PROGRAMME TERM 2 2015 - Monday 27 April to Friday - Glyde-In


PROGRAMME TERM 2 2015 - Monday 27 April to Friday - Glyde-In
42 Glyde Street,
East Fremantle, WA 6158
Phone: 9339 3964
Office hours:
Monday - Friday 8.30am - 4pm
ABN: 12 477 460 811
P R O G R A M M E T E R M 2 2 0 1 5 - Monday 27 April to Friday 3 July
Lauren Farrell, Occupational Therapist
Code AS1
Make it easier to use your computer or phone: there are mouse
and keyboards for older hands; voice recognition so you just
tell your device what to do; simpler mobiles, tablets and home
phones; and e-readers for less than perfect eyesight.
The Independent Living Centre will show and tell more.
Tuesday 28 April, 10-11am. $5.
FROM FAMILY HOME, where next?
Code AS2
Jan Desmond
Whether it’s to a retirement village or to residential care, there’s
a lot to consider; the costs, the alternatives, the terms, and what
to watch out for. Jan, a retirement village manager and care
coordinator for ten years, and an aged care nurse before that,
is now an aged care consultant. She has seen the difficulties in
choosing accommodation and accessing services.
Friday 1 May, 10-11am. $12 / $8 conc.
Code AS3
At 11am on 11 November 1918 the guns fell silent to end
World War I. Then came the Versailles Peace Conference, and
the maps of Europe and the Middle East were drawn and redrawn. Elton Brown traces the repercussions for the countries
that disappeared and re-appeared. He will recount the way he
believes human life was so badly squandered and how it gave
rise to fascism, Hitler and World War II.
Tuesday 5 May, 10-11am. $12 / $8 conc.
HOUSING DECISIONS: Modify or move?
Code AS4
John Millar, Council on the Ageing
The options are many and the choice daunting. A house can be
modified to better serve older needs - then there are granny
flats, retirement villages, strata titles, residential aged care.
Come for a clear picture (this is a wider view than ‘From Family
Home..’ above.)
Thursday 7 May, 2-3pm. $5
SAFE SEAFOOD Jeremy Prince
Code AS5
Hear about the world’s fishing industries. Jeremy Prince is an
Associate Professor at Murdoch University, and contentious
fisheries issues are his meat and drink. Jeremy will compare
Australian standards to the parlous state of the industry in other
parts of the world.
Friday 8 May, 10-11.30am. $12 / $8 conc.
Jono Farmer & David Broadfoot
Code AS6
No one has captured the spirit of the bush and early 20th
century Australia quite like Andrew Barton (Banjo) Patterson.
His characters come alive through his ballads and prose.
Let’s go back in time and meet some of these characters.
Tuesday 12 May, 10am-12noon. $12 / $8 conc.
Code AS7
‘Lifestyle Village’ can mean a retirement village or a residential
park – and knowing the difference is vital before you sign
anything. Learn about your rights and obligations, and what to
expect from either style.
Thursday 14 May, 2-3pm. $5
E nrolments
Begin Wednesday 22 April
8.30am-3pm OR book online from 10am
Code AS8
Anne manages the state’s seed bank which conserves seed from
our rare and threatened flora. Hear how the seed is collected
and what the bank does with it all. Anne will describe the
threats to our flora, conservation techniques, recovery work, and
the global strategy for plant conservation.
Friday 15 May, 10-11am. $12 / $8 conc.
REFUGEES : could you walk in their shoes?
Code AS9
Robyn Sterrett
Robyn worked for 37 years as a community nurse in refugee
health until 2014. Robyn describes her experiences, from the
time of few health services to the more sophisticated program
of today. Robyn will discuss the physical and mental health
issues of some case histories.
Tuesday 19 May, 10-11am. $12 / $8 conc.
Code AS10
Spelling is fun, and children can thoroughly enjoy it. That’s
because there are rules, and children relish rules, says Paquita
Boston, especially if their reasons involve invasions by Romans
and Vikings. As you hear the story of spelling, you’ll hear ideas of
child labour, English slavery and the Black Death.
Paquita will explain the reasons behind some of the rules
and pronunciations.
Thursday 21 May, 2-3pm. $12 / $8 conc.
Code AS11
Sasha Wray and Paquita Boston
Australian geologist, Antarctic explorer, Adelaide academic
and family man, Sir Douglas Mawson was an extraordinary
figure. Sasha Wray, his great granddaughter, grew up hearing
stories about Big Opa from her mother Paquita Boston, and
Oma, Jessica McEwin. She will tell the tale of Mawson’s most
famous expedition; her talk will be supported with film footage
and by Paquita.
Friday 22 May, 10-11am. $12 / $8 conc.
BEING MINDFUL Margaret Wilkes
Code AS12
What exactly is mindfulness and how does one meditate it?
Margaret is a psychologist and teacher who will explain research
that support the benefits of mindful meditation. She will lead
you in some exercises you can use in your daily lives to create a
quiet space in a busy and fast-moving world.
Thursday 28 May, 2-3.30pm. $12 / $8 conc.
Code AS13
Social media is mystifying. To many of us it’s tripe anyway,
not to mention very suspect. Who’s making money, and how?
Come for a look behind the screen. Learn the true meaning of
‘metadata’ and why the government is interested in it. David
lectures in computer and security science at ECU. He specialises
in social media for seniors and privacy issues, and knows a lot
about identity theft and money laundering.
Friday 29 May, 10-11.30am. $12 / $8 conc.
continued on next page...
