of residential stock in New Barnet comprises
two storey semi-detached and detached houses. Over the
years, a number of these properties have been converted
into flats which are popular with first-time buyers and
investors. Young families are also attracted to the area due
to the good quality accommodation that is available and
the excellent transport links into Central London.
In recent years there has been little development within
the immediate area, however in 2013 planning consent
was granted for the redevelopment of the Dollis Valley
Estate to provide 631 new residential units along
with replacement community space and improved
infrastructure. The scheme was launched to the market
in January 2015 with phase 1, which is currently under
construction, expected to complete in Q4 2015.. Millbrook
Park in nearby Mill Hill is another large scheme that will
provide around 2000 new homes once all phases are
In May 2015 detailed planning consent was granted for application Ref: B/04834/14 Residential-led, mixed-use development of
the Former Albert Road Gas Works comprising the erection of 305 residential units (Use Class C3), 116 sq m of Retail floor space
(Use Class A1/A2/A3/A4/A5) and 558 sq m of flexible Commercial floor space (Use Class A3/D1/D2); the creation of new public
open space; alterations and additions to existing highways arrangements; the removal of an existing elevated footbridge and the
creation of new pedestrian routes; together with associated works including landscaping, provision of basement and surface car
parking, servicing and plant area. Relocation of an existing sub-station.
The consented scheme will provide the existing community of New Barnet with improved accommodation and facilities by way
of a residential-led, mixed-use development incorporating flexible retail and commercial uses. It is to form an integrated part of the
wider regeneration of the area whilst also contributing to the delivery of the New Barnet Town Centre Framework objectives and
other relevant planning policy.
The consent provides for a total allocation of 14.5% towards
affordable housing, of which 8.5% (26 units) is shared
ownership and the remaining 6% (18 units) is affordable rent
all located in Block B.
The Section 106 conditions include the following:
£30,000 towards monitoring costs
£25,000 towards TFL improvements
Local employment and training
Contribution towards highway works
The development is liable for a Community Infrastructure
Levy Calculated to January 2015 of:
> Mayoral CIL £1,658,853.09
> Barnet CIL £4,788,985.18
Please note this is subject to indexation and any purchaser is
recommended to seek independent advice on CIL liability.
The property is situated in the London Borough of Barnet
and the relevant planning policies can be viewed on the
B u i l d i n g A r e a S u m m a r y m²
Sq Ft
Total NIA
Total GIA 32,184346,429
Net/Gross Efficiency86%86%
Mews Houses4
Mains water, electricity, gas and drainage are available
to the site, although as part of the development all on site
services will need replacing. It will be the responsibility of
the purchaser to ensure they are available and adequate
for any future use of the site. A Utilities & Services
Infrastructure Report is available.
The site is elected for VAT all offers are to be made
exclusive of VAT but will be liable to VAT at the prevailing
The freehold interest is for sale with the benefit of vacant
We are instructed to invite offers for the freehold interest
as follows:
A fully unconditional basis
An unconditional basis with overage
A partnering agreement – where our client provides the land and the purchaser provides the build capital and the profit is split on an agreed percentage.
Offers are to be received by no later than midday Friday
19th June 2015.
Full details in relation to the offer procedure are available
on the information website.
The site can be viewed from Albert Road, but if a more
detailed site inspection is required then this is strictly by
prior appointment with the vendor’s sole agents.
Further Information
Further detailed site information is available via the secure
information website and will include the following;
> Location Plan
> Site Plan
> Detailed Planning Approval Ref: B/04834/14
> Design and Access Statement
Adam de Swarte
+44 (0)20 7851 3759
R o ss B e tt r i d g e
+44 (0)20 7851 3747
Richard Kitching
+44 (0)20 7851 4989
> Planning Statement
> Transport Impact Assessment
> Land Decontamination Strategy Report and Site Investigation (Geotechnical)
David Kane
+44 (0)20 7851 4977
> Topographical Survey
> Utilities & Services Infrastructure Report
> Arboricultural Report
> Ecological Survey
> Environmental Assessment
> GLA Stage 2 Approval
The data room can be accessed via:
Important Notice
1. This information is intended as a general outline only for the guidance of intending purchasers and does not constitute an offer or contract, or part of an offer or contract.
2. All descriptions, dimensions, references to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation and other details are given in good faith and are believed to be correct. Intending purchasers should not, however, rely on them as statements or representations of fact but satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to their correctness.
3. No person in the employment of GL Hearn Ltd has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to any of these properties.
4. Unless otherwise stated, prices or rents quoted are exclusive of VAT.
May 2015 | Design: Martin Hopkins Design | | T 029 2046 1233