ITINERARY Barcelona, Catalonia, SPAIN 15-17 March 2015 Transfer Day 18 March 2015 Three Country International Study Tour on Integrated Care Gesundes Kinzigtal, Haslach, GERMANY 15th – 24th March 2015 19-20 March 2015 and the Transfer Days 21-22 March 2015 15th International Conference on Integrated Care th NHS Highland, Inverness, SCOTLAND th 25 – 27 March 2015 23-24 March 2015 GPNZ and IFIC invite you to a three-country international study tour of Europe in March 2015. The focus will be to examine, discuss and learn about integrated care processes and practices from leading innovations and case examples in Europe. The study tour is designed to support clinicians, managers and policy-makers with an interest and responsibility in the successful adoption of integrated care in policy and practice. Key objectives: Examine whole-system reforms towards integrated care Understand how policy and policy-making in different countries has been developed to support integrated care Assess the barriers, facilitators and key drivers for integrated care at a regional and local level Reflect upon the influence of governance and financial incentives in the contracting and delivery of integrated care Investigate innovative models of integrated primary, community and hospital care; and integrated health and social care Appraise the impact of integration on quality and costs ICIC15, Edinburgh SCOTLAND 25-27 March 2015 Cost: NZ$14,500 (incl. GST) Includes: Facilitated study tour programme Twelve nights 4* accommodation, including breakfast and lunches Internal transfers within and between study trip locations by either bus, train and/or air Registration for the conference in Edinburgh ICIC15 Provisional Programme Barcelona, Catalonia, SPAIN Sun 15 March Arrival in Barcelona, welcome and orientation at hotel Introduction to the Catalan Health System Mon 16 March Morning plenaries at Hospital Clinic Barcelona Introduction to the Hospital Clinic Barcelona Examination of integrated care projects and innovations in Catalonia Afternoon site visits, potentially including: CAP Borrell / CAPSE (Primary Care Clinic) Integrated Care Clinic (Hospital Clinic Barcelona) Integrated Care Centre at Castadafells Evening discussion session with facilitators and plenary session with Juan Carlos Contel Segura, Minister of Health, followed by dinner at Local Restaurant Tue 17 March Morning transfers to Site Visits outside Barcelona to look at integrated care models in practice, including: Consorci sanitari Terrassa: Vertically integrated care organisation in Terrassa Consorci sanitari Osona: Virtually integrated primary, hospital and long-term care in Vic including intermediate care centre Afternoon plenary sessions at Hospital Clinic Barcelona and round-table with hosts Evening at leisure Gesundes Kinzigtal, GERMANY Wed 18 March Transfer day from Barcelona to Kinzigtal, Germany Welcome and orientation at hotel Introduction to Gesundes Kinzigtal and German Health Care System Thu 19 March Fri 20 March Two-day programme involving a mix of plenary lectures and site visits, including: Examination of the Gesundes Kinzigtal organisational model involving a physician group network and ‘mutual accountability’ with a range of care providers Investigation of the evaluation and outcomes in terms of costs and quality Visits to primary care practices and other health facilities promoting integrated health and wellbeing services to local people Sat 21 March Sun 22 March Transfer days from Kinzigtal, Germany to Inverness Scotland with optional stop-over in Amsterdam, Netherlands NHS Highland, Inverness, SCOTLAND Sun 22 March Arrival in Inverness, NHS Highland Welcome and orientation at hotel Mon 23 March Morning transfer to offices of NHS Highland for morning plenaries The Scottish health and social care system Integrated care in NHS Highland Afternoon site visits in three groups Mackenzie Centre/Royal Northern Infirmary - example of integration of health and social care services Telehealth – a look at how NHS Highland utilises Telehealth Invergordon – a small GP-led rural general hospital where they work very closely with consultant services in Inverness and local social care services Evening round-table discussion and dinner at local restaurant with invited guests Tue 24 March Morning transfer by coach to Fort William Examination of integrated health and social care provision Investigation of the West Lochabar Model of primary and community care integration to meet the challenges of providing care in rural areas Afternoon group discussion - observations and key lessons from the study tour Transfers by train from Fort William to Edinburgh via Glasgow ICIC15, Edinburgh, SCOTLAND 25-27 March th 15 International Conference on Integrated Care held at the Sheraton Grand Hotel and Spa. Study Tour Facilitators Nick Goodwin Fiona Thomson Co-founder and CEO, International Foundation for Integrated Care and Senior Associate, The King’s Fund, London Fiona is the CEO of General Practice NZ and a Director of Patients First Ltd, the quality and information programme for integrated care. Further Information Registration Process The Three Country International Study Tour has a limited number of places (a maximum of 16 delegates) and will include delegates from a range of different countries. All sessions will be conducted in English. Participants for the study tours must complete and return the registration form (below) and send this by e-mail to the IFIC Team Administrator at or Participants will learn through a combination of plenary lectures, observational analysis during site visits, and whole-group-discussions with presenters and facilitators. During each visit, time will be put aside to build and establish understanding of the home-country’s health and care system and the innovations in integrated care are being taken forward. For further information visit the study tour website: Terms and Conditions Delegate registrations must be paid for in advance. There will be no refunds available for cancellations but delegates may substitute an alternative participant at any time (though an additional charge may be payable to cover logistical changes). IFIC reserves the right to cancel this event at any time and also to alter the programme, speakers and venues should this be necessary due to circumstances beyond our control or at the request of participating delegates. Host Organisations Three Country International Study Tour on Integrated Care REGISTRATION FORM PERSONAL DETAILS Surname (Dr, Mr, Mrs, Ms, etc.) First Name Position/Title ORGANISATION/ AFFILIATION Invoice Entity and Address Telephone Mobile Fax Email Other contact details (e.g. of secretary or personal assistant) Delegate Biography (please provide a personal biography here – no more than 100 words) Special Needs (please provide here any special needs that we need to be made aware of – e.g. related to diet, mobility or other issue) PLEASE SELECT YOUR PAYMENT OPTION (on registration, IFIC will send you an invoice with instructions on how to pay. Payment in full is required on registration. If the billing address is different from the address provided above then please provide these details separately) Credit Card (via PayPal) Direct Credit (bank transfer) PASSPORT DETAILS (to enable us to arrange your flights and hotel bookings, please provide the details outlines below) Full name (as it appears on your passport) Passport Number Nationality Issuing Authority Date of issue Date of expiry