E N RO L M E N T S - B e g i n We d n e s d ay 2 2 A p r i l , 8 . 3 0 a m - 3 p m O R b o o k o n l i n e f ro m 1 0 a m
...continued from previous page
THE LIFE OF BEES Barbara Baer-Imhoof
Code AS14
The Centre for Integrative Bee Research at UWA is a hive of
research on honeybees. Barbara Baer-Imhoof is lab manager
and her husband Boris is director. Together with Barbara’s Swiss
father Markus Imhoof, they produced the award-winning film
‘More than Honey’, using micro cameras to see individual hive
behaviours of bees. Barbara will describe the life within a hive
and CIBER’s ground-breaking research.
Tuesday 2 June, 10-11am. $12 / $8 conc.
Code AS15
Marc Newhouse
The Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody
made 339 recommendations 25 years ago. Few have been
implemented. The Aboriginal Deaths in Custody Watch
Committee was set up on the advice of the Commission, and
its WA president Marc Newhouse will suggest changes that he
firmly believes can make a difference.
Friday 5 June, 10-11am. $12 / $8 conc.
Code AS16
Etta Palumbo
Become clearer about wills, how they work, who can contest
them. Hear about Advance Health Directives and about
financing a funeral - and how that can become messy. Learn
how to protect your own interests if you appoint an Enduring
Power of Attorney. Etta Palumbo of the Public Trustee Office will
also explain the WA Will Bank.
Friday 12 June, 10-11am. $12 / $8 conc.
Code AS17
Peter Spencer
Feral camels, foxes, pigs and cats cause irreparable damage right
across Australia. It’s even worse when feral pigs, for example,
are dumped illegally in the bush to breed and become targets for
shooters. DNA technology offers ways to find out if the animals
are from other areas, and scientists now have court-defensible
data to prosecute people dumping them. Peter Spencer of
Murdoch University describes the work.
Tuesday 16 June, 10-11am. $12 / $8 conc.
Code AS18
Many Israeli Jews rail against their country’s actions against
Palestinians. But their larger political belief system was born
out of the nationalist ideal that brought Israel into being. Their
distress over the treatment of Palestinians sits uneasily alongside
their national identity. Katie Atwell, a political scientist, explored
with some of these Jews what it means when those keen to
resolve the outer conflict are trapped by inner conflict.
Friday 19 June, 10-11.30am. $12 / $8 conc.
Code AS19
Not long ago we could phone and ask which bus or train to
catch. It’s now called ‘journey planning’, and needs websites,
smartphone apps and info-lines. Even choosing the right type of
ticket is complicated – and then there’s the safety issue.
Come for a very useful talk with Transperth. Bring your iPad if
you can, and your questions.
Friday 26 June, 10-11am. $5.
Code AS20
The dingo is Australia’s Lion King, says Barbara King of Dingoes
WA. It is the living ancestor of all domestic dog species, and
naturally timid. The dingo is our ecological stabilizer, Barbara
says, and allows greater bio-diversity. Meet some dingoes and
learn more, here at Glyde-In.
Tuesday 30 June, 10 -11.30am. $12 / $8 conc.
Code AS21
The tenth-largest known body that orbits the sun, Pluto was our
ninth planet. It now has a new status. Stephen Holtz, member
of the WA Astronomical Society, explains as he guides us through
our solar system. We might even start an evening stargazing
group under Stephen’s guidance.
Friday 3 July, 10-11am. $12 / $8 conc.
PLANTS & PRUNING Gordon Mac Nish
Code AS22
Want to know more about plants, those silent friends that live in
your garden? Gordon, retired Plant Pathologist, will give insights
into how plants grow and their needs. Some basic knowledge
will help you prune your plants with loving care. We’ll finish with
a rose-pruning demonstration.
Monday 13 July, 10-11.30am. $12 / $8 conc.
Code BL1
Christa Kaltenbrunn-Long
Guten Tag und Auf Wiedersehen! Important German words,
but when you're travelling in Germany it’s good to know a little
more. Join us for enjoyable conversation with this beautiful
language. Reasonably fluent German is needed.
10 Mondays, 27 April – 29 June, 3-4.30pm. $105 / $84 conc.
SPANISH continued Ruperto Nunez
This follows on from our continuing Spanish-language groups.
Newcomers need a good basic grasp of Spanish.
Ongoing students please re-book.
10 Tuesdays, 28 April – 30 June, 10am-12noon.
$140 / $112 conc.
Ruperto Nunez
Our beginners continue their introduction to this melodious
10 Tuesdays, 28 April – 30 June, 1-3pm. $140 / $112 conc.
FRENCH beginners BL4
Millie Kursar
Our beginners learn the basics of French conversation with
some grammar thrown in.
10 Tuesdays, 28 April – 30 June, 3-4pm. $70 / $56 conc.
FRENCH intermediate BL5
Paddy Glasgow
For moderate level students who just need extra practice to
build on grammar and conversation.
Ongoing students please re-book.
10 Wednesdays, 29 April – 1 July, 9-11am. $140 / $112 conc.
FRENCH, beginners Term 2
Paddy Glasgow
Our beginners continue to learn from the ground up.
10 Wednesdays, 29 April – 1 July, 11.30am-12.30pm.
$70 / $56 conc.
GERMAN ongoing Paddy Glasgow
Newcomers with good basic skills are welcome; continuing
students please rebook. Sorry, not for complete beginners.
10 Wednesdays, 29 April – 1 July, 1-2pm. $70 / $56 conc.
ITALIAN beginners continued Millie Kursar
We continue our relaxed course learning the basics of Italian
conversation, with some grammar thrown in.
10 Wednesdays, 29 April – 1 July, 2.15-3.15pm. $70 / $56 conc.
FRENCH catch-up Paddy Glasgow
This is a reasonably basic class for students who learnt a long
time ago, and thus need to re-visit grammar and brush up on
conversation. Ongoing students please re-book.
10 Thursdays, 30 April – 2 July, 9-10am. $70 / $56 conc.
FRENCH beginners, years 2-3
Paddy Glasgow
For those who have recently learned the rudiments of French;
that is, you’ve completed around 2 years of weekly lessons.
