Company Introduction March 2015


Company Introduction March 2015
Company Introduction
March 2015
Company information
General Information
Vision and Mission
Gojo’s vision is to make the world in which everyone has opportunity to
overcome his or her destiny despite the background and attain a better
life. As a first step to create the world, Gojo sets its initial mission to
provide financial access for everyone to bring about a measurable
improvement in the quality of clients’ life.
14 July 2014
$3.5 million
(as of March 2015)
Taejun Shin
(Representative Director)
Nobuyuki Idei*
(Chairman of the Board)
Main shareholders:
Taejun Shin
Sanjay Gandhi
Tsuyoshi Nagashima
Angel Investors
Contact information:
*From April 2015
To achieve its mission, Gojo (1) injects growth capital, (2) provides handson management support for its partner companies and (3) develops new
financial services combined with information and communication
What we have done so far
September 2014
Raised seed capital from its angel investors.
Closed an investment agreement with Maxima Mikroheranvatho Plc. a
microfinance institution (“MFI”) based in Cambodia, and has provided
management supports to bring about the growth for the MFI.
February 2015
Established Sejaya Micro Credit Limited in Sri Lanka to provide financial
access for underprivileged people in the country.
Gojo (1) injects growth capital, (2) provides hands-on management
support and (3) develops new financial services combined with ICT.
Gojo combined private equity investment business with financial system development business so that it
can provide the quality financial services all over the world, especially developing nations.
Gojo’s Business Model
1:Growth capital injection
Equity funding
2:Management support
Governance development,
organizational restructuring,
management recruiting, financing
management support, social performance
measurement, etc.
3:Financial service development
Developing new financial services
and provide them
Provide financial
microfinance for
the clients
Gojo is composed of members whose total experience in the relevant sector
of expertise exceeds 100 years
Jun Yoshida
Nobuyuki Idei, Chairman of the Board
Renuka Rathnahewage
Ryoichi Arai, Investment Committee Member
Management Accountant & Certified Professional
Manager from Sri Lanka. Former CEO of Sewa
Finance, a middle-size microfinance institution based
in Sri Lanka..Has more than 16 years of experience in
development banking sector. At Gojo, she leads the
entire process to launch a start-up microfinance
institution in Sri Lanka.
Representative director of Arai Capital Management.
Served as the Chief Investment Officer and Director of
JP Morgan Asset Management Japan for more than
15 years, where he managed more than $20 billion
investment portfolio. At Gojo, Mr. Arai serves as an
outside investment committee member of the
company and participates in its investment decisions.
Praachi Gandhi
Sanjay Gandhi
Taejun Shin, Representative Director
Tsuyoshi Nagashima
U.S. Certified Public Accountant. Worked as an
investment and business development professional at
Shinsei Bank, Towers Watson, and Alliance Forum
Foundation. Led due diligence of MFI as a volunteer
project manager at Living in Peace. At Gojo, Jun leads
business development, due diligence and operational
improvement initiatives for partner MFIs.
Sociologist and communication specialist from India.
Taught at Delhi University for more than 8 years and
been a Research Specialist working on various
international projects. Her research interests are
women’s health, poverty, gender inequality, social
research methods, microfinance, geriatrics and
pedagogy. At Gojo, Praachi leads social performance
management and communication skill development for
partner MFIs.
Former investment professional at Morgan Stanley and
Unison Capital. Representative director of Living in
Peace for poverty alleviation in the world. “Global
Shapers” of the World Economic Forum. Author of 7
books and 1,648km ultra-marathon runner. At Gojo,
Taejun leads the company as the company
representative, takes on a key role for fund raising and
currently plays the role of temporary turnaround
manager at partner MFIs.
Former president and COO and then chairman and
CEO of Sony Corporation for more than a decade.
Currently the founder and CEO of Quantum Leaps
Corporation, a director of Baidu, FreeBit, Lenovo and
Monex, and a member of Tsinghua University SEM
Advisory Board. Officially joining Gojo from April 2015
as the Chairman, Mr. Idei supports Gojo in
management, fundraising and networking.
Chartered Accountant from India. Used to work for a
finance company in India and has 12 years of
microfinance experience, most of it conducting MFI
ratings. Worked with Planet Ratings and M-CRIL . Left
M-CRIL as Director (Ratings). Former CEO of
Seilanithih Limited. Conducted more than 150 ratings
for microfinance institutions in 25 countries. At Gojo,
Sanjay leads deal sourcing, due diligence and
operational improvement initiatives for partner MFIs.
Chartered Accountant and Certified Tax Accountant
from Japan. Used to work for Deloitte Tohmatsu, an
independent accounting office and a consulting firm,
before starting his own company. At Gojo, Tsuyoshi
leads software development as well as taking care of
all the back office tasks, such as IT, human resources,
legal, finance & accounting, and so on.