May 6 - Golden Young Professionals


May 6 - Golden Young Professionals
 BOARD MEETING MINUTES Date: Wednesday May 6, 2015 7:30am – 8:30am Attendance: Cassy, Nicole, Katie, Dorsey, Lindsey Mission Statement: GYP's agenda is to provide young professionals living or working in our community with the opportunity to expand their personal networks and build lasting connections within Golden’s professional and social arenas. We are focused on professional development, community service and enjoying the local social scene. 2015 Goals: To engage and connect young professionals and positively shape the future of Golden. Project
Call to Order Ongoing Cassy Nathan Richie asked if we’d like to adopt a day for the Musical Festival th
put on by the Golden History Museum June 12-­‐14 . We decided not to adopt a day as participation will be hard to get, and just advertise the event to anyone who’d like to attend and/or help. 2
Approve Minutes Ongoing Dorsey Motion to approve-­‐Katie nd
2 motion-­‐Nicole April minutes approved. 3
Chair Update Ongoing Cassy 4
2015 Calendar Ongoing All GYP of the year – what process should we use? Gift certificate instead of plaque. Use a submission process using our values; create review panel for all submissions, panel to include Chamber staff? (Katie working on submission critera/process) Monthly Chamber meetings – have fun when speaking When your turn to volunteer at breakfast, we decided GYP budget will pay for our breakfast. 5 yr celebration? Would be April 2016 Create sub-­‐committee to plan celebration. MillerCoors will be hosting quarterly happy hours at location around Golden. We may be able to use one for a DRAW if we want. yes Booth space at the street fairs? Chose August for booth; hand out reusable grocery bags with our logo, (Nicole looking into bags) WestChamber does not have a YP anymore. They may have something different in the future. May – GCB Fun & good conversation June -­‐ Golden Moon Distillery Lindsey calling this week. July -­‐ Buffalo Rose August -­‐ Red Rocks Country Club September -­‐ Mountain Toad PAGE 1 OF 3
Foothills Art Center invited us to do Holiday Party there (Roe-­‐contact) Denver Habitat -­‐ still in contact, however they’re not ready for event They have their own YP group, and open up all events to this group before inviting other YP groups. Gave option of hosting a corporate event of our own-­‐however cost is $2500 5
Chair –Elect updated Ongoing Calvin Next event with another YP? AYP contact? Rockies game & picnic with Chamber 6
Professional Development Update Ongoing Nicole 7
Social and Networking Update Ongoing Lindsay May Breakfast topic Love Language Mentorship speaker – is this ready? Postpone to June or July, and have Melissa from CASA speak Room Reservation -­‐ Nicole rd
Nicole calling to make standing reservation for 3 Thurs. of each month. They didn’t allow standing reservation, however Nicole will call May – GCB-­‐ Host is Sloane Flag Football at Golden Bowl on a Saturday morning 8
Community Service Update Ongoing Julia 9
Membership Update Ongoing Sloane 10
surer Update Ongoing Dorsey 11
Marketing Update Ongoing Danielle 2015 ideas CASA-­‐ The breakfast was very moving. Those looking to get involved work with Melissa Hellmuth CASA of Jefferson and Gilpin Counties
Marketing and Development Manager
(303) 271-6539
Habitat 4 Humanity YP -­‐ Update Foothills Animal Shelter -­‐ Dogercise-­‐walk dogs before shelter opens (8-­‐
8:30) th
Stamp Out Hunger with Postal Service -­‐ May 9 Zombie Cruise Talk about upcoming community service at DRAW and Breakfast Total number of members New members New member process Budget Review Month of April in the negative due to headshots. YTD -­‐ $3,093.26 Chamber currently working on updating system to give us a report on annual dues Correspondence Newsletter input – highlight a YP Julia Dorsey Joelle Social Media Plan •
Rotate each 9 weeks; Cassy to send sign-­‐up via Google docs 12
Past Chair Update Ongoing Katie 13
Street fairs June, July, Aug, Sept Danielle /Dawn Upcoming Events Next Meeting PAGE 3 OF 3
Deadlines for emails • Newsletter will go out twice a month. Before the Draw and before the breakfast. • Each extra event will have an invitation • Timeline for event reminders • Timeline for updates on the website Are we on LinkedIn? yes Danielle to find & work on; bring on Roe to help & invite to a board meeting. Obtain Instagram acct. that ties to Facebook. Done Will send out username & password. Make all Board Members able to edit Facebook. st
Best to post photos on Instagram 1 , which will automatically post on FB. Article & other postings for FB. Locations for board meetings th
May 6 -­‐ Nicole’s Office (I-­‐70 & Ward) rd
June 3 -­‐ Windy Saddle st
July 1 -­‐ Pangea Coffee 1205 Cheyenne Street, Golden Chamber Updates GYP will support all 4 Street fairs this summer. Katie will head these events. Email Katie if interested in Alcohol Server Classes: th
May 16 (9-­‐12) th
July 15 (1-­‐4) th
Sept. 16 (1-­‐4) th
Nov. 11 (1-­‐4) 5/21 – Prof Dev breakfast 6/9 -­‐ Golden Moon Distillery? June 3, 2015 7:30 – Windy Saddle