Ongoing students please re-book.
10 Thursdays, 30 April – 2 July, 10.30-11.30am. $70 / $56 conc.
FRENCH, more advanced Paddy Glasgow
For students with a good grasp of grammar and everyday
conversation wanting to improve fluency, keep up to date with
changes in the language. Past students please re-book.
10 Thursdays, 30 April – 2 July, 1-3pm. $140 / $112 conc.
E N RO L M E N T S - B e g i n We d n e s d ay 2 2 A p r i l , 8 . 3 0 a m - 3 p m O R b o o k o n l i n e f ro m 1 0 a m
PHILOSOPHY, continuing
Code CN1
Meera Finnigan
Our (full) ongoing group delves into life’s big questions, exploring
the ideas of some of the greatest thinkers of the Western world,
from the ancients up to the modern day.
Ongoing students please re-book.
8 Tuesdays, 28 April – 30 June (excl 19 May and 16/6),
1.30-3.30pm. $112 / $90 conc.
MEDITATION Marianna Garaboni
Meditation can be practised by anyone, without the need
to subscribe to any religion or belief. Learn the basics of
Mindfulness Meditation, also known as Vipassana or Insight
Meditation. You will learn four techniques which you can easily
integrate into your life. Expect increased awareness, ability to be
present and a more harmonious way to relate to others.
4 Thursdays, 30 April – 21 May, 6-7pm.
$30 / $24 conc.
At the turn of the 20th century, mechanical invention changed
the world. And it changed our ways of seeing. But the
inventions contained the seeds of their own destruction.
Modern art is a response. Come and explore modernism in the
context of Robert Hughes’ The Shock of the New. In the final 4
weeks we’ll focus on why Hughes left out the women and we’ll
examine some important women artists. Dr Lorna Kaino is an
honorary lecturer at ECU.
4 Mondays, 4 – 25 May, 9.30-11.30am. $56 / $45 conc.
OR all 8 Mondays, 4 May – 29 June (excl 1/6),
9.30-11.30am. $112 / $90 conc.
Jaya Penelope
From sonnet to slam poetry, from the ecstatic free verse of the
beat poets to the containment of the haiku, take a colourful
carpet ride through the realm of poetry with poet Jaya Penelope
as your guide. We’ll read and discuss great poems from around
the world and discover how music, metaphor and structure
contribute to the heart of the poem. And yes, we may even
write. Bring pen, paper.
4 Mondays, 4 – 25 May, 9.30am-12noon. $70 / $56 conc.
Rabbi Sheryl Nosan-Lantzke
To make sense of Israel today we must consider the Jewish past.
This overview highlights factors which led to Jewish diaspora,
shaped medieval Jewish experiences and brought Jews towards
both the Enlightenment and the events of the 20th century.
See also ‘Jews and Israel’ on this page.
3 Mondays, 4 – 18 May, 12.30-2.30pm. $42 / $34 conc.
James Bell
How did AA start, how does it work and what are those
12 steps? Alcoholics Anonymous has helped millions of people
recover from alcoholism, but if you’ve not been to a meeting, it
seems shrouded in mystery. Come for enlightening discussions.
These are not AA meetings nor are they endorsed by AA; they’re
for all who are curious.
2 Saturdays, 16 & 23 May, 1-3pm.
$28 / $22 conc. + $10 for special afternoon teas both days.
WRITE YOUR STORY, write your life
Wes Carter
Play with words and explore with others your life’s journey. It’s
playfully serious and seriously playful. No writing experience is
required. Please bring notebook and pens.
Tuesday 26 May, 9-11am. $14 / $11 conc.
Ana Mairata
Coax troublesome knees into behaving as part of you again with
some gentle mindful movements in the Feldenkrais technique.
You`ll learn how to move differently to ease tensions.
Wear clothes that you can move freely in, be
prepared to lie on the floor, and bring a towel or blanket.
4 Fridays, 5 - 26 June, 4-5pm. $30 / $24 conc.
BAG IT: the film
Code CN9
Why would we make something that
we’re going to use for a few minutes, out of
a material that's going to last forever, and
then throw it away?
Come to this astonishing film about plastic.
It’s bound make us all think twice.
Rebecca Prince-Ruiz, who sailed aboard
Pangaea Exploration’s Sea Dragon to
investigate the plastic in our oceans, will
join us for discussion at the end.
Bookings are essential.
Thursday 4 June, 1-2.30pm.
By donation on the day.
James Bell
Tattoos have seeped under the skin of society. Today hipsters,
grandmas and office workers are adorned. We’ll explore the
history, meanings and social relevance of the tattoo, and have
fun with impermanent tattoo designs.
2 Saturdays, 6 & 13 June, 1-3pm.
$28 / $22 conc. + $10 for special afternoon teas both days
Rabbi Sheryl Nosan-Lantzke
We continue exploring Jewish history, looking at events and
people that shaped the 19th and 20th century Jewish experience
and at the history of Israel from the 1930s through the 1950s.
See also Jews Without Israel on this page.
3 Mondays, 8 – 22 June, 12.30-2.30pm. $42 / $34 conc.
Poetry Readings
Do you have favourite poems that you haven't heard read aloud
for a while? Then come, poems in hand, ready to take a turn
reading to the group. After the first session we may decide to
choose themes for the following weeks. This is for people who
enjoy the sound of poetry – we won't analyse. The group will
simply cover the cost of the room ($20 per hour). Please book.
4 Wednesdays 10 June – 1 July 4-5pm.
A word from our Chair,
There are lots of things I love about Glyde-In. High on my list
are our wonderful volunteers and staff who contribute so much
to making Glyde-In such a vibrant and enjoyable place to visit.
Our volunteers maintain our gardens, do many maintenance
jobs and construction jobs (like building our deck), make
jams and preserves or bring potted plants for sale, run our
many clubs and groups, staff our enrolment desks, post and
deliver our programme, drive our bus, arrange and run trips in
Australia and overseas, serve on the Management Committee ..
and so the list goes on.
Australia is blessed with many dedicated volunteers, from
grandparents looking after the little ones right through to
those brave bushfire fighters. We hear little about the millions
of dollars saved by the many volunteers working quietly in
many organisations and places. We need to appreciate our
volunteers, so thank you to our volunteers at Glyde-In and to
all the other volunteers who help to make Australia a great
place to live.
Thank you also to our dedicated staff. Ann, Sandra, Marnie and
Joanna are always helpful and cheerful and all help to make
Glyde-In such a well-run organisation.
Gordon Mac Nish, Chair.
E N RO L M E N T S - B e g i n We d n e s d ay 2 2 A p r i l , 8 . 3 0 a m - 3 p m O R b o o k o n l i n e f ro m 1 0 a m
Bus outings depart from the EF Football Club car park,
Moss/Marmion Streets (Marmion Street end) where there’s
ample parking. (Bus departs right on the dot.)
If at the last moment you find you can’t attend, please phone
Glenda Burns 0407383604 or Mary Watson 0417250345
KAARAKIN, black cockatoos
Code DO1
At the Kaarakin Black Cockatoo Conservation Centre in Martin,
volunteers rescue injured cockatoos. Join a 1-hour walking
tour in a bush setting (wear sturdy shoes) and see dingoes,
kangaroos, emus and cockatoos. Non-walkers are welcome;
the birds will come to you. Cuppa provided. Lunch afterwards
locally, not included, allow $20-$25. Bus departs 9.30am sharp
Tuesday 5 May, 9.30am-3pm. $36 / $29 conc.
Marissa Verma
Glyde-In women are invited on a guided walk with Marissa
Verma of Bindi Bindi Dreaming. It’s part of a sacred women’s
site, an easy 1km walk. Marissa will describe trees, plants and
animals from Noongar culture, and you’ll finish with a bush
tucker morning tea. Meet in the car park at Sensory Park off
Murdoch Drive, Winthrop at 9.45am. Bookings essential.
Wednesday 6 May, 9.45am-12noon. $15.
Woodloes Homestead is the oldest remaining building in
Cannington, one of the earliest settled areas of the Swan River
Colony. This museum was the base of the pioneer timber
company which contracted the wood for the Fremantle Bridge
framework, the Causeway, and the roof of the Perth Town Hall.
A guided tour and talk, then lunch at Mt Henry Tavern
(allow $16-$25). Bus departs 9.30am sharp.
Friday 15 May, 9.30am-3pm. $20 / $16 conc.
Monthly Saturday hikes of 10-15 km in bushland near Perth,
from May to October. Group members are invited to assist in
organising walks. Each person is responsible for her/himself.
Carpool from Glyde-In at 8.30am, returning 4.30pm. Bookings
essential; we’ll email the info sheet prior to the walk.
Sat 16 May Walyunga; 20 June Kalamunda; 18 July Mt Helena;
15 August Ellis Brook; 19 September John Forrest; and 17 October
Bold Park. Walks may change. $5 per walk.
DAWSONS, the story
This family-owned garden centre is 110 years old but back
then Dawsons in Forrestfield was more than a nursery. It grew
wondrous flower crops and its orchard produced 25-30 tons
a year of Satsuma plums for jam. Devonshire tea (included) ,
a guided tour of the nursery grounds beneath towering trees
planted during the 30s, and a light lunch (allow around $15).
Bus departs 9.30am sharp.
Friday 22 May, 9.30am-3pm. $32 / $26 conc.
Pinjarra’s Fairbridge was home to 3,000 children from 1913, and
in WWII it housed Guildford Grammar students, Dutch kids and
the Women’s Land Army. A guided bus tour of the grounds and
the heritage buildings, then lunch at Ravenswood Hotel (allow
$15-$30). Bus departs 8.30am sharp.
Friday 29 May, 8.30am-3.30pm. $50 / $40 conc.
John Flynn founded this iconic service back when just two
doctors provided the only outback medical care within 2m
square kilometres, in 1928. In its first year it notched up 28,000
kms in the air and treated around 250 patients. We’ll tour the
Jandakot base, hear the story of our Flying Doctor and peek
inside a simulated doctor’s aircraft. Casual lunch nearby (allow
$15-$20). Bus departs 10.15am.
Tuesday 2 June, 10.15am – 3pm. $18 / $14 conc.
A century ago, timber was our biggest industry. At every stage
steam engines provided the power and Yarloop Workshops was
the heart of this industry; 100 people worked there. Tour the
saw doctor’s shop, steam locomotives and steam generators,
the haunting main workshop and the treasure trove that is the
pattern-maker's shop. Lunch at the Pinjarra Hotel (allow $15$30). Bus departs 8am sharp.
Tuesday 9 June, 8am-3.30pm. $45 / $36 conc.
Henry and Sarah Morley built this heritage homestead in
Chittering Valley in the 1850s. Its stone barn was built by
ticket of leave men, and the well by New Norcia monks. The
barn hosted many dances in the 1850s, and the farm has been
lovingly restored. Morning tea, a tour and lunch (all included).
Bus departs 8.30am sharp.
Friday 19 June, 8.30am – 3.30pm. $56 / $45 conc.
Woodman Point Quarantine Station in Coogee was first used as
a human quarantine in 1852 when 226 people with whooping
cough were landed on the beach there. It was until 1979 the
front line in Australia's defence against contagious disease
reaching our shores. Tour the site and hear some remarkable
stories. Lunch afterwards locally, allow $15-$20.
Bus departs 9am
Tuesday 23 June, 9am-3pm. $38 / $31 conc.
It began life in 1868 as a shop, became a bank during the Gold
Rush, and finally it was a hotel. Re-built in 1902 with five levels
and 50 rooms, it was damaged by fire in 1975, closed in 2006
and set afire again. It endured numerous owners. It is now a
magnificent federation building in the heart of Fremantle.
Our tour and lunch (fish or steak and a drink) is included.
Meet there, cnr High and Market Streets, 11.15am.
Wed 1 July, 11.15am-2pm. $45.
Privileged visits to places of different religions and practices.
Learn how worship is conducted by other faiths and gain an
understanding of the rituals, the objects used, the people,
the music. Questions are welcome, and your respect will be
implicit. Please wear modest clothing, including head covering, and remove your shoes at the door of the Hindu temple,
leaving them a little away from the immediate entrance.
Our bus departs from the East Fremantle Football Club,
Marmion/Moss Streets.
Hinduism is the world’s oldest religion, yet it believes that
no religion teaches the only way to salvation. Hindus
believe in a Supreme Being and in the divinity of the four
Vedas, the world's most ancient scripture. Visit the ornate
Hindu temple in Canning Vale and learn about this gentle
religion that worships five main deities – Shiva, Ganesha,
Devi, Lakshmi-Narayan and Murugan.
Bus leaves 9.15am sharp.
Friday 12 June, 9.15am-12noon.
$23 / $18 conc.
Copts are Egyptian Christians whose persecution over the
centuries has led to a sizeable diaspora. The Coptic Church
is based on the teachings of Saint Mark who brought
Christianity to Egypt in the first century. Daily, Copts pray
for the reunion of all Christian Churches. And the Copts
have seasons of fasting matched by no other Christian
community. We visit the Coptic Orthodox Church in
East Victoria Park to talk with Father Abram, and to enjoy
the hospitality of the church over a light lunch.
Bus leaves 9.15am sharp.
Tuesday 30 June, 9.15am-1.30pm.
$26 / $21 conc.
E N RO L M E N T S - B e g i n We d n e s d ay 2 2 A p r i l , 8 . 3 0 a m - 3 p m O R b o o k o n l i n e f ro m 1 0 a m
Culture club
Meet others and enjoy wonderful entertainment. For each,
meet Marlene Oostryck at the venue well before curtain up to
collect your ticket; look for the Glyde-In sign (sorry, we can’t
wait if you’re late). Bookings essential.
For all events linger over lunch or coffee afterwards if you wish
(at own cost). Public transport is easiest. Most venues have
street meter parking, so allow time.
There is no late entry for any performances.
Code EC1
WASO – Morning Symphony Series
Booking Deadline: 1pm Friday 24 April (2 days after enrolment).
Birdsong in spring, the blazing summer, a peasant’s autumn
dance and the chill of winter: Vivaldi’s Four Seasons by WASO’s
string players and soloist Shaun Lee-Chen. Optional free talk
(9.40am) and morning tea before the 11am concert from the
choir stalls. Lunch after if preferred.
Collect your tickets 10.10-10.40am in the foyer (Program & Info
desk), look for the Glyde-In sign.
Thursday 30 Apr 11-12noon. $32
Cinema Paradiso
Booking Deadline: 1pm Monday 18 May
It was 19th century Parisian art collector Paul Durand-Ruel’s
brave decision to exhibit the Impressionists in New York in 1886
that kept the movement alive when it faced complete failure.
This film tells his story and that of the Impressionists.
Collect your tickets 12.15 – 12.45pm Cinema Paradiso foyer,
164 James St, Northbridge (look for the Glyde-In sign).
Sunday 31 May, 1-3pm. $23
Fremantle Chamber Orchestra
Booking Deadline: 1pm Friday 22 May
Emily Leung, a young and talented violinist, is soloist in
Mendelssohn’s E-Minor concerto, one of his most loved.
Christopher van Tuinen conducts the Fremantle Chamber
Orchestra in a varied programme. Collect your tickets in the
Freo Town Hall foyer between 2.15 & 2.45pm.
Sunday 7 June, 3-5pm. $35
Harbour Theatre
Booking Deadline: 1pm Friday 5 June
This Daphne Du Maurier Gothic romance begins in Monte Carlo
where the heroine is swept off her feet by Maxim de Winter.
Later she realizes how large a shadow his late wife and the
housekeeper cast over their lives. Free pre-show drink and
coffee at interval. Collect your tickets 1.30-1.45pm, Camelot /
Harbour Theatre foyer, 16 Lochee St, Mosman Park.
Sunday 21 June, 2-5 pm. $25
Barking Gecko & Sydney Theatre Companies, State Theatre
Booking Deadline: 1pm Friday 24 May
A vivid adaptation of Colin Thiele’s loved story, back for a limited
encore season. This evocation of a windy beach and bittersweet
message about growing up has enthralled us for decades.
Limited tickets. Please note: strobe lighting is in use. Collect
your tickets 1.15–1.45pm, foyer, State Theatre, 174 William St,
Perth. Look for the Glyde-In sign. Coffee after (own cost).
Thursday, 9 July, 2- 3.30pm. $51
BY HAND - Paint, cook, draw, make .....
Don’t forget to pick up your materials list if need be.
Code FB1
Beverly Henderson
Don’t stop your art practice now. If you’ve some art experience,
no matter how little – oils, watercolour, pastels, any medium –
and want to keep developing your skills and your ‘eye’, join our
friendly ongoing studio group. Tutor Bev Henderson will help
guide you when you want. Bring your own work and nurture the
pleasure of painting.
11 Fridays, 24 April – 3 July, 9am-12noon. $230 / $185 conc.
DRAWING & PAINTING in the garden
Tessa Joy
Learn to draw and paint the beauty around you. Local artist
Tessa Joy will introduce you to the use of graphite, charcoal,
conte, coloured pencils and gouache. Inspired by our garden,
try different mediums and approaches, and work towards a final
piece. For beginners to the experienced. See Tessa’s work on
5 Tuesdays, 28 April – 26 May, 12-2.30pm.
$87 / $70 conc. + things to bring.
Jane Lidbetter
We continue drawing and painting with gorgeous chalk pastels in
lush colours. You’ll build on the skills and the eye you’ve begun
to develop, and work on more complex techniques as you go.
Bring your materials.
6 Thursdays, 30 April – 4 June, 9.30am-12noon.
$105 / $84 conc.
Jane Lidbetter
Pastel offers the artist something no other medium can: the
simultaneous pleasure of drawing and painting in lush vivid
colour. Using chalk pastels you’ll learn to work with different
techniques and use still life, photographs and the garden at the
Glyde-In as subject matter in this six-week course.
Things to bring.
6 Thursdays, 30 April – 4 June, 1-3.30pm. $105 / $84.
Learn this very easy decorative script that was used extensively
in ancient manuscripts. It’s called Uncial, it’s beautiful, and it’s
written entirely in capital letters.
6 Mondays, 4 May – 15 June (excl 1/6), 10am-12noon.
$84 / $67 conc.
COIL POTS Mirand Scott
Mirand will teach you to hand-build a coil pot without a wheel
using white clay, and to glaze it in gorgeous colours. Beginners
are welcome. There’ll be a small additional cost for firing.
Please bring a plastic tray and a plastic bag to cover it, paper
towels and a 1” brush.
2 Wednesdays, 13 May & 3 June (to allow drying between
sessions), 10am-12noon $28 / $22 conc. + $5 materials.
Draw people. Learn about proportion, composition, shading
and expression. Practice getting profiles, noses and ears right.
Try drawing yourself and others; bring photos of family to work
from, and build skills for a final portrait. Suitable for students at
any stage. Bring sketch pad/book, pencil set, eraser.
5 Tuesdays, 2 – 30 June, 12-2.30pm.
$87 / $70 conc. + things to bring.
Did you learn to knit years ago and have fallen away from it?
Never learnt to knit, but would like to? Felt threatened by
complex knitting patterns? Join Giuliana; she’ll teach you to knit
or give you a refresher class, as you need. You will knit a beanie
or a scarf with a difference.
4 Wednesdays, 10 June – 1 July, 10am-12noon.
$56 / $45 conc. + things to bring.
Learn to draw contour, impressionistic, expressive – even draw
to music. And finally, draw parts of a dressed mannequin: sketch
the shapes, proportion, hard and soft edges (feathers vs bowler
hat), textures and tonal variation. A fulfilling four mornings with
local artist and teacher Rosy Chapman.
4 Saturdays, 13 & 20 June and 4 & 18 July, 9am-12noon.
$84 / $67 conc. + things to bring.
E N RO L M E N T S - B e g i n We d n e s d ay 2 2 A p r i l , 8 . 3 0 a m - 3 p m O R b o o k o n l i n e f ro m 1 0 a m
Our classes are small and friendly and our tutors are patient.
Our 6 in-house PCs use Windows 7 & 8, and our courses often
suit laptops, iPad and Android tablet users too; just ask if it’s
not clear. You can bring your own fully-charged laptop or
electronic device if you wish.
Code GC1
Craig Johns
Email and more, for laptops and PCs. Hotmail has been replaced
by, the free web-based email. It can be used on
any home PC or laptop with access to the Internet.
Learn how to use its features: the handy calendar; your own
contacts list; and navigating around. We’ll show you how to back
up to SkyDrive (free Cloud storage) and some neat ways to share
your files with friends.
4 Tuesdays, 28 April – 19 May, 10am-12noon. $60 / $48 conc.
Craig Johns
Your computer files and documents can be hard to find again
once you’ve closed them. Learn to manage your computer
documents, and hear safe-keeping methods you can rely on.
You’ll be able to file things and find them again, and know
they’re safe. For Windows only, and some basic computer
familiarity is needed.
3 Tuesdays, 28 April – 12 May, 1.30-3.30pm. $45 / $36 conc.
Warren Kimble
You can easily use your computer as your television set. For
$30-$50 a simple USB device will let you watch and even record
programmes. You can then watch them at your leisure wherever
your computer is – you’re not bound to the TV set any more.
Even better, you can edit them to delete the ads. Warren will
explain all in session 1, and you can purchase your own USB
device to set up in sessions 2.
2 Wednesdays, 29 April – 6 May, 1-3pm. $28 / $22 conc.
Warren Kimble
Whatever flavour, all Androids are very similar so come and get
to know yours and make friends with it. Bring your tablet fully
charged and manual if you have one.
3 Wednesdays, 13 – 27 May, 1-3pm. $42 / $34 conc.
Linda Gauld
For novices and people looking to refresh their iPad skills. Use
your Apple ID to secure your iPad - and even recover it if it’s
lost. Learn to navigate around the applications; use email; and
download some apps. Bring your Apple ID, a working password
for it and a charged iPad. Note: Your Apple ID and password
must be working (eg you can download Apps).
3 Wednesdays, 13 – 27 May, 3.30-5pm. $34 / $27 conc.
Craig Johns
See how your computer speeds up when you spring-clean it.
Windows PCs slow down considerably as you download from
the web or install new apps. Learn to back up your PC, find
out where the dross collects and clear it out. Learn to turn off
unused features, empty the recycle bin, uninstall apps that you
don’t need any more. Note, not for complete beginners.
3 Tuesdays, 19 May – 2 June, 1.30-3.30pm. $45 / $36 conc.
Craig Johns
For Windows and Android Operating Systems, laptops and
tablets. There’s valuable advice for Apple users here too.
Learn how to protect yourself on the Internet and keep your
personal data private. Create strong passwords. Learn how to
check for bugs, how to trigger a manual scan, and how to spot
signs of infection.
3 Tuesdays, 26 May – 9 June, 10am-12noon.
$45 / $36 conc.
MORE iPAD Barney Clarkson
For those who have already done an introductory course.
Now meet the three types of apps and learn about the safer
ones. See some useful things you can do with the built-in
apps, the built-in Girl Friday called Siri etc. Look at the ten best
apps including office tools, photo management etc. Bring your
charged iPad. Please note: Your Apple ID and password must be
working (eg you can download Apps).
3 Fridays, 5 – 19 June, 11am-12.30pm. $34 / $27 conc.
WORD, Design and drawing
Craig Johns
MS Word has easy design and drawing tools so you can do
far more than simply type. Design your own stationery, make
greeting cards, put together photos with captions and stories,
special-event stationery – and save hundreds of dollars.
You need basic computer skills; sorry not for the beginner.
For PC users only; you need MS Word 2010 on your home PC.
3 Tuesdays, 9 – 23 June, 1.30-3.30pm. $45 / $36 conc.
Kandy James & Barney Clarkson
Make your travel dollar stretch further: plan, research and
book your next trip on the Web. Use the internet to tailor
travel to your own needs, then source the best value flights,
accommodation, insurance and more. We'll provide URLs,
suggest travel apps for your mobile and share other tricks.
Note, this is a talk and demonstration, and not hands-on.
2 Thursdays, 11 & 18 June, 1.30-3.30pm. $28 / $22 conc.
Craig Johns
Windows 8 is the latest system on new PCs. We’ll help you
become familiar with it, and then show you some advanced tips
and backstage settings for personal use. We’ll show you how to
get your old start-up desktop screen back while maintaining the
new tiles (apps & icons). Basic computer skills required.
Bring your laptop or use our desktop PC. Sorry, no tablets.
3 Tuesdays, 16-30 June, 10am-12noon. $45 / $36 conc.
Craig Johns
Paying bills online is fast becoming the norm – it saves you
going downtown or writing a cheque. But it pays to be careful
- we'll remind you how. Learn to set up a Direct Debit. Then
see some clever and free online money tools; you can receive
an alert when you’ve over-reached your budget; or get an email
when a bill has been paid. We'll use the ANZ Bank's free useful
MoneyManager as an example.
Basic computer skills required. PCs only.
Tuesday, 30 June, 1.30-3.30pm. $14 / $11 conc.
IT Consultations
Book a one-on-one session for help with a
problem or project of your choice.
Bookings are essential, no later than 3pm
the day before each session.
Windows or Linux-based, or Android devices
or Smartphones with Warren Kimble,
Wednesdays from 29 April – 27 May,
3.30pm, 3.50pm or 4.10pm.
$15 (for 15 minutes + 5 minutes
unpack/pack up time). Code: GC12
iPad, iPhones, Macs:
A 30-minute session with Linda Gauld,
Wednesdays from 13 – 27 May, 5-5.30pm.
$25 (for 30 minutes). Code: GC13
E N RO L M E N T S - B e g i n We d n e s d ay 2 2 A p r i l , 8 . 3 0 a m - 3 p m O R b o o k o n l i n e f ro m 1 0 a m
Glyde-In Community Learning Centre began in 1981. It offers
courses, talks and activities that we hope will enrich members’
enjoyment and knowledge, and foster a healthy community life.
We aim to be a source of learning that doesn’t cost the earth, that
doesn’t need prior knowledge or qualifications, and asks only a
small commitment of time.
Our courses are non-competitive and informal. Tutors are from
all walks of life, and we welcome more. We generate much of our
funding through membership and course fees, and are supported
greatly by the Town of East Fremantle, which provides our
building and very substantial funding.
We appreciate their support.
Glyde-In is a non-profit organisation managed by a volunteer
Management Committee. Volunteers play a significant role in the
work of the Centre. Membership is a requirement for those who
undertake more than a single one-day course or event per year.
Room hire
Our comfortable rooms and our facilities are available for group
hire. Availability, however, is limited mainly to evenings and
weekends. Rooms cost $20/hour for groups initiated and run
by Glyde-In members, $23 for non-profit groups not affiliated
directly with us, and $30 otherwise. Groups charging entry
require their own public liability insurance. Use of our data
projector, laptop, exercise gear, etc is also available (with
refundable deposits).
Please phone us for details of availability.
Enrolments begin on Wednesday 22 April, 8.30am-3pm (online
from 10am) and continue throughout the term,
spaces permitting.
Postal enrolments will be processed from 10am on the 22nd,
so to be sure of your place it’s wise to come in person, or have
someone come and enrol for you. If you post it in, and you
require a receipt or a list of materials or information, be sure to
include a self-addressed stamped envelope.
Sorry, no phone enrolments on or before enrolment day.
Consider yourself enrolled unless you hear otherwise.
Please choose carefully – refunds or credits are not issued if you
cancel after the first week of term. However, if you can’t attend,
you’re welcome to transfer your booking to another person –
just let us know if you do.
We appreciate notification if you are not able to attend.
12 months $35 / $30 concession.
Concession is for holders of a Pension Concession or yellow
Centrelink Health Care or DVA Gold Card. Membership is not
required if you enrol in one 1-day activity over the entire year.
For all other enrolments, membership is required. You don’t
have to be an East Fremantle resident – everybody is welcome.
Phone the group convener for more information. If no phone
is listed just come along.
Most simply share the cost of room hire ($20 per hour).
ART GROUP: Members research an art topic of their choice for
general discussion, 3rd Wed of the month from 15 April, 10am;
meet in the Glyde-In garden. Tatania, 0416856968.
BOOK CLUB: 2nd Monday/month from 13 April, 3.45-5.45pm.
Books not provided, all welcome.
Jill Brown, 0433402401 or Glyde-In 93393964.
BUSHWALKERS: Hikes in the hills, 3rd Sat of the month.
Carpool from Glyde-In at 8.30am, returning 4.30pm.
Bookings are essential. Saturday 16 May Walyunga
(see more under ‘Out ‘n About’).
CHESS: Mondays 1 to 3pm, $5 per session. Haven’t played since
childhood days? Join our social non-competitive group.
Marg Dewar 93198358
CYCLING GROUPS: Mondays and Weds mornings.
Gordon Whitmore, 0418957151 for Monday group,
Marilyn Carosella 93191595 for Wed.
CHALLENGE CYCLING CLUB: departs Left Bank café Fridays, 8am.
For members able to ride 60kms, sociable, prepared to wear a
yellow shirt. Gordon MacNish 0419858960.
FILM CLUB: A friendly way to see films in company and to
deepen your enjoyment of cinema. Each month there’s a choice
of films and times. Sue Blanchard, 0408777337.
GARDEN GROUP: Share ideas and cuttings, swap tips, ask for
advice or offer some. All welcome, meet 9am, 3rd Monday of the
month from 20 April in the Glyde-In garden.
GLYDE-IN SONGSTERS: with Digby Hill. All welcome to sing folk,
early mediaeval, African etc. Tuesdays from 28 April, 4-6pm;
$12/session. Just come along.
MAHJONG: For experienced players. Mondays, Thursdays,
Fridays. Denise Versteeg 93192368 or Maureen Hislop 94941451.
POETRY READINGS: Bring your favourite poem, ready to take a
turn reading to the group. The group will cover the cost of the
room ($20 per hour). 4 Weds 10 June – 1 July, 4-5pm (see more
under ‘Not so trivial pursuits’).
SCRABBLE: Weds from 28 April, 9.30am-12noon. All welcome,
$5 each + $1 morning cuppa.
THURSDAY WALKERS: weekly, 8am sharp – 9am from Glyde-In
for an hour’s brisk walk then coffee.
Travel with Glyde
We’ve teamed up with some top
tour companies to create unique and
affordable trips, both here and abroad. This year we’re off to:
• Vietnam & Cambodia;
• Europe for cycling;
• Norfolk Island;
• Melbourne for the Cup;
• Dwellingup for an art retreat;
• Mid-north WA for wildflowers.
You’ll find more details on our website,, under ‘Events’.
Numbers are limited for each trip,
so if you might be interested, please
act soon.
E N RO L M E N T S - B e g i n We d n e s d ay 2 2 A p r i l , 8 . 3 0 a m - 3 p m O R b o o k o n l i n e f ro m 1 0 a m
Privately-run activities; please phone the conveners.
Glyde-In does not take these bookings and does not necessarily
endorse these services.
BRAHMA KUMARIS MEDITATION: Bringing spirituality to life in
a peaceful hour of being with your true positive self.
Tuesdays 7-8pm from Tuesday 28 April. Guided session, no
experience needed. By donation. Enquiries 93886101,,
COMMUNITY HU CHANT - "The person singing Hu tunes in to
a higher spiritual awareness" - Harold Klemp, "HU The Most
Beautiful Prayer". 7:30pm, 4th Thurs/month from 23 April,
gold coin. Enquiries 0408957514.
from 20 April, 7.15-9pm. Information and support for men with
prostate cancer, their families and partners.
Information: Margaret Amm, 0419195549.
QUAKERS (Religious Society of Friends): All welcome to our
mainly silent meetings for worship, Sundays, 10-11am.
SINGING, SONGWRITING: Learn all aspects of both. This course
encourages confidence and creative expression, and is fun.
4 Sats, 2 – 23 May, 3-5pm. $180. Tracey Alexandra,
Ms / Mrs / Mr
difficulties after a stroke meet for conversation, Weds from
29 April 1.30-3pm. Enquiries Melanie Breese, 0419904737.
SUNDAY MEDITATION: Learn about styles of meditation and
mindfulness. Different things work for different people; we’ll
explore methods and themes.
6.30-7.30pm Sundays, $20/session.
Mandy Milburn, 0458470177,
TWIN HEARTS MEDITATION: Every Wed from 22 April, 6.307.30pm. A guided group meditation to bless humanity, the earth
and our loved ones with peace, joy, healing and reconciliation.
All welcome, Jan Duckett, 0419947941. By donation.
WATERCOLOURS: Basic techniques, for beginners to advanced.
Learn different styles in this relaxed atmosphere.
4 Mondays, 4 - 25 May, 7-9pm. $180.
Tracey Alexandra, 0416242039,
E ntertainment B ooks
... are nearly here. Reserve yours, just $65,
for hundreds of generous discounts at cafes,
restaurants and other services.
Available mid-May at Glyde-In.
Membership is required unless you are booking only for a one-day activity over a full year.
First name
Last name
Emergency no.
***Please only complete address & email details if they have changed OR IF THIS IS A NEW MEMBERSHIP.
Programme to be
*Please tell us of any special needs you have
Membership (please tick)
$35 full
Code No.
Office use only:
$30 Pension or Health Care Card (HCC) or DVA NO
Non-member (only for a single event over a year)
Course / talk / event
Please choose
your course
or activity
Sorry no
credits or
refunds if
you withdraw
after week 1.
Start date / time
Course fee
ENTERTAINMENT Books @ $65 (+ $10 post / or I’ll collect): $
Total Inc. $
Sorry no eftpos - Glyde-In accepts credit and debit cards, and not eftpos.
Please fill in card details only if enrolling by post.
*CVV is the last 3 digits on back of your credit card
P r i n t e d o n r e c y c l e d pa p e r